Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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After the little one gets comfortable Dorian shifts a little in the embrace until he feels settled enough to actually fall asleep. 'Is that, is he purring? I do believe he is. That is kind of cute. I do not recall ever purring, but then again I do not recall much from my younger years' with a murmuring sigh he relaxes and falls asleep with a fuss. The day passes, warming the room as the sun passes overhead. He had made sure that the inn he was to stay at had high buildings on every side so that no direct sunlight could find it's way inside, but none the less when James is disturbed by the growing light about halfway through the day Dorian wakes just long enough to pull the covers higher so he can rest more easily.

The movement of a body crawling over his own wakes the elder from his deep sleep and he glances at the window. 'Sundown. He must not be one for sleeping in' Looking towards the boy it takes him a moment to realize that he's in stalking mode. Clicking his tongue lightly he sits up and walks up behind James. Wrapping an arm around his waist he pulls the newborn back against him and ruffles his hair. “Now now, we shall get something to eat soon, but first we are in need of clothing as to not draw too much attention.” Almost on cue there is a knock on the door and a voice calls out from behind it.

“Mister Helvek. Sorry to be desturbin ya, but we have your clothes at the ready.” Not recognizing the voice he motions for James to stay put before going over to grab their robes. Handing James his he pulls his own on and ties it loosely. Opening the door he smiles down at the young woman with her arms filled with clothing.

“Why, thank you my dear. You work here as well? I was of the mind that the fine woman at the front desk was the only proprietor.” The girl blushes and looks down.

“I work here, only during the morning hours. Helping with the cleaning and errands and such. This is actually my last job today.” She looks up, smiling back at him before curtsying and walking off down the hall.

With a chuckle he closes the door and moves over to the bed. Separating his clothes out from the ones he'd requested for James he pulls on his unders and pants before dropping the robe on to the bed. Making his way over to the fire pot the goes about starting a fire to burn the bloody clothes with before the woman comes up to clean the room and finds them. Speaking loud enough for James to hear he says, “We will go out and hunt together tonight. I shall teach you how to do so without drawing attention.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James whines as he is pulled back against Dorian and his hair ruffled, the clean straight hair makes his face look sharper and more refined, it would not take much to dress him up as someone high born. He nuzzles Dorian's throat. "Thirsty." The knock on the door makes him jump and he scrambles back to the bed more than happy to let the other man deal with the humans, it is clear he is still scared of been caught out and killed for the murders in the forest. From the perceived safety of the bed he watches Dorian's exchange with the young maid, all the while thinking of how delicious she looks. The door closes and James throws back the sheets and goes to inspect the clothes. Picking out the smaller clothes meant for him he begins to dress in the middle class attire.

The clothes he has been given are white and blue and do suit him rather well, the dark blue jacket brings out his eyes and as he pulled the boots up over the leggings he becomes the picture of inconspicuous middle class man. He moves over to Dorian his blonde hair falling around his face as he purrs. "Can we feed yet?" His hand grips Dorian's collar and pulls it back to expose his throat. A quick pink tongue flicks out over the pale throat, his senses tell him there isn't as much blood for the older vampire to offer him. James suddenly wrinkles his nose and pulls away. "Burning fabric, not a pleasant smell." He gags turning away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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It doesn't take long for flames to spring up in the old fire pot. With a smile Dorian glances over his shoulder to look at the boy in his new attire. 'Very good. He cleaned up well' He turns back to the task at hand but just as he gets a grip on the now crusty dry clothing cool fingers on his collarbone forces his neck to arch slightly. “You really are an impatient little thing, are you not?” he murmurs. Keeping his neck as still as possible should the boy decide to take another bite out of him he picks up the pile of ragged clothing and places into the fire. The wet feeling of a tongue on his neck makes him roll his eyes but he's saved from having to drive the boy off by him recoiling from the smell of the clothes on fire.

Chuckling lightly he makes sure all the clothes are burning properly before closing the door to the firepot and moving back over to the bed. Taking a seat he picks up his clean shirt and pulls it on. “Yes, it is a rather horrid smell, but I doubt the humans will take much note of it. Their senses are not as good as ours.” Glancing at the window as he buttons up he surveys the fading light and after a moment gives a nod. “Once I am ready, we will head out little one.” Looking back to James he fixed him with his gaze. As he puts on his cravat he gives the boy some brief instructions. “I want you to stay close to me, and do not go after anyone, even if they smell particularly good. The trick to not drawing attention is to pretend to be one of them.”

