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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rin kept her claws locked onto Leon’s backpack, too determined to be easily shaken off. Struggling to focus, the beast eventually managed to graze Leon’s arm with her fangs, but was unable to latch on and tear off a chunk of flesh, instead only securing a pair of chops covered in adrenaline-filled blood. And even that victory was short-lived, as before the creature even had time to think, a searing pain coursed through her body and she found herself tumbling to the ground.

When she scrambled to her feet, a knife wound was evident on the side of her neck – blood pouring out profusely. Lucky shot for Rose. Too cowardly to crawl back to her master, Rin instead tried to press forward, but it wasn’t long before the roleplayers faded into the distance, the wolf’s speed and endurance failing her. Given her already weak composure and the severe wound dealt to her, it wasn’t long before the creature let out a weak, sad howl, starting to give into the death throes as her fragile body collapsed into a pool of her own blood.
Godmodder’s eyes narrowed. That question was really starting to get on his nerves… so he might as well think up a definitive answer. “GM. You can call me GM.” He told him. “No, wait…” he backpedaled. “Maybe Kiren? Been a while since I used that alias, but it served me well in that time.” He answered. “Then again, whenever I used that name, it was when I was trying to make myself look relatively average as opposed to the god I truly am, so maybe now the name isn’t all that fitting any…..more.” His speech trailed off for a moment as his eye-aura flickered, seemingly distracted as his gaze turned slightly to the corridor through which Rose and Leon escaped. His distraction almost immediately turned to annoyance. “Aaaaaugh I’m such an idiot!!” he exclaimed, palm colliding with his forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot to make Rin immortal, like the old Rin.” He vented aloud. “How the hell’d that slip my mind? I would’ve taken better care of her body if I’d realized it would be so fragile. I guess in naming her so early I must’ve forgotten… Ah well, I’ll let those two get away for now. It would’ve been boring killing them off so easily, anyway.” He thought aloud, before realizing he’d sort of forgotten about Euclid in front of him. “Oh yeah, uh… where were we?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was unsettling that this man thought himself to be a god, Euclid pondered. It was evident that this man had some type of power though, so he wasn't someone to mess with.

"GM, huh?" He mumbled to himself as he listened to other guy go off on a tangent, lamenting the fact he didn't make "Rin" immortal. Must have been the creature he sent after the others.

"Oh yeah, uh... where were we?"

Euclid looked up at GM, who seemed to casually sit across the table. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. If GM had the audacity to attack Leon and Rose, he'd definitely spare no expense to do the same to him. Knowing this caused his heart to beat erratically, his breaths becoming shorter and more labored. He was panicking. He had to run, and so without hesitation, he turned and sprung off of his leading foot, taking off down the length of the courtyard, his only thought being to escape the current situation.
"When will I be free?" Bellua chimed after hours of silence, his deep voice resonating throughout the cavern.

"Soon, Void Walker," answered the voice in return. "Master has things to take care of. As of yet, he's busy acquiring a... special present, just for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

After making sure Leon got in, Rose jumped in herself, pulling the secret door to as she stepped down inside. She ran, quickly, after Leon. As they ran, she watched him. There was blood dripping from his arm and a large tear in the fabric. Well, there goes some medical supplies. Though, that's what we brought them for. They ran for what seemed like a while before they reached a dead end and Leon stopped, looking down at his arm. He tried to pull at the fabric a bit but winced. It was probably sticking to the wound.

Rose closed her eyes and took a very deep, shuddering breath. When she opened them, her eyes were determined. She pulled at Leon, forcing him to drop the bag of supplies. She unzipped it quickly, pulling out a medkit. If only it could be like in videogames and I could just give it to him and he'd be fine. I mean, in Singularity, the guy just wraps something around his arm and he's fine. She sighed and pulled what she needed out of the kit, which included gauze, a wipe to disinfect the wound, and antibacterial ointment. She turned to face Leon, her face grim but stern. "I'm sorry." She told him before grabbing at his shirt. With care, she pulled it up. She ready the area where the wound was and pulled it up as fast as she could. Quick and painful was better than slow and painful. She pulled the shirt off the rest of the way and gave it to Leon to hold. "If it hurts, grab on to that and squeeze. Bite it if you have to." She told him, steadying his arm.

