Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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7 hours, 25 minutes to 7 hours 32 minutes (18:25-19:32)

Kaggath, main prison complex

Nazca eyed Shiri warily as the Twi'lek just stared at her, fully expecting an explosion of irritation. Instead she got a rapid approach and a hug. For the first time in a long time, Nazca was left speechless. In a stunned silence she cautiously hugged the other Jedi back, smiling in what she hoped was a reassuring way. "If I wasn't stupid, what would you do all day?" She said, before turning to tease Xid again. "Oh, I see how it is. You're a perfect gentleman just so you can sidle up to me in my half undressed state with no resistance. Smooth, very smooth. I'm impressed." Nazca lowered her voice so the cameras wouldn't pick it up. "I can slice into basic cameras and droids as well, and steal lightsabers. Though, Shiri dear, I believe it's one to zero on the lightsaber stealing contest." She gave a slightly superior smirk towards the Twi'lek.

That was when Lea came in and began berating her as well. Nazca smiled sheepishly as Xid attempted to talk to the girl. When he finished, and let her go, Nazca spoke in her own defense. "Well, you see, I'm just trying to make sure Shiri has her priori-WHOA! What are you doing? Put me down! This is not a very pleasant feeling, I rather like having my feet on the gro-you're not listening to me are you? Isn't this a violation of some oath or something? Oof!" Nazca laid against the bed, glaring balefully at Lea. "You could have just said, 'go lay on a bed' you know." She grumbled, when the doors opened. Nazca sat straight up, watching the Imperial troopers file in and aim their guns at the Jedi. As the Red Sith walked in and pointed out Arix, Nazca got slowly to her feet, intent upon not letting the other padawan go without a fight. However, he had already given himself up by the time she had taken a few steps and gained the attention of at least one trooper.

"Har'Chaak!" Nazca spat, before looking at Lea, Xid, and Tolun. "Yeah, yeah I know, get back to bed. Tolun, I think we're going to have to postpone that appointment for a while, but look on the bright side! You only have to do half your work when the time comes!" Nazca smiled as she made her way back to the bed.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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~|(19:02-19:05 GST) |~
~|Prisoner Block, Aboard the Kaggath |~

Xid was wide eyed as his jaw dropped open a bit, his head twisted about to watch Nazca just hover there. He half expected her to fall but she was still standing. After a moment or two, her feet picked up from the ground then shifted to one of the beds between the two posts and lowered to the mattress. He blinked, secretly impressed, in silence until she turned her attention over to him. At her subtle threat Xid slowly stepped back. Trying not to flinch, he held out his hands in a defensive manner towards Lea and smiled nervously.

“No, I don’t think that’s needed. Thank you though…” Xid said trying to not to encourage her, hearing Nazca grumble while glaring at Lea.

Gingerly, his ribs still edging into a minor sting, he started toward the bunks only to hear Tolun’s comment then called his name. The teenager’s head twisted about to face the knight and regretted fast movement immediately, his arm cradled his side where his ribs were fractured. For a moment, he thought he was going to crumble to all fours and struggle for breath. Pain threaded itself through his focus as he resisted, still steading his stance while he digested Tolun Fi’s logic.

Feeling it was likely more an inconvenience for the Kaminoan, he tried to divert Tolun’s attention toward him with a reply through gritting teeth. “Are you sure you should concern yourself over fixing something this minor? The part will heal after all and as long as I don’t move, I should be alright.”

His ears caught the sound of the doors hiss open. All the Jedi’s eyes turned to see the troopers file into the main room followed by another skinned sith, her hand pointed at a prisoner and spoke. The Echani, Xid recalled from his travels, stepped forward toward the troopers as Xid started to move forward. “We have to stop this…”

“Minor is a relative term. We won’t know unless we take a look at it.” Tolun Fi explained patiently. “You’ve always been really stubborn about your physical well-being, but even you might find cause to protest a punctured lung. I have my doubts the Sith will give you the option of sitting very still, given they’re the reason you’re in this state.” he glanced over at the troopers entering the room. When Xid moved to try to stop it, Tolun Fi placed a firm hand on the young Knight’s shoulders. “Don’t. Unless you want your injuries to get worse, and for his session to start off with the Sith furious with him. They’ll take him regardless, and acting brashly will only end with two pointless casualties.”

At first, Xid almost tried to toss off Tolun’s hand but a quick glance to it made him stop. As much as he hated it, he was no condition to take on the sith. Still he stared at the young Jedi leave with one of their captors, hating himself for being unable to stop it and hoped to the force he would come back in better condition than the rest of them. The only thing that eased his mind was the fact it wasn’t the Trandoshan sith that was taking the Echani.

“I never really thought I was worth the time.” Xid said honestly, removing his eyes after the scene evaporated. “It’s just me after all.”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tzarima
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~|20:30 - 20:33 GST (9 hours after sacking)|~
~|Main Prison complex|~

Heading towards the Jedi prisoners, Ven'ren felt the presence of the Darth, much closer than the general darkness of her presence that always lay on the ship. He stopped by a corner to stay out of her way. He stayed there while she entered the prison complex and came back with a prisoner, and waited until she was safely out of sight before heading there himself. He did not necessarily think he would got in trouble with her for jut being around, but her presence made him uneasy and he felt it safer to not be in her way.

Even then he delayed at the door for a while, listening to the prisoners emotions from inside. He nodded to the troopers who stood by the door. As a rule, Ven'ren liked soldiers. Polite people who generally did exactly as he told them. Feeling secure enough that they had his way out covered, he entered to pick out a prisoner. The sounds of metal boots betrayed that he was still in full combat armour. Perhaps an odd choice, considering he must have walked around in it for the last nine hours. His eyes scanned over the prisoners, mostly making sure he knew were they were and had them all accounted for before he settled for the Kel Dor .

“You there.” He addressed the chosen Jedi. “Would you kindly come with me.” He didn't really pretend it was a question. Still, he was rather interested to see what kind of reaction he would get. Those people would be used to the Sith now, but he didn't know what coping strategy they had settled on. He remembered his own only in bits and pieces.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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~| 19:03-20:35 GST |~
~| Kaggath |~

“You are worth the time, Xid.” Lea found herself answering without fully knowing why. She would not normally have answered like that, but it felt right. She had no idea why. With that said, she wandered away from the others, heading to the other bunk room where she had picked a bed that ought to be out of sight.

“I’ll go meditate for a while...” she muttered as she walked away. Compared to the recent weeks, too much had happened this day. She wasn’t used to being around crowds like this anymore. Her feelings and emotions were in turmoil and she really needed to sort them out. Like her master had taught her, she must be the master of her emotions, not let them be her master.

The bed she’d chosen was on the upper tier, right beside the door to the central chamber. She half-climbed, half-jumped up, then sat down upon it, her legs crossed, relaxing. Though relaxed, she kept her ears open and her senses ready, for trouble rarely announced itself long enough before for someone to prepare themselves. Only a fool would lay down her guard when anywhere near others she could not fully account for the whims and wills of.

She sat like that for a long time, letting the Force flow around her, listening to it. There were few things as revitalizing as meditating upon the Force. She certainly had not learned of any such things in her life. After a bit under an hour and a half, she sensed a powerful presence approaching the complex. There was no doubt in her mind that said presence could only be Darth Nyiss. After two months of being her captive, Lea would recognize that presence anywhere.

There were a few options at that point. She could go and confront the Darth, or she could remain as she was, meditating. One option risked unforeseen things happening, the other meant minimal risk. The choice was clear. If the Darth wanted her, she could not do anything to prevent it, so she remained as she was. A couple of minutes after she sensed Nyiss approaching, the presence withdrew again, and Lea knew that she had not been the target at that time.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~|19:20 - 20:33 GST|~


Alat was cross legged on his bunk when he felt the shift in the force. If Alat could have he’d have grinned he would have. It was like feeling a something very large and dangerous slide through the undergrowth stalking something else even as you stalked your own prey. How they were suppose to fight a Darth was a riddle he’d yet to unravel but he was confident that like all the other prey he’d brought down in his time it was a matter of tenacity and cunning.

Focusing Alat opened his senses to the force as he closed his eyes behind the mask taking in the jedi in the room one at a time. A pity Maut had never taught him to look beyond the walls of a room but that chance had passed when he’d laid his master in a grave and walked away. Never to look back.

As another sith entered he focused his gaze upon the individual. The sith pointed to him and asked Alat to go with him. Before the others could do anything particularly foolish. Alat unfolded his legs and slid from the bunk moving with the grace and fluidity. Alat dropped his force sight and walked to the sith calmly folding his hands behind his back. “Shall we?” It was hardly a question either as he stepped to the door and gestured for Ven’ren to lead the way. Alat scanned with room one last time with his soulless stare.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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~| 20:58-21:20 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Sith Arena Area: Sish, Jakali, & Jayda|~

Jayda’s eyes sparked over the various video feedback during the scene with Nazca. Her eyes noted her nervous and guilty look, reviewing when the vid was last pulled up. Zanna had barely left a trace, the vid showing it had been pulled up but not during the time the sith was present. A fact Jayda found very hard to believe as she logged into the security leading outside the room to show several personnel and only one sith enter it. This didn’t help to ease Jayda’s anxiety anymore then deleting her interaction with the Jedi had. Even if some sith looked at it, they would’ve considered her actions a ploy at best to gain the Jedi’s trust and a successful one as well.

She was hoping her sabotage of the video was enough because it wasn’t the other apprentices she worried about, she wasn’t keen on feeling a new lesson under Sish’s claws. While deleting the video records, she had taken time to note her mistakes and already aiming to prevent them next time. Though she hoped the next torture session would never happen so soon. It was almost impossible to stomach the first round and the next one was only bound to get much harder.

Thinking ahead, she pulled up the security feeds. Each display showed a different position in the ship’s cameras as her sight settled over one particularly interesting scene involving Jakali and another apprentice, one she never recalled seeing during the sacking. It wasn’t completely impossible they never crossed paths, her head pausing to linger over the events playing out then her hand reaching to upload the video into a little drive. In short time, she then erased the original vid’s sound and crudely hashing together a different timestamp at when it was altered. Though it was easily possible to discover it, the original time was permanently lost. Meaning who ever learned about it would likely make assumptions and seek out those involved within the scene, believing it was one of them. It was impossible to fully determine when the video was altered completely without expert slicing skills, at least. Even the cameras within the area couldn’t fully account that it was Jayda.

Satisfied with her work, Jayda pocketed the original, intact copy and strolled out just after the security shifted. She edged her way toward the rooms so she could avoid others only to spot an unwanted sight. She internally cursed her luck when she spotted Sish waiting for her at the door frame.

Sish grinned as he saw his apprentice, round the corner, his one robot eye flashing. as he looked at her. He had spent the time after leaving her getting to know the layout of the ship on this level. Just in case any of the prisoners escape, he wouldn’t be as lost as they were. By the time he had got done familiarizing himself with the area, Jayda had long ago left with the prisoner. Having no intention of hunting down his apprentice, Sish waited to where she would have to return eventually: her bedroom.

“I do hope you have your lightsaber on you. It’s been too long since we’ve trained and you are still terrible with Form V. Constant defense won’t help you win very many battles, despite your best efforts to prove otherwise.” He gestured towards the direction of the above prison deck. “Lets go I’m not letting the Jedi see us train, so the above prison deck will have to do..”

Jayda nearly snarled at her ‘master’ as her lip pulled back, revealing a single pointed canine. She eyed the lizard and stepped closer, her hand moved to reveal her lightsaber. For a dark moment, the zabrak thought Sish was going to end up taking her back to the prisoners for another lesson and was already bracing to seek a way out of it. The events from earlier were still fresh in her mind, inwardly drawing her thoughts back to the Jedi she now was required to turn. Nazca seemed to think killing was so easy and surprisingly, even if she wasn’t bent on murdering Sish, the notion was unsettling to her nature. She was relieved when he mentioned training since it would’ve been much more survivable than the torture sessions.

Jayda side stepped, allowing Sish by, as she followed in his wake at a short but tolerable distance. Her boots smacked in a steady pace behind his lead toward the arena area.

Jakali came around the corner, one hand scratching his chin as he seemingly wandered the halls once again. He paused midstep as he noticed the lizard, Sish, down the hallway near a door frame. Jakali took a step back, wondering for a moment if he had been spotted by the brutal Sith. He was certain he wasn’t, the hulking figure wasn’t even facing his direction and hadn’t heard Jakali’s footsteps. He considered continuing right down the hall, go right by the brute like everything was normal, but his curiosity peaked too highly, like it had so many times in the past.

Then he heard conversation, Sish was speaking to somebody, that person was revealed as Jayda, the man’s apprentice, Jakali had heard the tales of Sish’s brutality against her but he had never actually seen the pair together. She was following her master, as soon as the two had moved enough down the opposite way Jakali followed from a distance, his steps quiet, something great may be learned if he handled the situation right.

Sish only grinned wider. “Relax, I’m not going to start training you here. Not enough space to correct your form, and who knows what damages we’d cause. Though I do hope they have the hidden arena open. We’re not allowing the Jedi to note flaws in our forms.” As he started walking away, the Trandoshan paused, his nostrils flaring as a new scent wafted down the hallway. Fresh. Human. Metal. Cybernetics perhaps? Certainly not any human scent he recognized. He looked over his shoulder, one cybernetic eye flashing as he tried to see whoever was behind them. “We have a guest.” He spoke in a seemingly casual tone to Jayda, but one clawed hand went to his lightsaber. Just in case.

“You just now noticed?” Jayda hissed low, her ears and nose noting the possible position. Though since she wasn’t standing still, the exact location was difficult, her eyes trying not to betray her curiosity. It took a moment while her mind registered the musk worn by the male and her teeth gritted when she placed it to a face: Jakali.

She cursed under her breath. “Great… him again. I get the feeling he enjoys stalking me for some damn reason.”

Already edging her force ability to her lightsaber, she could easily jerk to hand and end up attacking their unwanted tail. At least scare him off possibly, her feet struggling not to hasten and give away she knew Jakali was following them. Her hand reached to skirt her bangs back and clear it from her face, enabling her to clear her sight to judge her next move without trouble.

Sish shrugged, turning around as he replied. “You’re farther behind me, and have better hearing. Of course I just noticed.” He smirked upon hearing Jayda’s words. “Making friends with the human are we? Who knows, maybe he’ll become a permanent fixture during your time here.” He turned his gaze towards the human in the back of the hallway. “Can we help you, human? We seem to be heading in the same direction, so why don’t you come up here rather than skulking in the background?”

