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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Near Bethlehem, Israel, Green Sahara
@Nerevarine @Tenma Tendo

There was something about the smell of burning human-flesh that sickened, Yevon. He had been told that an aching to preserve human life had plagued all the Ryusoken but he hadn't expected the intense nausea that swam in him. It was like drinking too much mead the night before and having to deal with hangover the next day. Still, the decay and death hovering over the stone village was masked by the celebration of their "hero".

A girl, a tiny one at that.

Yevon studied her while attempting to blend in with the villagers. For a long time they celebrated her and eventually he grew disinterested in their party. She was a hero; he wouldn't take that from her but his calling was pulling him towards her for some reason. Which meant she was connected to his Heroic Duty. Later on, he casually followed her as she drifted away. She snaked away from everyone and surprisingly took flight. "She can fly? A Winged-One perhaps. Humans call them... Angels I think," he recalled.

With ease, he kept up with her from below. His legs blurring along the earth. He trailed her until he noticed her small form flailing... falling! He picked up the pace, bounded into the air, and curled her against his chest for safekeeping. The sound of his landing boomed faintly. His legs quivered and thrummed from impact. The moment they were safely on the ground, he let her fall. She was flushed, he thought. He crouched over her and tapped her cheek brashly, softly.

"Wake up, little angel. I saved you, so you better not be dead from shock," he muttered
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

World: Revelation
Location: Constantinople - Outside the Blachrenae Palace

BGM: Press Garden Zone -Remix-

Seeing as Tocsax wasn't badly injured, Agni felt a sign of relief, letting out a calm sigh as his Keyblade vanished from his hand. With the mech now inactive, he flet as if the adventure began on a sort of an active note, meaning that from now on, he would possibly go to fight from fight nonstop. This definitely reminds me of how it used to be back then. The war certainly took a toll back at my world. I have to make sure this won't happen with others. He thought. By that moment, Ignitio had descended and arrived at the location where he and other people were, seemingly all of them from the team he and Agni would soon join. "Did you confirm if he is fine?" He asked. "Gladly, he is. Although he seemed to be carrying away another one of our allies to... somewhere else, I guess." Agni responded. Of course, Ignitio was more than just unsure. No matter where he looked, his eyes only meant complete distrust towards the others. Agni could only look as his face became discontent.

In where they stood, right outside of the palace, there was another boy. He looked as a complete normal human, albeit from another world as well. His clothing was nothing like it was back home. Besides, everything about him was different, even his face. On another topic, the boy seemed completely lost and scared. After a fight with a giant robot appearing out of nowhere and with Heartless invading them, obviously everything would sound complicated. Agni decided to speak with him before going back to Tocsax in order to hear explanations about their situation and what their next move would be.

"Excuse me. If it's not too much for me to ask, are you OK? I couldn't help but notice you do seem scared." He asked and soon afterwards, extended his hand to the boy. "My name is Agni Blackheart, by the way. What's your name?" He asked, gently.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Well Vic wasn't really left with much of a choice. Heartless were appearing in droves and this person was apparently the only one around who wasn't actively trying to kill him. The stranger led Vic in the direction of a palace. On a normal day, a suburban kid like Vic might be awestruck by such a sight, but for now the palace was instead under siege and so sightseeing wasn't on his mind. Honestly Vic had no idea how anyone was supposed to deal with the giant machine, but the stranger who saved him seemed to have it covered. It was when he transformed his Keyblade into a shoulder-held cannon that Vic suddenly realized that the stranger even had a Keyblade in the first place.

His eyes widened with surprised. So there were more of them? The moogles back home didn't mention the existence of multiple Keyblades, and so Vic had never been aware that others besides his own existed. But, how did this person summon theirs without any help? That was something he might have to ask about if the opportunity ever came up. But that opportunity didn't seem likely. The stranger managed to wreck the machine and neutralize it, but someone else appeared and began to monologue. And then one other appeared, an older person who was soon flanked by six black coated figures on either of his sides. One of them, on the old man's far left, simply teleported from what seemed like out of thin air. And as the old man began speaking, that figure's glare glowed red from under their hood and was fixed squarely on Vic and nobody else.

"Not him... not again!" Vic trembled, stumbling back and falling on his rump on the street. He stared in terror at the glaring figure for what began to feel like an eternity. And that was when Vic realized that time had basically frozen. And the glaring figure was responsible for it.

<Ness... you still live?>

The thought projected itself into Vic's head, and it unmistakably belonged to the monster glaring down at him. Vic was too terrified to reply. Time seemed to unfreeze, and the other figures accompanying the old man vanished one after the other. The glaring figure from Twoson seemed to linger a moment, as if fighting back the urge to go on the attack. After a tense moment, the figure vanished in a manner similar to how he appeared, albeit somewhat... glitchy.

Vic could hear the voice of the old man nearby. He wasn't addressing Vic, ignoring him in favor in threatening the one who helped him instead. But Vic only partially processed what happened. The image of the glaring figure remained burned in his mind. And it kept him frozen on that spot, terrified not just for himself but for what might have happened to his precious friends. It wasn't until he heard another voice that Vic finally found himself able to move again.

"Excuse me. If it's not too much for me to ask, are you OK? I couldn't help but notice you do seem scared."

Turning his head toward the source of the voice, Vic met the gaze of another stranger. This one looked even more outlandish than the first he had met. Vic remained quiet. Shyness was always Vic's one crippling weakness. Socializing, especially with strangers, was just not something Vic was ever good at doing. It was the primary reason he preferred using PSI to talk to animals instead.

"My name is Agni Blackheart, by the way. What's your name?"

Vic couldn't just stand there dumbstruck. Not replying would just be rude. And so he mustered whatever courage he could and responded, "...Vic." in an almost cartoonishly timid tone. He shivered, visibly shaken and utterly confused.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Israel, Green Sahara
@Tenma Tendo@Renny

The Rider continued through the cool desert air, the wrap around her head fluttering in the wind as the horse she rode upon strode through the sands. Bethlehem lay within eyes distance, and the journey there would be a quick one from this point. However, it was at that moment that her eyes caught sight of something arise into the sky. A human! The rider pulled on the reigns of the horse, causing the beast to rise up on its back legs, letting out a loud neigh that seemed to echo across the entire land. The glowing green eyes of the figure followed the figure as it took flight into the stars, with the rider redirecting the horse to follow after her.

