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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 12:45 P.M. Local Time

Barracks: Peter chuckled a bit as he rubbed his chin. "No one can keep things under wraps it is a Keystone," he assured his uncle before leaning forward and tapping his finger on the desk. "As far as this expedition goes. Spare no expense. Whatever the crown won't cover, I will." Peters voice was firm and he had a look of determination in his eyes. It wasn't a look he had gotten before the war, that was not unless he was spouting off at his father that he would do what he wished, when he wished. It wasn't defiance as much as it was him exuding that he meant what he said with every fiber of his being.

Sighing he leaned back in his seat and stared off at the window, a flash of pain becoming visible in his eyes. "Whatever this expedition is, whatever you all are after, it doesn't matter to me. I just want this for Vera. She has more smarts than ten men I know in this area. She should have been leading these for the last decade. Screw what the ton, the world, or even the crown says. For once that woman is going to be happy doing what she loves and the consequences can stuff it," he added, with a slight chuckle at the end. Turning to look back at his uncle he smiled slyly. "They can come after me for all I care, there is nothing they can do to me that hasn't already been done."

Gheit el Idda: Slap him? The words rang in her ears as the world seemed to slow down around her. She couldn't fathom a single action or word he could utter that would cause her to slap him. It wasn't that she hadn't ever slapped someone before. In fact she had laid her open palm quite readily across the cheek of the Lord Major Keystone when they first met. Propositioning her had caused her hand to fly and land square against the mans skin with a loud smack. It had been the start of a rather odd friendship between them. But Sgt. Walsh? Even if he did the same she probably would have just gawked at him.

As Harry placed his hand on her cheek, she began to understand as he came closer to her. Aziza could feel her breath catching and her heart slowly starting to beat harder in her chest. When his lips touched hers she felt a jolt, as if she had just been smacked but from within. The dancer hadn't been kissed since her husband and his kisses were anything but welcome. They were harsh, cold, and caused her stomach contents to rise and bubble. Yet it was Harry kissing her. It was warm, caring, consuming. Her arms slipped up his chest and over his shoulders, drawing herself closer as she returned the kiss, returning a kiss willingly and wantonly for the first time.

The Prison: The warden eyed Josephine and gave her a hungry smirk. "Well then, it seems I must speak with this Mr. Walsh. To clear your and name and all," he said s he leaned up and laced his fingers together as he rested his hands on his desk. "But that can wait. I am sure we can think of several things to do to pass the time," he added as his eyes trailed down and looked at everything but her face.

The interrogator rose from his seat without a word and stepped over to the door. Opening it slowly and stepping out. It closed behind him and the sound of the lock clicking echoed. It was but a few steps before he was at the wardens door and knocking. The warden growled slightly and his eyes shot to the door before he yelled out something in his native tongue. The door opened and the interrogator peeked his head in before moving over to the warden. The two conversed in the language they knew best, going back and forth for a moment. Every so often the wardens eyes would go back to Josephine. The warden grumbled and nodded, waving the interrogator off. A moment later he was out of the office and back into the room with Haakon.

"And this man that was with you, a Mr. Walsh?" he began. "Another reporter? Another adventure seeker taking the law into his own hands? Stolen key perhaps?" he said as he stepped slowly back over to the other side of the room.

The Museum: As the delivery man rushed off towards the back of the museum and towards the offices Ahkmed turned his attention back to Mosie as she addressed him. "Khopesh," he said with some slowness in his voice. Her pronunciation wasn't entirely off but there was a slight need of correction. "Ahh, yes, if you will just follow me I can show you to our weapons collection upstairs," he said before motioning for her to follow him.

Nothing but a quit jaunt up the stairs and down the west displays before he lead her to a large case against a wall with roughly a dozen Khopesh in it. "Here we are. As you can see we have a nice variety here on display dating back through many Kingdoms of Egypt." His brow lifted a bit before he glanced over to Mosi. "It may be a bit difficult to get a full sketch of them due to the display I am sad to say but I hope this will do well enough."

"Oh," Vera said a bit surprised. A female assistant? That was that old? Shaking off her surprise she sighed a bit. "I'm sorry. Do forgive me. Please, join us. Just give me a moment, I am behind today and I must apologize once again," she added as she began to move to set up for the luncheon. She started to trip over her feet. Neema quickly held her hands out and took the tray from the librarian before it went spilling all over the room. Vera caught herself and felt like kicking something. "I am sorry, I am all a fuddle," she growled.

"No need to worry. Sit yourself, I'll serve," Neema said in a firm grandmotherly voice. Looking over at Nora she smiled a bit, with a look of better I do unless we want to wear this lunch on her face. "Now don't you worry about a thing. I am sure everything will be fine. Men just like to mark their territory is all," she teased, not knowing that William and Vera were not an item.

Vera's mouth lay agape at Neema's words but was cut off form saying anything as a knock came to her door. "Um, yes, come in," she said half spaced out. The delivery man entered and smile at the women in the room.

"Ladies," he said nodding a bit at first. "I have a delivery here for a Lady Munn." Vera looked confused but stepped over and took the flowers. Tipping his hat he stepped out and left. Vera looked down at them and ran her fingers over the petals. She stepped absentmindedly over to her desk and set them down. Removing the card and reading over it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Josephine Clark

Location: The Prison

Josephine felt a little bad for putting Mr. Walsh into this, but if it would help them out, it would be for the best. He wouldn't rat Aziza out either and he could add some credibility to their testimony. He was there, after all. She watched the Warden's eyes linger over her and knew she had him where she wanted him.

And then there was a knock.

She tried not to breathe a sigh of relief. She wasn't looking forward to..entertaining the Warden. She didn't understand a word they were saying, but based on the look he kept giving her, it was about them. Just what the hell was going on? She had enough of this. When the Warden sat back down, she spoke up. "Talk to Mr. Walsh if you wish. He should be able to add some clarification. Now, any more questions or shall we make the best of the time while we wait?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren looked towards Vera seeing her taking the trays, she watched her stumble a bit before Neema quickly stepped up to grab the tray from her and telling her to sit down and she would handle it. Lauren listened to Nora speak about Neema and that she had been helpful with information, though Lauren wasn't very sure what it was that she knew exactly. Lauren remained seated looking towards Nora, bonding over a few drinks in the past and speaking in her Irish Gaelic.

