Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Amelia followed behind Scarlet with as many bowls and spoons as she could. Some were wooden while others were metal. It seemed that in this patchwork world of piracy there was some kind of insane order. Scarlet beckoned the crew for a late night meal, those who were still awake came. Amelia was put in charge of bringing food to those who had been ordered by Daniel not to move too much. If they were still awake when she came to them they got their well earned meal. It was one stark difference that she had found being upon a pirate ship; despite common misconception, pirates were not lazy. At least, not the ones she had encountered thus far.


"Tis been a long day." Daniel said, trying to blow off the comment that he himself needed to be looked at. "Th' others ha' been looked after. Ye were th' ones I could no' find." He said with grin. "I ha' enough o' a mind t' look a' yer knee, Iris. May not be nothin' I can do an' if I can i' may not be bes' t' start t'night." Daniel explained. One last person to look at and off to bed he would go. He motioned for her to get up on the table that was set up for him to examine people. All Iris had to do was trust him and sit on the end of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Iris glared at Bane who said "It wouldn't hurt Iris...you never had it looked at after it happened...you just wrapped it and went on" Iris sat on the table and said "I had to...we were under attack..." Bane frowned and said "You and Scarlet were the ones under attack...we barely got you two out of there..." Iris looked at the Doctor and said "Have you looked Scarlet over yet? She wouldn't ask but I know she's had a nasty cough the past few days..." Bane sighed and said "Iris...Scarlet had a cold and that was three weeks ago. Stop changing the subject"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"Scarlet an' I can catch a word la'er." Daniel said gruffly. It was more to put it in his memory to ask for sake of that 'cold' comming up again in another crew member. Scarlet was the cook after all. "Na' yer gonn' 'ave t' trust me. I'mma move yer leg 'round some funny ways t' see 'ow she moves. Na' lay back 'nd relax." Once Iris was laying down he took hold of her leg, one hand supporting her ankle while the other was cupped under the backside of her knee. "Tell me 'bout th' pain. Wha' does i' feel like. i' pop? i' grind? i' ache?" The questions were good for a diagnosis but it also was to help the patient keep their mind off of the unladylike positions he was moving her leg in to check that all ranges of the hip joint were alright first, before moving to the ankle and finally the knee. He listened intently to her description of the pain. Daniel worked hard at keeping his head down to his work and not letting it wander off to where it had been the first time he met Iris.
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Iris sighed and laid back, saying "Its a grind...followed by a ache after. Like when you've been training and your muscles ache after for a good while? Its that but a lot worse..." Bane watched the doctor, taking another drink from the rum bottle to ease the pain in his shoulder. He asked "Can you tell what's wrong just from moving it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"Aye." Daniel said, adjusting so that he could take a look at Iris' good leg. "'Tis a delicate art o' me craft. Ye see how each joint moves an' then ye see wha' ye can do t' manage th' pain." he explained, as much for Bane's benefit as for Iris'.

"Yer knee moves well, but not th' same as yer good leg." He said, feeling exasperated. "Me thinks me 'as an idea... We can go over i' in th' mornin', if tha' suits you." he continued. It was odd, but he simply wanted to curl up in a soft bed with a soft woman. It was soothing somehow an not all brothel girls would allow such a dent in their profits. It was a silly want at this point in time however, he may be beginning to dream while awake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Iris nodded and said "I think I will...the captain has been wanting me to try and fix the problem...and I hate to worry her so much..." Bane got up, taking another drink and helped Iris down from the table. "I'll bring her back in the morning, Doc...and I will make sure she doesn't move it either..." Iris gave him a look and Bane smiled. "What? A friend can't be concerned?" Iris rolled her eyes and said "Have a good sleep, Doctor..."

After they left and the Doctor was about to head to bed there was a knock on the door and Scarlet came in, her young face seeming to brighten the dark space. "Evening Doctor...I was hoping to catch you before you went to bed...the captain had asked me to bring this to you before but I...well, I forgot until now" She brought in a tray with a tea pot and a mug, an assortment of teas and herbs on it along with a covered bowl. "She always says that after a fight, the doctor is the one who gets to bed last...and she asked me to make sure that you had a nice cup of English tea before you headed to bed..." She walked over to the table, her skirt bouncing slightly as she walked. She was young for her place in the kitchen, her hair in two ponytails now swaying with her movements. She turned and smiled at the Doctor, her cheeks rosy from her working in the steam kitchen.

"Oh, and I have put young Amelia in my cabin as well. She is asleep now, and I feel she will be just fine in the morning. Seeing the battle remains on the deck scared her a bit but I hope she over came that by helping the crew..." She sighed and rubbed her eyes, looking tired herself.