First, she cleaned the wound, careful to be gentle. That was one thing her mother had always told her. She had a gentle touch, one that would often lessen the pain a bit. She dabbed at the wound cautiously before grabbing the tube of ointment. With the lightest touch she could manage, she spread the ointment over the cuts. Once that was done, she applied a bit more of it to the gauze and then began wrapping Leon's arm up in it. When she was done, she pulled away. "We'll need to change the bandages tomorrow but it should be okay for now." She told him, leaning to look him in the eyes. "If it gets any worse, becomes infected, then there isn't much else I can do. That dog might have had rabies. Then again, maybe not. We don't know. We just have to... wing it. Maybe we can find somewhere with a doctor around her. Or at least someone more qualified than me." She continued with another sigh. She wished she could be of more help to him. She hated feeling useless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by John Walrus III

John Walrus III

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

John stood somewhat quietly, as he com contemplated the fact that he had attempted to break into the girls' dorm. It gave him slight ease of mind that this girl wasn't actually part of the world, as she said, but he blushed regardless. It was in this state of mind that something, though brief, flickered across his mind. He looked up for a moment, confused. There it was again. Something from his mind still existed. He smiled. He still held a light in his own darkness. Even if it was simply the afterthought of Papyrus, it gave him comfort.

A distant noise distracted John. He looked up at the towering structure, trying identify its source. Had he imagined it? Perhaps. Who would be smashing pots, aside from maybe Link. He brushed the thought away and turned to the girl and realized two things: the first, that this girl seemed both old and young, with her bunny and her small frame. The second, that they hadn't seen a single NPC here yet. Perhaps it was just him, but it seemed... wrong, almost foreboding. He voiced his worries, asking, "Has anyone else noticed the lack of NPCs, or is it just me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nautilusmp


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Has anyone else noticed the lack of NPCs, or is it just me?" John said to the party.

"Before you guys become stuck here, I've seen a few. But since you guys got stuck, since a major destruction happened here, I haven't seen any. I hope you guys understand what I mean," Nautilus tried to answer. The first time he got inside the Guild, a few armed men detained him for entering a restricted area. That was his first and last time seeing an NPC. But how frequent an NPC should be? he thought. He tried to remember his previous roleplays, and indeed, although he had seen NPCs before, their numbers were far too few. "But indeed, the number of NPCs are far too few. However, when plot-important people are around, and it seems we all are plot-important, NPCs are hardly given attention. Just like the stars in the skies. They shine in both they and night, but are never seen during the day because the sun is way, way brighter than them," he tried to give his theory.

It took a while for Nautilus to realize that the team was too busy acquainting with the girl he was not taking a look at. "Wait, shouldn't we go towards the main entrance?" he asked the team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off a bit, the bag, heavy with everything they put in it, was really starting to hurt him. As such, when Rose made him put down said bag, Leon quickly obliged. He watched intriguedly as the girl systematically took out exactly what she needed. Well, at least she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, something that Leon couldn't really say about himself. Sure, he tried to look all experienced and stuff, but all of that was just stuff he learned from movies; or, to be more precise, what not to do in a crisis situation. Well, look what all that brought him; he'd been bitten by some kinf of crazy crossbred wolf-dog monster, was on the run for a murderer with a god complex, and his favourite shirt was ruined!
His somewhat bizarre train of thought was interrupted when Rose turned at him, her expression far more serious than Leon had ever remembered seeing her in. 'I'm sorry', the girl told him as she carefully removed the bloody cloth. Sorry? Sorry about whaARGH! All of a sudden, Rose decided to be a whole lot less careful, practically ripping the cloth off of his arm. Leon couldn't help but yelp, both due to the surprise and the pain -- said yelp was quickly followed by a whole string of moans meant to surpress less than pretty words. Sure, he'd read somewhere that removing bandages quickly rather than slowly causes less pain, but you'd figure that Rose could've at least warned him! Before he could actually protest though, she shoved the ruined shirt into his hands, telling him to squeezeit if it hurted. Well, of course it hurted, what did she expect? He wasn't about to protest though, since Leon did realize that Rose was trying to help him. He just hoped that she would be a little less rough about it...

