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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Blue Demon>

You ready?

The Dark Knitter

An administrative error at GCPD lockup lands The Knitter in Gotham's very own Arkham Asylum. After two years surrounded by Gotham's worst criminals The Knitter escapes from Arkham a far more dangerous man, determined to exact his revenge on those that once mocked him. All across Gotham dead bodies begin to appear covered in expertly tanned human skin, sewn around its wearer to perfection, all but for the lack of mouth and nose holes.


That concept went from joyful and actually somewhat funny and took a turn down the dark and twisted aisle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'd expect IC to be up late tonight.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm actually working on a CS!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Not yet finished, as I don't want to do the whole "Dying" thing yet so I need to figure out what to do in these last six years, as I doubt that Justice League: Dark Justice will exist yet and I don't want to be the one responsible for a team :P

So I'll look more into his stories for one I am willing to fill the gap with (I do know quite a few stories thanks to research (Plus I got some volumes ordered)) which I feel will help establish him but not necessarily stories I want to do IC :P

I might put in some Swamp Thing stories, if that's alright @HenryJonesJr

John Constantine

| Origin & Backstory |

Childhood - 1981 -> 1994
"When everyone thinks you're crazy, there is only one way out...

John Constantine was born into a normal household in Liverpool in England. His parents were perfectly normal human beings, his Father Thomas was a teacher at a regular high school. His mum worked in an office, living a dreary nine to five job. John however, something was different about John. He's never found out what it is, despite searching. He always felt different, sometimes he could see things that seemed incredibly coincidental based on his thoughts. Adverts, or posters. They all somehow seemed to relate to something that was going on around him, and then he started seeing other things.

Demons, people would change on front of his very eyes into beings not off this world. They were creatures of two worlds, not full beings of hell sent to plague the people of the Earth. Then there were the angels, the ones sent to watch over us. All of it seemed crazy and he couldn't really understand it all. Naturally when he tried to tell people they believed that he was the crazy one and the craziness wasn't with the world. Nobody understood. So like with most things people didn't understand they locked him away in an asylum. They had him tested, poked, prodded and drugged more often than not.

The problem is, the more and more people claimed him to be crazy th emore and more he simply looked for a way out. Naturally there was only one way out.

Two minutes of hell - 1994 -> 1994

What John didn't understand then, is that committing suicide is the ultimate sin. As such his soul was then sent to hell, there was naught but pain and suffering. While he was dead a mere two minutes his rare talent let him retain the memories of his time in hell. The main thing he could remember doing, was the running. What was considered seconds in the physical world transitioned into hours in the land of hell. Minutes turned into days. He could remember the pain and the suffering that existed in the world.

The next world, identical to our own in every way except burning and in ruin. The fires burned him as the smoke and sulfur burned his longs, despite the fact he was already dead. He ran for hours before he was captured by them. The pain, it was more than a single being could gain an entire lifetime and yet it was never ending. Whenever his body got used to the pain it increased in intensity, occasionally it would stop. If only for a moment, only enough time to let his eyes close in an attempt to sleep and then it would begin anew. Then, just as the second day ended. He was torn out of the grasp of the devil himself and back into the world of the living with a start.
New Purpose - 1994 -> 2009

New purpose was given in his life, he had to find his way in life. There was a way to make a difference in this world, and not only that... maybe he could earn his way into heaven after all this time. He was determined not to return to hell, and the best way he could see to do that was to send the half-breed demons back to where they belonged. It wasn't an easy path however, he knew that before getting into it that it could put his life on the line time and time again and with Lucifer sitting waiting to collect his soul... he needed to be careful. He needed to be prepared, so he traveled to Europe to learn the magical arts.

John then decided to head to head for New York in order to try and learn under one of the greatest mages in the world, Nick Necro. For a time, he was a part of something greater. Part of a team, they worked against several smaller demonic threats and cults in New York in an effort to retain the balance that the devils forces seemed to be concerned about less and less everyday. However the Books of Magic, apparently one of the main sources of magic in our realm of existence, began to become an obsession for Nick. As more time passed the more time Nick was devoting to finding the books and ultimate power. It was this obsession that drove Nicks girlfriend Zatanna away from Nick and towards John.

