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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta let Ezra's touch and words soothed her. She believed him, that his days of being just a pawn were over. Marta feared what it meant for him though, how much he would be punished or what the other men may do to him. She did her best not to think on it too much, lest she drive herself crazy. As they finished the walk back up to the cottage, Marta saw Jeremiah glaring at them. She just stared at him stone-faced, not letting him know how she felt or anything going on in her mind. But inside Marta was feeling so many emotions.

Dinner was quick and awkward, since only the ladies and Jeremiah ate. Marta barely touched her food, not wanting to make it harder for Ezra. She couldn't even understand why fasting was necessary, if anything, they should be eating as much as possible to build up their strength. It just added another item to her list of reasons for hating Jeremiah now. As they finished dinner, Jeremiah stood, "Say your goodbyes boys, we are leaving in five."

Marta frowned. It was too soon, she wanted more time with Ezra. She wanted to hold him, and talk to him. She wanted to kiss him, touch his skin, repeat what they did in the forest. But they couldn't and the worst part was not knowing when it would happen again. She watched as Isiah and Atalia went outside to spend their time together alone. Marta turned to Ezra and tried to give him a smile, but her lips trembled as a few tears escaped her eyes. She leaned over in her chair and wrapped her arms around his neck, the position being awkward, Marta simply just moved all the way over and climbed onto his lap, straddling his legs, her knees bent and tucked under herself. She buried her head in his neck, inhaling his scent and clinging to his shirt. She didn't care who was watching. Pulling back, she leaned in for a kiss filling it with all the love she could muster. She wanted Ezra to not forget what it felt like to kiss her, she wanted him to leave with the ghost of lips on his for the rest of the day, even the week.

Jeremiah cleared his throat, but Marta continued the kiss, not caring what the older man wanted. Finally, she pulled back, mainly for the fact her lungs needed oxygen, but also because she thought of something. She stood from Ezra's lap, "Wait here." She then turned and ran over and climbed the ladder to her loft. She wanted to get Ezra something. Reaching under her mattress she pulled out a book, the book of Shakespeare Sonnets she and Ezra would read together. She had taken it with her the night they had to flee the Baer's house. The page with the sonnet they first read together, Sonnet 18-Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day, was tagged. Marta read the sonnet to herself every night. Inside the book she also carefully tucked the picture of Ezra with his parents. She never got a chance to give it to him after she had taken it.

Not wanting Jeremiah to confiscate the book, Marta grabbed one of Ezra's sweaters that had ended up in her bag. Marta has worn it to bed every night, letting her mind pretend it was Ezra's arms around her. She carefully folded the sweater, the book hiding inside and climbed down the stairs. She walked over and handed it to Ezra, "I thought you might need this." She looked into his eyes as she handed him the sweater in a way that would let him feel the book, but understanding to not let it be known he felt it. Together they walked out hand-in-hand and got ready to say goodbye again.

Marta saw Isiah and Atalia hugging and sharing a kiss before Isiah got into the car. Marta faced Ezra, she did her best to be brave. She pulled him down for another swift kiss, pulling back a little and whispered against his lips, "Come back to me."

She then watched as Ezra got into the car, Jeremiah barely giving him any time to shut the door before speeding off. Atalia walked over and Marta reached over and clung onto her hand. Both of them watching the loves of their lives leaving again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra looked out the window watching Marta disappear behind him. He held the sweater close to his body wondering what she could have packed him on such short notice. He glanced into the rearview mirror to see Jeremiah with a disgruntled look on his face. Isiah peeked over his shoulder and nudged Ezra on the knee with a smile.

“I would say this trip was a success despite the little outburst from Mr. Lover Boy’s girlfriend. I think this should happen more often. I hadn’t realized how much I missed Atalia until I had to leave her again,” he said with a sigh.

Jeremiah coughed, “You can do it again. Him not so much. I think he needs to be put in the dog house for a bit,” he said as he took a sharp turn.

Ezra shrank down into his seat a bit while Isiah frowned. He knew he was being pointed out for no fair reasons. He was supposed to hold the position of leader if anything happened to Jeremiah. He was supposed to lead the rebellion into war as nothing more than a blood thirsty animal. Ezra had been all for it without hesitation until today. Being with Marta and having her freak out on him made him realize that he wasn’t being true to himself. He was becoming a person that he didn’t even want to look at in the mirror. Isiah had been warning him and trying to stop the change, but Ezra hadn’t listened and it almost cost him Marta. He was still torn between doing what was right for him and doing what the other men wanted.

After a couple hours they finally arrived back at the farmhouse. They were greeted by the medical staff who reported that the three men Ezra had put in the infirmary had seemed to be recovering without issue, but they couldn’t do strenuous training. Ezra felt a pit form in his stomach. He’d forgotten about the three, Harrod being one of them. His knuckles began to hurt and he excused himself to his room while Jeremiah and Isiah checked on them. He locked the door and settled himself on his bed and opening up the sweater.

He smiled and ran his fingers along the cover the book and opened it up to one of the pages. A photo slipped out onto the ground. Confused he picked it up and and looked it over a moment before biting the inside of his cheek. He hadn’t realized Marta took one of his families photos with her when they departed and to see it now in front of him made his hands began to shake.

“Mom…” he whispered wiping a tear that began to roll down his cheek, “I wish I would’ve known I’d never see you again. I’d have been a better son. I’d have been reckless for you.”

He began to cry when he heard a knock on his door. He hesitated a moment and put the items under his pillow. There was another knock and he stood up slowly walking over to the door and opening it.

“Ezra, you’re not safe,” Isiah said pushing through and shutting the door behind him, “Jeremiah wants to break you...more than before. Marta freaking out on him and the way you guys acted in front of him. He wants to rip you to shreds Ezra. He’s a good man, I swear by that notion, but he’s got his head and heart acting against what he knows to be right. He felt better about himself because you were starting to lose it also, but now that you’re finding peace again he wants to take it away. You will be tested and you will be tortured…”

Ezra stood there listening not sure if he was understanding. “Isiah everyday I am tortured. What could they possibly do to make it worse? I am here alone. My father hasn’t sent word for me. I don’t know what he’s going home to. I don’t know if he’ll make it back. I can’t see my love and I am stuck here with men who want me only for my power.”

“Ezra...you will no longer be able to write Marta. You will be in combat training until you cannot move. Your food will be nothing but scraps. You are not safe. You need to leave,” Isiah said quietly, but Ezra refused to believe him.

“I cannot abandon my people Isiah. I owe these men my life. I will go through whatever they need me to and I will not lose who I am. Not again. I promised her,” he said just as the door was kicked in.

Daniel walked in arms crossed over his chest, “Ezra, it’s time for solitary. Pick one thing to keep you sane and then follow me.”

“Daniel, you know this isn’t right. He is a person, not a weapon. You should know just how wrong this is. You saw what happened to Micha in solitary. He killed himself because of it. Why are you and the others blindly following Jeremiah?” Isiah asked with a hint of pleading in his voice.

“It’s fine Isiah. I will keep sane and I will not kill myself. I will undergo whatever punishments they have for me,” Ezra said grabbing the book from under his pillow and walking out of the room, Daniel following.

He could feel the eyes of the other boys staring at him, wondering what could have possibly broken their killing machine. Daniel shoved him a bit forcing him to stumble and almost drop the book. He held it close to his chest and listened to the men yell slurs at him. He entered a room with no bed and a bucket for a toilet and one small light. He turned towards the door and closed his eyes just as Daniel shut the door. He could still hear Isiah calling after them pleading for another punishment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It had been a week since Marta's birthday, since the last time she saw Ezra and the last time she had contact. Jeremiah hadn't returned with any letters, and Marta suspected he never would again. After the way she acted, she knew he'd punish her and Ezra and cut off all forms of communication. Marta accepted her punishment, but she felt extremely guilty. Her actions had affected Atalia, who didn't receive any letters from Isiah. Marta apologized numerous times, saying she didn't let her anger get to her, but Atalia assured her it was fine. In fact she was glad Marta did because she was scared for her best friend. She knew Ezra was almost to them, and she knew whatever Marta did brought him back. So they suffered in the heart ache together.

Mrs. H was taking her routine afternoon nap when there was a knock on the door. Marta and Atalia were sitting at the kitchen table passing time by playing cards. They looked up when they heard the knock, both panicking a little. No one had ever come to the cottage except Jeremiah and he never knocked. Marta looked around, making sure nothing gave away any of their secrets. She reached up and made sure her necklace was tucked safely in her dress. Walking over to the door, she opened it and saw a messenger boy standing there. Marta felt her defenses drop and opened the door a little wider.