She felt slightly out of place though, they knew more about Cairo and Egyptian history then she did, as Lauren remained fairly quiet until she heard a knock on the door. Lauren looked towards the door seeing a delivery man outside of the door she would return the smile just to be friendly. He asked for Vera as she stepped over towards the man, Lauren looked at the bouquet of flowers that was brought to her Lauren looked towards Vera as she set them down on her desk. "So, who is it from?" Lauren asked, she had a feeling that it was from Peter, it wasn't really Williams style at least from what Lauren knew of the man already.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

"That is particularly generous, Peter." said Reginald, squaring his attention with his recently returned nephew. "I daresay your father might have differing opinion of your choice of investment, considering as you have given me a "carte blanche" statement." There was the slightest hint of positivity sprung across the old man's features, to be quickly absorbed by graver considerations. "If it please you, nephew, and I would take it as a considerable favor were you to not find insult in my next statement; but if it would please you, I wish to minimize your personal expense in this endeavor." The offer was very generous and the Lord Major was glad to hear it, but he had reservations, much of which revolved around Peter maintaining his familial standing and fortune.

"Should funds come wanting from usual channels, I will write down a modest number - the most modest one that still covers expenses. Sans personals, of course. But I will call upon your assistance in this regard last. Such ventures often have unexpected expenses that can jeopardize the best of planning, you see, and I would want the bulk of your generosity available for times such as those, unless otherwise necessary." Hopefully with both his and Peter's honor intact, a sometimes difficult thing when discussing matters of personal finance, Reginald moved on to his nephew's next, and probably more important point.

"Yet concerning Vera, wholeheartedly, sir! Even for an old chauvinist like myself. This would be the instance, and she would be the woman from whom I accept my orders, of course. Naturally, excepting that we get another one wearing the Crown. Goes without saying, quite."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Harry Walsh

Location: Gheit el Idda

As his lips met Aziza's, Harry braced, expecting a slap across the face for a foolish action, and he was surprised when he felt anything but. Feeling as her hands slipped up over his chest and over his shoulders, his free hand wrapped softly around her waist, holding her closer as he held the kiss, enjoying the warmness of it. It occurred to him as he kissed Aziza, that it had been the first time in a very long while that Harry had actually taken what he wanted - and while it was perhaps a touch rude, the fact that it paid off certainly made it worthwhile in his mind.

Slowly, Harry began to draw back from the kiss, standing up straight again as his eyes locked with Aziza's, an awkward silence threatening to build over a few moments as he examined the slightly dumbfounded expression on her face, searching for what best to say as he looked down at her. Eventually, a smile split his lips, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, I did warn you..." He proferred with a grin, content to enjoy that small moment of peace and warmth as long as they could. However, it did pass soon enough, as Harry cleared his throat, glancing around at where they were. "We should probably head inside..." He chuckled again, shifting his grip down to her hand again as he led her upstairs and toward his room, fiddling with the lock for a moment before he moved inside the small, relatively uncomfortable abode.

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

Sighing as he watched the delivery man move down the hall, William was left alone with his thoughts - a dangerous prospect. Stopping in the hall, he crossed his arms over his chest as he thought on the issue. Almost immediately, he cursed himself for his previous thoughts. What was he thinking? Peter was a slimeball, in fact, he was the biggest slimeball William had ever laid eyes on, and he was one himself. Oh no, he wasn't going to let this go so easily. If Peter wanted to try and lay a claim to Vera, he'd have competition, William would make sure of that.

Turning his gaze as he heard footsteps, he smirked as he saw the delivery man returning from the office. Heading over to him, he set a hand on the man's shoulder to stop him. "Hey, pal. Do me a favour? Go back to wherever you got those flowers from, and buy the biggest bouquet they have, bigger than that one. Bring it back to the same woman, say it's from..." He paused there, was it wise to say it was from him? No, Vera would value the riddle of figuring it out, surely. But then again, he didn't want to make it too obscure... "Sir Francis Drake." He settled on, figuring Vera may appreciate the nod to an explorer, and subtle mention of his name. Reaching down to his pockets, he grabbed a few dollars, handing them over to the man. "There's more for you if you do the delivery."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Priscilla Harker

Location:The Museum

β€œAhh...” Mosi made a sound of realization when the man corrected her way of pronouncing the name of the weapon. β€œKhopesh, of course.” She said repeating the way he said the word with a nod.” I apologize, I will try to remember it to heart.” She added as she quickly followed after him. The man was really courteous and polite. She wasn't used to be spoken much in such a way.

β€œYes, thank you. This will do perfectly.” She thanked Ahkmed with a smile.” Lined this way allows one to well see the way the craft advanced through the ages.” She noted pulling her notepad and pen once more.” The way the blade's curved and bent into this shape suggests it's original form was similar to an axe no?” She asked.” If my memory serves correctly, I remember reading it's origins indeed should be found in some form of a battle axe. It's a really unique type of sword indeed...” She nodded to herself, doing rapid sketching across the pages of her notebook, making some assumptions on the lengths or wights by eye.” Now I really want to forge one... It will be wonderful in my collection... hehehe.” She said with an almost daredevil like smile on her face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

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Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The Prison

A long, muffled sigh of relief escaped Haakon's lips when the lock clicked from the door. Left to himself, Haakon's composure was let down, his mask of confidence and stoic determination gone for a moment. His sure to-be back-breaker had simply up and left him alone in the bloodied room in which he had to intention of staying in much longer. Not that he had a plan of escape, the door was locked and the prison was...well, full of people meant to keep people from leaving. Besides, what good would an attempt do? Innocent people didn't run away.

Unless they were conspired against and feared for their lives. The thought did occur to the journalist...

Not long after, the interogator returned to his previous position, his facial expression just as unreadable as before. For now his attention was at Harry Walsh, not that Haakon was convinced it was better by now. But his composure had returned, leaving Haakon with a confident exterior. Especially with the man's insinuation that the journalistic occupation was merely thieving vigilantism. He wasn't about to let that get to him, even if he felt it as a slap across his face. "He's not a fellow reporter, no. As a matter of fact, from what I understood his previous occupation was with the British Army. And like I said, he was given the key by the woman, so your guess is as good as mine."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Nora Kingston

Location: the Museum

Vera's flustered nature seemed to not have vanished from the previous night. Even now, Lady Munn appeared to be tripping over her own feet, with Neema's quick reflexes allowing the tray to be saved and steadied before the luncheon went to waste. Nora found it a bit curious that Vera was always this clumsy. Surely, she would've improved by now, especially with the precious artifacts she worked with? Of course, Nora gave no facial or social cues that would suggest she found it odd.

