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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Trudging through the dense forests in the middle of winter was not exactly the smartest idea Annabella Thomason had since she moved to Carson. The snow was almost to her knees and it was absolutely freezing. But still, this was part of her personal research so she continued on through the trees, shivering all the while, "Why did it have to snow? It didn't snow last week! This is what I get for putting research off for a later date." She mumbled to herself stumbling slightly as she pushed along. She was looking for a wolf. The first time she had came to Carson, which was just a month ago, she had been exploring out in the woods, when she found what she believed to be wolf tracks. Which was strange, considering wolves hadn't been in this region of the country in over a hundred years. It was the reason her main focus was on wolves. She was striving to get her degree so she could reintroduce wolves protected under the law to this region.

As she went along, she spotted tracks int he distance and rushed forward, a huge smile on her face when she saw they were indeed wolf tracks. Reaching in her bag, she pulled out her camera and took a picture of them, before grabbing her map from the bag as well, marking on it where she had found these tracks. Once that was done, she rushed through the deep snow, and at the same time, tried to keep quiet in hopes of maybe seeing this wolf and not scaring it off. If she really could find this wolf and bring her research back to the college, it would be great. After all, any upcoming zoologist would die for a chance to discover that the wolves were bringing themselves back to this area after so long.

Tightening her scarf around her neck to keep the chill of the cool air from her, she followed the tracks very closely, though, hadn't even gotten a mile when they just suddenly...disappeared. Confused on her face, she began looking about, going in all directions, but could not find the rest of the tracks. It was like they had vanished into thin air. She frowned more and sighed, "Well, that is just my luck." She continued forward, planning to go just a couple of more miles in searching before she would head back to town for her classes.

(I'll introduce my human character in my next post after you do your intro.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Deep in the forest, deeper than the human female was, a male was walking back the way he had come, in the forest running a hand through his rugged black hair, his eyes a peculiar yellow shade if looked upon close enough, but those that didn't, thought they were a pale brown. He had to go into town to buy some medicine. The alpha of the pack the male was a part in was worried about his pup that was sick and they couldn't trust the humans well enough since the pup did have features of lupine and human. That wouldn't be good to show would it? And he was the last hope since all other wolves had at one time or another been spotted at the town and had barely got away with their lives but that had been sixteen years since some rouge's had attacked a human family only leaving the daughter alive. He distantly wondered if she had been bitten. Cause if so, she would have to be taught to control both the anger and the beast residing inside her.

The Silver family if he remembered correctly. His head turned to the left as he spotted the human female as he had caught the scent of a human close by. His eyes thinned and he growls softly. If he was seen it would be strange as he was barely wearing much. He produced enough heat for this cold not to be a bother, wearing a pair of jeans and a loose shirt and boots. That was it. Although that was true he detested his human shell.

Natalie sighs as her bags were on her back, staring up at the university that she was majoring in music at biting her lip softly. Its been sixteen years since she had been at this town. After that rouge wolf attack that didn't get much notice for they had never been seen after that, she moved to her grandparents house staying there as the bite wound on her leg healed. A few months later and she found that when angered she turns into a blood thirsty beast and so isolated herself and became antisocial, finding solace behind the pages of a book and music. She swears without those two she would have tried to find a way to kill herself. Her soft blue eyes with yellow circling the pupil studied the entire building as her snow white hair blew in the wind, some of it in a pony tail. That had also been an after affect of the attack on her life. Her hair went from sandy brown to a pure white.