After this initial rough treatment, the girl's actions became far more gentle. Leon could tell that Rose was trying to be careful, yet still her treatment hurt quite a bit -- not in the least because this was the first major injury Leon had incurred in his life. Sure, he'd cut and grazed himself a couple of times just like about everyone else on the planet, but nothing quite like this. Through jagged breathing, he clenched his teeth and squeezed the fabric so hard that drips of blood were forced out of it, trying his very best to keep his arm still so that Rose could help him. Even after she was finished, it took a short while before his breathing had calmed down enough for him to be able to think rationally again. Rabies. That would be very, very bad indeed. He didn't really know what would be better at this point; being stuck in the middle of nowhere and possibly being infected with a disease that, if left untreated, would likely kill him, or being trapped in some kind of virtual reality that might not have an actual effect on his real body. Then again, if The Matrix was to be believed- no! No thinking about what happened in movies anymore!
He shook his head, then looked at Rose. "...Thanks," he muttered, his face still pale from the recent pain. At first he tried to hold out his right arm for her to shake, put a sharp jolt of pain caused him to quickly change his mind and held out his left arm instead -- not thinking about the fact that it was still red from the bloody cloth. "So... didn't you say that this tunnel is supposed to lead to a forest?," he continued, motioning at the dead end with his head. "Did we take a wrong turn somewhere?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
Avatar of Kaga

Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Muse nodded at Nautilus, impressed at how quickly he caught onto things. “Yup! NPC’s don’t have the same staying power as player characters. I mean, all characters sort of fade out of existence once their creators stop thinking about them, but since NPC’s usually only have minimal importance in the overall story, and aren’t very well fleshed-out as characters, they really are the dimmest stars in the sky. No, wait, that sounds racist, now that I say it out loud.” He backpedaled. “Well anyway, if they don’t have a reason to be around, especially if the player characters are doing more important things, it makes sense that you wouldn’t see many NPC’s around.” He explained. “And then, it’s also conceivable that even player characters would be a bit scattered if the roleplayers find themselves a bit too… distracted by other things to roleplay.” Muse really didn’t want to think about the third possibility – that Godmodder had stopped by to personally remove some characters from the story. Fortunately though, there would probably be more corpses lying about if that were the case… Still, that bratty little ‘god’ sure was fucking the place over in more ways than one.

“Oh! Anyway!” He turned to face Jacklyn again. “If you’re not from here then you’re a roleplayer and if you’re a roleplayer then I really should explain some things to you even though it’s a little late for that and you’re probably already really confused…” Muse rambled. “I’ll try to make this quick, on account of you being late to the party.” He took a deep breath. “This is a world made out of roleplays from Roleplayer Guild. Pretty much all active roleplays and the characters within them all take on life here, in this collage-like realm where all these different settings lay next to each other with really no transitions between them, resulting in a world where time and space don’t make a heck of a lot of sense. Anywho, all was well in the land till this douche we call the Godmodder showed up and decided to crash the Guild site, resulting in what was weeks of downtime I think? – screwing this place up in all sorts of ways while he decided to drag a bunch of roleplayers – that being you – out of their world and into this one for god-knows-why, while a weird little shapeshifter – that being me – started running around, gathering a bunch of you guys together and teaching you how to survive in this world so that maybe we can all stand a chance against this guy. …Did you get all that?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evilorber


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Orb sighed. He turned to the roleplayer. "What he's trying to say is..." he began. "You've been sucked into the guild. There's some evil douche we call godmodder, we have powers in the guild like transformation and making things appear, et cetera, Muse as we call him" he pointed to the fellow who had been talking earlier "Is basically an expert on these things." he quickly moved closer to Jackyln and whispered "But he might not be okay in the head..." he moved back to where he had been standing before. "So... uhh, grab all your stuff. We best be on the move. No time for questions, we can answer them as we go... One more thing, i'm Orb and that's John, Kid number 2, don't know what that guy's name is, think someone called him Natalia or something earlier" as he pointed at them in that respective order. He began to walk at a brisk pace. He shifted his backpack to make it more comfortable. "C'mon, let's get going i'm starving. This place is bound to have food somewhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

"I have a name, you know," said Ebil, annoyed. He then turned to Jacklyn, "You can call me Ebil or Bunny, as that was my name in the guild."
After a quick after thought, he said "On second thought, don't call me bunny," Being called bunny would be embarrassing.