However these weren't feelings John felt he could reciprocate, not when he knew that the path he was taking would likely lead him to an early grave and if he wasn't successful... back to hell. That didn't matter to the deranged Nick though, Nick saw it that John stole Zatanna from him and while the books of magic was still his obsession he wasn't above spending some more intimate time in order to get revenge against John. He worked with the Cult of the Cold Flame to try and get John sent to hell. Unfortunately he didn't count on Johns ability to manipulate or his quick wit, who then turned it around. Nick was the one to be sent to hell that day, which was the wedge that drove Zatanna away from him. Just at the moment John felt he could start loving her.

The conversation came to an end where she declared that while he was determined to doing good in the end he was not a good man... at least not yet, and until then they couldn't be together. It was then that John decided to leave New York, telling Zatanna that he'd return when he could be the man she wanted him to be. Until then, other parts of the US needed his help and he'd be the one to help them.

Naturally he was at ground zero as Superman made his big debut in Metropolis. More and more super heroes began to appear as he traveled all across the US actually. The idea never really appealed to him, he had power yes but he tended to keep to working with the mystic arts and part of that was keeping the entire existence of the mystic arts secret. The only one he really felt was up to the task was Batman. The rest of them, as far as he was concerned were a bunch of show boaters. They all did an important job though he supposed...

It was certainly an interesting time to be alive.

The Thing from the Swamp - 2009->2010

It turned out in the end that weirdos only attracted more weirdos. Of course John knew that that typically meant something supernatural was going on, at least usually. He started printing cards to hand out to people, after all he may as well make a name for himself. He also tried to make money but most of the time he'd end up completing the job and not taking any payment. Which made it hard to make a living from what he did, but he managed to scrape by. Eventually even accumulating a nice little network of informants who'd keep him in the loop. Some of them were just people who kept their ear to the ground.

Eventually he heard about something in Louisiana. As per usual, it was something that wasn't exactly of this world. Or part of him hoped so, the last thing he wanted to do was to get involved in some super-freaks business. All due respect to the guys but he had no interest in getting involved int heir war on crime. What humans did to eachother was their own business, no. He just wanted to stop the forces of Hell taking over the Earth and making it into the second hell... no big deal really. As per usual, without a mode of transportation a short while later he was sitting in the back of a taxi heading for Louisiana.

It didn't take him long to find the beast, and it took him even less time to discover that this wasn't exactly the dark entity that a lot of his contacts had been talking about. Instead it was a plant elemental, an interesting if not disturbing concept. The whole idea that such a being had chosen now to make itself known was the disturbing thing. Allowing the Swamp Thing to access the force called The Green it and Constantine tracked down a cult of vampires inside of Illinois. Feeling that there was some even greater threat at work, Constantine sent the Swamp Thing in to deal with the Vampires on it's own.

Besides, what super strong plant controlling entity really needed him for backup anyway? Probably not that one. After a time researching the coming darkness Constantine returned to Illinois. He found the Vampire cult gone however he only found one trace of the Swamp Thing. A note. The how of how the Swamp Thing was able to write a note still remains a mystery to this day. However it was merely a note for Constantine, to let him know that in terms of the growing threats the two of them couldn't face it alone and as such the Swamp Thing was going to try and find help.

That sounded too much like a super hero team up for Constantines liking, he hated the idea.

The Cult of Steel - 2010 -> 2015

John always felt there were two levels of crazy. There was crazy to the point of living a completely dreary normal life and then there was the crazy of making a cult in order to worship a Superhero including sacrifices to try to somehow appease him or make him more powerful. There's not a whole lot of in between, though not all of them performed ritualistic sacrifices he would give them that. A lot of the time it wouldn't even be the heroes fault, but instead some demon taking advantage of their popularity.