"That must be her! Jadyata al-Nujumiyyah! The Legendary Hero!" She exclaimed into the air as she chased after the flying young woman. The excitement quickly turned to horror, however, when she saw the hero suddenly go limp, and begin tumbling into the air. The green eyes widened in horror, as she cracked the reigns, and the horse chased after her. The rider's eyes focused in, squinting as she tried to pinpoint just where the girl would fall. But she was falling too fast, and the rider let out a scream, in a mixture of frustration and despair as she realized she would not make it in time. The horse was running as fast as it could, though the rider cracked the reigns over and over trying in vain to force it to move faster.

But the surprise grew as she saw a second figure appear on the scene, leap into the air, and catch the falling girl, safely bringing the two back to the ground. As she came closer to the hero, she was overcome by the potential danger that she was in. Who knew who this man was, if he was part of the False Prophet who wanted the hero dead. As the horse approached the two, the rider found the man crouched over her. Instinctively, the rider vaulted off of the horse, who let out a noise of shock as his master fell to the ground, immediately pulling out her sword from under her cloak, and held it in front of her.

The emotion in the figure was palpable, though her face was covered by cloth, the look in those glowing green eyes was piercing. She gazed furiously upon the man, the fury seemed to be having an effect, as the sword in her hand began to flicker as lightning magic coursed through it, though she was too focused on the other to notice. There was no thought, no planning, she just opened her mouth and screamed out, not even bothering to try and translate, just yelling in her native Vandalic.

"Ga ave fram her!"

Get away from her, she just hoped he would understand the message.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Near Bethlehem, Israel, Green Sahara @Nerevarine @Renny

As the disconnect between her soul and body remained, Capella tumbled helplessly towards the ground, losing her grip on Amalthea who ended up being flung out into a different direction because of how fast they were cutting through the air. Both the veil she bought to blend in and the one she always wore was practically yanked off her head, relentless gusts undoing the neat braids that kept Capella's blond and blue streaked hair from getting in her face. There was absolutely nothing she could do except wait for the inevitable crack of her skull into a million pieces...

Capella will never know why the gods decided to spare her with a warm embrace instead.

Unable to comprehend what was going on, the star child only started coming to when she felt something soft poking innocently at her cheek. Golden eyes faded to steel blue was she opened them halfway, her flushed face making her eyes brighter than they really were. The last thing she was expecting to see was a man dressed in odd clothing even for her. Unsure of what was going on as her memory up until the point she fell was a little fuzzy, Capella struggled to pull herself into a seated position to get a better look at the man crouched beside him.

He didn't seem to mean any harm as pale teal, or maybe silver, eyes stared back at her. Despite sitting down, Capella's breaths were labored, the fatigue finally catching up to her body and coating her bones. She was never the athletic type, and doing something like saving a whole town was definitely a lot of exercise, so this was to be expected. As she opened her mouth to say something, the star child fell into a coughing fit instead, throat raw and sore from all the yelling that transpired. Before she had a chance to compose herself, the neighing of a horse startled the blonde, who was now looking in the direction of the noise only to be met with the sight of piercing green.

Obviously frightened by the sudden newcomer brandishing a sword, Capella leaned away from the second new person and towards the man that probably saved her, small hands trembling violently in front of her as the occasional cough forced its way out of her body.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Near Bethlehem, Israel, Green Sahara
@Nerevarine @Tenma Tendo

The space between himself and the girl was intimate, even as her eyes rose, glowing gold than cooling to blue, Yevon simply stared. His instincts were on high-alert. He could hear the approaching of a hurried steed, one far too panicked for some passing rider. Frustration made him frown lightly. If only he had salvaged his sword from the wreckage of the Gummi Ship. He was so sure that the blade was lost that he hadn't bothered. Now he felt that it might had been a mistake.

A horse neighed and a set of feet dropped to the ground. A blade was brandished. The girl he had saved was coughing, her throat sounding hoarse. She drew close to him and finally, Yevon spoke calmly, "Sorry, but I don't know what you're saying." He placed himself between the blade-wielding warrior and the girl. "However, if its a fight you're after then come." He gestured for the Rider to attack.

Vibrant flames began to flicker against his skin and arms, warming the air while the slow roar of a fire whispered to life. If this Rider had lightening on his sword, than Yevon would meet it with fire.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Georgia didn't even see as the Heartless under her suddenly dematerialized and she was sent plummeting head first to the ground. Luckily for her a sudden windstorm kicked up, flipping her up and letting her land on her feet. She turned back to Asher and nodded thankfully, putting her big keyblade away. "I told you I was bad at names." She said. "One day I'll come up with a winner, like Bigfoot or Moth Man."

She could only take the enemy's sudden disappearance as a full retreat. Indeed, it was quiet outside. That could only be a good sign. She gladly took the ear ring from the mans hand when he offered it, smirking. "May as well. Everybody else has been in my head today." She didn't have pierced ears, so she flipped the club around and rested that in the well of her ear as he walked away. As he did, she heard a voice coming from the courtyard and stepped over to the busted window.

Amuro was already there, wide eyed, and when she got theatre she could see why. That robot head been in was torn to pieces, though who had done that she wasn't sure. Maybe that group of black cloaks. She listened as they went on about how light was tyranny, about how their plans could not be stopped, about how they would crest a more perfect world. Typical esoteric evil organization horseshit, the sort of long winded mumbo jumbo that would be printed in an illuminati pamphlet. No one that claimed they were fighting for a more perfect whatever could be trusted, because it always seemed to involve getting rid of a whole bunch of people that disagreed with you.

Snopes, ever lot ally sticking to the Gundam pilots side, didn't stop growling until the lot of them up and peaced out. She frowned at that. That either meant they were bluffing about being able to kill them at any time, which was dumb, or whatever it was they'd be doing would be playing right into that groups hands. Her eyes slid over to To sax, and the power that Leo was able to exert over him.