((I'm terrible at dialogue >.<))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SadSongs
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SadSongs The Confused

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Her head leaned to the side a bit as Muse explained what was going on and the other person recapped. "Makes enough sense to me," Jacklyn replied before clutching her rabbit against her chest. I guess we're going to be with this lot for a while.... she thought.

"So.... can I tag along with you guys then?" She wondered if, as a character, she would have more power in the "story," though it seemed a silly thought, and so she dismissed it. "Would someone happen to know what the plot is? I mean, if this is an rp then what is the plot?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She shook her head slowly and pointed up. "Nope. We're here." Above them were a set of ladders and a manhole that lead up to the forest. She knew about this little tunnel because she'd been the one to create it. It hadn't really been put to use because Fredricka still hadn't had a chance to use it. "Hang back for a moment, I want to go up and make sure everything is clear." She told him and then began climbing the ladders up to the manhole. She pushed it open slowly and peaked out. Yep.... Just as she thought. There was Fredricka's little clearing with her rock. Rose smiled at the memory. It was a pretty place. A small beam of light leaking in through the trees towards the rock where Fredricka would often sit and tell stories to the animals around her. Rose shook her head and chuckled. It was so cheesy.

"It's clear!" She called down to Leon and then pushed the manhole cover the rest of the way off and pulled herself up. Once she was up and standing, she leaned down to look down at Leon who was still down there. "Need a hand?" She asked, unsure of how she could help him at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by John Walrus III

John Walrus III

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There weren't NPCs because they didn't need to be there? It made sense, John decided, but he still didn't like it. Explanations were thrown about for the girl, who seemed to absorb it all fairly easily. Someone - Naitilus was it? - restated the idea to find the front door. John nodded to it. "We don't have much else of a choice, I guess." The girl asked about the RP's plot. "Well," John said, scratching his head, "supposedly, this is one of those 'school-for-the-gifted' RPs. Beyond that, I'm not sure, but I think Naitilus is right: We should try to find the front door. We don't have much else of a choice at this rate." John began to look about the walls of the towering Academy, looking for clues as to which direction the main entrance may be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SadSongs
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SadSongs The Confused

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"School for the gifted," she said out loud, "there really are too many of those."
"If you wanna get inside then why don't we use this door, I mean it's open...." Jacklyn looked back down the darkened hallways and wondered why they wanted to get in in the first place; however, it went without question that she had asked too many questions already, all questions that they had all probably heard several times already.
I wonder how long they've been here, the girl wondered.
I'm more curious as to how time works here. BunBun commented, Check out this bunch, we always end up with all the bad luck
"They aren't so bad..."
"That's beside the point," Jacklyn growled, not realizing she had begun to think out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Upon seeing the quite long set of ladders, Leon instantly knew they had a problem. Sure, he could probably climb them without too much of an hassle as long as he was careful, but he likely wouldn't be able to carry the bag with provisions along with him. It was ironic in a sense; if they hadn't gone to the kitchen to get foodstuffs, they wouldn't have run into the Godmodder, and per extension Leon wouldn't be bitten by that wolf-thing. And if his arm wasn't messed up, he might have a remote chance of carrying it up the ladder. On the other hand, the sole reason that the bag was so heavy was because of all the provisions in it -- which, of course, they couldn't miss for the most part. Water was crucial for survival, they already used part of one of the medkits and would use another one soon enough.

