Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda gave a soft laugh, "or you're just a teenage boy" she said with amusement, "well, that's what friends are for, right?" Kalinda didnt actually expect their absence in the class to be noticed. Kyle at least had fought, so she doubted he would get in trouble.

Had she actually spoken about her mother? She couldn't quite remember, and she lost that train of thought as he tucked some hair behind her ear. How could such a simply move cause such...was that where the experience butterflies came from? The fluttery feeling in her stomach?

"Oh. Um. Rachael Roth. Raven" she said, after realizing she hadn't actually responded, "why?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Grayson

"No way! That is pretty cool, because my dad is Dick Grayson, formerly known as,"Kyle said leaning in and whispering in Kalindas ear,"Nightwing and before that Robin."

Kyle leaned back and unwrapped another breakfast bar.

"Our parents used to work together you know. I read all about their adventures in my dads journals. They used to be part of this super cool group when he was a teenager."

Kyle took a big bite, chewed, and swallowed.

"And I was just curious. Not too many people have shadow powers so I was just wondering. So it certainly explains why your have your abilites. But wait I dont recall Raven ever getting married. Who is your dad?"

Kyle suddenly had the thought, were they at all noticed for skipping class? His second thought was he had no idea that Rachel Roth was Raven's actual name. Kyle made a mental note to study more on past heroes. Especially the ones who worked with his dad.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Connor watched the battles with curiosity, every so often his gaze returned to the hand-held device he had laying on the desk,'reading the data flowing across the small screen. In was on one such occasion that he saw Kijani. She was looking through the students. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face. He rose, grabbing his pack and hand held, walking over to her

Kijani saw Connor stand up out of the seats, and move toward her. She felt relief flooding her. As long as she had one person who cared... as long as she had him, it would be okay. Wouldn't it? After all the things she'd said and done last year, Connor was still in her corner. They'd exchanged emails and Skype calls while she'd been travelling and he was working with his father. Connor had kept her grounded when she had nightmares. They'd shared late night conversations about serious and non-serious things. At his insistence, they'd watched Star Trek together, and soon after argued about their favorite captain.

She couldn't help herself. She stood up and all but rushed him, burying her face in his chest and breathing him in. "Connor..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Nathan Spica and Mimic

Nathan entered the room, his hood down as he walked to the end of the room opposite of the door, then turning to face Mimic. He lifted himself off the ground by about a foot, as he mentally prepared himself for the fight. Taunt, dodge, retreat, attack, repeat. He thought to himself, repeating it like a mantra in his head, loosening his body before dropping himself back to the ground, making eye contact with Mimic, and waiting for him to make a move.

Mimic studied the student before him. Nathan seemed to be studying him, and Mimic gave a chuckle. "You think you know what I'm going to do, don't you?" He said, as he darted towards him, beating his wings hard twice, as if to try and buffet Nathan. Mimic would throw a right punch at Nathan.

The punch landed, or it would have, had Nathan not allowed it to simply phase through him. As Mimic's body kept moving, expecting to had made contact, Nathan placed his hands on Mimic's chest, and shoved him with enough force to stop a car on a freeway, speaking calmly as his arms moved.

"No, but I've got an Idea."

Mimic had yet to display any enhanced physical properties aside from his wings, so Nathan was playing it safe for the time being. It was a bit ironic perhaps, that a student was testing the physical abilities of a teacher. While Mimic had proven to be fast, and his teleportation in collaboration with his vines was lethal, what did he have against someone who can only be touched when they allow it? His teleportation would be just short of useless, given Nathan's drastically enhanced speed, and even if the vines could ensnare him without phasing through his body, Nathan was too strong to be trapped for more than a moment. Mimic better have a few more tricks up his sleeve, or this would quickly turn into a game of seeing who was faster.