The same reason some famous people have a drastic shift in personality for no reason, that's not them performing a publicity stunt. That's them coming under the forces of a hell-beast. Or in some rare cases them being released from the control of a hell-beast. Of course Superheros got a lot more recognition than a mere celebrity, and there were always the conflicting opinions and tensions to play on.

For the next five-freaking-years he spent time cleaning up after the actions of the heroes. While he would sometimes be called to perform the occasional exorcism - he wasn't above the dirty work after all. He wasn't like the big hotshots who would swoop in, save the day then leave the dirty work for the little guy. Though most of his time was devoted to something dark going on in the underworld. Something was taking advantage of all the pain caused in the attacks, playing on the emotions of the general populace. Their anger and their fear. He'd spend days in a single city trying to banish hell-beasts back to where they came from when something big went down.

Then it would be off to the next crisis. What he wasn't expecting was, what was up to this point. The crisis.

Justice League: Dark Justice - Late 2015 -> Present

Turns out Swamp-Thing went and joined up with the Justice League. In a way, a little sub-division if you could call it anything. A group of people who worked in the dark, unlike the Justice League themselves who worked in the light of day (With the exception of Batman) and with a lot of fanfare (Batman doesn't get exempt from this). Apparently whatever was going down, had demons all over the country (and likely beyond) riled up. Something big was going down, and everyone wanted in on the action.

Constantine, against his better judgement, decided to go with the Justice League Dark and as his mum always said. If you want honey you follow the bees, naturally it was a good way to get stung and with the fact that bees was being replaced with "Demons" and "Honey" was being replaced with "Catastrophic event that had all clairvoyants in the US fearing for the safety of metropolis"... it was a good way to end up dead. Though he agreed with Swamp Thing. If the world was going to get turned on it's head, if the balance was going to be disrupted... best they be in the middle of it to try and keep things straight. The last thing they needed was for some catastrophic event to go down for people to then discover that Heaven and Hell were real and that oh look, hell-beasts are taking over the Earth.

No, far better he team up. At least temporarily. What happened, well. He doubted any clairvoyant in their right mind, not that many of them were in their right minds, could have predicted Doomsday. The name was a little pomp for his liking as soon as he heard the name on the media. Though he wasn't going to argue, everyone had said the scales would become unbalanced. He never felt that that meant that Superman was going to be killed. Sure he felt that the caped hero was a bit of an arrogant and self righteous douche bag but... he was still the definition of the word hero. No, the scales had been tipped and then flipped on their side.

He didn't participate in the battle against Doomsday. No, what he did was work with civilians. He helped in the evacuation and saw to it that nothing took advantage of the chaos...

| Attributes |

Powers/Skills listed are current, and may be expanded upon if he learns more.

  • Exorcist: Simple to define, Constantine is able to forces spirits (typically evil spirits) to leave a host body against their will. The difficulty of this naturally depends on the demon.
  • Magic Circles/Emblems: Constantine is well versed in the creation of magical circles or emblems in order to create specific seals. Typically either to protect a location/person or to trap a demon. These can also be used to reveal a demons true form or if complex enough can interact with the normal physical plain of existence.
  • Magic: While he doesn't often use it, Constantine does have access to magic which can perform a wide array of defensive/offensive abilities. However most of them he struggles with, the only magic spell that he typically uses is the ability to conjure flame in his hands which he can then use as a heat source, light source or a weapon. Anything else is substantially more complex.
  • Hand to Hand Combat: You'd be surprised how often dealing with the mystic and spiritual how often it comes down to punching someone or something in the face. As such he is quite proficient at fighting. While he is considered a "Dirty fighter" as long as it gets the job done, he doesn't really care.
  • Possession Resistance: Thanks to his studies he himself can resist psychic attacks and possession. He can even use sigils to make his presence from the world disappear altogether, at least for a period of time.
  • Well Known: He's got a few friends, here and there.
  • Stage Magic: Yeah, he can dazzle an audience.
  • Arcane Knowledge: He might not be able to do a lot of magic. Though he sure as hell knows it when he sees it.

| Character Notes |


Oh, there's quite a few...