She'd figure that out later, the redhead was making an effort to gather everyone up and ferry them toward the hanger to set off. "Snopes." She said, bending down to meet his eyes as her happily turned to face her. She clutches his face in her hands, scratching his neck up and down. "My boy, my good good boy. You remember where we came from?" She nodded at him, and he eagerly nodded back. "Good, good, good! You take him there, all right? There's something mama's got to do."

She stood up and turned to Amuro. Poor boy was still looking at the robot like a kid that had just seen his bike run down by a street sweeper. Or maybe his dog. It was a complicated relationship he had with that machine, she'd gotten that much from their...contact. She put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, then slipped the raptors leash into his hand. The raptor took off back towards the hanger, dragging Amuro behind him.

Satisfied with that she walked back toward the throne room to see if the empress was doing all right. "Hey, could I have those records of the true history brought to the ship? I never got a chance to read them."

"Wait, hold on." She said, cupping one of her hands around her ear as Asher's message came through. "Get her someplace safe, something might still be here." She doubled back, heading in the direction she'd seen Asher head in before. Then she heard the word "fire," and started running.

As she made her way into the courtyard and spun around, looking for something that was burning besides the robot wreckage. She pulled the earring out and rubbed it. "Where are you? What's on fire?"

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Israel, Green Sahara
Collab with @Renny
@Tenma Tendo

The rider grasped hard onto the sword as she stared down her opponent. The glowing green eyes fixated on the strange face she now was placed before. The lightning crackled, the smell of ozone radiating in the air as the sword was fixed in place, the wielder focused on how she would deal with the opponent. There was no time for caution, there could be no more free variables, the Legendary Hero must be protected, and any threats dealt with. The rider swung the sword forward, launching an arc of lighting towards the man, and she followed after with the blade forward, reading to slash.

Yevon’s mind was first and foremost focused on the oncoming battle. So was the primal ferocity of his race and even more so in the naturally gifted. Some had called him prodigious, others despaired he was more inclined towards destruction, an unnatural fit for the next Ryosuken. His right arm burned bright, the entire length of which flared with the subtlety of the wind.

He wrapped an arm around the little angel as a blast of fire roared from his arm with such force that it blew them three yards to the left. In mid-air he righted himself, making sure to land on his feet and keep the angel from harm. “This might be more difficult than I first thought,” he uttered, unwrapping her from his side.

He raised to his feet and darted towards The Rider at superhuman speed, taunting an instinctive reaction. I wasn’t expecting bolts to be flung. He must be a wizard of some sort.

The rider's eyes widened as she saw the bolts flying at her. She ducked and rolled, quicking dodging the attacks. Magic, he must be with the False Messiah, she gritted her teeth as she took note of Yevon heading straight for her. She immediately rose her sword up to defend against the blow, the magicite in her reacting to the threat of the blow, cloaking her in a magical defense that would at least absorb some of the shock of whatever this man would throw at her. Thoughts raced through her mind, just where did this guy come from? He doesn't look to be any kind of local. And that Gummi Ship, could he be...? However, as she snapped back to her thoughts, she saw Yevon was now right up to her, as she lifted the sword to defend against attack, she also slipped her hand under her cloak, grabbing onto a little surprised for her opponent.

The Ryuman smirked. He’s good. His reaction speed’s impressive too. Might need to try harder.

The Rider’s choice of defense was quick and reflexive, it revealed that he was a trained warrior. Someone honed either in combat or schooled extensively. Yevon aimed his hand down on approach, bracing his wrist and blasting the ground. He vaulted over The Rider, landing behind him with a thud. He swung hard with his left arm at his head. The full strength of a Ryuman behind it.

The punch connected hard, sending the rider tumbling down a short distance in the sand, the residual fire magic lighting the wrap the rider wore into flames. The woman grabbed it and tossed the garment into the sand, before stomping it out. The rider was revealed, as she turned back to look at the Ryuman. Her green eyes shown out like beacons in the desert darkness as she looked back. The rider immediately pulled out the weapon from her cloak, a handgun, and fired off a few shots at her opponent. The weapon, charged by the same electric magic that had flowed through her before, as she ran at the figure again, with her free hand charged with electricity, she shot a few bolts at her enemy, before leaping into the air to rain a few more bullets upon him from above.

Watching her roll was a tad enjoyable, though her glare had paused him for a split-second. They were intense, scary even, in contrast to her face. He rubbed the back of his neck as she stomped out her cloak, boredom now clear on his face. “Just stop. You can’t beat me, not even with that… whatever it is.” he gestured towards the oddly shaped weapon in her hand.

Then a loud bang resounded and he felt hot holes in his torso. For a moment he wondered what had happened. He stumbled back a few feet, spotting the opening of her weapon spewing smoke. What the… Black blood begun to dampen his shirt.

Fixated on The Rider now, he tried to retreat but the white-hot pain in his torso slowed him a bit. A bolt slid pass by him, slicing his cheek.

A fire begin to burn in his core, a mixture of pain and fear fanning the flame.

Yielding to the pain he landed and dropped to a knee. He glared up at the looming Rider overhead. As she released more deadly bolts at him, his body became consumed by a rapturous white flame and within the consuming fire, the sound of iron being repelled resounded. As the flames subsided, a blue and gold keyblade with a crystal-clear key-shaped blade floated in front of him, a hexagonal barrier suffused around it.

A clear, warm surprise rested in his teal eyes as he knelt behind the weapon.

As the rider returned to her feet, she was shocked to see the man manifest a keyblade. A keyblade? No, it can't be. Was he truly the one who had arrived in that Gummi Ship? The rider was unsure of what to do. If he truly was a keyblader, there was no way he could be an agent of the False Messiah. The rider relented, her fixation of anger fading away into one of surprise and uncertainty. Lowering the gun, she spoke out, yelling in the direction of her enemy.