Neema fell into the grandmotherly role as per usual, something that Nora had become accustomed to as of late. Neema took a more genuine interest in Nora than the rest of her family did. Her father and mother would have wanted nothing more than to marry Nora off to some respectable gentleman, but she was damaged goods, so to speak. She was the family disappointment. In darker moments, Nora sometimes wondered if her father would've preferred that the disease had claimed her life as a child.

The flowers delivered for Lady Munn were clearly not from Mr. Drake. There was no manner in which they could have arrived on such short notice. However, Nora did not wish to be presumptuous--flowers were such a bold gesture, but she imagined that the Lord Captain, the famous mathematician, perhaps could have been the sender. She saw no reason as to question Vera, though, and was content to sit in relative silence.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 12:50 P.M. Local Time

The Prison: The interrogator grunted a bit, actually making a sound for the first time as he sat there and listened to Haakon. The first look that he had had since they had arrived creeping across his features. It was displeasure. Sighing he put his hands on the table and pushed himself back before rising sharply and leaving the room once again. This was becoming a habit. Nearly following the exact steps he took before there was a knocking sound at the wardens door, which in turn made the Warden grumble as he was just about to suggest a common trade for freedom in this prison. Flesh for freedom. What he said was not clear since it was in the local language but his frustration was more than apparent.

The door opened swiftly and the interrogator came back in. The two started conversing. Each one getting a little more angry with each sentence that came out of the others mouth. Flopping back in his chair behind his desk he finally let out his first word in English since the interrogator arrived. "Fine, they can go," he said. The interrogator nodded and left quickly but the door remained opened this time with a guard standing there in the doorway now. "Do not leave the city," he said in a huff.

The door for the interrogation room flew open and hit the wall as it swung back. "You up, leave now, stay in city," was all the interrogator said before he vanished back out of the door and down the hallway to tend to other matters. One could hear a door slamming a ways off and after a few moments of silence one could hear screaming coming from somewhere. Not anger, not frustration, but pain. These were the cries of someone in agony, pure pained agony, and the voice was familiar. It could be nothing but the blood cuddling screams of Abbas.

George Benaszewski

Location: American University Cairo: Private Guest Quarters --> Qasr El Nil Barracks: Front Gate

The sound of a pens nib scratching over paper was the only noise that was in the small guest room, other than the periodic sound of someone swallowing. Sitting at the well worn out desk, a man sat there making notes on what he would say to the class at his next lecture. George was no scholar. He had no higher education, no diploma other than the one he had received when he finished his twelfth year of schooling back in Plover, Wisconsin. Yet, he had something others didn't. Life experience.

Millions had died during the great war, yet he had once heard someone say that the worst thing to happen in the war was not the death but to come home permanently disfigured. If that were true, George was a walking example of the true horrors of war. He had been a marksman, a sharpshooter, a sniper. Spending days and even weeks tucked beneath camouflage, waiting for just the right moment to squeeze the trigger. To take a life from more than 700 yards away. He didn't see their faces, other than through the scope before the blood splattered. Then he would see their bodies when he checked, took his proof, and move on. It was lonely, isolating, and left a mark on him that few others new. He didn't have the camaraderie other soldiers that had returned had. No brothers in arms, no one to pull him from the trenches. He was alone then and was alone now.

The knock at his door brought his attention out of his memories. Picking up the pair of glasses from his desk he slipped them on slowly, curling the wiry temples around his ears. Swallowing slightly he adjusted the piece of tin that was attached to them and took a quick glance towards the mirror to ensure that the plate covered the horror that lay beneath. Opening the door, the daily delivery man was standing there with news papers. The man stepped back slightly as he looked at George. He had been delivering papers to Mr. Benaszewski all week and yet he still was not use to the mans appearance. Yes, the horror was covered but seeing half a painted face staring blankly at him like some metal mannequin was a hard thing to get used to.

"Thank you," George said as he took the papers from the man. His voice was gravelly, more than even one who had smoked two packs of Lucky Strikes a day for the last twenty years. The skin around his mouth pulling his lips up to reveal his teeth as he spoke, having to swallow once again after he had only said two words. The man nodded and hurried off. Leaning his head to the side, his eyes drifted down towards the floor as he lowered his head. He looked defeated as he closed the door and sat at the edge of his bed. It never surprised him how people reacted to how he looked but it did wear on him.

Pulling the top paper from the stack he flipped it open and looked it over. He could take a small break from his writing, he was not due to lecture for another week. He had time. It was a good thing too for as his one eye looked over the headlines of The Times, the newspaper from London. It wasn't news from home but it was News in English. He saw something on the paper that caused even his few movements to stop. Swallowing as he looked at the image and then read quickly over the story. "Alive... mmm," he said to himself before folding the paper over and rising from the bed.

Something had caught his eye: Something important, something personal. Moving deliberately he placed his page boy cap on his head and collected the things he normally had on him when he walked. The hallway was empty as he stepped out of his room and other than his footsteps, the occasional sound of him swallowing was all the noise that could be heard. Thankfully, in his mind, the sounds of the campus and the streets drowned out this little sound as he walked. He could have hailed a taxi. He would have passed less people directly in his line of sight that way but the thing about George was this; he liked to walk. That and he had found over the years as long as he kept his head down and didn't try to draw attention to himself, most passed him as if he wasn't even there. Those that did notice tried their best not to look again. A taxi would have meant close quarters with another human being, one that would have looked at him directly, probably several times. It made for awkward minutes. Yes, walking was best.

His head didn't lift until he reached the gates of the Qasr El Nil Barracks. At this time he was forced to look up. Just as so many had before, they were taken aback. He was sure that at least one had seem this type of face plate before. If you survived the war, there was a chance of it. Or at least you saw the horrors that caused the damage that laid beneath. Yet even hardened soldiers would take a step back from him usually. Not because they hadn't seen it before but because so few survived to have a plate and they knew what lay beneath it. The thought alone was usually enough to make something reel back even subconsciously.

"What you do you want?" one of the guards at the gate finally asked after a few looks exchanged between him and the others there.

"Lieutenant Keystone...mmm.... Here to see, Lieutenant Keystone," he said slowly in his grating tone. His eye looking at the man before looking down.

"No one by that name here," the man stated. "Be on your way." With a single finger the guard pointed quickly back towards the street. George was not going to give up that easily. He knew Keystone was there or at least he was sure that he was. The paper had clearly stated that Keystone had come to Egypt, why it did not say. The Keystone George knew was a soldier as well, a pilot. If he was in Egypt, he would be at the barracks. Right?

