Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mercury laughed at the quip about him being the Hulk, but only it made him hungry instead of smashy. He nodded, and soon before he knew it all the sandwiches he’d bought were unwrapped, and devoured.
"People are going to notice her death regardless of how you plan it. Killing people isn't the solution to every problem, man." Mercury smiled a little at that. ”Perhaps it isn’t, but boy will it be satisfying to watch the life fade from her eyes.“
He walked onto the train when the doors opened he walked onto the train. He found a seat across from Eddie he didn’t really care it’d be four hours. He’d just take a nap, he was feeling pretty tired now what with eating so much. Pretty soon his eyes were shut, and his human form faded away. Thankfully though his hood was pulled down more hiding his face so he could sleep easier.
The dreams he had was the same one from the night before. In fact it'd started to become a recurring nightmare the people, and the monster at the end.
At the end of the train ride Mercury’s stomach began growling, and he let out a pained whimpering as he woke up. He set his hands to his face sighing into them. It’d been four hours, and they were only a few minutes away from pulling into the station. ”Man… I could eat a horse I’m so hungry.“ He grabbed his bag, and looked up at Eddie. He looked worse for ware, and the voices from the masks were now trying to urge him to go after Tia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie glanced up from her comics, and realizing that there no longer was a person sitting across from her. Instead, it was...she didn't know what to call it. It was Mercury, but as something else. Every so often, she would glance up, watching him battle through what appeared to be a nightmare. However, deciding it was better to leave him be and avoid Warlord hitting her again, she remained quiet.

Of course, during this particular train ride, it proved to be harder than usual.

About halfway through, Mercury continued to snooze away. Eddie finished her comic book and placed it away, only to look up into the barrel of a gun. Three figures, all wearing silver masks, had dispersed themselves along the train. Each mask was created differently, some smiling, some laughing, some crying. She remained still, as most of the conversation on the train died down.

He'll eat them if he wakes up... Eddie realized.

"Stand!" the silver masked foe ordered, motioning for Eddie to rise with his gun. She complied, and allowed herself to be shepherded to the aisle, along with two others. They were all ginger girls, fairly young. Already, Eddie had begun to sense a profile.

"We are not cruel," another mask said, the guns pointed at the girls. "This is a...uh...democracy."

"A democracy?" Eddie asked, a bit incredulous. She glanced over at Mercury, seeing if he had awoken. Nothing.

"Vote," the masks instructed simply. "Vote which shall die."

Eddie raised an eyebrow. Around the train, people were staring at the masks with horror. "And if they don't vote?" Eddie asked.

"All die. Even them."

"Great!" Eddie smiled. The masks operated simply, hardly using a single word. They would raise a hand over each girl in turn. Those who voted for that girl to die would then raise their hands, and a tally was taken. It was silent, and it was quick. In a matter of moments, they had voted.

Eddie, predictably, would be the one to die.

The masks aimed their guns at her, cocking them. Eddie merely smiled, allowing them to push her back up against a wall. Terrified passengers in the seat, their faces filled with remorse, scurried off as far from the scene of the execution as they could. The masks paused, the guns resting against Eddie's temple.

And they pulled the trigger.

Instantly, each of the masks were struck in the back of the head, and they crumpled to the ground. Eddie chuckled a bit, as the illusion of her -- the dead her -- faded away into nothing. The only thing that might have disturbed Mercury was the gunshots, but she doubted it. He was too sleepy. With the help of some of the other passengers, she tied the masked foes up, and locked them in the supply closet near the back.

Returning to her seat, Eddie pulled out her comic, and began reading it by the beginning again. Eventually, she watched Mercury begin to stir, and she smirked slightly. ”Man… I could eat a horse I’m so hungry.“

"We're almost there. You didn't miss much," Eddie said with a smile, continuing to read. "There's some food in the supply closet if you're really hungry..." she joked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"There's some food in the supply closet if you're really hungry..."
Mercury was actually interested in that as his stomach was really starting to scream out for food. ”Really?!? I’ll go check it out.“
So he stood up, and went to the supply closet before Eddie could stop him. Only to see some people standing in front of it. ”I heard there was food here. Is that right“ The people looked at Mercury funny, and then saw his mask soon making them start screaming in fear. ”Get HIM!" They charged Mercury making him confused, and when they started hitting him. It started pissing him right the fuck off. It was when someone hit him with a pure iron cane that he screamed out in agony. He pulled into himself as they started hitting him with the cane.
”Stop it! Please, stop it,“ he was begging them to stop hitting him. But, they weren’t relenting soon there was a swarm of passengers on him.
The light around him seemed to blacken, and then a force pushed out standing in Mercury’s place was a beast that looked much like a werewolf with the mask conforming to his head like the top part of the skull. His mouth opened revealing rows of white curved fangs. He bit down on one of the passengers, and tore their throat out. He grabbed one of the passengers, and threw them into his mouth swallowing them whole. Anyone with arms reach he consumed they were guilty in his eyes, and he walked down the aisle towards them slowly snarling. Then stopped looking at Eddie with his solid golden eyes he drew his face in close to hers sniffing at her. But, he did nothing else to her, and soon ran on all fours. In fact he seemed to be avoiding anyone that hadn’t attacked him. Only going after the people that hard harmed him, he was defending himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


”Really?!? I’ll go check it out.“

"No, Mercury, don't--" Eddie exclaimed, but it was too late. The men who decided to guard the door screamed, and began to attack him. They hit Mercury from all sides, encouraging more and more people to join in. Eddie's eyes widened, her heart practically beating too fast to be safe.