Well, the least he could do is try. Leon walked over to the bag, then attempted to lift it. ...Yeah, that wasn't going to work. Not only was it hard for him to lift with only his left arm, he would need said left arm to climb the ladder. Trying to shift the weight to the right wouldn't work either; even minor stress hurted, let alone lifting a heavy bag along with possibly his body weight. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't planning to fall off the ladder any time soon.
For a while, he just stood there, looking back and forth between the bag, the ladder and Rose -- who by now had reached the top already, calling out to him whether or not he needed any help.
"...I think we might have a problem," Leon called out to Rose. "I won't be able to drag this thing up with me, but we can't leave it behind either. Do yuo have any ideas?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
Avatar of Kaga

Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

GM watched calmly as Euclid ran away. Yup, just watched. He wasn’t so much in the mood for a chase anymore. His thoughts had already turned to his need to return to his lair and re-design Rin – create a Rin 2.0 of sorts… Until he remembered that the roleplayer who’d just ran off was actually kind of important. “Wait… was I supposed to bring him back myself? Or just keep him alive for the time being?” he asked himself aloud. “Meh, I’ll ask.” And in a flash of violet, he vanished almost instantaneously.
A moment later, GM appeared in another roleplay setting, in the presence of the beast known as Bellua. He perched just outside of the creature’s reach. “Hey Bela, where’s Edward?” he greeted, before bursting into laughter, literally rofling. “I’m kidding.” He continued, sitting up again. “I know you’re more of a Team Jacob person. Why else would you be so interested in a wolf like me?” GM rose to his feet and whipped his shirt off over his head, growling playfully before continuing onto his reason for stopping by. “So uh… That deal between us. What was it you wanted me to do for you, exactly? Was I supposed to bring the kid here or did you want to hunt him yourself? My memory’s been failing me lately.”
Muse grinned, impressed with how well Jacklyn coped with the situation at hand. “I like you.” He told her, before responding to the rest of what she had to say. “Well, I think this RP is more of a sandbox.” He explained. “But even if it wasn’t, the plots don’t really concern us here. We’re just visitors. It’s kind of like time travel; every time you see it in movies or TV shows they always say you’re not supposed to interfere with big historical events. Us being here works pretty much the same way. We can interact with the worlds and people but the overarching plots of the RP’s are not ours to control.” He clarified. “Besides! Why bother with the plots of individual roleplays when we got way bigger fish to fry, you know?”

His attention then turned to the door Jacklyn had opened for them. “Well we could go through the girls’ dorms… but I don’t want to cause a commotion. How often do you think men get inside there?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

She let out a long sigh and let her head fall into her hands. Why did she think about that before she climbed up here. "Alright. Move out of the way. We'll get that damned thing up here one way or another." She explained as she went back down the ladders. She turned to face Leon who had his hands currently on the bag. He didn't look very well off either. "I'm sorry. I feel like such a dumbass. Here, let me help you first and then we can figure out how to get this up there." She told him, motioning for him to start scaling the ladder. When he did, she got up under him and pushed him up, hoping it provided enough relief for him to get up and on solid ground again quickly. After a bit of struggling and a lot of groaning, they finally manged to get him up there.

"Alright... Now... What to do about this bag..." She mumbled, mostly talking to herself. If she had a rope she could try to make a lever system out of the rope and a tree and just hoist the bag up and out of the hole but she just didn't have it. She sat there, staring at the bag for what seemed like a long time when she finally let out a defeated sigh. "The only way I see getting this thing up there is by pushing or pulling it up there ourselves. I can try to get up there best I can with it but... I might need a little help. Think you could provide a little?" She asked looking up at Leon. They had to try...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Euclid

Euclid The Portmanteau Professional

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The beast rested, wrapped in chains; eyes to the ground as he hung a few feet from the ground of the cavern. Long, tousled black hair overshadowed and obscured his face from view only moments before he rose his head at the GM's words. His creator was lost - there would be no revenge, no retribution. His eyes, irises a brilliant blood-red, met the figure of GM, who was now shirtless. He spoke, his deep voice flooding the cavern.

"You were to bring my creator here, so that I could slaughter him and revel in his blood, but it seems that this is not what happened. Instead, you come empty-handed." The chains moved slightly as he shifted. "You expect my assistance with your trivial matters, but you do not fulfill your part of the deal, so I put forth a proposal."

"Release me," Bellua's voice grew more forceful. "And I will remove your obstacles. The hindrance shall be no more."
Euclid leaned against the wall, clutching his chest as he struggled to find his breath. There was something very wrong with the situation at hand. Leon and Rose were attacked, and that man could have taken him next. Running his hands through his hair, he closed his eyes and tried to figure out his next plan of action. He had no idea where the other two would be, and he had to be careful in case GM were to show up out of nowhere. Without hesitation, he moved and entered the first door he came across, putting him back in the library. At least it was a location he knew.

