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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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The difference being entirely that the Ghouls have gone out of their way to contact me to get involved. I've updated everyone as quickly as I was able, and many have fallen into nothing by simply not updating. If the Doves meant nothing, then why did I update Ketsu all this time, or Remi, usually within hours?

The Ghouls had the convenient opening of a new shop by your own character who quickly welcomed random strangers into her fold and made a group of Ghouls that would then constantly interact.

Ketsu and Remi were given, at best, a mission or plot to follow. We were given nothing, "Do what you usually do".

I can't do anything for anyone if I'm not told you would like direct GM intervention. I have a large host of prompts for people, but I can't just drop it in if there's nothing saying you needed it. Given that you two worked together intensively on your characters I thought doing dinner character on character to start would be best.

Which isn't wrong, it would have been fine but I'm rather busy with work and Sketcher is in University. You can only hold two characters, even if we work together doing it, on something that isn't story related and engaging for so long before our actual lives become too much to pay attention to writing something as trivial as a dinner or walking around.

Or maybe I didn't make it clear enough that this RP is heavily decided upon by choices? I have an entire system working on the choices of every single player, and thankfully another player has volunteered to create a Dove to cover the lack of numbers they started with.

You definitely didn't. And that's great, good luck to them.

Needless to say, baseless accusations incredibly piss me off.

Needless to say, baseless disregard for a group of players for as long as you disregarded us pisses me off too.

I will admit I should have called everyone out myself much sooner, however.

It is the GMs job to keep their players involved, we volunteered our time to you. You're entirely correct here. Hindsight is 20/20 right.

Either way, good luck with your future RPs.

Good luck here too.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

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<Snipped quote by Old Amsterdam>

The Ghouls had the convenient opening of a new shop by your own character who quickly welcomed random strangers into her fold and made a group of Ghouls that would then constantly interact.

Ketsu and Remi were given, at best, a mission or plot to follow. We were given nothing, "Do what you usually do".

<Snipped quote by Old Amsterdam>

Which isn't wrong, it would have been fine but I'm rather busy with work and Sketcher is in University. You can only hold two characters, even if we work together doing it, on something that isn't story related and engaging for so long before our actual lives become too much to pay attention to writing something as trivial as a dinner or walking around.

<Snipped quote by Old Amsterdam>

You definitely didn't. And that's great, good luck to them.

<Snipped quote by Old Amsterdam>
Needless to say, baseless disregard for a group of players for as long as you disregarded us pisses me off too.

<Snipped quote by Old Amsterdam>
It is the GMs job to keep their players involved, we volunteered our time to you. You're entirely correct here. Hindsight is 20/20 right.

<Snipped quote by Old Amsterdam>
Good luck here too.

I am sorry it's called effort. A fucking Chimera attacked in broad daylight. Are you that idiotic to not think, maybe the CCG would have been called? Atomic Nut seemed to certainly be able to get Mei involved without the involvement of Shay telling them what to do. A RP is only as good as the effort the players put into that RP. It doesn't just fall on the players, it falls on you. Busy is not an excuse, Shay is busy and still manages to update and answer questions. If you have time writing this complaint that is near long enough for an actual post, you had enough time to figure out what the CCG was doing.

It's called using some brain. And putting effort into something you signed up for. For fuck sake.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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@AngelofOctober Woah, woah calm down there. I'm not saying it's all his fault, I am saying there are better ways to have kept us involved then cutting us loose with essentially nothing to do. By the time that Chimera had shown up the posts had far outnumbered what I was able to keep up with reading at work, and I had stopped paying attention entirely unless I had been tagged. Perhaps an OOC post about it or a tag for everyone instead of just Lemon and yourself in the original Chimera post would have helped keep me here and even alerted me that it wasn't just Ghouls posting, but it never happened and I was no longer watching or even trying to keep up with any posts to notice it.

I'm not saying Amsterdam is some evil human being that's absolute shit at everything he does and he neglected us blah blah blah. I'm just voicing my annoyance with how this was handled. He's done fantastically well with his Ghouls as can be seen with their participation and everything they have to do, but he dropped it, at the very least, for Sketcher and my own character.

Go join an RP, get essentially thrown to the wayside (Doesn't have to be purposely, unintentionally like this works too) with a posting speed that means there are anywhere from 10-20 posts by the time you next get a chance to look and then convince me that you'd still be 100% interested or even motivated to try and involve your character. I bet you wouldn't be, and you can tell me that you'd put in the effort to do it because you have more "brain" then I do but I would find it really hard to believe that you would remain with that RP no matter what you say.

