Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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The room was dark apart from one light in from the fireplace in the corner of the room. A young girl was coughing badly, laying on a bed by the fire, her face pale and sweat pouring down. A doctor was sitting by her side and sighed, moving back and shaking his head. "There's nothing I can do for the child...we just don't have the medicine or time to fix this...I am so sorry..." The men looked over to the other side of the room where a hooded figure stood by the window, not facing the man. He heard a sigh then said "Another life lost because of how things are...I don't think we can wait any longer..." The hooded figure walked over and picked the girl up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her.

The doctor jumped up and said "You can't move her, she's barely hanging in there as it is..." The hooded figure turned to the doctor and said "You have done what you can for her heart...now its my turn to do what I can do...your payment will be by the door when you leave...are the supplies I asked for here?" The doctor nodded and said "But I told you, a transplant is useless without a new heart which we don't have..." The hooded figure chuckled and said "Your kind of heart yes...not my kind of heart..." The hooded figure left the room, the doctor standing there dumb founded....

Years later...

Lady Margaret Moon sat in the lounge, drinking herb tea and listened to the other patrons talking of their small worries. She shook her head, looking down at the newspaper she was reading and turned a page. She had a robotic wolf at her feet, the steam powering him coming out of his nose. She was waiting for someone, but wasn't staying unnoticed by others in the room, but she didn't mind. A lady of her standing never went unnoticed unless they tried very hard not to be seen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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Harper stood limply at his mirror rubbing at the stubble on his face with his bionic arm. He flinched at the sudden sharp pain that shot up from his finger tips to his arms and spine. Groaning he slowly removed his shirt taking extra care to avoid as much contact as possible with his bionic arm. Harper stared for a moment at his body. Frankenstein like stitch marks start under the center of his left pectoral and go under his arm pit, around his shoulder and back to the beginning. His entire left arm is mechanical running off the the heat produced by his body the arm is one of a kind, produced by the finest of bio-medical doctors. Harper has invested millions into the research and development of this bionic arm but is still in testing. A low pitched beep filled the silent bathroom, then a voice. "Lord Stilles, the Court requests your presence to hear your final say on how to deal with the recent tax evasions among the other classes."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The door opened and a huge man with white hair and bright green eyes, but young, walked in. He looked around and saw Lady Moon and made his way to her, sitting down and said "Its all in place. we will hear the vote as soon as its made at the capital building. Once we hear that vote, then we make our move..." Margaret looked up at him and said "Bane...remember your temper. We just need to see how things are going to play out before any move is made, alright? Now I am heading to the vote in a few minutes. Mind getting the car for me?" Bane nodded and got up, heading back outside. She shook her head and said "So jumpy...he needs a vacation soon..."

Lady Moon walked up the stairs to the Capital Building, her steam powered wolf at her heels. She got to the door and it was opened for her and she walked in with her pet. She headed to the court room, walking with a purpose and a fire burning in her eyes. A hand shot out and took hers, a man smiling at her slyly. "I heard the terrible news, Maggie...that nasty tax might be passed today..." Margaret frowned and said calmly "I am Lady Shade to you, Norman...and the tax will pass or fail depending on the will of the people...now I ask you let go of my hand before Fang here decides to remove it for you..." Her wolf was growling, his eyes glowing gold as his systems got hot. Norman smirked and said "I could help you drown those sorrows night with a drink and company..."

Margaret glared and said "I would rather drink poison then spend an evening with you...Lord Drake..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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While walking down the final hallway to the Court Room Harper was helped into his overcoat by a servant. "My Lord everyone is here and accounted for." she said while pulling a notepad out and scribbling out words with a pen.
"Good and make an appointment with the Royal Surgeon, my arm is scraping the nerves in my spine again."
"I will have him in your presence by the end of the meeting, my Lord."
"And how are the preparations for the banquet coming along?"
"The invitations have been sent and the venue has been confirmed, my Lord. We are waiting for your approval of the meal selections"
"I'll have that decided by the end of the day."
"Very good , my Lord."

The servant bowed then scurried off back the opposite way leaving only Harper and his two armed escorts. The ushers pushed open the doors to the room. Everyone in the court stood from their seats, bowed and waited for their ruler to take his seat as custom dictates. Harper took his seat at the head of the table and motioned his escort away. He nodded in acknowledgement to the people of the room. Silence was disturbed by the sounds of everyone taking their seats. Harper waited for silence. He took a moment to scan the faces of the court doing the best to ignore the constant pain in his spine and arm. "As we all know the Middle and Low classes of our city have been refusing to pay taxes in order to keep this city functional and in shape. We have tried to reason and show mercy in this little matter, however my patience is running very thin. I've called on you all to hear my final say and to listen to any alternate problems for the--extreme measures I am going to have to take to keep things in order. Now is the time for any propositions regarding the matter."
A small voice filled the silence. "My Lord, aren't we here to discus and vote on a solution not to hear one final proposition?"
Harper looked at Gerald and smiled warmly. "I'm sorry Gerald but the matter has been settled already. We are to raise taxes by 40% and anyone who resists will be considered traitors of the common people and are to be executed on the spot. You can understand how you weren't invited to this meeting seeing as you represent the lower classes. We didn't want any biased votes, it seems you were not properly informed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Margaret frowned, having a feeling this how things were going. She was representing the science core so her being here was needed. But she still sighed and stood, turning to leave as the talking went on. She didn't care the further talking. The choice she had been worried had been confirmed. War was break out, that was a sure thing. But she wouldn't let it get that far..."

