Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kessir Tarkin
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Kessir Tarkin

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@Lurking Shadow@Elevation

Rama took his mech and quickly got behind it as the hull as the breaching room filled to equalize pressure before they were to go in. He looked back at Reina before preparing to board. @tal0n

"We can talk about what you are when we get back onto the ship and get the hell out of here. Right now you do your mission and we'll take care of the rest." He said to her as he tapped his mech on it's back and it prepped itself for combat.

Immediately Ranna (@Silvir) put up a shield of some kind protecting her from the initial blasts from the defending ship and William (@Warborn123) rushed into the ship taking out a few men with his sword and shield.

"Alright Meta, time to go to work." He said to the mech he and the machine began their own assault. Meta began to charge it's blaster and let out a large barrage of blasts that hit their marks with deadly efficiency, killing their targets instantly. It then began to move forward continuing it's barrage until it crossed an intersecting hallway.

Rama right behind the mech. darted from side to side blasting with his rifle, when they reached an intersection. He tapped Meta on the back as an indication that it was moving on from the group and that it was to resume the fighting in the direction it was already going.


Rama walked silently down the hall as he heard guns being activated to fire behind a door that was a few feet away, he silently walked up to the door and placed his hand on the mechanism and his nanites went to work. They crawled into the inner circuitry of the door and began to open it. Before the door was completely open he reached into his sash and produced a purple ball that looked like something was spinning from the inside. He activated it with a press of his hand and switched his rifle out for his pistol.

He threw the ball into the room and drew his gladius sword, he heard voices wondering what it was then the beeping noise of his gravitational grenade going off. The men began to scream as they were launched in the air, no longer bound to the ground by gravity. He turned into the room 5 seconds, 10 men he thought as he placed two explosive bullets onto the heads of two of the men 4 seconds, 8 men He shot another explosive bullet into the head of another as he stabbed with his gladius into another 3 seconds he pulled his sword out of the man and made a semi-circle motion cutting into another one while his right extra arm grabbed another man and threw him to the ground crushing his skull against the floor. 2 seconds His extra left arm punched the man with enough force that it shattered the bones in his chest and pierced his organs from the inside, his gladius then slit the throat of another man only leaving two left. 1 second Rama grabbed one of the men with his extra limbs and threw him against the wall with the impact of being hit by a vehicle pinpointed on his head it splattered against it and then grabbed the last man floating in the room. 0 all the bodies of the men fell to the floor, the men who had the explosives shot at them exploded, blasting off their heads. He looked at the last man that fell into his waiting arms.

"Where is your captain?" He demanded as he pressed the man against a wall.

"F*** you! I'll never tell" The man screamed trying to fight his way out of Rama's grip.

"Good, you have some honour. Die now knowing that more of your men will suffer for your it." He said as he drove his sword into the mans chest, then pulling it back out as he watched the life leave his eyes.

Rama then closed the door behind him to continue onto the next room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

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William flew right into a guardsmen, crushing his ribs beneath his shield like a twig then spun to the right to face another foe, The second guardsmen lifted his gun to shoot at him but William was faster, with a smack of his sword he swatted the man's gun away to a nearby corner. I think I won this battle, nice try though! William laughed as he hit the man with the blunt side of his sword, causing him to go unconscious.

He quickly stopped to handcuff the two guardsmen, William had stuck to his word, throughout the fight he had only killed a single soul.

Then he turned back to see Rama slaughter a unarmed man and he felt fire go through his veins, Do you have no honor?! he yelled at Rama while marching up to him I can understand killing for self-defense but that man had posed no threat!, Don't waste lives, we're here to take prisoners and you've done anything but that! He yelled and pushed Rama.