"You! The weapon that you carry with you, are you not an agent of the False Messiah?" She continued to gaze at him, her weapons lowered, but not returned. "My name is Audry Hjaurtly, I was sent to defend the Legendary Hero and ensure that her quest is completed." as she motioned her head toward Capella. "Unless you wish to die, you would be smart to explain yourself." Audry kept her eyes on the keyblader

Oblivious to everything except the weapon in front of him, Yevon reached out and grabbed the hilt inside the crescent guard. The barrier fell away and as he held the blade horizontally, admiring it, he spotted the Ryuman language on etched on its blade.

“Protect the World” it read.

Thoughtlessly, he replied, “I’m no agent of anyone. I’m a Ryusoken of Avaloss, charged with a Heroic Duty. I followed your “Legendary Hero” because my Heroic Duty drew me to her. I don’t know what brought me here or crashed that ship but-” Yevon crumpled to the ground, his wounds finally blurring his vision.

“You’re plenty strong, Rider. I yield...” he murmured, falling on his side to the ground and losing conscious. His Keyblade vanished in a bath of white flames.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Casting a Hastaga on himself, Felix began speeding around grabbing the errent keyblade weilders in order to herd them towards the Gummi Ship. Those who resisted were hit with a Blizzara and turned into living ice scultures. A few Cures would handle any frostbite.

The ship itself was sleek and large, looking like a space version of the Boeing 747. It was in red and gold, witgh the emblem of Byzantium on the wings. Inside were several state rooms with en suite bathrooms (don't ask what happens to the waste), a medical bay, a gym/training room, and of course a bridge that looked to be ripped straight out of Star Trek.

Once everyone had been forced escorted to the bridge of the ship, Felix turned to the glorious leader.

"Where to boss?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Palace of the Blachrenae, Renovation

The Empress had woken up by then and said to Georgia, "Already done; the Gummi Ship allotted to your group has been filled with records in both book and computer form beforehand." A smile, "We've been preparing for this Quest for a long time."

Then, turning to Amuro, who was obviously grieving for his machine, Empress Maria said, "The Moogles told me about your world, Amuro Ray. They say that your machine is one of the few things keeping it from going into chaos." A purse of her lips. "We will have the Moogles repair your Gundam; the use of Magitech instead of Super-science is optional."

Then Felix began 'collecting' the Keyblade Wielders using his trademarked tactics, causing the Empress to shout, "Felix, I wasn't even finished with Georgia!"

But it was too late; she was alone with Amuro.

Gummi Ship 'Renovation's Might'

Tocsax said, "To Ongoing World War II, of course. The Emperor will debrief everyone through Hologram once everyone else has vented their frustrations at your... Unconventional tactics."

He gave a thumbs up after that.

@Double@Gentlemanvaultboy@Ryteb Pymeroce@ShadowVentus@Nerevarine@Tenma Tendo
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
Avatar of Tenma Tendo

Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Near Bethlehem, Israel, Green Sahara @Nerevarine @Renny

Capella was still struggling to figure out what was even going on. Memories from when she left Bethlehem to now were still a complete blur. How did she even find herself in the midst of these two people? And what did any of this have to do with her?

Too weak to pull herself together for the rush of lightning and steel coming both of their way, the star child let out a gasp as the familiar warmth from before enveloped her frame, guiding her to the left. Clutching onto her savior's clothing as she squeezed her eyes shut, Capella left it to the more able stranger to get them out of this unneeded situation. She only opened her eyes when the warmth left her side, now looking at the two super humans trading blows with each other. They clearly weren't from here, that's for sure.

Unfortunately, there was nothing Capella could do; even watching was starting to become a struggle as her vision blured in and out of the void, only fully coming back to the single sound of a gunshot ringing in her ears. The sound reverberated horrifically through the stagnant air, blood running cold through her veins. What...what was that? Capella watched Yevon as blood darker than the night sky spilling out of his torso. She opened her mouth in hopes of getting them to stop, but nothing was coming out. Instead, she pulled herself onto her knees and began to crawl back into the fray.

Trails of lightning danced past and around the white flame that was Yevon. He was so bright in fact that Capella had to look away, steel eyes heating back up to a brilliant gold in the process. Once the blinding flame faded to nothingness, Capella found herself starting at the oh so familiar weapon now in Yevon's possession.

He was an ally.

The green eyed woman, Audry was her name, was apparently just as shocked as she was to see the keyblade manifest in such a way. She was also sent to defend...Capella herself? The letter didn't mention anything about an Audry meant to protect her or help her in any way...if anything the man with the keyblade seemed far more trustworthy than this woman.

Eventually, Capella got herself back to Yevon's side, but this was after he succumbed to the wounds of their needless battle. Shooting Audry a fierce golden look, most of which was a bluff because of her weak statue, the star child began to draw on the teal man's wounds, pale green glyphs materializing in the midst of the action. The glyphs themselves were crumbling as she put them up, but they managed to hold out long enough for her to finish, the glyphs stopping the bleeding, but not healing the actual wounds he suffered. That'd require another glyph.

However, before Capalla could get started on the second drawing, her once golden eyes faded back to teal, then darkened even more to a charcoal color as the girl lost consciousness, body falling right beside Yevon, palm resting over his wounds, right where she put the glyphs...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Collab between Letter Bee and ShadowVentus.))

'Medieval London'

Despite its name, Medieval London was a patchwork world. It resembled what people in other worlds thought London was like, as opposed to the historical realities. There, the names Bloody Mary and Jack the Ripper can be taken by gang leaders, while Arsene Lupin and Shelock Holmes waged a war of wits despite being out-of-place for this time period. Said time period was also vague, as well as the place of magic and magitech alongside the low level of mortal technology.

How Quaint, said the hooded figure as he appeared in an alley, This will be one of the first worlds I destroy. And with these thoughts, he waited for his client.

Now Playing: Stray Sheep

Save for the clattering of glasses being sorted at the bar, everything was rather quiet at the Raven’s Nook. A Dark Corridor opens in one of the shadowy corners of the bar. A figure clad in a black coat exits from it. As it closes behind him, he draws back his hood, rubbing the back of his head as he slips through the main lobby area of the inn, moving towards his personal study. He approaches a bookshelf, each book labeled with Roman numerals in perfect order. In an order known by very few others, he locates and pulls on the books numbered “XIII, XXII, and VIII”. An assorted variety of clicking sounds resonate behind the shelf, revealing a hidden passageway as it opens. The bookshelf turned door closes itself as he walks inside, beginning to descend a spiraling stairwell. After a minute or so, he finally reaches his destination. This space was used when the top brass of the Shepherds needed a place to negotiate private matters. He glances about the room and immediately sees Morgan seated at the table situated at the center of the room.