She was lost in her thoughts that she missed Lord Drake behind her. He grabbed her and pulled her into a side office, kicking the robotic wolf away and locking the door. He turned to her and smiled darkly. "You think you can just push me aside like I am a lower class mutt? I will show you what happens to those who defies the order things..." Margaret faced him, her eyes burning darkly. "I have much more important things to do, Norman...so I guess you just need a fast lesson" He came at her and she pushed a button on her arm band hidden by her long sleeves.

Suddenly shocks ran thru her gloved hand and she pushed against the lord, sending shocks thru him. He cried out and went flying into a far wall, sliding down the wall. Margaret flinched, her hand burned and smoking. "I hadn't had a chance to test these yet...a few bugs to work out..." She went to the door and unlocked it, walking out and catching a servant girl. "I fear Lord Drake has fallen ill, would you mind getting a doctor for him?" The girl nodded and ran off, Margaret flinching again as she headed for her office in the building. She needed a few things from there, not seeing anyone around her as the court room opened for the meeting was finished. Not paying attention she would most likely bump into someone on her way to her office.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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"My Lord, this is a direct violation of-" Gerald's voice was cut short by the sound of a pistol being chambered. The click echoed silencing the murmurs of all the Lords and Ladies who obviously were not invited to the meeting mentioned. "Lord Gerald you forget yourself. You do remember that I am serving as High Lord in place of Dansell Fredrick. He has entrusted me with all powers of High Lord if anything my word is law and I don't have to listen to any retorts. Those who oppose the word of High Lord are considered to be treasonous. You do know what happens to those who commit treason I'm sure? The cold barrel of a pistol was placed on Lord Gerald's temple freezing him in his place. "I asked you a direct question Lord Gerald." Lord Gerald frantically nodded his head. Harper's escort retracted and holstered his pistol. "I ask again, are there any alternate solutions to this problem?" Harper was met with silence. "No? Good. All Middle and Low class citizens are required to pay 40% more in taxes effective immediately. All tax evader are pardoned but further refusal to pay taxes will be considered treason and will be met with death. Court dismissed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

When the doors were opened a white haired man was waiting for Harper's escort and handed him a envelope. "From Lady Moon for your boss...be sure he reads that..." He turned and vanished into the crowd, heading outside to wait for his lady. The letter would read

Dear Harper,
I know we have not be formally introduced, but I must advise caution with the actions of this new tax raise. Things are not as the seem in the lower classes as our loving leaders would like us to believe. Please move with caution, for it may be the undoing of us all to move to harshly against those with nothing to truly lose. If you wish to talk further, you know where to find me.

Your fellow Keeper of Life,
Lady Moon

Margaret made it to her office, her hand causing her to stumble into the room, closing the door behind her. She gasped, pulling her glove off to show her normally white smooth skin burned and charred from the electroshock from her defense gloves. She moved to her desk, barely making to her chair to sit down. She took a few deep breaths, not able to get her other hand free of the other glove to put something on the burn. She cursed softly and said "That moron Drake...I wasted a test on him...but I will need to fix this bug before I make more of them..." She heard a knock and closed her eyes. "If that's anyone but Harper..." She cleared her throat and said louder "Who is it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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Harper let himself in nodding at the two men assigned to escort him. They closed the doors behind Harper and he stood before Margaret with his hands behind his back. He cleared his throat before speaking. "This a bold statement from you, my subordinate. Is there something you'd like to share with me. If so make it quick for I have an appointment waiting for me." Harper was once reminded of the pain in his arm and spine. He clenched his teeth not daring to show any weakness or pain translate on his face. Harper could feel his bionic arm locking he ignored it for the time being. He noticed Margret seemed to be in pain. "Is something wrong, Lady Moon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Margaret looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure you should start by calling a lady your subordinate. Its not very nice" She got up, pulling the glove back over the burned flesh to keep it protected for a few minutes. She looked at him closely then said "Ah, I see. Your having a problem with your arm?" She walked over and without a word pulled his arm up and pulled the sleeve back, studying the mechanics. "I see your problem...its not a problem a doctor can fix, it needs a mechanical's attention" She went over to her work table and pulled a small kit from a shelve and walked back over, turning his arm and pulling out a small welding tool.