@Kessir Tarkin
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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The Cyborg continued his work on the engine sometimes positioning himself in funny angles as he tore apart and repaired the engine. “Boss there isn't much more we can do with these engines, we don't have the parts or the time.” Victor knew there wasn't much he could do now with these. The other lady seemed focused on the shield generators and the girl disappeared below deck. At least this place was starting to shape up better already, and he could feel the ships' performance increasing as the power flow from the reactor seemed to even out and disperse to the other sub systems correctly. Turning his attention to the other ladies remark, “If you want me to believe you and your 8 plus years of engineering work then you ought to show me, how am I to know if you are not just all talk.” if he could smile he would be.

A small noise indicated to him that Sara had found something, “what is it” He had paused near the engines inspecting the reactor core, “I found something strange or a few things actually” a slight pause from both of them as the A.I. was thinking. “There's a sealed room above us. there are several systems there but I cant reach them as if someone didn't want them to be fixed.” another pause, “there is also no A.I. for this ship, there're traces and whispers of where something once was but no more.” He processed this information thoroughly and was quickly reminded of the fight outside with a sudden jolt of the ship. “Was that the away team?” Sara Replied, “yes and no, we connected with a bolt of plasma from the other ship but it seems intentional.”

“One thing at a time Sara first lets try to find out about that room, would you please mark the outline on my screen.” To be honest Victor didn't need a screen he could just be aware of his surroundings at all times, but he liked this view of a screen it was more natural to him even if it as a bit limiting in some ways. Still, Sara lit up a red outline above them, 30ft up was the room, it only had one door which was covered and sealed and the catwalk to it seemed to be removed. He knew right away that this room was sealed on purpose unfortunately there were damaged components in that room, and he was tasked with fixing them.

With a quick thought and proper placement the metal man shot two grappling hooks up into the surrounding support beams that hauled him up to where he was level with the sealed compartment. To give whoever sealed the room credit he would not have noticed it for some time without Sara. After a brief moment of scanning Sara gave him a firing solution two plasma shots at half power would be enough to vaporize the cover and door as well as allow him the room to enter. With this solution being accepted, the other solutions were quickly dismissed.

Two plasma cannons popped up from their concealed positions on the mans shoulders and began to charge. Blue light swirled around the 2-foot barrel before being released with a small pop and a sizzle. Both shots landing one after the other with a sizzle and a shower of sparks and molten metal onto the deck down below. The edges of the metal door and cover glowed bright orange before fading to red and then to black. Victor was careful as he climbed through the jagged edges of the door, his night vision switched on with the only light being red emergency lights. The room was old and dusty not even the robots were able to get into this room.

The compartment was filled with console screens and towers made for data storage, “Sara what am I looking at?” the A.I. was silent for a moment, “this room and its computers functions are that of Data storage and active countermeasure. Why this room was sealed is beyond me, perhaps it doesn't meet the aesthetic of the outside ship. Boss there is a location here that could support my A.I. crystal.” the import was highlighted in the dark. Victor moved up to it and hesitated only for a moment, “if you think it's for the best” again he was wondering about this, she was after all his only real friend, “Don't worry ill leave a part of myself here with you but I could do so much more for this ship and its crew if I were a part of it” Victor still seamed reluctant to let her go but eventually caved in.

A small port opened on the right side of his head where one would find an ear. The small crystals held his A.I. no his friend within. Still, reluctantly he inserted the chip into the slot which quickly pulled back into the data banks it was extended from. Suddenly without warning the data banks lit up with sound and lights. Main power was restored to the room and multiple subsystems began to come to life. The counter measures and consoles began to light up and power on, consoles lit up with radar signatures and red error messages rippled across the screens. “Boss” the A.I. called out from the console near him, “the anti missile and anti fighter systems are online but blocked by the added armor of the ship. I need you to manually activate the systems so they can clear the armor that's blocking them.” a red button appeared on the console with the words 'push me' engraved in it. this time he didn't hesitate with one swift action he pressed the button before continuing on to fix more electronics in the room.