The moment Nathan touched Mimic, Mimic stepped back, chuckling again. Before he could shove him away, Nathan would find that Mimic had copied his ability. "Have you not been watching? I mimic powers" rather then use either teleportation technique he could copy, Mimic instead stepped completely away from Nathan, "Anyone's powers, so long as they are in a certain radius" He added, "i Wonder, what will happen when neither of us can be touched?"

Mildly amused at the situation, Mimic watched to see if Nathan would try something, pondering what he could actually do. it seems to be physical abilities. Of course, non-physical might also be stopped, but... There were a few non-physical abilities Mimic could copy. Empathy, for one. he retained his own telekentic powers, from his time with Xavier, but he didn't wish to use such tactics. There was also the illusionary abilities he had used on Kyle, earlier. There were many options, but Mimic waited to see what Nathan would do.

[color=#8B4513] "I recall you mentioning that a Villian wouldn't stop to chat. Given your infamous history, I'm sure you can state that from the first perception? How many of your student's know how you started off? Blackmailing your way into the X-men, Fighting every one of them that did so much as look at you the wrong way."

Standing straight, Nathan continued to speak, his fists clenching a bit as he did so.

"The only difference between you and every other strong-arming scum on the street is that you can take 'Simon Says' a bit further."

His hands loosened, looking directly into Mimic's eyes as his entire posture relaxed

"So, Pill-Boy. What does Simon Say?"

As the words fell from Nathan's mouth, he launched forward at an incredible speed, the carpet under his feet tearing from the force of his movement. He knew his own abilities, he knew his strengths and weaknesses, and he knew that a still target was the easiest to hit. With Mimic now being impossible to touch, Nathan was on Defense and the only way he'd be able to gain foothold was if Mimic became too distracted to retain his ability. All he could do was keep moving, and wait for Mimic to decide the fight was over. He couldn't win, so the most he could hope for was a draw.

Mimic decided this battle was at an end. He slid into the shadows, rather then give Nathan a chance to do anything. From everywhere, his voice seemed to echo.

"We all do things when we are young that we regret later in life" Mimic said, with such simplicity it was clear he had thought on the things he had done quite a bit. "My students are well aware of my history. I do not keep it hidden" He said, "And signing the treaty, we put that all behind us, and instead look to the future generations. If you are not happy with having someone like me as a teacher, you are welcome to leave. I won't force students to stay in my class, if they find me incompetant and unworthy. You know where the door is-"

He didn't get to finish what he was saying, as a voice, laughing almost mechanically, came over the schools speakers.

"I know, My mother didn't like telling me about her past, but since coming here over learned a bit. But I think she mentioned your dad once or twice" Kalinda said, soon falling silent as he asked about her father.

"My parents aren't married. To be honest I know nothing about my father. He's nothing more then a genetic donation to me. As far as I know, he's human. Could even have just been a one night stand. It doesn't bother me. My mum was all I needed" she said, giving a shrug.

Perhaps she would have said more, had the laughter not occurred over the speakers. Looking up, Kalinda frowned. "That doesn't seem normal"

"Kijani" drawing his arms around her, Connor held Kijani close. even after everything, it still felt like a lifetime since they had last been together. He smiled, "I missed you"

For a brief moment, everything seemed great. What could be better then this? And then be laughter happened and even before he could register what had happened, Ignot was already working with the schools security to shut it down. "Seems like a normal day at the academy, huh?"

@Mistress Dizzy@dabombjk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Grayson

Kyle was about to say something clever when the laughter arose over the speakers all over the school. Kyle was at a loss for words. He was not sure why it was happening, and Kyle was not sure if he should be scared, or if he should be terrified, or what! Kyle looked at the now rather small pile of food in front of them, then looked at Kalinda, and sighed. He wanted to finish eating but he knew what he had to do. Which was more important to protect. Then Kyle slightly blushed. He had no idea where that line of thinking came from. That slightly suprised him, and scared him more than some random laughing over the speakers ever could.

Kyle pocketed the last few bars in his pocket, and gave Kalinda a knowing look when she looked at him weird.