"It looks like one of your nerve catching units has come loose. it causes raw endings to react badly to movement. Its like a pitched nerve in the normal human body. If you like I can repair it right now?" she looked up at him then nodded and before he could respond she pulled him to a chair and made him sit, opening his arm up and started to work on the nerve catcher.

"Now, to you question, its not a statement. Its a warning. I am the head of the Scientific Core, which watches over all three classes. What you see as a threat is not purely that. But it could be come a threat if you push like the High Lord before you did before now. You can't look at the lower classes as numbers or tax flow...they are still people. Just like you and me" Margaret stepped back, finished with her repairs.

"You should keep that doctor's appointment to run tests, but I think that will fix most of the problem" She put the tools down and flinched, her dominate hand still burning from her fight with Drake. She cursed softly, holding the gloved hand. "Bloody Lord Drake..." She fought to pull the glove off, but was having a hard time with it. The burns were causing her hand to swell and tighten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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Harper clenched his bionic hand. No pain. It's almost like-"..Magic." Harper muttered quietly. He cleared his throat realizing he finished his thought aloud and stood up. "Lady Moon I mean no disrespect at all. If I could explain to you why my methods are the only way to go you still wouldn't understand. Everything that I am doing is completely necessary." Harper let his gaze drift down to Margret. "Lord Drake has been known to come on a little strong, but I never figure him for a woman beater. What has he done?" Harper stood over Margret, his eyes fixed on the hand she clutched.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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She looked away and said "He didn't do this to me...exactly...he decided to come to me in a way that was not...respectful. So I decided to teach him a little lesson in how a lady would take his actions..." She finally got the glove off and showed him her burned hand. "One of my little new inventions worked perfectly...just the side affect was not what I suspected. The eletrospheres in my glove runs a lot hotter then I thought it would when I turned them on...sent him flying into a wall. I called him a doctor of course...but my hand took a little damage at the same time..." She looked at him and said "I understand many things, Lord Stilies...somethings more then most humans could understand. One thing I know that there is never only one answer to a problem...there is always a harsh fast answer...or a slow but growing answer..." She reached for her coat, her hand shaking in pain as she picked up the leather long coat. "I study many things...its my nature to try and understand all workings...one is how to understand the nature of humanity...and this path you are taking...it will only end in pain and sadness..." She opened her door, Fang sitting outside waiting for her.

She looked back once more and said "If you are still so sure of your path...don't pay me mind. But if you think there may be a better way...come see me on a night you have free. Fang will give you the address. Come over any time, no need to call ahead." She started to walk out, Fang walking in and after a click a card popped out of his mouth and he held it out to the lord before following his lady out of the room.

Margaret held her hand, worried there would be nerve damage. What a bother to deal with right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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Harper snatched the card from the mechanical dog and quickly exited the room after Margret. His mind flooded with things he needed to get done. But his mind boiled with rage about the idiocy of Norman. After asking around he found out where the injured lord was being treated. He entered the hospital wing, his escort accompanying his as usual. A middle aged woman operated the clerk's desk. Without looking away from the documents she wrote on she ask, "How may I help you today?" Harper stood in silence. The woman looked up in a bit of frustration at his silence. She flinched, stood up and bowed. "My Lord I didn't think you were going to make your appointment today. Please forgive me I didn't know-" Harper held up a hand to cut the woman off.

"Would you be kind and inform your nurses that I am going to need to be speaking with Lord Drake in private." Harper said with a warm smile.

"Of course, my Lord. He's in the room to your left. The nurse just left so you wont be bothered." The clerk said with her head still bowed.

Harper turned to his escorts. "No one comes in." Without waiting for a response he entered Drakes room and closed the door quietly. In the hospital bed Harper could see drake turn his head. His eyes are squinted barley open, no doubt he's on some sort of sedative. Harper rolled up his sleeve revealing the bionic arm. With it he clasped the metallic fingers around Norman's throat. His eyes shot open and filled with fear and shock. Norman gasped for air. "Listen here Norman, you're not here to try to win the hearts of ladies. ESPECIALLY Margret." Norman squirmed under Harper's grip. He gasped and wheezed, kicked and clawed, but Harper only squeezed tighter until Norman's face turned blue and his eyes began to become bloodshot. "I'm keeping you alive only because you are a renowned reconnaissance agent. If you so much as think of touching her again and/or deviate from the set orders I've given I WILL have you executed. I do hope I've made myself clear because I rarely give second chances. Stay focused on the mission" Harper said through gritted teeth. Without waiting for a response he left the room, ablaze with anger. He could hear the coughing and wheezing of Norman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Margaret was sitting in the car, Bane driving. A young fiery hair woman sat next to Margaret tending to her burned hand. "I'm sorry you got hurt, boss...but I wish I could have seen these things at work" Margaret smiled weakly and siad "I'll give you a pair once I've worked out the bugs. How does that sound?"