“My my, you’re here early.” He remarks, sitting himself on the opposite end of her.

The girl simply chuckled, her mouth curling into a smile as she was joined by her long-time mentor. “No, you’re just late.” She responded, casually running a hand through her hair. “Jack, I know you didn’t just call me here for some idle banter. What am I here for?” She inquired, cocking an eyebrow at him.
He laughs, propping his elbows to allow him to form a bridge with his hands, within which he rested his head. “Straight to the point as always, aren’t we darling? Ah, but yes, I do come here bearing news. I followed our client’s tip about your brother’s wherea-”

He’s cut off by her slightly jumping out of her seat in pure hastiness, bringing her hands down on the table in front of her.“You found Ash!? Is he safe? Are the moogles holding him cap-”

She’s cut off by Jack’s raised hand, motioning for her to settle down. “One step at a time, milady. It seems our client’s intel was on the mark. In fact, I got the opportunity to meet him face to face...the resemblance is uncanny. However, there is one problem.”

His smile fades as he adopts a more serious facade. Continuing to support his head with his left hand, he places his right index finger on his temple, lightly tapping it. “His memories of what happened the night your house burned down are extremely suppressed. While I had neglected to mention you by name, my poking and prodding didn’t seem to bring anything to light for him. The only family members he seemed capable of recollecting were his mother and father. Granted, they were in the same room with him when the incident took place.”

This revelation caused her to sit back down, her form crumpled inward as if she had just been struck. A brief moment of silence followed. Once she fully processed what was going on, she straightened up, resuming to make eye contact with him. “His memory is still there, then. There’s still a chance that I can get him to come to his senses.”

Jack’s smile returned in response to this. “Thatta girl. I knew I kept you around for a reason.”

Then, reaching beneath the table, he triggered a switch. This would unveil a secret alcove within the center of the table. Upon looking inside, Morgan would discover a black coat identical to the one he was currently wearing, and her usual array of weaponry and tools used during her operations.

“The coat is a gift from our client. This’ll allow you to travel through the Corridors of Darkness without becoming tainted by its use. Of course, I’ve also supplied you with your preferred weapons of choice from my personal armory.” As he explains what lies before her, Morgan begins equipping herself with everything, taking her time picking what she felt she would need most for what more than likely would be along journey ahead of her.

Now being fully decked out, Morgan stands up, putting the black coat on. It magically fits to her physique. She pulls the hood on, looking over at Jack one final time. "This Corridor will send you straight to our client. I know I don't have to tell you to be careful, but...please do come back in one piece." He says, opening up the aforementioned Corridor behind her.

She chuckles. "I'll be back alright. My brother will be coming home too, so you all better be ready to celebrate!" With those parting words, she turns to face the Corridor and advances forward, it closing behind her as she does so.

It takes her to an alleyway, where she confronts another hooded figure, who then tosses back his hood to reveal the white-haired face of Young Leo - Leo Psellos. The young man smiles at Morgan, before saying, "Hello, Morgan. My name is Leo, and yes, I am the client."

He smiled, before continuing, "Doesn't sound like a safe place to hold a conversation in, right? Let me remedy that: Cone of Silence."

Air swirled around them; mufffling all sound from outside and presumably doing the reverse. "Now we can talk; any questions you want to ask?"

Now playing: Disquiet

"Heh, well, this is quite the unique experience already. First, your intel doesn't send us on a wild goose chase. Second, you've completely silenced the area, making this a clean conversation. You doing all this makes me wonder..if you're this good, why do you need the aid of someone like me? Also, just what kind of ties do you have with my person of interest?" For Morgan, these were very valid questions. It was extremely rare for a client to know what they were doing, let alone have any sort of acquaintanceship with people within their organization. She had to play her cards right, expecially if this deal went south and turned into an ambush. She needed to get all of the intel possible in case in came to that.

Leo smiled, then said, "I'll be up-front with you; I have no personal interest in him. He's weak, he's overconfident, and his magical potential was unrealized. But it's the people he's with that interest me; I want them... Tested. I want someone to harass them, bait them, slowly strengthen their magical potential while rendering them vulnerable to the darkness. And your quest to get your brother back, after making him remember, dove-tails nicely with our goals."

Morgan's guard is even further up, if that was even possible. Leo knowing her own personal goal surprised her. The only one that had that intel was Jack, and he was not known for leaking critical information to clients.

"My apologies, but I think you have the wrong person for the job then. I have no interest in toying with others just so you can fulfill whatever agenda you're inclined towards. Keep your darkness to yourself." She took a step backward, instinctually preparing herself for retaliation. While this certainly wasn't the first job she has declined, she definitely didn't want this to be her last. She even went as far as calling forth her keyblade, it materializing in her right hand. She maintained her defensive stance, patiently awaiting anything that might get thrown her way.

Another Keyblade appeared in Leo's hand, wisps of dark smoke clinging to it for a while before disappearing. "On the other hand, you're stronger than your brother and vulnerable to the Darkness already. You'll do nicely as a substitute."

He pointed his weapon at her midsection and said, "Dark Firaga!"

And a fireball of Darkness hurled itself out of the Keyblade.

Now Playing: Run all you like. You can't escape fate!

Considering the projectile heading towards her was coming from close range, all Morgan could do was brace herself for impact. The force behind the attack was strong enough to send her back a couple of feet. She dug her heels into the ground, allowing her to remain standing. Deciding there was no point in pulling any punches, she transformed her blade into two hand crossbows.

"You're at quite the disadvantage here. Let's see what you come up with after I fill you with holes!" She fired mercilessly at Leo, both acting in self-defense while also getting payback at him for insulting her brother earlier.