After putting her things into her dorm in which she stayed by herself, Natalie wondered to the principal's office to get her schedule as she had just transfered a week or so ago and had yet to get it, Skillet's Monster playing in her ear. She found it ironic that heavy rock music about monsters or animal possession seemed to keep her own calm and silent. She tried to tone down her extra sensitive senses but she couldn't help but smell everything in that hall. From who had done the dirty tango, to emotions, to who hadn't showered in a few days, food, sickness, and then the paint which was causing her to get a headache. She wasn't watching where she was going being so overwhelmed by the smells. Her grandparents had sent her here in a last attempt to get their grandchild out of her shell and to get over her past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After traveling for a little bit into the woods, Annabella finally felt she had searched long enough for the day, and turned to start making her way back to the town so that she wouldn't be late for her classes at the college. Only, when she did turn, she spotted someone out of the corner of her eyes and spotted a young man with black shaggy hair just a little ways away, wearing clothes that were definitely not suitable for the cold winter weather outside. Not only that, but this side of the forest was supposed to belong o the college, only to be used for the research done by zoology majors. She knew almost all the zoology majors in the small college, and, as far as she knew, this man was not a zoology major.She blinked in surprise and slowly stepped forward, "Um...excuse me. Are you lost? These woods are only supposed to be for the zoology students at Carson University. If you would like, I can lead you back to the town." She asked, though it was somewhat quietly.

Something about this boy didn't seem exactly....right. He was dark and brooding. And didn't seem like he very much enjoyed the fact she had noticed him out int he woods. It made her wonder slightly what he had been up to. Hopefully not hunting, as that could very well disrupt the wild life research she and the other students have been doing for the past few weeks. She took a few more steps forward, being careful to keep her distance in case this man really was up to no good, "What....are you doing out here anyway?"
Conner grinned as he walked onto the campus and toward the art halls. It had been pretty tough when he first started college to figure out what exactly he wanted his major be. After all, he loved art, music, writing, acting, and any other fine arts one could think of. But art was the one he was better at. He loved to paint and sketch. It was like bringing the images in his head to life. It allowed him to express himself the way he wanted to without worrying about the judgement from his peers. It was the greatest thing to be able to do. He had been doing it all his life too, so he was rather good at it, just as he was with all the other types of fine arts.

He grinned more as he stepped into class and took his seat, taking out his sketchbook. He began to sketch, a huge smile on his face.
(Sorry conner's is short.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(That's alright.)
Alexei stayed in place his eyes thinning a bit more when she got close enough to where he was standing as if to say, 'do not dare to get closer'. He coughs softly as he found his voice which he hasn't used in many years. "I am not lost." He said simply his voice sounding a bit rough from misuse. "I am just on my way to the town now." He then snorts hearing her say the forest belonged to the college. "Let them continue to think that they can own something wild. It will bite them in the ass when the time comes." He said speaking his mind on the matter.

Natalie entered a random classroom holding her head trying to clear it of the massive migraine she now had. When she finally turned around she noticed that it had another student in there and probably wasn't supposed to be there. She'd apologize later when her head stopped killing her. She breathed in through her mouth quietly as she thought of something else to distract her headache.
"Sorry..." She finally managed quietly. "Massive headache."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Anna blinked in surprise at the rude temper of the boy in front of her. Glaring at him she spoke up on the matter, hands obviously her him in a know it all and stern fashion, "I said the college owns the forest. Not the wildlife that resides within. And for your information, the college changes nothing within the forest. In fact, the might as well be called a reserve. The only people who come here are the zoology student to take research on the animals. Everything here stays within its natural state with little to no human intervention. Not that I expect people like you," She said eyeing him up and down with an unimpressed look on her face, "to understand such important information. Now run along back the delinquency facility you came from." She stated, turning with a better than you attitude and her head held hair as she walked past him, further into the forest.

When he heard someone walk into the art classroom, Connor looked up and smiled to see a very pretty girl standing there. He was surprised. He thought he knew just about everyone on the small campus, but he was so sure he had never seen this girl before. He stood up and nodded, "I understand. Headaches are killer and the art rooms are the quietest places you can be on campus, especially when class doesn't start in here for another hour." Walking over to her, he held out hid hand to her, " I'm Connor. I don't think I've ever seen you here. Are you new to the college?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexei laughs softly. "No human interference. Why don't you tell the ten dead wolf bodies buried beneath the ground that? I'm sure they'll understand. Especially since they were torn to bits, the scientists trying to understand how it worked." He said amused a bit that she didn't know that sort of information, that done experiments on the dead wolves had been done at the college. He knew that those wolves had been human and had been a part of the attack done that had been kept quiet from the rest of the town. Then again, he's been more wolf than man for decades. "One question as I'm not that familiar with the town. Where is the closest pharmacy that sells coconut water and something to help with coughing?" He asked hating that he needed to know and had to ask a human, but if he didn't ask, he would only go around in circles and sooner or later his yellow eyes would be noticed.