"Message for Ms. Olive" he said, handing Marta the little manila parcel. Marta thanked him, quickly closing the door behind her and latching the lock. She walked over and handed Atalia the letter. She was curious, hoping Atalia would share who it was from. Marta was still nervous, who had their address? She watched as Atalia opened it, her face lighting up.

"It is from Isiah!" Marta felt her pulse quicken. Maybe Ezra had written something in the note too. She watched as Atalia's eyes scanned the party, her frown fading as she did. Marta did not like where this was going. "Ezra is in solitary confinement. He hasn't had any contact with him. He is worried that Ezra is going to lose his mind and kill himself."

Marta felt the room begin to spin. This is what she feared after being with Ezra, the torture and punishment he would face. She prayed Jeremiah would someone find a bit of good left in his heart and pity Ezra and not punish him as harshly, but Marta now realize that wasn't the case. Glancing down, Atalia had placed the letter on the table, her eyes staring off into the distance. She was undoubtedly thinking of her dear friend. When she wasn't paying attention, Marta shifted the paper slightly and was able to see the return label from the postal service. Using her photogenic memory, Marta memorized the address.

That night, after many tears were shared between the girls, Marta awoke in the middle of the night. She had devised a plan, a crazy one, but one that she felt she had to do. Quietly packing her bag, Marta made sure to bring enough clothes and supplies she could manage to carry. She let Atalia a small note, simply stating she couldn't see around and wait anymore. She knew Atalia would figure it out, she just hoped her friend would keep her secret, maybe even come up with excuses, because once Mrs. H realized she was gone, she would contact Jeremiah. Marta hoped she had enough of a head start.

It took nearly 24 hours to make the 5 hour car ride journey. Between the miles walked, and buses she had to take, Marta finally reached the town that the compound was in. She wasn't sure of exactly where it was, but she was hoping to find out. As she walked along the main street of the little rural town, she saw a group of young men walking out of a small diner. They were laughing and goofing off. Their clothes and haircuts were very similar to Ezra's and Marta had a hunch they were part of the resistance. Staying far enough away from them, Marta followed the group of boys as they began their journey north. They entered into some woods, Marta being careful not to step on any branches to make her presence known. By this point, she realized they were drunk and belligerent, which thankfully worked in her favor. As they kept walking, they soon reached a large fence, barb-wired surrounding the top. Marta's eyes widened. This wasn't a camp, this was a prison.

She watched as the men at the gate waved at a guard, who let them passed. Marta knew that wasn't an option for her. Turning to the left, she walked a little deeper into the woods until she came up to the fence farther away from the gate. Looking up, she knew there was no way she could climb it. She kept looking around, trying to figure out a way to get in. Noticing a part of the wired fence bent weirdly a few feet away, Marta walked over. There was a part of the fence bent up and Marta realized she should be able to squeeze under. Deciding to leave her bag because if she got caught they would just take it, but if she managed to free Ezra and escape they would at least still have her bag.

Once she cleared the fence, Marta kept to the shadows of the buildings and trees that surrounded the area. It looked as if they were set up for war. Tents lined in rows, with larger modular buildings around the perimeter. And in the center there was a large stone structure, what looked to appear to be some kind of fortress from at least a hundred years ago. Marta had a hunch Ezra was being held in there. So she kept low and started working her way to the fortress. When she reached the stone building, she stood against the wall, her heart pounding in her chest. She was completely in the blind and a complete fool for doing this. But too late to turn back. Walking along the building, she was hoping to find an entrance to sneak into. She finally came to a small opening with bars. She wasn't sure if she would fit, but she had to try.

It took a bit of struggling, and a lot of scraped skin, but Marta fit. She was now in a dark hallway, the only light coming through the window she just crawled in. She gave her eyes a moment to adjust before she quietly tiptoed down the hall. As she was about to turn a corner, she heard voices, so she stayed back, pressing her body fully against the wall in hopes to make herself invisible. The footsteps eventually passed and Marta let out a sigh. She glanced around the corner and saw the cost was clear. As she was about to take a step forward, she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

Looking back, towering over her was Jeremiah. Her eyes widened. She didn't even hear him approach her. Without a word, he reached up and grabbed her by the hair and yanked her. Marta not expecting this, fell to the ground with a yell, trying to reach up and make him let go of her hair. When he reached a door, he threw her in, Marta landing hard on her hands and knees. She stood and turned and looked at him, hatred burning in her eyes.

"You made the wrong choice showing up here sweetheart" Jeremiah said, his voice snarling and his eyes darkened with rage. Marta just stood tall, not letting him see the fear that was pulsating through her body. Without another word he slammed the door, hearing the lock latch, and Marta left standing alone. There was a single light bulb in the room and oddly enough a mirror. Marta looked at her reflection for a moment, not recognizing herself, before looking away. Now what was she going to do? She got herself trapped, she would never be able to help Ezra now.

An hour passed, then another, before finally the door opened and in walked a large man. He was twice the height of Ezra, and his hair jet black and dark brown eyes. He walked in, carrying a large sack with him. Marta stood, having given in and sat since she was stuck there. He dropped the bag to the ground, and let out a chuckle, but it wasn't a funny chuckle. It was deep and menacing. Marta suddenly feared for her life.

The man walked over to her, pinning her against the wall. Marta felt him push his knee between her legs and grabbed her wrists and brought them slamming up above her head. Marta had turned her head, closed her eyes and just began to prayer. She felt him sniffing her hair, his hands large enough that one held both her wrists, while the other began groping down her body, touching her in ways that only Ezra was allowed. Marta squirmed, trying to free herself, but it was useless. He was three times as strong as her.

While all of this was occurring, Jeremiah was standing in the adjacent room, looking through the glass. It was a two way mirror. Sitting next to him, tied to a chair and gagged was Ezra. "Look at what happens when you go soft boy. You wanted to protect her, but now it is too late."

Back in the other room, the man thankfully stopped groping Marta and dropped her wrists. Marta felt relieved, but it didn't last long. Next thing she knew, she was being slammed to the ground, landing hard on her wrist and feeling a distinct cracking sound. White hot pain spread up her arm, but she didn't have time to register it because she was being pulled up by her hair again and thrown onto a chair. Her ankles and arms bond against the chair, Marta was trapped. Sweat was dripping down her body and her entire core was shaking. She was going to die.

The man went over to the bag and pulled out what appeared to be torch. Pulling a lighter out of his bag, he lit the torch on fire before placing it in a sconce on the wall. He then pulled out a long piece of metal pointer, similar to the ones that always stood by the fireplaces in her parents house. On the end, Marta noticed right away that the metal was welded into the shape of a swastika. Her eyes widened, she suddenly put two and two together and she started fighting against the ropes. The man held the pointer over the flame until it became bright red with heat. He walked over, a look of enjoyment on his face. He lifted the sleeve of Marta's dress up, feeling the skin of her forearm. Marta knew what was about to happen and fought with all of her might, but moments later there was a fire burning pain on her arm. The man forced the pointer onto her skinning, smoke forming as Marta's skin began to burn. She let out a piercing scream, the pain ripping through her body.

When he was done, the man stepped back and looked at his handy work. Marta had tears streaming from her face, her body gone limp. If she wasn't tied to the chair, she would have fallen to the ground. The man noticing this, reached up and back handed her so hard Marta's head whipped to the side and blood came splattering out of her mouth. She was more alert again and watched the man walk back over to the fire.

"Please .. no not again!" she cried out, begging for mercy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra had been sleeping on the cold floor when arms yanked him up and began to shake his shoulders. His head snapped back and forth until his eyes opened slowly. It'd been days since he ate and he could feel his body growing weaker by the second. Isiah tried to sneak him food, but Ezra told him it was too risky. He prayed that he would let Marta know that he hadn't forgot about her when he wrote to Atalia.

"We have a surprise for you," Jeremiah said as he forced Ezra into the chair and tied his arms down. He put an old rag in his mouth to muffle any yells and taped it to his face.

By this time Ezra's heart began to beat rapidly and he tried to glance around for an escape, but Jeremiah held his head forward with his hands. He felt too weak to struggle so he readied himself for whatever he was about to see. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust but when he saw her his heart sank. She'd been foolish enough to try and come for him. He closed his eyes and forced his head down, but the man pulled it back up.

