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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Since it was late when they took Annalise's job it was decided to wait till the next day to start their journey. Arriving early Ariel was in a good mood. The plan was for the four of them to meet up and get to the job they had. "Alright. So hopefully thing turn out well." She glanced around for any of those going on the job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Eve continued thrashing along the chains, trying to escape from the trap she was currently tied in and suddenly a bright light entered the dark room causing her to go blind for a couple of seconds. When her vision finally came back to her, she saw the monster. It was the man who had killed Fluffy and then trapped her in this dark room. She didn't know how to feel, inside her belly she wanted to scream in terror, rage at the very sight of him, give him a greeting, and even start to cry again. Now, before she could even scream for help once again, her body suddenly froze in place, it went stiff from something she hadn't felt in awhile. Something whispered inside her head and her body randomly became loose, her muscles relaxing and her fears going away. When her eyes opened, her eyes shone in a magnificent glittering black before smiling rather creepily. "You can't control it, they tried once but it escaped... No one can ever tame me." Her voice sounded distant, like someone else was there with her before her eyes became normal once again.

Eve blinked a few times before feeling rather light headed, she looked at the people in front of her and was puzzled, why was she here? Why was she in these chains? Were they playing a fun new game? Eve smiled brightly at the people in front of her and tried speaking to all of them with her most enthusiastic voice. "Hello! My name is Evelynn! Eve if you want a shorter name, would you know why I'm like this? I'm quite curious on what is happening at this moment." She giggled at the bunch before trying to wave at the people with her tied hands.

Sin & Virtue - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Sin was rubbing his chest, the pressure that Virtue put upon him by that stupid shield was a bit too hard if someone asked him about that. Their training session had ended after Virtue had finally lifted it away and called it quits for the moment as she saw that he was tired beyond belief has they had woken up extra early to figure out these new moves. Sin crashed upon the couch with Virtue looking down upon him with a smirk on her face. "Do you want some refreshments? I think I remember were Mayt had gotten the food." Sin gave her the thumbs up, his chest was still hurting and he just wanted his lungs to breath rather than talk. Virtue nodded before heading behind the bar to get something to drink. Sin soon found himself in the grasp of the sandman, his eyes started to feel heavy from the combined fatigue and not getting enough sleep, he quickly fell into a long nap.

Virtue came back with some drinks to find that Sin was asleep on the couch, she sighed before placing the refreshments on a nearby table before sitting on the floor, right in front of the couch that Sin was sleeping on. The girl pulled down a nearby magazine to read, waiting for her brother to wake up from his nap. As she was reading, she wasn't against someone coming along to talk to her, she always liked to talk rather than read, but it didn't seem like many were up at this time to talk to some random girl that had arrived here barely even a day ago. So, she continued reading the magazine waiting for something to happen.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MangoBomb


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kassimir Phoenix Training Ground

The surgeon stood lost watching all of the fighting. Unnacustomed to the heat of battle as he was he struggled to focus. He took a deep breath followed by a deep drag on his pipe as he sat down cross legged. Being too far from anyone to truely channel any magic around he tried to feel for the emotions of everyone fighting. He closed his eyes and felt conviction. He felt rage and he felt righteousness. He pulled his father's sledge hammer from his waist. With his empathetic connection established he stood up again and stored his pipe away. He lifted the hammer above his head and focused on the feelings he was recieving and he began to hammer at the ground. His Stokes were heavy and rythmic. It was as if he was drumming for war.

After a time he began to broadcast his focus to anyone within eyeshot. Soon the wizards around him would feel a sense of community and conviction. If they so choose, they could let this fill them. Kass was determined to be useful even if no one noticed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rune Knights
@Zarkun@Invisible Man

The captain of the rune guards sighed softly, and gave a slight nod, but otherwise didn't 'speak to Master Jack, as they approached the captured wizard. She did not look harmful, but that did not mean anything, the Knights knew that.