George was sure of this and refused to leave. He kept his words calm even with the raspy way they came out. He stood his ground. He wasn't leaving until he spoke to Keystone, or until the person in charge of the barracks told him for a fact that Keystone was not there. Till that point, he wouldn't budge and was holding up others from passing. The guard didn't like it but he wasn't about to draw his weapon on a man that had obviously seen the worst war had to offer.

"ID," he demanded. George nodded and slowly reached into his front pocket, pulling out his wallet. Removing his American ID and his military ID he handed them over for inspection. The guard looked them over and then back to George before handing them back to the Tin Soldier. A few more words and George stepped aside so others could pass as he tucked his papers back into his wallet. The guard was off to speak with the commander of the barracks. He hadn't been let in but he hadn't walked away either.

Vera Munn

Location: Egyptian Museum: Her Office

Vera looked up slowly from the card and over to Lauren. "Lord Keystone," she began before catching herself. Saying Lord Keystone could present a bit of a confusion since there were two of them currently that most of those in the room knew at this point. That and she really shouldn't be referring to The Lord Captain as Lord Keystone but by his first name currently considering he was officially courting her at this time. "I mean Peter," she added as she looked back down at the note. "Apparently he is wishing for me to join him for a private dinner this evening so that we might catch up."

It had taken her a bit by surprise but she knew it shouldn't have. Peter had returned, they were picking up where they had left off, and Peter was ever the romantic. Flowers were not exactly something that Vera was used to receiving but she knew that the ones that were delivered meant much more than just a gesture of romance. Peter would have never just sent flowers without thinking it through. The number of flowers would represent something, as would the color, the type, everything had meaning to Peter. He never did anything without fully thinking it through.

Yet figuring out what would have to wait. Sitting down behind her desk she pulled a sheet of paper out and looked over to those there. "Just a moment if you all would," she said half mindedly as she wrote quickly. A few moments later she was folding up the paper and sticking it into a thick envelop. Sealing it and walking over to the door she peeked her head out and got the attention of one of the numerous people stationed through out the administrations hallway. "Please have this delivered to the barracks post haste," she said before turning her attention back to the group.

"Do forgive the constant interruptions. Hopefully that will be the last. Please, have a seat and we can begin. There is food enough for all of us," she said, becoming the hostess she had been raised to be. Neema wasted no time taking a seat and began pouring the tea as if she was perfectly at home. Checking with each person if they would prefer milk or lemon, if they needed sugar, what they would like on their plates, and so forth.

Vera watched her but said nothing as she took a seat and looked over towards Nora. "Now, please, tell me what you have learned. I'm interested to hear what has occurred since last we spoke."

Out in the main venue of the museum the delivery man looked at Mr. Drake oddly for a moment before looking down at the money. It was a bit unusual for someone to grab him and ask him to make another delivery. Was this man trying to start a war of the roses? If he was, he didn't care. Long as there was money changing hands he would do as he was asked. Another sale would be welcome back at his employers shop. Nodding a bit he took the money. "Yes sir, of course. I should return within the half hour," he said in English though his accent made it a bit difficult to understand if one wasn't used to it.

With that he took off with a bit more haste than he had been when he left Vera's office. He had another job to do. As did others. Ahkmed smiled over towards Mosi, glad that she was satisfied with the display. At her words he cocked a brow and rubbed his chin a bit. "Perhaps I may be of some assistance with that. Forgive me if it seems that I was observing more than I should but when you came in I could help but notice there was more women with you. One in particular. An older woman. I do know her, she once worked here at the museum some time ago when I was younger. Now, she does not deal with the making of such items but her nephew, a dear friend of mine is quite skilled in the older methods. He gives lessons from time to time. I believe he has a class tomorrow. Would you care for me to inquire if he has an opening?" he asked her as he stood there.

Aziza Tarek

Location: Gheit el Idda: Sgt. Walsh's Apartment

"Yes, you did," Aziza said as she blushed slightly and placed her hand to her cheek. She could feel the warmth in it and her lips were still tingling from his kiss. Her heart thumping gently beneath her breast. The dancer could never recall a kiss making her feel so. They had normally made her feel sick but not this time, this time she felt early over joyed. Not only at the positive feelings his kiss gave her but that she now had the knowledge that this was how such an exchange between two people should be. It made her wonder just how much more pleasant other things could be with Harry than they had been with her former husband. A thought that made her cheeks redden even more.

"Oh yes, of course," she finally said and stepped into his humble abode. Looking around she took in how he lived. It was a bit less room than she had at her place and far less decorated but it seemed to fit the man who lived there. Turning around she looked over to him and gave him a shy smile.

"I will just have a seat and wait for you to be ready then?" she said before finding a chair and resting herself down. Smoothing out her skirt she placed her hands in her lap and tried not to keep thinking back on the kiss. She hadn't wanted it to end. She knew they had things to do and it was probably best if they got back to the barracks. Not only because they were supposed to be joining the Lady Munn on this expedition so they could work out what their dreams were meaning but for safety considering the attack the last evening.

Forcing her mind onto something other than Harry was difficult but she managed. Thinking to Josephine. The woman seemed kind enough, even if Haakon's presence worried her. Surely if something came up, Josephine would be able to keep that man in line. Aziza felt that if Josephine put her mind to it, she should keep most any man in line. Maybe there was a thing or two to learn from her new friend. At least as far as how to be more confident. She didn't want to keep acting timid around Harry... Seemed her keeping her mind off Harry wasn't exactly as simple as she had first thought it would be.

Peter Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Reginald's Office

Peter rolled his eyes a bit. "My father can go take a leap off the Tower of London if he doesn't like my choice in investments. My money isn't his to control, not anymore," Peter stated flatly. It was no secret within the family that Peter and his father did not get along. They really never had. Peter was the second born and was always treated like the spare that he was. Sure, things had changed for his father since his return but Peter refused to let the man slide on the things he had said to Peter growing up. Sure, a son coming back from the dead made a father look at things a bit differently but for Peter, the way his father treated him now was how he should have been treated long before they thought he was dead. Death shouldn't be an excuse to finally come to ones senses.

"Do what you need to uncle to ensure Vera has what she needs for this," he added as he stood there. Letting out a bit of a sigh he looked back over to his uncle. "Perhaps we should go over to the museum and get a list from Vera. See what she needs that we can go ahead and take care of." There was a pause in his words, and it was obvious that he wanted to go to the museum for more than just seeing what they needed for the expedition. "And I wouldn't mind to see how she is doing considering what happened this morning. Plus the fresh air would do us both good," he said frankly before looking back out of the window.

