Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zverda
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Zverda Walker of Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

đ”„đ”ąđ”Żđ”Źđ”« đ”Žđ”„đ”žđ”©đ”Šđ”©

At the present time, Aeron was relaxing in a rather large tub as she waited for Twombly to show up, though he was already rather late and trying her patience... again. He's lucky I don't have him hung from his ankles with fishing line, she thought to herself as she ran a wash cloth over her right arm, The fact that he thinks he can show up whenever he wants rather than the time we scheduled... he's such a pain in the ass. Letting out a low growl, Aeron dropped the washcloth into the water and stood up after rinsing herself off with a large pitcher of warm water she had set aside.

"Sebastian get in here right now!" she called, wrapping a towel around her slim figure, stepping out of the tub, "SEBASTIAN!" Violet eyes narrowed as she heard the tell-tale sound of a certain tiger's rather hurried footsteps, followed by his appearance in the bathroom doorway. It was clear by his Boss's expression that she was not at all pleased by Twombly's tardiness, she hated when people were late and/or wasted her time.

"Um... Ma'am?" Sebastian questioned, averting his eyes as Aeron brushed by him and into her room, "Did you want me to go grab Twombly and drag him from whatever it is he is doing? It wouldn't be the first time I had to do this." As the male waited for her response, he watched the female Jackal open one of the drawers of her dresser and pull out a couple pieces of clothing. He could never understand why his boss had such a strange taste in clothing, but he knew better than to question her, or watch her as she dropped her towel to get dressed. Turning his back rather abruptly, her kept his eyes trained forward and his back to the female who was currently getting dressed.

"Yes, I would like you to go and drag him here so I can punch him a few times myself," she growled, securing her skirt into place as she knotted the front, "He knows I hate it when he is late, I swear he just does this to piss me off... Gods be damned." Grabbing her Shari, she draped it over her shoulders and patted Sebastian on the back, her small hand firm as she pushed the male forward so he knew she wanted him to head out now. "Make sure you tell him to hurry his ass up, the sooner you bring him here, the less likely I am to punch him in the face."

"Yes Ma'am," he replied before he left the room with one final shove. The moment he was out, Aeron let out a sigh and flopped back on her bed, a low groan of annoyance escaping her, "He better have a good reason for being late, and it better not have anything to do with trying to flirt himself a good deal on something. He better not be flirting with anyone." At the very thought, she made a face and rolled onto her side, her tail slapping the bed in annoyance the more she thought about why he would be as late as he was.

In an attempt to keep herself calm, she pulled her phone out and began to mindlessly play games on the thing, occasionally stopping to check to see if she had any texts from her arms dealer. When she saw nothing, she'd let out a low growl and go back to her game, her mood turning violent with every passing minute. Eventually, she had to put the thing down as she felt the urge to throw it against the wall the longer she had to wait. She even went so far as to plan out exactly what she would do with him after hanging him upside down, though even she knew she wouldn't hurt the male.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago


Twombley, or Mr Robertson as he was generally called by those that didn't know him too well; Tommy-boy by those that probably knew him a bit _too well;_ was working diligently on his latest project, in his dank basement with his tools laid-out neatly on the workbench, stooped over his masterpiece in the dim light as he heard someone fumbling with the locks upstairs.

He heard the door open, but just needed a few more critical seconds to work. If he was quiet, maybe they'd check the basement last...

As he heard the footsteps fade into the distance to check the upper rooms, calling his name as it went. That thinly-vieled politeness of a hitman trying to lure their targets out of hiding always seemed to achieve the exact opposite effect. He fought the urge to run from his hiding-place, working was quieter, finishing this project may be the only thing that could save him at this point...

Then he heard the steps coming down the stairs. Slow, cautious. Sebastian knew better than to rush through his house or risk being blindsided around any of the next corners, especially since he knew he was drawing close.

"Twombly Robertson. Miss Khalil would like to see you now." The tiger said, sounding a bit annoyed at being sent on this errand just because Aerin's date couldn't be bothered to watch the time whenever he worked, but also being thankful to be out and actually doing something non-criminal today, "What are you working on this time?" Sebastian asked, his curiosity finally getting to him.

In the dim light, Twombly held up a fistful of streamers, all brightly colored, on the ends of each streamer dangled an obscenely sharp blade, throwing-daggers. "I figured out a way to ensure her daggers always landed point-first on her targets. The ribbons also tuck neatly into their own scabboards."

Sebastan sighed, hoping this little project would be enough to please Aerin despite his tardiness, for both their sakes; as he escorted him out to a black SUV waiting outside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zverda
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Zverda Walker of Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sebastian brought Twombly straight to Aeron's room as the female had yet to leave, she was too busy planning how she was going to get back at Twombly for making her wait. "We are here Ma'am," the Tiger called, shoving Twombly forward before closing the door as he left. He knew better than to stick around if Aeron was having one of her fits. She hated waiting and the longer she was usually forced to wait, the angrier she got, which would explain why Sebastian had essentially sped through the dome and ran multiple red lights to get the Maned Wolf to his destination.

"You. Are. Late," the female Jackal bit out, her eyes narrowed and her long ears pinned back, "By an hour to be exact... you better have a good reason for being late or I'm going to hang you upside down from the ceiling using nothing but fishing line." At this point, she was sitting up in bed with her Shari still draped over her shoulder, running the hanging fabric between her fingers. While she usually wasn't a mean person she could be rather cruel should the situation called for it, though she really didn't want to hurt him. Maybe just scare him a little.

As she waited for his response, she shifted around on the bed for a moment before simply sliding off and walking up to him. While she was a clear eleven inches shorter than the male, not counting her ears, she was still a rather imposing figure and never let anyone forget that she was a rather tough customer. Once she was close enough to him, she placed a small hand on his chest for a moment before simply fisting the fabric and yanking him down to her height, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "You don't ask someone out on a date, and then never show up to pick them up like you promise Tommy-boy," she pouted, "Its not very nice of you... did you really want to hurt my feelings?"

The lanky maned wolf whimpered slightly, knowing he'd done wrong by not paying attention to the time. Thankfully, he did have a reason for becoming so abscent-minded; he only hoped the reason was good enough for one of the dome's more prominent mob-bosses to forgive him of such a major transgression as nearly standing her up on a date where the two of them could relax and just be themselves.

Carefully, he pulled a small box from his pocket and got down on one knee. "I was up all night trying to think of what to get you for this little occassion." After a tense pause, he opened the box, revealing a large collection of throwing knives, each one with an brightly colored, neatly rolled-up, expertly inscribed ribbon attached to them.

"For the woman who needs to be prepared for everything." He said, closing the box and pulling her down to his level for a pre-date kiss. "So about that date, still have the time to take that offer?"

Aeron's ears flicked up for a moment when he kissed her, then one ear went down when he pulled back. "Well then..." she murmured, "I guess I can forgive you this one transgression, just make an alarm next time so you aren't late... you know I hate that. Anyway, yes.... we can still have time for that date." She offered the male a small smile before throwing her arms around him in a hug, clearly pleased with the knives he had given to her.

"Next time, please don't give me a mini-heart attack though. So not used to men getting down on one knee in front of me," she stated, gently tapping Twombly on the nose, "So, where are you bringing me? You did plan that at least right? To make up for being late?"

Moving to her feet after being pulled down to his level, she brushed off her knees and placed a hand on her hip. She had left it up for him t plan the first date considering he had been the one to ask her, albeit it was rather sudden and unexpected despite the two having known each other for years. In her mind, for the longest time, he was just the person who supplied her with the weapons that she needed for a reasonable price, and occasionally snagged some of her clothes.

"Well, I figured we'd stop by The Hole for a few drinks, something to eat, maybe find something else to do while there." His last offer was probably a bit much, since it was only their first real date, and entertaining her with the idea of taking a mission to blow off some steam was likely counter-productive towards relaxing.

Since Twombly hadn't taken his car, they were forced to ride in Aeron's, with Sebastian being their reluctant designated-driver as the new couple sat together in the back seats.

"So, what else have you been working on in that basement of your's?" Aeron asked, crossing her legs and leaning against the male as they relaxed in the back seat of the stretched out SUV, "Anything good that I should consider purchasing?" She playfully nudged him, clearly wanting to know if there was anything good that she may want to get her hands on. With the way that he liked to modify weapons, she was always interested in his tinkering.

It was then that she realized she was talking shop, something the two of them weren't supposed to be doing since they were going out. She was so used to only really talking about business with him, or yelling at him for stealing some clothing from her. "Nevermind... not supposed to be talking about work..." she muttered, rubbing her face, "Going to take some getting used to considering that's all we ever talked about unless I was threatening you for stealing my undergarnments... why do you do that?"

"Well, we could talk about your choice of clothes... since that is familiar territory." He replied, nearly ready to answer her previous question before she quickly recanted with a question about why he would take some bits of her clothes and hide them in her next payment to a client. "As for why I kept taking them, I was wondering when you'd upgrade your security system... again." He answered, Aeron could always afford the best and most expensive security and survaillence systems, and knowing she had a repeat-offender of her privacy on payroll was often more than enough incentive for her to upgrade... giving him the easiest access to some of the best technological challenge of breaking and entering possible.

It also made for interesting conversation whenever they'd meet again, often with a funny story on how she thought it had nearly ruined a deal, only to watch as the seller dropped the price in half or something along those lines. Keeping track of the details was always hard when he was too worried about about whether or not his boss would rip his throat out for going too far for the fifth time that month.

As the limo came to a stop at the local Hole, Twombly stepped out, and offered a hand to Aeron so she wouldn't need to expose too much of her legs trying to get up from her comfortable seat... or trip on the running boards of the SUV. It was a bit of an entrance, even though they were extremely past-due and most shutter-bug happy onlookers had left, but their appearance still turned the heads of many as they were waived through by the local bouncer, as Sebastian gave the crowd a dissapproving stare.

While she was known well enough, Aeron didn't really show her face unless she absolutely had to, mainly because she was a little too wrried about the fact that she would need to fight people off. Some didn't take too kindly to her methods, though it wasn't really something they had a say in as long as she got the job done.

Holding onto Twombly's hand, she remained close to the male as she offered a smile to those who looked at her, even offered a few waves to those who waved at her. "I'm a little surprised that you decided to bring me here," she said with a smile still in place, "I would have thought you would want to keep me to yourself at this point."

It was clear that she was teasing him, mainly because her tone was rather playful towards the end. "Also, to answer your question about my choice of clothing, I like the mobility that I have in it," she replied, "That and for some reason, it just feels normal to me, super comfortable." She used her free hand to smooth out the front of her skirt, not at all bothered by the fact that she was showing much more leg than most would think was acceptable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Delvin Crawford

Deep in the toxic wasteland that was the world, a dust cloud was moving east at an abnormally fast pace. It was almost as if it had a mind of it's own, and in a way, it did. At the front of the dust devil was a raven on a chopper with a goal in mind. He'd caught wind of an abandoned hotel out in the waste, and knew well enough that places like that were constantly avoided, either because they had become monster nests or temporary havens for outlaws. This one, though, was a different story. This place had been picked clean by scavengers years ago, and was always over looked by newcomers to the trade. The experienced foragers, like the biker on his way there, had the knowledge that places like this always had more to offer. As the dilapidated building came into view, his left hand drifted to the shotgun stored on the gas tank. While unlikely that someone was there, the possibility existed.