Pulling on his coat the finishes situating himself, making sure he looks his best before walking over to James. Reaching up he takes hold of the back of the newborns neck, his grip as such to trigger a freezing response in the young vampire. “When you feel this, you will not really have a choice, but I would like for you to remember that this means stop whatever you are doing. Much like a cat, you will have the instinct to not move when gripped here, however there have been newborns that have been able to defy this instinct.” Letting his neck go he instead curls an arm around his shoulders and give a squeeze. “I will only do it when absolutely imperative that you not move. Trust me in this. I have known some to abuse this control technique, but I am not one of them.”

Turning back to the bed he picks up the last piece of his outfit, his hair ribbon. Shaking his head lightly so his hair settles he reaches up and pulls it back, leaving his bangs free to frame his face. Once tied into a loose but secure ponytail he lets his hair drop to settle against his back before turning to the youngster waiting to feed. Crossing back over to him he slips his arm back across the boy's shoulders, settling his hand on the collarbone on the opposite side he's standing on. In a low murmur he says, “I will let you lead for now. I wish to observe what attracts you so I can make some assessments. However, do not leave my side. I will let you know when we can feed.” With that he moves together with James to the door, slipping together out into the hall with Dorian closing the door softly behind them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James whines in anticipation looking forward to the hunt that Dorian is promising him. He is hungry and being so young he has little patients for waiting around and drawing out the hunt. He shifts restelessly as he waits for Dorian to finish dressing. He is vibrating with excitment as the elder approaches, but then without warning Dorian grips his neck and he freezes against his will. Whining he listens to the explanation and can not help but feel cheated by this weakness, Dorian can stop him without really needing to try. James pouts at Dorian as he lets go.The younger vampire leans in when the grip shifts to his shoulder and he is assured the paralysing hold will only be used when absolutely needed.

Once Dorian is ready to go James listens carefully to the instructions he is given before they leave the om. Being told that he can not feed yet is an irritation, he does not understand why Dorian wants to observe what he likes to eat or why he gets to determine what they do eat. Never the less the young vampire presses to Dorian's side as they walk together.

Outside the inn the lamps are illuminating the street and people are still wondering about their business. The crash of waves can he heard in the distance and te soft chatter of the humans creates a sft ambiance around them. The air smells of salt and sweat, James is not used to hunting so early in the evening when there are still people about. The young vampire sniffs subtly searcing for a scent that he likes. Following his nose they weave through the town, walking its entire length before he find his target. A young man no older than twenty is lighting the lanterns around the town.

"Him," James hisses in Dorian's ear. "I want him,I can already taste him." He is vibrating with anticipation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Walking close to the young one Dorian keeps his eyes scanning the people moving about in the early evening hours. He casts his senses about, seeking out more of their kind should there be any. 'If his sire is still in town, that would make my job much easier' Weaving this way and that, the scent of humans makes his nose tingle. Finally he lets out a sigh. 'There are no more like us in town. His sire must have moved on after making him on the ship' His body shivers lightly. 'After the little one feeding off of me the other day I seem to be rather hungry tonight. We may need two humans' Suddenly the boy moves in closer and hisses his selection into Dorian's ear. His gaze travels across the square to the one James indicates with his hungry gaze. 'I see' He takes a long whiff, drawing in the man's scent. 'He is young, this should not be too difficult. I just need to keep James from killing him and he should sleep this off tomorrow like a bad hangover'

Turning his head he whispers to the boy, “Just remain quiet and close. That young man is a good choice, he smells quite tasty.” Slipping his hand from the boy's shoulder to his waist he takes a firm but gentle grip before moving towards the young man. A smile finds it's way to his lips as the man snuffs out the fire from the wick of his lighting stick as they walk up. 'Seems he is finished for the day. That is good, it will make things easier' The young man, his dark brown hair gleaming with hair oils in the flickering firelight of the lamp, collapses his stick and turns towards the two as they approach. He stops short, obviously having not noticed them before his moment. Before he can say anything Dorian purrs out, “Hello there young man. I was wondering if you had a moment to spare.”

As the last few words leave his lips the brunet seems to relax. His questioning gaze goes a little soft and he smiles faintly. “Um, yeah. I mean yes sir, my work is done, so I have some time. What do you need?” His voice is a little faint and Dorian can't help but mentally patting himself on the back.

