Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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The witches let out cute innocent smiles as the queen mentioned them keeping secrets. They giggled a little before suddenly holding each other’s hands and they spun a few times.” Of course we have secrets~” Vala replied.” Chalsea has secrets~” Sala replied before they finally stopped spinning and looked at Adalia with childish smiles.” You have secrets~!” They added in unison, before nodding, pretty confident they had proven their point on the matter.

When Adalia mentioned brining them sweets, the girls’ eyes lit up like Adalia just told them the best news they’ve ever heard. They started blushing with smiles and nodding and then they tilted their heads at the mention of the special thing she was going to give them. They each made a pondering expression before shrugging.” Fine~” Vala replied and spun around her sister.” It will be our secret~” Sala added and caught her sister’s arm, bringing her to a stop.” We will see you tomorrow, Adalia!” They said with almost singing voice as they ran back towards the market place and vanished from sight in their way back to their housing and their rooms.

“Hmmm…?” Chalsea suddenly made a rather cute waking up and questioning sound as her sweet sleep and probably dreams were disturbed by Adalia. It took a little before the nomad was even able to open her eyes.” Wha…?” She mumbled, narrowing her eyes and pulling a hand to protect them from the moonlight that was currently bathing her. She groaned a few times as she forced herself to blink and basically restart her higher brain functions.

“Adalia…?” She asked, trying to focus on who was trying to wake her up from her nice slumber.” It is you.” Chalsea added with a smile, reaching over and placing her hand on Adalia’s for a few seconds before she blinked once more, looking about the place and then up at the moon.” Wha…” She said in confusion.

“Oh my…” The mercenary leader said in panic as she almost jumped on her feet, realizing the situation.” It’s past midnight!” She stated in shock.” We had an agreement!!! I’m so sorry, I must have fell asleep!” She started to apologize, feeling really bad about it. Adalia had arranged for their nightly walk around the city and she as the fool she was fell asleep!” I must have drifted off when I came to take a breather from all the alcohol fumes in the air around the marketplace… I’ve been running on spare energy since we headed here… cause I had to set an example for the troops…” Chalsea said, realizing she let her fatigue catch up with her and ruin the nice evening plans they had.

“Damn it… I screwed up again.” She stated in grumble, angry at herself for this huge failure. There went what could pretty much have been her first date basically in years.’ Great going, Chalsea now you made bad impression.’ She thought to herself and looked at Adalia.

“I really have no words good enough to apologize for this…” She said and sighed.” And I was even looking so much towards to it…” Chalsea added as she patted her dress here and there to dust it off from all the sitting on the ground. Her hair was still giving off silver moonlight glitters.

“Adalia, I promise that I will find a way to make it up to you for tonight.” She promised with almost pleading voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adalia watched as the two witch children agreed to her offer. She was glad that she could make the girls happy with the sweets and their own little secret. She didn’t want to go behind Chalsea’s back, but she had learned that human curiosity almost always ended in a bad situation, and she wasn’t sure if Chalsea would be able to keep her hands off the mana shards. The problem wasn’t that Adalia thought Chalsea wouldn’t understand, the problem was that she knew the mana shards weren’t too kind on those that didn’t have a lot of experience with magic, but the exact effects of the shards on those people, was unclear, and she didn’t want to bring Chalsea in a bad health state because of her curiosity. So if the witches could keep the mana shards to themselves, then she didn’t mind giving it to them, besides, they might reveal more secrets of the mana shards than she had been able to so far. She would keep looking into the mana shards though, as they held great potential to really help the world evolve. But until she was sure that they had some permanent results, she would keep them hidden from the rest of the world, at least for as long as she could until someone broke in, leaked the information or in other ways discovered the secret.

Now she was with Chalsea, and it seemed that she had managed to wake up the sleeping Chalsea. Though the situation turned out quite differently than what Adalia had had in mind. She hadn’t expected Chalsea to feel bad, as she understood that she was tired and the whole apologizing scene and Chalsea getting angry at herself frankly caught Adalia off guard. For a moment, she didn’t know what to do or say, but she quickly came up with something, hoping that it would be good enough to calm Chalsea down. She stood up so that she wasn’t crouching anymore, as Chalsea had raised herself to stand up as well, and smiled at her, shaking her head softly. “It’s okay, I’m tired too. You don’t have to make it up to me in any way, it was probably a bit too much to ask of you to come tonight, since you have exhausted your body as much as you have. I should have remembered that you needed rest, you and your men, but sometimes I forget that mortal bodies gets exhausted faster than my own.” She smiled. “I don’t always have to sleep at night, and I don’t have to eat or drink every day to survive, I can, but I don’t have too, so I sometimes forget how other people live.” She said with a small nod. “It’s my fault entirely for not letting you rest properly. Come; let’s go back to the mansion so that you can get a good night’s rest.” She smiled. It would be too late for them to go for the walk now, as Chalsea had said she was okay with starting the training the next day, and since it was already 1 AM now, and Chalsea was exhausted, it was best to go back and get some sleep.

She pulled up her dress at the right side, all the way up to her mid-thigh, where the glove was strapped on. Her skin was smooth as milk, and hairless. She did have some markings though, in the form of stars. Five black ones in a circle on her right thigh, and the same on her left, though Chalsea would only be able to see the ones on her left thigh, as that was where the glove was. She then unstrapped the glove and pulled her dress down again softly. She looked to Chalsea with a smile and handed it to her “Here you go. This was my special item for you. I explained about it yesterday, and I hope you’ll give it a try. But remember, if you don’t like the feeling, don’t use it, as the effects might turn from positive to negative in that case. Only if you embrace the feeling and enjoy it, will it be positive.” She smiled. Once Chalsea had taken it, if she wanted to have it, Adalia started to lead her out of the alley. She could feel that she had been drinking quite a lot of wine this evening, but it was okay, she didn’t have anything major planned for the next few days, other than perhaps watching the training session that Chalsea was going to start up.

As they walked back towards the mansion now, Adalia looked up to the stars “Chalsea, you’re too hard on yourself. Not just before when you woke up, but in general. The way you live your life and the way you try to act, it’s straining your soul, body and mind. You have to take care of yourself darling, or you might end up going insane.” She said. “Look at the stars. They don’t worry, they don’t pressure themselves, what they do, is nothing more than they have to, and nothing less than they have too. They simply show up every night, and shine their light onto the world, alongside the moon and the moonlight. You should try to change your ways to be more like the stars. I know that you might have been too late to save us if you had been more like the stars, but seeing how you treat yourself, pressure yourself to achieve great things, tells me that you will someday, break down your own body, soul and mind. If I was your doctor, I would tell you to refrain from doing anything for the next month, but I also know that someone with your spirit would be unable to sit still and do nothing for that long.” She smiled, now turning her head towards Chalsea. “But appreciate what you have, relax in what you do and don’t push yourself too much. Those are the wisest words and advice I can share with you.” She smiled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“I guess…” Chalsea said quietly as the queen tried to convince her there was no need for apologies on the matter, that she should have taken into account the exhaustion of the nomad woman and her men. It made Chalsea let out a nice soft smile, glad that the other woman wasn’t angry for the destroyed plans for this evening.” You are right… tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” She agreed and nodded as the training session was going to start then. She had promised and already arrange it with some of her veteran soldiers so there was no way to reschedule it.

The Nomad then rose an eyebrow as she noticed the other woman lift her skirt on the right leg, revealing her tight. Chalsea couldn’t exactly stop looking until Adalia unstrapped the glove from her tight. It was then that the nomad realized what she was doing and pulled her sight away.’ What are you doing, Chalsea!?’ She screamed in her mind, trying to calm herself. She was acting like a teenager whenever around Adalia for some reason! Hell she needed more training it seems, that would calm her.

Brining her thoughts once more under control she carefully took the glove almost as if afraid she’d damage it and examined it.” So this is the glove you told me about earlier?” She asked, wondering what exactly this seemingly normal glove would do. Then again it was a magical glove so the effects that the queen explained earlier were quite possible. It wasn’t often one got to receive magical artifacts that would boost one’s abilities with seemingly no drawbacks.

“You know, to the north sometimes they use similar items… There are those called berserkers to the north. The crazed warriors of the Nords. Very dangerous foes who’s rage fills them so much they lose themselves to it. Some are born with that innate ability to give themselves to the rage, some do it through special… substances like mushrooms and so forth. Thing is that they sometimes have these magical pelts that boost one’s abilities in exchange for their minds. Which while normally a huge drawback, for a berserker, who’s mind is already swallowed by the rage, turns it into one of the most terrifying thing I’ve seen on the battlefield.” She recalled and put the glove on top of her palm to just check if it would fit her first.” So this does the same thing without the mind losing effect? I will try it later.” She added.

