Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chara looks at him and spits her apple out her mouth and lets it hit his forehead. "Why should I tell you, you freak failed lab experiment. I have no right to and that dagger is mine now give it back so I can slit your throat and go back to minding my own business. I have done wrong!" She growls and squirms around not enjoying the feeling of these weird tentacles feeling her body up. She is honestly thankful that people can't tell her gender, but that would unlease all sorts of hell for her and in her every day life. She growled louder has she starred deep into his eyes trying to figure out what can make him snap, what makes him tick, what makes him weak.
She smirked then laughed "What are you going to do, tentacle me to talk?" Chara laughs more at this idea. "How about you put little me down before someone calls calls animal control, you filthy mutt of lab experiements. Because I bet that you are the last of your kind and that's while your so dresparate for acceptances in this cruel world. Well guess what?! We are both equals! The world is a cruel place and you just gotta live with everyone in it" Chara gives him an evil waiting to see his reaction to everything thing she just said
@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PentagonWhite
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PentagonWhite No Fun Allowed

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Genius?” Aeolia chuckled, more a sharp exhalation of breath, and lifted her lean as Sagant made to move. She gave one more smile to the assorted crowd, bags beneath her eyes remind all to see of her fatigue, then followed a step behind her diminutive friend. “If only the University saw it that way. Don’t sell yourself short, Sagant. Now, what are you…” She stopped as he opened the door, leaning on the sill as the small metal orb of Tacitus sprung to her shoulder, vibrating slightly with what Aeolia could recognize as anticipation. Sagant’s theatrics were something she’d grown to enjoy, through the years.

The tentacles made their exodus and found their target. Aeolia, realizing Sagant’s design, surreptitiously pulled a rod of steel from the back of her belt, the smooth metal heavy in her hand. She visibly relaxed when she saw her help would not be necessary, then tensed again as she listened to the battery of insults the pale youth spouted. Tacitus merely laughed his oceanic rumble. “I think I like her, you know.”

Aeolia hissed her disapproval as she stepped around Sagant, wary to avoid the tentacles. Her eyes narrowed to menacing slits as she appraised the youth, soaking ‘her’ in from top to toes, baffled and curious and feeling the familiar well of determination that came with action rather than study. She turned back to Sagant, with a dour look, steel rod apparent in her clenching hand. “I believe my friend asked for a name. You’re accused by the guard of murder and theft.” Her words were as hard, as authoritative as her lilting noble accent would allow, an unimpressive degree. “I suspect they will do worse than ‘tentacle’. As will he, if you continue to insult him.” Aeolia turned back to her friend, a look of expectation on her face. “Won’t you, Sagant?”

As Aeolia asked her question, Tacitus closed the ten foot gap between Aeolia and Chara, hovering just in front of the bound thief. The humor in the voice which rang from the ball was slowly, but surely, seeping away. “I’ve seen it, girl. He doesn’t just wear that sword for show, and my lass doesn’t much like murderers.”

@The1Rolling1Boy@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kreiss Stahl

"I'll take that..." Kreiss said, snatching the apple out of mid-air after it had hit Sagant.

She(?) had impressive oral strength to be able to hit Sagant with the apple from that distance. Well, it did make it easier that it was at a downward angle, but the massive torrent of words that the girl(?) managed to spit out afterwards couldn't be considered anything but impressive. While the contents of those words would've definitely been enough to make a normal person pissed off, it was no where near enough for good ol' Redeye himself.

"You'll need to try better than that," He called out. "He's got years of experience over you with bad-mouthing, but the extra existential questions are petty good."

Besides that anyway, he was pretty sure Chara had much to do with the disappearances. Firstly, they were still a far way away from the Old City and if there were only one person behind all of the disappearances he didn't see why they'd leave the Old City, and walk right into the guard HQ. Secondly, if he was honest he could probably just swat Chara out of the air if she ever tried something. She didn't look too durable, but that didn't exactly mean much.

It didn't look like Chara could haul corpses very easily but if she just lured someone into somewhere then it wouldn't be hard to just kill them and let the body stay where it was hard to find.

"Hey wait, I just remembered, I've got rope." He said, fishing it out of his backpack. "What say you take the tentacles down and we just tie her up instead? It's probably less comfortable but she'd be in a less awkward position at least."