A shimmering green barrier shone from Leo's Keyblade as it was held outward to parry, reflecting the intended damage from the crossbow bolts back to her unless she avoided it fast enough. Then Leo, not wanting to waste any power, hurled a ball of ice at her, one intended to freeze.

Upon seeing a barrier get thrown up, Morgan leaned fully back, the bolts flying past her face as she narrowly escaped what she had volleyed at her enemy. Upon straighetning out, she was too late to avoid the ice blast that had followed. It impacted the ground, encasing her feet in ice that was too thick to quickly melt through, let alone attempt to break. It began creeping up her body, embracing her legs and eventually making it so that she could no longer move. Unable to maintain her grip on her weapons, they clattered to the ground, dematerializing as the ice got up to her neck, her head being the only part of her not currently frozen in ice.

"Gods damn you...I'm going to make you pay for this.." The sudden exposure to such a cold substance was causing her vision to become hazy. She fought to stay conscious, barely managing to maintain the glare she had focused on Leo. If looks could kill, this one would certainly have done Leo in by now.

"I don't think so," Leo said, before continuing, "Sleep."

And Morgan was magically struck with overwhelming drowsiness.

With the casting of that spell, Morgan finally lost the last of the resistance she had left. "Asher..." That was all she could manage to get out before the Sleep incantation fully took its effect on her, her head now hanging into defeat as she fell into a deep sleep.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Israel, Green Sahara
@Tenma Tendo@Renny

Audry paused, her lungs filling heavy as the breaths came and went. The green eyes piercing into Yevon as she simply stared at him, watching as the man finally collapsed. She tucked the gun back under her robe, wrapping her arm around her body under he breasts as she took a deep breath and another, cringing briefly and wincing before she slowly opened her eyes once more. Audry's eyes turned over from the man to the girl that she was sent to watch over. Audry stepped forward to aid the girl as she moved across the dirt to Yevon's body, though she relented from approaching further when Capella shot a gaze of her own back at her, prompting her to step back. As Capella placed the glyphs upon the wounds that Yevon had sustained, Audry continued to say nothing, simply watching as the girl manifested a collection of crumbling sigils upon the body of the fallen man. As Capella slipped into unconsciousness, Audry's eyes watched the glyphs as they crumbled away, though she took note of the cessation of the bleeding. The man would be fine, at least.

Audry vaulted the sword from her hand into the dirt, following up with an exasperated kick at the dust, scattering a few stones. She sat on the ground next to the two, face buried into her own hands as she seethed. So much for good first impressions... Audry thought to herself. Between the sound of her own breathing, she caught the faint sound of flapping wings slowly growing louder.

"You've certainly made a mess of things, haven't you, kupo?"

Audry lifted her head to look upon the source of the voice. A strange little creature, almost like a bear, fluttering in the sky. Audry recalled the creature, it was cradled in Capella's arms as she was falling. Thankfully the little creature was blessed with wings to keep it from being in any real danger. Audry simply looked at the little animal, unsure of what to think.

The Moogle returned the stare, as the two simply were transfixed on each other, unsure of what to say or do, until Audry decided to break the silence to satisfy her curiosity.

You...you're a moogle, aren't you?

Upon the inquiry, the small creature fluttered down to the woman, immediately returning her question with a few swipes and swats with her paws, to the surprise and chagrin of Audry, who stood up, only to fall back onto the dirt. The Moogle ceased her assault. The furry face of the creature made it a challenge to discern any facial features, yet the little creature exuded an air of annoyance. The Moogle fluttered up slightly, before landing on Audry's chest, staring into her eyes.

"If you are done asking stupid questions, kupo, now is the time to explain yourself."

Audry jerked up, prompting Amalthea to fly up, stopping at Audry's eye level, as the traveler glared at the Moogle.

"I already said, I am here to protect the Legendary Hero. I don't have to explain myself further to you!"

As Audry tried to turn away, Amalthea followed after, repeating this process until Audry was trying to shoo her away, though with little success in so much as touching her. An exasperated Audry ceased her attempts when the Moogle returned to her eye level. Audry glared at her, though Amalthea seemed unphased.

"How do you know the star-child, kupo?"

Audry sighed, before simply walking away, returning to the site where Capella and Yevon were resting. Audry picked up Yevon, hauling the man over her shoulder and depositing him onto the back of the Horse, strapping him down lest he tumble from the beast. She placed a hand upon the stabilized wounds, attempting to focus the magicite, as a soft light exited from her hands, and onto his flesh, as the wounds slowly began to heal. By the time he awoke, he would be fine, so she hoped. Audry then lifted Capella up, carrying her bridal style towards the horse, as she stepped up, seating herself as she took hold of the reins with one hand, and keeping Capella close to her with the other. The girl was light, light enough that she would not get in the way. Amalthea followed after, floating up to Audry, grabbing onto the woman's robe, though Audry responded by swatting her way, to which the Moogle responded with a swipe.

"What do you think you're doing, kupo? Where are you going?"

"Wadi al-Qamar, the Valley of the Moon. It's safe there, and they can rest."

"Kupo...if you insist on taking them, it would be smarter to go to Jerusalem, kupo."

Audry turned to look at the Moogle, "Hmm? Why is that?"

"The star child has a Gummi Ship for her waiting there. If you are serious, it will be a safer trip than traveling by horse."

Audry pondered over the suggestion. The trip to Jerusalem would take only an hour or two, as opposed to a full day to reach Wadi al-Qamar, and another 3 days past that to Mecca.

"Okay, Moogle. We will go to Jerusalem, but there better not be any traps waiting for me when we get there."

"I expect the same from you, kupo." Amalthea responded as she landed into Capella's lap, keeping a close eye on Audry.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Gummi Ship "Renovation's Might"

Agni remebered himself talking with the boy named Vic as he just had introduced himself rather shyly. He was just about to respond when time had suddenly stopped and from that point onwards, memories are either a blur or non-existent. "W-Where are we...? Another one of those strange ships?" He asked himself. Ignitio was pulled as well and rejoined his brother and the rest of new crew as Tocsax and Felix were both talking with each other. "What did just happen? Were we not in a city a while ago? Why are we in a ship right now?" He asked. "I don't know. Maybe they pulled us here and now we're travelling to another world." Agni answered at the best he could manage.