“I don’t have the right to not worry and pressure myself.” Chalsea eventually said with a sigh.” I’m the leader of a warband, that’s a lot of responsibility, Adala.” The mercenary said, rubbing her eyes a little and then yawning for a brief moment.” Without it’s leader a warband would crumble in a moment. Those men are mercenaries, each is individual and each fight in his own way. They are different from an army. The army has regulations and standards there is a clear chain of command, but in a warband the moment a leader dies, unless the vicecaptain is good enough to hold all the group together, the whole thing falls apart. Currently my second in command doesn’t have the abilities and skill to lead them all. I manage everything about my group so I’m obligated to push myself in order to keep it going.” She explained, not really even a sound of regret or displease in her voice. She liked her life despite how much pressure on her health it sometimes gave her.” Still even this is nothing in comparison to have the responsibility on an entire kingdom on your shoulders, so I just do what I can.” She added.

“Besides I do relax!” She suddenly added and swung her hand around as if she held her waraxe.” I relax during battles! It’s the perfect way to just kick back, stop worrying about logistics and just kick the living hell out of anything that has the bad idea to get in your way!” Chalsea exclaimed with an almost childish glee about it.” Nothing better than a good old fight! In the end I simply love my job~!” She was then just about to try to put on the glove when a spark of electricity between it and her ring struck, causing her to jolt.” OUCH!”

“Huh… seems my ring doesn’t like that glove…” She said, throwing a look between the two.” I will try it later in my room, when I take off the ring then.” She added.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adalia listened as they walked towards her mansion. “It’s quite fascinating that someone can use their own rage to become stronger, even if they do lose their minds.” She said with a small nod. “I have heard of it and seen it before, but I didn’t know much about it. I understand it a bit better now after you have explained it. But since it also takes their minds away, it seems like it’s a trade. Keep your control, but gain no powers, or let go of your control, and gain a lot of power.” She said. She thought it was interesting how people could use different ways to get stronger, but of course, she didn’t like when there were downsides to it. She knew that only in a perfect world, would it be possible to gain something without giving something, and even though her invented gloves did just that, it had taken a long time and a lot of experimentation to construct them and make sure they functioned properly. This glove and the mana shards were the only inventions they had managed to finish and get to function in their desired ways, even though they didn’t know the full effect of the mana shards just yet. “Let me know what you think of it when you’ve tried it. If you don’t like it, I won’t mind taking it back again.” She said with a smile.

Adalia smiled “And I’m the leader of a city. I think I know what kind of responsibility rests on your shoulders.” She said softly. “You have a right to push yourself as hard as you want too, but you will die from pushing one day, and it won’t feel like it’s the right way to go. However, it’s not for me to tell you how to live your life, I can only speak my mind and hope that you will take some of it into consideration.” She smiled. “I would hate to see you go down because of your health.” She moved her arms behind her own back gently, folding her hands together there as they walked. “Just remember that most people should always have time to experience life to the fullest. I know you don’t have a family or anyone special, or you wouldn’t have been able to come as fast as you did to help us, and I’m not saying you need to have that, but even someone like you, needs something to relieve yourself from the stress sometimes.” Adalia looked over at her and gave her a small wink. She wasn’t a woman who spoke directly what was on her mind, especially not when it came to privacy pleasure, in this case, sexual pleasure. She didn’t mean that Chalsea had to have a man or a woman to go to bed with, but the feeling of letting go and feel the waves of pleasure coming through your body, was healthy, and Chalsea had to remember to get that feeling once in a while. Though Adalia was unsure whether or not Chalsea actually was interested in those kinds of feelings and acts, but she supposed that someone like her, a warrior and a tough one, could like those moments a lot, especially if it was on the wild side.

She shook her head a bit, clearing her minds of those thoughts now before she looked at her again, giggling a little at how Chalsea now swung her imaginary waraxe to show that she relaxed in combat. “Well it depends on what kind of battle you are fighting. Some battlefields do require planning on logistics, but I get what you mean, and I suppose it’s a good way for a warband to relieve some stress once in a while.” She smiled at her. Whether or not it would be healthy in the long run, Adalia wasn’t sure about, but if Chalsea wanted to do it like that, then she wouldn’t get in her way, she just hoped she wouldn’t get herself killed because she relaxed too much during a battle, and not having thought about the consequence of her actions. She looked to Chalsea’s hand as the ring rejected the glove. It was a bit odd, but she supposed some magical items naturally wouldn’t like each other, so there was no reason to worry because of that. “Just try it when you have time, and let me know what you think of the effects.” She smiled.

Now they were finally at the mansion and once they got inside, Rose Tyre was passing through the entrance hall. She stopped up with a cup of tea in her hands, dressed in a black nightgown that went down to her knees. She smiled at Adalia “Welcome home Milady. Thank you again for letting me stay here.” She smiled, giving a small courtesy. Then she looked to Chalsea “Welcome back Ms. Chalsea, don’t let me keep you here.” She said to them both, and walked off into the living room of the mansion. She was a beautiful woman as well, it seemed that the White Stone City had a lot of those walking around, and right now, there were two of them in the same mansion, Adalia and Rose Tyre. Of course, Adalia thought, Chalsea was beautiful as well, but she wasn’t a citizen of the White Stone City, so she didn’t count that into the thought. Adalia looked to Chalsea with a smile “She will live here from now on as well. A long story, one that I do not wish to share, as it is her privacy. But she is a good woman.” She smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I will go to my room and shower before I get some rest. You should do the same.” She smiled at Chalsea. With that, she walked up the stairs in the entrance hall, her hips swaying alluringly but naturally, as she walked up the stairs and down the hall to her own room. Inside, she walked to her own private bathroom, the one that Chalsea and Adalia had shared was also a private one, but it was bigger and not in Adalia’s room, and undressed. She sat down in the bathtub, lit a few candles next to her and enjoyed the warm bath soaking her skin. After about an hour, she was finished with everything; bathing, cleaning and drying, and was lying in her own bed with dark blue silk sheets and covers, and in a light purple night gown and panties. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to sleep, but at least she could now relax in the bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Ahhh...” Chalsea made a slightly startled and puzzled sound as the queen brought the ideas of having someone special. It was not that the nomad didn't want to, but she never really got to meet the right person. She naturally had lovers both men and women through the years, but nothing serious beyond a meeting or two after she and her men would save a city or village. She also had this really strict rule to not get involved with people from her warband. That never ended well, she had done it once and ended with having to kill the man. Not that she loved him or anything, they just had mutually benefiting sexual relationship to relieve stress. He tried to push his weight around the command of the warband with their relationship as excuse. After an argument that ended with a duel to the death...' Yep... better not having relationships with a warband member!' She reminded herself once more.

“I guess it's been almost an year now since I last had someone like that for even a little while.” She eventually admitted with a sigh and looked at the queen. She was a beautiful woman and Chalsea found it harder and harder to not find herself attracted to her. Especially after this talk about partners. The mercenary wondered if she should mention her attraction towards her, but decided it was best to not do that. After all she had just destroyed their evening walk plans. The nomad still was angry at herself for that failure on her part and the missed basically date with Adalia.

“Well true, but even during battles requiring logistics, tactics and precise orders of the men, it's still fun. You know the feeling of adrenaline surge through the body, the high caused by everything during a battle. The ability to allow one's self to focus entirely on the fights and all. I guess I am a little of a fighting addict, but can't help it. Still I do suppose I should find me a companion even for a time at least.” She added with a sigh and looked about the place before looking up.” After we are done training your men, I will be bringing my warband to the orc territories.” She said and nervously started playing with a lock of her golden hair.” I need to find out why they are so active again and preferably destroy the threat before it escalates beyond control.” She explained.

“I will give it a test when I get to my room later.” She replied with a smile, throwing a look at the purple ring on her finger. It was unusual for it to react like that. So far she had used it with other magical items, but it never reacted like this before. It was usually only barriers it gave such negative reactions with. She was actually a little unsure of taking it off. Her father made her swear never to do it, but she wanted to also try this glove. Besides in the middle of a heavily walled city right after they threw the enemy army in full retreat there wasn't really much danger.' I will do it for a few minutes. Nothing bad would happen.' She though with a smile, happy that she received something from Adalia. She hoped that tomorrow she could show the queen her thoughts about the glove and preferably a good opinion about it!

After that Chalsea continued her walk with Adalia to her mansion. The nomad felt this almost like a end of a date or something where she escorts her partner to their home. This though it felt differnet from the other times. This one felt nice and she felt herself smiling the entire way to Adalia's home as they walked and simple talked. She enjoyed spending her time talking with the queen. She was a good nice person. Finally when they were at Adalia's mansion, Chalsea felt herself feeling a pint of regret that their time together for the night ended, but she knew that they would meet tomorrow again and have more chances to talk, so she didn't let herself feel completely down about it.

Chalsea then nodded at Rose as she met them inside the mansion. The nomad barely rememebred the woman, she thought she saw her during the ceremony earlier. So she was living here now? She smiled at her as the woman made her way towards whatever she was going to do now.

“I see, she does look like a good person.” The nomad said with a smile and looked at the queen.” You really have a huge and kind heart, you know.” She added and made a brief courtesy as she lightly bowed to the queen.” Thank you for the night even though it didn't go as we planned.” Chalsea said with a smile.” Have a good night, Adalia.” She wished her as the other woman went her way.