@Mega Birb@The1Rolling1Boy@PentagonWhite
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chara growls and squirms around. "Keep your filthy fucking hands off me! I rather be man handled by some tentacles rather than by tied together and have your filthy hands all over me. Besides what do you guys want with little me," while she is talking she's trying to free her arms, "You guys gotta do more than just talk to me. I'm a very stubborn person." She giggles and sticks out her tongue like a child then continues to wiggle her arms to freedom so she can do something to get herself free and find her way to safety, hoping to just go home and eat a piece of bread or something so she doesn't go hungry tonight.

She just wants to get free and go home, to find something to do, like sharpen her dagger even though it's already really sharp, or go home and practice her dancing because that's the only thing that actually brings her joy now a days like stealling when she first started with stealling loaves of bread and pick pocketing wallets.
@RoflsMazoy@PentagonWhite@Mega Birb
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CelticSoldier
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CelticSoldier Knight of Avalon

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elnariel watched as the girl was hoisted off the ground by what seemed to be dark tentacles. At least, it was probably a girl. He could tell by the way that the goblin appeared to be enjoying himself so much. Filthy creature.
She didn't lack for fight though, to give her something. Not one girl that Elnariel had previously known would have done any more than scream and cry and beg for mercy. It was good to see one with backbone, unlike the healer who had joined them. While she was most certainly a useful addition, he suspected that it would not take much to make her flee.
Aeolia he had heard of. A supposedly up and coming scholar, he hoped that she would provide a least some mental stimulus during this endeavour. Unfortunately, she appeared to be associated with the goblin. Apparently, she too had considerably lowered her expectations of people.
Her spirit would also be of much interest. He had read many studies in the grand library, mostly detailing their behaviour and restrictions, which appeared to vary greatly from spirit to spirit, much like human or elven capabilities, however, there was almost certainly an underlying factor, if he might observe the spirit, he might...

Keep your filthy fucking hands off me! I rather be man handled by some...

As usual, Elnariel's mind had wandered off on one of it's usual tangents. He quickly brought it back under control, focusing on the task at hand. The girl did not appear to lack spirit, and if she had evaded the guard this long, what's to stop her from evading the denizens of the old city. And if she couldn't... well, no loss to him.

"Instead of tying her up, or leave her hanging indefinitely by magical tentacles, might we instead make use of her? I'm sure she would much prefer the old city to a cell."

@The1Rolling1Boy@RoflsMazoy@PentagonWhite@TheWindel@Mega Birb@Themerlinhawk@duskshine749
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Current Location: City Guard Office

It was good to see that they were still welcoming adventurers and Kimi politely bowed her head to the voice of authority. Yet the mention of a thief around these parts made her curious and she looked at the poster Viola unrolled. The girl-at least she thought it was a girl?-on the poster looked no younger than her! Surely a child couldn’t be responsible for such malice?

In any case, she ignored that for now to focus more on the people around her group. And what a bunch they were! All sorts of shapes and sizes, though the lizard-looking man made her chuckle nervously. Sure looks didn’t define a person, but come on, he looked like a villain out of anyone here. But again, surely he wasn’t all that bad right?

Yet even as she thought that, Sagant seemed to prove her thoughts correct as he waltzed to the door and practically assaulted their target with dark tentacles. Dark tentacles of malice. Kimi gasped at the brute display; from Sagant’s apparent questioning, to their captive’s loud curses, down to the others stepping in to assist in the mayhem. Then came the mention of rope.

Kimi’s cheeks turned just a tad shade of red at the suggestion but she kept those thoughts to herself. At least Elnariel was implying a less forceful suggestion that didn’t overtly involve violence. “Can’t we just, you know, talk to her normally? Maybe give her some time to calm down first?” she said aloud before turning to their captive. "Er….you are a “her” right?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Reed was considering responding to Kreiss but decided against it when an old acquaintance had made herself known He couldn't get over how much Viola had changed since he had known her at the orphanage. She was still fairly young when he had left, he wasn't even sure she recognized him, she certainly hadn't made it known if she did. Then again there were some ways she did not change, she still had a bit of an overly idealized view of herself, but it was charming in it's own way.