Delvin Crawford, one of the more experienced scavengers in the world, pulled up to a crippled hotel and shut his bike off. Out of habit, he dropped the keys into a pocket on the inside of his vest and locked it with an audible click. The raven made his way to the back of the vehicle and opened the left saddlebag, withdrawing a somewhat bulky bag and slinging it over his shoulder. His kit for this type of work retrieved, the man took a few steps towards the main door of the building and looked up at the dusty and faded sign that identified it. He read what he could, a scratchy and muffled voice coming from behind the gas mask keeping him alive. "The Merlot... fancy name for a roach motel in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere." Continuing his path into the complex, the avian was surprised to find the glass door intact. However, a simple jiggle of the handle shattered the entire thing. "It's amazing what a hundred years'll do... makes my job easy." Meriting himself a light chuckle, Delvin proceeded into the lobby.

A quick glance revealed more than a fair number of hidden gems to his keen eyes, and the raven set to work immediately. He withdrew a crowbar from his kit and held it in his left hand, ready for an inevitable use in a worn down structure. It didn't take him long to find what he was after, though; a television, one in working condition for that matter. "Sacha, I may have just solved all your problems with that geezer..." Mumbling to himself as he picked the electronic rectangle up off of the lounge's wall, he slowly made his way back to the waiting bike outside. Every few feet, he would stop and pick up the occasional nail, nut, or other pieces of metal. A quick melting and these were the most useful things in existence. Delvin passed through the entrance and walked the last couple feet to his bike. Finally setting the television down, he opened up the other saddlebag and withdrew a few bungee chords. Clipping them into some strategically placed rings on the back of the vehicle, the piece of technology was soon held firmly to the side of it. "Can I risk a double-dip..? Yeah." The raven, eager to find some more useful and/or valuable objects, dived back into the wreckage with glee.

Hours later, Delvin came out of the gold mine with an armful of scrap metal and several abandoned necklaces and rings. Tossing his loot into the right bag, he reclaimed his keys the pocket of his vest and took a seat on his chopper, starting the vehicle up and dropping his scav kit into the left bag. Picking up the kick stand and doing a quick turn around, the raven sped off in the direction from which he came. "Maybe you can keep this one from breaking, Sacha..." Kicking up another cloud of dust behind him, he signed. Another long drive back to New Earlton...

Another couple of hours passed before the bird noticed something strange. Two cars parked far from each other, one with a sniper on it. Beside the larger of the vehicles was several crates, likely full of some dangerous substance. Squinting for a moment and trying to make out faces, he could identify a few alligators armed to the teeth, what looked like a puma... and the sniper. While she had the gas mask on and most of her body was concealed by the jeep, the patterns of what fur he could see marked her as a snow leopard. And, given the low number of them in the city, he was willing to bet it was the Godmother herself behind the scope. Killing the engine and leaning back in his seat, Delvin watched the scene unfold before him. If someone saw him, well, it probably wouldn't be a huge problem. Arms deals like this happen all the time around New Earlton. And if a fire fight broke out, assistance could be given.

@Midnight Howl@VKAllen
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Hole

Maxxy didn't bother responding to the freelancer as she walked out the door into the cool streets of New Earlton. The slick but dark streets of the city reflecting how crappy it was. Before trying to catch a cab and setting out, she checked what she had on her. Both her and Sam's gun, her set of kakute, which she wielded in her left hand, and a notepad. Unfortunately, she seemed to have no gas mask, a requirement for the job. A quick rush to the back room fixed that, however. She was sure Sacha wouldn't mind.

About a minute after she had hailed a cab and begun 'haggling' with the driver, quite effectively if she was to say. He hadn't hit her yet, and his face only showed annoyance, not rage. While she was making her deal, the wolf began speaking on the phone to someone. The odd way in which he spoke kind of reminded her of their old cases. Though, Sam would most likely mean all those things literally. The two had a knack for solving problems in a bit of a roundabout way.

Eventually, the wolf made his way around the car to where Maxxy and the driver were, and asked her where they were going. The Sacramento Drive exit to the dome was about as close as they were getting, so she responded. "Unless this thing can take us out the dome, Sacramento Drive is about as far as we can make you drive without some serious ingenuity. Or stupidity, always get those words confused. Anyways, were you ordering pizza, Wolf? Please tell me it was from Mista Pizza. Oh, they have the best worst goat cheese deep dishes!"

With that ramble, the rabbit hopped in the back seat through the rolled down window, and scooted over to let the wolf in. "Nice card trick by the way. Are you using your Frequent Driver Miles?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

John Wolf

@Kafka Komedy

John looked to Maxxy. 'Only to Sacramento Drive? Hmmmm.' He thought to himself as he looked out the window.

"That's fine. Once we get to Sacramento I'll have someone else meet us there to pick us up." He glanced out the window until she asked about pizza. John smiled but shook his head.

"Sorry I wasn't but now thinking about it I could go for some. I'll order some for us when we get back, okay?" He smiled as he leaned his head to the side to look out the front.

"Nice card trick by the way. Are you using your Frequent Driver Miles?" To this John chuckled.

"Guess you could say that." He smirked before he layed his head back as the car began rolling forward.

John sat in the passenger side of the cab occasionally glancing over at Maxxy while he cleaned his pistols.

Brrrrrr - - - - Brrrrrrr - - - - Brrr - Beep

The wolf hitman felt his phone vibrate and placed Cujo and Old Yeller on his lap before retrieving it from his coat pocket. John frowned at the name of the caller but answered nonetheless.

“John...You’re needed.” He glanced over to Maxxy and then to the outside world.

”Well currently I’m out and wont be able to.

“Are you refusing?

”No not at all. I’ll send someone else in my pla-”

“You know the rules abo-” John leaned forward in his seat as his voice gained a steely tone.

”I’m sending someone in my place and i suggest you rethink yours for talking to me as such.”

The voice apologized before a brief silence.

“How well do you trust this person?” The almost needed yet cliche question ever to leave the lips of the lowlives in New Earlton.

” I left something special for them. You’ll know where to find them.” A smug smirk worked its way onto John’s face as he hung up and pressed 1, redirecting him to The Hole’s landline. John had only one person he could trust there besides Sacha and that was Kait. John first met Kait when he stumbled into the place after a rather dirty job and was met with a new waitress. John, the womanizer he was quickly began to talk to her and after a few stops at the hole and talking to the new waitress Kait, had casually asked John if he was interested in a cooperative job that was paying big. Of course John was not opposed and by the end of it all, the two had done enough jobs together and had gained enough experience combined to have an idea of what the other was planning or thinking, at least on the job.

The phone rang and John’s earlier smug smile faded to a frown with each passing ring.

”Kait, its John.”

”Big bad wolf huh? Heheh. Well...I’m in a slight predicament as I need to be somewhere right now but currently, I’m busy. So - “ He cleared his throat.

”I said that I had someone who could be there in my place. I left a manilla envelope underneath the counter for this instance and inside you will find everything you need. However, I ask that you wear something a bit more formal as you will be my liason of sorts. They will be there to pick you up in a half hour or so so be ready please?” If Kait could see his face he adorned a big smirk and with a slight childish tone.

”Oh and Kait-” John’s light hearted voice ceased and he became much, much more serious.

”Be careful and watch what you say if you say anything at all. The pay will be 10,000 when you complete it. I trust you.” He said before hanging up, knowing that he didn’t want to hold her up any longer. He sighed as he opened his duffle bag. Inside was his gasmask, a few flash and smoke grenades and a case with the words [Big Bad Wolf] etched into it. Underneath all of that was
about a pound of C4, wired and ready to be used. He took out his case and opened in. Inside was a rather nice rifle in three parts. It would be a bit before they got to Sacramento Drive so he might as well start checking to see if everything was functioning properly. A bit behind them stalked three white vans, windows blacked out so recognition of the drivers and passengers were limited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sacha Fedyaev

The streets of New Earlton. Wretched and destroyed as it may be, it became home to the post-apocalypse survivors. Home to scavengers and gangster scum, the streets were as good as a confused jail warden after a prison-break. The lynx approaches from a distance, stumpy as his feet crashed on rough concrete mixed with dirt and gravel with his two companions beside him, gas masks donned. The meeting was not exactly outside of the dome, but he needs to ensure that his identity wasn't going to attract any attention along the road.

They circled around the destination-- knowing that the meeting site was nearby Sacha had planned to ensure that John and Maxxy's job went through flawlessly. Despite the dealings without names, his feline senses didn't help him believe that it would be an easy shake down. He spent a little more time patrolling until he came upon a black vehicle @Midnight Howl. The group positioned themselves behind cover as one of them whispered; "Godmother's Group..." Sacha signalled them to quieten down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

"Well, it wouldn't feel right to keep you cooped-up and feeling miserable on your first date." Twombly responded to the jackal's question, taking a moment to wave at Aeron's many adoring fans and bask a bit in her celebrity-status as they went through the entrance and found an empty booth. "Besides, your fanbase wouldn't allow you to take after my habit of being a reclusive hermit." He explained, still trying to be ever the gentleperson and helping Aeron get herself seated and comfortable first.

The menu of the Hole, although not the fanciest, offered a sufficiently wide variety of dishes to please their patrons. The maned wolf adjusted his spectacles to get a better look at the selection as a clawed hand snatched his lenses away, rendering him mildly blind as he stared at Aeron, presuming she had a smirk stretching ear to ear while dangling his glasses precariously in the air.

"Well look what I have here," she said with a small giggle before placing his lenses on her own face, "Oh... well then... Wasn't expecting that much blurriness..." Taking them off, she went back to dangling them just in front of his face, though far enough away that it was difficult to tell exactly where she was holding them in regards to his muzzle. "I wouldn't call them adoring fans, I know some of them, and others just know of what I do. I'm not really all that popular I am sure, just another Mob Boss that not everyone is terrified of."

Rather pleased with the fact that the male couldn't exactly see, she snuck in and playfully licked one of his ears before placing his glasses down on the table in front of him. "Why have you become such a hermit Tommy-boy?" she questioned, knowing the nickname annoyed him a bit, "You'd think such a handsome wolf would have made his way around from time to time."

Wiping his ear off, Twombly gave the mob-boss-lady a look, one of puzzlement before answering. "My work requires a certain amount of peace and quiet. The sort one cannot get when living in the spotlight." His voice trailing off as his other hand swept across the table, locating his glasses for him to snatch back up and place back upon his face. Glad he didn't need to draw attention to his astonishingly poor eyesight.

"So, what does Earlton's most favorite mob boss like to do to unwind?" He asked, leaning in closer to her, but still ready for almost anything.

Looking at him, her face rather close to his at this point due to his leaning, "I enjoy reading... drawing on occasion is always fun... sometimes I go to the range and other times I go out with Sebastian and Baile to take care of our less... loyal clients. There is something about a good round of torture for information that leaves you drained of anger and left rather relaxed."