The captain approached her, slightly wary just in case things were not totally secure here. All seemed well, until she spoke. [color=9e0039]"You will be tamed, girl."[/color The Rune knight said in a deep voice, but then, a change seemed to come over the girl. Was she being possessed?

The Rune Knight frowned. "you are being taken in, to the magic council, for your acts. Do not play the fool with us, Wizard" He held out his hand, for the magical hand cuffs that negated magic, and leaned over to secure the girl, this Eve.

@Oblivion666@silver fox

Michael shook slightly as Zephyr wrapped his arm around him, blushing slightly, as he stared, clearly attempting to look cute and innocent, to get Michael to help. Michael flickered his glance away, and back, away and back, away and back.

"um. Well...Spirits have to...want to work with you...they have to be...compatible with you...and...and...well, i d-don't know h-h-how a t-take o-over w-would work w-with a s-s-spirit. I imagine it w-would be...similar. You'll...I g-guess just have to t-train and s-see what h-happens. U-uriel M-might be helpful. B-b-balthzaar probably w-won't be" He managed to stutter out, swallowing.

He squirmed slightly, looking away again, feeling like he was no help at all.

Time Lord

The time lord whistled as he walked into Dragon Fang, looking about, searching for any members that were available to speak with, as well as just taking the genreal feel of the place in.

It had a different feel to Phoenix Wing, but it did still seem to have the same closeness, that same bond, as Phoenix Wing did. How interesting. Was it simply guild life? Time lord didn't know. He hummed, looking about, and heading over to the bar, thinking to start with a drink first.


Penny had soon returned to where she thought the fight had been, and then followed the direction she had seen the wizard go. But after a few hours, when the sun had fully risen, when there was no sign, she knew she had to return, if only for food for energy. A horrible thought came to her, as she wondered if there had been anyone else on the Mount caught up in the snow. She sighed, and landed.

"No luck, yet. I guess the best thing we can hope for is that the avalanche destroyed any dark guilds around" She said, rubbing her eyes wearily.

[@Ayama Tamashii]

Jarvis approached Rose, having followed her along, knowing that she had doubts about the games. He leaned against the table, and said softly "Rose, you've been apart of the guild long enough to know that we dont ask things unless we believe you can do it, and that that means we trust you. You'll be fine in the games. If I didn't, if Jamie didn't, believe you could do this, then we wouldn't have put you in the games. Do not fear. You'll do great" He said
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


The banging on the door woke him suddenly. He jumped a little and rolled out of his bed, thudding hard onto the wooden floor. "Argh!" The sound of banging and sheets being pulled from the bed with him could be heard outside the door. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. It was Sasha outside. It was too early. Yawning, he pushed himself to his feet, and grabbed some bottoms, putting boots on in the process. "Come in. It's open." He allowed her to enter, before walking to his bedside, picking up his pelt shoulder throw. He turned to her. "I know where we should train today." He grinned, putting it on.


He had hoped his tips would help Jack for the games, but it was a new day, and he was planning on taking the day off from training. Sipping away at a cup of tea, it seemed something was going on. He looked over, taking a final sip before carefully placing the cup on the table in front. He stood up, pushing on his knees, making his way over. "Well well... Look who it is." He hoped his voice would be enough for the rune knights to recognize him. "It seems that the kingdom have turned to the council's fools to carry out MY men's job." He sighed. "How are you captain? Do you still ever so hate me and my men?" He made a baby face and laughed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fiore || Yokai Island


After a night of exploring, talking with everyone and practically dragging Nolan everywhere while eating all kinds of food, Karn was quite tired in the morning. Cuddled up happily in his sleeping back, but eventually, he transformed into the draconic feline and made his way cuddled up in Nolan's sleeping back. Happily enjoying the extra body heat, even though his own was already quite heated. Plus, it was always nice cuddling. Sleeping soundly, he didn't really wake up.