Two more came and joined the group, or was it three? Did you count someones spirit companion? Reed was unsure, what he was sure of was that if they were going to try and be discreet while searching the Old City they would very likely need to split in to two groups, possibly three. They could figure out logistics later, Viola handed Kreiss a wanted poster for some thief/assassin. If she was an assassin why would she need to steal? People always needed others 'taken care of' so it wasn't hard making money from killing. Perhaps she enjoyed being entirely anonymous. Reed liked the challenge of killing a specific target, not just whoever caught his fancy, plus sometimes he brought people back alive. He remembered one time he went looking for a little girl who ran away from home, he didn't even end up charging for that job, that family was having a hard time and....

Reeds trip down memory lane was cut short as Redeye left the building, dark tentacles coming from his hands. Reed left along with the others, it seemed fortune was smiling upon them, this criminal had taken a wrong turn and was now easily in their grasp. Reed highly doubted she had anything to do with the disappearances, but perhaps she had seen something, she could be useful. Despite being paid to kill people Reed didn't enjoy killing purposelessly. It seemed a few people had their own ideas of what to do with her now. Tying her up with rope would probably be a fine idea if Sagant didn't want to use his magic, though he seemed to be having a good time. Reed didn't particularly enjoy darkness magic, when he tried learning it he just felt...wrong. Which was a shame, because he was sure it could help him with his stealth.

"I agree with...uh..." it took a second for Reed to realize he didn't know the girls name. He knew some of the others from reputation, or just seeing them around, but he knew her from neither. "Sorry, don't know your name yet, I'm Reed," he spoke to her quickly before addressing the group again, "anyways, I agree with her," he pointed at the girl, "we can at least talk like civilized people before doing anything drastic."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"What the fuck do you want me for anyways?! Can't a person walk by with a apple and stop to look at the City Guard HQ? Or is that illegal!" Chara growls squirming around more, "And for your question on my gender figure it out yourself, I don't have to tell you anything." She growls and has she squirms around she ends up kicking her shoe off because she never actually tied the laces very tightly in the first place. She continues to try to wiggle her arms free the grasp of the tentacles growing the whole time, keeping her eyes fixed on no one because she did not want to use quote on quote ability to set people's souls on fire just yet because she had no reason, none of them hurt her and it really drains her energy. She needs that energy to run away the moment they set her down but something didn't feel right about that plan.

Deep down some where in her body Chara felt as if it was wrong just to ran away. One of the people actually think she could join them. This made her laugh because that person probably doesn't know who the heck she is. He probably didn't know what horrible things she has done. Even if she does join their side she has a lot to learn about beging quote on quote good. As she is thinking all of this through ahe is laughing histarically at the idea of her joining them and being a good person, it's really implausible.
@RoflsMazoy@PentagonWhite@Mega Birb@KoL
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

While the group decided what to do with their newest "acquisition", those among them who had better eyes, or where looking at the right direction, would be able to see the another hooded person, this one very much definitely a girl, walking down the main street opposite to them. What made her appearance stick out in a crowd as eclectic as that of Aquaria was hard to tell, but certainly the girl had an aura about her that was different and sinister, in a way.

Nevertheless, her figure was obscured by a passing chariot, a moment after only the street crowd could be seen, just as normal. The meaning of this unusual sight, someone with a presence strong enough to seemingly take her apart from the whole crowd, would have to put in second plane as loud cry coming from the Guard HQ would be able to heard even from the other side of the street.

"My son, please, I can't find him anywhere... we were in the market, someone bumped in us and made me let go of his hand. When I... turned back he was not there anymore. Please, please, help me! Oh, gods, my son..." The woman cried and rumbled as a guard assisted her to the lobby, to file a report. This type of case was not uncommon in a city such as Aquaria. However, with this recent wave of kidnappings, one had to question all occurrences.

Did the culprits started to attack in broad daylight, or was it really a coincidence?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The slew of additions to the group was quite staggering, the High Priestess, the Fool, The Knight of Waves. Contemplating the group Avi’s eyes wandered from person to person. The Fool, this girl was skittish and ill equipped for this and yet such a potent card for her? Stranger things had certainly happened today. Tracking Saganat as he suddenly assailed someone on the sidewalk Avi tilted his head and watched the proceedings camly. That certainly ended the debate about where to look for the secondary bounty.

Hairs stood up on the back of his neck and The Mistarot turned to scan the crowd. Sailors around Greenwater Isle used to get a similar feeling. It was a place where even those with no magic could feel the Winds of Fate and what he felt was what they called an Ill Wind. Scanning the crowd he took the whole deck from its case. The metal cards slithered up his left arm curving to keep themselves from catching on his sleeves.