"What? It is very important we save the food as well.....like.....for reasons. Now cmon we need to get to higher ground. I dont trust evil laughter over any type of mechanical equipment."

Kyle stood up with Kalinda, and grabbed her hand. Kyle ran outside the cafeteria with Kalinda and looked around. The laughter was still going on, and arousing more suspicion. People besides him looked around nervously, and Kyle realized that someone would do something stupid out of pure panic over this evil laughter. And who knows what will come next. Kyle scooped up Kalinda in his arms, and slightly blushed.

"Um...I know you could shadow travel us but.....hol-hold on please."

Kyle ran towards the closest wall, jumped, and landed on the wall with his feet. Kyle kicked himself up, and did that several times, and he got closer and closer to the top. When Kyle got close enough he kicked off one more time and front flipped himself right on top of the school roof.

Kyle smiled, still blushing.

"Ta-da! If anything happens we should see it from here."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Katherin looked up when a laugh went through the PA system. She frowned. That didnt sound good. No one but the office staff should have access to that. Sure there could be someone who's ability included manipulating electronics but she had a bad feeling that this wasn't a student playing a jock. She looked around. Were they being attacked again? If so where were the attackers? Should she had to the office? While her confidence in her powers was better it wasn't great. She still wasn't sure that she could be much help. Still she wouldn't let that stop her from doing what she could.

Griffin pushed Zack back. There was no way that laugh didnt mean trouble. "Get back by the box." He growled at his brother. He didnt want Zack present while he fought. Yes his brother had come a long way since their kidnapping. But it was still his job to protect Zack and he would do that no matter what it took. He wouldn't but his brother in the box unless he needed to. Neither of them liked the box but it was a necessary evil. He would use it if there was a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda quickly got her feet under her as Kyle started to run, so she wouldn't be dragged along. Unconsioulsy she began to soothe the emotions around her, almost a defense mechanism so she didn't become a nervous wreck, but that went flying out the door as Kyle scooped her into his arms. The breath left her, and for one single moment she felt absolutely nothing. And then it was her own nervousness, and...jeez, was that giddiness. What was happening to her?

As he began his leaping, Kalinda decided not to mention that she could fly, just yet. The simple fact that he thought she was worth saving made her feel...flustered. And confused. When he landed, Kalinda let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding, and just hoped her face wasn't red.

She cleared her throat after a moment, "uh...you...you can let me down now" She said softly. Up here, the other students emotions were faint. Sstill strong, but here it was almost...quite. Which meant she could feel everything Kyle was feeling, especially since he was touching her, and she found it hard to concentrate. Not only because her own emotions were confusing her. "I...I um...." She couldn't find any words, but she didn't need to get them out, as a sudden darkness seemed to blanket the school. For a moment the panic was so strong, until she pushed it away, locked the other students emotions and concentrated.

There were birds chirping still.

"It's an illusion" she said, with wonder, and before she had even finished saying it, it snapped for her, the day flooding back into her senses, and she flinched as a voice seemed to echo in her head.

"Oh? Very good, child! Quite a logical individual, then! Well, I knew there would be some of them in the school!" the laughter seemed to echo in her head, echo all around. She could hear teachers bellow calling out to students, and she laid a hand on Kyle's cheek, just as a cloaked woman appeared on the roof, seemingly from no where.

fhis woman is dangerous was the only thought Kalinda had, before she just about leaped out of Kyle's arms. She didn't hesitate. She aimed the emotions of her fellow students at the cloaked woman, bombarding her with the numerous emotions of teenagers, of teachers, a whirlwind of emotions that she felt all the time.

And then the woman was gone. She was still around, Kalinda knew that. She swayed slightly, very pale now, and just about fell back into Kyle's arms. She didn't know if the illusion was broken for him or not, and she looked up, bleary eyed.