Fiore || River Town


Prince spent his whole night outside and on the roof. Writing in the leather bound journal he had and looking at the starry night sky. Before eventually falling asleep, though only half way. His ears always perked and alert for any signs of danger. When he woke up, his teal colored eye blinked slowly as he sat up. Ears twitching as he looked around before looking at his clawed hands. Looking to the journal beside him, he picked it up and slowly opened it. Feline ears perking a little at the sound of a voice from down below, he slightly glanced toward the edge. Head tipping to the side briefly before continuing to read the journal.

Not too long, another voice called out and he could see someone below as they walked out and called. Prince didn't answer and simply kept reading. Briefly touching his eyepatch before closing the journal and putting it under his coat before jumping down with a smile.

"Sorry for the wait everyone!" Prince cheered with the usual happy smile and promptly hugged his teammates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Caits@Silver Fox

River Town

Zephyr nodded at Mikey's stuttering explanation. Well he was right about the spirit wanting to work with him, but his takeover was slightly different than Mikey's magic. As Zephyr was about to explain, Prince came up and gave both of them a big hug which made Zephyr look at Prince and snap his fingers as he got an idea, while he could explain it it was easier with examples. "Hey there Prince perfect timing." Zephyr said as he looked at Mikey. "Takeover magic is somewhat similar to your magic. I can take a spirit over, just like you can form contracts with them, but with my magic I have to truly know the thing Im taking over."

Zephyr then pointed at prince. "Take our lovely friend here for an example. While I cannot do human takeover magic, if I wanted I could probably takeover Prince. I would just need to know a majority of him. Thats why my Machina is special, the machine doesn't get added inside me but the aspects of it does. So for me to take a Spirit over I would have to get to know them, and of course since Im nice ask if they wouldn't mind being a part of me."

Zephyr said as he took a deep breath then exhaled on his little take over lesson. "We can wait until we get back to the guild though. So on wards my comrades Dragon Pun waits for our return!" Zephyr said with a childlike laughter as he ran out the room and exited the building as he made a charge to their transportation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Hall

With the passage of a day, the time for departure had arrived. With Fleo, Trinity, and Ariel around, Annalise had been kept from being too much of a nuisance, and the new dawn heralded the start of her quest for her cure. After putting on again her new getup from the previous day, Fleo headed toward the job board to find the other members of the group. Ariel stood there already, along with the subject of the job herself, who for the moment had silently occupied herself with her butterflies.

”Good morning, Ari. Looks like you're ready to start off. Have you seen Trinity yet?” Fleo couldn't help but cast a glance at Annalise. If the job flier was to be believed, the young woman had a shard of glass in her head. Admittedly, the dusty woman wasn't an expert in the realm of deadly projectiles, but to her knowledge such intrusions into one's head usually proved lethal. If the fragment was really in there, was it responsible for Annalise's current state of mind? It made Fleo shudder to consider it.

The Frenzy Fort

Yesterday had been an eventful day for Frenzy Plant. Two new members, the final decision of Grand Magic Games team composition, and finally, the returning of the suppression squad from a long job near Web Valley in the evening. The arrival of Indigo Afina, tired and sweaty as she was, and her five companions Kumbha, Virgil, Jane, Owen, and Arivaderci, had been a welcome sight for the soldiers. That, however, hadn't been the end of the reunification. Overnight, a small team of four sent to visit the guild Phoenix Wing in Magnolia -Xyster, Harper, Nandy, and Joakim- returned as well, though to significantly less general applause given the late hour at which they came.

Today, now that the entirety of Frenzy Plant was present save for the brawling chef Demetri and the ever-enigmatic Ludo, promised to be an even grander occasion. Horns sounded the waking call precious few minutes after the crack of dawn, and the soldiers accustomed to the noise jumped to it. The new members, unfortunately, did not, and by the time that Thor and Gabriel had cleaned up, eaten breakfast in the mess hall, and made their way to the job board, only three low-level jobs remained.