"Watch it all Ezra," he said with a laugh.

Ezra sat there as one of the men began to force himself onto Marta. He tried to yell out but the gag in his mouth muffled any noise. He struggled with the ropes around his wrist, they began to bite into his skin drawing blood. He could see the terror in her eyes and his body began to shake with anger. His blood was starting to boil and he began to fight back at Jeremiah but his efforts seemed useless.

It wasn't until he saw the man about to brand her that his strength came together and the muscles he'd neglected began to work. He started kicking and thrusting his body around until Jeremiah couldn't handle him anymore. His face was low enough for Ezra to head butt him and when Jeremiah fell the chair did too causing one of the arm rest to snap. Ezra slid the rope off his hand and then untied the other. He removed the tape from his mouth and spit out the rag. His eyes were filled with rage and he wanted blood. He tried to open the door but Jeremiah had locked it from the inside.

He went over to the man he had once seen as his uncle and straddled him. "GIVE ME THE KEYS YOU BASTARD!" he yelled. When all the man did was laugh Ezra punched him in the face. The more he laughed the harder Ezra let his first fall until he was banging the older mans head against the pavement and his body was covered in blood. He heard the smash of the skull and suddenly Jeremiah went quiet and his body stopped movie. Ezra used a shaky hand to feel for a pulse, but found none. He crawled off the body and began searching for keys until his stomach couldn't take it anymore.

He began to vomit everything his body left in its system and then the rest of it was just stomach acid. He began to dry heave as he found the keys attached the belt loop and he walked over to the door on trembling legs. He looked back into the mirror and saw the man about to brand Marta again. She was crying and his anger began to grow once more.

When he finally made it to the room the iron was ready to touch her skin. He grabbed the boy by his shoulders and yanked him back to the ground forcing the object out of his hand. The two boys fell to the ground as Ezra yelled out in anger. He could hear Marta's cries which made him fight even harder. He was doing all this to protect her and he refused to fail. The boy was on top of him and he brought his hands up to guard his fast, but the kid was stronger in this position. After struggling and a few blows to head Ezra managed to maneuver himself so that he was on top. His hands found their way to the boys throats and he began to strangle him.

"You will never touch her again. You will never touch anyone again," Ezra said through clenched teeth as the life began to fade from the boys eyes. His spit began to fall on the kids face and he barley heard Isiah when he came running in.

"Ezra! Ezra! He's dead!" Isiah said yanking his friend off the lifeless corps.

Ezra swung at Isiah who managed to barley dodge it. Before he knew it Isiah wasn't holding Ezra's arms at his sides trying to calm him.

"Ezra, calm down. I need you to come back. Come back to me and Marta. She's safe now. You did your job. You succeeded," Isiah said as he glanced at Marta who seemed to scared to speak at the moment.

"Marta...Isiah," Ezra whispered as he looked at his hands stained in fresh blood. He had blood that wasn't his on his face and shirt and he could taste his own in his mouth. "I...I couldn't stop...I...what...what have I done Isiah...I killed them both."

Isiah let him go and went to untie Marta unsure of what to say. This would either work in Ezra's favor or it would be the death of all three of them.

"Marta...are you okay?" Isiah asked once he realized Ezra was still in shock unable to think or say anything besides how he killed both Jeremiah and his comrad.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta’s body hurt in ways she never imagine. Her arm was throbbing and her body shaking as sobs escaped her lips. She kept begging for the man to stop, but he wouldn't listen. Marta was such a fool, why did she think she could do this? Now she was about to be killed which in turn would get Ezra killed, or he would be gone forever. Marta was the world's biggest fool. She watched as the man heated up the iron rod again, Marta tried to mentally prepare herself for the impending pain, but she didn't know how she was going to handle it.

Once it was fire hot again, the man walked over and grabbed Marta's hair and forced her head back, exposing her neck. He held the rod up and Marta tried to fight, but it was hopeless. The hot metal came inches from her neck when suddenly the man was yanked away and thrown across the room. Marta looked up and it took a minute for her to process what was happening. When she saw Ezra she cried out his name, but he was being tossed around and punched.

“Stop! Stop hurting him!” She screamed in vain. She began pulling against her ropes, the pain in one arm near impossible to handle. She felt herself becoming light headed but it didn't matter. She had to help Ezra in whatever way she could. She watched as Ezra finally took the upper hand and was strangling her torturer. Marta stopped struggling, watching in an odd sense of awe. She obviously didn't want Ezra to become a murderer for her, yet after what that man did to her, she felt no remorse.

Suddenly Isiah came bursting through the door, pulling Ezra off the dead body. By this point, Marta's vision was going blurry but she kept her eyes focused on Ezra. She needed to get to him, to tell him it was ok. She didn't care that he killed a man, to thank him for saving her life. Looking up at Isiah as he came over, she felt the ropes around her loosen. Once free, she stood up, probably faster than she should have, causing her to stumble a bit. She ran right up to Ezra, throwing herself into his arms.

“I'm so sorry Ezra, I'm sorry!” She cried between sobs. Her head buried in his neck and her good arm wrapped around him clinging to him. Her arm that she was sure was broken and also branded hung loosely by her side. She held onto Ezra as if he life depended on it, and in a weird way it did. Both stood there covered in blood, sweat dripping from their bodies.

Isiah looking very nervous walked over to them “ We need to go now” he said urgently, trying to usher them out of the room. Marta start glued to Ezra's side, following him blindly. Isiah led them expertly through the halls of the fortress, taking so many turns, Marta lost track in an instant. They reached a door that led outside of the back of the building. Isiah told them to wait and he scouted ahead to make sure the coast was clear.

Once he came back, he quickly urged them to move and soon they were inside a tiny cabin, apparently Ezra and Isiah room. He locked the door and closed the curtains. “We can't stay here long” he whispered, not daring to speak any louder for fear of being caught. “Marta let me look at your arm.”

Marta who hadn't let go of Ezra once, stayed where she was. It wasn't that she didn't trust Isiah, she just couldn't let go. Too many bad things happened when she wasn't in the arms of the man she loved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra sat on the bed glancing between the door and Marta. She was hurt and she wasn't letting his friend help. He nudged her toward him and Isiah gently took her arm to assess the damages. He grimaced a little at the site of the branding and knew right away there was nothing of use in this room to help with that or the broken wrist.

"She needs medical attention, but i don't know if the men will allow it," Isiah said quietly.

Ezra frowned a bit trying to process everything that had happened. "I killed them. They won't let me leave alive Isiah. If they know I betrayed them for her. You can't help us any longer. They'll see you as a traitor also," Ezra said clinging to Marta's good hand. He could feel the adrenaline slowly leaving his body and he was become more tired with every breath he took. There was a knock on the door and all three of them froze.

"I know you guys are in there. You might as well come out or we'll just go in," Daniel said sternly.

Isiah finished wrapping Marta's arm and walked to the door hesitating a moment, "Dan...he had to. They lost their minds. They were hurting an innocent girl," he said trying to plead for their lives.

There was a couple laughs from the other end and then the door opened. "Isiah, we aren't mad. Jeremiah had to go. Ezra is the one we all aspire to be. Look at him, he's our weapon of mass destruction. Sure he's a little shocked now, i mean he's never taken a life before. But imagine the world with him leading us," Daniel said smirking.

Ezra looked up a bit confused, "You want me to lead you? I just murdered two of our people in cold blood. I'm drenched in blood that isn't mine and I did it for a girl none of you approve of"

Isiah took a step back switching his gaze between Ezra and Daniel. "Ezra, you are our blood thirsty leader. You will lead us to victory. Your home is part of those ghettos. Your father was taken and your mother died of sickness. You have nothing but us. Hitler took everything from you," Daniel said as he began to instruct the medical team to help Marta.

"Dan, now isn't the time for this lecture. He's pale as a ghost and he hasn't had a meal in days. You guys have basically starved him and now you're saying he's our leader?" Isiah said a little disgusted.

Ezra nodded at Marta to let her know it was safe to let them help her and he removed himself from her so that she could get the attention she needed while he thought about the words Daniel was saying. He could lead these men to a righteous victory of peace rather than blood, but he'd be a hypocrite after killing two men just moments ago. He held his head in his hands a moment as he began to struggle to find air. He could a panic attack coming on and he began to feel light headed.

"Marta...I can't..." he was gasping for air now and everyone was staring at him a bit confused. His vision began to go black and he reached for the pendant around his neck. "Mar...ta" he said again trying to find her. He stood up and the room began to spin. The last thing he felt was his head hitting the ground.