Finally she was alone again as she started to walk her way back to the housing of her warband. The city was queit and even then she felt no danger while walking about the empty streets. It was completely different from many other cities she had visited in the past. This was peaceful place, ruled by a fair queen and it's citizens were obviously nice people too. It didn't take the nomad long before she finally reached the building and enter her room. The housing was also quiet as all her men were taking their deserved rest after the long days of travel and battles.

For her surprise Chalsea found the two witches sleeping in her bed. She smiled and shook her head pleasant surprise. They always did that, claiming it calmed them when they were with their big sister. She sighed and walked over to the nearby table, where she placed the glove first then quickly took of her dress. Then pulling a small leather ribbon, she tied her long blond hair in a tail so it doesn't get too messy while she sleeps. Finally she carefully slipping her ring of her finger and took the glove once more, putting it on.

At first she felt nothing and she looked about the place, but didn't really notice any difference. Finally she shrugged and decided she might as well sleep with the glove and maybe it's effects would trigger in the meantime. With that she quickly walked over to the bed, laid down and extended and arm to hug the two witches. It felt nice having siblings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The following morning, Adalia had woken up and gotten dressed in her royal battle uniform again. She wasn’t going to actually participate in the training, but she wanted to be prepared in case the Orcs wanted to return to try and conquer them again. She didn’t expect that the Orcs would be coming back so soon, but since this was a whole new tactic from the Orcs, it was better to be safe than sorry in the long run. While she was still in the mansion, though standing at the doors leading outside, Roes Tyre came down from the first floor, also dressed in her white battle uniform. She gave a soft smile to Adalia “It seems we both have the same idea.” She said with a smile. “I’d rather not be taken by surprise if the Orcs should come again.” She said. Adalia could see that behind that smile Rose put on, sadness and thirst for revenge was boiling and moving around. She understood why Rose felt like that, the Orcs had killed her only family member, but Adalia hoped that she could get Rose to forget about it in time. Adalia gave her a soft smile “I’d be pleased if they didn’t attack us again, but it seems that in these strange times, we never know what’ll happen.” She said softly. She wondered if Orcs and war was the only thing that these new times would bring, or if there was more brewing in the world. She sometimes felt that there was an energy somewhere out in the world, that felt much like her own, but most of the time she dismissed it as an illusion because she was immortal and she might be searching too strongly for a sign, which created a false sign instead of a real one. She shrugged the thoughts out of her head for now and focused back on Rose. “If you’d like to join me, you’re welcome to follow me outside the castle walls. The soldiers will be training there with Chalsea and her warband. We’ll see how the training effects the soldiers that wishes to participate.” She said. Rose nodded a bit “I’d like that. However, I won’t participate myself. I have my own methods of training.” She smiled.

With that, they left the mansion and walked through the city until they reached the gates that led outside. Adalia was still thinking about what came through her mind the last night though, that she knew Rose from somewhere, or had seen her somewhere else, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Rose was walking next to Adalia and while Adalia was lost in her own thoughts about Rose, Rose was lost in her thoughts about Adalia. ‘I know her, Adalia, I remember her from somewhere. She is known as the immortal Queen. I have managed to stay hidden so far and my brother, though not blood-related, was the only one who knew the truth about me. But how much does Adalia remember? It seems she doesn’t remember anything at all, whereas I remember surroundings, cities, places that I haven’t seen in this world.’ She thought to herself. She had gotten close to Adalia, and perhaps it had been a plan of hers for longer than she realized herself. She hadn’t actually planned on getting to live in Adalia’s mansion, she hadn’t even planned on getting to know her, but maybe part of her subconscious had taken advantage of her brother’s death, to get close to Adalia without making herself realize it, until now. She sighed a little and moved her so that she was looking straight again. They were now standing outside of the gates, having walked a bit faster than both of them realized while they had been lost in their thoughts.

All of Adalia’s soldiers were gathered outside on the Steppes, and it was really all of her soldiers. None of them had been forced to take the training, but they had still all shown up of their own free will. Adalia smiled at the sight and even Rose had to admit that it was rather impressive that all the soldiers had shown up by themselves. Adalia wasn’t sure if Chalsea had arrived yet, but the sun was up and beaming down hot on everyone outside the city walls. No soldier was wearing the special gloves anymore, they had all used them long enough to having their senses sharpened permanently and without any damage. “It’s an amazing sight. To see all those white shining armors and soldiers, ready to become stronger to protect the White Stone City.” Rose said with a small admiration in her voice. Adalia nodded “It is indeed an amazing sight, one that we should treasure in our memories, as we don’t know when we will ever get to see something like this again, unless it’s before going into battle, in which case, the beauty might be taken out of the scene.” She said, still smiling to herself a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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In the morning, Chalsea woke up when the two younger girls had woken up and started tickle and poke her sides. They seemed to find it funny and Chalsea sure found it really funny when she returned their tickling in kind. They had a good laugh about it, then they spend a little while just doing their morning routines. Out there on the road the morning routines were kind of almost skipped over. They’d wash their faces and so on, but here they spend the full time, washing up, dealing with their hairs. It was frankly a good deal of work, especially considering Chalsea’s long beautiful blond hair. The nomad liked the witches’ hairs though. They both had short black hairs always incredibly clean and frankly jet black as raven feathers.

Finally the nomad had left the two younglings to deal with the rest of their morning routine which seemed to include putting on their make up. The two of them seemed to wear some amount of that not because they needed prettying up, no the girls were pretty already. The make up seemed only to be their for some of their strange rituals… and from what the warband leader could gather because the girls found it really funny to see peoples’ reactions whenever they’d show up with faces covered in symbols or bloody red mascara. The nomad had refused the proposal form the witches to help her with putting on some light make up. She was about to train Adalia’s soldiers today, she wasn’t supposed to wear make up or even pretty clothes right now. Instead of make up she wore her warpaint right now and instead of pretty dress she was wearing her battle armor. Her battle axe was on her back as she walked down the streets towards the gate outside which were her new trainees.

Just before she reached the gate, 4 of her veteran soldiers joined her. She had picked them for now to help her with training all of Adalia’s men. The initial stages of the training were going to be for all volunteers all at once. There were going to be more specialized training sessions later with smaller groups.” Leader, seems like you had a rather pleasant night.” One of the soldier said as she caught Chalsea smiling now and then, not to even mention the lack of any stiffness in her movement.

“Yeah, it was pleasant to be well received for a change. Also had a lot of fun myself… now stop prying into my business~” She whistled with a smirk as all the men laughed. As they exited the city, Chalsea and her men were met with the sight of the White Stone City’s army, all in combat gear and ready to receive any training they were going to be providing. The nomad smiled as she noticed Adalia and Rose also arriving soon after.

“This shall be interesting day it seems.” She said quietly under her breath, subconsciously happy that the queen was now here too. Chalsea didn’t really have the time to walk over to the queen and Rose right now as they were already quite the distance apart and the training had to start. Instead she just waved and gave a respectable nod as she turned back towards the soldiers. The glove that Adalia gave her was on her hand and it was frankly pretty easy to spot as it practically clashed with her armor on style. She still felt nothing from it though. Adalia had described it as senses boost at the least, but the nomad for some reason didn’t seem to get that effect on her. Instead her hand seemed to be a lot hotter than normal, but right now the nomad had not noticed it that yet.

“ALRIGHT MEN!” She nomad suddenly shouted in an extremely loud voice that could easily reach throughout all the soldiers standing there.” Me and your Queen struck a small agreement! I will train you all into better fighters so next time me and my men do not have to come and save your sorry asses.” She was speaking still as loudly as before and in somewhat colorful manner.” Now, for starters it’s time get you sorry states into shape! I want 5 laps around the city!” She shouted and swung her axe to indicate a direction in which they should run. The nomad knew they were in full battlegear and continued run was very tiring, but she had to see exactly how prepared those guys were. Naturally she was going to run with them and she also had a little ace up her sleeves… or two. She had talked with the witches to get a lil something, something done in advance. They had set up a small magic field just right of where the soldiers were. That’s why they were going to run to the right. When they made a round around the city, they were going to pass through the magic field which was going to cause their equipment to get heavier for a while… Ahhh the mean machinations.” NOW RUN LIKE YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT! THE LAST 100 WOULD DO 3 MORE LAPS!” She stated and started running first and ahead of everyone else to at least set them with good example.

In the meantime the two witches had started to giggle as they had also arrived just in time to witness the soldiers already running. The girls were sitting on the city wall, their legs dangling over the side. They were just behind and above Adalia and Rose, whispering something, laughing childishly and seemingly throwing flower petals in the wind.