The girl beamed then went back to work as Bane looked back. "I still don't get the note, boss. Why did you give him warning like that?" Margaret sighed and said "I think Harper is a good man...he just doesn't know all the facts...no one does. No one that would care that is. We keep to the plan if everything goes right, no one will get hurt" Bane pulled up to a huge manor and said "I hope your right boss...I don't want to see you get hurt"

Inside a young girl ran up to Margaret, hugging her tightly. "Maggie! Your finally home! How was your day!? What happened to your hand?" Margaret smiled and said "just a burn, I'll be alright. Clara, might making some tea? I'll be in the lab" Clara nodded and ran off, Margaret going up to the top level which was a huge lab, full of machines and different tools of the trade. Clara came back up while Margaret was working on a huge spider like machine. Clara set the tea down and said. "It he almost ready to be born?" Margaret smiled and said "almost...I was hoping someone would drop by tonight to see it...but if he doesn't then we will have to go on with out the company"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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Harper stared at the card with Margret's address written in cursive writing. He tossed the card on his desk and moved to the giant window spanning at least 10 feet across and 7 wide. The city was stunning from this perspective. The far inner circle district, where the lower class are housed, is dimly lit. The people below are like ants, each worker moving about doing the specific job they were born to do. All of it was about to change, and Harper knows he must make sure it's in the right way.

Harper closed the curtains for privacy and moved to the end of his bed to sit. He thought about Margret's warning. Harper of course knows that the act he has installed will undoubtedly bring discontent among the lower classes but this is the only way to protect what his father died for. The only way to form a truly free life.

Harper clicked on the intercom on his dresser and spoke clearly, "Prep a car for travel, I have somewhere I need to be."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Margaret was walking down the street, holding a box of sweets in her arms. She knew she shouldn't be alone but Clara as working hard and Margaret wanted to surprise her. She turned the corner and spotted three men that didn't belong. They were soldiers, and she knew who sent them. She sighed and said "I shouldn't have told him..." She walked towards them, putting the box in her bag to stay safe. The men saw her and she said "I'm not in the mood boys..."

There was a bump at the front door of the manor and it opened, Margaret stumbling in. She shut the door, blood dripping from her lip and a cut on her cheek. She went to the sitting room and barely made it to sit down. She pulled her cloak off, looking a mess. She heard steps and a gasp. Clara was to her in moments, resting a hand on her shoulder. "My lady..." There was a knock at the door and Maggie said "get that....would you? Walking hurts right now"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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"Father, can I see her?" A young Harper asked. Hansel smiled as he Ruffles his son's hair.

"No, not yet. In time you two will meet." He knelt to Harper's height. "You two are going to change the world, Harper. You won't be able to understand why or how right now but-" he stopped when he noticed Harper was staring at him blankly indicating a lack of comprehension. Hansel chuckled and picked Harper up. He giggled and climbed around into his fathers back. "She's asleep right now but I guess it wouldn't hurt if you saw her just this once."


"What the hell happened to you?" Harper asked Margret.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Clara opened the door and showed him inside, Margaret trying to get up as Harper walked inside. "Lord Stilies, I wasn't sure you were going to make..." Clara ran over and helped Margaret over to the lord, checking her over. "My lady..."

Maggie smiled and said "just ran into some of Normans men, nothing to get worked up about. What brings you here my lord?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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"I've got her, thank you." Harper said to Clara. He took Margret by the hands to help keep her steady and led her to the chair. "Norman's men can expect a visit from my personal militia. As for Norman himself, he knows his place and shouldn't be a bother anymore." Harper said softly. "I came to discuss something with you. Now that I've done what I needed to do it's time to fill you in on why I chose this path."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Margaret looked at him, worry on her face. "This path...i hope you haven't done anything to risk yourself..." The door opened and the white haired an walked in, looking around. "Boss?" He walked into the study and said "boss are you...oh, sorry my lady, I didn't know you had company..." Margaret had a different look on her face for a sec then said "bane, would you mind taking Clara to the lab?" Bane nodded, taking Clara's hand and leading her out.

Margaret sighed, rubbing her cut forehead and said "sorry about that. You were saying?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TrulyAwakened
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"Well I can't quite tell you everything yet but..." Harper paused and walked around the room checking for any wire taps or cameras. He stopped looking and look out of a window. "Listen, Margret. I know what's coming and I know what the tax evasions are for and why they're happening. I cheated to get the act passed because I knew it was the only way to get the other classes to finally fight back."
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