"Daniel, look what you've done. Your talk of nonsense," Isiah said as he bent down to his friend while he saw Marta began to struggle to reach Ezra.

Isiah lifted his friend up and brought him over to the other bed so that he could rest. He looked over at Marta "Everyone let's leave. If he's your leader you'll allow him time alone with his girlfriend," Isiah said as he ushered everyone out of the room.

daniel nodded , "We shall discuss this later than. Marta, I hope you will forgive our brother who harmed you. He does not represent us all," he said still smirking as Isiah shut the door shooting Marta and apologetic look.

"Watch over him Marta...you're the only one who can keep him from losing his kind," Isiah called through the door as the men began to discuss the situation they were in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta hesitated, but eventually unattached herself from Ezra. She sat down in the chair Isiah pulled out and let him look at her arm. Just by the way her wrist bent, she knew it was broken. But Marta didn't care about that. She let her eyes rest on the mark that sat a few inches above her wrist. It was disgusting, a horrible mark that would forever live on her skin. Marta truly began to understand how Ezra felt with the same mark brandishing his chest. Marta wanted to rip her arm out from it's socket, just so she didn't have to look at it. Not being able to stand the sight anymore, she looked away.

Isiah didn't have enough supplies to properly clean her wound, so he settled with pouring water over it, which even that hurt an insane amount and then wrapped it carefully in a piece of cloth he ripped from his shirt. By that point, there was a knock at the door and Marta practically jumped out of her skin. She quickly returned to Ezra's side, fearing what was to come next. They were here to finish the job of torturing her. And they were undoubtedly going to punish Ezra. She clung to him, willing them the ability to become invisible in that moment.

As Dan and a few other men entered the room, Marta's heart beating in her chest. She didn't know what was going to happen, but so far, only words were being thrown around. No one was ripping her from Ezra's arms, or holding a piece of iron hot metal to her skin. But she still couldn't trust a single soul in the room except Ezra and Isiah. When the men began to speak about Ezra becoming their new leader, Marta looked at Ezra. He seemed to be in as much shock as her. This was not the reaction he was expecting either. He probably assumed they would drag him from this room and shot him in the head for betraying their people. But they spoke as if what he did was the right choice. Marta didn't know Jeremiah was dead, but when she heard the news, she felt her blood run cold. She was unsure how to feel about his death. Marta didn't wish death on anyone, except Hitler and Oscar, and some days she believed she wanted Jeremiah dead. But now hearing that he was, it was confusing. He did help rescue them, but somehow it shifted and he became the enemy. Marta realized in that moment, this was almost part of Hitler's plan. He wasn't going to just destroy the Jewish people himself, he was going to watch as they did it to one another.

Marta knew then that Ezra needed to stay and be these men's leader, but not in the way they were hoping. He needed to help them realize that the battle would not be won with weapons and fists, but rather with intelligence and compassion. They would always be outnumbered, and the Germans would always have the better weapon, so in order to win this, they had to fight back differently. They had to save whomever they could, create a path to freedom. Marta remembered learning once about a thing called the Underground Railroad in America. A time when people would help the African slaves escape and be free, hiding them in basements and small closets until they were safely in the northern states. This is the battle Ezra needed to create.

When Ezra encouraged her to get her arm checked, Marta hesitated. But she figured if they were going to hurt her or torture her, they would do it no matter what. So either it happened then or it happened later, so she walked over and let someone look at it. They first started by sanitizing the branding, Marta had to bite down hard on her tongue as the rubbing alcohol was poured over it. She almost passed out from the pain, but after a few moments the pain turned to a bit of relief. Next the man carefully wrapped her arms, using gauze and series of medal rods. He mumbled something about her needing to get a real cast, but by that point, Marta's focus shifted.

She heard Ezra begin to call out her name and she looked over and saw the panic in his eyes. He was becoming lost and Marta needed to go help him. She wouldn't let him lose the internal battle he was sure to face over the next few days or even weeks. The guilt would torture him, he had to come to terms with killing two men. Marta tried to pull away, but the medic wouldn't let her go until he finished with her arm. She was with horror as Ezra finally passed out. Finally being let go, she quickly ran over to Ezra's bed, kneeling down and using her good hand to run her fingers through his hair. She paid no attention to the looks the men in the room were giving her. They just couldn't understand how Ezra would choose a non-Jewish girl, but the sight before them started to make the picture become clearer.

Once they were alone, Marta got up from her knees and carefully crawled onto the bed, She lifted Ezra's head and placed it in her lap, much like the first night they met and Ezra had a panic attack. She slowly ran her fingers through his hair and hummed a song, not entirely sure of what song it was. She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Come back to me" she whispered, it being the last thing she said to him on her birthday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra’s breathing became normal and he opened his eyes slowly to the tune of Marta humming. A smile crept onto his face as he felt her fingers playing with his hair. He let out a small cough and turned onto his side so that his face was facing her stomach. He gave it a small kiss not quite registering where he was just yet. He wrapped an arm around her and snuggled in close so he could take in her scent. He could smell the salt from the sweat and that was when he propped himself on his one arm and looked around. His smile turned into a frown as he smelled the blood on their clothes.

Suddenly everything came flashing back to him. He saw himself like he was watching a movie killing Jeremiah and then killing the other man. He couldn’t remember his name at the moment, but he could still feel the pulse from his neck fading under his grasp. His face grew pale and he rolled off the bed to his knees and began to vomit on the floor. His hands began to tremble as he saw them stained in blood. He started to shake his head and he closed his eyes.

“No...no...I didn’t....tell me I didn’t kill them,” he said as more vomit came out of his body.

The images kept flashing in his mind. He was the monster he’d never thought he’d be. He couldn’t believe he’d sunk this far. He was essentially what Hitler had been saying his people were. Monsters. He looked over at Marta and saw her bandaged up. He fought to remember what happened to her. The man...he touched her in ways and then…

“Your arm,” he whispered putting a hand to his chest and feeling his own scar, “He marked you the way Oscar did me. I’m so sorry Marta. I couldn’t get to you in time. I was watching and I couldn’t do anything. He had me tied up...I tried be faster. I tried to reach you, but I failed.”

He crawled a little away from her feeling more than just ashamed of himself. He’d been too weak to get to her in time, but he’d strong enough to murder. He tried to tell himself it was something he had to do, but he couldn’t fathom the thought. Ezra kept his eyes to the floor unable to process how Marta could be so gentle with him when he’d just committed such a horrendous act.

“To die, to sleep….the sleep, perchance to dream. Ay there’s the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come…” Ezra whispered remembering the line from Shakespears play Hamlet, “Death is just sleep....that’s what he was trying to say...right? They’re just sleeping and they will awake to something better. But I can’t help but think of one that lov’d not wisely but too well from Othello after he murdered his wife. I may not have murdered you but I murdered in the name of you. No, for the sake of you.”

He could feel his mind beginning to slip as he tried to rationalize his actions, when he remembered Daniel calling him a leader. He looked at the door and he could feet shuffling by. His chest began to feel tender and finally allowed himself to look at Marta. “Come to me...I need you to tell me I didn’t do this for nothing. I need to know I didn’t kill my morals when I killed my own people. I need to know I saved you. I need you to justify me or I might kill myself,” he said as his eyes began to grow emotionless and his voice started to lose all feeling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

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Marta was doing her best to forget for a moment. To forget what just happened, to forget the pain in her arm, to forget the two dead bodies lying in the other building, to forget everything except the feeling of being near Ezra once more. She smiled sadly as he cuddled closer to her, Marta continued to stroke his hair. There was a mere second of bliss, a fleeting moment of sanity, a chance to just love the man lying on her. And then the second ended and reality shattered around them.

She watched with sad eyes as Ezra sat up, the look in his eyes told her everything. He was processing everything he had done, he was starting to understand he killed two people. When he crawled off the bed and vomited, what little there was in his stomach, Marta simply followed him. She crawled onto the floor, kneeling beside him and rubbing his back with her good arm, keeping her injured arm tucked into her chest to try and keep it stable. She needed to get him food and soon, but the priority was making sure not to lose Ezra. Not physically lose, but let his mind get lost to the point of no return. When he finally finished heaving and sat up, she saw him look at her arm and began to blame himself for it, that he didn't get to her fast enough. But she shook her head, wanting to reach for him, but stopped herself. She needed Ezra to want her touch, because if she forced it, it would only make him push her away.