Lucifer, The Devil, Satan himself. There aren't many others who are legitimantly in his "Bad" books.

| Character Goals |

I'm learning more about him all the time, and I love the mystical element of DC. So really I'm just looking forward to exploring that, introducing villains in the same area of the mythos just to spice things up. It's also going to be interesting interacting with any other heroes... especially if they've never dealt with anything like this before.

| Sample Post |

"I'm telling you mate, it's not going to happen. Simple as that." John rested his head back while the Taxi sat in a carpark out of the centre of metropolis. Sure shit was till going tits up but he needed his rest the same as everyone else. Would be easier if the rest of his so called team had decided not to go AWOL on him. At least he still had Chas, he wasn't really in the market for a new taxi driver. After all it was such a personal experience.

"I'm sure the big guy has earned his way into heaven. I mean not two days ago he died protecting the city from an evil rampaging monster. Pretty sure discounting all the other good he's done that more or less grants him entry." John just sighed as he sat up, facing the ever stubborn bastard that was probably the best friend he had ever had. He wasn't wrong, under normal circumstances that would have been enough to earn a glowing recommendation to the palace upstairs. Sadly these weren't normal circumstances.

"I'll let you have it Chas, self sacrifice probably is one of the better ways to get in. Not to mentiona ll the other shit he's done over the years. You're forgetting one crucial thing though." He sighed as he just got a blank stare straight back. "Superman wasn't human he was... kryptomanian or something like that."


"Whatever, the point is for whatever reason Earth is the center of all these Heaven, Hell and Earth Shennanigans. The even bigger guy upstairs doesn't really seem to care about anything out there or from out there, angels get pretty jealous about the fact that we seem to be his favourites. Sorry Chas, he died a hero but-" John just shrugged. "-His fate is in the hands of whatever Kryptonian god exists, if there is one."

"I just don't like it, look at what all he did for us-"

"What? Fly around in a cape and cause trouble. We have plenty of people that can do that." John couldn't help but wince at the glare he got from that remark. "Sorry Chas, maybe God'll grant an exception. Who knows? I mean if there's hope for me there's bound to be some hope for Superman. At least you'd bloody well hope so. I mean if I got a second chance at life you'd think so at least, wouldn't you?

Chas just sighed. "Sorry, I know you just want to sleep. It's been a busy couple of days-"

"With a few more to come probably."

"The point is, I guess there isn't one. It's just a shock, y'know?"

John nodded his head. "Yeah, I know. In the end he did his job, so grab some shuteye so we can do ours. Hopefully we can clean up this mess before something decides to use Supermans death as an opportunity to cause havoc." Truth be told, something already wasn't right. He could feel it in his bones, gonads and just about every other part of him that he could feel something in. Whatever had happened here, well. The scales were tipped and something had to be done quickly before the balance was gone forever. Quite obviously the one time he felt like he could really use help was the one time almost everyone willing to help him disappeared off the face of the Earth.

He just hoped they were still alive.

"Yeah, I guess you're right John."

"Tell you what Chas, we'll go to the funeral. Pay our respects and see if any of gods messangers are there. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd rather avoid them as they're just a right pain in the arse but..." John sighed, as he couldn't believe he was saying this. "Superman deserves to go to rest properly. Now close your bloody eyes and go to sleep before I knock you out. You'll do no good as a taxi driver if you can't keep your eyes open."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 5 days ago

Just reposting this since I have now completed it.

| Identity |
Laurel “Laurie Jupiter” Juspeczyk / Silk Spectre

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |
Regular Human: Laurie has no super powers on which she can rely on to aid her while fighting crime, unlike other heroes now a days. She has the same weaknesses as any other normal person. However, this could also come to her advantage because villains and criminals might underestimate her.