There was a soft knock at the door which caused Peter to raise a brow as he heard the knob turning. Most waited for someone to say enter but apparently whoever was entering wasn't passing along that particular courtesy. "Terribly sorry to bother Lord Major but there is someone at the gate, an American. Normally I wouldn't bring this to your attention but this person seems rather adamant that he knows a Lieutenant Keystone. I assured him we had none but he is insisting that we do."

Peter looked at the man oddly. "Until recently that was my ranking. Who is this man?" Peter asked tentatively. Who could possibly looking for him here, under that ranking?

"My mistake sir. He says his name is Private George Benaszewski, US Army," the man said. Peters eyes widened in shock at the news.

"Bushwa!" Peter exclaimed in surprise. It wasn't common for Peter to curse, ever. Yet he just had. Shaking off the near white that had taken over his features, he rubbed his face with his free hand as he leaned a bit more on his cane. "I mean, yes. Show him here immediately. That is if it is okay with you uncle."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren gave a slight smile and nod when Vera mentioned that it was Peter who had given the flowers, at first when she mentioned Lord Keystone Lauren thought it was her uncle however. Flowers were usually a pretty good sign when someone was trying to show how they feel to a person she remembered when her husband back home always gave her some flowers whenever they were first together. She did miss everyone that she knew back in the States. The private dinner was certainly a romantic thought, though Lauren wasn't going to pry much further into it however, she was curious though how that would turn out though with what happened with William earlier.

"Please take your time." Lauren gave Vera a friendly smile as she looked over towards Nora as Vera started to write a letter back to Peter she assumed that was who she was writing to. "So how have you been Nora?" Lauren asked looking towards her friend giving her a friendly smile as Neema went to setting up the tea. Lauren gave the elderly woman a friendly smile as she requested a lemon and a little bit of sugar with her tea, she wasn't that hungry yet from earlier she had breakfast back at the barracks.

Lauren looked between Neema and Nora when Vera asked her what she had learned, she was pretty curious as to what it was, and if they were connected to her dreams in some way.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ONL
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Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The Prison

The eeire silence that had soaked the dry walls of the small room had almost grown normal to Haakon as he had been sitting on that chair. The pool of blood on the table, while repulsive, had by now become the least of his concerns, beside the interrogator himself. It was disturbing, all of it, but yet his senses had grown accustommed to it somehow. That's why he didn't really realize what was just about to happen.

Haakon gave a look of brief confusion at his previous captor as he returned to the room, ordering him to get out of the prison and stay within the city, before storming out while slamming several doors after him. So...had he believed what Haakon told him? The grunt of displeasure could really have meant anything from him not getting another victim to beat to death, or that he thought Haakon was spinning nothing but webs of lies. Either way, Haakon slowly comprehended the fact that he was free to go.

Slowly, he got up from the chair he swore he could see the patches of sweat from his back, and walked out of the room he feared would be his coffin. In the distance he heard the sound of beating, pain and, well, more pain. Haakon didn't want to think of who the unfortunate victim was, but he already knew. Now someone else was much more important to him; Josephine.

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location:Shepheard's Hotel -> Egyptian Museum

"No, that will be all, thank you. Here you are, sir."

Outside of the Shepheard's hotel, along the busy streets of Cairo, a man of foreign apperance payed a server precisely what a simple cup of tea would cost on such a common day. His appearance was foreign, not just for the various Europeans - and Americans - who might happen to pass him, but also to the local population; his skin was browner than most Egyptians, while his attire was that of an European traveller. Yet for his foreign looks, he still felt no more a stranger than he did in other places.

What he did feel, however, was the brief sense of dissappointment that he still was without a line of work. Few people had shown interest in his skills and credentials, but he was determined not to give up. Good actions led to good fates, that was for certain. The cup of tea seemed to boost his spirits as well. And so he picked up the newspaper from the table beside him, opening it with one hand while the other held the warm cup of tea.

A smile formed on the Indian's lips. There, right in the middle of the page, he read what he had needed; a position of work! The local museum was in need of junior archeologists with several years of experience and education. What the job included, that was actually not what concerned Mahendra the most. He knew when to be pickish, and this was not one of those moments; this was, if even just something small, a start. And so, having finished his tea calmly while reading the rest of the paper, the Indian geologist from Bengali wrapped the paper under his arm, put on his hat and began to walk towards the museum. Perhaps this would be a good day?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Josephine Clark

Location: The Prison

Josephine had that feeling she would be in a very uncomfortable position, but it was all she could do to get out of this. Thankfully, before things took a step further there was a knock on the door. The Warden got up, clearly upset. They spoke in the same language as before, but based on what she saw, the Warden was not pleased. However, he did say in clear English the words she'd been waiting for.

They could go.

She got up quicker than she thought possible, "Well, such a shame, darling. I was looking forward to our time together. However, you have my word me and my companion will not leave this city anytime soon. Goodbye," she said with an added blown kiss to hopefully tide the man over as she made her escape.

She would find Haakon first before they left. She tried to tune out the obvious screams of the man. It was hard to feel pity for him since he killed someone, targeted her friend, and brought them into this situation. "So, are we getting a ride back or are we on our own? Where is that rather loud man that was sent to us?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Reginald Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

The reiteration of Peter's determination to do what he chose with his portion of the family's fortune (plus his own formidable back salary, Reginald wagered) set well with the Lord Major, who responded with pragmatic support. "Well spoken, sir! Tower of London, indeed. My dear brother, your father, was always the stodgy sort. Everything proper and level, no sense of adventure. I have always believed that the dashing good looks and social graces of our generation was wasted on him, though I do find myself abundantly pleased that he has passed both along to you, Peter. To Hell with convention and to Hell with propriety, lad!"

Reginald rose from his desk, vigor streaking through his otherwise tired and portly physique. For a moment, he looked like a younger man; one ready to set forth into the great, wide beyond, a boy journeying to the encompassing call to arms and glory. "We are about to set upon a grand adventure, Peter! The greatest test a man can give himself, to pit his mettle against forces both mundane and preternatural! Yes! The overt declaration of solid self-determination; to set goals for one's self and destroy them, etching one's name in the chapters of history! Discovery! Exploration! Glory of martial victories! What ho, lad?"

Clearing his throat, Reginald took his seat again. "Apologies, Peter. It seems my enthusiasm often gets the better of my common sense. But the spirit of my words is valid. If you are willing to fund, then I am willing to accept. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of slipping into financial disaster, worry not. I shall ensure that you live your remaining days in the manner expected of a noble Keystone, you see."