When he crawled away from her, she let him go. She watched him with sad eyes as he quoted Shakespeare. He was searching for validation, something that made what he did justified. Ultimately, it was a question of whether Marta had been worth it or not. In her eyes, she didn't believe so. Is she grateful to live another day with Ezra by her side? Of course. Will the knowledge that Ezra will now always have this darkness within him, even if he learns to accept it, haunt her everyday? Without a doubt. Marta and Ezra could run from these demons the rest of their lives, but Marta knew they needed to face them head on, or they would never be able to live in peace together.

Hearing him ask her to come to him, Marta felt a wave of relief. She carefully crawled over to him, kneeling in front of him and reached up with her good hand and held onto his shirt and pulled him towards her, resting their foreheads together. She didn't speak for a moment, making sure she had her words prepared. One wrong statement and it could push Ezra over the edge. "I am alive Ezra. I will survive these wounds, just like you will survive yours. We will survive together. And everyday you will find a new reason why you had to do this. You had to do this for me. I need and want you by my side until I am old and wrinkly. You did this for me so I can wake up another day in your arms, feel your touch, to bring me life. You did this for our future children, who will have a loving father and mother as they grow up. You did this for Isiah and Atalia, they will be able to be together and get married. You did this in memory of your mother. You did this for your father, who is trapped in a world that has gone dark. You did this for your people. But most importantly Ezra, you did this for yourself."

She sat up, looking into his eyes. She held onto his hand tightly. "Jeremiah and that man were not your people anymore. You may have shared a religion and a history with them, but they aren't your people. Isiah and Atalia are your people. All your neighbors in Frankfurt are your people. You father and all the men here are your people. Jeremiah had lost his way, he had become the opposite of what your morals have always stood for Ezra. You are the kindest, most compassionate, loving man I have ever known. Jeremiah was pulling you into his darkness, he was no better than Hitler. There is a reason people say don't stoop to their level, rise above. Because at the end of the day, being the better person is what is important. If you didn't do what you did, Jeremiah would have killed the man I love. Maybe not physically, but I would have lost you forever. Ezra, Daniel's right, you need to lead these men, but not in the way Jeremiah wanted. You need to show them that this war is not going to be won by blood being drawn, but rather love. You will never survive if you keep fighting one another."

She felt dizzy after speaking, the words flowed from her mouth, the thoughts she has been having ever since her birthday. She waited to see how Ezra would react.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra listened to her words, but he wasn’t sure if he was actually hearing them. She was making sense but his mind couldn’t get over the blood on his hands. He looked at her with the smallest smile as he placed his hands gently on her face. He could feel her lean her head against the palms of his hands as he gave her a quick kiss. He killed those men because they were doing wrong. They were hurting not only the love of his life, but an innocent person. They were pushing for a war that was impossible to win and if he sat by and did nothing then everyone in this house would have died.

“I had to do it. It was them or us. He was leading us to a battle that was already lost. With you here I can show them what it means to fight without the violence. I can lead them to peace, rather than blood shed. I won’t corrupt myself or my men,” he whispered more to himself than her.

There was a soft knock on the door and then Isiah walked in a little nervous. “They...they want to make it official. You as our new leader. I think you should do it Ezra. You’re the person everyone looks up to. Whatever you say they will do. You can bring us back to the path we should’ve never strayed from. The path that shows people we are not monsters, we just people,” he said pushing the door open a little more.

Ezra stood up with Marta making sure to keep his hand locked with hers. He led her from the room to the main dining area where everyone had gathered to wait for him. The ones who had been in the room when he passed out had hopeful eyes when he saw their hands together. The other ones still held a form of hate towards him and Marta. He heard Daniel cough to quiet everyone down. Isiah sat towards the head of the table expecting Ezra to take a seat with Marta, but he refused to sit.

Ezra took a deep breath and squeezed Marta’s hand tightly before speaking, “I’ve been asked to take over the resistance. I’ve been groomed for this spot for months now. I’ve taken two lives tonight and I don’t regret it. Jeremiah was bringing us down a dark path. He tortured us all, including Marta. Some of the medical team has seen the wound branded into her arm like she is nothing more than cattle. It’s the same symbol I had carved into my chest. The day that happened seems like a lifetime ago. I held so much hate and anger inside my body for the men who abused me so it was easy to fall in line with Jeremiah and his beliefs, but I lost myself to the darkness and without Isiah or Marta here to bring me back I would probably be continuing down that road,” he paused a moment to look at each of their reactions. He caught Isiah smiling along with a few relieved faces.

“So we’re going to just sit here and let Hitler kill our people? Isn’t he the reason your father was taken to the ghettos back where you come from? Jeremiah told us all. If we don’t fight then we’re just asking to me killed,” one of the men said harshly.

Ezra nodded, “Yes, my father was taken and my mother is dead from illness. Isiah’s fiancees dad was killed by the getsapo and we have saved countless people from their clutches, and we will continue to do so. We will just be less violent. Not everybody needs to die for one person to live. We will prove to everyone that we are rats and we are not monsters. We are people,” he glanced at Isiah as he said that.

The room went quiet and he felt himself tense up waiting for the backlash, especially from Daniel. There was brief moment it looked like everyone was going to walk out of the room and forget the reason they were brought together, but then Daniel spoke.

“We will follow you into battle or into peace. You are who we respect the most and who we need. The death of Jeremiah and his friend has ended the rule of terror. We will follow you, Ezra,” Daniel said and then glanced at the men around him.

“I will follow you, Ezra,” Isiah said next.

“I will follow you, Ezra,” Joshua and Harrod in unison.

“I will follow you, Ezra,” everyone else said together.

“We will follow you!” the whole room yelled together and began slapping each other on the backs.

Ezra felt the tightness in his chest finally release and he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. A smile spread across his face as the men came over him to one by one to shake his and Marta’s hands to show respect. He could feel her body tensing at first when they came near, but when they showed no sign of harm she relaxed against him. Isiah took his place next to Ezra, it was assumed they would be leading the men together.

“Since you get Marta here, I want my Atalia,” Isiah said with a grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta stood by Ezra's side, doing her best to appear strong and able. This was her place. She was meant to be by Ezra's side as he lead all of these men back on the right path. She watched in admiration as all the men stood and declared their loyalty to Ezra. He was a true leader, which in turn, made Marta a leader in a sense. She knew she would never make any crazy big decisions, but she was prepared to be there for Ezra in anyway possible. She would listen to him if he needed to rant, she would hold him if the stress became too much, she would give him her body to help forget for a brief moment, to share that time with just one another. She was his support system, and she would never stop.

It took a few weeks, but Ezra and herself gained back their physical strength. Marta was grateful when they medic team finally put a real cast on her, it hid the image that was burned onto her skin temporarily, but eventually it came off and she would feel nauseous every time she looked at it. She went into town one day and was able to buy a few dresses with long sleeves to cover it, and if she ever work anything that didn't, she bought a large cuff bracelet to hide it. She hated it, but she couldn't deny, both their scars bonded Marta and Ezra together more. They would see them on one each other as they lay together naked in bed after making love. They were reminders to stay on the right path.

Atalia had been brought to the compound, Marta glad to have her friend back, and another female around. Being in a predominantly male population was a big intimidating... and smelly. While Ezra and Isiah were off training and having meetings about strategy, Marta and Atalia would busy themselves. They were discretely training themselves, both agreeing they needed to build up their strength. Nothing near as intense as the man, but they took to jogging together around the perimeter of the fence. And Ezra had brought a few weights back into their room so they could build muscle. Becoming the new leader did have a few perks, Ezra and Isiah were given the large rooms within the fortress. Atalia continued to stay in her own bedroom, right across from Isiah's, but still separate. Marta and Ezra contemplated being proper and sleeping in other beds, but they couldn't even make it the first night. Marta ended up in Ezra's bed barely an hour after going to bed. She couldn't sleep without being in his arms.

It had been a few months and progress was slow, but the Resistance was doing their best. They recruiting new men every day, some coming to the compound, others acting as scouts spread throughout the country. All of them, old and new, respected Ezra. No one cared his age, and most have come to accept Marta. Some, especially the older men, would still give her strange looks. Marta still had every intention of converting, but it seemed to be put on the back burner while Ezra was busy being leader.