Smiling at Twombly, she nudged him a bit with her nose, "You came pretty close to being strung up today after keeping me waiting," she stated calmly, "You're lucky I like you enough not to do more than that." She leaned forward a bit to wave over the waiter, having already figured out what she wanted for a drink and an appetizer. She wasn't at all opposed to what they provided, and the bar was nice enough that she rather liked being there.

"Perhaps next time I should focus on making you some more comfortable torture devices for you to play with." The wolf chided, as he set gave one last glance through the menu. "But then I'd need to find someone willing to test them." He added, nudging her foot underneath the table.

Twombly ordered a dish only known as 'poutine with bacon' while Aeron ordered the steak dinner and a cherry smash to wash it all down, maybe two while Tommy-boy took a big Lebrewski as he watched an ox pace angrily around the open room.

Aeron looked over at Twombly for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and looking around, not very interested in what was happening, but figuring it was best to watch the Ox. "Wonder what pissed him off," she murmured before simply leaning against her date and taking to idly playing with the edge of his shirt, slender fingers bending and folding the small area of fabric. "If I was anyone else his passing back and forth would worry me entirely too much, thankfully I'm not someone else. Though I wonder if he'll break something soon."

With her smile still in place, she reached up and gently tugged Twombly's ear, "So what else do you have in mind for today? Anything other than the bar or were you hoping to just get me drunk enough to get laid?" As she asked this, she stopped messing with his shirt and nudged him under the muzzle with her nose, as if prompting him to answer her truthfully.

Twombly fidgeted, knowing that she'd been known to drink more than her share, answered: "Although possible, I cannot count on getting you drunk under the table." He started, suggesting she had a more than average tolerance for alcohol, before sticking a thumb out to the main door where Sebastian was still helping the bouncer pick through the crowd for troublemakers. "For one, your chaperone would not approve of such behavior." He then kissed her on the forehead before leaning in and hugging her, with his mouth close to her ear, he whispered: "Actually, I was figuring we could go out scavenging, just the two of us. Like old times."

Food came promptly, mostly because Aeron like her meat rare, and poutine was rather simple, their drinks weren't too much of a challenge for the trained barista, and the music was thankfully still flowing as long as the ox didn't take his rage out upon the loudspeakers or the performers.

"Ooooh, scavenging sounds like it would be a ton of fun!" she said with a giggle, not at all bothered by the fact that he had taken to wrapping his arms around her in a hug, "Lets do it, I'll have to move a few things around in order to make room for it, I'm sure a couple paybacks could be postponed until we get back from finding you new things to tinker with. Should we go to our usual place?"

It was rather clear that she was excited about the prospect of leaving the dome with him again, they always had fun scavenging things together, at least before she ended up becoming rather busy. As she was still rather folded up in a certain male's arms, she wiggled a bit so she could free one of her arms before bringing it up to rub one of his ears. "Your ears are just as fuzzy as I remember them being, thought I still have more fun playing with that mane of yours."

"You really do like my mane still, don't you?" Twombly teased with a small laugh as the mob-boss was tickling his ears and being an over-all flirt after getting some booze in her system. He then started picking through his meal of comfort-food, "I'm sure Sebastian and Baile can handle the payments until we get back. They aren't totally inept, after all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The sound of sand sifting caused the snow leopard’s ear to shoot backwards listening carefully for foul play. Wind blowing, it became uncertain whether the noise assumed to be a voice was merely a trick of the brain. Eyes remaining on the scene before her, one singular ear began moving in a semi-circle motion attempting to detect a source. Hissing to herself, Dee reluctantly removed herself from the sniper rifle, turning to look in Marliena’s eyes only to be met with confusion. So, you didn’t hear anything did you? Of course not. The lack of a confirmation left Dee with a bitter taste in her mouth. Standing up she walked over to the cat grabbing a handful of fur at the base of the throat, pulling her close then staring her in the eyes, her deadly irritation coming off in waves. Pushing her back once more, the silent message was passed. She would be the one to investigate.

Heading back to her own post, Dee kneeled back down placing taking her attention back to the drop-off in time to see one crate loaded into the vehicle. Her fur was on ends with the static in the air. One crate was not enough. What was really taking only minutes, felt like hours. Deeandra all but resisted the urge to shoot every last gator herself in frustration, knowing this would only slow the process. Taking a deep breath she attempted to regain her composure. Only a couple more to go and we will be set for months.


Busy taking notes on Marc’s future promotion, the noise of her boss’ movement was the only reason she looked up from her pad. The golden eyes were asking her a question, one she did not have the answer to
.She missed something. Opening her mouth to inquire on the matter her jaw slammed shut as her fur became a tangled mob in the leopard’s grasp. Heart stopping mid beat, the severity of the error stared at her, threatening death. Between her confusion and the force behind the push, it took all of her grace to avoid falling in the action. Turning in a 180, she immediately scanning the area as she made her way into the distance. Within moments her body became masked in a combination of wind and sand.

@VKAllen@FallenTrinity@Kafka Komedy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sacha Fedyaev

The kitties were silent and ready to pounce. The rough sounds of footwork and shifting, dusty sands alerted their pointy ears.

Stillness and silence.

Another feline from the direction of the vehicle emerged and entered within their pouncing territory. The tiger rose and grabbed the cat, covering its face with its large forearm and pulling her in until she was unconscious. Once its limp and lethargic body had succumbed to gravity-- the Bengal looks at Sacha as they continue their advance.

As they arrived by the car, he could spot the Godmother @Midnight Howl within a distance, with her backside turning towards him. While giving a subtle impish grin, he silently ordered one of the Bengals to hide and wait until everyone was in the car and join in. The other who carried a feline friend was to be dropped off in the trunk.

Sacha searched for keys inside of the cat's coat and took control over the vehicle and set themselves up in accordance to Sacha's plan, now they were ready to get the Godmother's attention. The driver's seat was manned by Sacha and he honked towards the direction of that 'fine' backside of snow leopard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Toxic wind picked up, replacing the sound of Marliena’s boots crunching against the sand. Its hallowed noise rang loudly against the leopard’s eardrum, almost as if it wanted her to remain oblivious to the circumstances around her. Along the horizon a sandstorm started brewing, reminding her time would be running out. In another hour the disaster would be upon them, threatening visibility, closing the window. She observed silently as Marcus made hand gestures to the pirates around him, no doubt instructing them to replace the top of the wooden crate now that his inspection was complete. Large hammers strike down on the nails ensuring the box will remain intact even on the bumpy road home. Beginning to question her driver’s whereabouts she heard the doors of the car shut, the wind making even the slam sound muddled. It’s about time. Useless!

Preparing to ask for a report she was cut short by the horn honking at her causing her whole being to go on edge. Marliena would not be so ignorant, nor bold enough to make such a move. Turning abruptly and standing simultaneously, Dee didn’t not find the feline she expected at the wheel. The Kiss of Death slipped from her fingers only to be saved from hitting the ground by the strap catching at her shoulder. The satisfaction on the lynx’s face @VKAllen eagerly robbed the Godmother of her own. Stomach dropping, claws instinctively reached down into the carrier on her side clutching her Tiger’s Eye. Wrath brimming at the seams within her soul, Deeandra fired an entire clip at the front windshield where his face would have been
.she practically spat, "SACHA!” as each ball of lead left its indention on the bulletproof glass.

As the last case from the round fell to the sand at her feet she was able to release the initial flood of her fury. Glancing back at the cargo in this distance, though she could not see it well, Dee knew the disturbance could not be heard. Her finger found the release button on the side of the gun, dropping the cartridge into her open hand, and in one movement it was in her pouch as a fresh one clicked into the base of the pistol. Choosing rather to walk over to the driver’s side window, she smirked at the figures inside. Two men total...is that all it takes nowadays to undermine my authority. Leaning to get a better look, she noticed Marliena was not anywhere in the car. With the large Bengal tiger the girl didn’t have a chance. Deeandra didn't care about odds and statistics. “She is useless to me now. Allowing my own vehicle to be stolen by thugs? I hope you've already taken care of her; otherwise, I will.”

If Sacha expected her to hand over the weapons so easily he would find himself sorely mistaken. Placing her handgun back into its holster she readied her sniper rifle. “One shot on that truck's gas tank and we are both walking away here empty handed. What say you to cutting a deal? You always were such an intellectual man.” Dee’s tail caressed the window where the lynx’s face would be. Sacha was one of the few who ever tested her on multiple accounts and lived. He was a difficult man to take out, one with influence spreading nearly as wide as her own. This both filled her with frustration and some other emotion for which she did not know how to name or the origin thereof...one that was mildly...pleasing. Refusing to lose her grip on the playing cards she placed her weight nonchalantly against the door, without loosening her hold on her gun.

Laying her words on thick like honey, she all but cooed, “I should have known it would have been you who would come today. You do love to test my patience. And to think that head would look so nice on my mantle.” Purring, all of her senses were racing. This wasn’t as simple as buying time. More of an intricate game of cat in mouse where the two traded off roles, constantly catching the other off guard....and at the moment her finger was resting on the trump card.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sacha Fedyaev

Underneath that mask-- a smile unraveled like a freshly cut wound. To see the Godmother's own fur standing on end with teeth and claw had become part of Sacha's guilty pleasures he indulged. As her own feral instincts took hold of the handle of her pistol and emptied its clip upon impenetrable bullet-proof mobile fortress, the lynx only removed his mask and peered into her concrete rage with warm welcoming gaze. As her mouth opened, he could not hear what the Snow Leopard was speaking. His leathery gloved finger tapped upon the glass which signaled her to enter the backseat promptly.

While it was hopeful that she would oblige, as soon as she entered the backseat of the vehicle another Bengal tiger would follow suit, as an attempt to prevent her means of exit until their discussion was complete. Should it not, the hidden Bengal tiger would emerge and assist her in delivering this message, courteously.

“One shot on that trucks gas tank and we are both walking away here empty handed. What say you to cutting a deal? You always were such an intellectual man.” The leopard bidded. The lynx merely purred.

"I had hoped for a hug and a kiss on the cheek from the Godmother. Not seven .50 Cal leads inside of this ol' noggin." His voice gruffled with a slight laughter as he beated into his head with his finger. "I don't aim to steal this mobile fortress, as good as that sounds. Your kitten isn't exactly suited for covert operations you asked of her. You should be a little more considerate, like my compadres." The Bengal Tiger gave a small chuckle in agreement. "Anyway, All I ask for a little chat about what's going on in that general direction. A humble proposal, if you will."

He faced Deeandra, turning around from the driver's seat. "All I want you to do is to just let me look into those crates and take a few arms that I want. That's all. I won't take not even one crate. Just a few that I'd like from it. Once I'm done, they're all yours." He faced towards the vehicle's windshield. "What say you?" He lead himself on. "You get to keep most of your weapons, I'll drive you and your little kitten back home and maybe have some nice and private time with a cup of coffee. Otherwise..." He paused for a moment. "Maybe I'll take more than I should, just to have a closer look. Then maybe the black market. Or have someone else's bullet do the job for you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


A black glove beckoned the leopard to take a place in the back seat. The easy way; a quite way. However, Deeandra could not find a single reason Sacha @VKAllen deserved a luxury. Knowing he came with his own hand to lay down, she wondered how it would all play out. To make it so easy on him? The idea in itself completely unfathomable! Yet, here she was still entertaining it all the same. What game are you playing at my sneaky little mouse? Or are you the cat? A plot filled with so many twists she couldn’t help throwing her head back to laugh. Strings being manipulated. The question remaining as to the identity of the puppet-master.