“Of course, my lord. I didn’t mean to give off an appearance of stalking, I just happened to be heading down the same hallway as you two, and I didn’t want to disturb your conversation. That is the absolute last thing I would want to do, interfere with a master and his apprentice.” Jakali said back with a friendly expression, a disarming smile on his face as he walked towards the two. His guard was not down though, the last thing he needed was to be ganged up on by them.

“I’d be happy to keep walking if that is what you would want, my lord.” He added with a nod.

Jayda rolled her eyes at how thickly the politeness was layered on. It was like dressing for winter during a heat wave back on her homeworld, something purely unneeded when it come to Sish. Her hand at her right, nearest Sish, tightened in a fist as she stared upon the follow apprentice. “I’m getting tired of crossing paths with you. Why are you follow us?”

Her hand had already flicked her lightsaber to her palm, her thoughts considering testing Nyiss’ relaxation on the law, when she turned around. Begrudgingly she placed her weapon back into its holder and twisted away, intending on ignoring Jakali since his stupidity with the Jedi earlier. Her eyes shot a daring look at Sish, hoping he wasn’t going to invite the sith along for the spare and then noted their direction suddenly. “Where are you taking me exactly?”

Sish snorted at Jakali’s words, though it wasn’t entirely clear what he meant by it. One can only gain so much from a grinning lizard’s face, after all. He raised an eyebrow at Jayda’s hostile tone. Normally she would have reserved it for him, but this apprentice seemed to have irritated her a good deal. Excellent. I can use that. Sish thought, holding a hand up to stop Jayda’s forward movement. “You’ll find out soon enough. But first, apprentice,” he gestured towards Jakali, “tell me. What lightsaber forms are you skilled in?” He looked at Jayda, and grinned again. This is turning out nicely.

Shii-Co, Ataru and Shien. I do take pride in my ability with a lightsaber,” He replied to Sish with a nod, then glanced towards Jayda. “Perhaps fate is drawing us together, my dear.” He said with a smile, then looked back towards Sish.

Jayda paused, her body stopped in the middle of her walk, and her head twisted about to glare at Sish. His hand stalled her attempt to leave Jakali behind while she noted, in irritation, his mind ticking. Inwardly she hated herself for letting the little incident with the Jedi stir her reaction and bit her lip, hoping her silence might limit any further damage her temper caused. It didn’t help she spied Jakali’s eyes meet with hers and answer Sish’s question. Her eyes closed in defeat and accepted the fact, no matter what, that this was going to happen. All three forms were ones she was ill practiced against though Shii-Co she knew since her youth, the budding stages in her father’s lessons over lightsaber skills. Sadly any practice or familiarity in its movement was long lost now. Forgotten in favor of Soresu, her father’s pride still vivid on her memory, making her inhale sharply.

“I only hope you can manage to keep a hold of your lightsaber in battle better than when you did with the wound, weak Jedi.” Jayda spoke, purposely cutting to the bone with her words when Jakali attempted to make light of her blunder. Her eyes latched onto Sish, glaring at him, then added. “I take it you have some reason for asking his forms?”

Sish laughed, amused at both Jayda’s dislike and the knowledge of Jakali’s blunder.. “If he can’t keep ahold of his lightsaber during the training session, I suspect he will not enjoy what’s coming next. Regardless, you need to learn how to defend against different styles. Apprentice, you’ll come with us. I presume you’ll be able to hold your own against a fellow Sith with a lightsaber. Provided she doesn’t get your lightsaber of course. We’re heading to directly above the Sith quarters. There will be plenty of space to train, and the Jedi can’t see us there.”

Jayda rolled her head, inhaling and inwardly trying to stifle her anger and hatred for the moment. It wasn't easy and it tried to surge to the top once more, linger at the top and ready to boil over. It was becoming easier to bottle her emotions but when they start to crack, it felt difficult to restrain it. To rein it in.

"You've never adopted this attitude before so why now?" She snarled in curiosity.

“Because, I cannot teach you how to react to other styles, aside from Juyo and Djem So, and how to switch between Soresu and Djem So as needed. That is something you, “Sish casually reached out with a claw and poked her in the chest. “need to figure out when to do on your own and almost instinctively. Besides. We didn’t have any training partners before.”

Jayda’s lips tightened against Sish’s propping, her eyes glared darkly. Her skin crawled and her neck hairs rose, her body trying to flinch but she wouldn’t let it. She stiffened ridgely to deny her natural reaction, preventing him the satisfaction of her fear or disgust. Though her hand, subtly, reached for her lightsaber instinctively with the intend on countering any further touch with an aggressive reply. Though in the back of her mind, she knew how it would’ve ended. “It never seemed to matter much to you before.”

Sish’s grin only grew wider. Perfect. She was already leaning towards aggression. “That was because before, it was just us or battle hardened Sith. The ones who would have ‘accidentally’ killed you in training for little more than having the gall to challenge them, and being impure at that. I’m not going to let your weakness get you killed, no matter how hard you might try. Regardless, we’re leaving. Apprentice, you’re following.” With that, Sish turned on his heel and began walking towards the Sith training arena.

Sish collided with Jayda’s shoulder, her fingers tightening as she wrapped her hand about her weapon. Then she stopped and tried to reign her emotions in. Already they had done enough damage and she wasn’t about to increase it, her eyes burned into Sish’s departing figure then turned to followed. Her boots clipping at a rate to keep up this time when she finally determined the direction they were heading. It was the smell that gave it away first.

Jayda whipped her head to question Sish’s mind and why, though she suspected it was a twisted form of entertainment in his warped mind. She hadn’t spoken a word until they finally reached their destination. Her eyes glanced to the doorways they passed and spying the beasts within the level stirring in their cramp cages, she couldn’t help but comment. “Doesn’t look much like a training area…”

“These beasts could be a form of training, it is a different kind, a much more unpredictable type…” Jakali said, his words trailing off as he looked at the creatures in the cages. He had no idea that the animals were even here, could be useful for another ‘interaction’ with the Jedi. He made a mental note then continued along, wondering what exactly Sish had planned for his apprentice and likely him as well.

Sish looked over his shoulder at Jayda. “As I said. The Jedi certainly aren’t going to watch us train. Prisoners or not it would be wise to not let them note the flaws in our styles and be ready to exploit them if they ever get the chance. There is little room anywhere else and as such, we will train here. I assume you remember the basic beginning stance of Djem So?” He turned his gaze onto Jakali. “It could be. We’ll have to find out.”

“I’ve not forgotten anything you’ve taught me to date yet to be honest. " Jayda hissed as they moved toward another room.

Her eyes scanned the place to seek out anything that seemed remotely dangerous which caused her to note the entrance they just came through and the one ahead, both clearly used a long time ago. At the center was the same image she had been seeing all over the ship, including the coloring pattern. Her boots softly treaded over the carpet and toward the middle though her hand held to her weapon, ready to pull it at a moment’s notice, before coming to the center and twisting about slowly to face her unwanted ‘partner’.

She inhaled deeply as she always did for a sparring lesson. The zabrak spread her feet at shoulder width apart and her torso twisted her right side forward and set her lightsaber at an angle across it. It was a basic, though firm, opening stance for Djem So. Her eyes calmly settled over the apprentice where she waited for his reaction. She paused only a moment to speak to Sish. “Satisfied?”

Sish smiled. “Good. You can learn and remember. You just might survive this ship.” Sish eyed her stance critically. Finding nothing wrong he stepped in front of Jayda, activating his own lightsaber and taking the Djem So beginning stance as well. “You’re not fighting the apprentice quite yet. After all, I don’t want him to kill you because you don’t know how to fight properly.” Sish lashed out with a horizontal sweeping strike. It wasn’t his full strength, and she would notice that, as he didn’t want to overpower her. He wanted to encourage her to follow the necessary requirements of Djem So. The opposite of Soresu.

“I wouldn’t kill her, just leave a reminder of her failing” Jakali said, a sneaky grin on his face as he stood off to the side, his own lightsaber in his favored hand unignited. He was either waiting for Sish to order him to step in or to try a surprise move against him, but his guard was high at the moment, even over the sounds of training and the stench of dirty caged creatures. His finger was on the button that would ready his weapon for combat at a moment’s notice.

Without thinking about it, her body adjusted to Soresu’s blocking style before she could prevent it. Her fingers tightened and her blade moved up to catch Sish’s red blade, knocking the blade away with a hiss while pushing it away. Unlike with Djem So, she didn’t pulled back for a counter attack like she should’ve. Her blade held tightly to her side, brought back automatically as she let out a soft, inaudible hiss. Though her face was calm, mentally she berated herself and readied for the lecture. Though he would likely know she messed up in the end.

Sish ignored the apprentice’s comment, instead narrowing his eye at Jayda as she immediately slipped into Soresu and deflected. “No. You’ve got the base defense down, but you need to counterattack. Immediately counterattack. Djem So is about controlling the battle, always pushing your opponent back, not waiting your opponent out. Wearing them down through solid defense might work against non-Force users and some Jedi, but a competent lightsaber duelist will simply find a way to force you to attack, or even just bypass lightsaber combat entirely and use the Force against you. Again. This time parry and riposte. Take advantage of the opening you left.” As soon as Jayda was again in the Djem So stance, he attacked a vertical slice this time.

Jayda gritted her jawline but obeyed. Her body moving back and once more taking up the position of earlier, her eyes watching Sish’s blade. He darted in with another quick lash at her head. She whipped up her blade as she cocked it, catching the length and her legs taking the weight. Jayda pushed upward, tossing the blade away then twirled her blade to attack at his side just when his blade pushed up. This time she was forcing herself not to slip back into Soresu but her body struggled to disobey her, habit set by years of defensive training. So when her blade met flesh or Sish’s blade, there was little force behind it to prevent much trouble deflecting.

“Good!” Sish said as he snapped his own lightsaber back to easily, too easily, deflect Jayda’s own blade. Rather than strike back, however, he tsked in disappointment. “You’ve at least counter attacked, though I wonder if I should go slower. I think I might be going too fast for you, judging from that pathetic attempt at a riposte. I wonder if that Jedi you captured just laid down and injured you through luck alone? He must have, if this is how you fight. Again.” Sish waited until she was back in the stance, then launched a horizontal strike at her right side.

The apprentice inhaled again, her eyes tightened. She didn’t reply. Her mind trying to sink into the rhythm of combat and fell into her stance, just when Sish moved into to attack. Snapping up her blade while holding her handle at her waist, she blocked the attack. She jerked it to the right and pushed the blade away, then jerked forward. Aiming for the Trandoshan’s waist she made a horizontal cut with a little more strength while denying her body its desire to default back into Soresu Her attack was still weak but managed to improve slightly. Showing she was learning and trying to alter her basic body’s memory, a challenging and difficult task for her.

Sish smiled as he brought his blade to clash against Jayda’s pushing it back before launching his own counter attack, diagonally going upwards from the ground towards her right hip.

Jadya had expected Sish to stop instead of counter, her body resisting her attempt to react with Soresu. The lizard smirked causing her neck hairs to shiver as he redirected his attack. She barely blocked it when her blade came about using the energy pooled in the movement. She felt the tip burn into the clothing and flesh before roughly shoving it back away. Her hands were never taken off her lightsaber but her teeth biting back a scream, her leg widened at feeling pain bolt through the nerves.

She made a subtle snarl. “Bastard…”

Just then Jakali ignited his lightsaber and launched forward, swinging his weapon towards Jayda in a surprise attack with no ill intent. He wanted to see how she reacted, if she didn’t at all, or did poorly then she would get injured, not lethally, but painfully. He aimed for her leg on the side where she held her weapon.

Jayda jerked her head to the right a bit just to spot Jakali. His hand with his lightsaber and aimed at her right, his blade edging for her leg. Without a single thought, she released her hold over controlling her actions and fell into Soresu’s naturally speed and purpose: Defense. Her body movements become more fluid and her hands jerked to the side, bring her weapon to sweep low and across her feet. It immediately clashed with Jakali’s blade then pushed it away. Her teeth snarled in defensively, showing her pointed teeth as her features taking on a feral look.

Sish flicked his wrist, using the force to slam Jakali into the nearby wall. “Maybe I didn’t make myself clear, Apprentice. You are only going to enter this duel when I give you leave to. You’re not here to launch a sneak attack on my apprentices or attempt to cripple them. You’re here to help train her, if I deem you skilled and intelligent enough to do so. Do we understand each other?”

“I was only making sure she did not have her guard down, even in a more casual setting like this. I am glad to see she blocked my attack with precision, I would never try to intentionally harm or cripple your apprentice, my lord, That would only complicate the mission which is not something any of us would want I imagine,” Jakali said, as he looked up at the reptilian and blinked. “I understand you, my lord,, if you call on me to help in here training then I shall, if you do not then I will be a silent bystander.”

Jayda was still edgy as her eyes narrowed on the man and stepped away to pull more distance between them. Her posture only became more defensive when Sish sent the apprentice back into the wall and held him there. The lizard spoke in an acidic tone while he chided the man, disappointed in his approach then watched the demeanor shift into a submissive one. It did little to ease Jayda. Her mind was already refusing to listen, set in determination to survive, and wouldn’t yield over to Djem So. Teeth still snarling, she watched the scene and tried to calm herself.

Sish looked over at Jayda and tsked impatiently, ignoring Jakali’s poetic words. “Do you see what you’ve done?” He asked as he used the force to pick Jakali up and slam him into the ground. He was ‘teaching’ Jakali now and it wasn’t a painless lesson. Giving the Sith little time to react he slammed Jakali into the wall. “It’s going to take her forever to calm down now and let herself listen and learn.” Like a ping ball, Jakali went into the wall next to him. “Explain to me why I shouldn’t just kill you.”

Jakali shut his eyes as he hit the wall hard, grunting in pain. He tried his hardest to channel the Force into an old technique he used in the past, but not for a while. Crucitorn, just as he was about to focus on it he was chucked into another wall next to the ugly brute.

“Because you would never have heard what I walked in on your apprentice doing before. I’ll give you a hint, it was not torture.” Jakali said, his voice calm as he tried to perfectly recall his previous encounter with Jayda in the medical room. “Something more Jedi like.” He added.

Jayda’s eyes snapped back to the bastard’s words. Her teeth still bared and knuckles tightened about her weapon, her mind still buzzing after the attack. A deep instinct cried out to silence the threat as she managed to take a single step. Her throat found words and spoke them. “Shut up. You don’t don’t know what the fuck I was doing or why.”

Sish glanced at Jayda. “Oh?” She spoke up before he could make anymore comments, and Sish grinned. “I think she may have something to say about that.” With another gesture, he sent Jakali skidding across the floor to Jayda’s feet. He said nothing else and simply stared at Jayda, waiting for her reaction.

“Do it then. I’m not gonna grovel or beg. It’s one of the most Sith things you can do, striking down another Sith in an act of pure emotion right in front of a grinning master,” Jakali said, as he glanced up at Jayda, his expression oddly calm. “Play right into his claws.” Jakali added in a whisper.