It was around the time when the flowerpetals that were blown by the wind would reach Adalia and Rose, that a whisper reached hte two's ears." You've woken up something you shouldn't~ something fun will happen very soon~ You made her lift the seal~~ hehe" It was the young witches' voice and their whispered almost sounded like a song.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adalia noticed the whispers that came to hear ears, after Chalsea had ordered the soldiers to start running. She looked up to the witches and gave them a soft smile, her eyes changed from a light purple color, to a deep dark purple color. She had picked up on the magic the twins used to whisper to her, and used it to whisper back to them “The key to everything, is understanding, my two younglings. You will know the truth of the world, as the gates open.” A small laugh, which could have sounded like an evil laugh, ended the sentence with the two witches. Then Adalia’s eyes turned light purple again and she looked back at the soldiers, while seeming like she didn’t know what had just happened. Rose seemed to have noticed nothing as well, which was kind of strange since she was standing right next to Adalia when the whole scene played out. However, since Adalia and Rose seemed to have some sort of connection, they might have been affected by the same kind of magic or whatever had affected them. Whatever was the case, the aura that had followed the whispering back to the witches, had been full with blood thirst and desire to kill, though it was unsure if it was something she desired to do to the witches and Chalsea, or if she wanted to do it to someone, or something, else. The aura that had reached the witches though, had been a very very strong magical one, something that should have been enough to, if not scare the witches, at least worry them and get on their guard for the time being. Though the aura was now gone and Adalia and Rose was watching as their men was going through the training that Chalsea was commanding.

Adalia didn’t know what to expect from the training. She knew that her soldiers had already taken up difficult training and exercises to keep them in shape, but it seemed Chalsea thought she had some other way to train soldiers. Adalia knew that Chalsea and her warband were effective on the battlefield and it seemed like they didn’t have the same feelings holding them back, which could be a good thing. However, from the explanation that Chalsea had given Adalia about how she relaxed when she was fighting and felt free and so on, Adalia knew she didn’t want her soldiers to feel like that, exactly. What she wanted them to be better at, was reaction time and fierce powerful striking with their swords and abilities and so on, which it seemed that Chalsea did know how to improve. But only time would tell what exactly would be improved for the soldiers through this training of hers. Rose looked to Adalia with a small smile “If we get more effective, we will never lose a battle or be close to again. We will always be able to defend the White Stone City.” Adalia nodded with a small smile. “Yes, that we will. But we can’t ignore the rest of the world forever. If the Orcs are expanding their territory and abducting villagers and citizens from other kingdoms, we will have to march out one day to help others fight this war. Don’t mistake the Orcs retreat as an ending to the war, they have merely stepped back to form and regain their numbers before they move again. They might not try to take the White Stone City again, but they will certainly move to try and conquer other kingdoms and villages, to further strengthen their numbers and expand their territories even more, for whatever reason they might have.” Rose nodded a bit before she looked back out at the soldiers “Well, whatever the case may be, we will be ready to deliver a fierce battle to the Orcs, something they would never have tried to defend against before, and that will be our way of winning this war. Through surprise and strength.” Adalia shook her head a little “You are wrong. We will win this through patience, stealth and surprise. When we have those three things completely mastered, then we can deliver a strike so powerful that we will win. But as it is right now, the Orcs have something hidden that we don’t know of, something that helps them in their campaign against the rest of us, and that is why they have the upper hand at the moment.” Rose thought about that for a moment and sighed “I guess you are right, I just want to kill some of those bastards for what they did to my brother..” Adalia nodded “And you will get the chance, but you have to be patient.”

Adalia looked off into the distance now, and she could see that the clouds were getting darker. It was going to rain, and probably a good long time before they would be finished with their training, though she was sure that Chalsea did not intend to stop the training just because of a little rain. Once the soldiers had finished the laps around the city, Adalia walked over to Chalsea, leaving Rose behind where they had been standing this while time. She gave her a soft smile “It will soon rain, and it will be hard rain. Thunder will come as well. If you wish to keep training, I will let you do so. My men will not back down either, but I will have my mages set up some protective barriers around you all. The rain will come through, but the thunder will be repelled should it strike down into the earth. The Steppes are known for having many thunder strikes that hit the ground, so it is rather dangerous to be out here while the storm is going on, but I won’t stop the training because of the weather. It will just improve their chances of getting better when training in stormy weather.” She smiled. “However, I have something I need to attend too. If you wish, you can join me later for a bath once you finish your training. If you have other plans, you are welcome to carry them out before the bath as well. Just let Rose know what you would like to do, and she will give me the message. I will leave her to observe the training and report to me how it goes, as well as leave her to give me any messages there should be. I wish you the best of luck during the training.” She smiled, bowing gently to Chalsea before she turned around and walked away with those beautiful hips of hers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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The two witches were just having fun talking and whispering to the wind, weaving small spells to deliver their messages. Something interesting was set in motion because of the gift Adalia gave Chalsea and they just wanted to alert the queen to it, but the queen’s response to it, made the witches move backwards away from the edge of the wall. Sala and Vala made stressed expressions for a few moments, eyes filled with mix of fear and irritation. In the end they just held hands before vanishing into the air, returning to their room with magic. A single black feather was all that was left behind after that magic stunt they pulled. A form of teleportation, a feat that required a rather good understanding of their magic. “ She’s a danger…” Vala said to her sister, taking a deep breath.” Shhh… we aren’t to get involved into that, you know that.” Sala replied, pulling a waterskin and giving it to Vala. The witches then relaxed slightly before smirking again.” Well it’s all fine… she’s scary, but so is Chalsea… Soon she will wake up.” They said in unison, feeling their magic in the distance taking hold as the soldiers would run a lap over it and their equipment get heavier by the lap.

Meantime back outside the walls, Chalsea did notice that the witches had left when the first lap was done and she did feel her equipment get heavier as she could see it happen on the faces of the soldiers behind her. She knew what thoughts were running through their heads, wondering what had happened. It was fine actually. Simply put this part of the training was more about the force of will than anything. As their equipment got heavier their bodies would quickly lose the ability to continuesly sustain the ability to carry the armors and weapons while running. By the end of the fourth lap, they’d by having problems to even walk. So the fifth lap would feel like a death march where it really shows who has the willpower needed to see things through completely.

Still while running, Chalsea seemed to lose track of the growing heat spreading through her body. When the first heavy enchantment took place, she felt a slight gag at the back of her throat, but mostly ignored it. She was usually able to make 5 laps with no troubles by this point… after the first she shouldn’t be having issues, but the issues were there. She just refused to believe them and act upon them.

“Ahh queen Adalia, of course. I had planned to ask the witches deal with the lightning, but they seem to have left so I will have to trouble you with it. The rain though is part of the challenge on this test.” Chalsea stated as she slowed down running so Adalia could keep up with her and talk without much issues.” Yes, I would love to join you after the training session. After the running laps, there will be a few other things needed to be taken care of, but I will see you after that.” She said with a huge bright happy smile. The nomad couldn’t help it. She just felt happy when she met with Adalia.

As the queen left, Chalsea couldn’t help herself and followed her disappearing frame as she ran. She was a beautiful attractive woman and Chalsea had already realized she did feel attracted towards her. For first time in forever, she felt truly attracted to someone and not just some mindless need for venting up pent up stress.

“Well time for us to continue these laps then!” Chalsea shouted as the running continued. With each lap the armors and weapons got heavier until at lap four they were so heavy that the soldiers would feel like they are running with lead on their backs. Their lungs would be burning, head maybe spinning. Some would feel like throwing up while some would be having difficulty keeping up running pace. The rain had also finally settled to a downpour at the running soldiers as the lightnings were redirected away from the giant running group.

The most unusual thing that had happened was something that Chalsea’s few men, who were taking part of the training as her helpers, noticed. Her face had turned rather pale. Her walk was getting rather uncertain as she did continue to run and they were starting to have concerns about it. She was not someone to crack under this test just yet. Usually she was like that if she was doing 7 laps, not 5. She had just taken her first steps past the magic heavy enchant field. The mud was making their running difficult, but everyone would come to a halt as suddenly Chalsea who up until now was running on the front suddenly came to a struggling walk then she stopped and dropped her axe.

Next she brought her arms to her mouth for a moment before she suddenly threw up. She managed to hold for a few moments before she finally took a half step back and fell onto the ground, the raining cleaning her from all the mud and grime from the long run.

“GET SOME HEALERS!!!” Some of Chalsea’s men shouted as they dashed to their leader to help.” HER BODY IS BURNING UP!” One said as he barely touched her fore head and brought his fingers away.” Like… REALLY BURNING UP! So much it hurts to touch!” He added, pulling a piece of cloth, letting it get wet in the downpour and placed it on her forehead.” WHERE’S THAT HEALER! Nevermind, tell him we are coming to him! You two help me carry the boss! ALSO GET THE WITCHES!” He shouted as two more of her men came to help carry her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adalia had gone back to her mansion and down into the basement. Underground, was where she was doing magical experiments with her mages and witches and of course the experiments were dangerous, but she never did anything that was morally wrong or anything like that, she always tried to be careful with everything they did, and they never experimented on live creatures of any kind. They used wild plant life and whatever they could find that could work as a platform for whatever experiment they were doing, but they wouldn’t risk a life of any kind. The big room she was inside now, had a large bright blue crystal in the middle, hovering above a hole in the floor that seemed to go on forever, at least you couldn’t see the bottom or hear anything you threw into it, hit the ground, which meant it was deep, very deep. This crystal was the largest experiment they had going on, while there were worktables around the rest of the room with other smaller experiments, such as equipment enhancements and so on. Now, the crystal was the thing that was taking everyone’s interest. It was glowing brighter than it had before, which meant that it was reacting to something, which they hadn’t seen before. Adalia and her mages and witches had a theory that the crystal could be used to open a portal to another place; however, they had no idea of where that portal would lead them too, if it were indeed a portal. The reason they believed it to be a portal, was that the magic that pulsed from it, was similar to the magic used in teleportation. It was just in a much larger scale, which meant that if the magic it pulsed out was on a much larger scale already, without being fully unlocked, it would contain a very big mass of magical output and mana once it was fully unlocked. Adalia and her mages and witches started to analyze the pulses that came from the crystal and record their findings in the recording crystals they had managed to create as well. These crystals functioned as diaries, where they could record their findings, results, and experiments and so on, so that they wouldn’t forget or lose any of their research.