The power supply surged for a moment as consoles and lights flickered across the ship. Suddenly hundreds of blue sparks could be seen across the exterior of the ship, these sparks were slowly moving in a circular pattern cutting away small round chunks of armor from the ship. After a few moments the holes were made and small laser turrets, missile turrets, and flare tubes popping up in a random order. For a few moments they did nothing then almost as if coming online all at once they began to open fire on the smaller fighters that were engaging the ship. Lasers missiles and Flares all fired and launched, tracking and targeting both incoming missiles and enemy fighters.

Victor decided to inform the bridge crew what he had just done, “Hey beautiful if you don't give me a name I'm just ganna keep calling you names” he was speaking to the pilot before he spoke to the others, “so you are all aware, my A.I. Sara has been uploaded to this ships main frame if you need anything she will be happy to help, also I found a sealed room that had the countermeasure console in it so I got those working. Sara has them firing at the closest targets but you can tell her to target other things if you want. Other than that I can't get any more power out of the engines what we got is what we got, the shields are starting to come back online a bit more and the other girls are helping with that. My next move is to start working on the power core once again. That's all I got, Engineering out” with that he cut the chatter and returned to his work.

@Atroposer@Hazy@luna558@KimmiNinja@StormHeart@The Jest
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

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@Windstormugly @Bishop
Shaking her head from the impact and looking around she noticed that a few others had already moved past and cleared out. Leaving a mess of people behind them dead or alive.
"well good to know some people know how to handle this quick and efficient" Ranna chuckled her hands shaking. She looked at them for a moment as if enlightened about her own character in this test. Glancing at the others in the group, Gold and Tserv was it?
Ranna gave a faint smile "Is this a good time to mention that i have little experience with actual combat??" Of course she didn't lack complete experience but most came from the kind that had support and heavily equipped marines all over the place. Preferably in-between her and the enemy. Her computer beeped, at least something good happened as a faint map of the nearby structure of the ship showed, they wouldn't walk completely blind into the corridors of the ship.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

@Silvir With a cheerful smile Gold started:"No worries sweetheart. We do our part and they do theirs. We just follow as they clear the way. Any idea where the storage rooms are?"- as he walked in front of the three and started waited.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kessir Tarkin
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Kessir Tarkin

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Then he turned back to see Rama slaughter a unarmed man and he felt fire go through his veins, Do you have no honor?! he yelled at Rama while marching up to him I can understand killing for self-defense but that man had posed no threat!, Don't waste lives, we're here to take prisoners and you've done anything but that! He yelled and pushed Rama.

"Honour? Waste lives? These men were waiting to flank us! You think they had any intention of giving us mercy? We are boarding their ship, we are the enemy, basic military tactics say that these men were waiting until we pushed far enough that they had a clear shot at us from behind with the orders of shoot to kill. You think that is honourable? You're, young, you don't know war, but you will learn over time that honour ends with either your death or the death of someone you know and care about. Now get your head back into what we are doing. There are plenty more to 'subdue and capture' on this ship." He said as he stared at William with a stern look and brushed off where he had pushed him. As much as he wanted to teach this man a lesson his former master would not have approved and he stayed his hand.

Instead he holstered his pistol and sword and armed himself with his assault rifle activating it before he began to move on.


@Elevation @tal0n

Meta continued on with its assault, as the heavy armour took shots from all directions it continued with it's mission, to make a clearing to the main engines room. It powered it's blasters and shot through another wall. Using it's heat sensors it was able to map out a straight path from where they were to where they needed to be.