Dousing the Fire
Requester: Clover Town Mayor
Location: Clover Town
Description: A Treasure Hunting guild, Flare Blitz, has recently been assembled in Clover Town. Though a small venture at first, it is growing in size due to continued success. However, Flare Blitz contains more than a few seedy characters, including its leader, and the mayor of Clover Town fears for the general peace should Flare Blitz become too powerful. The guild's next acquisition, the Lodestar Chalice, would accomplish just that, and it's staking a lot on that expedition. Our job is to get to the ruins where the Chalice is hidden before the Flare Blitz team does and prevent them from being able to attain it. Then, Flare Blitz will sputter, and its ability to threaten Clover Town will disappear.
Notes: Bringing down the ruins, destroying the Chalice, or acquiring the Chalice are all valid methods. Attacking the Flare Blitz group head-on is not, and would tarnish our reputation. Should we be able to acquire the Chalice, the Mayor will pay extra to get a hold of it.
Reward: 200,000 Jewel w/o Chalice, 300,000 Jewel w/ Chalice

More Than a Feeling
Requester: Hanover Crunkite
Location: Akane Resort
Description: The head of Akane security, Mr. Hanover Crunkite, has received reports as of late of an eerie presence stalking the resort at night, from guests and watchmen both. Ordinary means have proven ineffective at either containing or attacking the thing wherever it manifests, so it seems magical help is in order. Try not to cause a big fuss, and whatever you do, do not damage the resort!
Notes: One guest, who claims to have been attacked by the thing, tells tales of a ghostly horror. Because of this, it may be wise for at least one member of the wizard team sent to complete this job to have prior experience with spirits.
Reward: 175,00 Jewel

Requester: General Sanders
Location: Acalypha Town
Description: One of the guild's old associates has been up to no good. Montresor Amontillado, or 'Monty' as we called him, was part of the roaming squad of mages that eventually settled down to become Frenzy Plant, and we've received a tip off from a woman who called herself 'Tiny' that Monty's turned his talents to the wrong cause as a highwayman. It is your job to seek out Monty, capture him, and bring him back to the Frenzy Fort. We will not let one of our own tarnish our guild's visage.
Notes: Monty is not a magic user, though from his luck you wouldn't be crazy to assume so. He's a sniper, able to shoot with deadly accuracy at incredible ranges, but he's deceptively powerful up close. His rifle has been customized to function as a melee weapon, with which he fights at a high skill level. He's also been known to shoot up close, even in melee range, with a gunslinger's style. From so much shooting, however, he's gone partially deaf in his old age. That may be the key to beating him.
Reward: Freedom from rent/food pay for two months

Four Frenzy Plant soldiers, however, stood by the job board already. Among them was Eliza, the haughty and recalcitrant Cross Sync mage, who stood off to the side and read the jobs with crossed arms. Her gaze lay most often on the job entitled 'More Than a Feeling'. The ever-stylish Virgil Marowit seemed intent on 'Dousing the Fire', but was having some trouble convincing the others. His kama-wielding brother Mercury thought that 'Deadeye' deserved the guild's attention more, as it entailed personal Frenzy Plant business. Arivaderci, whether from her own restlessness or as a result of her bizarre curse, looked to want to go out on another job already, but having just arrived before Gabriel and Thor, didn't have a good idea of what job she might prefer.

Nero – Dragon Fang Hall

What a glorious day! A refreshing, dreamless sleep after his strange dream washed away the genie's soul fray. After rising from his bed and donning a couple of new clothes he'd kept shrunken in his pouch ever since he'd won from from an Iron Enigma goon in a game of Go Fish, he ventured out into the main Dragon Fang hall. The thought of breakfast lay heavy on his mind, and with a few coins to spare, he could finally treat himself.