In the meantime, though, it seemed that something was happening at the training session, where Rose was standing and observing the training. When the training suddenly stopped and Chalsea fell to the ground, everything turned rather chaotic. From the way Chalsea’s men reacted, Rose knew that this wasn’t normal, which meant she had to do something. Their request for a healer would take too long if she was indeed burning up from the inside already, so Rose would have to be the help they could get. She ran over to them fast and looked at the men holding Chalsea. “Keep her steady and on two feet. If you lift her from the ground, I won’t be able to help her.” Just as Adalia, Rose had changed her aura and her attitude. Her green eyes had become much darker and green sparks were igniting around her hands for a short second now. She placed her hands on Chalsea first, getting a feel of her temperature and how conscious or unconscious she was now. When she had an idea about her state, she smashed both her palms into the ground and sat down on one knew with her head bend down towards the earth, which made her look like she was kneeling. From under her hands, the ground started to rumble and shake a bit and in a second later, something was moving through Chalsea’s body. You could see it on her legs and the rest of her body as well. Everyone could see small vines growing through Chalsea’s body, slowly moving like snakes through every part of Chalsea’s body. Rose wasn’t moving from the ground, but she was sweating heavily, which could also be seen by everyone, as she was dripping with water, a lot of it, onto the ground. She was starting to burn up inside as well, for whatever reason Chalsea was burning, but she now slowly raised her hands from the ground, and as she did, the people around them would be able to see that small green vines were attached to her palms, going through the ground and up into Chalsea. If some of Chalsea’s men could think fast, or any of the White Stone City soldiers could think fast, they would realize that the vines was transferring whatever was happening inside Chalsea’s body, into Rose’s body. This was a dangerous technique Rose possessed, it allowed her to absorb whatever cause the other person pain, but without having the time to analyze the situation, which meant she could in theory be transferring a death spell, that would kill her if she were not careful. Now though, she managed to absorb all of the heat and cancel out what was happening inside Chalsea, and just as she finished, the vines snapped from her palms, detracted themselves from Chalsea’s body and went into the ground again, leaving no trace of themselves.

Rose then staggered to her feet, breathing heavily and shaking badly. She looked up at Chalsea and her men, her eyes still dark green, now with blood running out from her eyes, though it was gently washed away by the rain. “You are…Fine now.” She said, coughing rather aggressively after those few words. When she got a hold of herself again, she took a deep breath. “But I don’t know what happened to you and I can’t explain what magic was inside you. But I strongly suggest that you think about what you changed the last few days, to make your body react like this. It is not a normal reaction that comes from nothing, this reaction, feels like it was expected to happen at some point.” She said, coughing again and holding her hands onto her stomach. “I need to go back to the mansion now. You should get some rest too.” She then turned around and started to walk away. As she did, her eyes turned back to their light green color and her mind altered the memories of what had happened, so that Rose thought she was feeling sick because she had had a blackout from helping the soldiers and Chalsea with the training and nothing else. Whatever had happened, Rose had no memories of it and the only thing she truly remembered was that she said she was going back to the mansion to rest and get better, which was what she was going to do now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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The chaos was complete as Chalsea had fallen from an unknown but clearly magical cause. Her soldiers did do as Rose had asked though and seemingly the situation had normalized as Chalsea’s bdoy had relaxed once more, but she was not really able to stand on her legs yet. She could barely hear Rose’s words, but she did mange to get the gist of it. It was the ring… it was always the ring. The purple little ring that seemed to hold a lot of secrets behind the nomad, secrets she herself didn’t know she had. Things buried deep into history and her body hopefully to be lost forever, but such was not the case. As the woman that helped her clearly had taken quite a lot of damage herself and had decided to go rest, Chalsea managed to bring herself to say something to her ment.” The heavy enchantment is going to wear of before you finish the lap even if you start now… non the less you take the 100 most impressive of Adalia’s soldiers and bring them to fighting training… leave the rest to rest… for today.” She ordered as her men saluted and two of them helped her get back into the city and towards her housing while the others went to gather those of Adalia’s men and women who made the best of impressions during the deathmarch to train for the day. Originally she had planned to continue with having those who didn’t make the bar run for a while more without the enchantment for weight, but her plans fell short with this… event.

By the time they arrived at the housing given to them, most of the warband had heard of what had happened and reacted with great concern for their leader. Chalsea had proven herself as incredible to the point of unbelievable fighter and a trusty leader whom they would follow to their graves without regret no matter what. Also they had never seen her even sick, not to mention something like this event even!

She was brought into her room, left on the bed and covered with a couple of blankets to keep her warm and cozy. She felt drained… a lot. As if all her strength was sapped away from her body. There was also the thing that she still felt some heat from deep inside her though it was more of a phantom sensation right now. Fire… what had happened to her? She knew not, she never had this happen.

“Chalsea, you are better?” Vala and Sala asked in unison as they entered the room.” We heard… you feel ill.” They added and sat next to her on the bed, caressing her head.” It’s okey now, worst is over.” They whispered to her in reassuring fashion.

“My ring…” She managed to mutter and the witches looked at each other at her unspoken request and first nimbly took off Adalia’s glove, but then they made a rather conflicted expression.” What’s going …on?” She asked, struggling.

“It’s broken… it broke when you fell it. We found it shattered into two.” They replied, showing her the two pieces of the once purple ring. Those with magic could feel the magic radiating from the item now that she was no longer wearing it, even in this broken into two state, it revealed quite the magical aura. It was no mere ring of magic negation. This thing had quite a lot of anti magic power behind it - made to seal powerful magic users or creatures.” Now sleep, rest, it will become better.” They added, brining a basin of cold water and putting a cold water compress her forehead.

It felt rather nice and refreshing… and calming. The heat that was all she felt till moments ago was replaced with a nice coldness that relaxed her muscles.” I wanted to…meet…Adalia…later…” She was mumbling while she fell temporary asleep again. Her body was undergoing changes and needed all the energy it could get. There was something hidden within her blood, something the glove woke up and now that it was awaken even her ring could no longer keep it down. Slowly and certainly her true nature was going to show and once it did, she was going to become even more renown throughout the land. As the avatar if fire, a bringing of tidal flames.

“Let’s bring Adalia…” Vala said and the witches looked at each other with a small smiles. They didn’t like Adalia’s change in presence earlier, but Chalsea liked her and it was going to help her recovery… probably.” You go.” Vala stated to Sala and the girls nodded to each other with giggle, one of them running out the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adalia and her people had worked with the crystal for a few hours now, and had decided that it was time to end it for today. They hadn’t managed to open up a portal, which was probably a good idea since they didn’t know what would happen if they did open up a portal, but they had managed to examine the magical pulses that had come from the crystal and got an idea of just how much magic was inside the crystal. It proved to be a lot, probably even more than they could imagine at the moment, which meant that it was probably best they didn’t rush their experiments with the crystal, as that could bring some very dangerous situations if they weren’t careful. Adalia went out from the room in the basement, went upstairs again, to the main floor of the mansion, and whistled to herself a little. She felt calm and relaxed and she was more than ready to get into her bath. She went to her own room first though; to change into some lighter clothing than her royal armor she had been wearing the whole day. She got into a dark purple silk nightgown and that was all, it felt so good to be out of all the armor again, it did become rather heavy when you didn’t actually fight or did anything to train your muscles and move your body, so it was nice to get out of it.

Rose had in the meantime arrived back at the mansion. She had gone inside without being noticed, which was preferable for her as she didn’t want to explain what had happened to anyone, and just wanted to relax in her room. The fire had settled down a bit inside her body and she was feeling better already, but she was tired and exhausted. She went up to her own room, got undressed there, and laid down on her bed. She wasn’t sure of what to do with herself, she didn’t want to go see a healer or a doctor, but she couldn’t risk getting badly sick if it got worse in the morning, so for now, she hoped that with some rest, she would feel better the following day. As she was laying in her bed, she thought about her brother and how it had looked when the Orcs had stabbed him through his chest, and she felt herself being filled up with rage. She remembered though that Adalia had helped her to calm down and helped her talk about the things that was eating at her from the inside, and she felt calm again. She was lying on her bed now, naked and under the warm blanket. She closed her eyes and slowly she fell asleep, drifting off into dreamland.