"Those of you that are going to the main engines, follow behind me and cover my back. I will clear a path for you and offer cover when you are gathering what is needed. I will then divert to helping the others when this mission is complete, it is the will of my master." Meta said as it continued on as it drew the enemies fire and made a quick path to the engines.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Kessir Tarkin You think I'm young and naive, You think I've never known War, I know war. Every day of my life I have fought and I have struggled and I have suffered, You've never lived on the streets of terra, you've never known what it's like to wake up and kill three people over a simple slice of moist bread, you've never known what it's like to go days, Weeks even without food, water or any comfort, you've never known what it's like to watch your life waste away as some god-forsaken flu kills you and your friends slowly, you've never known what it is like to wake up and see the last person in your life who cares about you limp and lifeless, you've never known what it's like to wake up and wonder if this day will be your last. Do. not. tell me I don't know suffering! William yelled at Rama, the anger that pumped throughout William wasn't fueled by honor anymore, it was fueled by Rama believing he was weak, That he was some naive little boy here to be scarred by war. William felt his hand draw to his sword, if he had been on the ship he would've killed Rama for his insult, but whatever shred of reason William had held him back. If he let himself and Rama devolve into petty infighting he'd never see the sun set.

We'll finish this later, this isn't over he promised Rama and marched back to the fray, he needed to survive, he'd fight Rama when the anvil of certain death wasn't looming over his skull.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

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@ReusableSword @Hazy @luna558

Telasie narrowed her eyes in the direction of Red, but did not say anything insulting, which was as good as a compliment coming from the bitter woman. She glanced in a sideways fashion at Asugan. "I'm gonna need you to account for something. As soon as this ship makes contact with that one." She pointed a bony finger at the one the Typhon was currently hurdling towards. "Shoot east with everything in the canons. Likewise, Red, don't you fire one fucking shot or so help me." She warned, narrowing her eyes towards the attractive human.

Telasie widened her stance a bit, smirking. She wasn't sure quite how she could hear them down in the engine room.

"Telasie Banthur. You can call me by my motherfuckin' name, but 'beautiful' will suffice." Telasie cackled a bit, puffing up internally. Other Denari people considered her ugly, as did most races this side of the galaxy, as she was littered in more scars than considered acceptable. If this person managed to somehow find the skin-and-bones-barely-dressed look attractive, then so be it. She readied herself as she whipped the wheel around, likely jarring and tossing everyone not already holding onto something stable. She gave no warning as she rammed straight through the bridge of the enemy's primary tank ship, cocking her head towards Asugan, and signaling it was his time to act.

She flipped something on the small control panel, activating a third reactor, which she could feel hesitate immediately. She knew it wouldn't last long, but if she could propel the debris from this ship into the other one, that would be one less angle to be fired at from.

The force from the canon would not only slaughter those that somehow survived, but it would also push the remains of the enemy ship into the larger 'tank' ship that was surrounded by the tiny, agile ones. It would send the Typhon spinning at a dizzying rate, but Telasie knew very well she could recover from that, and orient herself almost immediately. Telasie watched the merchant ship, carefully avoiding shots from it while simultaneously making sure not to let anyone shoot at it. She would trust the gunners to eliminate their canons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hazy
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Asugan raised his brows slightly when Telasie told him what to do. She wasn’t truly going to ram them, was she? It was a crazy plan but it might just be crazy enough to work. But he didn’t get much time to think about it before they slammed straight into their bridge. The moment that happened Asugan pressed all of the nine buttons to fire of a full broadside, causing massive and likely killing anyone inside.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Windstormugly
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Windstormugly Eater of Time

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The Lizard could move, swiftly dealing with the two guards standing inside the merchant airlock. Tserv could appreciate the restraint that had to go into only knocking them out, following their captains orders. There was discipline in the man... and none in the others. The knight among them managed to land in the face of the guard knocked out against the wall with his shield before charging ahead. Conrad ran off on his own. His group B comrade went out in the hallway only to get shot at. The slime-thing disappeared into a vent. And the guy with the moving armor went the same way as their knight, weapons pouring away, the Nhliki soldier only hoped they were at least trying to take prisoners.

He walked out from the airlock and placed himself ahead of Ranna as she mentioned her inexperience. It did surprisingly not annoy him as much as it would have, but he could see the senseless mess left by the knight and their man/robot team. He could hear them off to some hallway... It sounded like they were arguing, kids. Straining his ears he heard more firing in another direction.