Unfortunately, he rounded a corner and witnessed a pair of Rune Knights standing outside an unknown room. Instinctively, Nero froze. Very slowly, he made his mouth into a wide smile, waving merrily. “Good morning, officers!” he enthused, pretty sure that he hadn't ever tangled with Rune Knights before, despite his escapades all over Fiore. “Nice day, isn't it?” He made a sharp turn and headed for the bar, casual as could be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Black Rose of the Phoenix
At a local cafe//with Jarvis

"I am not afraid of the games...I am afraid of becoming "her" again. You know dark magic like mine fuels from one's heart and soul...I always been in the dark even when I was convinced...my own mother had to be put in a asylum for nearly killing me when I was a child...I was always treated differently for just existing...my magic...it is the only friend I ever had ever since I could remember...maybe mom knew who I would become...what I have done..."she commented as she continued to look out the window" doctors say her mental state was lost even before having me that she suffered from her own magic, from her own existence... she had the same as me. One day, I visited her and ended her suffering upon her wish...maybe that was what she wanted to finally die..no longer haunted by herself."

"I am also worried about the riders. The dark group I once was part of...I was the third strongest member...I was feared and adored by every one...I was the one who found Jack and trained her to who she is today... but I fell to the one that took the name chaos...he is Elyse's father...by allowing my guard down I was taken down and thrown out like garbage but that was alright cause Elyse was the one who saved me from killing everyone and thing in that order her and a sweet woman who found me and nursed me back to health."she said" I only told my story to Jamie but I never told anyone who Elyse's father is...in a way, Elyse gave me a reason to change and possibly saved my life, I could only imagine what I would be if she was never born."she said. Rose kinda felt better letting out her worries inside of keeping them inside. She couldn't tell Elyse her worries cause Elyse wouldn't understand half of what she was worried about plus she didn't want Elyse to ask about her father
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Dragon Fang

Ayame had been quietly sleeping in a small cropped up pose next to the big bed. After she had dumped Nero in the bed she didn't have the guts to get in herself. That would be way to formal for her taste and it might even have irritated Nero which was quite unlikely. But she couldn't say that it wasn't comfortable. The few sheets and cusions she had gather from the room gave her more then enough material to make a proper bed. It wasn't that ordinary for her to sleep on something like this. When she was all alone out on the streets she used to do it all the times. Ayame sat upright particularly rubbing her left eye while giving a wide yawn in the progress. The sunlight from outside shined in from the small window on the opposite side of the door already heating up her feet in a rather pleasant way. Ayame sat still for a few minutes with a sleepy look on her face.

Although she had gotten plenty of sleep the mornings did still bother her. Ayame slowly started to rise from her self made futon and immediately noticed that Nero was already out and about. Well he was a grown up man he could handle himself. Ayame dressed up in her clothes again and went over to a small mirror close to the chair to fix her hair in the right place again. It took some time for her to get her morning hairstyle undone but it was all good now again. Ayame cleaned up the room a little folding her own sheets. Pulling the sheets on the bed right again and putting her and Nero's stuff somewhere in the corner of the room. After she was done in the room Ayame descended down the hallway to clean her face and start her day.


Frenzy Fort


Thor walked over towards the area of where the job board was and gave a soft but very heavy sounding sigh. The fight from yesterday made Thor quite irritated by the fact that they had lost from the princes. Thor didn't stand a chance at Thor's last fight. It all went over pretty quickly when Thor didn't have any strenght left. Their hurted legs didn't help either in the fight and after Thor's opponent had snacked their head against the ground multiple times it was over for Thor. Thor had to take a short break to get by again and train to pass the A-rank exam. However today was maybe a good day to gather some money for proper food. Thor was casually standing by the job board looking over the crappy jobs that were left. Or atleast the jobs Thor could see from their height and the other standing in front of Thor. Thor gave another sigh and had to figure out what job to take quickly otherwise there would be none left.