Mercury, now a beast, devoured each and every person in his way. He went up to Eddie and sniffed her, her eyes wide. She bit her lip, torn between two choices. Choice one: steal the guns from the supply closet, shoot them up in the air, and force everyone to calm down. The problem? She'd end up in a felony prison. Choice two: surround Mercury with a light cage, keeping him from hurting anyone.

She hit her head against the seat-back in front of her, groaning a bit in frustration. Those were the solid eyes. The one she was supposed to look for and keep him away from people. Resolving never to make a joke about there being food in a closet, Eddie rose to her feet. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the area around her.

"Shut your eyes if you want to live!" Eddie screamed above the chaos. She stepped into the aisle, and creating huge walls of light, preventing Mercury from leaving the aisle if he wanted to avoid the light. It didn't bother her eyes at all, but to anyone else, one look and they'd be blind.

The only issue with this plan? She was screaming in pain, hardly able to sustain that much energy. But it had to be done--it was the only way to save anyone. Falling to her knees, Eddie panted, trying her hardest to maintain the pillars of light.

"Mercury...Stop!" Eddie shouted, her arms and hands shaking, as if she was holding a planet on her back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mercury stopped when the light pillars surrounded him. He reached out to one, but stopped pulling back his hand. Then turned to look at Eddie as she begged him to stop. But, these people they’d hurt him. What if they’d gone on to hurt her too? He got to all fours like a wild animal, and snarled growling. He was looking at her his eyes soon having a solid black outline to them. He narrowed his eyes at her his head bent low to look her in the eyes. Then laid down on his stomach he was going to wait her out. He knew there was a finite limit of how long she could hold this. When her powers failed he'd kill the people that'd tried to kill him. They deserved to die, if he were a normal human they'd not have stopped till he were dead. He laid his head on his paws watching Eddie then stopped turning back on one of the humans that wasn't looking, but was still trying to smack him with an iron cane. Like the fucking idiot had a god damn death wish. Mercury snarled, and grabbed the cane in his jaws dragging them through the light to tear them to shreds. Thus granting the idiots wish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie nearly cried when she realized what Mercury was doing. He was going to wait her out. If she was lucky, she could protect them all for an hour. The downside would be the physical cost of it all--before, when she had strained herself, she would black out around thirty minutes. Her body would continue to perform the same task, until the energy became so intense that her brain would begin to boil. Eventually, the damage will become severe enough, she realized, that she would either die or slip into a coma.

Of course, that would be what would happen in sixty minutes. It would be her death.

"Fine," Eddie whispered, almost choking on her own breath. She continued in her efforts, determined to save these people. She wasn't going to let Mercury kill them--even if they did attack them. The solution to his problems wasn't killing people. Edwina locked eyes with him, her entire body trembling and shaking.

The light pillars remained, however. As best as she could, Eddie continued to breathe, feeling no different than when she ran the mile in high school, and failed miserably.

"I'm not letting you kill them!" Eddie whispered hoarsely, having kept the pillars up for ten minutes. As she exhaled, she coughed, a bit of blood hitting the floor in front of her. Very nearly collapsed on the ground, determination was etched in her face. She watched as Mercury devoured the individual in front of her, and while she began to puke, she didn't relent.

There she was, on her hands and knees, vomiting up her meager lunch and blood, as she continued to protect a group of strangers.

"Your move," Eddie stammered.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mercury stopped his eyes widening as he saw Eddie vomit up blood. He quickly went over to her, and wiped his muzzle clean of the blood. As deep down a part of him was semi conscious, and in seeing Eddie like that. The people were easily forgotten about. He brushed his snout against the side of her head he was so warm, and surprisingly soft. He shut his eyes he was like a loyal pet come to comfort its master when they're suffering.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie would have raised an eyebrow at Mercury, had she the strength left. Twenty minutes in to holding up the light barrier, she was hardly aware of what was going on around her anymore, and struggling to perform the simplest of tasks. Mentally rehearsing several times what she would say to Mercury, in an attempt to be curt, Edwina continued to keep the light barrier up.

"Will you stop hurting them?" Eddie asked, only to cough up more blood. She let out a scream, tears trailing down her face. It had been ages since she flexed her mental muscles this much--the pain was unimaginable. Part of her wondered whether or not she'd black out sooner, rather than later. If she blacked out, it'd be as good as signing her own death warrant.

But she wasn't going to let Mercury become a monster. She wasn't going to let him maim and kill the people on the train. She found some comfort in the softness of the wolf-thing rubbing its head against her, but not enough to stop holding up the light barriers.