While the bath was being prepared, Adalia had decided to go out on the balcony in her room. She looked over the large garden she had at the back of the mansion, which also contained a pond, which had a small stone bridge that moved over it and to a small platform in the middle of the pond, where you could sit on a white bench and just enjoy looking into the pond and look at the fish. She liked her garden; it was beautiful to walk through it, both in the day and the night, but sometimes she did wish she had someone to share it with. When that thought arrived in her head, she felt herself slipping towards pictures of Chalsea. She was confused a bit at first, but as the pictures settled in, she felt herself get warmer and smile a little more. She had loved before, but she hadn’t been able to keep any lovers for a long time, as they either died from sickness shortly after they had bedded her, or they died from age. But if there was one thing the people did know about Adalia, it was that even though she didn’t age, she always stayed with the husbands she had had, until they died, either from age or sickness. She had never had a female as a wife though, she had been seeing a few, many centuries ago, but it had never evolved. Now she was thinking about Chalsea, and she could feel her own body react to the name of the warrior and the pictures of the warrior. She smiled softly as the evening breeze gently approached her and caressed her face and body. She was at peace for the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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The storm was still raging outside, it was by no means easing up. The rain was falling like a complete blanket and while the lightnings were redirected to areas where it wouldn't hurt anyone, their deafening roars echoed through the air and made everything seem just a tad bit darker. In this weather a single black raven was flying through the air. The storm seemed to try and and make the bird fall apart and shatter at the ground, but the birdied held firm and swept through the rain, making a rather impressive picture to those who could see it in the distance despite the storm.

This raven was Sala. The young witch was headed to Adalia's mansion with great speed and struggle, but she made it. Both of the two witches weren't used to stay apart much. They were born together, lived together and felt together. Apart they seemed to struggle, but when it concerned Chalsea whom they saw as a big sister, they were ready to do everything as they were for each other.

Finally after a little while the raven reached the mansion, it seemed incredibly clean right now as all the dirt was washed away by the downpour. It made for a rather impressive sight as she circled around it. Finally she saw the back of the mansion and the big garden. For her surprise she also caught sight of Adalia who was out on the balcony in a nightgown. She looked quite beautiful like that and Sala could understand why Chalsea had fallen for her so quickly. The raven then quickly started a quick descend towards the balcony and where Adalia was.

Quickly the bird found itself under the cover of the balcony and out of the rain. Then before even landing a swirl of energy happened as the raven's body swayed, shifted and quickly reformed into the young witch. She appeared wet to the bones with both her hair and black dress sticking to her body, but it also made all the feathers she wore as accessories to almost shine with the droplets of water on them.” Queen Adalia...” The girl said, making a courtesy, but her overall bearing revealed that she was not quite comfortable right now and the wet dress had nothing to do with that. It was the fact her other part was missing.” Chalsea cannot come today... she fell ill and is currently resting.” The girl explained without revealing much of what had transpired as it appeared the Rose woman didn't really want to talk about it and the girls respected her wish as she did help the nomad, even though the process Rose stopped was something that always was meant to happen one day. She just negated it for the moment and maybe made Chalsea's transformation to take longer than it should in the future.

With that said, the girl pulled a certain glove from somewhere in her dress and placed it on the railing of the balcony next to Adalia. It was Adalia's gift for Chalsea. Next to it, she also placed the two pieces of the nomad's ring. In difference from what Adalia could feel in the past when she was around Chalsea, this time the ring revealed an incredibly strong anti-magical aura even when shattered.” The ring bound to Chalsea broke... your glove caused it to.” She stated and took a few steps back.” She will be out of health for a good while... her body cannot help it. It needs to adjust... Me and Vala thought it would be nice for her to see you when she wakes up later as she even when barely consious, seemed to want to come and meet you.” The girls stated, waiting for Adalia's reply to it. Truth was they were going to be needing a lot of ice in the upcoming few days.” By the way do you have magicians specialized in ice? Chalsea is going to need a lot of ice.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

When the young witch appeared in front of Adalia, Adalia didn’t flinch. She hadn’t expected the witch to show up, but she had seen her fair share of strange things happening over the last few weeks, which meant that another magic trick wasn’t something that would frighten her. The rain didn’t hit Adalia or the young witch on the balcony, since there was a roof above it. The only way the rain would hit them was if it was carried with the breeze of wind that came with the stormy weather. Adalia looked at the young witch as she presented herself and started to talk before Adalia could really say or do anything in return. Once the witch was finished, Adalia nodded a little. She couldn’t demand anything from this witch, even though she wasn’t a normal young girl, she still wasn’t that old and Adalia rather wanted to treat the girl with the right manners that a young girl should be treated with. “I’m glad you brought the information to me. I’m afraid I can’t go to the house Chalsea is sleeping in. But I will have some of my soldiers carry her to my mansion, and I’ll prepare another room for Chalsea to relax and recover in.” she said with a small nod. It seems that her mansion were getting more and more inhabitants at the moment, but she supposed there was nothing to do about it, she had to help Chalsea, as she had put her own life on the line to save Adalia and the city that she ruled.

“You can go back to your sister and be with her. I hope your sleeping arrangements doesn’t bother you, but I’m afraid I can’t take all of you here to my mansion, it would be against the rules and it would create rumors that might not be good for the city at the moment. But don’t worry, I do have magicians specialized in ice and other magical areas, we will take good care of Chalsea. You are also allowed to come and visit her whenever you should wish so.” She smiled at her. She didn’t know if the witch was happy with the arrangements, but for better or worse, Chalsea at least got a better place to stay in, than the housing with her soldiers. The housing was not bad, but it wasn’t luxury styled like Adalia’s mansion, and while Adalia didn’t want to stand out too much, as she had explained to Chalsea, she was still royal and had to act as such, which meant that she had to decorate her home to fit royalty as well. She walked back inside her room now. She didn’t bother getting dressed in anything else than the silk purple nightgown she was already wearing. She went downstairs and found the two guards that were standing at the entrance to the mansion. “I need your help my friends. Chalsea, our kind savior, has fallen ill and is in need of care. I would like you to bring her here. I’ll prepare her room myself.” The soldiers looked at her and nodded, bowing a little “Of course, Queen Adalia, we’ll go and get her right away.”

With that taken care of, Adalia went upstairs again to another room, further away from Rose and herself. It was a smaller room, but it still had what a room needed to have; Closet, windows, bed, chairs and a table. This room didn’t have it’s own bathroom, so Chalsea would have to use the one that was downstairs, but it was better than nothing. Adalia changed the sheets on the bed and made sure everything was neat and tidy for when the soldiers came back with Chalsea. She felt sorry for the poor girl, that she had to go through so much to keep up her spirit and will to live, but it seemed like she didn’t mind it, even though Adalia did think Chalsea should relax and settle down for a bit. She sighed a little and continued to prepare the room. She had one of the house maids bring up a bucket with ice inside it, just to have it ready for when they would need it.

The soldiers had gone to the housing in the meantime and had explained the situation to Chalsea’s men. They had then gone to get Chalsea on a stretcher and put a blanket over her, so that her body at least were being kept dry from the rain as they carried her back to the mansion. Once they got to the mansion, they went inside and up to the room that Adalia had prepared. She was still inside once they got there, and had just finished preparing the room. She looked to her soldiers and nodded “Thank you my friends. Please put her on the bed, I’ll take over after that.” She smiled. The soldiers nodded and did as she asked and left with the stretcher afterwards. Adalia looked at Chalsea on the bed and sighed. She gently removed the remaining clothing Chalsea was wearing. She then put both her hands on Chalsea’s stomach and closed her eyes. She mumbled something in a low voice and magic threads came out of her hands and went into Chalsea’s body. The magic calmed down the body. But there was more, she also used the magic to create a mark on Chalsea’s left hip. The mark was a dark purple symbol, of small crystals, resembling a flower, beautiful, yet mystic. When she opened her eyes again, she removed her hands gently and looked at the young warrior’s body and the mark. “You have been blessed.” She whispered. She gently pulled the covers over Chalsea then, placed a hand on her cheek gently and then left the room. She went back to her own room where the bath was ready. She went down into the bathtub, without her nightgown on obviously, and relaxed as the heat of the water surrounded her body and caressed her mind and soul with the relaxing atmosphere of the bath. Eventually, she fell asleep in the bathtub.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“As you command your majesty~” Sala said with a strange happy intonation in her voice. She shook her head a few times, causing some of the water in her hair to fly off around, but she did it in a way it won’t go on Adalia though.” Yes, our arrangements are fine as they are now!” She added with a small smile as she walked over to the railing of the balcony.” We know that you will take really good care of Chalsea~ just remember a lot of ice!” Sala finally added with a giggle as she spun around on a heel, her body shifting and reshaping once more into a raven that flew out into the rain.

She flew away as fast as she arrived, causing actually a trail into the rain that true will last for a brief moment, but in that moment it looked like a true work of art. She hastily arrived back at the housing for the warband. She landed right in front of the front door and shifted back, before rushing upstairs to where Chalsea’s room was, leaving a trail of water behind herself.