Jayda eyes flashed with clarity for a brief moment at seeing Sish fling the apprentice. Her posture tensed in both fury and realization, her eyes fixed on the man being tossed at her feet. Her head pulled up to look at Sish’s expecting glare. He wanted her to kill the sith as her attention redirected back to Jakali’s fallen figure, his expression calm and sober. His words echoed in her head causing her emotions to stir and mingle with her desire not carry out Sish’s wish, her anger for being put into this position rising. This better fucking work… She thought for a moment then raised her lightsaber to strike down. Her heart jerked at her arms and froze them in place.

Sish stared at Jayda as she hesitated, contempt all over his features. “If you don’t do it, I will ensure that he goes through everything you went through in one night. You survived it, barely. Your human friends on Tattooine didn’t last long. How long do you think this crippled human will last?”

It was a second, deep and dark, that fear filled the zabrak’s eyes. Her face turned toward Sish then back to Jakali, inhaling against her resistance as she gripped her weapon tighter. Without a ridge movement, she pushed her arms down to strike at Jakali’s head and split him from head down.

Jakali’s eyes were on the ground for a moment before he spotted something in the corner of his eyes, not too far from where he was, his lightsaber. As the woman above him hesitated he extended an arm towards it, using the Force to pull it over. He caught the weapon and flicked it on, the red blade shooting out as he raised it above himself, making contact with Jayda’s own lightsaber and pushing upwards with all his strength as he did. It seemed the Sith lord in the room had forgotten to pick up the working weapon, or he knew the situation might have occurred.

He channeled the Force once more, feeling it shimmer throughout his body as he felt the rush of worthwhile combat for the first time in a long time. With a grunt he used his years of training in Ataru in order to launch himself upwards, above Jayda, his weapon in hand as he moved into a frontwards flip. He felt his feet land behind her, then charged towards her, exhaling as he swung powerfully into her. Not holding back at all, his emotions powering his attack.

A counter in a position as Jakali was in was the last thing she expected, his hand gripping his lightsaber suddenly and blocked her attack. Her left foot was sent back a step and her eyes widened in surprise, still keeping her balance despite his strength. Heat floated in her eyes while he rose up in her weakness, his figure flipping about then landing behind her. Already her hearts pounded in union and her senses worked to keep track of the man, his scent stronger and closer than any of the animals within the area. Her head jerked about to spot where he landed over her shoulder.

His blade slashed from a lower angle at her calf area causing her to swing her blade to intercept it. Her arm swung low as her foot stepped forward, her waist twisted to bring her blade around to protect her calf. She stopped it mid swing then jerked around to meet him on the other side, fully turning herself around. Her mind focused on the Soresu style which focused on defense. She brought her lightsaber back in tight to cover her zones and her eyes scanned for his posture and position. her body was alert and ready though it seemed eerily…calm.

“All defense. Do you just wait for your opponents to get bored and fall asleep?” Jakali taunted, as he took a step back, in the typical Ataru form as he watched Jayda carefully. Then he was forward again, his weapon shimmering as he launched himself back at her, a powerful swing from the left side.

Jayda didn’t reply, her mind lost in focus, and seemed not to hear him making little jabs at her. She had been brought to face him while he hopped backwards then shot forward. He aimed at her left and her hand jerked to guard her flank while keeping her handle low. The blades locked, her foot pushed forward, their plasma lights hissing in close quarters and felt the weight of her strength edge into her defense. Her father’s teachings echoed in her head. She could see herself as child, young and eager to push herself past her limits just gain his approval. Not that she needed to.

Jakali pulled backwards, then lunged once again, this time with a different tactic than before, to keep her moving, eventually if he kept the pressure up with unpredictable attacks then she would fault. He launched several quick swings, trying to bombard her, using the Force to enhance his speed as he swung from different angles, putting his entire body into it.

The zabrak’s arms whipped up to block the lightsaber, sparing her what she assumed was the worse. She whipped up to save her hip then flowed right about to counter a blow aimed at her shoulder, then her neck. Sadly it was a blow to her upper arm to score, sizzling through the clothing and into her bare skin. Jayda screamed, bring her out of her focus. Her voice rippled through room and lowered her defense for a split second, an opening to end the fight.

Jakali smiled as one of his attacks landed, scorching Jayda. As she screamed he used the Force to push her back, using the hand his lightsaber was not held in. He wasn’t going to kill her, he had already done enough, if her master wanted that done then he would have to do it himself, Jakali had just showcased his dominance. He kept his hand raised and pressed her against the wall as he turned back around to where her master was, and waited, his lightsaber still in his other hand. One more movement and he could choke the life out of her, but she was immobilized enough.

Sish sighed in disappointment. With careful, controlled, steps he walked past Jakali and to Jayda, taking her lightsaber. He grabbed her arm and spoke softly. “You’ll come quietly with me, or this will get messy.” Louder, he spoke to Jakali. “Drop her, apprentice.”

“As you wish my lord. She is hurt pretty badly, seems the crippled human still has some bite to him.” Jakali said, a grin on his face as he released his grip on her, his lightsaber still in hand, though he had turned it off, he was surprised the brute didn’t try to attack him, but it still could occur so he still clenched the weapon in his hand, his eyes on the reptilian.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

~| 21:20-21:25 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Sith Arena Area: Sish, Jakali, & Jayda |~

Sish grinned as he dropped Jayda. He turned around and started walking towards Jakali. His lightsaber out and ready. “Respect, I find, is something that has to be beaten in. Wouldn’t you agree?” Half way to Jakali Sish used Force speed, becoming a black and green armored blur. Once he was upon the apprentice, he slammed a hammer blow towards Jakali’s head.

Jakali let out a deep scream as soon as he noticed the reptilian turn into a blur through Force, he too used the Force, amplifying his intense outburst as noise emitted from his mouth, if he has put just enough power behind it then he would have been able to stun the Sith lord enough to get on evener ground. He could feel his own body shake as well as the air around him as he screamed, his finger inadvertently pressing the button on his own weapon, the blade once again blasting out. He moved it in front of him in a defensive maneuver.

Sish didn’t pause in his advance, wincing as the scream clawed at his ears. The familiar disorientation settled in, Force Bellow being a favored tactic of Jedi. Especially Ithorians. His grin didn’t shift, however, as his blade slammed against the apprentice’s, sliding the human backward. Giving the human no time to capitalize on his disorientation, Sish used his strength and force enhanced speed to whip another slice at jakali’s left side this time.

Jakali managed to block the blow, he was still not in a good position. The brute was a far superior fighter to him, though he absolutely hated to admit it. He wouldn’t be able to beat him with his own lightsaber skills, he’d need to think outside of the box, or in this case the room they were in, where there were ferocious creatures locked up right outside of. He just needed to get there. Instead of going for an attack he used the Force to blast himself into the air, aiming right for the doorway, which was open. As he landed he used the Force to sprint out as fast as he could move.

Sish snarled in fury as Jakali ran from him. “Brave words for a coward!” He roared, following the indistinct form of the apprentice. The disorientation kept him from focusing enough to use the force to slam Jakali back to him, but he could feel control slowly beginning to return. He was almost on top of Jakali as he began using his own force to sprint away, towards the animal cages. Sish flung out a blast of force lightning in Jakali’s direction.

Jakali swung his lightsaber behind him as he sensed the lightning, he couldn’t slow down, that would only end badly. He needed a plan to get away from the brute, as he continued running, sprinting the more fitting title. If what that monstrosity did to Jayda was bad enough, he couldn’t, or didn’t want to imagine what it would do to him. He rounded a corner and spotted the elevator, with all of his remaining energy the tired Sith used the Force to push himself forward, bounding towards the elevator, he practically dove for the elevator, his hands reaching for the doorway, one of his hands seeking the button to close the door as he yanked himself inside.

Sish made another sound, more animalistic than sentient at this point, as Jakali blocked his lightning. He drew on the force to keep enhance his speed once more. If he couldn’t knock the human to the ground, would run him down. He practically ran over the human as he dove into the door, unable to stop his head long charge and not really thinking that he should. He grinned an insane, bloodthirsty, grin as he used the force to press the button to close the door, cracking the device. His lightsaber flashed down to impale Jakali.

Jakali had his own lightsaber on as the reptilian entered. He was hit like a rock and was on the ground, the reptilian above him. The lightsaber came down, Jakali’s own out of hand, he tossed himself to the side, the weapon hitting his cape and cutting right through it, like paper. Then Jakali launched forward, his robotic arm going upwards towards Sish’s face while he tried to press Sish’s arm carrying his weapon against the wall. He viciously dug his robotic fingers into Sish’s face, going right for the remaining organic eye.

Sish reacted purely out of instinct rather than intelligence, snapping his jaws open to accept the hand and biting down as hard as he could. Pain flooded through his body as he felt more than one tooth crack and break on the metal arm. His free hand immediately went to said arm, claws digging into it.

But the pain also brought some form of clarity. Sish ignored the metallic taste and grasping fingers of the hand, his other arm instinctively pushing against Jakali and winning. Doubtless the apprentice would notice that while Sish wasn’t moving his arm forward, neither was his arm being driven backwards. With a casual flick of his wrist, Sish brought his lightsaber up towards Jakali’s unprotected body.

Jakali felt no pain as his robotic arm was decimated, it was replaceable, if he managed to escape the terrible situation then he could get another. He desperately fell downwards and to his side as he felt the lightsaber singe into him. As he went down he saw his lightsaber, through the pain he reached out with his organic hand and pulled it towards him, feeling a strange sensation downwards as he realized he had lost another limb, his leg. As soon as he could get his hand on his weapon he ignited it and swung downwards towards the reptilian’s uncovered feet, an all too familiar sensation hitting the already amputee Sith.

Sish tried to grin through the robot hand in his mouth, no doubt failing. As he saw the human reaching for his lightsaber, Sish checked his forward momentum started when the human let go of his arm and it sliced through Jakali’s leg. It was a simple matter to swing his lightsaber quickly down to block the blade, and then slice it up to cut through Jakali’s wrist and chest. Sish dropped the lifeless corpse, spitting out more than a few teeth with the robot hand. Blood mixed with saliva dripped down his chin and he absentmindedly wiped it away, reaching down to pick up Jakali’s lightsaber and clip it onto his belt.

He walked back into the arena looking to see Jayda where he had left her, lightsaber in her hand. “Get up and follow me.” He took a few more steps before pausing as he realized she was hesitating. “Do not make me get you.” His voice was filled with quiet, menacing, warning.

She followed, at safe distance, and they left.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| 21:25- 21:45 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Arena Area: Sish & Jayda|~

Sish walked into his room, Jayda stopping at the doorway entrance. She looked wary. As well she should. He thought, gritting his teeth. He force pulled on her lightsaber, naturally drawing her attention to it, before yanking her entire body forward and attempting to grab the hand with her lightsaber in it, and around her throat.. “Perhaps I’ve been too lax in my lessons.” He hissed.

Jayda’s hearts were racing when she attempted to back up, her hand feeling a tug which caused her head to look down. Then she was feeling him jerk her forward. She tried to dig her heels in and resist but it was pointless. His claws came about her throat, cutting off her airway, as she reached up her hand to stop it choking her. Fear filled her eyes for the first time in a long while. Instinctively she snarled and tried to pry his claws off her throat, her nails digging into his wrist and her feet dangling off the ground.

She managed to gasp out a reply though her tone was unsteady. “I won’t break…”

Sish snarled, slamming Jayda into the ground, a knee on top of her to keep her in place, while keeping her lightsaber hand firmly pinned. “I don’t want you to break, I want you to learn you stupid fucking girl. You hesitated. I had to turn it into a mercy killing for you to strike and by that time he had already defended himself. Do you know why you lost to him? Because you’re weak. You cling to Jedi training and other Sith will sniff that out and turn you into their little bitch. Fighting like the ones imprisoned doesn’t help you win.”

Sish released her throat and brought his claw to her face. Gently, on her cheekbone, he dug the claw in until it reached bone. Then he slowly began tearing downwards, ruining the tattoo that remained. “You can’t stop this. You rely too much on weak Jedi tactics.” He spoke kindly, almost cooing.

She bit her tongue, her eyes glaring in full hatred through squinting eyes when the memories started. Her breath knocked from her, she couldn’t recover fast enough to prevent him from pinning her and instead felt the pain ripple through her spine when he slammed her down. Jayda’s legs tried to reach up to push him away but his knee rested into her stomach, holding her down. Her hand jerked as she tried to move it and protect herself only to fail. When he clawed her face, her eyes shut feeling the surface give away to the laceration running from her face edge to her ear. She jerked violently at the action making it clear his marring of what little remained of her tattoo had gotten to her. His tone raked across her mind and settled into a cold, numbing part of her brain.

Instinctively her free hand lashed out. His face, still grinning, jerked back as her nails scored across his jaw. It didn’t faze him in the least it seemed while his grin remained. She managed stir the words to speak at his earlier accusation. “I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. I’ve never met a single Jedi until I met you, now get off!”

She adjusted her aim for his throat as she leaned her shoulder higher, bring her arm closer.

Sish didn’t react to the claws scraping across his jaw. "Is that all the weakling has? No wonder you can't stop me from doing whatever I please." His claw kept slowly tearing down, ruining her tattoo.

His eyes narrowed as she denied it, and he fell back on a familiar human curse. “Bullshit. You were trained by a Jedi. I know how they work, I’ve killed enough of them that their style’s are engraved into my memory.” He forced her hand back to the ground with the Force before it could reach his throat, quickly lifting and crushing it beneath her other hand to pin them both.. His clawing sped up, going down her neck and too her collar bone. With a quick, savage, movement he ripped the clothing covering her shoulder and arm, and began maring the tattoo even more there as well.

“If you weren’t clinging to the Jedi ways, you would be able to stop me. As it is, I’ll claw ever last piece of your identity away, until there’s nothing left but a blank slate to work on. To make you stronger.” He spoke in that same soft and kindly tone as he slowly cut through the tattoo.

Sish’s words mocked her inside then denied her words speaking the truth. His figure didn’t even flinch as his claw finished its work, exposing the off white cheekbone to the air. It was bleeding well and started to stain her face, dripping down her human tone skin. Now infection was the problem as her hand was ripped by his force ability, her mind trying to deny it. Already being drained from the fight with Jakali, she was vulnerable and the bastard knew it. She jerked her wrists, both pinned to her right side, while new blood spilled over her neck to her shoulder.