-You said you were scanning the ship Ranna? Tell me when to turn and I'll lead the way. he said. The smaller corridors of the merchant ship made the more than 10 feet tall Nhliki soldier hunch down, towering over the young woman. His suit made it look almost comical, until he unholstered two of the plasma-rifles from his back, took them in his lower arms and began walking straight ahead on the remaining four limbs, going past Gold like a big fourlegged spider. The partly cybernetic tail had been reestablished as a part of him and was now hovering just above his head, ready to strike out.


The argument between Rama and William had given a group of merchants time to amass just around a corner, unleashing hell upon them as they got in sight, not proper soldiers or guards their fire would be unfocused, but when there are 11 plasma-rifles firing towards you in a tiny corridor you either duck or get ducked.


Meta's path towards the engine-room attracted most of the attention, and more and more fire barraged its armor, along with the occasional explosion from crew no longer caring about their ship. Following behind it was a fools errand, as it couldn't deal with every new enemy, leaving many to appear behind it. Before long circuits began melting inside it from the excess heat radiating through the armor of the robot, systems failing or overloading, the suit was on the road towards a big heap of scrap.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

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@Windstormugly@Kessir Tarkin William turned away from Rama only to face 11 plasma-rifles firing simultaneously, GET DOWN! He yelled, shocked with surprise and jumped in front of Rama with a shield in front of him, the plasma bouncing off his shield, Rama would be virtually unharmed while William wasn't, a searing blast of plasma hit him in the shoulder, blasting away shards of his armor and melting off his skin, he gritted his teeth in pain, This was the part about battle that wasn't fun. Losing.

After Rama had been spared the blunt of the trauma, William barreled into the group of guards, most of them to the ground with shattered bones, he swung his sword to the right, close-lining a single guard and bursting his nose with blood, the guard promptly fell unconscious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by luna558
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luna558 The spam queen that's obsessed with TV shows.

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"Ye gods woman I won't! You don't need to threaten me."
Then she braced herself as the ship impacted the bridge of the opposition.
"Fuckn ell!"
This would be a hell of a way to go out!
She thought as she hoped she didn't have to get another limb anytime soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by StormHeart
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StormHeart Mother of all Dragons

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Alexandra finally got one of the shield generators working. "See? I fixed one of them!" She said. She then started working on the next one, wondering if she could ever fix all of the shield generators.

Maybe I should work on something more... Important and use some tools to improve it. She decided once she was more familiar with how the ship works, she might work on her little project, but for now she was focusing on the shield generators.

I wonder what's going on with the rest of the crew...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kessir Tarkin
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Kessir Tarkin

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rama watched as William dived in front of him to take the brunt of the blasts from the men taking a hit, on the shoulder and continuing to fight. For a moment, he saw the potential of what he could become. It piqued his interest and felt that for the moment to keep this man on his side it would be smart for Rama to no longer kill.

He sighed and once again put away his rifle and took out his gladius and kept his other hand open. He then proceeded to follow William into the fray but before he did he touched William on his shoulder, releasing some of his nanites into the mans wound. The little machines went to work quickly as they closed the wound and began repairs onto his armour, the pain he could not help but he felt that William would be able to handle it for the time being.

In a blinding flash of speed he passed William and the men whom he knocked down, he swept a man's legs and knocked him to the ground, as the man fell Rama spun in a circle to continue his momentum and uppercut a man squared in the jaw, making him hit the roof but not enough to kill him. With another spin he roundhouse kicked another man hitting him in the temple with his heel, knocking the man to the ground out cold. He kept his momentum going as he hit another soldier raising his gun in with the butt end of his sword and soon the rest of the men were dispatched.

"William, thank you for your help, I have underestimated your skills and will not argue with you any further, I will fight to half my power to incapacitate and not kill unless it is necessary, you have my word. Now how does your shoulder feel? My nanites are quick, and I need you back to form." He said as he looked down the hallway making sure there were no others coming at this time.