The girl stormed into the room, where her sister was still tending after their leader. Vala was putting a piece of cloth soaked into ice cold water on Chalsea’s forehead when Sala almost tacked her into a hug.” It’s done!” The wet girl stated and looked down at the woman who they thought of as a sister.” How is … Chalsea’s fine… she’s strong after all.” They once more started finishing their sentences and giggled before Sala quickly explained how she met Adalia and the queen’s reply. The girls giggled with sly smiles as they prepared Chalsea for being moved. They nimbly put some clean clothing on her and finished just as the soldiers had arrived to carry her over to Adalia’s mansion. Sala and Vala walked the soldiers and the sleeping Chalsea to the front door until they were out in the rain. Then the girls returned to their room.

Chalsea was still out cold when the soldiers carrying her had arrived at Adalia’s mansion. She had no way of perceiving the surroundings, but a presence she eventually felt made her calm down a little. It was around the time when she and Adalia were alone in the room. Still unconscious she still somehow realized who was with her. Despite that she didn’t really react as the queen gently undressed her in order to perform her magic. All Chalsea could feel at that point was a warm welcoming sensation spreading from her stomach. The embers that had once more tried to turn into a overpowering blaze inside her body were quickly calmed. She breathing was normal again, though her temperature still was a little bit high, but by the time Adalia left, Chalsea was enjoying a nice relaxing sleep for the moment.

While the queen was enjoying her bath and fell asleep in it, Chalsea’s body was still trying to get accustomed to it’s new state. The true nature of her blood that laid dormant for so many years. Her father had his reasons to put that ring on her and hide the truth from her, but she didn’t know that and now that he was long dead there was no one else to ask about it. She was going to have to slowly search for clues about her past, but for now her temperature was on the rise again. An insatiable thirst was burning through her body. Her calm sleep had turned into a restless struggle as she was painfully moving in her delirium like state somewhere between the dream realm and the real world.

Everything wash hazy and she couldn’t focus her thoughts."It... burns..." She was moaning in pain, but even the moans themselves felt painful as her throat felt drier than a desert! In a haze she somehow rolled once to the edge of the bed when the coolness off the ice hit her face. Still half crazed by the fever and feeling the insane thirst, she reached over and pulled some ice to her mouth where she started swallowing pieces of ice for a while until her temperature stabilized again and she felt asleep again… mostly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The following morning, the sun was shining again. The stormy weather had passed and the only signs left from the storm, was the puddles of water that lay on the ground around the White Stone City. The air had been cleaned from the stormy weather and it felt fresh to in- and exhale. Adalia was still in the bathtub, when the sun had risen high enough for it’s rays to go through the windows in her bathroom and find it’s way onto Adalia’s face. She gave a small yawn, stretched her arms, and opened her eyes slowly. She realized that she was still in the bathtub and had fallen asleep in it, which meant the water had gone a bit cold as well. She didn’t need to sleep, but that didn’t mean her body didn’t have the means to fall asleep. Even though she was an immortal and could go without sleeping, her body could still enjoy the relaxation of falling asleep. However, the only thing that had happened in the cold water during the night, was that two certain parts of her breasts had gone stiff. She shivered a bit in the cold water, and got up, moved out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel. She wrapped it around herself, while she grabbed another towel to wrap around her hair. Then she went into her bedroom and opened the doors to the balcony ones more, letting the sunlight burst into the room with it’s gentle and warm touch.

She sighed a little, she wanted to have a day to relax, but she had to make sure Chalsea didn’t come to any harm. It seems that since the orcs had attacked, there hadn’t been a dull moment in the White Stone City and Adalia could use a dull moment, if just for a few minutes. Instead, she was forced to be the mother hen for her people and Chalsea, which she quite enjoyed, but even to an immortal, it was an exhausting job at times. Also, the feeling of her stiff parts on her breasts, had led her to another, more, intimate wanting, which she had no way of getting, unless she took care of it alone, and she didn’t feel like going through that either. So instead, she ignored the feeling, dried her body and hair and threw the towels onto the bed. After that, she went over and found a yellow sundress, which she pulled on. She kept her hair loose and hanging down behind her back, after she had finished drying it off. She didn’t wear any underwear, as it was uncomfortable to her to wear. It couldn’t really be seen, unless the sunlight hit her dress at the exact right spot. If it did, her sundress would be slightly see-through, though not a lot. She slipped on a pair of sand-colored sandals and after that, she went out of her room, to go and make sure that breakfast was getting ready.

Rose was still exhausted and was sleeping in her room, she did not intend to wake up any time soon, and she was happy just to be in her sleep. She didn’t have any bad dreams, nor did she have any pleasant dreams, she was simply in a sleeping state of mind, that allowed her body to recover, after having pulled whatever magic that had been playing inside Chalsea’s body. It had apparently been a rather heavy hitting magical force that had been unleashed inside Chalsea’s body, since it had taken such a toll on Rose’s own body, but as long as it had worked, which it had, Rose was satisfied with the outcome. However, it had left her exhausted and that meant she would be sleeping for most of the day, before she would even start to stir from her deep comfortable sleeping state.

In the meantime, Adalia had reached the kitchen on the ground level of the mansion, where her maids were preparing breakfast with full energy. The smell of eggs, bacon, warm bread and milk were flowing through the mansion, a delightful smell, if you actually liked that kind of food. Adalia smiled at the satisfying scent and sight she got from the kitchen and decided to let them work without interrupting them. Instead, she went out into the big backyard and went to the small flower field that lay behind some trees. The field couldn’t be seen that much from the trees, which suited Adalia perfectly, it gave her a place to be private, at least for a while, unless someone came looking for her of course. The flowers were slightly wet still, from the storm the night before, but they were beautiful in all their colors; red, blue, violet, yellow, green, orange, pink and so many other colors you could think of. A place where one could let their mind calm down and enjoy the natural surroundings that the world had been so kind as to gift them with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Chalsea's sleep was rather unstable. She would wake up all the time during the night, moaning in pain and thirst as her body would constantly build up heat all the time. She felt like she was burning and the ice she ate up seemed like the only thing that helped while everyone else was asleep. With each ice block she'd swallow, she felt it melt inside her throat, cooling her down a little bit. Luckily she had a lot of ice let by her bed, but she was not completely conscious while doing so. She moved on autopilot the whole time, her mind in a haze. In between waking up from thirst, she would have dreams and nightmares. She had visions of places and faces she had never met before, almost as if reliving someone's else memories for fractions of a second every now and then. With all the images there was one thing that repeated on nearly all of those memories and that was fire. There was always fire surrounding her while she saw through someone's eyes. It felt confusing and disorienting, but she had no choice as the fever continued to rage inside her body despite the effects of both Rose's and Adalia's magic.

By morning, Chalsea's body had finally stabilized for the moment. The fever mostly broke and her body temperature seemed to normalize as she no longer felt feverish or hot. Her body was still hotter than normal, but just a tad. She slowly opened her eyes, feeling a lot better than yesterday. It was strange, she could swear she had seen something important, but couldn't remember what it was. Feeling slightly thirsty, Chalsea reached for the bucket of ice once more and crunched down on the last remaining frozen chunk.

“Ahhh... this felt good.” She managed to say with a relieved smile and looked around. She... didn't recognize this room. Where was she? 'What happened after I... fell?' She thought, trying to put thing together. She vaguely remembered the start of the training yesterday along with the rain. She was putting Adalia's soldiers under the deathmarch... then around the final laps everything went hazy and afterwards she remembered nothing. It was just a white mist blanket that covered all her memories. Judging by the bucket of ice and water it must have been for fever... and the fact how sweaty she felt...

'Yeah.... I need a bath.' She concluded and tried to leave the bed, but didn't get past managing to roll over to the side and get her legs over the edge of the bed. She didn't even try to stand up as her feet felt so weak and wobbly. There was no way she would be able to walk like this, but it didn't stop her from trying in the end. Gathering all possible strength she could muster in that moment, she managed to bring herself to her legs with the help of her hands as she grabbed the edge of the bed, then a nearby table and finally the window. It wasn't so much her legs holding her than it was actually her arms. She finally lost even the strength in her hands as her grip loosened and she felt on her knees by the window. Wow she had not felt like this in years.

Still in this curious position, she noticed something nice through the window. She could recognize the backyard outside! This was Adalia's mansion!!! Chalsea felt all happy inside, knowing the queen took her in while she was sick! The realization even made her blush like a girl in love for a few moments, before she realized how it looked and shook her head to push the thoughts away. Then just as she had successfully managed to push her silly love thoughts away, she saw Adalia walk through the yard and vanishing behind a line of trees. All the emotions she managed to bring under control just a few moments ago, flooded her mind once more at the mere sight of the queen. Even from the distance, Chalsea couldn't help but admire Adalia's beauty, especially in that dress that perfectly suited her gorgeous curves. She wanted to go out there and follow the queen, but knew her body wouldn't allow it. She instead decided to get back to the bed, especially since she realized she was naked. They must have taken off her clothes because of the fever.

With last strength, she managed to pull herself into the bed again. Despite feeling very happy she was like this in Adalia's mansion, Chalsea also felt really regretful since she couldn't be out there with the queen and spend time together. After a couple of minutes in that condition she finally narrowed her eyes in determination and rolled in the bed again, attempting to sit up. She quickly spotted what she assumed was her clothing. It was strange she didn't remember getting dressed in that yesterday for the training. Someone dressed her in that after she fell sick? She blinked a few times and pulled the clothing with some difficulty. Eventually she started to dress up, she even missed the symbol on her hip that Adalia had left with her magic.