"Kyle? I think I'm going to pass out"


As the laughter echoed around the school, Phoebe finally reached the classroom. She spied Katherin, and began to make her over to her as the darkness descended. At once, Phoebe summoned a plant minion, to guard the door.

"Can you hear me?" She called out to be class
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Emily Nakajima

The hug from her sister felt very warm and welcoming, Nakajima then glanced over to the epic fight with Rebekah. The ninja wondered if she was gonna have to fight as well or if her sister would be made to fight, She knew that her strengths were in stealth and attacking from the shadows but if she needed to fight directly she would shut up and remember her sword stances despite not having her sword on her at the moment, she would also remember that her kunai were both knives for stabbing and for throwing, she just needs to remember how many she has in her jacket.

Nakajima slowly shook her head and responded to Jin." Her power could be killing grass, or it could be taking energy from living material." She tried to make sense of the powers Tsora had without asking the girl outright." Yeah, but I told the lady that said I should come here that I don't have super powers, so should I really be here ? " She asked her little sis.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Grayson

Kyle knew he was an illusion the moment it happened. Kyle could not break the illusion as easy, but thanks to his father and granfathers mental training Kyle was able to not freak out and handle the situation calmly. What snapped Kyle out of the illusion was Kalindas effort to help her fellow students. He was hit by the wave of emotions Kalinda sent out, and immediatley Kyle felt a surge of emotions, and some he was not used to. Kyle felt happiness, joy, excitement.....but also anger, jealousy, sadness.

Kyle tried to process all of these emotions. While Kyle liked to put on airs and be theatrical, he did handle his emotions one hundred percent well. If he wanted to vent he would convince his family to let him go out and patrol the city. Fighting crime, that was something he was good at. It helped him deal without having to actually really deal. Kyle started to protest, not really thinking about just complaining to complaining when Kalinda snapped him back to reality.

Kalinda was something of an enigma to him. She had just appeared in his life, randomly. In his room, on his first day of school no less. Kyle had tried to prepare for the new people he would meet, but he had so little experience with women that he had expected that girls would stay away from him. Kyle knew he was slightly attractive, he had beautiful parents and it has been said that he inherited his looks from them. But Kalinda....all he knew was that he became flustered around and that he wanted to impress her more than anyone else.

Kyle caught Kalinda, falling to his knees and letting her rest against his lap. Kyle looked around and tried to locate the source of all this commotion, but he could not. Kyle brushed her hair with his hand and felt her forhead with his other hand. She felt fine but he knew using her powers must have taken a toll on her.

Kyle heard a voice in his head"Not bad, but the women was better. She could snap out of the illusion but you could not. I guess thats the difference between a REAL hero with powers and a FAKE one who doesnt."Kyle nearly swore out loud. He was going to make whoever said that pay. Kyle looked down and slightly blushed. Kalinda may be weak at the moment but she still looked beautiful.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tsura Eisenhardt


Tsura giggled when Rebekah exclaimed "Holy crap, your dad's Magneto!"

Her mom had coached her already on how people might react to the revelation that her parents were thought to be two of the deadliest mutants in recent memory and still were no matter how retired. They were also two parents who loved her even if they didn't love one another; it was complicated.

"Yes my Papa is Magneto though I don't generally call him that."

Her eyes glittering with delight Tsura adds

"My Mama is known as Spiral.

She gives the best hugs."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Griffin growled low in his throat as he shoved Zack to their box. He wasnt taking anymore chances. The darkness didnt feel right. It had happened too suddenly. But he had no way of knowing if it was real or not. It didnt matter if it was real or not. The darkness meant that they could be attacked. He quickly changed forms. He knew that his beast form would be more accorate and in this situation he needed to be as accorate as possible. He sniffed the air trying to determine how close danger was. He smelled his classmates and alot of fear but nothing that indicated that a threat was near.