Natural Athlete: Even from a young age, Laurie has been naturally gifted at sports. Softball, gymnastics, soccer, basketball. You name it, she probably had tried it for at least for a season and probably have been at least above average at the sport. However, once she got to high school, she limited herself to gymnastics in the winter and soccer in the spring. Participating in these two sports not only allowed her to be in great shape, but also helped her learn how to manage multiple aspects of her life.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: While far away from being a master at close combat, Laurie, due to her four plus years of extensive training, is able to hold her own in hand-to-hand combat. With some more experience and practice in the field, Laurie has the potential to become quite the force to reckon with.

| Character Notes |

| Character Goals |
Since I am more versed in Marvel lore than DC (the latter of which is limited to the 90’s/2000’s animated series, films, and the recent DC live action television series), I wanted to pick someone who might not have been picked otherwise. I also wasn’t sure whether Watchmen character would fit in, let alone be accepted in this roleplay. However, I tried to craft her origin so that a previous era of superheroes did not need to exist (in a DC universe, there would be a gap in film history from the missing Batman and Superman movies, so I thought it made sense).

It might be my limited knowledge of DC lore, but when I think of where all the action happens in DC, I think of Gotham City and Metropolis. Maybe this thinking is only because of my ignorance of DC lore, but I would like to see a hero fight crime in a city other than where “everything bad happens”, like New York City in the Marvel Universe. When I was doing some research, I saw that there were some heroes in New York City, like Firestorm, Green Lantern(s), Nightwing, and Wonder Woman. However, the latter two are not located in NYC in this roleplay as far as I can tell from their character sheets.

| Sample Post |
“Come on, Laurel. Let’s see that costume.” Sally, Laurie’s mother, called out to her daughter as she held a glass of white wine in her hand, swirling the liquid around within the glass by moving her hand in a circular rotation. She was seated in a chair, waiting for her daughter to enter into the room. “Don’t be shy. I’m your mother, for Pete’s sake!”

After she had delayed the unveiling of her costume as long as she could, now Laurie could no long waste time. Her mother has always been pushing like this. Therefore, the new Silk Spectre exited from the changing room and walked down the hallway that lead to the room where her mother was. Her heels of her boots clicked with each step. Laurie was wearing a yellow and black costume that was a modern reimagination of her mother’s costume in the films.

“Oh, you look fantastic in that, Laurel.” Sally said after she took a sip of her white wine. “Now spin around so that mother can see how it looks from other angles.”

Laurie humored her mother, slowly spinning around so that her mother could see how her costume looked from different perspectives. Once Laurie had finished turning around, she stood there, facing her mother. “So, dear, what do you think?”

“It makes me feel like a stripper.” The new Silk Spectre replied to her mother.

“Nonsense!” Her mother responded after another sip of wine. “The doctor said that you recovered from the surgery perfectly fine, although I wished we picked a larger size after the swelling went down. Nevertheless, they’re the best and most realistic looking ones that money can buy. I should know because I was at your post-op check-up appointment!”

In response to what her mother thought she had meant by ‘looking like a stripper’, Laurie simply face palmed. How many mothers would give their daughters implants and a blank check for buying new bras for a college graduation present?

“I wasn’t talking about my boob job, mother.” Laurie said, “I’m talking about this costume! Where should I start? The boots that have transition into a fish-net stocking when it gets past my knees? That all the yellow material on this costume is semi-transparent? Or maybe the unironic continuation of the trope where it looks like the superhero wears their underwear on the outside of their costume, or lingerie in my case? And what about the heels on these boot? All that is missing from this costume is glitter!”

“Oh, Laurel, aren’t you overreacting by just a little bit?”

“Couldn’t we have created a new identity for me? Wouldn’t this costume make it easy to trace it back to us?”

“But that’s why we’re sending you over to New York to start out your career. Plus, there are probably numerous fangirls who would want to dress up like me. Anyways, you can never underestimate how distracting these additions can be for criminals.”

“If you wanted my costume to distract criminals, why didn’t you make it so that it will have a wardrobe malfunction whenever I got out on patrol?”