BGM: Enemy in Sight

It didn't took twice for him to find all of this a shady thing to happen. A sudden teleportation to another Gummi Ship never made sense and it made Ignitio bothered. Seeing as Tocsax and Felix seemed rather calm about all of this didn't please him either, he summoned his rifle and pointed at the team's supposed leader. "Enough with the mysteries. What are you two planning to do?" He said, coldly and gazing fiercely at Tocsax. "I-Ignitio, what are you doing?! Put the gun down right now!" Agni spoke, nervous of what could happen next. "Only if he gives me an explanation of what just happened, both here and back then, sufficient to not make me pull the trigger." Ignitio answered, holding the gun and fixating its aim at Tocsax's head.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Agni and Ignitio weren't the only ones awakening with confusion. Vic barely got his name out before... something grabbed him. Maybe it was someone? Hard to tell, especially after being frozen first. But when he came to he was somewhere else entirely. He found himself in the interior of a spaceship, not that Vic was actually aware of it being a ship. For all he knew he was just in one of the buildings or one of the rooms of the palace. But whatever calm he may have had thanks to his brief conversation with Agni was completely gone. Fear once again washed over himself. Fear, panic, and the burgeoning signs of anger and frustration.

He heard voices and turned around to spot the two strangers he had tried to speak to earlier. He also spotted the stranger who saved him. But most importantly, one of the two was pointing a gun at the third and demanded an explanation. Of course, Vic too wanted an explanation, but was too panicked to even think straight. He wanted to be returned home, he wanted to be with his friends again. And all at once he couldn't help but see the terrifying PSI user in his mind while replaying his previous two encounters with him over again in his head.

Vic squeezed his eyes shut, tears even beginning to trickle down his cheek before he suddenly let out a piercing scream. Raw PSI power swelled within his mind and instinctively shoved away anyone who thought to move closer to him. And then, with only minimal control of his own power, Vic channeled his PSI until screaming out a single command, "PK FIRE!" this made a burst of psychic fire lash out around the kid, as if designed specifically to incinerate enemies attacking him in a clustered group. And of course, Vic had no idea whatsoever that he was in a sealed ship in the middle of space. And to be honest, he was probably too panicked to care either way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gummi Ship Renovation's Might, Renovation

Tocsax should have known better than to approve of Felix's actions, but Felix/Psilvux was a friend and he tolerated a lot more from friends than he would from people who, despite their moral character before they met, were still strangers. Yes, this was a black mark on Tocsax's character; nobody said the Nobody was perfect. So he said to Ignitio, "Allow me to explain. Felix's tactics may have been - Okay, they were the worst thing he could have done right now, but we needed to get going before the enemy attempted another massive assault on the world where we were supposed to meet and prepare."

Then Tocsax was interrupted, and it was only then that he realized how his friendship with Felix had blinded him to the consequences of his actions.

As Vic lit the entire room on fire, Tocsax, without the time to pull out his Keyblade, lifted up his hand and shouted, "Mass Shellga!"

A blue aura then covered every member of the group except for Vic, before Tocsax turned to Georgia. "I... Uh... I might have helped screw the pooch here." His frustration and embarassment were genuine, as well as his awareness that he was partly to blame for this and deserved punishment. A flash of emotion - True Guilt. "Help me save the kid, Georgia. I don't want him to harm himself."


<Zekaraya,> The Angel's voice spoke again inside his head, <I will guide you to your next destination.>

An image of a globe much like his' own, only with the Sahara being a desert and large spots of darkness covering it. <A world forsaken by God. A world where Emmanuel was never born, and which still waits for their messiah. A world where those who follow the Law of Moses and those with black skin are persecuted, marked for extermination. The only saving grace is that our enemies are repulsed by it as well. Wait for them to defeat the blight that infests your destination - Then destroy them!>

A pause. <And above all, beware of The False Lion, Judah Ben Isaac, he who refuses all claimants to the Messianic Throne.>

@Double@Gentlemanvaultboy@Ryteb Pymeroce@ShadowVentus@Nerevarine@Tenma Tendo
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"You th-th-th-think?" Georgia replied through chattering teeth. She had just been looking for whatever fire she'd been warned about when suddenly the fox had showed up to drag her off. She'd started to explain that, no, hold on a minute, there might be another enemy in the castle when she'd been abruptly frozen.

Good news, though. She'd found the fire.

She had to give this situation one positive, that poor kid turning this room into a blast furnace was probably saving her from frostbite. It was a great positive, considering it was the only one she could see. Only the weird shields that Tocsax had thrown up was preventing everyone on the deck from being incinerated. For a second she wondered what exactly Tox planned for her to do about that, but considering how much they already knew about her they'd probably seen that she'd dealt with this before.

This wasn't magic, after all. Even with the slight, basic senses that came from just training your third eye until it opens she could feel that this was psychokinetic energy. It was with a shock she realized that this was the kid that had been broadcasting his emotions during the battle. You occasionally got kids in situations like this back home: hurt, confused, stressed, and letting those emotions lash out in all directions. You couldn't talk to kids when they were like this, at least not with your mouth. To disrupt and diffuse the storm of emotion that caused this outpouring of power you had to go right to the mind.

"Damn it, I'm not an empath. I'm not trained for this!" She said, scowling. She cleared her mind, taking deep breaths to try and breath out all the stress and anger at...just...thus whole situation! She couldn't have that. All she could do was use an emotion as a hammer here, she couldn't have any of that crud clinging to it and distorting the message. Amid the cracking head she slowly sat down, cross legged, on the floor and focused on a single memory.

It was hot. It was always hot under the earth, the entire world trapped in a perpetual muggy summer. She walked sluggishly down the metal walkway, looking up as people much taller than her walked in much the same way. Some injured. Some emaciated. All so, so tired, and mingling with the starving masses that comprised what was left of the human race were other faces. The faces of monsters. Big, round, and grey. Sharp and green. The monsters would grab people, take them away. Georgia thought they were being taken as food, but she honestly didn't care anymore. There was nowhere left to run anyway even if she had the strength too.