“I had hoped for a hug and a kiss on the cheek from the Godmother. Not seven .50 Cal leads inside of this ol' noggin."

Delicately taking her tail and tracing out his jaw line through the glass she took on a mocking tone, “Oh but I was only angry dear
.you did catch me by such a surprise, and how could I ruin such a handsome face.” thinking the last bit over she shrugged, “Although, if you weren’t constantly acting like a thorn in my side it’d be easier not struggling to kill you. At the outburst against her family, Dee withheld a growl...his men's loyalty on a scale with her own? There was no comparison. Half listening, Deeandra did not particularly care about any endeavors on her vehicle—knowing the right people getting another would be no feat. The weapon on the other hand they held slightly more significance. All nothing in comparison to the real prize here:

Relief from her monotony.

Against her better judgement, knowledge of the tiger heavily breathing in the distance, and what appeared to be an onlooker (whom she only just noticed) @Mega Birb, she opened the door to the backseat of the jeep. Placing her Barrett across her back, Dee’s slender body slid across the black leather. Unlatching her pistol, aiming it at Sacha’s head (an act mostly just for show, to prove she did not fear him) she placed her other arm behind her own head as she leaned back getting comfortable for the “proposal” coming. Crossing her legs she added her own stipulation, “The crate already in my jeep is off limits
the other four you can look through.” thinking about her suitcase of crowns in Marcus’ possession she continued, “Also, everything pertaining to my negotiator is off limits.”

Dee’s golden eyes maintained contact with Sacha’s through the review questioning if the deal was struck
.or if there was more. In hopes of a diversion she leaned forward until her breath was at his ear, "And here I was hoping the next time I saw you it would be just the two of us. How disappointing."

Leaning back once more she waited for his response. Being the Godmother, one must recognize that scraps were better than starving, though she could force Sacha to famine with her, this course appeared to be the most logical for the time being. It would keep her family from dying unnecessarily, even the call on Marliena’s life just a bluff. Her job, in the end was to protect those who pledged themselves to her, though she would never admit this sentiment out loud.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Delvin Crawford

Having watched most of the scene unfold from a safe and comfortable distance on his bike, Delvin sat up as he head the gunshots come from the Godmother's signature pistol, a golden Deagle that caught the harsh light from the sun. The audible bangs of a beefy pistol like that meant something had gone wrong while he was focused on the arms deal. Deciding now was a good time to intervene, the raven kickstarted his motorcycle and took off in the direction of the snow leopard, his left hand ready to retrieve his shotgun from the holster if needed.

As he drew closer and slowed down gradually, the rumble of the bike's engine was sure to draw the attention of the assailants in the car. Keeping one hand raised up in a passive gesture as he approached, the bird pulled to a complete stop beside the jeep and killed the engine once again. He stuck his left leg out to act as a stand, having a feeling he might need to jet off quickly. "I'm not here to kill or rob you, just wanna see who fu-" Looking into the vehicle's side mirror, he noticed Sacha's smug grin looking looking back at him. "Goddammit Sacha, I leave to find you a fucking TV and you steal the fucking Godmother's car?" Sighing audibly and mocking a suicide with a finger gun, Delvin sat back once again and looked to the back seat at the woman. "Alright, I'm guessing you want those gators dead, your negotiator secured, and that massive fucking weapons shipment in the back of this thing." He patted the side of the off-roader and paused briefly, then looked at the lynx's reflection. "And based on what I just heard, you want a few of the guns from that deal?" He gave them both a look that quite clearly said 'Tell me I'm right,' and reached into one of the saddlebags behind him. As he rummaged for a moment, he made an offer he honestly doubted either of them would accept. "Either of you smoke?" The raven pulled a beaten pack of cigarettes from the pouch and flipped the top open, then held it up, within view of both parties.

@VKAllen@Midnight Howl
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sacha Fedyaev

"And here I was hoping the next time I saw you it would be just the two of us. How disappointing." A snicker of Sacha's silent purr.

@Midnight Howl "Well, come for a dinner and a night up in the Penthouse in the Hole. Who knows what stories we'll be making." He and his tigers donned their gas masks signalling their leave. "I have no interest in your negotiator, though I don't know how you'll do it in these storms but let your goons know about the deal and we'll be set." The dusty winds have developed a strong beige haze over the distance-- although the arms deal could still be seen in the distance deafened by the wind. He look to the driver's window-- surprised by the sights of another comrade's arrival looking at him with his gas mask donned but silent.

As the door's latch opened, sand immediately buffeted the car's floor. Moments before Sacha left he quickly reminded her of the driver in the trunk. "Your kitten is in the boot. Make sure you've got her gas mask ready." The tigers and Sacha quickly removed themselves from the vehicle and promptly closed the door to prevent more sand from entering the vehicle. Among the now sandy New Earlton, the black raven from Down Under arrived with his noble yet loud steed.

@Mega Birb "Goddammit Sacha, I leave to find you a fucking TV and you steal the fucking Godmother's car?" The cackling raven humourously resounded in the lynx's mind. "Alright, I'm guessing you want those gators dead, your negotiator secured, and that massive fucking weapons shipment in the back of this thing." Sacha trained his sights on the arms deal. "And based on what I just heard, you want a few of the guns from that deal?"

He returns his look back to his friendm, albeit unseen expression under that mask that suggested passive excitement. "I just want to see and take what I like. I'll let the Godmother have the rest. Gotta be polite when you ask for gifts." The bengal tigers joined him by his side.

"Either of you smoke?" The raven suggested. Sacha immediately opened his arms about the entire atmosphere, which was sand-storming.

"Afraid's not good for your lungs. 11 years clean, I might add." He gestured his farewell and calmly walked towards the arms deal-- believing that Deeandra would've taken care of her part of the deal.

@FallenTrinity@Kafka Komedy

(Go through with what you feel is necessary with the plan, but do realise that you are able to see the post below)

Treaded he did amidst the sandstorm into the deal. Alligators presumed to have stopped working and their weapons lowered as Sacha began to speak to one of the Alligators. "Godmother agreed to take what I like." He warned them. "I'll be looking into these crates and leave the one you've got there..." He pointed towards the van. "... alone." Without hesitating, he tore open one of the boxes and took a gander. His eyes looked back to see John and Maxxy in the distance and attempted to signal to them by holding his hand up-- hoping that the sandstorm wasn't a problem.

He tore open another crate... And repeated so with the third. His fingers shrilled through a few and picked up a handgun marked as HK-45. "High quality, top of the range .45 ACP handgun? Huh, no wonder she doesn't want me sniffin' her fur." He cocked the gun and checked the chamber. Fully loaded for convenience and holstered it by his side. He signaled the tigers to take a few more guns of varying sizes and after several more minutes, a total of 6 selectively picked weapons were taken. "Get back to work then." Sacha told'em before displacing himself from the arms deal-- walking towards the direction of John and Maxxy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


“Well, come for a dinner and a night up in the Penthouse in the Hole. Who knows what stories we'll be making." @VKAllen

The golden gun gleamed it caught a ray of light before sliding back into its holster at the leopard’s thigh. Purring, interrupted by a velvety voice, “Be careful what you ask for Sach
it might be more than you can handle.” Adjusting her gloves, shiny claws moved methodically in and out flaunting their piercing abilities, eager to sink into a target “But what kind of lady says no to dinner?” Eyes narrowed to dangerous slits resting on the figure momentarily before wandering to the storm brewing in the distance. Dee let out a cocky smirk. It was his “goons” who would be needing to watch their backs.

Eyes followed the men as they exited the car; she couldn’t help but to hear the voice of the raven @Mega Birb, it’s pitch almost annoying enough to ruin her good mood. Almost. Glancing at the sand at her door she knew she would have to go out in it. Rolling her eyes, she picked up a walkie, giving orders to Marcus as to the new situation of the drop. The confidence of Sacha not double crossing her twice were certain. Leaving it in his capable hands, the leopard opened the door to the car allowing more sand to enter. Making her way towards the popped truck she slipped her arms underneath Marliena’s limp body, picking her up. Shutting the door with her tail, Dee brought her driver to the passenger’s side, carefully placing her and strapping her in. You had me almost worried for a second...not enough to avoid punishment but...

Climbing into the driver’s seat, keys went into the ignition as the engine revved to life. Pulling a u-turn, tires slid defiantly across the sand, adding to the amount in the atmosphere. Within moments, the vehicle began its journey back to the Rock. Between the sand in the floorboard and the cracks in the glass repairs would be necessary. There would need to be a count on the inventory to mark what was lost.

A devilish smile crossed her lips Let’s not forget what else I need to plan. Her turn would be soon after all. Much to do indeed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Luciel J. Lavandou ft. John Wolf

Outsider in the Pack

John sat in the passenger side of the cab occasionally glancing over at Maxxy while he cleaned his pistols.

Brrrrrr - - - - Brrrrrrr - - - - Brrr - Beep

The wolf hitman felt his phone vibrate and placed Cujo and Old Yeller on his lap before retrieving it from his coat pocket. John frowned at the name of the caller but answered nonetheless.

“John...You’re needed.” He glanced over to Maxxy and then to the outside world.

”Well currently I’m out and wont be able to.

“Are you refusing?

”No not at all. I’ll send someone else in my pla-”

“You know the rules abo-” John leaned forward in his seat as his voice gained a steely tone.

”I’m sending someone in my place and i suggest you rethink yours for talking to me as such.”

The voice apologized before a brief silence.

“How well do you trust this person?” The almost needed yet cliche question ever to leave the lips of the lowlives in New Earlton.

” I left something special for them. You’ll know where to find them.” A smug smirk worked its way onto John’s face as he hung up and pressed 1, redirecting him to The Hole’s landline. John had only one person he could trust there besides Sacha and that was Kait. John first met Kait when he stumbled into the place after a rather dirty job and was met with a new waitress. John, the womanizer he was quickly began to talk to her and after a few stops at the hole and talking to the new waitress Kait, had casually asked John if he was interested in a cooperative job that was paying big. Of course John was not opposed and by the end of it all, the two had done enough jobs together and had gained enough experience combined to have an idea of what the other was planning or thinking, at least on the job.

The phone rang and John’s earlier smug smile faded to a frown with each passing ring.
Luciel stared off into haze that drifted through the bar, an eye twitching as he teetered on the edge of a sneeze. The patron who’d come for a refill eyed him, curiously before opening his mouth to speak at which point, he coiled, belting out a loud sneeze as he almost bashed his head on the counter. Still, it was enough to almost throw him from his feet as well as miss the first ring of the phone. “Well...now about that drink?” the person asked, lifting an eyebrow from the inconvenience. Then came the second ring, Luciel leaning to check the number with a sniff.