“Why didn’t I already think of that? Maybe I should get in contact with…”

“Could be at least get rid of the heels? Who wears heels during any rigorous activity?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Would it be possible for a young teenage prodigy Ted Kord to have been the research assistant to an action-oriented, Indiana Jones-style archaeologist version of Dan Garrett who wasn't a superhero or publicly well-known but still had adventures of a sort, or does that skirt too close to the line of violating 'No superheroes appeared before 2009'? I would understand either way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| Identity |
Solomon Grundy
Cyprus Gold

| Origin & Backstory |

| Attributes |
Super Strength: Solomon Grundy is one of the strongest villains on earth. He can go toe-to-toe with any member of the Justice League, and they most certainly feel his punches. He can lift enormous weights with little strain.

Invincibility: The zombified body of Cyprus Gold is extremely durable. He can tank extreme damage without injury. When injury does occur, Solomon Grundy's supernatural healing factor allows him to absorb life force to restore his body to its fullest power.

Life absorption: The Gray gifted Solomon Grundy with the ability to suck the life energies out of anything that lives and breathes. This includes humans, animals, aliens and plants. Certain objects are harder to drain, such as living creatures, and require more time and effort to absorb into himself. Solomon tends to avoid 'eating' sapient beings, especially other people. He isn't fond of murder.

Reanimation: Whenever Solomon Grundy is killed, he is brought back to life in Slaughter Swamp. This is due to the curse of the Gray making him effectively immortal. His previous body turns to nothing but wood and swamp pulp when his new body reforms back in Gotham.

| Character Notes |
N/A for now

| Character Goals |
I was introduced to Solomon Grundy during the Justice League cartoon, and fell in love with the character since then. He's such an odd character. His origins are extremely dark, and he's surrounded by pure evil, yet he manages to be fun and light hearted at the same time (at least sometimes.) I've never really liked it when Grundy was little more than a mindless zombie. So I want to write Solomon with a bit more emotion and humanity; I want to show his good side. I want to look into the psyche of a giant, memory-less zombie and explore what he thinks of this world that he finds himself in. Things are cut and dry for him. Black and white. Good guys fight bad guys, the good guys win, and the bad guys get away to plan their next big job. But things have become different. Become...gray. Villains aren't supposed to win; they aren't supposed to kill their heroes. That's the line of thought that I want to chase down with Grundy.

| Sample Post |
Grundy's heart hurt.

His arm hurt too. And his ribs. In fact, Solomon Grundy's entire body racked with the most intense pain he'd felt in his entire life. He shifted his weight a little, trying to get his barrings. Rock and rubble tumbled over his chest as he moved. Grundy blinked, blinded by the light. He reached a hand up to rub the dirt and dust off his face. Hmm. That was odd. Solomon could only move his left arm. He couldn't feel his right. The zombie glanced to the right and was surprised to find his arm was missing. There wasn't any blood; but swamp water dripped from the hole in his torso. Solomon used his one hand to free his trapped legs and stood to his feet. Grundy knocked down a brick wall, smashing it out of his way as he stepped into the street. He was in Metropolis. The golden city of the future, home to the iconic Superman. But Metropolis was different today.

Metropolis' heart hurt too.

So did its body. Grundy could see all the vast destruction that Doomsday person had caused when he attacked the city. There wasn't a building in sight that hadn't bee scarred in some capacity by the violence. The big, gray...thing...had knocked down multiple skyscrapers and turned entire blocks into piles of brick and mortar. Fire engulfed structure after structure and smoke blocked out the sun. Solomon made his way down the street, littered with bodies and the wounded. Cars sat bumper to bumper, most of the doors open being evidence that people had tried to escape the fighting on foot. The few vehicles with unopened doors were either flattened or filled with corpses. Grundy glanced inside a nearby van, his eyes catching sight of a pair of tiny skeletons in the back. They were burned black by something incredibly hot. Another pair of skeletons sat in the front, clutching each other in their bony hands. They had died holding each other. How romantic, Grundy thought.