Thor glanced over at the other people at the job board and noticed Gabriel standing close by. Thor stared a few moments at Gabriel and figured it might have been a good idea to partner up with him since Thor and him were both new. Getting close to the other members might not be such a good idea since Thor wasn't very social and wouldn't want to get involved in a social group. Maybe Thor could even try to help Gabriel. Thor kept staring at Gabriel for a while longer and was lost in thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Sasha giggled to herself at the sound of Lazarus falling out of bed. It wasn't that early, but then, she always did rise early. She heard the scuffling around that meant he was earching for clothes, before he said to come in. She waited another moment or two, before entering, as he said he knew where they should train today.

"Where?" she asked curiously

@silver fox[@obilivion666]

Michael blushed strongly when Prince hugged them, and wriggled away after a moment, on the pretext of scooping Cleopatra up, and into a pocket of his jacket for travel, nodding at Zephyr, as he somewhat understood the take over magic. It seemed quite similar to Spirit magic. To work with a Spirit, you had to have some connect to them. He grabbed his pack, and swung that over his shoulder, glancing around to make sure nothing was forgotten as Zephyr just charged out.

"Is h-he always so....head strong? And f-forgetful" He asked Prince, as he picked up a sock that he assumed was Zephyr's. It seemed the only thing forgotten.

Michael paused for a moment, counting the days, he suddenly grinned, and with eagerness, he headed outside as well, knowing they only had two horses. He took out a key, shaped with wings, and summoned a white, winged horse. ""Pegasus" He grinned, and ran a hand down the winged horse's mane.

Rune Knights
[@yipee]@zarkun@invisible man
The Rune knights Captain looked to Shujin, but otherwise didn't react to his appearance, nor comments. "the rune knoghts are the councils weapons. The Royal guard are pups, lead by a self indulged worm" the captain said after a moment "now, if you don't mind, we are busy" he turned back to the now cuffed wizard

@amaya Tamashii

"children change us always, and forever. You do not need to be afraid of becoming someone you no longer are, for you have your light, in the form of a child. You will never succumb to the darkness again, for you have Elyse. As for the riders, do you really think we would let anything happen to Elyse, or you? Jamie will be back, way before the games, and if things get bad, Jamie will always make sure Elyse is safe. You know that."

Jarvis spoke to Rose softly, kindly, hoping to reassure.


Gabriel stared at the job board, eyes slightly wide as he looked at the choices. There seemed to be three jobs of interest, and there was already members from
The guild, senior members, around the board and Gabriel wondered if he would even get a chance to get a job. Even though they were low level jobs, they seemed quite interesting. more then a feeling seemed the most interesting for Gabriel. Changes were, it was a spirit of some kind.

Meaning Gabriel might just have the upper hand. He smiled to himself, he reached for the job, intending to take it, when he saw that the other new member, Thor, was staring at him. Suddenly uncomfortable, Gabriel gave them a slight poke as they seemed to be lost in thought.

"I can give you a picture if you'd rather stare at that"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Eve looked puzzled towards the gruff man in the weird clothing, he looked like he was supposed to be at some sort of ceremony rather than talking to her. She still felt light headed, something was missing from her mind, like something had just taken her memories and also felt kind of weak. Sure, her mind felt wrong but there was something draining her... She looked to see that there was something actually draining her special powers! Wow, these people really don't want her to bring cheer to this place. They even want to arrest her for being joyous! Or, whatever the magic council was, it was most likely some sort of place where they ban fun magic. Eve looked at the cuffs they were going to put on her and she could tell that she was not going to like those things on her. She tried to get away from those anti-fun cuffs, but she couldn't get away as she was still tied to these really annoying chains. Once they were clamped on, the rest of her magic had disappeared and she felt even worse now. She looked up and tried to keep a positive face, however, with her magic gone and her being sent to the anti-fun magic place, things were looking down for Eve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


He cracked his knuckles. "Fresh water spring. I came across it on my travels a a few weeks back." He nodded. "We should work on our physical assets." He looked Sasha up and down, before picking up her of her twiglet arms. "This is going to change." He grinned. If they could improve their fitness and physique, they gave themselves an advantage over our mages in certain events. He stretched upwards. "I can fly us there, its not far. Or would you prefer to walk?" He laughed.