'It seems I still have it. This level of charm takes practice and I have not used it in some time' His smile widens. Mapping the town out in his mind he picks a building on the other side of town. “I am sorry, we are new around here, and I was wondering if you could show us to the fishery.” The young man nods with a smile and goes to move past them. Reaching out he touches the boy's arm gently. Locking his gaze with the human he murmurs softly, “We must get their quickly, so if you know any back ways?” The guy smiles back with a nod and begins heading off towards the middle of town. Leaning his head towards James as they begin following he whispers softly, “We need to get him somewhere away from prying eyes. Most of the time I hunt in inns or even get myself invited into the human's home, however for tonight, I will be more expedient for you.”

It does not take long before they are lead into a dark narrow alley. After a quick check with all of his senses so make sure no one is about he whispers “Stay put for a moment.” before releasing James from his grip and sliding up next to their guide. Pressing his hand to the young man's lower back he smiles as the brunet jumps and whips around to look at Dorian. The vampire stalks closer, a smooth smile on his lips as he backs him towards the wall of the alley slowly.

“Um, sir? Is something? I, uh. . . .” He stutters slightly until his back makes contact with the cool stone wall and he freezes. “Sir, I, um, I don't know wha. .. “ His voice trails off and his eyes droop as Dorian slides in close. The charm is coming off of him in waves and he can feel the young man shudder beneath his fingers as he reaches up to grip his chin gently.

His smile becomes a little hungry at the sound of blood rushing through his system, the pink tinge on his cheeks ending a rush through his own chest. 'He is mine' His tongue darts out as he presses flush against the younger male to trail across his chin to his jaw. Words fail the boy and his body grows warm under the elder's touch. Trailing his tongue down a little further he at last stops over a spot on his throat. 'If I were to bite here, he would bleed out in minutes. However, we do not want that. I will explain this to the little one later, but for now. . .' Shifting his lips a little further down he opens his mouth a bit wider and gleaming fangs slip out for the bite. The razor sharp canines slip into the young man's skin like a hot knife through butter. As the first splashes of blood trickle down his throat Dorian grins at the moan of pleasure that comes from his prey. 'This venom should keep him still for now. I should let James feed before he explodes' Leaning back he laps at the few small drops still clinging to his lips as he turns to James. Motioning him forward he steps away slightly so the newborn can take his place. Before he can bite though he gives him a warning. “Bite where I bit. Any higher and I will have to stop you. We do not want it to die. I know that spot is very tempting, but you must learn to discipline your feeding habits.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James' lips twitch into a small smile when his choice of meal is approved by Dorian, he feels the elder change his grip as they start to move towards their intended target. shivers of excitment run through his body as they draw closer to the oblivious man. It is Dorian who does the talking, he charms the young man into confidence with ease while James watches on, struggling to control his desire to attack and feed from him now in the middle of the street. Within a few short moments the young man is walking with them completely oblivious to their intentions.

Walking beside Dorian, James listens to him explain that he employs many different tactics to hunt and feed from humans. They are led into a small dark alley, a setting James is familiar with as he often killed his prey in such a setting. Dorian leaves him standing back while he approaches their meal, the young vampire whines softly wanting nothing more than to run forward and feed, instead he is stuck watching and waiting as Dorian plays with their food before sinking his fangs in and drinking. The young vampire shifts wanting desperately to move in and feed from their target. After what seems like forever Dorian steps back motioning James forward , the young vampire wastes no time stepping in to feed.

With a small growl he sinks his fangs in over Dorian's bite marks and begins to feed hungrily. One arm slips around their meal and pulls him in closer. James drinks from the other greedily, blood spilling down his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Another groan rumbles out from the man as James pulls him in closer, but as he listens Dorian can hear the pain seeping into his voice. 'He is going at it a little too hard, but at least he listened to the first instruction' Dorian reaches out with a hand, smoothing it along his back in an effort to calm him. He is about to tell him to be more gentle when he notices the man's heartbeat. 'It is slowing already. We are definitely going to have to find a second one tonight' His eyes follow the stream of blood dripping down the man's shoulder and chest. 'Hopefully the charm works properly and he will think he was attacked by a dog or something' Smoothing his fingers through James's hair he murmurs softly, “Now little one, you need to stop. Do not worry, we will hunt more. However if you kill him we will have to go through far more trouble than one meal is worth.” Trusting the boy to do as he is told he simply tugs softly on the hair in his fingers in encouragement rather than forcing him to stop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James enjoys the feed and does not want to stop, but Dorian's firm voice pierces the euphoria instructing him that he has to stop feeding now. The gentle tug at his honey blonde locks serves as encouragement and he slowly pulls his fangs free giving the bite on final lap of his tongue. He releases their victim and watches as the semi-unconcious man crumples onto the cold ground. Turning towards Dorian James is the very image of a vampire, beautiful, almost innocent in appearance but with his pale chin and lips stained with the blood of the young man.