The big, ugly zombie marched further down the street. He headed towards the center of the violent storm of complete destruction. That's where Superman and Doomsday had been seen last. Grundy pushed his way past the apocalyptic-like ruination, knocking over a fallen apartment building. Solomon had to lift up an overpass on his way downtown. He tossed the annihilated bridge of his way, careful not to cause much more damage than had already been done. Grundy's march was interrupted by the cries of a terrified voice. The voice of a small child. Solomon picked up the pace, running towards the sound. He found a little girl, clutching her unconscious father closer. They were wedged between a concrete pillar and a massive school bus, the latter of which threatened to crunch and collapse on top of them. Grundy shoved his powerful fingers into the metal of the bus, tossing it behind him without much effort. He picked up the man and the girl, placing her on his shoulder. "Don't worry. Grundy will take you to doctor men." He informed her. The girl appeared nearly as scared of Solomon as she had been of being crushed to death; but his words offered her a small bit of comfort.

After Grundy dropped the girl off at the nearest aid station, he continued on his trek towards the center of town. He'd try not to stop much this time. Of course, the injured and in-danger couldn't help it that they were in need of his assistance. Grundy couldn't hold it against them. Solomon responded to everything cry for help he heard. He saved a trio of teenagers from a burning building. Grundy rescued a dozen people from a falling bridge. He even helped a dog dig out his owner, who was trapped underneath his car. Solomon didn't like seeing people hurt. He remembered killing people, sure. But he never much liked it. It was usually an accident. Besides, today was...different. There was something in the air. Something wrong. He heard it all the time. People were wailing in the streets. Others gathered into circles, listening to reverends, priests and pastors offer words of condolence and peace. Leaders tried to rally the able to help with searches. But there was so much crying. Everyone seemed to be crying.

Metropolis' heart hurt like Grundy's.

It didn't take much longer for Solomon Grundy to reach the crater in the very center of Metropolis. It was surrounded by super heroes. People in capes and tights. Heroes. Nobody was talking, though. The few that were whispered very quietly. Some stood in silence. Others sobbed. Grundy didn't know what to do, so he decided to get closer. Nobody stopped him. Grundy got a few hateful looks, but they didn't fight him. Today was not a day for fighting. The fighting had stopped earlier. Grundy touched the area where his missing arm had been. He had tried to help Superman; Superman was Grundy's friend. Well. Not really friend. But Superman was nice to Grundy. So Solomon wanted to be nice to Superman. But Doomsday was strong; stronger than Grundy. It tore off Grundy's arm and tossed him across the city.

Grundy looked to the center of the crater, where a pair of familiar figures stood. One, clad in all black, and the other, dressed in colorful armor. Grundy knew them. Everyone knew them. They were Superman's friends. And Superman was gone now. He couldn't come back like Grundy could. He wouldn't come back. Superman's friends knew that. Grundy looked on, and he knew what was going on.

Their hearts hurt.

Just like Grundy's.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Its Cyrus not Cyprus, btw.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Gowi Shhhh. It's fine. Just. It's fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Grundy sad you not know Grundy name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

....I feel like Billy would just keep repeatedly trying to befriend this version of Grundy whenever they fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I guess with no negative comments on Cpnstantine so far I can continue :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cider
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Why her surname isn't Gonzales, I'll never know. Missed opportunity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morden Man

Morden Man

Member Seen 6 days ago


"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Oh shit, false alarm, it's just Speedy..."
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sorry, my friends came over last night to watch Star Wars. Then I fell asleep. IC post will be up in a few hours.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sorry, my friends came over last night to watch Star Wars. Then I fell asleep. IC post will be up in a few hours.

Am I good to fill in the 6 years left in my CS with some swamp thing shenanigans and a little fluff?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

Am I good to fill in the 6 years left in my CS with some swamp thing shenanigans and a little fluff?

Unless we're talking about Alec Holland Swamp Thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Unless we're talking about Alec Holland Swamp Thing.

I was actually meaning your mom buuuut

I mean him.

Though I didn't want to do that part of his history as it ties them together for a couple of eyars and then what happens if someone wants to play the Swamp Thing?

I can make up an extravagant home made story but I just wanna check first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

Am I good to fill in the 6 years left in my CS with some swamp thing shenanigans and a little fluff?

I haven't read CS from last night yet.

In other news, IC is open!
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