Natalie froze to the spot where she was as Conner as he introduced himself came closer to her, the yellow in her eyes spreading a bit, but it was a bit too quick to notice for humans and would only be thought as a trick of the light but when very little came from him she became confused. He smelled...a bit nice if truth be told. Nothing at all like any of the other college students had smelled like. She even leaned a bit closer to identify with the smell he was producing placing her hand in his. "I'm new to the college....not so much the town. I used to live here sixteen years ago." She said softly confused even more when she wanted to get closer to him. She never wanted to really get close to another, she barely allowed her grandparents who she adored to get this close to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"What?!" Annabella immediately spun around to face him, "Killing? Wolves? That couldn't be the college doing that. Wolves are my main research. I'm trying to reintroduce the wolves into this region, as they haven't been thought to live here in over a hundred years! That's why I'm here now, I found the wolf tracks. But if someone is killing the wolves, than that ruins all the reach I've done in the past few weeks." She ran her hands over her face and through her hair in a frustrating motion, "All that hard work! Gone! And the wolves here! The poor things must be completely terrified! I bet that's why the tracks I find keep moving south of the college. If they leave the region than it will be almost impossible to get them back and to repopulate them here." She was blabbering on by now and giving a heavy sigh, slumped down to sit on a near by rock, shaking her head, "It really is sick. How someone can harm something so beautiful as wolves." She fixed her glasses on her face and rested her forehead against her hand, giving the boy another slightly annoyed look and answered him with a wave of her hand, "There's a pharmacy just two blocks down from the college. They should have the cough medicine, but I doubt they carry coconut water. For tat you'll probably have to go to the farmer's market across from the public library on 50th street." She stood up, looking more annoyed and frustrated now, "I'm going to find that pack...and when I do I'll have proof to show the college and city wildlife comity. They'll have to stop the killings if I prove to them there is a pack out here." She mumbled to herself, then moved forward, more determined than ever now to find those wolves.

Conner smiled brightly and shook her hand, "Haha, no name? Okay new girl. Well, welcome back to Carson. You probably didn't miss much in those years. Nothing really goes on in this town. It's as small and quiet as ever." He laughed lightly, sticking his hands in his pockets, "So, do you always come wandering into the art classrooms when you have a headache, or is this something new for you?" He would have thought someone with a headache would go and lie down in their dorm or go get some fresh air. Even go to the nurse's station to get some head ache medicine. Not wonder into art rooms with fumes of all sorts like markers and paints. Still, maybe that was just her. From what he could tell, she was strange and different, something that he took interest in. There weren't any other girl's in Carson like her. She was pretty cool. He made a mental note to keep checking up on her and hope to get closer to her. Even if it was just as a friend, though if he were honest, he at that moment, was hoping it would turn to something more, strange considering he had just met the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh...sorry. My name is Natalie Silver." Natalie introduces herself forgetting her manners in place of finding his scent soothing to her overpowered nose. "Nothing helped before. And besides the outdoors would be littered with the smokers that is find no clean air beyond the mountains. And Tylenol messes with me now a days. And as long as the classroom is relatively empty I can find solace in it." She said shyly not used to having a conversation.