She had to get out of here. Her hearts thumped harder, threatening to burst her ribs now when she knew there would be no help or aid from any on this ship. They wouldn’t get involved and she would die, just like the idiot apprentice that provoked Sish. The lizard’s accusations melted in her awareness and realising why the lizard had quickly turned sadistic. In his mind, his view, she had almost become what he hated most. A Jedi. If he had viewed her being as such then it would’ve gotten her killed. In the end, this was the price for her carelessness around Sish and she was going to suffer for it if she didn’t stop it. The only thing that was sparing her from a quick death was the fact he didn’t see her to be a total loss.

“I don’t fucking know what you’re talking about!” She practically screamed. “If I was fucking Jedi trained then why, why wasn’t I trained at a temple? Why didn’t I ever fight you on a battlefield rather than being on my homeworld! You found me on the place I wa born and raised, among my family. Jedi don’t have families! I was trained by my father, no Jedi.”

Sish opened his mouth to snarl something back only to pause. An understanding dawned on his face and he began to laugh, even as she attacked again.

Adrenaline edging into her veins, Jayda expanded her head to a side angle and sank her teeth into his wrist, the only exposed flesh. His bitter, nasty blood filled her taste almost making her fight the gagging impulse. A dirty tactic she loathed though if worked, it was worth it. It would at least cause pain and distract him, her fingers reached outward with the force. She had to get him off her so she could get some distance, either kill him or live another day. She rattled the drawer from the desk, working it loose, while her teeth bite deeper into his wrist to keep his attention on her. His laughter was drowning her hearing but she ignored it.

“I get it now!” He hissed as Jayda dug her teeth into his wrist. “A rogue Jedi! Someone who clung to the Order’s ways, but not to their rules. It all makes sense. He never told you? That’s funny. No wonder I didn’t find you before I found your brother. He taught you to hide it well did he?”

Jayda’ eyes flared in panic when Sish started, worried he figured out her ploy. Her body relaxed and teeth dug deeper when she heard the rest of his words. It only fueled her bite into his skin. Canine sliced into the tendons, ripping into the veins, filling her mouth with crimson blood. Her body was hurting from the posture he forced her into while her fingers kept reaching for the drawer. It managed to work loose and in one jerk of her unarmed hand, she sent it smashing into Sish’s side hard. Not bothering to see if it hit, she jerked her hips with all her energy toward her pinned hands then started to kick her heels upon the floor to wiggle out.

Sish jerked in surprise as the drawer hit him, his clawing stopped as he yanked that hand back to defend against the expected attacker. His movement gave Jayda enough room to start wiggling her way free. “I don’t think so.” He snarled again. His free, unbitten, hand grabbed the base of her larger horns. His claws dug into get purchase and he applied force lightning while jerking his wrist out of her mouth.

Jayda made a muffled scream, her body seized when Sish sent lightning through the sensitive nerves on her horns. Smoldering flesh was smelt as she kicked in her reaction, unable to control it. Her teeth felt his wrist ripped from her fangs while her canines took at least a chunk from it. Her arms tried to curl against her body and her legs twitched until the lightning stopped. She was breathing heavily, the scream dying on her lips, when the pain dulled even a bit. Her head still held down, pinned by his claw gripping it and leaving it tender. She pushed her wounded cheek deeper into the cold metal floor, letting the new hurt overwhelm the one aching at her temple, her still screaming voice dying with a choke in her throat.

Sish grinned as she screamed, his teeth still bloodied from biting onto Jakali’s robot arm. “Try not to forget this lesson. Next time I’ll rip your horns out of your skull. ” He let go of her horn and grabbed her by her braided hair, before speaking in that kind tone again. “Now, it’s time for you to rest.” In one swift, brutal motion he picked her head up and smashed it onto the floor. He did it again. And again. By this time, the Zabrak was unconscious and he let her go, experimentally moving his hand where she had sunk her teeth in. It would heal and he could still use it. Just not very well.

Sish got up and walked to the dresser where Jayda had thrown his drawer, opening one he pulled out basic medical supplies. Returning to her he set about patching up the wounds she had with a surprising tenderness. It wasn't enough to actually repair damage, but it was enough to prevent her from bleeding out.

The Trandoshan paused as he sensed another Sith outside the door to the room. With long, furious, strides he went to the room’s door and yanked it open. Zanna had enough time to open her mouth in an attempt to explain herself, and then a clawed hand was around her throat. She was lifted several inches off the ground while his other hand quickly and neatly yanked her lightsaber from her belt and tossed it behind her.

“What the fuck are you doing skulking outside my door?” He snarled. Zanna made a few choking noises, and he released his crushing grip ever so slightly. “N-Nothing my lord!” Zanna choked out. “I heard screaming and thought Jayda would need help.” She spoke even more hurriedly as Sish’s eyes narrowed, almost tripping over her words as she babbled on.. “Jayda and I are training each other! She trains me in lightsaber combat and I train her in force abilities! I need her!” Sish looked back at the unconscious Jayda before staring at the terrified eyes of Zanna. “Just a reminder.” He said softly, placing a claw just above her eye. It dug in down to the bone as he continued, dragging it all the way down beneath her eye and to the bottom of her face. Zanna would have screamed if not for the claws crushing her windpipe. “Be very careful with how you teach her.” He threw her back down the hall.

“Leave. Come back for your training later.” Zanna nodded her acceptance, whimpering in pain as she brought a hand to her face to check the damage. As his back turned to gather his charge, the terrified whimpering turned to pure hatred and anger as she gathered her lightsaber and slipped away.

Sish gathered Jayda gently into his arms, taking her to her room and settling her in her bed as comfortably as he was able. His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. The Red Sith. She had been in here recently. Lets see if she notices her unwelcome visitor.He put the Zabrak in her bed and pulled the covers over her. For a moment he gently rested a claw on her forehead. Then he turned and left the room, turning the light out and closing the door behind him. He had prisoners to torture.

A grin crossed his face. I’ve only met one after all.

Zanna waited until Sish was long gone before heading back into the Apprentice rooms and looking at Jayda. She touched a careful finger against her new wound, doubtlessly going to scar, hissing in pain. “You’d better be worth this effort…” With that, she dug the blue alchemical substance out from the bed, pulled back the covers and undressed Jayda, applying what remained of it to the worst wounds.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

~|(19:07-20:32-- GST) |~
~|Prisoner Block, Aboard the Kaggath |~
~|Tolun Fi and Xid|~

Shortly after the Sith troopers departed with their prisoner, Tolun Fi had brought Xid back to the medbay and had ordered him to lay down on the examination bench as he searched the lab for equipment to use. As far as things went, the facility was pretty sparse, and anything resembling surgery was completely out of the question. It was likely what the kolo tank was for, assuming things went catastrophically bad for one of the prisoners, and the Sith likely had their own facility that could be theoretically used in worst-case scenarios. It was theoretical, because there wasn’t likely any real drive to keep all of the Jedi alive. Some would ultimately be deemed expendable.

The kaminoan found a sonar scanner and set it on a tray next to the bench as he started his examinations, ignoring the grunts of pain from Xid as he probed the sensitive spots. “Well, the good news is nothing is broken.” he announced, reaching for the sonar. “With any luck, they’ll simply be bruised and not fractured or cracked.” he said, beginning to set up the machine. “You did an exemplary job seeing to Nazca. It is nice to see you retained some of the things I taught you.”

Xid tried not to wiggle, though it seemed little had changed when to came to his threshold for, pitiful low for a Jedi in his opinion, and he merely gritted his teeth until it was over. Inhaling through his nose while Tolun finished up and delivered the news. Though sadly, Xid couldn't help but hear a small voice in the back of his head whisper. No broken bones this time at least.

"I get the feeling the next time I won't be so lucky." Xid admitted and smirked, half heartedly at the thought. "Do we have anything that could be used for worse cases or do I need to ridge something together?"

Unsure for now how he would do that, Xid still looked forward to the challenge and knew it would keep him same at least. "So far the security system is basic at best. Not extras that my Mechu Deru can detect. Which means they can be sliced with the right skills. Shiri and Nazca, though I need to make her hand for it, can likely create a loopback feed of any key room. Though we have to be careful."

“From a cursory glance, there’s not much that can be used for anything invasive or for more serious injuries. Puncture wounds and lacerations and other exposed wounds I can work with with what we have, but past that, it will come down to a lot of creativity and possibly desperate actions.” Tolun Fi replied, pleased he managed to not only activate the machine and find a full charge, but its navigation and display were all in common. He set the machine over the area where Xid seemed to respond in pain the most and moved it slowly and deliberately around, checking the terminal for any signs of damage, listening to Xid as he worked.

“You’ve been busy, I suppose I should have expected you to have put your talents to good use already. I was speaking to the others about our course of action, and you came up as a key person, given your aptitude with machines. I was going to inquire if you were capable of overriding the lifts, as a matter of fact. Once we figure out the Sith’s general schedule, we could use it to send scouts to get a layout of the ship and help plot an escape, and find what equipment we need to do so.” He clucked his tongue as he thought he found a small crack in one of Xid’s ribs, but it was simply the display taking longer to update.

“You think you can make a proper hand for Nazca with whatever we can salvage? I’m inclined to think we should wait until she’s off ship and we can get to a proper facility for that sort of thing. Besides, the Sith won’t be very accommodating once they realized what you had to have taken to get the materials to craft even a crude arm.” Tolun Fi said, looking up to look Xid in the eyes. The message was clear; be careful with what you do, because the Sith would not take kindly to their prisoners taking initiative, especially once they find out one of them is a mechanical savant.

"First off, depends on the lift type. If I've encountered it then it will be a breeze and take only a few minutes when I get the panel off. Sadly if I don't know it, we'll need me and a slicer to slice in. We'd have to work together and well or else we could end up sabotaging each other." Xid said then winched when Tolun pressed the machine to his exposed torso. His flesh twitched and jerked, shivering from the contact.

He inhaled and continued. "The bad part Tolun Fi, I know what you're thinking. It's a little late. The Trandoshan ended up coming across me while I was patching up a few droids before he and an ally of his," Xid used the term loosely while he moved on.

"...captured me. Not to mention I'm not going to standby and do anything while my allies are being hurt. I can't as you well know. I hate being helpless or seeing someone suffer in front of me. Not to mention I think a third sith, or possibly the same one, already knows when I sent a blaster shattering into a wall."

“That’s unfortunate.” Tolun Fi said, completing his inspection and setting the machine aside. “You can sit up, nothing major, although your third and fourth rib have very minor stress fractures that unfortunately can’t be addressed. They’ll hurt for a while, but it shouldn’t impede your movement once you start to heal. Just roll the other way if people start kicking you in the chest.” he said, finding a stool to sit on. “We’ll figure things out as we go, but it would seem we lost the element of surprise, but it was only a matter of time before they discovered your Mechu Deru.” he exhaled slowly, collecting his thoughts. Xid was stubborn, as usual. He could get rather emotional when people and machines alike got so broken they couldn’t be fixed.

“I am aware of your predisposition towards selfless help, but you need to consider that you might be everyone’s best chance at escaping. That may mean staying your hand when you feel you must strike. I have spent many, many years traversing the galaxy to convince people not to kill each other and countless innocents besides, and the one constant is there is never a clean or easy solution. I have made some very difficult choices, permitting the expenditure of some lives to benefit the greater whole. The Jedi always try to be selfless and never turn their backs on those in need, but it’s a juvenile sentiment that does not coincide with the reality of the galaxy. You must be willing to give a life if it can save others, and unfortunately, that is the scenario we face. Now, what do you know of the Sith you have encountered?”

"Now you sound like Him." For the first there was unexpected bitterness and possibly strong dislike when Xid answered. "Do not think of the method but the result. Something I refuse to believe is what I have to do, it is what makes Jedi different than others. Besides, logically I can teach others how to build a lightsaber and what to look for. The only problem is the crystal but a blaster, while not the best choice, one can substitute for a lightsaber. It just won't hold for very long against a real one. The only issue is direction when we get out."

Xid paused long enough to lift himself upright, rubbing away the stiffness from laying down. "As for the sith I encountered... Do you want my observations in less... Mechanical terms?"

“Him?” Tolun Fi inquired, curious. “It might also be a tall order to obtain a blaster, unless one were to access the armoury, which may not be feasible, and people tend to notice their blasters are missing when they go to sign them out. And no, convey your observations as you find comfortable. We’ve worked together long enough that I’ve acclimatized to your world view. Continue.”

"He was a prisoner I met on a republic owned planet. Let's just say not all scars I have are physical from being Sela's padawan." Xid replied, his hands gripping his tunic while they fisted at the memory. His eyes had turned down and avoided Tolun's gaze before turning quickly onto the better subject.

"The Trandoshan is a killing machine by nature. Specializing in brute strength and speed, he is best in combat. Cruel and sadistic, his tactics seem to be mostly dependent on his prey. My calculations aren't suitable as I didn't stay much a chance. Our levels differed drastically."

Xid took a breath then resumed. "Weakness for target could be the cybernetic eye, joints and I noted he didn't use a wide range of force ability. As for the other two sith the analysis is incomplete. The one who caught had managed to pin me down but I believe he had a robotic appendage and lacked the level of the Trandoshan. The first one I met officially seemed more manipulative and calm, suggest less combative skills because he had troopers accompany him. He didn't fair too well when Shiri and I engaged him. Both of us nearly got away which implicate overconfidence or lack of physical strength. He might have a cybernetic limb as well as his arm had a grinding sound. I think that's it."

The kaminoan nodded, filing the information for later. He had suspected some kind of emotional trauma had inflicted Xid, and his detached worldview of relating everything to machines was a form of coping mechanism. It was the closest Tolun Fi had gotten to a confession from the young knight. He wouldn’t press the issue, or dig up old wounds, as he needed Xid here. And Xid was a friend, it wouldn’t be proper to harm him intentionally. The remark about Master Sela was surprising. Why would he have scars from being under her tutelage? Jedi got hurt during training and on missions all the time, but mentioning her by name had to have been intentional. It was a shame she wasn’t around to speak with anymore.

His focus reigned on to focus on the Sith. The Trandoshan wouldn’t be one to be reasoned with, nor could most of his species, and it was remarkable a simple brute had managed to remain in power and favour of the Sith for so long. There had to be more to him than simple barbarism. The information he was more of a physical being than relying on the Force was definitely something interesting for later use. The mention of the robotic-armed Sith was like dipping into a warm bath, but it was excellent having an observation of his ability. “Interesting. We will have to figure something for handling the Trandoshan, especially if he is as powerful as you’ve noted. I know the second Sith you speak of, Jakali. I found it uncharacteristically commendable for the man to be willing to speak with me respectfully, with no force involved. I think perhaps you might be correct about his abilities, and maybe losing his arm had sapped his confidence. He seems to wish to convert us by convincing us of the superiority of Sith ideals, but he was willing to indulge me as I humbly corrected him. He might be a potential ally, I sense some good in him still. You did well, Xid.” Tolun Fi complimented the young man.