Katherin swollowed nervously as the darkness surrounded her. She wish her power was fire rather then ice. With fire should would be able to fine a way to see. She didnt like not being about see. Her mind raced. Was the threat real? If so where? How far did the darkness go? She worried about her classmates but she didnt her any fighting or anything that sounded like anyone was in trouble. For now she would stay still and wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Academy
Interacting With:

Nathan stopped moving upon seeing Mimic disappear, standing still and ready for a possible attack from him. Realizing Mimic had decided the fight was over, he returned his hood over his head, leaving the training room without waiting to hear yet another condescending lecture. In the last few years of his life he had heard plenty, and had learned to stop listening. People loved to demine the choices of someone in circumstances they had never themselves been through, and he was far from interested to listen to the ramblings of a man that threw more temper tantrums than the hulk.

As he walked towards the desks intent on finding himself a seat, he froze, hearing the laughter over the intercom. As darkness soon followed, he began to worry, he had never actually experienced darkness before, his optics had always adjusted automatically to provide him with clear sight. He stood completely still, tense and ready to defend himself from whatever could possibly be coming, relying on his enhanced hearing to maintain awareness of his surroundings.

"What the hell is going on?!"

He called out, steadily growing more and more terrified of the encroaching darkness, and he began to float above the ground as his panicking increased.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Kalinda reached up a hand, and cupped Kyle's cheek, "Don't doubt yourself. My powers didn't help me break free. There were birds chirping" She didn't think she made any sense, and she closed her eyes, drawing in a few deep breaths, before bracing herself. It was hard to force herself to rise, and she braced herself against kyle as she found herself dizzy.

"And thats why my empathy is my least favorite power. Can you get us down? The other students might need a hand and I don't trust myself to fly down" Right then, it was all she could do to stay standing. "To be honest, I didn't know I could do that, like that"

She gave kyle a weary smile, "Come on"

She wanted to get back to the classroom and find Zack and Griffin, knowing griffin he would make sure they were both okay, but still, she worried. But she didn't trust herself to go through the shadows, fearful she might just pass out and lose Kyle in there.

'Sir, the anomoly has broached the security, all is disconnected for the moment. It's believed she has entered the school, wave lengths suggest a new signal during the last few moments.' Connor listened as Ignot spoke "her illusionary powers seems to be coming into play"

You couldn't not live with Tony Stark and not know what was going on, but aside from that, Connor had programs of his own that helped to keep up to date with what was going on, even if they were rumors. Yet even he could forget things.

illusionary powers...

He raised his voice, "It's an illusion. Break it, once you know, it goes away" The key was to break it, and each person had to figure it out for themselves.

Moving through the classroom, using the desks, and sometimes her class mates as a guide, Phoebe searched for Katherin. Right now, everything seemed quite, aside from the laughter and the darkness. there didn't seem to be any fighting, which was good. For now.


the darkness seemed unnatural, but there was nothing she could do about it. She just wanted to know her friends were okay. laying her hands on the desks, it was easy to manuvoer, but she had this strange feeling that they were being watched.

@hagroden@KatherinWinter@dabombjk@Mistress Dizzy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tsura Eisenhardt


It was while speaking to Rebekah that the area around her was plunged into darkness which caused Tsura to react. Her first choice was to go into Infrared but as it was associated with heat decided to lower her reflective frequency below 400 nanometers into the ultra violet so that she wouldn't blind anyone. Then she quickly increased her candela till her radiant intensity went well past 2 million.

To those around her that couldn't see into the ultra violet nothing happened but for those that could the sweet young blonde had become a figure of pure light that burned with intensity as bright as two noonday suns.

This was not an attack but her most powerful active sense and it revealed a world in chaos as far as visible light was concerned; it was an illusion.

Internally Tsura giggled as she recalled her mother's annoyance and amusement when she had discovered her daughter to see the world as layers of reflected light. To Tsura illusions made those layers to either shimmer at the edges or appear as if reflected through turbulent clear water.