The rune knight spoke back to him. "Why you..." He was about to backhand him hard across the face before he realised. He wasn't involved with the royal guard anymore. Instead he activated golden purity, making it obvious to them who he was. "I may not have anymore authority over you idiots anymore, but sully the names of my comrades friends again." He glared. "I dare you. I've killed countless criminals in this armour. I wonder if it likes rune knights too." He hissed. It suddenly came back to him, the overshadowing personality which he had taken up when working for the queen. His eyes widened and he calmed down. He deactivated his armour, and his hair faded from golden to his familiar black. "My men could have put every single one of you to shame." He turned to Master Jack. "Master, why are they taking this girl? I didn't think this was a guild that would hand over a frightened girl to these bastards, innocent or not."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fiore || River Town---> Shirostume town


Prince listened as Zephyr chattered and used Prince as a example. Simply grinning at the fact that it was possible for him to be a subject of takeover magic. "Then it's quite a good thing no one in Fiore really knows about me. Save for two individuals." he simply chuckled before watching his energetic teammate charge out.

Ear flicking toward Michael as the blue haired male questioned on Zephyr's behavior, the tall feline simply grinned as he followed after Zephyr. "Prety much. He doesn't really thinks things through. But overall, he's pretty nice. Though he does get himself in a pickle at times." he answered before watching as Michael pulled out one of his spirits.

"Too nervous to share another ride?" The tall red head laughed but mounted one of the horses, rubbing the back of his neck a little, scratching a little under the ragged scarf before smiling.

"Well better get moving. Bet we missed quite a bit of fun at the Guild as well." Prince chirped before heading starting off along the path.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@ Multiple peeps

River Town- Shirostume Town

Zephyr watched as Mikey summoned a Pegasus and Prince mounted a horse. "Ooooh a fancy race huh? Then I'm using this!" Zephyr shouted as a golden aura covered him and replaced his attire with his engine armor. Zephyr instantly revved his hands and took off at a fast speed, once again leaving the two behind, but hey he was treating this like a competition, and since he was going to be a part of one. He needed all the practice he could get. That and he just liked competitions to begin with. Yet since he was too lazy to pay attention, he just took a deep breath and exhaled when they arrived in Shirostume Town.

Acting like he never even started a challenge he motioned for the other two to keep up as he raced to the guild and pushed the doors open. "Hey everyone! Mikey, Prince and I are back!" Zephyr shouted but as soon as he looked around he noticed a new situation going on. With what he was sure were Rune knights, who was being yelled at by Shujin as a girl was in handcuffs. Zephyrs childlike grin soon turned upside down into a frown. "Hey are the dumb metal guys trying to arrest a new friend? Is that even allowed?" Zephyr asked as he stood in front of the doorway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

@Silver Fox
God dammit he hadn't gotten that drunk since the first time the monks let him had his taste of wine. Going around the yokai village with Karn last night and trying a lot of the food included trying the various amounts of alcohol such as Kappa Fin Sake, Tengu Wine, and various other kinds of spirits. The majority of the night was a blur save for the moments that he was completely stoned. Nolan rustled with a groan from the hangover that came as consequence from heavy drinking. Someone seemed to had turn up the sun and the singing birds were like thrashing guitars hammering in his ears. He was warm, warmer than he usually and there was something against his back that was the cause of it. Muttering something that was too soft to hear he reached back and grabbed whatever the thing was on his back. It was Karn in his draco-feline form.

His eyes widened and he threw Karn towards his sleeping bag. "What the hell are you doing?!" It just occurred to him that he could hardly remember what happened the night before. If Karn was in his sleeping bag then they may had...may had...OH SHIT! Nolan didn't scream, but the blush and panic on his face said it all for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The rune knoght appeared annoyed at this interruption. The captain looked over and said quite calmly, "this girl is a necromancer. The guild naster invited us here, as she can be dangerous. We do not wish harm to came to others, and she will be treated well"


Michael shook his head at Prince and said "I can only summon Pegasus once a week. I like o ride with him when I can summon him" he smiled, and mounted The winged horse, shaking his head at Zephyr's antics.