"Don't go that way!" Alexei automatically called after the human pulling a hand through his hair. "The alpha doesn't like humans." He said despite the fact that they themselves had been human at one point and some even had human mates, they were extremely wary around humans. Add to the fact that the alpha's pup was sick and he got extremely violent. "If you think they haven't been seen in a hundred years you should ask your teachers about the incident that happened sixteen years ago. And push for the answer refuse to back down." He suggested waiting for her to get back down from the hill doing his best to protect her from the Alpha's anger by the second way he knew how. The first was to claim her as his own and he highly doubted she would like being bitten by him today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella turned slightly, raising an eyebrow when he told her not to go that way. His excuse was that the alpha didn't like humans. She snorted and shook her head, "And how do you know this. If the wolves didn't like humans I doubt they would let the likes of you around them. She shook her head, rolling her eyes at the man before she turned her back to him and continued to go the way toward the wolf pack. They had to be close. Maybe a half mile away if she was correct. She paused, looking about the ground for tracks and other indications that she was heading the right way. As she looked about int he snow, she stood there and started brushing her long blonde hair back from her face and fix it into a pony tail, trying to ignore the man behind her, hoping he wouldn't continue to pester her when she was trying to get work done.

Conner thought about her reasons for a moment, scratching his chin in thought, then nodded in agreement, "Yeah I suppose those are valid points. Well, class in here doesn't start for another hour or two, so feel free to stay here as long as you'd like Natalie Silver." He chuckled and moving back to his seat he had been sitting in, sat down, glancing over at her and nodding his head to the chair next to him in a silent offer for her to sit next to him if she so wished, before he went back to the sketch he was working on. It was a sketch of a rose and was very much in great detail, as he liked all of his artwork to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexei sighs and disappears into the forest. A few moments later a big male wolf with the same shade of fur as Alexie's hair, walked through the forest lifting its muzzle and let loose a warning howl it much different than a searching howl or found food, a mate or a lonely howl. It then jumped in front of the human's gait growling in warning its fur standing up as it stared down the human the yellow eyes clearly being seen in the position it put itself. The wolf knew this was stupidity to draw attention to himself like this but as long as she wasn't torn to bits by the overprotective father and alpha, so be it. He would do what he thought was right and damn the consequences.

Natalie stood there a bit awkwardly and then sat across from Conner. "Thing is...I don't have my schedule. And I'm not even sure I'm here first." She admits pausing the music on her iPod nano. She hadn't been paying it much attention anyway which was something she rarely did. She sat there not knowing what else to do as she turned to a blank page in her notebook and started to doodle. It was part of the reason she was minoring in art. She could draw alright if she put her mind to it but it was music that drew her entirely for she needed to find someway to distract that vicious monster inside her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella sighed as she finished putting her hair up and turned slightly to look over her shoulder, nodding to herself when she saw the man was gone. Probably to find that pharmacy she had told him of for whatever reason. Well, at least now she wouldn't have any one to bother her and she could more easily find the wolf pack. Only, when she took only a few steps, when she heard a wolf howl. Blinking in surprise, she found the very wolf that had howled jumped right in front of her, growling with its hair standing up on end. She gasped, her eyes wide, stumbling back, sitting there in the snow where she had fallen for a moment, watching the wolf in surprise and slight fear. Carefully, she slowly stood back up, walking backwards all the while facing the wolf, as she knew turning ones back on a wild animal was only an incentive for them to hunt you down. She kept her eyes locked on the yellow eyes of the wolf, slowly backing away, her eyes glancing about nervously for a route of escape in case it attacked her. She watched it closely, trying to understand why it was acting in such a way, Normally wolves that weren't alpha didn't act so rashly. Most just ran away and hide from humans.

She bit her lip and stopped backing up. She knew this was risky, but it was worth a try. She knew wolves, when a nomad wolf joined a pack, would lay down belly up to show it meant no harm, and wished ti join. Maybe, if she did the same the wolf wouldn't attack? And maybe might even let her follow it to the pack? She knew the chances of that were slip and she was putting herself in great danger by trying this, as many wolves died being attacked if the wolf or pack they were presenting themselves to wouldn't accept them, but she was desperate to find these wolves.