So she grows brighter in the visible light spectrum testing the illusion's ability to adapt to vulgar alteration as she glows as brightly as a stage spot and pulses in rapid flashes of color.

"Sure it's a roll of the dice but you can't win if you don't play!" she thinks before moving close to Rebekah

# Flaw Notice Intangible Energy Form
Tsura can't hear or speak while in energy form.

She is still effected by telepathy

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Jin Ifriti

Jin was about to respond to her sister, when everything went dark and she heard a strange voice. "Oh, holy hell, what's all this shit?!" She could practically hear her father admonishing her for swearing. But it had been so sudden that she couldn't help herself. "Naka, are you okay?" She reached out for her sister's hand. Part of her wasn't sure that this wasn't some kind of test on the school's part. "Hang on, let me see if I can't get some light in here-" She dug around for her bag and pulled out her cell, turning on the flashlight app. However, it didn't seem to be working. The phone's light was turned to maximum brightness, but she couldn't see it at all. "Ehh? That's weird. The phone's on, but the light's broken." Could something have ruined her phone that fast?


Kijani Ryane

Kijani rolled her eyes when the chaos started. One day. Just one day of peace, and some quality snuggle time with Connor. Was that such a tall order? She had to admit that it was a little nerve wracking, but seeing Connor calm and unshaken made her feel better almost immediately. He was taking charge of the situation. That was new- and she had to admit, she rather liked the idea of Connor as a leader. "Just an illusion, hm?" Kijani shut her eyes, trying to will up a few mental shielding exercises she'd been taught. Her grandmother was nothing if not thorough... though thanking Amanda Waller for anything made Kijani feel like she could vomit. Even so, she immediately started to recite poetry in her head, filling her mind and trying to block out whatever was invading it.


Kassandra Keigwan

Kassy had to admit, she wasn't expecting anything like this at all. On the first day, some kind of attack? Then again, wouldn't it make sense to take advantage of the new students who would already be confused? She was one of them, after all. She could hear someone laughing, but she didn't understand why everyone seemed to be panicking. It was as if they were all blinded. But she could see just fine... Kassy blinked a few times, suddenly understanding. Before she could speak, someone else did. A boy was confirming that it was all just an illusion. That made sense - being an illusionist herself, it was a lot harder to trick her. Kassy nervously cleared her throat and spoke up. "If anyone needs help, let me know! I've got illusions of my own - this trick isn't fooling me and I can see fine!" It wouldn't be too hard to break someone else's magic, would it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rebekah Green

A darkness descended over the room, and once again, she torch couldn't pierce it. Rebekah's first thought was of the power Mimic had used during their bout in the training room. This didn't seem to be him, but the person he had copied perhaps? Did one of the students in the room have shadow-based abilities, a sort of opposite to Tsura?

A calm and authoritative voice spoke up, declaring that the darkness was an illusion. Sure enough, once she doubted its existence, the obscuring cloud lifted, and the room became visible once more. She could see how the rest of the students were reacting. Some, like her, had reached for light sources, others were standing up to fight, and the third main group had grabbed for support, either from their desks or each other.

But nearest to her, Tsura was in a class of her own. She sure hadn't been kidding when she said she burned sun-bright. The girl-shaped silhouette shone with such a radiance that it was difficult to look at her for too long, except to note how fast she was cycling through colours. Standing as near as she was, Rebekah could feel the light on her skin, as if it were a very hot summer's day and her tanning was beginning to move towards getting a sunburn.

The elemental suddenly lurched toward her, and she felt it on her face before anything else, with an near-instant tightening of her skin. She shied back with eyes squinting nearly shut, trying to see in the brightness.
"Whoa, hold back there!" she called. "Dial it down, or you'll give the whole room a sunburn!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Mistress Dizzy
Griffin growled annoyed. Someone, he thought it was Connor but it was hard to be sure in the dark, said that the darkness was an illusion. Apparently that was enough for some of the others to break free but not enough for him. The darkness lessened but didn't disappear completely. He heard Kassy say she could help. He used his sense of smell and hearing to find the girl. Once he found her he growled. "Help us get ride of this illusions."