What am I doing, I don’t know these numbers...and gawd day shift is boring. The phone was often the high point of the day, considering how seldom it rang. However, whoever it was that on the other end usually had a good reason to call.
I like the calls where a frantic voice can barely get a word out before gunshots cut the call short. With this mindset, letting the phone ring was my policy in the hopes that the caller could sort themselves out...or be sorted out without requiring me to talk to them.

” Luciel slowly mused, letting the phone ring until around the fourth time when the caller ID kicked in and ‘woof’ read. Ears perking, he picked up the phone with a bottle of whiskey with the other hand. “Good afternoon, you have reached zee Hole” he answered, fixing the glass for the patron whom Luciel was reluctant to drop character around.

”Kaite, its John.” He said after the greeting was given. He glanced up to see the sign above the road reading [New Earlton Border 5 Miles Warning: Gas masks are advised.]

Returning the man’s drink, Luciel almost spilled it as John introduced himself over the phone. “Ehn vaht iz zee occasion, gettink a call from zeh big bad wolf?” they chirped, taking a sip of coffee.

”Big bad wolf huh? Heheh. Well...I’m in a slight predicament as I need to be somewhere right now but currently, I’m busy. So - “ He cleared his throat.

”I said that I had someone who could be there in my place. I left a manilla envelope underneath the counter for this instance and inside you will find everything you need. However, I ask that you wear something a bit more formal as you will be my liason of sorts. They will be there to pick you up in a half hour or so so be ready please?” If Kait could see his face he adorned a big smirk and with a slight childish tone.

The line went quiet as Luciel peeked under the counter, finding the folder in the space between the fridge and the ledge. John’s request didn’t sit well since he wasn’t the best with new people, but they assumed that it wasn’t his job to talk in the wolf’s stead but merely relay information back. Although, this wasn’t close to his actual issue which was figuring out the means to-

Dress formal!?
I looked around the bar and then down to myself. I mean, what I had on wasn’t bad...certainly not the three-piece suit kind of vibe that John has. Business meetings? The only thing close that I could imagine would come close to formal is

Luciel’s eyes drifted down to his case and the change of clothes he’d brought to switch into Ansel for convenience. While it’d be difficult to explain to John if anyone said anything, the suit and tie was certainly as close as he was going to get. “Vill...doo” they acknowledge, flipping the sign on the counter to note that the ‘waitress’ was leaving, grabbing the case and stepping into the back room with the cordless phone.

”Oh and Kait-” John’s light hearted voice ceased and he became much, much more serious.

”Be careful and watch what you say if you say anything at all. The pay will be 10,000 when you complete it. I trust you.” He said before hanging up, knowing that he didn’t want to hold her up any longer.

Luciel tossed the phone into a pile of rags as he checked a pocket mirror, parting fur to slip two studs into his left eyebrow as well as a ring into either side of his bottom lip. Concluding with the chain-linked studs in an ear, he sighed, hoping this wasn’t the kind of meeting that could end with the accessories being torn out. It didn’t take long to strip and dress in a suit and tie, a nice tie with diagonal black and pink stripes, the kind of pink that looks almost white.

Formal but held with personality. I would only hope it would suffice, finishing up by slipping on a pair of fake glasses after wiping off Kait’s makeup and replacing it with a few black speckles on my ears and cheeks. I cleared my throat, getting shoes on and stashing the other getup in a slim box kept behind the shelves.

Taking a deep breath, let out as a sigh as a few whispers of, “Roit, ehn th’song n’dahnce stahts all over” trying to ease himself into ‘Ansel’s english accent before leaving and rounding the corner with his attache case and folder which he pulled the card from and slipped into his breast pocket to openly show the edge of the design for anyone who was looking for it. “O-oh! Ansel! I didn’t see you come in” the waitress that had relieved Kait commented from behind the counter, being met with an apathetic turn of the eyes to meet her’s. “Heh, ‘ello. Ah’v been ‘ere fah
” Luciel started, drawing the pocketwatch from before and lifting an eyebrow with a ‘hm’. “F’long enough. If y’see that kraut, Kait, have ‘er find me. She keeps ducking me n’ oi won’t ‘av it. Thanks, love~” he cockily smarmed before dropping a tip in the jar with a snap of their fingers into finger-gun accented with a wink and taking John’s untouched drink with the umbrella still hanging to a side.
“Ah, A-Ansel, that is-” the waitress began, a blush from the attention before being cut off by Luciel, “John’s. I know...I can’t imagine e’d moind” taking a sip which checking the watch again, his spooky ride supposedly destined to show up any minute.

It wasn’t much longer until a Timber wolf walked in with a grey suit and sunglasses, a holstered pistol easily visible. In his mouth a lit cigarette as he scanned the room, looking for his target so to speak. He wasn’t informed on what the person looked like or sounded like so he was more or less at a loss until he caught sight of a figure who stood out slightly by their apparel. With a final long drag he dropped the smoke and put it out with his shoe. He leaned his head to the side and made eye contact with the figure.

Setting the drink down after the first sip, Luciel looked up as the door opened and the wolf walked in. As much as he wanted to give a skeptical eyebrow as they had the nerve to put their cig out on the freshly cleaned floor, the jack instead lifted his free hand to push the glasses up his nose. In the same motion, he made the gesture to readjust their attire but instead lifted the card up another inch while making eye contact, gaining a simple nod in return. If the person wanted to check the card, themselves, they could do it outside.
For now, Luciel approached them, sweating internally as he was unsure if offering a hand to shake or simply walking past them to exit would be a better idea. Concluding that either the person identified him as John’s associate or that waiting outside would be better, they simply walked past them and made to leave, offering a soft, “G’d afternoon” before stepping outside and out of the way of the door to wait.

The wolf let him walk ahead and simply remained silent. Parked out front was a black limo,, completely blacked out all the way around with another two wolves outside of it, one held an old school Tommy and the other a more modern M4A1. They simply scanned the area until the Jackalope came forward. The wolf with the tommy snickered and nudged his buddy.

“Take a load at this one.” His friend looked over and adjusted his M4.

“You gotta be fucking kidding.” The wolf mumbled as they stepped aside, allowing the Jackalope to enter the limo. Once inside, the other three entered and sat down, closing the door behind them. The inside of the limo was quite spacious and comfortable with its soft leather seats, wooden finishes and ambient lighting. With a slight jolt, the car began rolling.

‘Forward approach’ wasn’t entirely Luciel’s style, and the armed entourage put him off, though he imagined it was all standard procedure. The comments, however, tested his patience and were replied to with a disapproving sniff and a flick of an ear, making the chain jingle. He could have probably done without the piercings, but it was just Ansel’s style. John could deal with the backlash, but for now, the thugs had to deal with the jackalope.
Luciel stepped into the limo, taking the middle of the seat as the rest of the guards piled in around him. Keeping the case on his lap he daringly opened the locks to slide the folder out, closing and locking it when he was through as to not give the goons the impression that he was doing anything more than retrieving the files. The contents of the case would likely set security off and give the wrong impression, as ‘Sandcastle’ was still loaded and a safety switch away from heralding a bad-day-buffet.

Luciel decided against asking questions, since it wasn’t his job to ‘know’, only ‘do’...no matter how badly he wanted to gawk at the well furnished interior of the vehicle. Instead, he distracted himself with quickly scanning through the contents through the open folder rather than pulling anything out.

The one wolf, the timber wolf, who had been quiet for a portion of the ride eventually decided to speak up as he cleaned his pistol.

“Name’s Kalmar. Yours?” He glanced up from behind his sunglasses, the littlest bit of brown eyes pierced his own with the same intensity that John had in his own.

” Luciel simply replied, closing the folder and using the pin to hold it shut, resting it on top of the case before continuing, “...pardon the inconvenience. John is a busy man, I suppose.”
He chuckled lightly, though it came off a bit forced as if he was a bit displeased with the turn of events, but composed enough to take it seriously.

The wolf simply stared back at him unamused by the comment, probably mistaking it for something else. He stopped for a second before continuing his cleaning.

“That crazy bastard is always fucking busy. There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t seen him without a phone in hand or not talking to someone about some business venture. Fucker doesn’t have a life. So how did you happen to cross paths with John and live” The brush in the barrel stopped moving for a second as Kalmar pulled out a small bottle of oil and put a few drops into the chamber before working it in with the brush.

The tiniest hint of a smirk danced across Luciel’s expression after the question, thinking of the world of stories he could spin as to mess with John. Staying vague and being ‘careful what he said’ were his orders, though, and the last thing he wanted to do was get on the wolf’s bad side. “Met ‘im in The Hole. ‘E takes time off...in a sense” the jack explained, the inside joke at the rat from earlier’s expense tickling the dark humor. “N’yeh, the goy needs’a hobby besides bein’ spooky” Luciel continued, giving the impression of warming up to the timber wolf by sharing a common subject in spite of how contrary it was to their actual feelings.
Luciel prefered the creature he knew as ‘John’ to stay as morally ambiguous as ever. It gave a shadow of danger to the man which he found alluring in his own twisted way.

The wolf, Kalmar, let out an audible chuckle.

“Time off? That’s surprising. Never thought he would. Once invited him to The Ant-Elope’s main club PRIDEland. Shit’s hard as fuck to get in unless you know someone. So we get there with John and a buddy of mine and as we make our way to the door, the fucking door, his phone rings and low and behold he fucking answers it. I’m like “John seriously? We haven’t even been here for an hour let alone inside and you’re gonna take on a job?” And heheheh, he goes with this almost childlike voice. “But, but, it’s a woman.” My buddy goes “So you’re gonna go do a job for this bitch? You ain't gonna get any when you’re done I can guarantee that.” John looks at him with a straight face and without skipping a beat goes “Well at least I have a better chance than you do. The closest you’ll get to pussy is high heels on a stage. Look but don’t touch.” Now we’re both hurt but for two different reasons. My buddy’s dignity was hit and my side was hurting because I was laughing so damn hard.”

It seemed that the one who held the Tommy gun glared at Kalmar while the other snickered.

“Heh, yeh. I’ll give him that, though. E’s a fokin’ sucker for ladies” Luciel chirped before sighing, “En a smooth talker...classic John.” Shaking his head at the notion of John leaving people out in the rain in favor of work. Still, Luciel was in tact enough not to go about gushing over the attention he wished he could get from the wolf. It was all small talk, and the guy wasn’t around to say otherwise or give the jackalope one of his trademark ‘shut up’ death-glares. In all honesty, if it was Luciel’s job, he’d try to know a bit more about the crew in the limo, though his rule when standing in for people was to refrain from crossing strings. He was certain there’d be enough hassle with explaining exactly who Ansel was and why he went in stead of Kait.

The wolf nodded in agreement. “That’s a fact. He has his way with woman that’s for sure. Once John see’s something he likes he’s on it like that.” A snap of the fingers to emphasize. The smile on the wolf’s face slowly faded as he went back to cleaning his gun.

“Done any jobs with him.” The tone in the wolf shifted slightly to uneasiness.