“Thanks. Though we could cripple him likely by sabotaging his eye, joints, and physically in some manner. Namely as he couldn’t use the force outside physically augmentation. If he can’t move well, he can’t use his force from the observations I made.” Xid stated, simply, smirking at Tolun’s praise. He liked the fact the topic shifted back away from his mention and turned toward the kaminoan. His legs slide off the table edge and seemed ready to pounce onto the floor before he caught the rest of Tolun Fi’s words.

“I suspect Darth Nyiss will want to speak with me before long, and she seems to have an interest in my scientific background. I believe she sees something of a peer in me, which is as close to a compliment as one could expect, given the circumstances. I wish to see what she wants, and I aim to try to earn a degree of trust. She mentioned having labs, and I need access to them. I might be able to do far more good for the Jedi there than in here.” he said.

Xid blinked. His mind numbed and struggling to process the information given to him, unsure where it might end up. For a lengthy time the knight was quiet and silent, his eyes lowered to the floor in thought. Finally he spoke up. “I can’t say I don’t find that slightly… worrisome, Tolun Fi. You know how dangerous that is? Are you sure she will ever truly trust you because she sees you as a peer? Gaining trust could lead into her viewing you to be a future threat and that could get you killed. Good or not, you can’t really expect me to sit around to let you risk your life over this. We’ll figure something else out.”

“Of course not, but no risks mean nothing gained. I’m prepared to sacrifice for the greater good, and that means putting myself in a compromising position. Besides, we had met once already; she was the one who captured me. Didn’t strike me as a woman who takes no for an answer.” Tolun Fi said. “I appreciate your concern, but I think you and I both know that this trip isn’t likely going to have a pleasant ending for most of us. You and I have unique skills that could make quite a bit of difference. Do you trust me, Xid? I know I shouldn’t have to ask, but this is one of those times I request you defer to my judgement… for better or worse.”

Xid sighed and gave the knight a look, one that reassured his own words. “Tolun Fi, of course I trust you. Ever since I was a youngling, I often considered your judgment better than mine. However, I can’t help but wonder one thing. Something the prisoner tried to teach me because he could see the world in the same view as I could, and that never to dwell on the means but rather aim for the goal. I started listening because it brought more progress. Slowly, it wasn’t until my trust was betrayed did I realise I had failed to see I could possibly hurt people while trying to meet that goal. Please don’t lose sight of the effects based on the methods you chose.”

“I will try not to, but sometimes you cannot avoid others getting caught in the web. Unless we act, and do what we can with what resources we have available, we risk losing everyone. Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made, Xid. I very well might be one of them, but at least it will be my choice and not the Sith’s. There’s something comfortable about controlling one’s destiny, even if only a little. Even those who perish do not face the end, but rather return to the Force, and I don’t say it lightly, but there is something beautiful and eternal about that. We all live in, after a fashion.” Tolun Fi said, rising from the stool. “When the time comes, you may not have the choice to save everyone. What will you do?”

“I’ll save who I can and die saving the rest. It’s likely better that way. What I know and have done would put more than just us in jeopardy, it would put a few planets and worse at the Sith’s fingertips. It’s better my knowledge dies with me than end up in the wrong claws or hands.” Xid added, his own figure sliding over to ease off the table. He was slightly off balance and his arm gripped the edge, trying to steady himself. “Currently the lift doors aren’t hard to open but they are covered by at least one camera. Basic as I said. If we work on it at night and someone slices the cameras, we can likely slowly manipulate the lifts to active at a key pass code that only we know. It will allow us to slip out possibly though navigation ship is another matter. I could help with my Mechu Deru but it would take time and we’d be moving slowly.”

“I think it would be wise to prepare, but not act on it until we have a plan and a layout of the ship. No sense in giving away our little secrets until we must. Keep me informed of your progress, and I’ll try to do the same for you. I’m counting on you.” Tolun Fi said, turning suddenly as he sensed a familiar and heavy presence. Standing at the lift was Darth Nyiss, alone and very confident in herself. He expression was as unnervingly pleasant as ever.

She had already collected Nazca, and when Tolun Fi emerged, she gave him a quizzical, almost amicable gaze. “Tolun dear, if you are not indisposed, I would appreciate your company now.”

“Duty calls.” Tolun Fi said to Xid, approaching the Darth. He regarded her for a moment, and the injured girl Xid had tried so hard to save. “Shall we be off, then?”

“Tolun Fi, she can’t. Nazca’s parts aren’t fixed and she could end up damaging her more. I can’t allow this.” Xid said as his eyes widened, his hand pushed gingerly off the table edge. His boot was already leading the way to block the Darth from taking Nazca, her parts not even fully fix, and likely putting himself into a terrible situation.

Tolun Fi glared at Xid imploringly, an unspoken look that demanded he stand down. It was a look Tolun Fi seldom ever had to give Xid, but this was a time where everything was on the line. “Xid, I need to you listen to me very carefully. You are being rash and are in no position to help repair Nazca if you do something that can endanger her and yourself. If you become damaged, who will repair you? There are no replacement parts or adequate facilities to keep everyone intact if you force Darth Nyiss to break them. Remember that MRI that had broken down and I had neglected to service and how we had to wait for four weeks to get the replacement parts for it? This is like that, but there are no replacement parts. It’s just us and what we have at our disposal. I will try to keep Nazca safe and intact, I need you to believe in me that far. She can still be fixed now, but that can change in an instant. Think, observe. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgement.”

Instantly, Xid froze. Inside his mind was torn between helping Nazca and obeying Tolun’s logic. However when his head turned to the kaminoan’s harsh glare, any desire to help his friend had fled under the stern reprimand. Slowly, Xid’s body leaned back into the table, his movements stopped and his head looked down in guilt and shame. For a moment he felt like a youngling again. Immature and emotional, his actions dictated by emotions. He replied in a regretful tone for his actions. “Yes, Tolun Fi.”

The consular stepped foward, putting a hand on Xid’s shoulder. Although he towered over Xid, Tolun Fi never felt Xid was beneath him. “I know it’s a hard choice to make, but I am proud of you for having made it. Your empathy and dedication to your peers is a gift that few people possess, never lose sight of that. Remember what we spoke of, and I will be back shortly.” he said, stepping away from Xid and stepping into the turbolift. As the door closed in front of him, he offered Xid a rare smile. He’d like that, he was sure.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 3 mos ago

~| 19:02-20:35 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Shiri shook her head a little at Nazca's question. "If you weren't stupid I wouldn't have as much to do in a day, at least." She fell silent as Nazca teased Xid, wondering for a second why what she said bothered her, but soon being distracted by Nazca's prod about a 'lightsaber stealing contest'. "You've already managed to pinch one?! Although, you don't have it anymore do you... Is that why you're so beat up?" She wanted to add a 'you idiot' or something to the end, but settled for just shaking her head again.

She smiled as Lea came out of the medbay and started chewing out Xid and Nazca for not resting, laughing a little as she used the Force to put Nazca on a bunk, and laughing even more at Nazca's reaction. She decided to climb up to the bunk above Nazca's, poking her head over the side and smiling at her friend before sitting cross-legged on the bunk. Her smile faded as a group of troopers came in with a Red Sith who, looked really familiar. Shiri spent the short time the woman was there in a little bit of a shock after realizing that she was the Sith who had captured her, snapping out of it as the others calmed down after the woman left.

Nazca had somehow jumped off of her bunk, but was going back to it now, and it seemed that Xid was going to get some medical attention from Tolun Fi while Lea decided to go off to the other bunk room to meditate. Not having anything else to do, Shiri started thinking about the plans that had already been made in the few hours since everyone's been awake and what has happened so far. All of them were good ideas, the one that she liked the most was the one Xid came up with, although she and Nazca were definitely going to be able to steal lightsabers easier than it would be for him to try and make one from scratch.

She sat there for a while, she didn't know how long it really was, but what stopped her thoughts was the large presence of the dark side that announced the Darth's arrival. The Sith almost immediately pointed out Nazca, and then asked in a much nicer tone of voice for Tolun to go with her too. Before Nazca could get up, or be forced to get up, Shiri jumped down from her bunk and stood protectively in front of her, the same way Nazca had stood in front of herself and Xid earlier. She spoke calmly as she stared at the Sith. "No. Way. In. Hell."

She heard Tolun Fi say something to Xid as he approached the Sith, in the back of her mind mostly. What she got from it was that he was warning Xid not to try anything stupid, to stand down, which made her want to protect Nazca even more. "You've already been through enough. Today, and forever." She said softly to Nazca before glaring even more at the Sith, paying no mind to the fact that she had no idea just what she was going to do other than keep Nazca from being taken.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~| 20:35-20:38 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

Nazca, who had been comfortably dozing in her bed(After returning Shiri's smile with a conspiratorial wink) ever since she had returned to it, suddenly sat bolt upright as someone even she could feel walked through the door. "Sith's Blood." She whispered, eyeing the Red Sith who just walked through the door. Nothing about her indicated power, aside from the fact that she walked alone into a jedi filled prison with the ease of someone out for a casual stroll. People not to attempt the 'attack to stop taking a prisoner' route on include... Nazca's eyes widened in surprise while her shoulders dropped with weariness as she was specifically pointed out to be taken by the Sith, along with Tolun.

Great. Two for one torture! This Sith is really efficient. She began getting up to go meet whatever terrible fate the woman had in store for her, when Shiri was in front of her, speaking to Nyiss. Nazca groaned in despair and carefully moved so she was facing Shiri. She couldn't help but smile at the earnest kindness in the Twi'lek's voice. It was nice to know at least one person remained who cared about what she did to herself. After all, I've killed the rest. She thought, slightly bitterly before returning to the task at hand; How to convince Shiri not to do something stupid by even her standards.

"Trust me, I've endured far worse than this Shiri. Remind me of it some time and I'll tell you exactly what 'far worse' is. Now, please forgive me for this. We do have to be cellmates for a while and I'd rather not spend that time trying to patch our friendship." As the Twi'lek's mouth opened again, Nazca suddenly drove her knee into Shiri's gut turning around as the padawan fell and moving as fast as possible towards Nyiss. Her hand reached towards the Darth's belt, near the lightsabers. "Come on Scary Sith Lady and Tolun, we have a fun day of torture ahead of us! Don't worry, I know the way to the torture block!" She purposely chose the wrong direction to the torture chambers. Maybe I'll get lucky and lose her...but I can't leave Tolun. Har'Chaak!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~| Day 1, 12:42-20:49 GST |~
~| In orbit above Korriban |~

Though it would have been easier to refit a Harrower on a planet, the stress of taking such a ship down onto a planet’s surface and then back up was simply too much. It was technically feasible to build capital ships able to endure the stress, but it wasn’t worth it. Orbital reentry was a feature unneeded. Thus the only option for refitting one was an orbital dry dock. The work could not be done as quickly, but there was no hurry, Miasa Trentax knew. Her old master had not expressed a need for the ship soon. She stood upon the observation bridge of the dry dock, smiling at the progress the slaves were making on the refits. Everything was going according to schedule. Her schedule.

of plates of the finest durasteel were being welded onto the hull, more than doubling the strength of its armor. No expense would be spared for this ship. Deep within its core, Miasa knew that the new hyperdrive thrummed, ready to propel it anywhere in the Empire and the hated republic alike. It was a veritable work of art, more powerful than any other hyperdrive she had ever seen. It was a true joy to work on a budget like this, with no expenses spared. Even at this distance, she could bask in the power of the dark side emanating from the ship. Over the past two months, hundreds of components had been imbued with the power of the Force. Once finished, this ship would be a flagship truly worthy of a powerful Sith like Darth Nyiss.

Behind her, she heard the chime of the holographic terminal. She didn’t even need to look at the naval officers clustered upon the observation bridge for them to know they should leave. There was only one who would contact her on this particular terminal. She coiled her tail beneath her torso and bowed respectfully as she triggered the button to answer the call with the Force.

“What is thy bidding, my master?” She said the moment the holographic image of Darth Nyiss stabilized, deep respect resonating through her voice.

“I have need of your presence, and your expertise.” Nyiss said in such a way as to indicate she was not to be argued with. “Your work on the Harrower will have to wait, that goal is superseded by the needs of the present. You will take a shuttle and meet me onboard the Kaggath at these coordinates. On the way, you are to construct for me an alchemically imbued robotic hand with these specifications.”

“It shall be done, Master. I will make haste and take the first shuttle.” Miasa answered, bowing her head respectfully. The hologram fizzed out and she retrieved the attached data file, memorizing its contents quickly, then uncoiling herself and leaving the observation deck. She had work to do. Much work. Very little time. She did not like it that way, but she knew better than to disobey.

Despite the clear indication from her master that she had better be there soon, Miasa saw no reason to hurry. Nothing should ever be done in haste. In all her years since first being forced to enter Nyiss’ service, she had most certainly learned that lesson. Nonetheless, she had fully packed all she thought she needed and then some before half an hour had even passed. Thankfully the shuttle’s hyperdrive was already modified, so travel time would not be too long.

Her assistants, while not her, would still do a good job with the continued refits. She slithered aboard the shuttle alone, not bringing anyone else with her. It was after all bad enough that she would not be directly in charge of the refits. She could not take away anyone else as well. Not that she needed anyone else in any case. The autopilot would be more than sufficient once the ship entered hyperspace, something she did less than a minute after exiting the hangar of the dry dock.

The rear compartment of the shuttle bore very little resemblance to the transport it had used to be. Crates of components were stacked everywhere. At the center, a large worktable stood, riddled with tools and half-finished projects she had not gotten around to completing. She pulled a large, empty crate over to the short end of the table, then shoved all the half-finished projects into it. They were irrelevant. If she needed them later, she could dig them out.

Once the table was clean, she brought online the holographic projector and started designing the robotic hand. “It is remarkable” she muttered, thinking how how the Darth normally viewed artificial limbs with abhorrence. Still, this gave her something to do in the long journey to the rendezvous location, so she would not complain.

The first step, of course, was designing a rough idea of the hand size and shape. She thought about making one with sharp spikes everywhere, but found the idea distasteful. Seeing how it was to be imbued with the Dark Side, she had a suspicion that it was meant to be for a prisoner. Her master would not bother demanding such for a mere lackey like most the other Sith were. Considering the provided dimensions, the subject was most likely female, but it was impossible to say which female among the prisoners it was. Not that it mattered. Several of them were roughly the same height and build.

She thought about the number of fingers to build. Three would be easiest, but that wasn’t much fun. Such a hand would be imprecise, barely able to use basic motor skills. Four would be more precise, with the added bonus of more closely resembling the Red Sith of old. But it would probably be best to go with the classic five. Not to mention, it would be more challenging.