James makes a soft mewling sound as he steps close to Dorian. "I wasn't finished, he is so sweet. We can just dump his body in the forest or in the sea and no one will ever know." His pink tongue flicks out collecting the blood from his bottom lip. Blue eyes almost glow in the darkness as he presses his body up to Dorian's and licks the elder's lips too taking away the last of the blood. "What if we can't find another one who is as tasty?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian smiles as James releases the young man, his now unconscious body sliding to the ground, and turns his pleading eyes to the elder. 'He is like a very large, vicious puppy. The want and need is so innocent and pure, as it should be. At least his time alone did not make him too primal' Dorian shudders as he recalls the two vampires found in the European wetlands three hundred years ago. They had been completely feral and the coven itself put them down because of the danger they posed. Their killing spree had only lasted a month, but the body count was enough to get the local authorities to begin a manhunt that nearly exposed the vampire underground.

As the boy moves in closer the elder reaches out and snakes an arm around his waist and simply smiles at the youngsters pleas and reasoning. Catching the back of his head before he can pull back Dorian holds him in place as his own tongue snakes out to clean the rest of the blood from the boy's face. Once he finishes he gives James's head a little scratch before pressing their foreheads together. “Do not fret about such things Little One. You will find that humans are not nearly as unique as they seem to b. Even if we do not find one so sweet as this tonight, you will find that flavor again in another some day.” He hums, tilting his head back so he can check the alley. “As for disposing of the body, it is not nearly as simple as that.”

With a chuckle he slides his arm from behind his back to grip the youngster's hand. “I could smell those bodies in the woods, and eventually their dogs will find them. And bodies in the water? They raise more suspicion than one would think. Now, let us go find something else to nibble on, shall we?” Tugging gently one James's hand he pulls him towards the street in the distance. It is much later now, and the only light left comes from the streetlamps. High overhead clouds block out the heavenly bodies that normally bathe the world with their cool glow. Once they reach the open street Dorian moves back in close beside James and motions for him to continue hunting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James lets out a small noise as he is pulled close to the other vampire, their bodies are pressed against each other as Dorian begins to clean the younger vampire's face. Lapping the cooling blood from his pale flesh. The feeling of the wet tongue on his skin causes the young vampire to purr softly in encouragement. His eyes flutter closed in enjoyment and pleasure only to open again when Dorian has finished cleaning him. He leans against Dorian's forehead looking into his eyes as he is assured that other meals, just as tasty would come his way in the future. He glances down at the unconscious man mourning the fact he cannot continue feeding from the warm body.

He does not even listen to Dorian as he explains that hiding bodies is no simple matter and it would not have been long before James had been found in the forest had he continued as he was. A tug on his hand encourages him to move and he follows the older vampire back out onto the darkened streets. There were few people about now, they had scurried home to avoid the monster that had been picking them off. Of course there are a few souls still moving about and all of them are potential prey. The young vampire sniffs the air and looks around in search of one that appeals to him. Finally a scent grabs his attention and he eagerly pulls Dorian towards the forest edge of town.

There is a small stable and inside a young woman crying and bleeding, no doubt having been beaten by her husband. She sniffles and cries completely unaware of the vampires. James presses against Dorian as he looks in on the beautiful woman who is curled up amongst the hay. "She smells good. An' she is all alone waiting for us to feed on her." His fingers tightly grip Dorian's coat as he keeps himself in check not wanting to upset the other vampire by losing control and attacking the girl. He runs his tongue along Dorian's jaw, excited in more ways than one by the prospect of another kill. It is a feat of self-control that James, a young and previously rogue vampire can control himself so much when faced by the blood and easy meal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Trailing behind the young eager vampire Dorian keeps a sharp look out for any unwanted attention. Thankfully most people are inside somewhere at this hour and the young man pulling along an older gentleman doesn't seem to call for further examination by the few still scurrying about. The moon overhead peeks out for a brief instant, like a flash of a lighthouse lantern, before once again the dim light from the village lamps are all that keep the darkness from swallowing the town whole. As they draw closer to the forest Dorian catches wind of what the little one is after. 'A woman, young, and already bleeding. Must be careful with this one' When they reach the door to the barn, sitting slightly ajar so they can see clearly inside, the elder takes in the scene carefully. The boy at his side seems to almost vibrate with need.