So, keeping her eyes on the wolf, she sat down in the snow and layed back in the snow, holding her breath in fear, her eyes closed tightly, waiting for the wolf to either attack her of give her some sign of acceptance.
"No schedule yet?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, "Well, they should have given that to you upon your arrival here at the college. If you want, I could walk up there with you when your ready and take you to first class." This school wasn't very large and she could probably find her way tot eh main office and to her classes rather easily, but he was a gentleman and wanted to help her out even if she didn't need it. he finished the drawing of the rose and flipped to a blank page in his almost filled up sketchbook, drawing a new picture, this time of a forest scene, her eyes glancing back and forth from his work and her, thought mostly paying attention to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Normally you wouldn't make a noise unless it was urgent Alexei. Its a human who strayed too far from the village. You're trying to chase her away so that I don't attack her.
Forgive me alpha. I did try to get her away in my human form but she didn't take my warning seriously for as I stated I was human at the time. I will do my best to get the medicine and coconut water when I get this human away.
Well this is a first from you my friend. Not only are you thinking about our safety but that of a human. Alexei shook his head. He had to enforce the alpha's orders as the Beta so of course he would think of all ways to at least ensure the safety of the pack and this one human.

He watched as she lay on the snow covered ground his fur settling over his body as he looks at her curiously thinking that she couldn't be serious. After a moment of thought, he walked towards her stopping before her sniffing her face. What do I do? He asked his alpha who he shared a mental bond with when the both of them had been young they had considered the other brothers by all but blood. He waited as he sensed the alpha was considering the options.
As long as we cover Sarah's ears, I do not see any harm in her coming. Let's hope that she doesn't wake though. Alexei buts his head against hers spreading his scent on her to warn others not to harm her or risk his anger. He walked over her body still laying on her back barking to get her attention. Once he had it he jerked his head as if to say 'well come on then'.

"Would you please come with me?" Natalie quickly asked and then pulled a hand through her hair sheepishly. "I haven't been to this college for many years and my memory before I moved away is...blurry." She said saying the truth, well as much as she could say the truth. She couldn't tell him about her parents death could she? She had to get flowers as a matter of fact and apologize to them for not coming home in so many years. And also speak to them since their deaths.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella layed still and quiet, Her eyes tightly shut ad she felt the wolf sniff her face. She supposed that was a good sign, considering how it didn't immediately attack her. She waited a moment and when the wolf barked at her, she jumped slightly from surprise, sitting up and looking at it. It rubbed its head against her and then jerked its head, as if telling her to follow. A bright smile came to her face as she scrambled to her feet, quickly following it, not believing that had worked and he was leading her to the pack. She followed the wolf closely, being sure yo look about and take in her surroundings so she not only could find her way back, but remember where the pack lived in case see wishes to come back and visit. As she walked, she looked over at the wolf beside her and tentatively reaching a careful hand out to stroke his soft fur like she would a dog.

Connor looked up at her from his sketch and smiled once again at her, nodding at her request of him coming with her, "Sure." He stood up and put his sketch book back into his bookbag, "Come on. We better get going there. Wouldn't want you to miss any classes." Grinning at her and waved for her to follow him to the office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The wolf made sure that the human was following slowing a bit as she reached a hand towards him. He made no moves telling her he didn't exactly mind her touch. He looked back towards the college then at the human shaking his head at her telling her 'do not tell where we live'. He then continued walking stopping as they reached the pack sitting and growling at the underlings who were adamant in their dislike about an outsider here but they had to follow the rules of the Alpha or risk being killed to keep their pack safe. There was a small kid curled against the biggest wolf there a hat of some sort on her head. The Alpha stared at the human having told the human mates to stay out of sight for now.