"Is there anything else I can bring you? I saved some stew for you in the bowl on the tray in case you needed some food before you headed to bed..." She looked at him and frowned a little. "Are you alright, Master Daniel? You look more then just tired..." She looked around and said "I think I unpacked some bottles of rum in here somewhere..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"Tis been a long day, Miss Scarlet." Daniel spoke, allowing some of the weariness to drip into his tone. "Many thanks fer t' tea..." Caution still vibrated at the back of his mind but he pushed it aside. If they really intended to kill him, the crew or Avery would have run him through by now. "...Me thinks a good night o' rest will do th' trick." Daniel yawned.

He may have given a bit of trust to the crew, but there was no way he was going to give over all of his thoughts. Especially since his yearning was less than gentlemanly. It bothered him that some lifestyle habbits of the pirates culture had become normal, in a way, to him. It made him feel like less of a gentleman.

"G'night Miss Scarlet, ye are aware o' where I be come mornin' should ye need me services." With that Daniel encouraged her out the door, both glad to have a temptation further away from him but kicking himself for it at the same time. He had learned through watching other men get ripped apart by engaging with too many women at once and from the occasional church sermon not to get involved with the other sex unless you mean it, or unless you pick one brothel girl to frequent.

Daniel drank the warm water that he had quickly steeped a small portion of tea in, an English comfort that was for sure. With one last swig of rum, the tartness of both blending oddly in his mouth, he swung into bed. The massive vessel had barely crested over two waves before he was sound asleep and awaiting dawn.

Dreams came to Daniel that night for the first time in many months. Dreams so sweet he would never utter to a soul and would unfortunately come to forget eventually, left with only the memory that they were very sweet dreams.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Scarlet nodded and smiled, heading for the door. "If you need anything, just ask me love, alright? Have a good night, Doctor" She closed the door and looked over at the shadow near her. "you were right...the look was there but he didn't act on it. What do you think it means?" Avery walked out of the shadows, frowning.

"It means his keeping himself in check...he still doesn't have trust enough to relax...not that I blame him. I need to learn how he ended up on that ship in the first place...its the only way I can help him...thank you for your help Scarlet" The cook smiled and said "Of course, Captain. I am a little bummed he didn't act on his feelings...his cute" She giggled and headed off the to kitchen, Avery looking in the window of the medical bay, thinking.

"Maybe you could be the answer I have been looking for, Doctor...the way to end this course..."

The next morning the crew was in full gear on repairs and getting everything back to normal on the ship. Bane was waiting outside the weapons room, tapping his foot. "Iris...I'm not leaving until you come out here...you need to see the doctor. You promised you would get that knee looked at" There was a slam and the door opened, Iris standing there in pants and wrappings covering her lady parts. "I have too much to do this morning to lay on a table and have my knee poked" Bane frowned and said "Iris..."

Avery was sitting in her cabin, the charts in front of her but she wasn't looking at them. She was looking out the window, lost in thought
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Daniel awoke to the clattering of the crew. The ship was coming awake with the sunrise as it should and having slept his fill, so would he.

After getting dressed and putting a little gift together for Iris he ventured out of the medical 'cabin'. The breeze this morning was much calmer, still sending loose bits of hair dancing about his head but not with the same force an he had previously experienced.

"Mornin' te ye." he called to Bane and what looked like a rather agitated Iris. "Brought'a gift." he continued looking somewhat pointedly at the woman who seemed to posses quite the temper. He made yet another note not to piss her off. Daniel held his gift up for both Iris and Bane to see. It was a small bucket with some containers and a cloth inside.

"Now, shall I show ye what yer suppos'' t' do wi'' this? Or would ye prefer me t' leave it 'ere with ye?" Daniel posed the question politely but he could not resist teasing Iris just a bit. He realized he was poking the bear as he spoke, so he expected some flare of temper but knowing full well that she would have to have him show her what to do with what he brought. An amused glint sparkled in the corner of Bane's eye.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane fought not to laugh as Iris turned to the doctor. "I can dismantel any weapon and put it back together in better shape then I fought it! I can make anything deadly in the matter of minutes!" Bane chuckled and said "So yes, she would like you to show her how to use your gift. Anything from metal and wood she's an expert, but anything of the body...not so much..." Iris glared at Bane, her body shaking. "And what is that suppose to mean...Quartermaster..."

Avery stood up and opened the window in time to hear the three talking, a smile on her lips. All she ever wanted was her crew to be safe and happy. It was all she cared about. If her curse didn't have the side affects it did, she wouldn't mind it so much as long as she could protect her crew.

Scarlet was humming in the kitchen, starting to make breakfast for the crew. She was holding a cook book, her head tilted slightly. "Where would that come into a bowl of grits...did I mix up the recipes again..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"Aye, yer talents be opposite to mine but we both be needed aboard." He said to Iris, attempting to acknowledge her skill as well as tone down her temper. For all his amusement in teasing, an agitated patient does not learn what they are supposed to. "Shall we?" He said, motioning to a nearby crate.