A monster stopped in front of her. It looked like a human, but it didn't fool her. She'd seen them before. Seen them enough that she could tell. His lips were too tight, his eyes to wide. He reached down and took her by the shoulder and his hands were cold. This was it, she thought as the lizard in human skin picked her up and whisked her away. It didn't matter. She was ready for it.

Then he pulled a bottle of water from his pack and slowly lifted it to her lips. She drank greedily, as though she had been stumbling through a desert for years, and she heard the lizard say something. She didn't remember exactly what he'd said, because it had probably been comically inappropriate considering who he was, but even then she'd understood the meaning.

You're safe now, little sister.

So, for the first time in what felt like forever, she let herself pass out and sleep soundly in the arms of this monster. A small ship, storm ravaged and weary, finally pulling into port.

Georgia breathed out, sharpening that feeling to a razers edge, and broudcast that sense of Safe as loudly as she could. It wasn't a suggestion, or a compulsion, or even a conversation. She wasn't able to do that. She was just sharing a feeling. A lighthouse offering its beacon, ready to guide a lost ship into port.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: Gummi Ship "Renovation's Might"

After Vic's sudden burst, the room lit itself on fire. Tocsax had been smart to cover everyone with Mass Shellga. Agni got surprised with the sudden outburst and covered his eyes for a moment. One he opened them, flames were everywhere around Vic and he was still trembling with fear. That was sudden... but now I know he has power inside him and volatile emotions. We need to approach Vic with care from now on. Agni thought. He had too many things to think about right now: calming Vic down, understanding what was going on and making Ignitio put his gun. Talking about the latter, he still had it upwards and seemed unfazed by the whole happening. In fact, his aim hasn't changed a single bit. "That still does not explain the situation. If you do not wish to say it, then allow me to-"

But a Keyblade suddenly pushed the gun's aim down with a strong slash. "Agni, what are you-" He questioned. "If you don't give people the chance to explain, it's difficult to get anywhere. Now put the gun down." Agni spoke, a little more fierce than before. Ignitio just let out a small "tch" and his gunblade vanished. "Now's not the time for us to be bickering around each other. We're strangers, for sure, but there was a reason for us to be here. With or without doubts to each other's morals, we must work together." He said, now for all present to hear. He was always seen as a commanding presence to the allies he had back then. He didn't want to take the lead, but at least thought that sharing his own opinion would make things better, even if a little.

BGM: Smile

Then, before he could ask Tocsax about the mission, Agni turned once again at the trembling Vic. After the request, the woman named Georgia tried to calm him down by calming herself down near him. The feeling of tranquility wasn't expressed by words, but it was well expressed. At least, that was what he thought. Still, he wanted to help as well. "Let me help with Vic too. I was the first person to talk with him, so maybe I can help in some way." Agni spoke to Tocsax. "Do you really need to? We need to understand the mission first, right?" Ignitio asked. "Aren't you used to the fact that I put people before order, Ignitio?" Agni said, while going towards Vic. His brother always questioned why he would help a stranger. Ignitio always disagreed with the idea, because he always felt as if he wasn't being cautious. Or maybe he was being cautious and was putting his trust to test. Either way, he just looked to the window and waited. If he looked at Tocsax again, the risks of him shooting at the Nobody were big.

Agni walked towards Vic. He looked at the crying and trembling boy. "Guess we got interrupted on our conversation. Your name was Vic, right? That's a cool name." Agni spoke, smiling. He crossed the flames and put his hand on Vic's shoulder. "You're scared because you don't understand what's going on, right? Believe me, I went through the same thing. Being tossed into places we don't know, with people we barely know is pretty harsh to take on. I don't know if this helps you, but how about being my friend?" He offered something. Ignitio returned to look at the scene and reminisced the war. The day he fought Agni and his friends, lost and gained the forgiveness of his ex-alterego. Or rather, ex-host. "We can get strong together, have some laughs and enjoy an adventure together. I'm not exactly the strongest person ever, but I won't let harm come towards you or anyone else. What do you say, Vic?" Agni asked him.

@Gentlemanvaultboy@Letter Bee@Ryteb Pymeroce@ShadowVentus
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Israel, Green Sahara
@Nerevarine @Tenma Tendo

Darkness faded to dusk and soon color came to his eyes. His world bounded up and down and he found his movements restricted. That was irritating, he despised feeling bound. Yevon groaned as he flexed his arms. Doing so sent a hot throbbing in his torso. He remembered the pain of the smoking barrel and redoubled his efforts to escape. However his movements were limited and he could barely drudge up enough of his superhuman strength to break free. After a moment of struggling he stopped and realized something, he was riding on the back of a steed.

"You realize I'll die soon if you don't treat me. My body heals fast but not from shock or trauma. Its mostly mental and I'm calmly freaking out right now."

There had to be reason as to why she captured him. The sand of the land was kicked up beneath him, flowing like a silken ocean. It was somewhat serene and it calmed his anxiety a bit. Enough for him to notice the draw of his Heroic Duty was pointing at the Rider. "Where's the girl at?" he asked.

@Nerevarine@Tenma Tendo

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix gave an evil grin as he seemed to vanish into thin air. A bit of Water, Fire, and Aero and you could make some simple mirages, though it also helped that everyone was distracted by the ickle kiddie having a temper tantrum. Fire had never really bothered him, even when Lavender through him into a furnace he was fine apart from some mild sunburn.

Making his way through the ship he decided to interact with the sleeping beauty in the med bay. According to folklore true loves kiss should awaken the princess from their slumber... but he isn't interested in dudes. So plan B it is...

From out of nowhere he procured a labcoat and glasses. With a pen he drew on stitches onto the boy and stuck some pins to his neck. And now for the speech

"They called me crazy, they all called me crazy. But now, I will prove them all wrong. The brain of a dead man waiting to live again in a body I made with my own hands, with my own hands. Awaken, my monster, and unleash your villainy upon the world!" Saying this, he hit the unconscious thief with a Thundara. As the boy was forced from his slumber Felix cried out;

1x Laugh Laugh
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