His voice much more reserved after his dramatic outburst, he waited patiently until Peter had spoken the remainder of his piece. he followed it up with, "No no, lad. I am waiting for word back from two different sources right here in my office, and I must get on the phone besides to solicit assistance from my branch equivalent elsewhere in the Cairo area. You run along to the Museum. If you need a better excuse to visit Vera, tell her you're personally fetching that list for me."

Perhaps it was the fervor with which the Lord Major had pitched himself just moments before, but it seemed that Peter, ordinarily a genteel man with a good head for vocabulary actually used a touch of profanity. Reginald was shocked, to say the least. ...but, but we're British... he wanted to say, but instead tried to look beyond his little bluster. Of course, yes. Any friend of yours, Peter. But if you would? Same security protocol of every visitor, however. Have at it, then."

Meanwhile, back at the Prison, The Corporal and the representative from Legal were having just the swellest time alternating between sitting inside of the Rolls Royce and standing around it, killing time. There had been a reasonable expectation that the two of them would be allowed to be present for the questioning of their two charges, but it seemed that the courtesy of Cairo's municipal bodies had waned as of late. As such, our benevolent Corporal spent his time tapping the buttons on his uniform, rifling through his pockets for lint and bits of loose change, and limbering up his voice.

"Me me me meeeeeeee..." Pause for momentary throat clear, "La la la LA la la laaaaaa..." Sadly, he appeared to have a distinct lack of vocal ability, except burst volume. "Do Re Mi Fa So La Te ... Sod it..."

He cleared his throat again, continuing, "La la la la - Lo lo lo lo... Looo-o-o-o- ooord MAAAAAAJOR!" Yep, that outta do it.
1x Laugh Laugh
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Priscilla Harker

Location:The Museum

β€œOhhh?” Mosi made a intrigued sound as she listened to Akhmed's brief explanation of how he couldn't help but notice a few things and gave her a rather well meaning proposition. She found herself almost at a loss for words for a moment at the man's rather kind gesture, but quickly regained her mood and smiled.” I must say I'm rather surprised.” She admitted with a nod.” I would love for such assistance on your part, Mr. Akhmed.” She said with truly thankful voice.

β€œI would love to get the chance to study the craft even more. I've learned smithing and even engraving, but I'm always looking forward to learn even more and new parts of the crafts I enjoy.” She explained.” I would be really grateful if you indeed help me with that. Then I can only hope that he would teach me, because believe me I had troubles getting smiths back home to teach me.” She laughed softly.” Took them a while to get them to show me the craft because I'm a woman... well this time I have my own crafts I produced so if nothing else I should be able to show him I'm not some just crazy tourist there for the thrill.” She smiled.” If he agrees that is.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

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Harry Walsh

Location: Gheit el Idda

Looking around the room, Harry turned back towards Aziza as she spoke up, giving her a nod. "I won't be long, I don't need too much." Fishing around near his bed for a moment or two, he brought out his duffel bag, setting it on the bed as he opened it up. Collecting a few changes of clothes, he tucked them away into the bag and moved about, sorting through the different pieces of paper and scripts which covered the room. Many of them were similar, stories of the war, his musings and recollections of combat and death - his horrors.

He glanced over a few, skipping over a few of the worse ones as he picked and chose, taking his time to stack together particular pieces of paper before bringing them over to the bag and tucking them away. He lingered at his typewriter for a moment, but figured - considering the way the guards had reacted to Haakon's notebook, they would not particularly enjoy the idea of Harry arriving with his typewriter. Sighing, he eventually had his bag fully packed, pausing for a moment as he looked into the corner. Sighing, he reached out and wrapped his hand around the rifle which sat there, disturbing a few spider webs as he pulled it up, adjusting the sling of it.

He watched the rifle for a few long moments, he'd brought it with him to Egypt, and carried it since the war, but it had been some time before Harry ever considered he'd possibly need to use it. Shifting his sling over his shoulder along with the bag as he glanced back towards Aziza, forcing a gentle smile. "On we go."

William Drake

Location: The Egyptian Museum

Grinning as the man took his money, William watched as he insisted he would return within a half hour, watching as the man began to move off. He glanced back down the hall towards Vera, he figured it would still be best for him not to return, and indeed, being there when the flowers arrived was still probably not a fantastic idea. Sighing, he shrugged his shoulders, lingering for a moment as he considered what next to do.

Sighing, William settled back upon the task at hand, their expedition. Though he had a particularly unusual way of going about such expeditions, William still knew quite well that preparation was key to such things. Sighing, William began to make his way down toward the museum's archives. Usually, Vera spent much more time down here than he had, but he had come here on occasion to solve specific puzzles or uncover clues - he was unsure how much he would come to understand, but he set to task on uncovering what he could about the symbols which had appeared on some of their party - and deeper into what they might have meant.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Nora Kingston

Location: the Museum

Nora raised a bit of an eyebrow at the announcement that the flowers were from Lord Keystone. She had only been briefly acquainted with Peter, but her mind still jumped to the elder gentleman at first. However, her mind soon corrected the mistake, only to learn indirectly that Peter and Vera had found a new level of intimacy together. Otherwise, she doubted Vera would have referred to him by his first name. It explained the flowers, though it also struck Nora as a bit odd. She did not expect that Vera would begin courting Peter so soon, especially after her emotional state the previous evening. But those thoughts, Nora decided, would be best if she kept them to herself.

"I have been as well as is to be expected," Nora replied to Lauren, nodding kindly. She was a quiet person by nature.

Nora answered Neema's questions on her preference for tea (milk and sugar) and so forth. As Vera asked Nora what she had learned since they last spoke, Nora thought for a moment, attempting to find a way to communicate it all as concise as she could possibly be. And of course, a way that would cause Vera to not dismiss this information straight away, since it sounded rather strange. It was not information most people of science and mathematics would readily accept.

"As you surmised the previous evening, Lady Munn, the branding received by some of our number is the mark of Bastet. Neema has informed me that it signifies selection as a guardian for the goddess. Additionally, some elements of Egyptian astrology do appear to make accurate predictions of the persons in our fellowship, with some information gleaned from a dream that I had whilst I slept the previous evening. The most bizarre occurrence is the recitation of a prayer to Bastet that...that I have done, in a language that I do not comprehend without the aid of mathematics and hours of careful examination, with the assistance of reference texts and other experts."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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@rivaan @Pundii @Morose @FantasyChic @Nallore @Sigil @ONL
October 4th, 1924 - 1:00 P.M. Local Time

The Prison: Okay, the interrogation is over, at least for now. The Warden is obviously not happy about this and chances are if you think about it, it is rather clear why he isn't. Had this been just a general person of interest he would have abused his power to the max but since Haakon and Josephine were escorted by the British Military he ain't pushing it. Mores the pity, that could have gotten interesting. Either way, you two naughty killer stalkers are free to go for now.