“Hmf” Luciel half-heartedly laughed through closed lips in agreement with the statement, riding off of the coattails of the conversation, though hoping it would come to its resolution. Unfortunately, he got what he wanted as they asked if he did any jobs with the wolf. “I’m...more of a friend of a friend with a good recommendation” they explained, simply as their demeanor softened, doing their best not to drift back into cold neutrality and come off as inviting as possible while remaining vague. “I’sounds loik you’d know ‘im better, though, eh?” Luciel joked, hoping to casually turn the question back on the man who apparently knew them well enough to invite the ‘big bad wolf’ out...making the jackalope only a bit jealous.

“Friend of a friend?” He glanced up at the jackalope with suspicion before looking down, however, unable to continue cleaning the pistol. He took in a heavy breath and leaned back, closing his legs and looked at Ansel. His ears slightly lowered as he took off his glasses to look Ansel dead in his eyes, emphasizing what was to come.

“Lemme give you some advice. Never fucking get on his bad side. He’s a sick motherfucker and has no quorum killing anyone who double crosses him or threatens/kills someone he cares about. Did you ever hear the story about that drug lord family that was killed in the east side of downtown? Fucking bodies were un-fucking-recognizable. John
” He seemed to stop for a moment as if remembering what happened, almost appearing sick in the stomach.

“John needed help that day with something but never told me what it was. He just said “Come with me. Payment will be available upon completion.” It was out of character for him. I known John for years and never saw him like that. So anyway we get there and here was the fucking Kingpin himself with his right hand man and sons, tied up and laying on these, what’s the word? I don’t know, fucking operating table things. He tells me to write down information when he gets it and after he says that he just went ham on them. Belt sanders, drills, car battery and wires, torches, pliers...A planer...A FUCKING planer. You know those things they use to cut pieces of wood down to size? Yeah..That across the fucking Kingpins face and shit. By the end of it all they looked nothing like what they were. Nothing more than meat at a butcher’s shop. He kept them alive with different meds and other hospital stuff but they suffered through all that and every ear piercing scream and bloody gurgle I still can hear.” The wolf visibly shuddered. Kalmar looked back up to Ansel with almost dead eyes.

“It wasn’t until then did I truly realize how dangerous and deadly he was. Do yourself a favor and don’t piss him off. I get this vibe that you won't but better warn you now than never.” The driver knocked on the window twice, letting them know that they were coming up to their destination.

Luciel listened intently as the man detailed John's brutality, a stunned and slightly horrified expression claiming their expression as the rendition went on. It wasn’t so much for what John did as it was the demon in the details. ‘Sons’ struck a chord and the jackalope was keen on asking a simple question.
“How...how old were the man’s sons?” his voice softly came, having his own share of demons with cruelty even to this day. While it would take a car battery to force it out of him, the trials of his youth were great enough to shatter them into the creature he was, now.

He looked up see the expression John’s friend gave and simply waved him off to dismiss any cruel thought. “Old enough to run the drug and animal trafficking around East Market and 3rd street. Guess oldest was 35 and the youngest was 26. Nah, John would never do that to pups and cubs and what not. He had a kid of his own. Had a kid, hence the reason why Kingpin ended up as minced meat.”

The answer softened Luciel’s horrified demeanor, understanding taking its place as he hardened back to his cold seriousness. Pushing the glasses back up his nose, the jackalope grumbled a dark, “Good riddance
” and looked up from the interior of the car to the shaded windows, assuming the location was likely some abandoned warehouse or something in the slums that’d never be used again. ‘No sense in blindfolding someone when the location wasn’t important’ was his rational.

The car slowed down and came to an easy stop as the other two wolves adjusted their guns and opened the door and made their leave only to stand on the side of the car, awaiting Kalmar and their passenger. Kalmar had put away the cleaning kit and eyed his work before nodding to Ansel and made his leave as well, his sunglasses back on their face. It was funny. Many crime lords and what not had places in locations that would not be easily accessible or in locations considered too dangerous for most but not for the crew that John knew. Outside was the busiest part of the city and located in central New Earlton along W Market and Cumberfield in a little deli shop simple known as “Smile’s Delicatessen”. Kalmar motioned for Ansel to follow him inside.

Once inside, a large Malamute from behind the counter looked over at the crew coming in and nodded. This was Smiles though his name tag said Miles. It was more of a joke on Mile’s part thanks to the massive scar that crossed his mouth, making it appear that he was always smiling.

“Hey who you got with you? That ain't my regular.” He said as he cleaned off the slicer.

One of the gunman spoke up. “This little shit is John’s liaison, can ya believe it. Got his head so far in the clouds he needs someone else to let him know what’s going on underneath of it all.”

Mile’s let out a “Hmph” in acknowledgement.

Though Luciel hadn't often frequented the market, he was none the less surprised when he emerged from the dim cab to find a shop rather than some dump of a warehouse. He supposed it was better this way while also being far worse. Optimistically, this 'Smiles' person had a business to run outside of the shadows and the meeting could be kept short. Alternatively, it made the situation sensitive since the 'regular' that the hound was expecting hadn't shown, thus starting the ordeal off on a sour note.
Luciel straightened his tie as he was introduced as 'this little shit', taking no offense since he doubted they'd be doing business again anytime soon, much less as the same person. In that, the jackalope took a shred of joy in being a bit of a dark cloud on their day, as his mere presence was a greater insult than simple tactless insults. "G'd afternoon..." he offered after Mile's acknowledgement, readjusting his grip on the attaché case which he'd returned the folder to before leaving the limo.

Miles looked at Ansel for a moment giving him a simple nod a second later before placing some meat on the slicer, preparing a sandwich for the customer at the counter. Kalmar gave the Jackalope a sidelong glance. “Follow me” He said quickly as he lead him behind the counter and into the back towards the freezer door which rested in the corner of the room. A White wolf stood guard and glanced at the Jackalope. With a simple glance he sized up Ansel. Kalmar waved off the wolf as the guard opened the freezer door with a low creek. The simple freezer door hid a staircase which lead down to what was a somewhat large room with a bar, pool table, cooking station and a fairly large table. It was a lot to take in for one who wasn’t use to it but it wasn’t the size of the place that was startling, but rather those in it.

There were about 5 other people, most likely crime lords and drug kingpins at the table with their respectable bodyguards, or hitman. In this world they were one in the same. They had all been conversing about random things. Shooting the shit was more like it. Nearest Ansel when he came into the room was a large but semi scrauny looking cat. This was Hugo Alavache-Rodriguez, also known as El Gato. Major crime lord and head of the Los Gatos de Diablo in both New Earlton and the neighboring city Windslow. He sat forward and stared intently at the newcomer, giving him a rather disgusted look. Across from him was the owner of the Ant-Elope: Gentlemen’s club and procurer of paid intimacy himself, Pits Hemmingway Next to Pits was Robert Halloway, The new drug Kingpin of New Earlton and across from him was Rutz, Owner of City Cab, Towncar and Rutz’s Rapid Transit, the three major cab companies in New Earlton. And finally, at the end of one side, sat a gray wolf, his suit jacket sat on the back of the chair and next to him a pack of smokes, a glass of what seemed to be whiskey and something else, and soon enough Kalmar at his side. The wolf looked up and smiled lightly gesturing for the jackalope to sit down. His voice weezed slightly when he talked, possibly due to aging and the raspiness thanks to smoking. “You there. Come in come in. Take a seat.” It wasn’t as much as a welcome as it was a command with a smooth warm voice.

Following Kalmar, Luciel tilted his head to the white wolf's expression before they were waved off by his escort. While he imagined the meeting to take place in a meat locker, the last thing he expected was for the freezer door to reveal a staircase.
Secret lairs hidden in shops was a huge step up from their expectations, but it was far too late to back out of the job, though the jackalope was quickly starting to wonder what John had gotten them into as they emerged into a well furnished room. A pool table, even a mock kitchen caught Luciel’s attention, mostly in how the space was easily twice the size of his apartment. Although, whispers of descriptions painted a picture that could be hung in a museum as the occupants around the meeting table were everything from shady businessmen to...well...even shadier businessmen. While he didn’t know all of their names, he knew enough to understand just how in over his head he was.

It wasn’t until the gray wolf at the other end of the table gestured to an empty seat and invited him to sit that Luciel realized he’d frozen somewhere around the door. His heart raced while bodyguards eyed him and his case before he bowed his head, slightly, in acknowledgement and made to sit, offering a small “Thank you”. It broke from character a bit, but he felt now wasn’t the time to be a cocky, uppity, two-bit hack of an alleyway doctor that Ansel was. The jackalope figured that the doctor persona could forgive him, given the situation...before wondering why he cared what a mask he made and wore thought of him. Odd and unsettling as the notion was, he excused the shivers running up his spine as the raw intimidation that the shadows around the table cast.

It’s been so long, who knew how many of their toes I’ve stepped on without knowing. I mean, it’s not like they don’t try each other's patience on occasion, but I could only imagine what a single word of angels would set off right-hand men

Luciel found himself hesitating in his seat, resolving to release the case next to himself unless it was called for him to bring forth the information in the folder.

A waiter came over with a rather large tray and placed it in front of Ansel. On it was an array of weapons ranging from guns to knives. “Excuzzi. I ask that any and all weapons be relinquished before we start. It is imperative that this is done now so not to cause any disturbances in the near future. They will be returned to you at the end of this meeting.” The waiter smiled gently as Hugo didn’t leave eye contact with the Jackalope for a moment before glancing back over at the white wolf. “Whose da Bendejo?” Hugo thumbed to Ansel.

“Betcha he John’s stand-in. Mutha fucka dun come to his own meetings. Fuckin pussy man.” Halloway chimed in.

“Feelas please have some respek for de man.” Pits said as he leaned back. Then the wolf looked over at the pitbull with a frown. “You have no place to speak, you dropped in business by 20% thanks to your failure in obtaining Kitsner.” The pitbull’s ears slightly lowered before he snorted and glared at the wolf. “If taht dumb rat didn’t open his mout like I told em NOT too, he’d be here right now next to me.”

The back and forth went on for a little more before they settled down. Rutz glanced over at the jackalope and grunted from behind his cigar. “Oi fahking hahnd over your damn weapon, I dun ave time for dis I gotta get back to work.”

A waiter with a tray made Luciel feel fancy, though he didn’t have a taste for what was apparently on the menu. The mess of lead and steel as well as the request to turn over his weapons made an ear flick, causing the chain to jingle once more from the awkwardness. With a sigh, he pulled the case into his lap, holding his hands up enough to show the armed guards that he wasn’t making any sudden movements before opening the box. He pulled out the envelope, setting it on the table in front of him before relinquishing ‘Sandcastle’ which was fitted with the foregrip and silencer, already. Biting his lip, Luciel rolled his eyes in a comical fashion along with the tilt of his head and flicking his left wrist. With a click, the handle of his derringer sprang into his hand which he also set on the platter.
He was thankful that people seemed to be distracted with talking amongst themselves rather than pay attention as he unbuttoned enough of his suit coat to undo the belting of the throwing axes. The jackalope rolled them up in their leather bandolier before setting them on the platter as well as the knuckledusters which he drew from the armored vest he was openly wearing after undoing the coat. “En there” he softly chirped, buttoning his coat back up and setting the case back on the floor.