Under Bane's watchful eye Daniel showed Iris how to use the bucket to strengthen her knee, extending it slowly with the handle balancing across the top of her ankle. The idea was to strengthen her knee so that everything else will get held in place.

"As i' gets easier, ye add small items t' th' bucket t' make it heavier and harder. An do i' on both yer legs, less one be stronger than th' other." Daniel then showed Iris, what was in the container.

"'Tis poppy leaves, Ye can make a tea out o' this or much th' leaf. It be fer pain and it be more potent than a dram. S' be careful but if it be hurting too much ye can have a small bit." Taking out a bit of the plant from the container, he showed Iris what he meant by a small amount. Next was the cloth and rope.

"Before ye try the poppy, try a warm cloth on the knee and rest. Th' rope is t' tie the warm cloth on if ye need t' get up an go." Daniel instructed.


Amelia stirred in her sleep, the movement of Scarlet working in her kitchen breaking through her dreamscape. The sounds caused the events of the previous day to reel throuogh her mind. She rolled over, unwanting to face another day at Sea while consumed by a moment of hopelessness and helplessness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Iris listened carefully, nodding as he explained things to her. Bane was stunned at how much the doctor understood not only her injury but the many different things to help her. When he finished Bane asked "Doc...if you don't mind me asking...where did you get your training from? There's no way your just a guy who knows how to wrap up wounds"

Scarlet looked over and sighed, putting the book down. She walked over to Ameila and stroked her hair saying "My lady Amelia? Its time to wake up and see the day...the captain may have found a route to take you home by now..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"There be no use in an ill an' injured crew. We are pirates man, we travel an' I 'appened t' care 'nuff t' learn on th' way." Daniel made his glossed over answer light, hardly wanting to talk about his past. In that moment, it occured to him that each person on board this vessel that he had encountered did their job not only out of duty, out of pride, but strived to do it with excellence. Same bloody kind of vessel as what the King's Navy strived for and with all their order were never able to reach. The irony brought a bittersweet feeling around in his stomach.

"If tha' be all, I did promise the cap'n tha' I would check on her well being this mornin." Daniel said, declaring his intention to leave the current conversation. He felt somewhat excited to see Avery, of all the women aboard she had the most level head and passion.

Not leaving too much time for Bane or Iris to resist his wishes, but giving them time none the less, he turned to wards the captain's quarters.


"Scarlet?" Amelia said in a sleepy voice. Her mind felt like it was being pulled back into reality as if the tide was sweeping her away from shore, with strong rhythmic pulls.

Amelia sat up with some effort and looked to the woman. She was so strong and so kind. Amelia wised she could be like Scarlet and knew at the same time that she could never be. This was never to be her world. Home brought around strict rules and regulations. It occurred to Amelia that the entire crew would be at risk while she was dropped off to he hometown. She could not row into land by herself and if she was let off a few settlements over she would need a traveling companion. It was far too much to think of first thing in the morning.

"What does this day bring?" she asked Scarlet in a simple, almost rhetorical tone.
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Bane sighed as he left, Iris frowning. "Cap was right...his closed off...maybe it was unwise to bring him into the fold..." Iris said, looking at her knee and the tools she had been given. Bane shook his head, watching Daniel leave them. "No...if I know the captain...she knows all too well what she is getting into with him...besides...I have a feeling he has his reasons to keep it all locked away."

Scarlet smiled and said "Clear skies and a crew working hard so they will need their food soon. I just need a little help with finishing up. Do you think you can help me with that?"

Avery was working on the charts on her desk, a pot of tea by her side. She rubbed her eyes, looking tired. She paused and said "I don't mind you being here, but don't hide in the dark, Sage. It puts me on edge" She heard a chuckled and a figure in black walked out, all in black and silver clothing, tight robes of some kind. Their face was covered as well, only bright green eyes showing thru the mask.

"Forgive me, my captain. I didn't want to bother you..." She leaned back and asked "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in days" The man walked forward and bowed his head. "I was being your eyes and ears, my captain...and learning all I could. And I return to you with your new target" He walked over and placed a letter on her desk. She picked it up and read it over, a frown on her lips. "This is concerning...I was hoping they hadn't picked any of the pieces up..." Sage nodded and said "I fear we will have to face the good guys after all, my captain"
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"I guess I can." Amelia said, swinging her legs off the end of her cot while simultaneously pulling the blankets back to allow her to do so. "I'll just need a moment to get ready..." She hesitated. While she was alright being around Scarlet, another woman, in a nightdress she was not alright with being stark naked in front of anyone. Amelia hated the moments where he mother would force her to let the maids dress her. It was often so embarrassing as it would be followed by her mothers concerns of still looking somewhat child-like at her age.