Natalie follows after Conner. "Thank you very much." She said shyly. She wasn't sure how else to express her thanks that he would let her follow after him his scent canceling out all others in the hall allowing her to relax since the first time coming here. "I hope that you and I get classes together." She said blushing a bit but was serious about wanting to have some classes with him so that she could at least have one friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella followed the will further into the woods until they finally came upon the wolf pack, making her smile bright, that is until she saw something strange that shocked and frightened her. A little girl laying against the largest wolf. She feared for the child, unsure of what a little girl could be doing out in the woods all alone. She looked at the wolf the girl was leaning on and slowly she moved forward, kneeling down to get a closer look at the girl. She didn't look well and reaching out, she felt the girl's forehead, gasping, "She's burning up." She said more to herself and moved to take the child into her arms, only to hear a growl from the wolf she was leaning on and stopped. She looked at it, not sure as to why the wolf was so protective over the human child, but spoke, even though she figured the wolf wouldn't understand her, "She is very sick. She needs a doctor. If she doesn't get help soon...." She trailed off, not even wanting to think of what would happen.

"I hope so too. It was definitely be great to hang out together in classes. We could even see each other outside of class." His five turned red now and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "To..um....study. you know 'cus those classes can be kind of hard." He walked her into the office and after getting her schedule, they saw they had three classes together. He grinned at her, "Seems we have that first class together after all." Chuckling he walked back to the classroom with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well better safe than sorry after all." Natalie says and tugs softly on Conner's shirt worry on her face. "In the next few days I'll be out of town. Can you promise that you won't worry too much? And I have another favor to ask. Do not get me angry. It might sound like a cliché, but please." She asked of him not wanting the only person she could and had let them get this close to her to be hurt by that thing inside her. She smiles shyly. "I would like that...to study..." She admits knowing that he would be the only one she could stand to be around. She liked that he was just as sheepish as she could be.

The big wolf growls more taking the child in his jaws placing her back against his side the girl shifting about and snuggling against the wolf. "Papa." The young girl coos softly and coughs her eyes opening revealing molten gold much like the bigger wolf had seeing Alexei and a lady there she got up and walked slowly towards the wolf by the lady placing a small kiss on his snout. "Beta Lexi." She said sleepily only able to say Lexi at her young age, and being the only one to get away with calling the male an obviously feminine nickname, her hands pushing off her hat in a wolfish manner finding the cloth itchy to her sensitive skin. Alexei reacted quickly placing the kid under his paws in the snow hiding her head his own over the ear parts of the kids head and she snuggles against him not minding being around the beta as much as she would have been had it been a different wolf. The wolves waited to see if the human noticed the wolf ears that the kid had.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annabella watched the wolf pull the human child closer to it, and then the child mumbled something that surprised and confused her. Papa. She called the wolf papa. So what did that mean? Had this child been abandoned and taken in by wolves? Or was the child so sick the poor thing was imagining things?

She watched as the little girl, in seeing the wolf and herself, walked over to the wolf beside her, kissing it and calling it and'beta lexi'. So then this child did have familiarity with these wolves. The idea that she was raised by wolves was all the more prominent now. She kneeled down next to the wolf and girl, watching as the child cutely pushed the hat off of her head.

Anna's eyes widened and though the wolf beside her tried to hide it, it was too late. Gently Anna pushed the wolf's head from the girl's and gasped. The little girl had wolf ears. She looked shocked, then confused. She glanced about the wolves around her, then back at the child, unsure what to say at this moment. She want even sure what was going on.

Gingerly, Anna picked up the hat and placed it on the little girl's head, speaking softly, "Keep the hat on sweetie. Its very cold in the snow and if you get too cold you'll get more sick..."

After getting the little girls hat on, Anna pulled her own winter jacket off, even though that left her in the freezing snow with nothing but a t-shirt and jeans, and put it around the girl like a blanket before standing, looking over at the alpha, "Ill go get some medicine. Please don't go anywhere. Ill be back as son as I can." She didn't know what all was going on with this pack, but all she knew was that the wolf child needed help and she wad going to be the one to help her. She turned, running back toward the town as quickly as she could, determined to do what wad right in this situation.
Connor looked down at Natalie when she asked him to never get her angry. It seemed like such a strange thing for her to say, but all the same, he nodded to her request, "Okay. I promise. I will never try to get you angry." Then he smiled at her, "I won't worry too much. Just hurry back so we can have our study date, alright?" He said with a playful wink and laughed as they walked into the classroom, "So what are you majoring in anyway?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Natalie sighs softly glad that he would take her warning seriously enough. "Good, thank you. I'll do my best to come to the study date." She promised and blushed at the word never having been on a date before. She pushed people away cause it was the simplest thing to do, and she didn't have many friends, but she still had a few that she let close to her. She sat in the chair she had been. "Music. It helps with my anger issues. I find that playing the piano, violin, and guitar help with getting my focus off whatever is bothering me." She answered his question her hands together biting her lip softly.