For all she knew, this was one of Mercury's tactics to attempt to get her to stop, and to let him kill the rest of the people on the train.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mercury looked at Edwina, and her pain then to the passengers. Then back to her, and finally nodded slightly he’d stop attacking them. If she’d release the barrier he’d leave them alone. In order to protect Edwina because he loved her. He picked her up into his arms grabbed their bags. Then opened the door, and leapt out of the train. They were within easy walking distance of her home now. He looked down at her, and licked her face clean before taking off for someplace quiet, and safe.
Where they ended up was a park it was nighttime so Mercury wasn’t in danger of burning. He set the bags down on the bench with Eddie before stumbling over onto his knees. His form quickly reverting back to normal the process was fluid no cracking bone or anything of the like. Almost like any normal transformation he did when wearing the Sly mask. He then fell over to his side unconscious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie broke out into a smile when she saw Mercury's agreement, and she let go. The light barriers vanished instantly, and Eddie went slack, desperately catching her breath. Her entire body felt crushed, and her head pounded, protesting her earlier decision. Before she was able to do much, however, she felt Mercury pick her up, and start to run. Eventually, he licked her face clean.

Eddie blinked at him. "I can walk, thanks," she said weakly.

He didn't seem to respond. Instead, he went over to a bench, set her and the bags down, and then collapsed. He fell over, completely unconscious.

Eddie sighed. Starting to stand up, her knees wobbled, and her legs gave out on her. Grimacing, she looked down at the collection of masks. She was really hating what a regular occurrence this was becoming.

"Which one of you wants to help?" Eddie asked, chuckling a bit. She couldn't call her parents and ask them to pick them up in some park. It'd be too...weird. She'd much rather wear a weird mask in order to be able to carry Mercury to her house, and once inside, hide her face until in her room. There, she could successfully collapse.

"I just need someone who can make me stronger...Playing with light is harder than it looks, you know?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The masks were all silent for a while before finally Warlord started to let off a soft glow. He didn’t want to help Eddie, but he needed to get Mercury someplace safe to rest. He was just grateful the guy didn’t want anymore then forty pounds. The most exertion would be helping Eddie actually walk home.
He was the only one that boosted physical strength, and endurance. Sly was only good for speed, and he was probably out like Mercury was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


Eddie sighed a bit. It looked like Warlord would be the only one volunteering for the job. For a moment, she considered just sleeping in the park, until one of them would recover enough to be able to carry the other to her house. It was an easier one, a method she was guaranteed to enjoy better.

"You know what? Parks are nice, they're cool," Eddie said. However, she glanced at Mercury on the ground. Knowing him, the moment he woke up, he'd probably go and devour some kid that stole another kid's toy. She wasn't really certain as to how exactly he defined guilt.

Sighing a bit, Eddie grabbed the mask, her hands still trembling, and put it on. She was far too tired to get nauseous or queasy. Putting her headphones on her ears, she cranked up her loudest song to the loudest volume, hoping that it'd allow her to tune out Warlord.

"If you eat me, I'll blast sunshine up your ass," Eddie scowled. "Or the mask equivalent of an ass..."

With renewed energy, she picked up Mercury and lofted him over her shoulder, and began the walk home. It was a relatively short one, a fact that disturbed her slightly. She'd never shown Mercury her home address. Arriving at her house in just ten minutes, Eddie climbed up the tree on the front lawn, and opened up the window to her room. She pushed Mercury in through the window first, and then climbed in herself.

"Moooooooom! I'm home!" Eddie called out, figuring her parents would be asleep.

They were.

Good, she thought to herself. She put Mercury on the bed, and started to pull at the mask, trying her hardest to get it off.

She really hated these masks.

Especially Warlord.

She really hated Warlord.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Of course Mercury didn't know where Eddie lived. Was merely coincidence that they were so close to her house.
Warlord wasn’t saying a word, but he really hated Eddie’s shitty taste in music. God couldn’t she have chosen anything good? Like Wolf In Sheep's Clothing god he’d give anything to listen to that. Mercury never listened to music that wasn’t live, and he only ever went to cafe’s where the music was free. God that sucked so hard.
When they got to Eddie’s house he was more than glad to let go of her face. Mercury gave her simple rules to follow don’t smash, and return them. He glowed at Eddie there was a feeling of gratitude for her taking care of Mercury. So long as Eddie took good care of Mercury Warlord would behave himself.
Mercury slowly started to rouse awake, and looked around fast scared. The last thing he remembered was being struck over, and over again. ”Where are we? What happened?“ He was reaching for a weapon that wasn't there anymore. He then pulled into himself his head pounding.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Edwina Fairfax


The mask came off easily for once, and Edwina gently set it down on the ground. Then, she allowed her body to obey the laws of gravity, and she fell to the floor. Sprawled on the ground, she closed her eyes, entirely and completely worn out.

”Where are we? What happened?“

"My childhood bedroom," Edwina said, between a cough. She glanced down at her arm, and swore a bit under her breath. Blood was still coming up. "Don't worry, you didn't miss much..."

Trailing off, her head hit the floor again, and she quickly fell asleep. Her body was designed to channel that much energy. For an ordinary person, it would have been enough to kill them. It was like being struck by lightning constantly and repeatedly, hardly beneficial for any party involved.
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