The pegasus rose into the air, and followed after Zephyr, soon he had overtaken the eager, energetic mage. Travel was so different in the air, and Pegasus traveled it smoothly, diving down with ease to stay with the others, soon landing, the Pegasus nevertheless maintained the lead, stopping at the guild hall with Zephyr and Prince. Cleopatra meowed, having stayed inside Michael's pocket, the little kitten popped her head out, and Michael took her out, cradling the kitten to his chest.

He followed Zephyr in, looking about wide eyed. His eyes landed on the girl in handcuffs, and at once, Michael didn't like her. There was just something...


"hey! I'm as strong as I need to be!" Sasha said, crossing her arms over her chest. "but yes, physical training will be good" she agreed, "flying would be quicker" she said after a moments thought.

@yipeexD@zarkun@silver fox@oblivion666@invisible man
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Black Rose of the Phoenix
At a local cafe//with Jarvis

Rose looked towards him before letting out a smile and a light laugh "no matter how many times you tell a mom her child is safe she will always worry it is natural instinct. I know in my soul that if anything was to happen to me that Phoenix Wing will always be Elyse's home that she will always be loved and protected. I am not worried one bit because I know even if I lost control she will always bring me back to the light"she replied paying her bill before she got up" shall we get to our home before Elyse and Amelia wonder what became of us Jarvis?"She asked pulling her hair back in a bun. Her gold eyes watched him while her hands rested on her hips
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Jack had been about ready to intercede between the Rune Knights and Shujin when he got control of himself and instead demanded to know why his guild master was letting them take the necromancer. Oh right, he and Jackie had been out in the training hall. With a sigh, he nodded and thanked the Rune Knights one more time before leading the Metal Make wizard away from the group and over to Zephyr, to answer both questions. "First and foremost Shujin, you need to remember that the Knights are just as capable, if not more so, of detaining magical criminals as the Royal Guard. That said, you can't take offense at the differing opinions of each member of Fiore's law enforcement agencies. It's not your concern anymore. As for the girl, she's a Necromancer and mentally unstable. There's not any thing we can do here to help."

Damian Gerard|Mount Hakobe

"I'm sure she's alright. Her magic would have protected her if nothing else." Standing and sheathing Durandal, the edge as sharp as he could safely make it without ruining it, he approached Penny and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Now sleep. I can keep a watch out for her if she comes looking again." He knew Penny was feeling tired, he could see it in her eyes and in her body language, and he didn't want her hurting herself trying to look for someone when she didn't have the energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Guild Hall

Eve knew it, these mean old people are detaining her just because she was trying to bring joy to other people inside this town and now they are trying to justify it by saying it was for their own safety. She waved her handcuffs up and down, trying to wave at everyone that was coming up to see the commotion that was happening. Eve was glad that people were actually questioning why she was being contained by these ruffians, but the main mean old guy was telling them that she was some kind of lost cause, which only made her question the reasoning of this guy. Eve had been determined to make people happy and that is what she was going to do when she left her village, she looked at the mean knights surrounding her and then towards the general direction of the people inside this large building. Eve took several breaths, trying to stay calm and happy before talking, "Please, know that I'm not trying to harm people! I don't understand where all this 'it's for your own safety' stuff is coming from, but all I wanted to do was to bring some deserving people some joy in their lives... Is that so hard to ask!? I'm trying to be good! I don't understand why people are trying to have me arrested, but if you want to help, all you have to do is free me. I swear on my village that I won't do anything, but fulfill my dream." Eve was nervous, this was the point were she could actually bring happiness to people or be sent away to some place where she will never be able to accomplish her goal and rot away in some anti-fun dungeon.
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