When the human pulled off her coat and ran to go to the store, some of the wolves, including the alpha and Alexei changed into their human shells, being able to shift and still have clothes on. Toga sighs pulling a hand through his dark brown hair looking down at his daughter. "I didn't think she'd wake up so soon." He said the human mates coming and going to the ones they were tied to, coming out of a home that was by there, hidden. "And she shouldn't have given this coat up. It's normal that cubs are that warm. In fact we're that warm all the time. Take it, and catch up with her Alexei." He said handing the coat to him.
"I shall do my best." Alexei said not wanting to promise anything and took off in the snow covered ground, going to catch up with the human girl. She could very well freeze out here especially if she didn't really know where she was going since the snow started to fall a bit harder. Soon everything would start to look the same for the human eyesight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AHeartlessNobody
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AHeartlessNobody Princess of the Sea

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Music? That's awesome. I like music as well. Honestly, if not for my love of art, I would have chosen it as my major." He nodded at her explanation of why she loved music so much. How it always helped her with her angerment issues, "I know how that is. Art is that way for me. I went through a, sort of a depression I guess, when I was sixteen. Art is the one thing though that kept me together. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my artwork." He looked up and smiled at her. That expression on her face was so adorable. It made him grin all the more. Chuckling, he looked back down at his artwork after a moment and spoke, "So, about that trip you mentioned. Where are you going?"

Annabella ran, the skies growing dark as night time came in, but all too soon, a snow storm began to blow, and the snow began to fall heavily, to the point where she couldn't even see five feet in front of her. She shivered, looking about nervously, her long blonde hair blowing about wildly, "No...no, no, no." She whispered, shaking her head, because she knew she was lost. Picking a random direction, she began to move that way, her speed getting slower and slowly until finally she had to stop, her body numb, and fell to her knees, curling up there like that, trembling and shivering. She felt horrible. She had wanted to help that little girl, to help the wolves, but now she wouldn't be able to. She couldn't even help herself right now. Wrapping her arms around herself, she sat there on her knees for another few moment before even they gave out and she layed there in the snow, so sure she wouldn't make it to see the next morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexei followed after the footprints and the scent of the human as best as he could his lupine eyes being a whole lot better than a humans saw how she turned in the wrong direction and then fell crouching and picking her up allowing her to be enveloped by his heat as he wrapped the back of the coat up around her to protect her against the cold, Kouga having suggested he go since he wasn't in the town for quite some years so people shouldn't really know him placing her cold face against his chest under his neck. "Wait a moment. We'll get you to safety." He said softly still not overly used to speaking as he climbed back up the hill to the hidden house climbing the snow covered hills as if it were nothing.

Natalie just happened to look out the window to see it was snowing and she worried about anyone who might be caught up in this horrible storm when she recalled she was asked a question. "Well...I have to go buy flowers. And visit my parents. I haven't been to their graves ever even when they died still healing from the wound I got." She said saying once more only part of the truth. She would do that, the day before the night of the first full moon, but wouldn't be seen beyond that as she tended to look as if she were sicker than a dog, pardon the pun. She didn't really appreciate dog puns that much now, but could still find a bit of humor in it. She knew that to tell him that her parents were killed by wolves would be scoffed at since for hundreds of years they haven't been seen, and her parents death had been seen as just a freak accident and buried much like they have been. "And I'll just be outside of town, going to see some friends of mine." She would call her friends and ask them to back her up on that story and they would with a bit of curiosity, but they would which made her love them even more for it.
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