The corporal is within the main gate with the car, practicing as you can see from his last update. He shouldn't be hard for you to find, he is loud enough to be heard probably a moon away, lol. Time to find him and hopefully get on out of there before the warden changes his mind. >.> You will see pretty much the same thing you saw when you entered, well there is one new thing. A blood trail leading into a room that you will have to pass to get to the main courtyard area of the prison. It will vanish beneath a door, on the other side of the door you can hear the weary cries of pain of Abbas.

Peter Keystone

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Reginald's Office

The guard awaited an answer and as soon as Reginald gave the okay Peter nodded to the man and instructed him to escort Private Benaszewski to them. The guard gave a nod and left the office, closing the door softly behind him before is footsteps could be heard moving at a quickened pace until they faded away. Peter rubbed his face some as he looked over towards his uncle. "Apologies for the language uncle, it is quite the shock to find out George here is was all," he explained.

Walking over to a chair he sat down slowly, cringing some as he did. Resting his cane between his legs he leaned on it a bit and tried to pick his next words carefully. "I must prepare you for meeting Private Benaszewski. He is...unique.." Peter wasn't sure how to describe George. Tapping his cane on the ground a few times as he thought how to continue. This was not someone you just wanted to spring on other people. Staring at a nothing of a spot on the floor Peter continued.

"It was six months before I disappeared. I remember it as if it was yesterday. The sky was dark, rain was coming but you couldn't smell it in the air for the smell of gunpowder that hung between the earth and the sky. My squadron needed a place to land, we would not make it back to where we had started from. The aerial battle had gone on far longer than we had anticipated. Radio contact was nonexistent between us and the Kings Army. Yet, then there was a crackle. An American's voice came through. With the mans help we were able to set down safely in a field. What happened next I am not sure but there was an explosion off in the forest of the field. We ran to check and there I found Private Benaszewski. He was laying there in the mud and dirt, half of his face looked to be gone. It was the most horrific sight my eyes had ever witnessed," Peter said, his body visibly tensing and shuddering at the memory. It was enough to get the message across without having to go into verbal detail.

Shaking his head he looked back over to his uncle. "I thought the man was dead, he should have been but then he spoke. Just a few words but he spoke. I knew that voice. It was the same that had set us down. We owed him our lives. Quickly as we could muster we did what we could and the squadron working together was able to get us and him to safety. By gods grace, he survived his wounds. I would visit him often before he was finally shipped out for home. We became, close. Closer than most I would suspect in a war between a Sniper and an Airman. Other's on the ground had brothers in arms. We didn't, not until that fateful day."

Pushing up on his cane, Peter rose and paced the room slowly as he continued. "Do brace yourself for when you meet Private Benaszewski. Some say that death is the worst outcome of war for a soldier. It isn't. Living disfigured the way George is... that has to be the greatest hell one can imagine. Even for me, at least my scars are covered by clothing and the rest are in my mind. For him, he wears them for the world to see, both his physical and mental wounds. Yet for all that, I do believe there isn't a more courageous man walking this earth. Perhaps it is because of his wounds that he is. War changes us all..."

Peter's head snapped to the side as he heard a knock at the door. "Enter," he said without thinking. It was his uncles place to grant entrance into his personal office but Peter obviously had his mind on other things. Seeing an old friend once again was one of them. The doors knob turned slowly and it pushed open.

Vera Munn

Location: Egyptian Museum: Her Office

Akhmed could only give a slight chuckle at Mosi's words. "If he has a problem with you being a woman, I am more than certain he will have a larger problem with his aunt. I do not believe he wishes to cross that particular bridge. Let me send a messenger and I will see what I can arrange," he said before excusing himself. Telling Mosi that he would be at the front reception desk on the main floor as he awaits a reply should she need anything else. With that he was off, one a mission to go above and beyond duty.

As he made his way to the main floor he caught a glimpse of Mr. Drake heading towards the stair case to the archives beneath the museum. Normally seeing an American trying to gain access to such things would have raised a red flag in him but he knew that the man worked with Lady Munn. It was almost a relief to see Mr. Drake going down there instead of Lady Munn, he was less worried about something being destroyed if he was down there. A quick nod towards Mr. Drake as he continued on his way. To the front of the museum and the reception desk. He made a quick note, hailed a messenger and sent him on his way.

Now that that was done, he waited. He could have done other things but he said he would stay there. Granted there were things to do there as well. People were coming in and seeing about the advertisement for the position opening. He could answer starter questions and direct them to where they needed to go. It was something to keep him busy until he heard word back.

Vera listened to Nora with curiosity. Some of the things she said made a bit of sense while others seemed wildly from out in left field. Perking her brow a bit she looked over towards Neema who was sitting there nodding and giving the occasional affirmation to Nora's words. "Do you think you could repeat what your recitation from earlier or even write it down for me to examine?" she asked as she sat there with her tea up poised half way between the saucer and her lips. She had many more questions to ask but this one seemed the most logical at this time. If anything, if she could, perhaps it would be proof that Nora hadn't cracked under stress. She doubted it, the woman seemed as ground as she herself was, yet it was still a possibility, one she hated to entertain.

Aziza Tarek

Location: Gheit el Idda: Sgt. Walsh's Apartment

Aziza sat there as she waited for Harry to pack, contemplating everything that had transpired before the morning and since then. Her mind going back to his kiss from time to time. A thought she wanted to linger on but forcing it away. It was not the time nor the place to do such things. Yet being there, with him, alone, it was hard to do. What awaited them on this expedition? She had never once even contemplated the idea of going on such a trek into the desert that was Egypt. Not wanting to venture out into the wilderness. Yet, perhaps now the unknown and the sands were a far safer place to be than Cairo, especially after the attack. It still gnawed at the pit of her stomach when she thought about it.

Once Harry was finished, Aziza stood and returned the smile he gave her. Hers was more relaxed than his but there was concern in her eyes. Stepping over to him she slipped her arm through his. "Then by all means, we can go now. Do we need to pick up... Roach from a stable?" she asked, wondering about the mans horse. Looking around the apartment she doubted such a place would have private stables for the residents as hers did but she could easily be wrong. Maybe if he did keep the stallion in a stable it was close by. Her apartment was not far off but a horse ride would certainly be quicker even carrying two for a short distance.