Miasa smiled to herself. She liked a proper challenge. The basic framework was easy enough to design. She’d brought plenty of components for robotic limbs with her. She scrounged about in various crates, digging out fitting pieces, then placed them on the table, ready for assembly. Once she had the basic framework ready, she put it to the side, pulling open a few crates with alchemical compounds. A bit of this, a bit of that, all poured into a small transparisteel container, and she had a pale lavender semi-transparent fluid. With great care not to spill a single drop, she gently lowered the hand frame into it until it was fully submerged, being extra careful not to get any on her hands as she did. Then, after attaching a lid, she placed it on the floor in the middle of the ritual sigil upon the floor, then spread her tail exactly as she had done thousands of times before, encircling the object. Only then did she start her meditations, focusing her anger, her hatred and her fury all upon the pale lavender fluid. For the next hour, nothing seemed to happen, but she kept at it, knowing that appearances were deceiving. After an hour and a half, the fluid changed color, taking on a deep purple hue. For good measure, she sent a burst of lightning at the box, smiling as the energy flowed over the box and eventually got absorbed. The frame was ready.

It was only then she began the second stage of the construction. She poured the fluid over into another container, not intending to let it go to waste. The once-silvery gray metal of the frame was now faintly tinged with a deep blue color and gleamed in an unusual fashion. There was just a hint of darkness to it. Miasa proceeded to attach the next level of growth to it. From being a skeletal frame like found on the most basic of protocol droids, it soon looked more and more like a proper hand. She spent a full hour engraving the surface with the seemings of human skin patterns, giving it a remarkably lifelike texture. As per her master’s instructions, she installed the unusual functions into it, but made sure to keep them concealed within its shell, also as the instructions had specified.

After that, she put it back into the now-dark purple fluid, then meditated upon it for another full hour and a half, this time feeding it with patience, ruthlessness and mental fortitude. Not exactly emotions common in the stereotypical Sith, but necessary qualities for those who wished to survive. After this, the fluid had taken on a deep crimson color, almost like human blood. The hand was almost complete. The black metal of the outer shell had taken on a pale reflection of the crimson fluid, making the hand look almost human. She coated it in a thin layer of transparent material, smiling a little at how lifelike it looked. Using a few of the tools, she connected it to a computer, installing the software necessary to make it function and running a full battery of tests upon it. Other than the vicious-looking jaws at the wrist end of the hand, designed to fuse it to the wrist bones of its recipient, the hand looked almost human. Even at a distance, she could sense the faint hint of the dark side permeating its inner workings as the computer ran it through the motions of activity. All she now needed to do, was make sure it was fully operational. She carefully adjusted the nerve tendrils within, realigning them so that they should better match those of a human woman. Though robotic and mostly crafted from metal, this hand looked almost lifelike. There was just something on the side of it that gave a hint as to its artificial origins. A few lines that were off, the lack of the random texture and minuscule hairs those humans had upon their limbs.

She knew without a doubt that once attached, its owner would not readily want to detach it. She’d had the software designed to make removal extremely painful. If anything, the idea of removing it should hurt. But for all she had done, she knew such an artifact could never on its own turn a Jedi to the Dark Side where they belonged. If technology could do that, the war would already have been won. All it might do, she thought, was make someone just a hint more susceptible. And of course it would allow them to focus the energy of the Dark side in new ways. Not the way the lost hand would have been able to, but far better than a mere prosthesis could ever allow.

After cleaning up the materials she no longer needed, Miasa gently placed the construct into a small box and returned to the cockpit, where she coiled herself up and started meditating. While it had not been a quick thing to construct, it had not taken the whole duration of the journey. Only a good while later did she stop meditating, when the computer indicated that she was nearing the destination. The ship exited hyperspace, but the Kaggath had not yet arrived. Apparently she was early. Pressing a single button, she activated and dumped out the the medium-range beacon whose signal the Kaggath would know to home in on, then she went back to mediating. The ship would arrive when it arrived. She could wait.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Dark Leads

~|Onboard the Memory of Coruscant: 3 days, 19:00 GST|~

Leaving the Jedi to go their own preparations, Lyric was left alone again and so in his usual habit, he began to wander the ship. His boots threaded the metal hallways built for various 'big frame' aliens and seemed to echo back to him. Lyric's hand had long ago tossed his last ciggarra away when it finally expired, know he was going to have to make his current stash last. Already thinking about it, his hand itched to reach in for one and lite it, calming his budding jitters. Thankfully, he resisted. In the back of his mind, he could see Melloch smirking in the background at his resistance while he pulled closer to the war room. The doors hissed just when the hologram flickered to life.

In front of him was a young, recently knighted boy no older than nineteen. The hologram was shrouded in laser lights of blue hiding the true colors and casting a crude light, his face bowing to the master in rank before him. In respect, Lyric returned it as he listened to the youth speak. “Master Lyric, we’ve discover something useful that might aid you in finding our lost brethren and sisters.”

His hand moved to the side and immediately a droid outline appeared, the design strange. Lyric turned to absorb the strange droid and edged toward it, his eyes trying to mark it for identification. Sadly his mind failed because he lacked the ability, turning to the Knight to explain. Seeing the master finish examining, he continued his report while the image rotated, information not being stated flickering before the master’s eyes. Namely location sightings where the machines had been seen, the fact it was a short list helped. When the conversation ended, the hologram shut off and the master departed to retrieve the others.

~|Arrival: 3 days, 19:30 GST|~
Location: Mos Eisley, Tatooine

The Memory of the Coruscant arrived an hour later, docking upon the ship dock Mos Eisley. A bustling and rough settlement, the streets bustling full of aliens and humans alike, where Kennith’s contact was reported to be last seen. The contact was named Karile Horis, an elderly man in his late forties, and according to the Knight’s information he owned a scrap shop, stripping down and recycling old machines to be repurposed. It was here, somewhere in the city, where they had discovered the remains and information over some unique droids used during the Sacking. What made them unusual were the fact they would explode when any attempt to slice them were made and often republic and Jedi investigators were injured, unable to disarm them before they blow up.

Kennith led the way toward Karile’s shop, a shoddy and small dome like building with its location just on the outskirts. Upon approaching the building the rescuers would notice three men standing outside in the dusty scenery. Arguing with them appeared to be the contact, Karlie, as the conversation seemed to become more heated by the moment. The darker complex of the four, Karlie feverishly waved his hands about with a protest that could easily be picked up by bypassers. .

“Tell Janglor, that debt was paid! I sent it with his errand girl, Jiek. You should be talking to her, not me.”

The human scoffed, his hand lingering toward his blaster at his belt. “Don’t play with me. He doesn’t like to be seen as the fool and you’re in deep as it is, Karlie.”

None of them seemed to have noticed the Jedi approaching them.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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~|Day 1, 20:31 - 20:35 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex and adjoining corridors: Nyiss, Tolun & Nazca|~

Darth Nyiss watched and listened intently as the prisoners reacted to her presence in a variety of different ways. One cried out in protest about Nazca ‘not being fixed yet’ - a choice of words which intrigued her. Though not one of her planned test subjects she decided it might be worth taking him for a chat later. Another, a Twi'lek, decided, foolishly, to stand up to her, but before Nyiss could decide what to do to demonstrate why exactly that was a terrible idea, Nazca had kneed the girl in the gut. These Jedi were proving ever more fascinating.

No sooner had Nazca done that, than she made a dash for the door, her hand moving towards Nyiss’ belt in the process. Nyiss thought that amusing, and her own hand subtly held out the long haft of her saberstaff to Nazca as she passed. If the girl didn’t take the opportunity she’d be decidedly disappointed.

Nazca took the handle of the saberstaff, feeling her blood run cold at how easy it was. There should have been more resistance if it was still clipped to the belt. She gave me it. Why? The Jedi Youngling didn’t bother to think about it, simply shoving the the saberstaff down her pants as she rounded the corner. Hopefully they don’t do full searches. Nazca glanced over her shoulders and skidded to a stop as she saw Nyiss step out into the corridor. “Well? Are you coming? I’ve already met the Trandoshan so surely you can’t be as interested in physical torture as he is.”

Nyiss simply smiled, raising her hand to manipulate the Force. She picked Nazca off the ground by the neck, not hard enough to choke but firm enough to let Nazca know she could be choked. She then pulled the girl much closer, retrieving the saberstaff as she went, making sure they were both in view from the cell door. She placed the lightsaber in Nazca’s hand, then brought her own hand up to gently cover the girls hand, directing it such that the end of the saber was pressed to Nyiss’ breast.

“What did you think you were going to do with that?” She said calmly, but loud enough that the other Jedi would hear.

Nazca’s eyes widened in fear instinctively as she felt a grip on her throat. Fortunately, she was merely carried, the lightsaber leaving her pants seemingly of it’s own violation. Nazca couldn’t help a grin. “Sorry. You just handed it to me, what was I supposed to do?” Her eyes narrowed in suspicion and wariness as the Darth not only gave her the lightsaber back, but directed her hand to point it at Nyiss’s chest.

“I’m not sure. I figured I could give it to one of our fighters. We certainly don’t have anyone who is remotely skilled enough with tech to mess with it. So, are we just gonna both stand, well float for me, here awkwar-” Nazca suddenly pressed down on the button in the lightsaber, hoping that whatever the Sith had planned would be distracted by her mid-sentence attack.

The expression on Darth Nyiss’ face changed to one of disappointment as Nazca spoke. She let the girl babble until she built up the courage to press the button that would activate the saber straight into Nyiss’ chest.

Except when the button was pressed, nothing happened.

“You were supposed to strike me down.” She said coldly. Enough people had tried to kill her with her own saber that she had altered it to be Force activated - only she knew how to complete the internal circuits that would cause its crimson blades to spring forth. “The buttons are just for show dear.” She said quietly before pulling the weapon from Nazca’s grasp. Gripping it firmly now, she raised it for a backhand strike, still unactivated. When she swung, she timed her releasing Nazca’s neck perfectly so that the force of the blunt end of her saber striking her face would knock the girl to the ground.

Nazca sighed as the lightsaber failed to activate. “I should have known better, right? You’re smarter than the average Sith.” She gave bitter laughter at Nyiss’s words. “There’s a fine line between stupid and brave. I lost my hand trying to fight against a Sith with a regular lightsaber, I’m sure you know him robot hand disgusting attempts at charm. I have no skill with a lightsaber. ‘Striking you down’ would have been suicide unless you give me an opportunity like that.” She snorted as Nyiss spoke quietly. ”No shi-” Her eyes followed the lightsaber up. “Oh this is gonna hur-” She hit the ground hard, letting out a cry of pain.

Nazca gingerly placed a hand on her newly opened cheek wound, glaring up at the Darth. “Is there a particular reason for that or are you just a sadist like the Trandosha, Schutta?” She began picking herself up and edging backwards, hopefully drawing the Sith and Tolun with her before Shiri did something stupid.

Nyiss did not like being compared to the bruiser of a trandoshan, but she did not show the effect of Nazca’s words openly. Retaining her composure, she spoke again. “That was for not cooperating. I dont want to harm you, you are worth more to me intact. But if you are intent on being a childish nuisance, you will be disciplined like one.” She paused and clipped her saber back onto her belt, using the force to press the buttons that closed the doors and secured the prison cell. “Now get up, stop feeling sorry for yourself and follow me. We are not going to the torture chambers.” With that, she turned on her heel and started walking towards the turbolift that would bring them to her quarters.

Nazca smirked at Nyiss as she picked herself up. “I cooperated with you! You practically begged me to stab you through the chest, which I figured wasn’t going to work since you don’t seem to be stupid but hey I had to try, and I didn’t even try to run away when you walked out into the hallway. I’m anything but feeling sorry for myself at this point. You’ve only hit me once and we’re not even heading to the torture chambers. This is far better than the last session, believe me.” She followed the darth, eyeing her for a moment before speaking again.

“Do you accept requests for items to be brought to the prison? Specifically, a Holochess set and a few decks of cards would be appreciated. I can’t imagine if I go insane from boredom I’ll be worth something to you.”

Nyiss ignored Nazca initially, showing no reaction at all to her blabbering. She evidently did not get the point of what she said. Not that she really expected her to anyway. When she asked for something to do in the prison, Nyiss considered for a moment, not breaking her stride. They were supposed to suffer… But boredom wasn’t exactly the best way to turn them. And with this girls fiery spirit, a competitive game might inspire some minor vendettas… An unlikely event with Jedi perhaps, but still possible given everything they had to go through right now. “Very well. But only when you and your fellows prove you can behave. Try to steal any more lightsabers or run off and you will have to endure the boredom.”

Tolun Fi had watched the exchange passively, striding alongside in silence - a sharp contrast to the dull-witted girl who seemed to have a deathwish. He was surprised, however, when Nyiss even entertained the idea of providing things for the prisoners’ entertainment. If the Darth was feeling generous, he might as well inquire on a few acquisitions himself. “If I may, the medical facility in the prisoner block is woefully inadequate for more than basic treatment. I would be appreciative if some proper equipment, particularly for surgery, could be brought to the facility. Some of your underlings seem to be quite… hands on. I am sure you agree that the Jedi are of little use to anyone dead.” the kaminoan asked, studying the ship as he went. “I would also appreciate the opportunity to remove the alloy that’s fused to Nazca’s knuckles. We were preparing for surgery before the attack, and I rather like to keep my appointments.”

“Define ‘behave’, and how long that good behaviour must last. I’d rather not be looking forward to torture by the time you deign to give us a Holochess set and a couple decks of cards.” Nazca replied watching the hallways as they passed. Why can’t they label ‘THIS WAY TO HANGAR BAY’ for once? She thought, before turning and smiling at Tolun. “Oh, my permanent finger jewelry?” She asked, clicking the remaining rings together. “I would appreciate having them removed. They make what I do best a little more difficult.”

“Of course we can remove those ugly things.” Nyiss said genuinely, though mostly to Tolun. “They would only hinder my plans for you, and we cannot have that. As to more medical supplies… I may provide some. But supplies are limited, and you may have to make a choice.” She sighed then, a sound filled with frustration and perhaps a hint of anger. “Do not test the limits of patience or my generosity girl. Should you discover the limits, you will regret it. Now I will have silence until we arrive.”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SpiritedDream
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SpiritedDream The One Who Sleeps

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

~|Day 1: 21:38-21:53GST|~
~|Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex|~

The doors to the prison cells slid open once more with a ‘whoosh’, admitting another squad of troopers. This one was different however, as they weren’t accompanied by any Sith looking for a hapless Jedi to torture. Instead, the tall figure of a Jedi Knight was being carried between two of them, her head lolling in unconsciousness. The duo dumped her rather callously on the nearest bunk while the rest of the squad kept a suspicious eye on the captured Jedi still remaining in the rooms, weapons at the ready. They retreated quickly, disappearing back into the bowels of the ship without saying a single word either between the squad or to any of the prisoners.