Finally dressed up, she struggled to stand up and with sheer force of will, take a few steps to the door of the room. She wanted to get out there and meet Adalia! The force of will was a powerful thing! She manged to get to the door and open it, with wobbly legs, she took a step into the hall, before her legs gave up and she fell on a knee, barely keeping from falling by keeping firm hold of the doorframe. She felt silly... She needed to stand up, the last thign she needed was for a maid or servant to pass by and see her in this pathetic state.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

By the time, Chalsea had managed to get out of her bedroom to try to go meet Adalia outside, Adalia had already returned to the mansion. She didn’t know that Chalsea was up and moving about, but she had wanted to go back and check up on her, instead of staying in the garden like she had planned at first. She had realized that while it might not be dangerous to leave Chalsea alone, as she did have the ice bucket next to her, Chalsea still had been alone the whole night, which meant there were no maids or any other person that could give Adalia a status update on how Chalsea was coming along this morning. That was the reason she had gone back inside the mansion, which seemed had been the right call. As she entered and went up the stairs to the first floor, she saw Chalsea down on one of her knees, clearly not looking too well from the way she was standing. Her body seemed to have been drained from energy through the night, even though she did look better than she had done the night before. But looking better and being healthy, were two very different things, which meant that Adalia’s alarm bells were still going off inside her head.

She hurried over to Chalsea, her summer dress flying from side to side, as she did so. “Miss Chalsea, you shouldn’t be up and moving around by yourself in your state. Something bad could occur to you and your body. We still don’t know what’s causing your body to rise in temperature the way it’s doing, but my guess would be that it’s not a normal sickness.” She said. She gently put one of Chalsea’s arms around Adalia’s neck and helped her up on her feet again. “Come on, let’s get you down to the living room, at least down there you can sit up and get some breakfast, which hopefully would help with getting some color and energy back into your body.” She said while helping Chalsea down the hall. When they got to the stairs, she was more careful with getting her down, as it would be a horrible event if she suddenly lost her grip on Chalsea and had her tumbling down the stairs, causing even more damage to her already, by the looks of it, fragile body.

With careful steps, she managed to help Chalsea down the staircase and into the living room, where she helped her sit down on the couch. “Now you wait here, I’ll go tell the maids to bring us over breakfast here.” She said, giving her a soft smile. She then went out into the kitchen where she saw the maids still working away with the food. She asked them nicely, to bring the food into the living room once they were done preparing it. She then returned to the living room and sat down next to Chalsea on the couch, with two cups of lemon tee for both of them. She put the tea on the table and looked to Chalsea “I don’t like that you seem to be so hot all the time all of a sudden. Ice magic cooled you down, but it couldn’t heal you completely. Normal healing magic seems like it won’t work either.” She sighed a little. “I did say I had something I wanted to show you, I just never managed to tell you what it was.” She said, looking at Chalsea again “I am doing some experiments on magic crystal shards under the mansion, which only the people in the mansion and a few mages knows about. If you’d like, maybe we could try and see if the shards could help you get better?” she asked her. She didn’t want to experiment on Chalsea, but she didn’t want Chalsea to suddenly burst into a flame and burn herself to ashes either, without at least having tried to help her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“But I feel a lot better now!” Chalsea replied in almost childish like stubborness, from desire to stay with Adalia, and put her willpower into play as much as she can to get some additional strength into her wobbly legs. Which proved some results to her great joy. What was even better for her mood and overall condition was when the queen helped her stand up.

When their bodies touched, the mercenary's eyes slightly twitched in surprise as she didn't except Adalia to help her up as she did, not she expected them to be so close to one another like that. It was not bad by any means! In fact it was great and the blond woman couldn't help, but feel great about it and her decision to force herself into moving again so soon after coming back to consciousness. If she didn't do that, maybe right now she wouldn't be with Adalia like she was right now!” I will be grateful for something to eat, alright.” She replied when the other woman proposed they go down to get breakfast. Aside the thirst she felt, Chalsea also felt incredibly hungry, which was not a surprise considering the amount of energy her body had used up since she fell with the sickness. She needed to recuperate for quite a while if she was to get better and to her feet again, but the changes in her body were just starting, her blood was awakening and there was still a long way to go before everything was settled down.” Also some water... a lot of water...” She added with a shy smile about it.” I feel like I could drink an entire bucket of water more.”

“Don't worry, step bravely.” Chalsea said as she noticed how careful the other woman was while they were walking down the stairs.” I may not be in great condition, but I'm not so bad that I cannot get down some stairs with someone's help no less.” She added with a smile, grateful that the queen was helping her with it and very happy about it.” The worst that could happen is I roll down the stairs.” She then added with a smirk and slight giggle. She was not afraid of the fall really. She had seen worse than stairs.

Finally they were at the living room and Adalia helped with sitting down on the couch. By this point, Chalsea already felt better and was smiling a lot, refreshed by Adalia's mere presence. She had fallen for the queen hard.” Alright, not like I can go anywhere, you know.” The mercenary replied with a joking voice as the queen walked away to arrange for the food.

The mercenary captain followed Adalia's every movement with great focus, memorizing every curve, every move of the other's body. 'She's just so beautiful.' She though, feeling herself blush. A blush that was luckily not easy to see due her loss of color in the face. Once the queen was out of the room, Chalsea took a deep breath and relaxed completely into the couch. She couldn't believe her luck, to meet a woman like that in a place like this. Their worlds should be so much apart with Adalia being a queen and Chalsea a simple mercenary's, but the queen was so different from anyone the nomad had ever met before. Right now she could only hope she got to spend even more time with Adalia and maybe eventually tell her how she felt. Even if her growing affection wasn't mutual, she wouldn't regret telling her.

“I don't know why this is happening.” Chalsea replied when the queen returned and told her about her condition.” I can't even remember clearly when it started yesterday. I only know it felt hot all of the sudden and next thing I know, I woke up upstairs all thirsty like I've wandered a desert without water for days.” She explained, reaching with shacky hand to take the cup of tea.” Even now I feel thirsty... “ She explained with quiet voice and looked at the queen.” Look, I don't want you to take risks on my behalf, Adalia. If you are saying that you are experimenting, then it's not completely safe, right? I don't want to be responsible if something goes wrong and you get hurt. I'm fine... I'm recovering...” Was what she told, hoping it was truth.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Valchyrie
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Valchyrie The Magical Type Writer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Adalia smiled a little at Chalsea, it was nice that she thought she didn’t want something to go wrong, for Adalia’s sake, if they did try to go with the experimenting, but at the same time, she had all her experiments under control. She always made sure to have a door out of the experiment, if something bad seemed like it was about to happen, so she wasn’t worried about anything bad happening to Chalsea. What she was worried about, was that the magic wouldn’t help at all, and that they would have a much more suffering Chalsea in a few days. She had no way of knowing which way Chalsea’s condition would go, but if it did get worse, they would have a really hard time beating down the temperature again, and it might not be enough with a bucket of ice the next time. She took a sip of her tea while she thought about these things, and put the cup slowly down on the table again in front of her. “You don’t have to worry about that. We always make sure that we can keep things under control. If anything goes wrong, we’ll cancel out the experiment right away with nullifying magic, and nothing will have changed. But I think it’s better that we try it, and see if we can get your temperature under control, before you completely melt yourself.” She said with a bit of worrying in her voice.

Then the maid came into the room with the breakfast they had been preparing. Eggs, bacon, pancakes and a few other delicious things, alongside with cold nice water in two buckets, and a couple of glasses. Then the maid left again, leaving the women to themselves again. Adalia looked at the food “Well, it seems that the breakfast is ready. I hope you’ll enjoy it Chalsea, hopefully it’ll help you feel better.” She gave her a small smile and then started eating herself. Whether or not food would help her, only time would tell, but for the moment, she thought it at least couldn’t hurt to get some energy in both her own body and Chalsea’s body.

At the same time under the mansion, the crystals that they had been experimenting on, was pulsating slightly. One of the mages that was in the experimenting group, was on observation duty, and took note of it. While it wasn’t anything too unusual, it was still unusual enough that it deserved to be recorded in their notes and given to Adalia later on. But the mage that was observing the crystal, felt like it was pulsating more than normally, but it wasn’t much, and he was unsure of whether it was his imagination, or if it was real. Whatever the case was, he didn’t want to disturb Adalia right now, he wanted to give her time to get better after everything that had happened, plus, he knew that she was also keeping an eye on Chalsea, who seemed to have fallen ill the day before, which meant Adalia had more than enough on her plate right now.

Meanwhile in the living room, Adalia was drinking her tea and eating her breakfast, hoping Chalsea would do that as well. “It is up to you of course, whether or not you want to try and see if the crystal shards can help you. I’m not going to force you to try, but I just don’t want anything bad happening to you, and if that’s the direction things are going, I’d rather have tried and failed, than not having tried at all.” She said with a small smile to Chalsea. “But no pressure, if you’d rather not, I’ll accept that and we’ll leave it at that.” She said, giving a slight nod after that.
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