Two of the Tarot dropped neatly into his left hand as he manipulated the hilt of the curved dagger in his belt. Finally his eyes caught the figure moving through the crowd; that was until the individual vanished. The screaming made him shiver even in the sunlight. Something was wrong here and he wasn’t sure what exactly it was. Long ago Avi had learned to tell sheer blind chance from the machinations of fate. This was not blind chance.

Stepping away from the group he shot a look at them to see if anyone else had noticed. With a subtle incline of his head he moved towards the place where he’d seen the individual.

Letting the crowd flow around him like water Avi reached into his bag. Producing a skin of salt water the Stormcrack Diviner poured it into the air. Exerting his will on it Avi halted its descent and pulled it into a single floating globe. Capping the skin he set it back in his bag; with both hands free Avienus framed the water with his hands and slowly pulled the globe into a thin oval shape.

It was a lens of sorts.

Peering through it Avi let his eyes go unfocused as he started to roll back the memory of the spot searching for a face in the crowd through his lense of salt water. Without preparations there was a limit to how far back he could look but the lens could show him anything that had happened in a place in the last twenty minutes or so and from any angle so long as he moved it to look at it. It wasn’t back tracking through time so much as peering back through time through the memory of a particular place.

“Where are you...you sneaky bastard….”

@KoL@CelticSoldier @duskshine749 @PentagonWhite @TheWindel
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Current Location: City Guard Office

“It’s Kimi,” she said to the man who called himself Reed. She didn’t think too much of it since she really hadn’t introduced herself to the group. If anything, she was just thankful someone had listened to her advice and was taking heed of it. Unfortunately, their captive was making it difficult to cooperate. Even when Kimi was only trying to help, the thief continued to fight.

She dodged the flying shoe and continued to look at their captive with concern. It was evident they had a lot of rage built up in their system and lashing out was apparently the best method of communication. “Please, we’re only trying to help. Calm down so we can figure this out. No one has to get hurt,” she said, hoping her words would have some kind of effect.

But whatever she was going to say next was halted by a shuddering aura that had taken grip of her heart. Frozen in place, she turned around to wonder where the source was; she was too late in noticing the hooded girl. What did catch her attention were the truly heart-wrenching screams of a woman in plight. She was mourning the loss of her son, led further into the building and passing by the group. Was that the source of the dark aura she had felt?

She noticed that one of their group was scanning the crowd for….something outside. Good. If he had seen something, he would need to follow up on it. Leaving him to that role, she hurried over to the weeping woman and smiled gently.“Hello there. I’m here to help,” she said simply and trying to be as approachable as possible. She followed up with, “Do you remember where your son was seen last?”

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CelticSoldier
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CelticSoldier Knight of Avalon

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elnariels gaze was fixed upon their unexpected prisoner, still slightly chaffed that the goblin was the first of them to prove useful. Beginners luck, no doubt. The others would soon see that he was nothing but a little monster with a few tricks and not very many charms.
One of his watchers had to practically wave to get his attention, and then gestured in the direction of the market place. By the time Elnariel turned, there was nothing there, the most prominent item a large chariot that was passing down the street. He turned furiously towards the man who had gestured, but before he could do anything else, an anguished cry came from the crowd.
My son, please, I can't find him anywhere...

He doubted it was anything of consequence, though of course the healer went over immediately to the woman. A foolish move, anyone with foresight could see that it would be of no use, as when you lose something, you by definition have no idea where it is! Still, he should not be too harsh. Good people were hard to find these days, perhaps harder than trained killers, though those were far more useful.
He indicated for two of his men to search for whatever the first had seen. If they found the boy also, that would be a bonus. If they found nothing, he was going to have to have a very stern word with the fool whom anyone with a pair of eyes would have noticed gesturing.
I am surrounded by idiots he thought.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

When their captive seemed to have descended in to madness and hysterical laughter was when Reed decided to stop paying her any mind. He had dealt with crazy people in the past and they were may more work than it was usually worth to try and get information or cooperation out of them. It was at that moment there seemed to be a tone shift in the air, Reed turned and his eyes landed on a girl in a hood. Obviously there was something about her, there were plenty of people in hoods in Aquaria, none of them particularly stood out, but for some reason this one did. Just as quickly as he had seen this girl she was gone, a chariot moved in front of her and she had disappeared. Someone with such a presence was no one ordinary, Reed had the feeling his path would cross with hers once more.