I could have tried harder sure, I could have been motivated to continue writing yeah. But I wasn't. There was no outreach from those in charge asking what was up. There was nothing saying that my character wasn't forgotten. There was nothing here to keep me with it. There wasn't even a tag when the Chimera (Which was an event for apparently everyone, but only Lemon and yourself got a tag for it) showed up to let us know what was going on, to me it just seemed that the ghouls were still posting half-baked paragraphs separated into five sentences every fifteen minutes as they had been before.

To say that being busy isn't an excuse is ridiculous. I just got off five days of 12 hours shifts in a row, right through Thanksgiving. Before that I had a single day off and worked three days of 12 hour shifts before that, with one day between the three days of 12 hours before that one with another 1 day off between the four days of 12 hours before that, I'm busy and drained by the time I get out of work, I don't have the time or the effort available to sift through the posts and figure out what's going on that could possibly involve my character. My timezone makes it so that I'm working while you're all winding down your day and posting a bunch together. I simply don't have the ability or chance to post when or as much as you all do because I am busy. Today is my first day off in those five days, of course I have time to post something right now, but if you're saying that since I have enough time right now that I always have time that's ridiculous. Don't ever just assume since someone can write a short shitty post like I did about why I left and what I was annoyed with that they always can make a post.

I apologize for making you rather mad, but just as my comments have made you angry, what I feel was a lack of care for myself has made me angry. Maybe you can understand that. I'm not looking to throw curses and accuse others of having less "brain" then myself, I was just pointing out what I felt was handled badly and, although apparent in how I wrote that I am pissed/annoyed, I was offering advice for Amsterdam to maybe use in future, whether or not he uses it or even listens in the slightest isn't up to me it's his choice. He can choose to completely ignore a player that felt wronged and wrote a pissed off little post about it with some advice thrown in, or he can use it later and maybe avoid this from ever happening again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Edit: Finally made this CS for a setting I have no prior knowledge of... again... oh boy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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Would smash.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

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Approved. Move in over to the CS tab, and I think Arisen will be ready soon. In the meantime, we can discuss a way to introduce Yu and get ready for that partnership.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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-Character Tab-
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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I'm posting this here to get everyone's thoughts. Monika is intended to be a powerful character.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Hello are you still accepting character sheets?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

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Feel free to drop an application here in the OOC and we'll go from there. :3
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

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While an interesting concept, I'm going to have to say no. I'm no longer accepting the hybrid Ghouls, to start.

Secondly, I'm not sure that explanation for the procedure works exactly. The entire process to create an artificial Ghoul is a difficult one, and not something to just happen in a simple surgery like that. There's a bit more involved than just replacing organs.

If you would like to try your hand at it again, I'm more than happy to answer any questions or concerns.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Old Amsterdam

Fair enough do you mind if I make him full ghoul then? Has their been a full blooded born ghoul?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 16 days ago

Plenty. That's how Ghouls are normally, anyways. Might want to change his personally, though, unless you want him to become an active target for his outbursts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Old Amsterdam

Okay then do you want me to remove the going berserk? Or the killing of dogs? Would you mind him selling fresh dead bodies to other ghouls to try and lower the body count of living people?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

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Yes, remove, perfectly acceptable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Old Amsterdam

Changed a few things, I hope my sheet is okay now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

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I have been given permission from Old Amsterdam, but this is my quick analysis of the sheet as a whole;

Onto personality
Honestly, I do not know where you're going with this. The personality jumps all over ideas. I tend to have a personality set with a core theme. I am not sure what hisdsyphoria has to do with antyhing because you haven't established anything of the sort in the history or in his identity itself. It's a very run of the mill idea, that hasn't been focused very well and I think it needs to be cleaned up. Remember to ask yourself question of the who, what, and why varieties and answer them. He experiences Dsyphoria, why, because being a Ghoul he has always strive to be more human. There are reasons we are the people we are. Whether or not people agree with that statement, people tend to have a reasoning behind their sense of being. A reason can be as simple as genetics or it can be a series of events that enforced an idea.

I think you really need to really anchor down what you want as your core being.

Unto History

History also fails to set up a core theme. Or a core mechanic. You threw a lot of ideas without asking the critical questions and giving into why. For example;
At a young age he had a fascination with the human body wanting to be a doctor, As he grew older his father had pasted away form a car "accident" that his mother had done to get his life insurance money. Takashi went to college at the age of 19 during a course changing his profession to that of a mortician
^why did he suddenly change profession? what change? how did that affect him?
It's such a sudden jump. Without any establishment as into why, or the reasoning behind it. You don't have to go into depth, but some depth and some understanding makes it clear.

I feel like the characters lacks any ground work. That anchors it to a core concrete idea.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Okay then does this mean i have to make a few more adjustments for my sheet before he is accepted?
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