Summer had come, the heat making it hard for Marta to continue to wear long sleeves, but she didn't mind the cuff as much. Atalia even purchased one herself and they wore them as a sign of their bond and friendship. Marta loved Atalia like the sister she never had. It was mid-afternoon, lunch had just ended in the mess hall. Usually after lunch, Ezra would being in strategy meetings and her and Atalia would find a way to occupy themselves. She turned to Ezra, who was sitting next to her at the lunch table. "See you at dinner?" she asked smiling gently. She assumed he would be leaving for the meetings like always, but today would be different. Ezra had a surprise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra nodded in response, “Yeah, I have a lot of planning to do today. I’m sorry that this has consummed me. I promise to make it up to you tonight, Marta. If everything goes as planned I’ll have the next couple days to be with you without restraint,” he said with a smile as he kissed her gently on the forehead, “I’m going to try and finish quick so that we can have some time before dinner to just be together.” He felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Isiah there.

“Ezra, the men are ready. Let’s get started,” Isiah said with a warm smile to Marta, “I promise to give him back for supper,” he said pulling Ezra by the arm.

Ezra allowed himself to be dragged away and waved his goodbye to Marta. The boys made their way into one of the larger rooms that rarely ever got used unless it was a holiday. A few of the men decide to help Ezra with his surprise for Marta, but the rest had gone to train so they didn’t raise suspicion. Isiah pulled a ring out of his pants pocket and passed it to Ezra. It wasn’t anything special, but it had been the ring his father gave to his mother when he proposed. It was the only thing he could salvage when they traveled to his old home. The place had been trashed and almost all the items worth value had been taken. It took all his energy not to hunt down the men who ruined the home he grew up in.

Baer Bakery was also destroyed. The windows were broken and the oven didn’t work anymore. The food had gone stale and the flour began to house bugs. His heart shattered at the sight of his legacy destroyed. It took Isiah and Daniel to drag him out of their. He had made a promise to himself that day that he would restore it when everything had settled. He would go back and reclaim what was rightfully his and Marta would be at his side. He wanted his kids to know hard work and he wanted them to know that he had started from nothing.

“Thank you for holding this. I might have asked her right then and there had the ring been in my pocket,” Ezra said as he watched the men hang lights along the ceiling. He’d managed to get a few of his people to get flowers to spread about the room and the lights had been in storage. It wasn’t a fairytale, but it was the best he could do. The radio was in there playing love songs and the men began to dance together laughing and teasing Ezra.

“I can’t believe you actually found a Rabbi to convert her at a time like this,” Daniel said with a sigh.

Ezra frowned, “It was hard, but since I’m leading the resistance they feel like they owe it to me. I’m the most likely to die so they want my time here to be fruitful apparently. I won’t complain though. I haven’t told her yet either. I wanted to wait to see if she even said yes. She might not even want to marry me since I’ve done all I have. I barely even get time with her.”

Isiah scoffed, “We all hear you in the middle of the night. You get plenty of time with her. You actually have Atalia trying to sleep in bed with me. She starts in her room, but in the middle of the night I feel her pressed against me like she’s clinging for dear life,” he said.

“Hey, at least you two have girls. We just get to be envious,” Harrod said with a glare as he plugged in the lights to make sure they all worked.
When Ezra was finally satisfied it was around dinner time. He hadn’t realized how anxious he was getting until he started practicing his speech in the mirror. He found it hard to stare at his reflection. He was mostly over what he’d done to Jeremiah and the other man, but it still haunted him whenever he saw himself. He could see the blood splattered on his face and his hands painted red. It took days before the blood finally washed completely away. He nearly drowned himself in bleach to get it off faster. He looked at his watch real quick. It was time. With a deep sigh he went on the hunt for hopefully his fiancee.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta smiled and returned the kiss. "Don't worry, I will be fine."

Marta really didn't mind all the time Ezra had to take to be leader. At the end of the day, she got to sleep in the same bed as him, and that was all that mattered. After everything they have been through, Marta didn't want to take anything for granted anymore. She knew how important Ezra was to these men, so she had to learn to share, or else she'd go mad. Plus being accepting has helped with her rapport with the men, they saw that she was there as a support system for Ezra.

Once Ezra left, Marta took her time to finish up the last bits of her lunch. As she walked out of the mess hall, the sunshine beating down on her, Marta thought maybe her and Atalia could just lay out in the sun together and be girls. There was too much testosterone around here. And as if on cue, Atalia walked up and Marta smiled at her friend. They hooked arms and began walking around.

"I did it again" Atalia said, blushing slightly. "I snuck into his bed."

"Isiah loves you deeply, but you know how he feels" Marta said, looking at her friend.

"I know," Atalia moaned like a child, "I just...times are different, you know? I want the closeness you and Ezra have."

It was Marta's turn to blush. It was becoming clear that what Ezra and Marta did behind closed doors was no longer a secret. And they knew it was not the moral thing, but they couldn't resist. The closeness and bond they felt while making love was a pillar of strength for their relationship.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you" Atalia said suddenly, tugging at her arm.

Marta quirked her eyebrow in curiosity as she followed her friend, who led her back to her bedroom. Once inside, she made Marta sit down in a chair. Atalia was in on the plan, her best friend came to her, showing her the ring. Atalia was delighted to hear that Ezra would finally be proposing, and it would be legitimate because there was a rabbi who was will to convert Marta. Atalia and Marta had continued with lessons on the Jewish faith and history. Marta was almost also completely fluent in Hebrew. Her memory was astonishing. So Atalia agreed to get her friend ready for the big surprise.

"You have such beautiful hair Marta, why must you always keep it up in a bun" she said teasingly as she removed the pin in her friend's hair, causing the blonde locks to fall down her back. Marta has not cut her hair in ages, so it was half way down her back, almost touched the top of the seat as she sat there.

"It is just such a hassle" Marta said, running her friends through her hair, catching on multiple tangles and knots.

"Well let me see what I can do" Atalia said, as she carefully brushed her friend's hair out. Once it was tangle free, Atalia began to twirl the hair up and create loose pin curls around the face, framing her face beautiful. She took the excess and carefully twisted into into a french twist, resting gently on her friend's neck. She was stunning.

She let Marta look at her reflection in the mirror, and Marta gasped, "How did you do that? Atalia this is amazing." She turned her head from side to side. As she continued to be in awe of her hair, Atalia went over to her closet and pulled something out. Marta turned and her eyes widened. In Atalia's hands was the red and white polka dot dress she wore the first day she met Ezra.

"Where did you get that?" she asked, walking over, running her fingers over the silk. Marta had completely become acclimated to a much more simple lifestyle. She got rid of a lot of the dresses her parents left her, replacing them with more modest, simple frock. She no longer wore any jewelry except the necklace Ezra gave her. So to feel such rich fabric again was bittersweet.

"Isiah found it when they went to the Baer's house. I guess his mother had kept it wrapped in tissue paper, since you forgot to bring it home after that first day, and you must have forgotten to ask about it" explained Atalia, "Why don't you put it on?"

"No, I couldn't! It isn't proper." Marta said, "Besides there'd be no reason."

"Oh what is wrong with wanting to look pretty and dress-up on occasion?"

Contemplating for a moment, Marta finally gave in and took her dress off she was wearing, and slipped into the polka dot dress. It felt strange but also familiar wearing it again. She smiled as she thought of the memories she had in this dress. She knew her first day meeting Ezra didn't exactly go smoothly, but it was still the day that brought him to her, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Marta was about to take the dress off, when Atalia grabbed her hand.

"We are going to be late for dinner!" she said as she pulled Marta out of the room.

"Atalia, I shouldn't wear this out there!" But her friend ignored her, and just kept leading her back outside. Marta noticed the looks she got from the men right away, and she flushed in embarrassment. She was sticking out like a sore thumb. Atalia led them towards the mess hall, but made a pit stop outside the meeting hall that was rarely used.

"I forgot something in my room, just wait here" she said, turning to leave without Marta having time to say anything. Marta felt a bit flustered. Atalia was acting a bit strange, but she shrugged it off. She looked up into the sky, the sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning beautiful colors. She heard the door open behind her, and saw Ezra walked out, she smiled brightly at him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra grabbed her arm gently and turned her around. He’d never seen her look so beautiful. The dress left little to the imagination so he was pretty sure the men had all basically had their eyes popping out. He held her close her back to him and gently kissed her neck. He felt her lean into his body and he took that chance to slip his hands over her eyes.

“I’ve got a surprise for you, my love,” he whispered in her ear as he slowly walked her into the room.