Security was welcome to rifle through the rest of the contents of the case, though it now mostly contained his own notepad and a small assortment of makeup.
He wasn’t inclined to speak unless actually spoken to, now more than ever, the theme of his presence being insulting apparently still sticking.

The waiter thanked Ansel and took the tray of weapons away and with the clap of his paws the white wolf started. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Unfortunately we were unable to obtain the gun shipment but that is all well. Deeandra could use all she needs at this point considering her circumstances. I Have heard that, thanks to Rutz-” Who gave the wolf a nod. “- That John is on his way with a few members of the Hole to gather what he can of it. If I know Johnny well enough he has also brought some of our members to take what they can from both Sacha and Deeandra so I do expect something in return from this. At least a crate will do. Besides that we are down about 5% in revenue and this is unfortunate. Kitsner would have definitely helped with this shipment coming up. We-”

“Ehyo boss, why we talking about this in front of-” The wolf shot another look at Halloway, this time, it held a heavy, guaranteed threat that immediately shut the dog up.

“-We are expecting to ship out close to 98 kilos total. About 1.3 million crowns worth. Hugo and Halloway have managed to payoff the checkpoints and DEA agents who would be on guard that day so it will be fairly easy to get out.”

Hugo adjusted himself in his chair. “Si. Shipment will be around dusk. I have some of my best men and Halloway has offered some of his to guard the shipment. Guaranteed full delivery in 3 days. Expecting to make double or triple what it cost us to make it so we are looking at around 3.9 max.”

Pits turned to the wolf and passed over his financial history for the past 4 months to which the Wolf looked them over with a pair of glasses and nodded here and there and frowned once or twice. “You need to make sure that your VIPs stay longer. The numbers here are too low compared to the previous 4 months plus I have been given permission to setup a casino in one of the older hotels in the area. I have been given the deed to the property and I want you to handle everything else from the rooms, casino floor and every other aspect of the place. If you need help you just contact us. Anyway Ansel-”

The wolf turned his attention to Luciel with a unnerving smile. “I suppose John has given you an activity report?” He cocked a brow and awaited an answer.

Hoping that the promise of his possessions being returned at the conclusion of the meeting was true, Luciel got as comfortable as he could. Needless to say, is wasn’t very, given the situation of having little to no clue what he was doing beyond an envelope containing information that may or may not answer questions he was posed. One of the dogs spoke up, questioning Luciel’s presence during the meeting before being shut down by the old wolf who appeared to be in charge. As far as the jackalope was concerned, he had nothing to prove to these people and may as well be John in the moment, for what it was worth. While everyone spoke, he took down notes and paged through the contents of the envelope, trying to connect dots on a few pages. It ended up being messy as three or so pages quickly filled with various annotations and notes of notes.

Luciel scribbled swiftly yet furiously until the name was called and he looked up to meet the wolf’s expression with a blink. “Ah, e’did...here” they said, flipping through pages before drawing the activity report, unsure if he should read it off or simply slide it over. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to simply pass it forward, as everything was being brought to the table, so to speak.

The wolf nodded and took the report and glanced through it. “Very good” He smiled back at him and placed the paper in a folder. Its contents would eventually be learned and then discarded for security reasons. There was a few more topics brought up before the meeting started to come to a close. The majority of the group sat around and had a few drinks, returning to simple talk, minus two. The Wolf and the Cat. The cat more so, this time looking at Ansel as if trying to remember something.

“Ey Ey. Ahnsel you said your name was?” Hugo said while tapping his nails on the table before turning to face him directly.

“You have a seester?” He squinted his eyes slightly. This gained the wolf’s attention but he didn’t draw attention to himself but instead simply talked to his bodyguard who occasionally glanced over to the jackalope. It was a moment or two before Hugo simply scoffed and turned away, deciding it was too much time wasted to hear an answer. However the Wolf decided to speak up instead.

“So Ansel, you seem to know John well. “ He said with a smile.

“Especially considering he asked you to come here. Outsiders in these meetings goes against our...policy of sorts as those people tend to become a liability later on.” There was an underlying threat hidden in those words. Kalmar just looked on, watching for the jackalopes reaction.

“So let me ask you a question. How should I know that you will keep what you heard here quiet and to yourself?” He cocked a brow and shifted slightly in his seat in order to lean forward.

Handing papers over, taking notes, filling a notebook. It was procedure enough and business concluded simply with getting everyone up to date on current events. This was until Hugo got Luciel's attention with the name and the question.
A bread knife, all it ended up taking was a proper serrated edge. The right questions came with answers that were sufficient enough for my soured taste. She was no better, what with her thirst for money and apathy to the stepping stones she had to cross to get it. He...on the other hand.
If he had lived, he'd make sure, for the rest of his days, to watch where he stepped.
Large boots tread on many toes.

"Not anymore..." Luciel nearly inaudibly whispered after Hugo turned away, his voice cut from ears as the wolf spoke up.
[color=bc8dbf]Everyone wanted to know about John. Simply or more complex, today had been aaall aboouut John. 'Oh, I trust you Kait, can you attend a meeting while I go do interesting things?' It'll be fffiiiiine, just- oh! Waaaatch what you ssaaay'
The cartoonish rendition of John faded and the rest of the question played itself out. Liabilities and loose ends to tie up or yet left to fray in the wind. What kept my silence? I know John and how people saw him...what kept my silence?[/i]
"Loikly I'd end up ina wood chipper feet-first if oi did anything not to the lettah" Luciel darkly joked, offering no laugh to back up the dead-panned joke. His mind was somewhere else, and it had been expressed that people knew the kinds of dealings John partook in. "E'd be holdin' me by th'arms n'cuttin m'ears off...or I give 'im the notes an get paid n'go on forgetting this day ev'happened" he continued to explain in his outrageous accent. Then was about the time Luciel imagined he’d leave if he had the authority to, though, without it and without his treasures, he offered a lofting smirk and looked slightly up and past the wolf with a sigh. “E’s charming loik that, e’is” with a chuckle before pushing the glasses back up his nose, feinting the expression of trying to tame a familiar smirk, expressing ever so questionably subtly an ulterior interest
that bit was arguably genuine.

“Hmhmhm. As long as you don’t kill someone he knows or loves I think you’ll be fine.”

He nodded to everyone and they all stood and began to retrieve their weapons. The meeting was over and the wolf looked to Ansel with a light smile. “Sorry this was an uneventful visit but this is what John does. He hates meetings and prefers to avoid them even if he does set them up. Kalmar here will bring you back to the Hole and you can go from there. Just go ahead and wait upstairs for him. He’ll be up shortly.” The wolf dismissed Luciel and waited for him to travel up the stairs and out before glancing up to Kalmar with a smile.

“Keep an eye on him. Hugo had a point and I need to see if I can confirm something.” Kalmar nodded and eventually made his way up to the deli main floor.

Being requested to stay long enough for the exchange, Luciel eyed the pile of weapons as the group took theirs back, making sure they kept their hands off of his tools. “Oi appreciate th’ hospitality” he said with a nod of his head while arming himself and making for the door. It seemed to have been just so simple as an exchange of papers, though Luciel imagined the patrons would rather yuk it up with John about who knew what. Either way, it was a successful mission and he even got a limo ride back. He made the point to properly reset the spring-loaded slide in his sleeve with the derringer since surprise firepower was never a bad idea.

Kalmar made his way up the stairs to join Ansel. ’Watch him’ ran through his mind as he met the jackalope with a smile. “Ready to go?”

“Yeh, lets” Luciel chirped, though his heart wasn’t in it even though he returned the smile. The endeavor had worn him down and he just wished he could take his mind off of things and deflate by getting back to his ‘normal’ job.

The limo made its way back to The Hole with what Kalmar felt as a comfortable silence. As he stepped out he leaned his head back into the car towards Ansel with a smile. “Hey if you ever wanna go do something lemme know. Oh also, kinda feeling a bit hungry after that. Mind if I came in to grab something to eat?” He his smile becoming more of a grin before he brought his head out of the door and lit up a smoke from his pack.

The jackalope mostly stared off into the dim lighting, taking the time to enjoy the vehicle now that the tension of the job had been relieved. A hand thoughtfully ran along the finished wood, feeling at the grain as he wondered when it was that he has last been in a limo. Shaking the thought, he simply sat quietly while occasionally glancing at Kalmar, mostly to see if the man was looking at him...it certainly felt like he was. Then again, Luciel got that kind of feeling from everyone, and being out of his element wasn’t helping his nerves.

Arriving back at The Hole, Luciel sighed, making sure he had everything on him even down to the card still in his pocket. He took it out and tossed it into the case; no sense in keeping it on him and attracting unwanted attention. It didn’t entirely matter since he was keen on switching back into ‘Kait’ and having Ansel simply take the night off...or just take the night off in its entirety and get real work done.
He was dragged out of the darkness by the head peeking in through the open door. “Yeh, maybe sometoim” Luciel agreed before exiting the car and being pestered with Kalamar’s question about getting something to eat. While the last thing the jackalope wanted to do was spend any time with anyone, it wasn’t easy to say ‘no’ to someone with such connections...jobber as they likely were. “Hmmmm, ah! Woi not?” Luciel chuckled after feinting taking a moment to consider the suggestion and then continuing. “Ah’m buyin’, just got paid y’know~?” he chuckled, turning to go inside as his light hearted demeanor soured to a grim scowl the moment he had his back to Kalamar, though popping back as he stepped inside, holding the door open.

Kalmar nodded and made his way to the bar in the place before he got a call on his phone. Taking it out of his pocket he looked at the name and sighed. “Might have to put that on hold. Got somewhere to be now. Christ man, can’t a guy catch a break,” He shook his head and nodded to Ansel before departing back to the limo. It only took a moment before the car started up and the sound of him driving away was faintly heard.

Luciel let go of the door, letting it swing itself shut as he strode back to the counter. The waitress from before was still on duty, looking to be a bit exhausted from running around as two new patrons appeared to choose The Hole of all places to have dinner.

The exchange disgusted me, a complicated dance of latent instinct and a series of grunts to play up intent. Savory food, a few stiff drinks and maybe a present or so to set the mood for the evening. I’ve seen better acts put on by verminous scoundrels trying to relay in code between factions that would otherwise murder eachother on the spot. The Hold had a tendency to be taken advantage in such ways, an embassy of souls...if there was a single one left to share in this mess of a city.
It was the poor performance and the nervous twitches of the inferior male’s eyes that drew my curiosity. While the scantily-clad woman presided over the meeting, even watching and listening out of the corner of my perception, the exchange seemed almost genuine. So much so that a few words keyed me in on what I had been turning a blind eye to, as some boorish ox had the nerve to stage a fit in what was-

Luciel looked around, wondering where Sacha or John were...or at least Sacha after remembering the business discussed in the meeting.