Meta was taking damage and even it's armour could not continue to take on the blasts from the men's rifles. Its nanites were working hard to keep his frame together as the blasts kept coming from all directions.

It knew that the others were still behind, possibly not wanting to have to deal with such an assault. Meta had to make a change in it's planning, it activated its thrusters that pushed it back into an area hitting a crashing into all that were behind it so that all fire was now at the front.

The machine then dug in it's feet letting the nanites create circuits that tapped into the power of the ship itself and began to gather the energy from it. It enhanced the nanites and they began working overtime to fix it as well as channeling power to its cannon arm. Without saying a word the cannon shot out in a blast that spread out in a large diameter taking out many of the men in front of it and scaring off those that were covered by the ships walls. Meta knew that after the blast it needed time to recharge and as soon as the blast ended it fired it's shoulder cannon firing out two smoke bombs that blew in the direction of its enemies and was able to find cover while it recharged it's energy. It hoped the others with it were able to pick up the slack before it could come back to full capacity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

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Scrap didn't want to spend most of the time fixing up what was below decks. She realized it would probably help most if she learned the ways around a ship engine. It wouldn't hurt to have some knowledge about what runs a ship in case something happens. It wouldn't be too hard for her either since she picked up on robotics and minor mechanics easily. Though it was a shame she didn't learn how to read or write to a full extent - that kind of skill wasn't needed out of her at the junkyards. But with joining a crew she hoped that someone here would possibly teach her something.

The bots that came with her whirred around her helping with repairs and before long she was finished with what could be repaired with what they had. She wiped what grease and oil she could from her face and hurried back to the engine room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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@Windstormugly @luna558 @Warborn123 @Hazy @Lurking Shadow @StormHeart @Atroposer @Kessir Tarkin @Kimmininja @Elevation @ReusableSword @BKburke @Bishop @Silvir @Tal0n

The Merchant Ship

Arms stood by the Airlock in wait for everyone else to do the job given to them. However, he used the holographic images on the palms of his arms to get a good idea of what was going on, as lifesigns detected on the ship were starting to drop, no doubt part of it being because of Rama's gravity bomb stunt. He could hear the Knight also complaining how it was specifically ordered to only kill when necessary. Arms couldn't help but sigh while pinching the tip of his muzzle in annoyance. Then he could hear sounds...he wasn't expecting to hear from the outside, as all kind of weapons were being fired out of the Typhon. He looked out the window to see the damage done to its exterior shell.

On the one hand, it's something of a blessing in disguise that someone not only unsealed his "room of wonders" that Arron ordered him to seal, but also activated weapons Arms helped to develop and upgrade back when Edward was still captain. To top it off, in order to get those things working at once, that someone must have brought in an AI chip to insert into the computer mainframe. Which means, at the very least, there was someone in their new crew that will prove very useful for him.

On the other hand, their captain was a petty sort of child, and will likely not be happy someone ruined the ship's asthetic.

"The Typhon would be one of the most feared ships outside the Imperial Armada if it wasn't for that damn shell in the way." Arms thought.


As more and more of his crew is eiher killed or knocked out, The captain of the Merchant ship armed himself with the best weapon in his merchandise, an Advanced and upgraded plasma rifle, and moved towards the door. He didn't know what he could do alone, but there was no way in hell he was going to just sit there and let them come to him. That in mind, he walked into the hallway, and looked around, a kill-on-sight mentality seen in his clearly fear-stricken eyes.


The Typhon- Bridge

It was around the time he could feel the ship shake from the additional fire Victor provided, the lasers and missiles that blew a hole in the ship's exterior hull, that Arron thought maybe, just maybe, putting them into a stressful situation where they'd be looking for anything and everything to fight back against the oncoming forces that were heading their way may have been, in fact, a bit of a bad idea.