Katherin shook her head when Connor said the darkness was an illusion. Once she calmed down enough to think she could see past the illusion. Being tricked made her mad. Mostly at herself. It was stupid to fall for such a simple illusion. "I'm right here Phoebe. I'm fine." She assured her friend. She was glad to see the other girl moving towards her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Location: Academy
Interacting With:

Nathan continued to rise, hyperventilating and looking every direction frantically, the darkness around him only increased as well as his panic. As he felt his head brush against something, he threw his fist upwards, feeling his arm shoot through something, he continued to punch. His already extremely limited vision began to blur and his hearing was quickly drowned out by an incredibly high-pitched ringing. He cupped his hands over his audio-receptors, groaning in pain as he lowered himself to the floor. His entire body began to tremble as his breaths turned to quick, fearful gasps. Dropping to a knee, he applied even more pressure to his head, trying to silence the ringing.

" Wha- What's happening, what's happening?!"
He murmured between gasps, his body continuing to spasm as he felt the walls and ceiling close in around him. If he had any food in his stomach he would have vomited by now, but instead he began to dry heave, his body convulsing as he did so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kyle Grayson

At Kalindas words, he realized that she could fly and he felt like a slight fool. On one hand he was slightly proud that he could scoop her up and carry her up a freaking building. Thats freaking macho as hell! On the other hand, she probably wasnt that impressed since she could fly.

Kyle scooped Kalinda in his arms, letting her wrap her arms around his neck, then started sprinting toward the edge of the roof. Kyel smiled, gave a small woop, the jumped off the roof. Kyle landed on his feet against a medium size tree, then kicked off backflipping and landing on his feet.

Kyle smiled, hoping she was impressed. Kyle realized he wanted her to be impressed. he had virtually zero experience in this matter so he had no idea how to say it.

"I-I-.......Jum-jumped and landed. k-kool?"

Kyle realixed he sounded nervous but he didnt. He just lost his tongue. Kyle carried Kalinda back to class.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I'd love to be able to do what you can do" Kalinda said softly, her words slurring a bit as her exhaustion took over. "My flight's just an extension of my telekenetic abilities" She looped her arms wearily around Kyle's neck, having more faith in him then her own strength right then, and let herself lean into him. She smiled weakly as he landed, and realised he was definetely trying to impress her. The fact that he wanted to try and impress her baffled her.

She laid a gloved hand against his cheek for a moment, "Very cool" She said, dropping her hand. Her eyes closed on their own, and her breathing slowed, no matter how much she tried to struggle against the sleep that wanted to come.

"don't let me fall asleep"

Phoebe let out a relieved breath, glad to hear Kathrin's voice. At the mention of it being an illusion, Phoebe stopped at the desk she was out, and tried to break through the illusion. Phoebe had never really had the specific training that would allow her to be able to do this kind of thing, but she was exceptional when it came to focusing. You had to be in an orphange, when you had to block out other kids to simple do your homework.

It still took a few moments to break the illusion, and when she had, she looked about, closing the rest of the distance to Katherin. "So. Fun first day?"

Connor looked around, checking everyone over, seeing a someone struggling, almost it seemed having a panic attack. He moved smoothly over to them, "hey, take a deep breath, okay? In, one...two...three...out, one...two...three" He said, "it's just an illusion, it's not real. Concentrate, okay? You just have to break it. It isn't real" He kept his voice calm, trying to get the boy to listen to him, to hear what he was saying.

Teachers were trying to keep students under control, and above in wayne's office, there was a battle of sorrts going on as they fought to get their security back under their control, tempers were running high and they were making progress. But it wasn't enough.

the cloaked woman appeared in front of Emily and whoever was around her.

"You can come with me, I'll lead you out of here of the darkness"

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