Andri slowly woke almost fifteen minutes later, rolling to one side and into a kneeling position beside the bunk as her hand went for her lightsabre instinctively. The last she remembered, she had been attacked by a Dark Force practitioner while in between missions for Alaris Prime’s Academy. Now her mouth tasted like something had died in it, her head felt like a herd of eopie were stampeding through it, and her lightsabre wasn’t attached to her belt. The last one was actually a cause for concern.

The Epicanthix opened her eyes blearily, wincing as the light hit her pupils after obviously being drugged, and took in the stark room. It was crowded with bunk beds and obvious Sith décor – red and black were the prevalent colours, which did not bode well for her immediate future. ‘I – frag. Captured, obviously, and now on some sort of Sith prison ship, I guess.’ She thought to herself. The black haired woman finally pushed herself to her feet, quickly determining that there were no obvious threats to herself due to the lack of Sith or troopers in the room, and glanced around at the faces she could see staring at her, trying to match any to names she may know.

A very familiar face sent a jolt of incredulous joy through Andri, and she grabbed the post of the bunk beside her to steady herself. “Lea? By the Force, I thought you were dead!”
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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~|Day 1: 21:30 - 21:45 GST|~
~|Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex|~

The Imperial shuttle glided into the hangar gracefully, then carefully landed inside. A moment later the large door on the back of the ship lowered, as a single figure stood inside. Three soldiers had entered the hangar, as their boots clanked against the steel floor, each one with blaster rifles clenched in their armored hands. One of the soldiers, the highest ranked one moved away from the others as the door lowered. The two behind him had each went down to a knee as the figure inside the shuttle walked down towards them, every step as graceful as the one before it.

"My lord, welcome to the Kaggath. We've been expecting you." The single standing soldier said, then too followed suite and dropped to one knee.

"Please, call me Lady Lansha." Vivithe replied, a smile on her hooded face as spoke, her alluring brown eyes staring into the soldier's soul as he knelt before her.

She was upset that this was her greeting party, she expected someone other than the grunts on the ship to welcome her aboard. She could have understood if Nyiss herself hadn't welcomed her, but still, it bugged her, not enough to break through to show on her outwardly though as she moved past the soldiers before each one had gone back up on two feet to follow her out of the hangar, the shuttle fading back into the darkness of space as she walked.

"I trust that my quarters are in order?" She asked, not turning her gaze from her direct front as she moved. Her long maroon robe shifted with each step the woman took, gloved hands folded into each other in a relaxed state.

"Of course, Lady Lansha. Your quarters are located in the Sith sector, right where the two other lords reside as well as the lower Sith." The guard replied, following Vivithe through the hallway and towards her quarters. She nodded as the soldier spoke, it would be an interesting experience. Perhaps Nyiss had something in mind when she decided to group all the Sith right together. Enough snakes in one nest will turn on each other eventually.

"Thank you for telling me as well as the escort." She said, she already knew where she was going, but it never hurt to fake some caring and kindness. Then rose a hand to lower her hood, which revealed her face to the soldiers around her. She entered the lift which she had headed for from the elevator and stepped inside. As the doors closed she smiled at the soldier who had escorted her. She had work to do.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

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~| Day 1: 21:03 - 21:18 GST |~
~| Outer Rim Territories |~

The kaggath dropped out of hyperspace before Miasa had even meditated for a quarter of an hour, though it dropped out some distance from her location. It took whatever naval officer that was piloting it no more than a few moments to locate the small beacon Miasa had dropped and to send the Kaggath in the appropriate direction. Within ten minutes, Miasa’s shuttle had successfully docked with the Kaggath.

When she disembarked, she noted with satisfaction that there was no troopers who had been ordered to escort her up to the Sith sector. She knew the way and troopers would just be in the way. Later on, she would find someone to bring her crates up so that her lab could be assembled, but she did not need those yet. The only thing she did not leave behind was the small box containing the item Darth Nyiss had requested. That particular item she secured on one of her bandoliers.

She slithered off the shuttle, activated the security protocols and moved to the nearest turbolift. She had a hand to deliver and some prisoners to meet. In the background as she left, she noted that another shuttle appeared to be arriving. She did not know who was on board, nor did she care at this point. She had no doubt she would learn eventually.

~| Day 1: 21:52 - 21:55 GST |~
~| Kaggath prison |~

The silence of the late evening in the prison was broken shortly after Lea finished her meditation. When she curiously wandered over to the other bunk room, she saw that several troopers had carried in an old Jedi. Though her hair was still black, she had to be ancient, at least in her mid thirties! At first, Lea thought there was nothing particularly familiar about her, seeing how she had never been all that good at recognizing people she’d not met more than a few times. But then suddenly the woman woke up and shouted out her name.

She stared confusedly at the woman for a full minute while trying to place her. Even after that minute, she couldn’t place the woman. She didn’t look like a healer and there were no signs of former major trauma, so she probably hadn’t met her on H’Ratth. That meant somewhere else. Probably somewhere in relation to her old master, the one Darth Nyiss had executed the day she was captured. She still couldn’t place the woman though.

“I am not dead. Why’d you think me dead, and who are you again?” she asked, a bit warily. Ral Shodon had failed her. He had not been able to fend off the Darth. He might not have been a bad teacher, but he had proven himself anything but flawless. But then, she had yet to meet anyone who could truly hold their own against Darth Nyiss.

~| Day 1: 21:56 - 21:59 GST |~
~| Kaggath prison |~

The hand having been delivered, Miasa chose to visit the prisons just before the scheduled night started. She could have waited, but it would be beneficial to let them think as they slept. She took the turbolift up to where the surveillance told her most of the prisoners were located. Once up, she slithered out, then raised herself high up.

“Night is coming, Jedi. Who among you shall have talks with me in the morning. Discuss amongst yourselves. Decide by the time the clock strikes seven thirteen [07:13], for then I shall return…” She hissed out, then turned about and took the turbolift back down. She did not see fit to let any of them answer, though she looked at each to momentarily gauge their reactions before departing.

She did not need to sleep for several days now, but she had prisoners to study. She went to the Sith common room, where she entered the sealed-off section containing the surveillance systems and the database containing all that was known (and noted down) about the prisoners.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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~|Day 1, 20:33- 20:39 GST|~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex|~

Xid felt Tolun’s hand upon his shoulder, his face flickering up with a solemn look, the powerlessness seated in his realization. His crumbled spirit held a slight glow of pride at hearing the consular’s praise and gentle reminder, his body stepping away again toward the turbolift. Naturally his head snapped at hearing Shiri’s voice protectively shield Nazca, a fact Tolun’s reprimand prevented him from accomplishing, as she hopped down from the bunk. Her arms wide to block the Darth from stepping any farther. On seeing Shiri put herself at risk, Xid breath stalled. He barely realized he was no longer breathing when the scene played out while his body slouched back over the table edge. His teeth gritted tighter in waiting and some small part of him was trying to push himself toward the trio, mainly to protect them.

He barely noticed another Jedi leave with a Sith in a mask, his eyes fixed on the Darth and his friends. Despite his want to rush over, his body stalled, listening to Tolun and preventing his intervention into the conflict. As much as he wanted to pull his friend away, he knew Tolun wanted him to consider the bigger picture. If he was injured too badly, that would delay or worse, halt, their chances of escape. The idea of being made to watch his friends suffer left a sour taste in his throat back.

At the moment it was a waiting game... until Nazca kneed Shiri in the gut abruptly.

Xid flinched, his body already moving closer while Nazca took off after the Darth and Tolun, her path heading for the lift. His ribs protesting at his hasty movement, the young knight leaned downward on bended knee. His hands checking the Twi’lek for injury as his lips frowned at Nazca’s rotten sneak attack with disapproval. He knew why she had done but he felt the aggression was unwarranted and Shiri suffered for it, merely by trusting her.

He immediately turned away when he spotted the youngling going for the belt of the Sith, not seeing her receiving it off the Darth. “Are you alright?”

Gingerly he began to help Shiri up, mindful of his still injured ribs and feeling them renew with pain once more. The healing’s numbness had already started to wear away. Distracted with trying to bite back a hiss of pain and helping Shiri, Xid missed the conversation happening between Nazca and the Darth. At least until he heard the smack of her face being struck by the lightsaber. His head snapped up in time to see the Darth’s force activate the buttons, the doors hissing closed and starting downward. The last thing he saw was Tolun Fi flash a rare, genuine smile at him. xid wished with all his heart and by the Force, that Tolun knew what he was doing and things would turn out alright in the end. Or they would never see the end of this nightmare.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 3 mos ago

~| Day 1, 20:36-21:55 GST |~
~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~

"Forgive wha-" Shiri's question was interrupted when Nazca kneed her abdomen, knocking the breath out of her and causing her to fall to the floor as Nazca went out the door with the Sith and Tolun. As she struggled to get her breath back she felt someone helping her up, realizing it was Xid when he asked if she was ok.

She got her breath back by the time he had gotten her back on her feet, and was about to answer his question when she heard the turbolift leaving. "Damn it. She-" Shiri paused, gently pushing Xid away from her and onto the bunk. "She hits hard, but I'm fine. Physically anyway. What about you?" She watched Xid a moment before sighing and sitting on the bunk beside him.

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself. I would have gotten up on my own, it just would have taken a bit longer." Shiri smiled at Xid before noticing that he was clutching his side and breathing way too heavily. "Oh no. Xid? No more moving now, ok? You really shouldn't have pushed yourself." If the worry wasn't evident in her voice, one look at her face would show everything. She could worry about/yell at Nazca later, if she returned.

“Yeah, just stings like the Force.” Xid said, his face struggling to keep a smile on his face. “I’ll be fine, promise. I just have a cracked rib from what Tolun said, long as I manage to fall on it right then I’ll be alright. Though I think you managed to jar it a bit.”

“I’m sorry. But it is partially your fault.” She smiled jokingly as she spoke. “I’d be a bit less worried if you’d promise to stop getting hurt, rather than just promising to get better.”

“I’ll try, but considering we’re prisoners, that’s going to be hard to do. Namely as I know at least the Trandoshan enjoys physical pain… a lot. He was the one that fractured my ribs by sending a droid on top of me after all.” Xid whispered and started up, his body paused when hurt filled his expression. Slowly, his figure trembling a bit, he gently lowered himself back down. “Owww… bad idea.”

Shiri stood as Xid got up, ready to support him if he needed, which she did have to do as he sat back on the bunk. She gently forced him to lie down and kneeled on the floor beside him so she could still talk to him. “That’s not an excuse. I’ll keep you away from the sith, so long as you don’t knee me in the stomach and go with them willingly…”

“Nazca’s methods might be crude, but she’s got a good heart. And no, I won’t knee you in the gut but I don’t want you risking yourself for me. If the Sith take me and you replaced me, I don’t think I could live with myself if you were hurt in my stead. Even if Tolun wants me to avoid it because I play the biggest part in getting all of us out of here.” Xid stated when he laid back on the bunk, his mind thinking back to both of his friends. For a moment, he felt hot tears at the corner of his eyes as he replayed the image of what he saw strapped to the Darth’s belt: Sela’s lightsaber. It could only mean one thing. The fact he would never see his old master again struck him to the core and brought a bitter regret he wasn’t there.

Shiri listened to Xid and was ready to start arguing with him until he started, crying? “Xid? What’s wrong? Don’t,” Shiri sighed as she tried to think of what to say. “Tolun’s right that you’re the most important part in all of us getting out of here, and I am perfectly willing to take every hit for you if that means success. But if the thought of that causes you to cry, I-” Shiri cut off, not having any idea what to say after that.

“It’s not that. I understand Tolun’s reasoning well, though I hate it. However, you know the Darth that took them? There was another lightsaber around her belt, one my master used and I think…” He trailed off leaving Shiri to puzzle together his sorrow, his tunic sleeve raised wipe across his eyes.

“Oh. I’m sorry.” Shiri understood what he meant, his master was killed by the Darth. “At least, she is with the Force now.” She knew it probably wasn’t a very good way of comforting Xid, but she wasn’t really sure what else to say.

“I know… but as I said, doesn’t make me feel any better in the end. I likely should get some sleep, shouldn’t I?” He said partly to her as well as himself, his head turned to her for advice.

Shiri sighed and smiled weakly at Xid, hoping that humor could help him. “Isn’t that what I’ve been telling you these past few hours? Rest, I’m going to sleep as well.” With that she stood and climbed to the bunk above Xid, peeking over the side at him a few times until he fell asleep before she let herself drift off.

It was while later before Xid’s eyes snapped open at hearing someone groan and rise. His torso raised upright and shifted to spy a dark haired humanoid rise to her feet, her eyes spotting Lea mediating as she seemed to know her. However, the recognition wasn’t mutual. He gently prodded Shiri awake than pointed at the scene with a raised eyebrow.

Shiri yawned as Xid woke her and pointed out someone who, she didn’t think she’d seen them around before, had suddenly shouted something at Lea who was then replying. She watched for a moment and then spoke quietly to Xid. “If they know each other it’d probably be best not to intrude. Go back to sleep.” She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. The little rest she’d gotten seemed to have negated the adrenaline she was running on before, making her pretty tired.

Sighing, Xid looked once more at the pair and lowered himself downward. He fell back to sleep within moments, exhaustion swept over him.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SpiritedDream
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SpiritedDream The One Who Sleeps

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

~| Day 1, 21:54 - 22:04 |~
~| Kaggath prison: Lea and Andri |~

The look of wary confusion on Lea’s face as she stared at Andri made her gut constrict, but it was entirely understandable. Andri hadn’t exactly made sure to become friends with her Master’s newest apprentice, too busy being shipped around the Mid Rim on diplomatic missions for that, and Lea had obviously spent the last two months as a prisoner of the Sith. “It’s me, Andri. Master Shodon was my Master as well. I thought you’d died when I felt Master Shodon die, but you’re alive! This is brilliant news!”
Already the future was brighter. If Lea had survived for so long in captivity alone, then Andri and any other Jedi the Sith captured could hold out until the Order mounted a rescue party.

A small tremor of fear ran through Lea before she pulled herself together when this Andri presented herself and she was able to connect who she was. Lea had met Andri a few times over the years she’d been Shodon’s padawan, but did not know Andri all that well. She was just so much older than her that it was hard to connect. Not to mention, Andri was usually at least as busy as Shodon kept her. She didn’t really know what to say to the woman, so after a bit of thinking, she decided that Andri probably wanted to know about Shodon’s death.