He closed the door behind him to keep people from peeking inside. He’d set up a blanket in the middle of the room. All the tables and chairs had been moved out into storage for the time being. The dimness of the lights added to the mood he was going for and he had lit a candle so that it would smell as close to the bakery as possible. After a deep breath he let his hands fall to his sides and smiled at the gasp. He knew it wasn’t much, but at time like this he was pretty sure she was just happy with the thought he put into it. He walked around so that he was facing her and held her hands in his own. He brought them up to his face and he placed a kiss on each one. He could feel his body trembling as the moment finally arrived.

“Marta, I know that we have not spent our childhoods together and there is still so much we have yet to learn about one another, but I know in my heart of hearts that you are the reason I was born. You are the reason my heart beats and the reason I wake up every single morning. Your smile is like the sunshine and I honestly could not imagine you not being with me. Every time I see you I feel my heart beat quicken,” he said placing her hands over his chest so she could feel, “Every time we kiss my body trembles and when lay together at night I know that there is a God because only he could make someone so perfect. I am not worthy of your love, but I will fight everyday to prove that I am the man for you. I cannot promise for everyday to be good, but I promise to always protect and cherish you. I promise to never take you for granted and I promise to love you more than you thought possible.” He slowly went down onto one knee and pulled the ring out of his t-shirt pocket. He held it up to her; his hands shaking with every movement. “Will you be my wife? Will you marry me, Marta?”

Ezra felt like his insides were about to explode as the seconds ticked by making it feel like an eternity. He could see it perfectly on her face that she had not been expecting him to be so bold, and he could hear the shuffling of feet outside the door trying to listen in for an answer. He heard Isiah shoo them all away and he heard Atalia giggling. He looked at Marta with hope and he prayed that she would agree to his question. He would understand though if she decided her fun was over and she wanted to drop into reality again. He just hoped that she would risk it all with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

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Marta let out a laugh as Ezra spun her around, her dress twirling with her. When Ezra pulled her into his arms, her back to his front, she tiled her head to the side so she could glance back at him and allow him better access to her neck. Feeling his hands against her eyes, she reached up and held onto his arms, not to pull them down, but to keep herself steady as they walked through the doors. She knew they were walking into the meeting hall, but she couldn't understand what for. Her birthday had passed, so it couldn't be that, so what other reason could he be surprising her with?

When his hands fell, she gasped slightly. The room looked truly breath-taking. The way the lights twinkled along the ceiling, and the smell of a candle reminding her fondly of the bakery. Marta felt chills run down her body. She had still not managed to connect the dots, and figure out why Ezra was doing this. Maybe he was feeling bad for having to constantly ditch her for training, but Marta constantly assured him that she didn't mind. She smiled gently at him as he took both her hands, kissing each. She held onto his tightly, rubbing her thumbs along his skin. She listened as he spoke, her heart swelling with his words. It amazed her how much she loved the man standing before her. And his words confirmed he felt the same. They have been through so much, so many tears, so many wounds, but they have come out of it stronger than ever.

When she saw Ezra kneel down, Marta let out another gasp, her hand going to cover her mouth which was gaping open. She felt happy tears fall from her eyes as he asked the question she has been waiting to hear since the first moment they kissed. Marta knew from very early on she wanted Ezra by her side forever, that everything would turn out fine as long as they had each other. Realizing she was just standing there in shock, Marta quickly snapped back into focus.

"Yes!" she said, laughing gleefully as she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Outside in the hall, she could hear people cheering and clapping and it just made Marta smile bigger against Ezra's lips. She pulled back slightly, staying close to Ezra, wiping at her tears. "I love you so much." Leaning back in for another kiss.

Marta didn't want to think about it, but she knew she would eventually have to bring up the fact that she still wasn't converted. But if Ezra is able to overlook it, then she would too. All that mattered was they were together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest when she finally answered and the way she kissed him made him glad he brought the blanket. He leaned back pulling her with him until he was laying flat and she was on top. He once again heard Isiah trying to get everyone away from the door. He let out a small laugh as he kissed her neck once more and used his hands to hike her dress up a bit.

“I really thought you’d say no and I may have cried if you did that,” he said moving his hands to her waist and holding her firmly. He propped himself up a bit on his elbows and began to kiss her neck once more. He could feel the coldness of the ring pressed against his skin as she held onto his neck a bit.

He’d gotten more comfortable when it came to sex and he tended to put her in whatever position he wanted without much hesitation from her. She trusted him and he made sure to show her how grateful he was with every kiss he placed on her skin. His resolve to wait until they were married always faltered when they had time alone. Each morning he would promise himself to hold off, but every night he found himself tangled with her body and leaving love bites down her stomach on the inner part of her thighs.

The two of them had begun to learn each other inside out and they were at the point where words were hardly spoken. They communicated mostly through looks and they expressed their love with gestures. He was ready to throw caution to the wind when he realized he’d forgotten to tell her about the Rabbi. He pulled himself from her with a smile and poked her gently on the nose.

“Oh and I found a Rabbi to convert you in case you still wanted to do that. I mean it’s no big deal,” he said trying to play it off as nothing exciting but the way his eyes shined gave away how happy he was, “He’s coming by next week and then we can start making wedding arrangements. If we put it off long enough I may even get to save my dad from the ghetto they’ve taken him to. I found a lead the other day and it seems solid. I know it’s not the same as your dad, but he could walk you down the aisle if you wanted,” he told her with only slight doubt in his voice that he’d actually get to save his father.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marta followed Ezra down to the floor with ease. They have learned the movements of their bodies together so easily, it just felt natural. Amelia straddled his hips, her knees tucked up at his sides. Feeling him hike her skirt, she felt goosebumps form on her legs and wetness forming between them. It still amazed her how his touch made her weak and left her wanting so much more. She ran her hands along his chest, returning the kiss and taking a few playful nips at his neck as well.

When she heard those words, she looked deeply into his, "Don't ever doubt me wanting to be with you. I would have said yes the first day we met, had you asked me. And I would have said yes if you waited another ten years to ask."

It was true. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Ezra, and if that meant waiting for marriage, then so be it. If they were 50 years old and Ezra finally decided to propose, she would have said yes. Her love was eternal for him and nothing would ever stop it. Yes she was beyond thrilled to be marrying him, but she would have stayed by his side regardless.

She felt her anticipation rising, ready to be close to Ezra, not caring they were in a more open, public area. They did their best to hide their sexual rendezvous, always waiting until they were alone in their bedroom, but at this moment, Marta didn't care. She ached with desire and could feel his desire pushing against her thigh. She reached up to start unbuttoning his shirt, when pulled back from her neck, where he had been leaving her love bites, ones that Atalia loved teasing her about.

Hearing his words, Marta's eyes widened and she let out another gasp. This man was full of surprises. She sat up more, bringing Ezra with her. She remained on his lap, her legs wrapping around his back, Indian style, and she pulled him into another passionate kiss. Pulling back, she had tooth-baring grin spread across her face. "You are simply wonderful. I am ready. I want to become part of your people. I want to become Jewish." And she meant it with all her heart. She couldn't believe everything was falling into place. She placed another kiss on his lips.

When he spoke of his father, Amelia ran her hand along his cheek, "I would be honored if he walked me down the aisle. You will find him Ezra, and you will bring him here and he will be safe. I know it."

She gave him another kiss, before she reached up and untied the front of her dress, letting the fabric pool around her waist. She pulled Ezra close, pushing against him, letting him feel how much she wanted him. She couldn't believe how amazing the man in her arm's was. She couldn't wait to marry him, properly as a Jewish woman, and spend the rest of her life with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The two of them emerged from the room an hour later. They were greeted by Ezra's comrades who where whistling at the two of them. They yelled their congratulations in unison and he couldn't help but blush a bit. Had this been a few months ago he'd probably be fighting an elimantion match with Harrod or Joshua again. He'd be starving and he'd be someone that he didn't recognize. The memories of the past haunted him daily, but he did his best to hide it from everybody.

"I better be standing next to you at the wedding. I know it's not traditional but we can branch out a bit," Isiah said pulling his friend into a hug then giving one to Marta, "Atalia is so excited she's already begun sketching a dress design for you. Maybe the four of us can wed together."

Harrod spoke up next, "The Rabbi sent word that he's begun husband journey down here. It will take him a few days to ensure that he isn't followed. We have our best men out guiding him here. When she converts we will recognize your relationship as true," he said speaking for the people that still found it hard to think a Jewish man would take a non Jewish women at a time like this.