The scene was broken by a woman shouting about her son who had just gone missing. Were the two events connected? He wasn't sure, but seeing Kimi going to try and help the woman Reed felt comfortable investigating the spot where the mysterious girl disappeared. It seemed he wasn't the only one in his party to notice this strange figure, Avi's cards were reacting and he was heading to the spot as well. It also seemed that Elnariel had at least noticed Avi's gesture for those who wished to follow. Reed went after Avi and stayed quiet as he did his divining, he knew the difference silence could make when trying to concentrate. He silently investigated the area but doubted he'd find much, Reed found when people seemingly vanished in to thin air they didn't leave much behind if they knew what they were doing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Fine whatever... Just put me down and I'll answer any questions I'm willing to asnwer." She sighed looking down at the ground and fists tightly clenched. She watched as people left the group, she didn't think much of it she is just some theif who was standing outside of the City Guard HQ, she honestly didn't know what they would do with her now. She has no background on being nice to people and showing positive emotions to people without being sarcastic about them. She sighed and waited to be set down. She was already pretty weak from her previous fighting, Chara thought it would be better for her to be on the ground and half way give up.
@duskshine749@CelticSoldier@TheWindel@RoflsMazoy@PentagonWhite@Mega Birb
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sagant "Redeye" Reikus

With all the commotion flying around him, the cursing person in his current grasp, and hooded woman appearing in the crowd. Things were, quite simply, becoming hectic before they even got near their destination. Having heard every argument around him, the goblin decided that this thief wasn't really his problem, mostly since he didn't have a bag of gold in his hand yet despite apprehending him... or her. "Tell you what, kid. I'll set you down on your word, you're not really a threat to me or anyone I care about, truth be told. But if you wrong one more person and I hear about it..." He chuckled to himself as the tentacles tightened dramatically for a single, horrifying moment, then dropped the androgynous human to the ground. This was the warning they would get from him, and a second one would likely not come. The tendrils writhed while they receded back into his hands, not unlike a fish sliding down the throat of a hungry bird. Following this, he took the butcher's knife from inside his cloak and turned the point on his finger, the hilt held loosely in his right hand. "I know you'll hate me for suggesting it, Aeolia, but we could use a rogue in this motley crew. It's a shame a career criminal must take the place, but they've avoided capture until now. Can't be too bad at the job." He gave it another glance and tossed it back to the owner, a simple lob that would have the weapon land right beside their grounded figure.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but shoot a mocking glance at Elnariel when he turned his back, getting the feeling that he was only slightly envious of the power he had displayed at a moment's notice. A spell of such a caliber, while not overly complex, usually required some amount of build up before being released on someone non-lethally. To Sagant, it was a spell he used daily for various, trivial purposes. As for the hooded woman, that wasn't exactly what was written in the contract he had signed on, and would rather leave someone less apathetic, or more gullible, to this cause. "Something rubs me wrong about this, Aeolia. Either way, how's the research been coming on your latest escapade?" He crossed his arms and stood waiting for either a response or a fight to break out with that shady woman. Which ever came first, really.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kreiss Stahl

"Oh cool, here's your apple back." Kreiss sad, tossing the half-eaten apple high in the air. "Unless that is you feel like something else right now, I've got a bunch of options..."

He dropped his backpack and started rummaging through it. He had several spare provisions from the night before. He started taking them out to offer them to Chara, and also because he was getting a little hungry himself.

"I've got some dried meat, bread, cheese, fresh apples..." He said, taking them out one at a time and juggling to keep them up.

By the time he was done; he was juggling 2 apples, a small wedge of cheese, 3 bread (just bread), a small hunk of beef jerky; a small knife to cut it all with and he was still rummaging through his bag with his foot. He was juggling the collection of items without much effort, he wasn't even actually paying attention to it all.

"I think that's everything... Oh right!" He said, extracting his foot and remembering he was also in mixed company.

He turned around but everyone else had suddenly disappeared. He quickly scanned the area and saw them all going off doing something or other. They were still mostly nearby but he was still a little confused.