“Master Shodon died quickly. He knelt before Darth Nyiss in surrender when she took his head. He taught me many things, but hiding from and fighting overwhelming odds was not one of them. The Imperial forces that captured us left us no chance of a balanced fight, let alone escape.” Though Lea had been angry at her deceased master for weeks afterwards for his failure and their capture, she now merely viewed it as simple facts. With the overwhelming odds they had faced, she now knew there would have been no escape possible.

Andri closed her eyes in grief at the news of how their proud Master had fallen. She offered consoling words to the younger girl, “At least now he is one with the Force. His spirit will guide us in future endeavours, and his teachings live on through us.”

She let the silence stretch out between the pair for a moment in respect of the dead Master Jedi, before speaking again. “So, Lea, tell me. What have the Sith been doing here? This ship has obviously been purposefully built, if they are storing Jedi in their bowels with no guards watching their every move. Do you have any clue as to what kind of nefarious plans they have been making for the rest of the galaxy?”

Lea did not offer any response to the bit about their former master. He was dead. He could not affect anything anymore. “This part of the ship is as unfamiliar to me as it is to most others here. Before this morning, I did not even know what it looked like. From what I’ve seen, it is fairly well-built, if a bit lax in security. I suppose Darth Nyiss intends to make it a test. Sith vs. Jedi prisoners.” She did not show much emotion, for to her that was simply logical facts.

“As far as the Empire’s goals, I suppose they are the same as they usually are, destroying the Jedi Order who hates them, replacing the crime-riddled and corrupt society that calls itself the Galactic Republic with the order of society and culture that the Empire represents and so forth. I think thats more or less what they intend to do.”

Andri hummed in thought as she considered the younger Jedi’s words. It made sense, as the Sith were known for their cruel tests - for both their own apprentices and comrades and any enemies they captured. Though, she wrinkled her nose at the thought of calling anything the Sith built as ‘order’. “The Sith thrive on chaos and anger, and the Dark Side. No society they try to build will ever last as long as one built by the people. Certainly, there is corruption in the galaxy as it is now, but that is why we are here. It is our duty as Jedi to work with the Republic and make it a better place for everyone, and to root out the corruption that infests the known planets. And as for this test you spoke of - we shall simply have to show this ‘Darth Nyiss’ that though she may capture or kill us, she will never make us fall to their level. The Force stands with us, and though we personally cannot do anything I know that the Jedi Order will mount a rescue party. We simply have to keep our faith up.”

Her voice grew firmer as she spoke, as she was stout in her belief that the Jedi would come and the Sith would fail in their latest ploy for galactic dominion.

She could not deny the bits about Sith thriving on anger or the Dark Side, but the chaos bit was one Lea could not accept. “Chaos? In my time both as a padawan and as a prisoner, the only time I saw true chaos was in my time on Alassa Major. People selling the souls of their people for the sake of their own profit or personal advantage. Thievery, espionage, perfidy - All integral parts of the republic from what I saw with master Shodon. If that is not chaos, then what is? The Empire’s harsh laws punishing crime? Their campaigns against corrupt servants?” Lea was about to go on when the door to the turbolift opened up, reminding her that night was fast approaching.

Out of the turbolift a Sith slithered. In the back of her mind, she could vaguely recall having seen such an individual, solely because of how different she was from all the other Sith and imperials who had been present back when she was captured.

“Night isss coming, Jedi. Who among you sshall have talkss with me in the morning. Disscusss amongssst yoursselvesss. Desside by the time the clock sstrikesss ssseven thirteen [07:13], for then I sshall return…” the creature hissed out, then left but a minute later.

She looked over at Andri. “That was… unexpected.”

Andri blinked in surprise at the interruption, the Sluissi Sith barely staying for a minute before slithering away after giving an ominous warning. “Is that the kind of thing that has been happening around here? I can’t imagine that any ‘talks’ will be pleasant things for us, though she’s sure to enjoy them.”

She shook her head, trying to clear the feeling of darkness that had permeated the air with the arrival of the Sith and redirect her mind back to the conversation the Sluissi had interrupted. “The chaos of the Republic is one born of ignorance and greed, and that is precisely why the Order must work closer with them - the very thing Master Shodon was trying to teach you. It’s true, they are corrupt and shady, and they profit off the works of others, but do you honestly think the Sith are any different? The Sith will happily work together, and then after the job is done they will kill each other to claim the glory. They are selfish, concerned only with their own power, and believe in using any means possible to attain it for themselves. They don’t care about the people - they care about themselves. The only crimes they punish are the ones that they deem as ‘stupidity’. Their mentality is that if you are caught, then you deserve the punishment, and no Sith would ever bother to create things like patrols or anti-smuggling rings beyond the bare basics. Under Sith rule, the galaxy will fall into further chaos as people cease to work together and start to work for themselves!”

It was a subject Andri had firm views on, and she was determined to show Lea the error of thinking that the Sith could ever be an agent of order. “The only beings I have ever seen that are truly orderly are the Jedi - which is why I have been working closely with officials in diplomatic missions for so long. If we can but impart the order of the Jedi way on the governors and the Senate, then they will stop squabbling amongst themselves like children and start to work together to make a better place for everyone. It is a slow process, but one that I know will one day be achieved if we but keep our faith and patience, and follow the Code. The Sith would never promote cooperation; they believe only in themselves, and the Darkness of self-empowerment and satisfaction. A galaxy under Sith rule will not be the orderly thing you seem to think it will. It would be nothing more than a galaxy-wide slum, full of murders and betrayals and crime worse than the darkest parts of Nar Shadaa.”

She softened, realising that her voice had been steadily getting more forceful as she tried to explain to the youngster the truth of the matter. She murmured softly, “If you believe that the Sith will create order, then you have lost your way.”

“Oh, there’s no denying there are many Sith who serve only themselves and kill people for sport. From what others here have spoken of, there’s most likely at least one such Sith on this ship. But saying all sith would kill anyone with as much thought as you would put into killing a Dekk Fly would be as wrong as saying all that Twi’leks have red skin. There are people of all sorts in both the Empire and the republic. As for imperial policy concerning smuggling and patrols… You really have no idea, do you? Do you really believe the Empire would have remained hidden from the eyes of the republic for over a thousand years if they hadn’t known how to patrol? Do you really think they would have been any threat to the republic in the war? If they had not had any knowledge of such, the republic army and navy would not have been pushed back as far as it is now. Without the infighting common to some types of Sith, the empire would be remarkably balanced and fair. Very unusual considering the nature of those Sith who kill at a whim.”

Lea smiled a little. “Not to mention, the punishment a Sith gets for killing another Sith is… Not kind. Not really sure if there’s a clear rule they operate with, but I’ve read that execution is a common punishment for murder. Seeing how those types of wannabe Sith are pretty stupid, they wouldn’t have been likely to reform even if imprisoned.”

“The Empire stayed hidden because they are sneaky. They know how to hide, and they know war, but what would they do with peace? It is true - they have bombarded the Republic and conquered quite a bit of known space, but war is what the Sith thrive in. Without war, they would collapse because there would be no common enemy, and the infighting that you talk about would intensify. If they remove the infighting then they would cease to be Sith, and there would be no conflict to begin with because the Jedi would gladly work alongside them. Sith is an ideology, a faith more than anything else anymore, and sadly infighting is a core part of their beliefs. As for how ‘fair’ their government seems to be when compared to the Republic; they have taken a fair system - one that the Republic strives to attain - and twisted it to suit their own purposes, benefitting themselves but not the people they aim to conquer. You have only seen the ‘clean’ side of the Sith - it is naught but a mask, one that all Sith are taught to wear. Each move is plotted, sometimes very little and sometimes the plots can take decades to come to fruition, but it does not change who they are inside. The few Sith that can be redeemed never survive in the true Sith Empire, because the true Sith Empire has no place for them in the nest of lies and darkness.” Andri stressed.

“Even their ‘laws’ which seem to criticise the wanton murder of their fellow Sith are nothing more than a ploy to make people believe that they work for the good of the many. If the war were to end in favour of the Sith, the galaxy would fall apart simply because the sheer number of Sith who ‘kill at a whim’ far outnumber those who have simply fallen off the course or good but don’t wish the galaxy ill.”

Andri sat on the bunk she had woken on, suddenly tired. It seemed like the Sith grew better with their masks every time she turned around, seducing more impressionable younglings to their ranks.

“Is infighting really part of their core beliefs?” Lea said, then pointed to the wall behind Andri, where whoever had built this prison had put the Sith code in large, crimson letters. “As you are no doubt surprised about, much of the time since Darth Nyiss captured me, I have been in the care of protocol droids programmed with the history of the Sith Empire. It was at times rather dreary, but other times enlightening. No matter its flaws, one cannot fail to respect the strength of a society that fled from a combined speciocide, only to rebuild far from those who sought to exterminate them all, even after they had been defeated.”

Lea paused for a moment, then read the text on the wall to Jedi Knight Andri. She did not put any emotion into her reading. She had seen it too many times now to have any feelings for or against it.
”Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.”

“You do know that little tale, right Andri? That Supreme chancellor Pultimo ordered a holocaust against the thoroughly defeated Sith, right? Countless millions of innocents, women and children among them, were slaughtered, their homes and cities bombed from orbit. Is it strange the Sith bear a grudge from that?”

Andri glanced behind her at the wall, wrinkling her nose at the bright red lettering. “It’s the same as our belief that the Force is a powerful tool, to be used for the good of many and not just for menial tasks. Certainly, anyone with a bit of training in Telekinesis can use it to bring an extra pillow for their bed, but a Jedi knows that is not the proper way to use the Force, even though it is not actually written in the code. The same applies to the Sith - certain things are not written, but they still believe it anyway. Infighting and the betrayal of each other is one of these things.”

Her brow furrowed in thought at the information Lea had on the holocaust, as she had heard some of the story. Obviously not to the extent Lea had been taught during her time in captivity, however. “It is...understandable. Countless races who have been through similar problems have faced the same issues when forced to interact with the ones doing the slaughtering - take the way people reacted to the Mandalorians after they tried to conquer the Republic. They lost the war, certainly, but there were hard feelings on the behalf of those whose planets had been reduced to nothing. To this day, some still hold a grudge. I suppose in that light the Sith reaction is...perhaps not as fueled by wanton destruction as I have been taught. But to continue the crusade after thousands of years have passed, when the ones who felt it and the ones who commanded it are long unable to influence the galaxy today - that is too far, and punishes those completely unaffiliated with the deed itself. Are you suggesting we should just forgive them for punishing a child for the sins of its fathers?”

“Forgive blindly? No. That would be just as wrong. But have countless other species truly been through intentional attempts at speciocide by the Republic as a whole? I don’t know the ancient history of the republic all that well, but I can’t say I remember any such events. But then, the Sith Holocaust isn’t exactly common knowledge in the republic either. No matter how much I have dug through the history of the Empire, and I have, I have not found a single time they attempted the same.” Just as Lea finished saying that, the lights in the prison dimmed rapidly, then grew dark. The only visible light was the faint red glow from the arena below them, filtered through the thick transparisteel floor.

“Looks like that night just hit. Thats what happens when you really get engaged in a discussion.”

The light’s dimming suddenly surprised Andri somewhat, as she didn’t particularly feel tired yet. Though that might have been due to the fact that she had been unconscious for Force knows how long. “I suppose it does. I guess we should probably get to sleep, and let the others rest.”

She motioned to the bunks around them, where a few people had been lying throughout their conversation. “But while it is true that the Sith are perhaps the only species the Republic has ever dedicated their efforts to wiping from the galaxy and so their grudges are understandable, it does not excuse their current actions. The Republic is not blameless, and neither are they. Two wrongs do not make a right - and if they truly wanted to be the better government in this scenario, they should first focus on being the better people, and not respond like with like. All that does is dig a deeper hole, until eventually you are drowning in the sins you have committed against the very people you wanted to help. They are the ones who started the war, and they are the ones who called for the peace talks. Yet here we sit, in the bowels of a Sith ship when our Order’s should be talking it out between them. Unless we are to be used as bargaining chips, I somehow doubt the peace talks have gone favourably for either side, and I do not believe the Jedi Order would be the ones to break the trust when our Code advocates so very strongly for peace.”

Andri gazed at the other girl in the dim red light coming from the floor and murmured, “How can the people trust a galaxy ruled by the Sith if they break the very peace they called for? How can the one’s who start the war offer true peace to the people of the galaxy, when they should have been the better people and gone the diplomatic route instead? The way the Senate is now, it wouldn’t be that hard for the Sith to infiltrate the higher offices and bend the people to their will, molding the galaxy over the course of years and resolving this conflict peacefully. Instead, they chose war.”

“What peace?” Lea asked with a certain hint of curiosity. She had heard some hints about a plan to strike at Coruscant while in lone captivity, but never a word of any sort of peace. “If they’re negotiating for peace, I suppose today’s attack might’ve been as a means for gaining a bargaining chip.”

“The Sith called for peace talks three days ago, and early this morning convened on Alderaan with representatives from the Republic. It seems a bit odd to be gathering bargaining chips now.” Andri explained. She frowned at the younger girl. “What attack?”

“You don’t know? Other than myself, who was captured on Alassa Major, all the Jedi here were captured during the Sacking of Coruscant. The Republic’s capital is now under Imperial jurisdiction.”

“I was captured en route to Alaris Prime, in between diplomatic missions.” Andri responded numbly. “Coruscant was sacked? What of the Jedi Temple?”

Lea shrugged “Seeing how I was up here the entire time, I have no idea.”

“But you said the others were captured during the attack - have they not told you?” Andri pursed her lips, troubled by the thought of the Temple falling. She had only been there a few times over the years, but it was the largest Academy in the galaxy and the spiritual center of the Jedi. So much information was contained within, from teachings to planetary codes, and that the Sith may have destroyed it or stolen that information boded ill for the Republic. She prayed to the Force that it wasn’t the case.

“Like you, they were all unconscious when being brought in. I don’t think they know. We really should be getting some sleep though. Its not likely that there will be a day off tomorrow.”

“I suppose you’re right. I can’t help but worry about it though.” Andri sighed. “I suppose we’d better get some sleep then. Good night, Lea. It’s good to see you again, though.”

Lea nodded, a bit tiredly, then wandered over to the other bunk room, where the bed she had picked out lay. There she climbed up and crawled under the duvet, intent on getting some sleep. She really wasn’t used to being that much around other people.

Andri lay back on the bed she was sitting on, not really wanting to try to navigate her way around the dimly lit room to choose another bunk when the one she was sitting on was perfectly serviceable. She was thankful that even if the bed was slim, it was long enough for her to lay on it perfectly fine, and she closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep. She probably wouldn’t get much, but some would be better than none.
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