His clever smirk immediately turned to a frankly goofy look of shock as the Victor's activation of the other weaponry of the ship, plus his pilot's spinning of the ship to attack a particularly larger fighter, ramming the Typhon into it, caused the ship to shake hard enough to knock him off his chair and land right on his face. Staying there on the floor as Victor explained what was going on to the bridge. One might have thought (or hoped), with how motionless the captain was, that he was knocked out, or possibly dead, (...It could happen...) but it seems he was listening to what Victor was saying as he rose up one of his arms, pointing towards the ceiling with his face still planted on the floor almost outright cartoonishly, and began to speak.

"...And those buccaneers drown their sins in rum, the devil himself would have to call them scum. ...First off, welcome to the crew, happy to have an AI on board, we have talked about getting one but by Poseidon are they expensive. ...As your captain, here's your first four directives. One, your captain designation is "Link". Two, as the Mainframe AI you have control over the ship's mites, so be sure to help Scrap by setting the repair parameters she adds to all the mites on the ship. Three, Target only the fighters for now but not all of them, save some for Hook and Scots, and when I give the command, rain hellfire on that merchant ship. Four, give you friend Jar a message for me: "Thanks for the fix and the AI, greatly appreciate it, but know there's a weapon in that room you must absolutely not touch yet: it should be a giant console with a blue print shown on the monitor, can't miss it. One more thing, for future reference and with all due respect: DON'T GO BLOWING HOLES IN MY HULL, YOU 'SHOLE!!!" ...Be sure that last part is capitalized, and ends with 3 exclamation points. Also, Pain, happy with how excited you seem to be, but we don't have the money for ramming materials yet, and until we do, this ship is not a bull. So please, for the love of Uranus' severed balls in the ocean of stars, don't kill us!" Arron said to Sara, using the fingers of his extended arm to count his directives as he said it while also making handsigns to further express what he's saying to her.

It should be noted that the first sentence was in a different tone from the rest of what he said, as if he was...singing.

Afterwards, he pulled his face off the floor and got up, dusting himself off, and getting back on his seat, waiting for Arms to give a signal to haul them out of the merchant ship with prisoners in tow.


It wouldn't take Victor long to notice what he was talking about, as there was one particular set of computers and a giant monitor set deep inside the room on the opposite end of it to the door, practically positioned in a way that noted its importance. Just as Arron said, the monitor was displaying a blueprint for something on it. It looked like some kind of giant cannon barrel set just below the Bridge of the Typhon, with some kind of power core at its center, separate from the ones in the engine room, and looking more like some kind of giant crystal at its center. On top of the blue prints was what seemed to be the name of this weapon: Codename: Dead Man's Chest.

However, the analysis of the weapon seems to indicate that it's still incomplete, and therefore inoperable currently.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Silvir
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Silvir Lost Kitten

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"tell you?" Ranna snorted "I can show you instead much better then trying to shout over the coming battle" Having said that the female Raptir waved her hand and before the large Tserv the sphere appeared now with an arrow inside it pointing for him where to go. "This way i should be able to cover our backs at the same time oh and it is locked onto what seems to be a storage area"
The vibrations in the ship told her one thing and that was to hurry. "And perhaps um we should run i don't think they can hold of more then what is currently out there." She remarked as they moved.

Pondering for a moment she looked at the man infront of her"Hey Chef want me to get a list of their cargo while we move or you more of a wing it kind of guy??" She was considering of course also what kind of food he would take as she had sadly discovered a certain limit to what foods of these species she could consume.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

@Silvir Gold turned to Ranna:"That would be good."- and started listening to her while she listed the materials/food/ingredients in the cargo area. The road and halls themselves were clear, courtesy of the vanguard unit but the same couldn't be said for the many rooms. Now in the cargo area alone there were 3 creatures waiting behind the door, this was easily noticeable when he scanned with his eye. Following the directions of Ranna they reached the door to the cargo room. It was locked from the inside so even if they managed to hack the door control panel the door wouldn't open.
"I believe this calls for a forceful entry."- Gold said as he took a few steps back ready to charge-"Keep your distance"-was his last and only warning as he charged the door made of reinforced alloy. The door developed a noticeable dent and a few surprised yelps could be heard from the other side. 1 more time, another one, and another one. Now the door was so dented in the middle you could see the other side from around it. One more push and it would fall. That's when Gold stepped back and started charging a shot with his plasma flintlock. It started shining a bright energy until the pistol itself was shaking forcefully.