Reaching over she opened the door and glanced back to Harry, keeping her arm laced with his. Letting him lead the way until they retrieved Roach. The thought of riding was pleasing to her, even if it could perhaps draw more attention to them than she would have liked. The thought of having to ride with him cause color to rise in her cheeks but she pulled her scarf back over her head in hopes of masking the thoughts that were betraying her.

George Benaszewski

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Front Gate -> Reginald's Office

At the gates of the Qasr El Nil Barracks, George stood there quietly. He could feel the eyes of the guards boring into him, it was a common feeling these days, a feeling a he had become all to accustomed to since the day everything he changed. Yet he did not react to them, or to the numerous gasps when people passed him and finally took notice of the shadow of a man that stood there. His eye would dart to them at the shocking sound that left their mouths before looking away swiftly, yet the steel painted eye on his mask remained ever looking at nothing even as he shifted an lowered his head. Pulling his page boy cap down a bit more, the right side of his lips curling slightly as he swallowed from time to time and shifted from one foot to another.

The guard that had left finally returned. "Yes, you may enter but you must leave behind any weapons," he instructed as he opened the gate far enough for the man to enter.

"Yes... mmm... of course," he said, the gravel of his voice coming through as he stepped forward and started to slowly remove the weapons he had on hand. Pulling out his pocket knife first he handed it over. "Pocket knife." Opening his jacket a bit more he reached in and removed a gun. "Smith & Wesson M1917." Handing it over he reached into the other side of his jacket and pulled out another gun. "Mauser 1914, very small, mmm." The guard took each weapon and eyed the man, wondering why the two guns. Then George reached behind him, underneath his coat and produced a third. "Smith & Wesson Triple Lock."

"Right...." the guard said as he took the third. "Anymore?" he asked curious to just how many arms the man had on him. He had produced a total of four weapons from his person so far.

"No more. Carried light today," George said as he shook his head some. The guard wrote down some notes on a card and handed it over to George, who took it and placed it slowly into his front vest pocket. "Thank you."

"You may pick up your items when you leave," the guard stated before he motioned for George to follow him. Leading him through the barracks, the court yard, and so forth towards the Lord Majors office. George walked behind him, his strides slow but long to keep up with the guard who seemed to be moving at a quickened paced. It was how most lead him, wanting to be away from him as quickly as possible. He kept his face up though, he was far more used to being around soldiers than civilians, even if the soldiers he was around these days were anything but ones that followed a flag. Yet even then he still carried himself as if he was disconnected from the world around him, as if he was a monster. To some he was, to himself, he wondered if he was what they believed him to be.

As they reached the door the guard left him there, knocking for him and awaiting an answer before he left. Richard grunted a nod as he left before placing his hand on the knob. Turning it he pushed the door open slowly and began to step in. He spotted Peter first and there was the tiniest amount of a smile tugging on his lip that cause them to curl up and reveal his teeth. "Peter," he said in greeting before looking away and shutting the door. It wasn't until it was closed that he noticed Reginald standing there. "Hello." His head lowered a bit, both out of greeting and out of shyness to meet someone new in such an intimate setting. This was why he avoided cabs, to avoid being the only real thing for people to gawk over. He waited to see how the older man standing there would react before he did anything else.
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

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Haakon J. Elvsgaard

Location:The Prison

Seeing Josephine out of her temporary cage like a beautiful song bird added to the sense of relief that was filling up Haakon; save from the pained screams from Abbas, Haakon had for once again a reason to feel a sense of happiness. Sure, they probably were far from out of harm's way, but at least they had another day to live. Haakon gave Josephine a relieved smile as he saw her, and was about to comment on their meant-to-be protector inside the prison, when he heard it.

Well, on second thought Haakon realized that it could be one person that had the capability of creating sounds of that esoteric nature. The Corporal. The smile on Haakon's face ceased to be for a moment, before it came back with a chuckle. "I think you just got your answer, Jo Dear."

The scene out in the courtyard didn't seem to have changed that much since they were taken for 'just some quick interviews'. The only thing that caught Haakon's eye was the trail of blood leading to what he only assumed was the source of the screams. But since Haakon had little to no symptathy for the thief and liar, he did his best to pay him no attention, and focused on the Corporal himself. "Corporal, it's swell to see that you are all right. I was worried something was wrong. Is it time to return to the Barracks?"

Mahendra Huq Zalil

Location:On his way to the Egyptian Museum

If there was one thing that Mahendra had learned about Cairo, and Egypt in general really, it was that the traffic was no way as bad as it was home in Kolkata. For a starter, there were no elephants clogging up the streets. And then there were just fewer people to take to the streets in a busy day like this. Sure, he could see how Europeans would understand the Egyptian roads and streets as 'straight out dangerous', but Mahendra took it easy instead. There was no reason to shout angerly at them after all.

The Bengali geologist crossed one of the streets with a quick pace, weaving his way between a truck and a duo of camels, ending safely up at the other side. Though he wasn't sure if it was the right way to go, he was in no hurry to ask for directions. He enjoyed seeing the city after all. Though it didn't take him too long to see the outlines of his destination for the day, far down the main road of Cairo leading towards the Nhile; The Egyptian Museum.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren took a sip out of her tea as she leaned back in the seat looking over towards Nora and gave her a soft smile, knowing that her friend was more soft spoken then she was. But she enjoyed their conversations whenever they had their time together while at the bars that she frequented during the evenings. Lauren ran a hand through her hair as she took another sip as Nora explained some of the information that the woman Neema knew of. Lauren hadn't been in Cairo for very long or knew much of their customs back then, she didn't know who Baset was when Nora mentioned it. But she did know that they were all connected in some way, she remembered the night before when Aziza had gotten branded along with Harry as well.

"I'll admit, i'm not all that well educated on anything to do with archeology, mathematics or astrology or the culture around here all that well. But who exactly is Baset, and the whole guardian thing?" Lauren finally asked, she wasn't all that well versed in any of this but she was curious about everything, and she was wondering what exactly is going on with the dreams that everyone has admitted to have.
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Josephine Clark

Location: The Prison

Josephine was happy to see Haakon was well. She worried that the journalist would cave under pressure or would say something that would inevitably anger the interrogators and leave him a mess. She was thankful that was not the case. She heard the loud screams and tried her best to put them out of her mind. The man was a criminal, after all, and one that deserved punishment. She wiped her hands of this nonsense, she wanted to get back.

And she wanted a damn cigarette.

She walked outside with Haakon to the loud screeches of the Corporal's voice. She mentally slapped the man for being so loud and annoying but held it back as he was their escort. "Yes, Corporal, good to see you. And hear you, I suppose. Let's be off and away from this place quickly, before someone else decides to throw our good name in the mud again."
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