"Eh, whatever." He said, turning back around to address the company he still had left. "Sagant, you want any either?"

@Mega Birb@The1Rolling1Boy
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chara gasped for air when he tightened his grip around her with hus tentacle before dropping to the ground and wincing from the pain that shit through her has she landed. She slowly sat up, grabbing her dagger then putting it back in it's holster on her thigh under her pants not noticing someone thowing her applr back and just ignores it all to together. She looked over this other person who decided to start taking out food and juggling it while offering it to her. She sighed and closed her eyes, "My name is Chara" She said with a stern voice the words crisp and clear. She slightly started regretting to tell them her name because what if they could tie that to one of her crimes and murders, but she just shrugged it off, "What's your name juggler?"
@RoflsMazoy@Mega Birb
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I... I don't know. One moment I was with my hand clasped to his and then a man with a large hat hit us. I could see he had a scar or two on his face and talked like a sailor, very gruff." The woman replied to Kimi's question, breaking out in tears every now and then before continuing. "H-he had a big basket, maybe... is smelled of raw fish, mackerel, I think... After he apologized I noticed that... that my son wasn't with me and... when I looked around... Oh god, what could have happened to him? Please, please, help me! I can pay you all I have, but please give me back my son..." Was all the dark-haired, woman was able to produce, before tears got the best of her.

Whether those who went to talk to her would try talk to the guards again, press her, or extort money from her tragedy, or go back to the others, was left to be seen.

Meanwhile, Avienus' divination would let he see not what he was looking for, but a much more disturbing scene. A tall man, or so it looked like, wearing a traveler's coat and hood covering a boy's mouth and rendering the child unconscious, before shoving him on a large basket, under a false bottom that looked to be covered with fish. The man left the basket on the floor where one with a large brim hat caught it and walked away, toward a cart with many other baskets like that, after the cart made it away toward the old docks, the vision faded.

Likewise, Reed's senses would notice a trail of not very old fish blood running down the street on that direction (of the old port), as well. And, on the very distance, almost to the opposite direction, a quick scan of his eyes would show the hooded girl walking to the upper parts of the city, the shining Noble's Quarter. A flap of a bird's wing on the railing of the buildings over them would reveal a raven, which cawed lazy as it sought the sun's warmth, spreading it's black wings. When Reed's view would come back to the street, the girl as far away, turning a corner that would lead her to the Cathedral of the Gods, which resided on the Noble's Quarter, adjacent to the biggest cemetery in Aquaria.

Just like with the other part of the party, what they would do with this knowledge was up to them to decide.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Current Location: City Guard Office

Perhaps it was best to leave the one healer among them to deal with the hysterical woman. After all, it already took enough patience and diligence to dabble in Light Magic so for a healer, calming this woman down would be an easy enough task in theory. Kimi nodded, waving her hand at the mention of money while also flashing the kindest smile she could muster.

“Please, there’s no need for that. I can’t speak for the rest of my comrades, but I do this because I want to help people like you. Anyway, can you tell me more about this man with the fish? When he spoke to you, did he mention a name at all?” Kimi asked. Of course, they had all they needed for a physical description but knowing a direct source name helped out too.

Even so, the woman’s story chilled her a bit. Someone was out kidnapping children, of that there was no delay in thinking. Were the hooded girl and this man working together? Or was the girl maybe using the man and he wasn’t aware of it? They couldn’t point fingers just yet….

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Avi bit his lip as he played back the scene and shook the water from his hands. This seemed like an unrelated problem but then again perhaps not. There had been no signs of the woman from earlier but something told him he had not seen the last of her. With a twist of his hands in two counter concentric circles he collapsed the lense. At this point he knew exactly where to go and who to look for. The magic had done what it was suppose to do. Not only that but assuming this was related to the kidnappings that meant they had a means for how it had been done in the past.

The two perpetrators had seemed as though they knew what they were doing which would seem to suggest that they had done such a thing before and that their was some sort of organization to the whole affair. Avi waited patiently for Reed to finish what he was doing. Absently Avienus drew the deck of cards at his waist and fanned them running his right them over them.

One of the cards caught.

The hairs on the back of Avi’s neck stood on end as he looked down at the card. This was the kind of Omen that Diviners dreaded and he had only scene the card appear once before.

“Reed, we should hurry up and get the others. I know where the kid went but things are about to get ugly.”

The Tower

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