From here, he could reach the main hall and the main entrance. Maybe Leon and Rose were there. Maybe GM was. The only thing to do was find out. Taking large strides, he moved to the other side of the library, taking care not to step on the glass that covered the floor, where he initially landed. His wounds seemed to be better than before; blood loss was to a bare minimum, and the pain in his ribs was now dull. He wasn't sure how he was healing so quickly, and he kept that question in mind as he gripped to the handle of the door that led to the main hall, waiting for any signs of movement on the other side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ebil sat down by a tree, annoyed. It seemed like they were ignoring him. Of course, that wasn't much different from real life. He knew a lot about this place, but it seemed like they preferred to guess and check rather than get it right the first time. Why on earth would they try to go through the girl's dorm instead of around it? What would they gain? He would have liked to just wonder off by himself, but that would have been a stupid idea. He would know where he was, but he wouldn't know where the group would be. Plus, what if he ran into the GM? That wouldn't be fun. The way Muse acted, he was worse then a tyrant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SadSongs
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SadSongs The Confused

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jacklyn looked at muse, "it seemed pretty dead in there, I mean I made a lot of noise but no one came to bother me..." she scratched her nose and then felt something sticky on it's surface, holding her hand out in front of her face to see blood.staining the tips of her fingers. As far as anyone around could tell there was a bit of a delayed reaction before she shook her head hard, covering her eyes. "NO NO NO!"
The loud purring of a zipper could be heard as the girl opened the compartment of her rabbits stomach and pulled out a bandage, using the reflection of herself in a nearby window to apply it properly. This is no time for flashbacks...
Oh, I see....and that means it's time to rip apart your stuffed rabbit.
When she was finished the girl closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Why do you guys want to go into the dorm anyways?" she asked, trying to distract herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leon wanted to say that he didn't really needed help to climb the ladder; the problem was more that the weight of the bag would've pulled him off of the thing. Regardless, the help was more than welcome, allowing him to spare his wounded arm for a bit. Once up there, he looked down at Rose, who was now in the same problematic position as he was mere minutes ago. Well, that didn't solve a whole lot... Now what do we do? If only we had some kind of rope. Then we could just pull it up. Maybe we could use a roll of bandage for it? Then again, that would ruin said bandage, one of the items we're trying to retrieve. Plus, we can't be sure whether or not bandage wouldn't just snap somewhere along the line...

Leon's mental exercise was interrupted by Rose calling out to him about if he could help. "Sure, that much I can manage," he answered. He lowered himself until he laid flat on his stomach to keep as much of his weight as far away from the hole as possible, with only his face and left shoulder and arm above the hole, then lowered aforementioned left arm down into the hole to grasp one of the bag's handles. "On three, okay?," Leon called out to Rose. "One... two... three!" With that, he pulled on the bag with all his might, or at least as much of it as he could muster in what is not quite the ideal position to lift things. The problem was, if he only used his left arm he simply wouldn't have enough grip and balance to lift anything remotely heavy. Realizing this, he clenched his teeth and placed the palm of his right hand flat on the ground. "Rose? Move your hands under the bag and push it as hard as you can, like if you're trying to throw it at me... Now!"
At the same time he said 'Now', Leon both pulled on the bag with his left arm and pushed himself away from the ground with his right, his face contorting in pain as he did so. With a massive groan, he yanked the bag out of the hole, practically throwing it behind him with an overhead swing -- gently lowering the thing would've taken more effort, and per extension would've hurt even more. Immediately afterward he sank back to the ground, rolled over onto his back and obviously in a lot of pain. "...That might have... not been the... best idea... I ever had," he muttered through jagged breathing, more to himself than to Rose. One look at the bandage would prove that this was indeed the case; a couple of slowly growing red stains were silent witnesses of the fact that that the wounds were bleeding again, or at least more so than a minute ago. "Say... Rose? Are there any... painkillers... in that kit?"
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