Ezra nodded. The tensions had been a bit high with Marta around, but a majority of the people had grown to enjoy her here. Her and Atalia eased the fights between them all since nobody wanted to start a brawl in front of the two of them. It made things easier to handle.

"Thank you all for the support and for the help in setting up. Let's all get into the dinning room and celebrate how things have started looking up. We are not out of this battle yet, but one day soon I plan on going to every single one of your weddings," Ezra said as he and Marta lead them all to dinner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tlstiffl
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Tlstiffl Ginger Geek

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Now that Marta knew she would be converting, her nerves heightened. She knew this is what she wanted, but the process is intense. She had to memorize a passage from the Torah in Hebrew, and she would be reciting it in front of everyone. She practiced every day, every chance she got, with Atalia to perfect her Hebrew. They studied in private, Marta wanted to impress everyone with her knowledge, especially Ezra. She knew he had to use a lot of his power to make this happen. And if he was just some random guy it wouldn't have happened, but being the leader of the Resistance, he had to leverage.

In the morning of her conversion, Marta woke before the sun even rose. She was just anxious and excited. She glanced over at Ezra, smiling at his sleeping form. She placed a butterfly kiss on his lips, before rolling out of bed. She left a note saying she would be in Atalia's room all day and would see him at the synagogue later. She felt like it was her wedding day, she didn't want Ezra to see her until she was officially a Jewish woman. She snuck into Atalia's room, her friend still sound asleep. Marta just sat in her chair going out her notes for the ceremony.

Finally once Atalia was up, she helped Marta get ready. She did her hair, pulling it back into a loose bun, tendrils falling loosely, framing her face. She put on her nicest, but still conversation, dress, allowing her necklace of the Star of David to sit atop of the fabric. When she felt ready, her and Atalia made their way down to the compound's make-shift synagogue. They walked through the back door, staying in the back behind the curtain that hung as part of the decor to make the place look more presentable. She peeked through the curtain and saw almost all the men gathering, taking their seats. Ezra and Isiah sat in the front row, talking casually to each other. Marta felt the butterflies in her stomach go crazy, and she had to take a few calming breaths.

"You will be wonderful" Atalia said, reaching over and kissing Marta on both cheeks before going out and taking her seat next to Isiah.

The rabbi had spoken with her yesterday, explaining the process. He would start the ceremony off with a prayer then ask Marta to come onto the stage. So Marta waited patiently as the rabbi began, and when it was her time, she came out from behind the curtain and stepped up onto the platform that the men built for this occasion. She walked up to the table, where the Torah was laying out ready for her. She glanced up at Ezra before beginning to recite her passage in perfect Hebrew. She got through it without a glitch, and her smile was huge as she finished. Afterwards, the rabbi brought her over to a smaller table and had her light her first Shabbat candle and break the challah bread. Once finished, the rabbi welcomed her to the faith and everyone began clapping. Marta was finally Jewish.

After the ceremony, Marta had to go speak with the rabbit, before she was finally free. She walked into the mass of people, many congratulating her, shaking her hand, even a few men hugging her. Marta was thrilled to see the few men who had been skeptical of her, were finally acknowledging her presence. She finally weaved through the crowd until she spotted Ezra. She ran up and into his arms, kissing him deeply.

"Thank you" she whispered softly as she pulled back. That thank you had so many meanings. She was thanking him for finding a rabbi, for accepting that she wanted to do this, for supporting and loving. For everything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ezra held her tightly in his arms as the men began to disperse and go about the missions he laid out for them. Today was the day they would finally get his father back. The sun was shining and he could hear birds chirping in the distance. It would be a good day. The love of his life was finally converted and they were free to marry, and his father would be there to attend the wedding. He hated that he had to sit back and watch the men leave. He wanted to be the one leading the charge into the ghetto and saving whoever they could, but it was against the rules and he refused to break them for himself.

He heard Marta tell him thank you and he pulled away slightly giving her a kiss on the forehead. The Rabbi turned his back to them and began discussing when the two of them would marry with Atalia. They had to do it quick or he would have no time. They were on the verge of infiltrating the getsapo so his time would be consumed and on the line. If they didn’t marry now he might never get the chance. He felt a tug on his arm and turned to Isiah giving him an apologetic look.

“Sorry boss, but we need to run down the plan again before we leave. All the men are prepped and ready to go,” Isiah said.

Ezra sighed reluctantly and turned back to Marta, “I’m sorry. I must go for a bit. Please go speak with the Rabbi about our upcoming wedding. Him and Atalia can tell you what to expect. I’ll be as quick as possible, but it may take time since it’s dangerous. Hopefully in two nights we will see my father again,” he said with a bit of a smile and he gave her one last kiss and walked with Isiah to one of the meeting rooms.


Abe packed his bag light only taking a couple essentials and he sat in the small room they called a house with twenty other people. He could barely make out the faces he was so nervous. He’d received word from Ezra a few days ago that they would be coming to save him and as many men as possible so to have them all ready. He had collected a couple strong young men and a few girls. They sat together scared, but hopeful. They would no longer be using broken toilets or buckets to relieve themselves. They would have a decent meal and they would not starve or be looked down on. They would not be caged like animals. The sound of babies crying overwhelmed them all as they tried to tune out all the people they would be leaving behind. It was torture for Abe to think he had to abandon innocent children, but his son needed an army not a daycare.

“Are you sure they’re coming?” one of the men asked so quiet that Abe wasn’t sure if he heard him.

“They will be here as long as everything goes as planned,” Abe replied just as timid.

As if on cue Isiah entered the room with Daniel, Harrod, and Joshua. They blended in, but you could tell they were hiding small weapons. If anyone tried to pat them down they’d be caught in an instant. The boys started directing everyone on where to go and who to look for. 5 other men would be waiting on the other side of the fence to start the trek to safety. Isiah began searching for Abe who popped up next to him as the last few men were walking out. They didn’t dare waste time with a hug, so they just gave a quick to each other.

It was nearly impossible to see, but some of the other families had lit candles to discreetly light the way. Nobody spoke or dared to breath. The tension was high between everyone that had yet to find safety. Isiah was the last to cross the fence when he heard a deafening alarm that nearly knocked him to knees. He felt a hand pull him and he saw everyone running as fast as they could. They’d been caught. Isiah did his best not to panic as the men led them to a hiding place. They couldn’t risk being found. Ezra would never forgive them if Abe didn’t make it back.

The feet of the getsapo began to disappear and after a few minutes of hiding they began the march to the cars which were about an hour by foot. Isiah stayed near the back with Daniel making sure nobody got left behind while the rest of the men flanked both sides to provide protection all around. The grass was muddy from the rain so there was only a slight chance of being snuck up on. As they got closer to the car he could hear the sigh of relief from Abe and Isiah smiled up at him. The mission was going to be a success and they would have about 15 new men for their crew. Everything was going to plan and they all began to pile into the cars they’d brought.

That was when Isiah heard the gun go off and he was shoved to the ground. He looked up to see Joshua hesitating. “GO! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!” Isiah yelled and the men obeyed. He looked to see Daniel on top of him, breathing still, but wounded.

He could hear the feet getting closer and the cars sped off leaving one behind for the two of them. He stood up slightly and began to help Daniel walk toward a nearby hiding spot. They would have to wait it out as best as they could. He quickly pulled his shirt off and wrapped it around Daniel’s leg who was doing his best not to cry out in pain.

“You’re going to be okay. I won’t leave you,” Isiah whispered as he sat with his back against the rock behind them.

Daniel shook his head looking pale, “You idiot. You could’ve made it had you run. I saved your life and now you’re risking it. I better not die in vain,” he said with a little laugh.

“Don’t speak like that Daniel. We will both go back and reunite with our people,” Isiah said trying to mask the fear that he’d never get to say goodbye to Atalia.

“That’s easy for you to look forward to. You’re getting married. You need to survive. Ezra needs you there. You and Marta are his strength. Atalia cannot lose you,” Daniel said and then Isiah put a hand over his mouth.

He could hear the attackers closing in on them. His heart began to beat erratically in his chest as he began to picture Atalia in his head. He needed to see her one last time before he died. He could feel tears soak his cheeks and he looked over to see Daniel trying not to cry. The scent of blood was growing stronger as it leaked through the shirt. They heard someone moving above them and before Isiah could react another shot went off and Daniel went limp. He did his best to keep himself relaxed so that he didn’t scream out. Daniel’s blood coated his body and he could feel it dripping down. He closed his eyes not daring to utter a single prayer as he waited for his death.
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