The other creatures stood behind it, guns at the ready to shoot anything in site after the door fell. They waited and waited but nothing. Until the fully charged blast of plasma was release from the flintlock, blasting the door of it's hinges and sending it flying inside the cargo room taking down 2 of them while the third one was fast enough to jump to the side before the door crushed him like the others. Unlucky for him he had lost the gun and among all the boxes and shit that fell down haphazardly when the door knocked the over, it would prove a difficult task to find it again but even so the trembling creature was looking feverishly for it.
*Clink Clank*
*Clink Clank*
His mechanic foot made it's distinct noise as he descended the 2 stairs to enter the room. Seeing him searching like that Gold started:"Anything I can help you with?"-turning behind, the creature saw Gold towering above him with a sinister smile on his face. Before he could even start screaming a hand shot for his throat and slammed him to the wall. "Where is the safe"- the Chef asked with a deep low voice. The creature responded by aiming his finger at the door stuck to the wall from when he blasted it. Going there, the creature still in his grip, Gold removed the door, several strings of fluids and meat were attached to the wall and the door, and as he said, the safe was right there. His golden eye rotated a couple of times and the iris zoomed in and out as it started analyzing the creature.
"Now tell me the password."
"Dor.."- the grip tightened, almost crushing it's throat.
"That's a lie. Lies make what little time you have left very unpleasant. Want to try again?"- Gold said as he took his metallic hand, a knife emerged from it, and put it right in front of the creature's eye.
"Ghhk..Tos-R..or-Nil-Su-Kan-Vok-Gim-Hix.."-there was a little hesitation before he said the last one the-"Lu..ghhk.."- he didn;t even finish pronouncing it as Gold stabbed him in the shoulder accompanied by the creature's ragged screams.
"Now now, what did we say about lies?"- he replied as he sharply rotated the knife 180 degrees inside his shoulder only to be followed by more screams.
"Zu..ur"- the creature finished as his neck was snapped in half as easy as a chick's.
Throwing it away Gold started inserting the code. It opened...only to reveal an eye scanner, the captain's certainly. Another hit shook the ship and almost made every thing fall off their shelves.
"Better finish shopping first."- Gold responded as he took a bag and started stuffing it with different ingredients and food.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atroposer
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Atroposer Papa

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Telasie scoffed as she quickly oriented the thrown ship and settled into a gentler stream of motions, still not relaxed as she did her best to avoid both debris from the opened up enemy ships, and attacks.

"I almost know entirely what I'm doing. Besides, the damage that would have been sustained from multiple shots from that thing would have killed us. Our engines aren't in any condition to dodge forever." The tall woman rolled her shoulders a bit. She watched as outside of her the void of space was only occasionally illuminated by shots fired between ships. She cocked her head at one gunner, then the other. "You two are tolerable." She decided in a rough voice.

@Hazy @luna558
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Warborn123
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Warborn123 That really quiet guy everyone forgets about

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Kessir Tarkin

William shoved his elbow into the face of a guard, causing the guard to smash into the wall, his teeth shattering with a spray of blood, the guard fell to the ground with a crash and didn't wake up, but was still mostly alive.

William laughed heartily as he went to handcuff the now unconscious guardsman 'Tis but a flesh wound he replied, the sting of a open wound felt familiar to William, like the smell of coal to a coal miner Thank you comrade, I apologize for my words, I tend to be a little unhinged at times. Now lets go incapacitate some Merchants! William turned and marched on, the anger that had consumed him had been washed away by the threat of death.
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