-my bar

Though the jackalope found it odd that he’d default to John in lieu of an actual manager other than himself, but shook the feeling since now wasn’t entirely the time. Regardless, keeping an eye on the figure was his job for the day, it seemed, since he certainly couldn’t afford to take the time to change while troublemakers could be afoot. Looking at the clock, his shift wouldn’t be ending anytime soon and there was nothing to do but stand around...and offer a few affirming words of thanks to the woman who took his place when he was indisposed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
Avatar of Midnight Howl

Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



Handsome, hmmm? face leaning against the hand, arm propped up on the bar, a finger tapped against the fluffy cheek as she watched the wolf @FallenTrinity begin to take his leave. Rumors of a shipment, coming from the hushed whispers of those too cowardice to take action, floated here and there speaking of pirates with the Godmother in the midst of it all. No strings were needed for the vixen to understand Sacha @VKAllen, wolf, and Maxxy @Kafka Komedy would be in the midst of it all, nor did it come to any surprise. Crowns chimed against the hard granite as the man payed for her another drink. Picking up her glass, she toasted him, “Hope you find what it is your looking for. Try to come back in one piece.” offering a wink along with a cocky smile, “Okay, handsome?”

In moments the lot of them disappeared from the view, leaving the girl to find a way to entertain herself. Glasses clinked against each other and music floated across the joint like a smoky haze. Watching the opossum hit the TV, yet again the fox rolled her eyes deciding to go back into the apartment to steal the ox’s. The clock on the wall mocked the endeavor as there was a possibility the police hadn’t apprehended him. Downing the whiskey she held the glass, spinning and observing it mindlessly. “So much for staying out of trouble. Dilly dally shilly shally.”

Cargo pants slid from their place leaving a vacated seat as a backpack shifted against the sleeveless hoodie. Fingerless gloves checked each of the straps methodically out of habit. Happy with the state of affairs and mentally prepared, Vexes left the sanctity of the Hole. Hand pushing the heavy door open, she caught whispers behind who the mystery man really was. John Wolf. The name instantly went into her brain’s registry to be inquired on later, as she slipped into the afternoon sun.

Once again on the streets Vex inhaled the commotion like a breath of fresh air, the scene revitalizing her. Making her way to the nearest building, she took hold of a water pipe, climbing her way to the top. Rooftops were one of the fastest ways to travel, if not the safest. Mugger’s were often too cowardly to risk long jumps, larger predators simply too clumsy. Combat boots found their way to the ledge of the building, a heart began to flutter, questioning its body’s resolve as a stomach plummeted. Take four large strides backwards the figure prepared her stance taking one last breath.

Breaking into a sprint, legs pumped strongly as the space between Vexes and the gap closed. Feet kicked off the ground, the graceful body elongated, as front paws stretched forward promising to break the fall. The wind carried itself through her fur causing her to release a shout of exhilaration. The flight only lasted for seconds before the body met the pavement of the next rooftop, rolling in order to distribute the force as a means to prevent injury. Not losing a step, she was up and across the next top, balancing herself over gas pipes leading from one building to the next. Counting rooftops as she neared her destination.

Three. Jumps Two. Jumps One!!.

On her final landing her arms flew into the air like an Olympic gymnast who performed without error. Allowing them to fall casually behind her head, she whistled while walking towards the access door on the roof. Kneeling down, she opened her bag, grabbing a set of lockpicks. Sticking them into the keyhole, she closed her eyes feeling for the right placement. Finding it, her eyes shot open and her ears perked up; releasing the lock she swung the door open and started on the long flight down the dark stairwell.

In due course, Vix found herself standing cumbersomely while rubbing the back of her head. She could hear the ox inside rummaging through his belongings, probably preparing to flee town. Looking down, she mumbled, “This is awkward.”. Both hands slid down into her pockets as the Bared Fangs found themselves placement between her fingers, using the back of her hand, a knock rang out three times. A perky voice lifted itself over the throaty retort of “Who is it now?!” ”Sir, do you know what the fox says?!” Loud fumbling footsteps neared at the door swung open, “What the he..” Needles flew through the air, paralyzing her victim before he could finish his response. Bouncing over to the pile she leaned down “It says Surprise!” Laughing, her inner bubbly personality found its way onto her expression.

Straightening back up she turned her head scanning the room. When she was hear earlier she couldn't fathom the pigsty could be any worse. She was wrong. Where there's a will there's a way. At least the emerald eyes managed to pick out the only piece of furniture appearing to be in tact.

Stepping over the heap, Vex made a v line for the television. Unhooking all of the unnecessary cords, she slid the flat screen under her arm before going back towards the exit, only stopping when the Ox was at her feat once more. Reaching down, she pulled out each of the needles, some taking more effort than the others. “You won’t be able to move for at least the next few hours. No need to worry though, I’m sure the cops will get here before then. Glad I was able to get this at a good time." shrugging the arm holding the device her head gestured to it, "You don’t need it anymore, right?” Tilting her head at the question she waited for more muted grumbling, taking it as a blessing.

"Toodle-loo then.” She waved a hand over her shoulder as she left him there. Closing the door behind herself she walked calmly back to the Hole. Her new mission: instillation. Sacha better not complain or he'll have two broken tellies
.and a headache!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Hole

Maxxy smiled as the wolf agreed to buy her pizza when they got back. She betted she could bleed this dope dry once everybody got back. Two larges, one for her, and one for Sam. With all the toppings, pepperoni, anchovies, olives, extra cheese, fries, mayo- but she was getting ahead of herself, and the hours she would spend regretting eating such an abomination of baking. She needed to actually procure the package first.

As Jerry answered his phone, very clearly not enthused by its caller, he glanced to her, before turning out the window. He, from what Maxxy could gather from hearing one side of the conversation, was passing a job of his onto an associate, probably one of his many female friends, judging by the name Kait. That name was oddly familiar, but she really couldn't place it, so she dropped it as he dropped the call.

The two completed the drive in relative silence, an odd circumstance considering whom he was seated with. Maxxy excused her lack of annoying banter with the fact that she was unsure of Sam's safety. She had taken his gun, and the Freelance Pigs were probably still on them, considering the DeSoto had shown up in a chopshop. But, as much as Maxxy hated to admit it, Sam was resourceful and hardy. He wouldn't be taken down so easy.

As the two hit Sacramento Drive, they were greeted by another driver, presumably called by Jimmy. Following the man, she give his associates a 'how-do-you-do' curtsy, before making rude gestures at them. After that, they both hopped in the second truck, gunning for the location which Maxxy so helpfully provided the goon. She armed herself, gas mask and Lil' Devil equipped, as the sped off into the wastes looking for guns. Hopefully, the wolf would do similar, though she didn't bother to check.

As the two got closer to the drop point, Maxxy told the man to kill the engine. This was a delicate operation. She'd fuck it up herself, with no help from loud engines unless she jerry-rigged them herself! Coming close enough to actually see what was going on, Maxxy was astounded. If she was seeing things right (a debatable issue in the heavy sands) Sacha had already apprehended... was that the godmother? The sand pirates were loading weapons into what really seemed like the Godmother's armored truck. Maxxy wasn't exactly familiar withy it; she never got far enough ahead to be taking on that particular mob. These people were tough customers. How exactly powerful was Sacha?

She practically ran up to him, but the armaments of the gators made her actually think for just a second. "Sacha, you ol' bastard, what are ya doin' here? Haven't seen ya in years old pal!" She joked, before coming up to him. "But, seriously, why the hell did you need my help?" She asked. It didn't particularly matter if she was still getting paid. But then, the armored car suddenly pulled a U-y. and began driving off. Had they already gotten what they came for? Were they escaping? "Is that the reason? Should we be stopping that?"

Alice T.
Barren Wastes ==> Electronic Store

The group filing in took a fairly long time. Some would regard it as days, even, but Alice T. was in no rush, so it was fine. She finally managed to enter the store, one of the last stringers. Everyone fanned out, not making many sounds or the such. The beasts of the wasteland were deadly, and ammunition was expensive. The less of both seen the better.

Alice T. carefully made her way up stairs, before hearing a loud scream. She made her way down the stairs, carefully and slowly, only to find two corpses. One of a Beast, and the other of a team member. A bat holding a smoking automatic stood above the both of them, fear on his face. He must've been new here. The man called out to her, "Hey! We're not alone!" but that proved to be a good idea. Something replied to his call with a roar, and he quickly face palmed. "Shit, shit, shit." He mumbled, getting ready for the worst. Alice T. too, tensed up. Yup, definitely new. Still, wasn't anything she hadn't dealt with before.

The rat closed her eyes and focused herself, feeling the vibrations on the floor. Thump. Far enough away, but on the same floor. Thump. Closer, stay on your guard. THUMP. It was near her, she'd need to take it down. Opening her beady eyes, she scanned the room she was in. Just a glimpse of something black told her all she needed to know. It would be coming out of that isle in three... two...

A monstrous, muddy black, enraged beast stomped out from the laptop section. Alice pulled her gun and focused. It noticed her. She moved her hand a bit to the right. It roared again, the huge vibrations throwing off her aim slightly. She readjusted again, the beast now charging her. Finally, she pulled the trigger twice, unloading to large caliber bullets into the beast's skull. Her body instinctively threw itself out of the way of the now falling giant. And with that, the store was quiet. It seemed she was safe, for now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Delvin Crawford

Dropping the crumpled pack of cigarettes back into the bag behind him, Delvin shrugged slightly as Sacha made for the weapons crates. "Eh, good for you." He started the bike up once again as the Godmother left in an apparent hurry, leaving her negotiator stranded with a pair of armed alligators that were starting to look hungry. Laughing to himself about that dark image, he steered his iron steed to follow the armored jeep while tightening the straps on his gas mask. A sandstorm could easily wreck havoc on the exposed engine below him, and he wanted to get his loot back to the hole in a working state. Thus, he took off for his ultimate destination that day; the Hole.

As he weaved his way through the macabre streets of New Earlton, the raven was sure to occasionally glance at the scenes he passed by. Beggars lined the streets, a few prostitutes and druggies were scattered about, and the occasional corpse was being devoured by flies in a disturbingly fast manner. This place was a hellhole if one existed, but it was home. A broken home, that was. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard a scream from a little ways down the street. Shrugging the noise off as someone probably getting beaten to death with a lead pipe, he turned the corner and continued on his way to the Hole, not to be stopped. He'd had a long enough day already.

He slowed down as he entered the parking lot of the hotel, guiding the bike into a space near the door and killing the engine. He removed the keys and dropped them into his vest's pocket once again and locked it, then started to undo the mess of bungee chords than had been keeping the TV in place for the last few hours. Several minutes of cursing and fighting against the tools, the television was under the bird's arm and the other was peeling off the gas mask he'd worn all day. Clipping the mask onto a belt loop and withdrawing the pack of smokes from his bike again, he flicked it open and fished one out with his beak. The cigarette secured, and the pack now tucked into another pocket within his vest, he took hold of the lighter hanging from his neck and lit the end. All affairs in order now, Delvin made his way into the hotel before him and took a seat at the bar. Dropping the flat screen onto the counter and removing the butt from his beak, he tapped impatiently, waiting for a bartender to make an appearance.

@Hawlin@Midnight Howl
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