Amelia changed quickly after Scarlet left the small cabin area. She didn't want to keep her new companion waiting. It was not long before Amelia emerged from the room into the kitchen, working to pull her long hair back out of her face in preparation for whatever work Scarlet had for her. It was surprising how good it felt to Amelia to do something with her hands, a pleasure only afforded at home by the artistic prowess in which she lacked.

"What would you like me to do, Scarlet?"


Daniel approached the Captain's quarters and heard murmers of voices. He wondered if he should let them be... but the captain herself had made him promise to come back first thing in the morning. Daniel knocked three times on the door and announced his presence.

"Cap'n, Tis Daniel, I came as ye requested." He simply waited at the closed door to be let in.
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Scarlet smiled and said "let's get the plates set out before the crew gets here. When we are done, you get to ring the meal bell. How's that sound?"

Sage looked at the door and Avery smiled and said "come on in Doc..." When the door opened Sage was standing behind his captain, watching the doctor come in. Avery smiled and said "Daniel, this is Sage. His my eyes and ears on the ship..Sage, our new doctor."
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"Mornin'" Daniel spoke in a gruff voice to the stranger, to Sage. The man looked more like an assassin than someone's eyes and ears. That alone put Daniel further on edge.

"Ye wanted a report on las' night." He started, looking only at Avery but being mindful of the presence behind her. "I tended t' th' crew, they be fine. Bane seemed t' favour 'is shoulder bu' i' looks like i' 'as done a great deal o' healin already. Iris will be alright i' she minds me instructions." He listed, pausing to sift through any other patients he had failed to mention thus far. "Scarlet an' Amelia be alright too. 'Ad quite the scare tha' little one but no permanent 'arm was done t' 'er." Sage seemed to be content and listening rather idlely to Daniels review of the previous night.

"Now I just 'ave t' check in on yerself, Cap'n. 'Owed ye sleep las' night?"


"That, I can do." Amelia said with a shy but bright smile as she set to work. She dug in the crates located on the opposite wall beside where all of the produce was stored to gather the plates. Though each was made of simple tin, she treated them as if they were china while stacking them.
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Avery stood and said "I slept well...my wounds are healing nicely as well. We are planing to make port in two days so as long as we don't run into any more trouble...we should be alright with supplies. I wanted to go over your list of supplies you will be needing to be stocked in bluke and things like that. Sage? Would you mind checking on the things we spoke about?" Sage nodded and headed for the door.

"Pleasure to meet you Doctor..." He left the room, not making a sound as he did. Avery smiled and sat down again, flinching slightly.

Scarlet smiled watching her work, sighing when she thought *I wish she could stay...but it would be wrong to take her from her family...no, I will keep my word to get her home somehow...*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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"Cap'n, if I may be so bold, we need a plan t' get th' pieces o' eight." Daniel paused to allow Avery to fill in the space. Weather she knew it or not he could see pain in her eyes. It was not a fresh fiery pain but a dull ache. Though she said she had been healing fine, it seemed to Daniel that the entire process took a bit longer than she would let on.


Amelia was practically giddy by the time she got to ring the large bell that would signify breakfast being ready. Back in England and in her home port she had found the church bells to be very comforting. It always amazed her how large and heavy they must be and how many men it took to ring some of those massive bells. The bell in front of her was much smaller but the same shape and it certainly had a look of heaftyness to it. With Scarlet's permission, Amelia took a small wooden mallet and hit the bottom rim of the bell. It sounded loudly and with such clarity as she had never heard before. It was different to hear it during battle, a short frantic noise almost welcoming the dead to the afterlife, than it was now. She enjoyed the sound much more now.


The breakfast bell's ring carried through the air and into Avery's room where Daniel stood. He turned his head slightly to the sound, wondering if Avery would want to continue their conversation now or wait until after breakfast. It seemed unlikely to him that she would want to discuss the pieces of eight in front of the entire crew at breakfast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Avery sighed and said "Sadly we can't move forward until we learn where more of the pieces are. We have recovered the pieces my father knew of and now we have reached a wall. Until we gather more information on where the other pieces could be...we will just have to move about as normal and hope that we get news soon..." She heard the bell and said "Looks like Scarlet is back to her normal self. She normally brings me what's left from breakfast..." She leaned back and rubbed her eyes, flinching again. "You are worried...I can see it in your eyes"

Scarlet smiled as the bell rang and the men came bursting in the mess hall, laughing and joking around like they normally did. It was then she saw Sage standing by the back wall and she turned sharply, her cheeks bright red suddenly. Bane and Iris were sitting by a nearby table to the meal bell when they saw this reaction. Iris sighed and said "So...those two still won't talk about it"
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