'We are close to the house, so we can not have her screaming. I believe if I can get him to hold a post while I get her ready he should be able to restrain himself for the minute or two it will take' He glances down at James, holding back a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth at the sight of his eager face. 'I should let him feed first. Hopefully he will recognize when he is full rather than just trying to drink her dry' Tightening his grip on the boy's hand he moves silently through the door and pauses a few paces short of the girl. Her sobs reverberate off the wooden walls, muted slightly by her fingers as she tries to quell her tears. Looking to one of the support beams Dorian takes the hand in his and uses it to wrap the young man's arm around the beam. “Stay put.” He whispers, making sure he has the newborn's eyes and attention before stepping towards the girl.

Her head comes up as he clears his throat. She presses herself back into the hay, strangled sounds of fear and distress find their way out of her tear roughened throat. He holds up his hands, the faint lamp light catching his face so she can see his look of sympathy. “It is alright child. I am not hear to hurt you. My companion and I were just passing by and we heard the sounds of someone crying.” He motions back towards James for a moment, tilting to the side so she can see him. 'It is best she see him now rather than be startled out of the charm at the sudden sight of him' Her frightened glance at James is brief, more concerned with the man approaching her slowly.

“Forgive me my lord, but this be of no concern of yours. Please, just let me be. . .” He voice is raw, and Dorian wonders if she was held at the throat at some point. A small hand comes up to wipe roughly at her face, however as the elder draws in close enough his charm starts her tears flowing once more. “I j-just need a m-moment to gather myself.” She begins sobbing again and with practiced grace Dorian moves in beside her. She does not object as he settles in the hay beside her, and only resists for an instant as he warps his arms around her. He makes light shushing noises and she collapses against his chest, her arms trapped between them.

“Hush child, do not worry so. There is no shame in crying when the situation calls for it, and by these marks. . .” He lets his voice trail off as his words redouble her sobbing. With one arm crossing her back the other one comes up and he rubs her neck gently. Carefully he seeks out the spot where he blood flows most freely and covers it with his fingers. In her sorrow her dress had fallen quite low and most of her neck and shoulder is exposed. Looking to James he motions for the boy to come sit on her other side. When he is close enough Dorian whispers, “Be gentle as you can little one.” The girl is so distressed she doesn't seem to hear him. He keeps his fingers in place so her life is in less danger and once James begins to feed he leans down lower and takes hold of her with his own fangs to keep her relaxed with his venom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James moves like a predator but before they get too close to the girl, Dorian pulls him over to one of the beams making him hold on. The young one frowns but obediently stays where he is put watching with intense interest. Dorian is a predator, that was for sure, but his methods are so different to James' own, they puzzle him. As a creature of the night with superior strength, stamina and senses, James does not see why he should charm his prey and not kill them. The young vampire observes the elder's performance and when waved over he moves swiftly to the woman's other side.

James slowly leans in and sinks his fangs in near the woman's collar bone listening to her gasp and whimper uncertain of what is happening to her. He does not want his meal being taken away from him so he plays it Dorian's way he is slow and gentle, his doesn't move his jaw in the usual vicious way that causes the blood to run faster, instead he drinks slowly sucking and lapping it from the small incisions his fangs caused. He takes his fill, much less than the last time. His belly full he licks the wound to help close it before turning to Dorian looking sated and now that he was fully fed he has a less sunken apperance. The woman still has tears running down her face and a confused look,her eyes move between Dorian and James before remaining on Dorian, clearly wondering what happened.

Licking the blood from his lips the young vampire rises slowly from the hay pile. "So, what do we do once we've fed? There is still hours of darkness." Living in the forest he had spent the little time he was not hunting to clean himself up and maintain his shelter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Drawing back once he's full enough for now, Dorian watches the youngster with a faint smile. 'Much better little one. Now there should be no issue with leaving her here' Pleased at how quickly the newborn learns Dorian cuntents himself with humming a little tune until he is finished. The young girl looks to him as James pulls away. Even as he looks of confusion and a touch of fear seem to make her want to ask what just happened, a mixture of the night's events, the venom now running through her veins, and the charm still rolling off of Dorian like crashing waves, before she can utter a sound her eyelids flutter close and she goes limp in his grasp.

Lowering her on to the hay as James stands the elder smiles at the question. 'His voice is much less fevered now. With a full belly, he is sure to be thinking more clearly' Standing up he carefully brushes the hay from his clothing and looks to the open barn door. 'I suppose I could get some work done tonight. The only question is what to do with the boy. . .' His gaze shifts to the newborn looking at him questioningly. With a chuckle he steps closer to the lad and brushes the little bits of hay still clinging to his clothes. “Now Little one, I go to work.” Stepping back he holds him at arm's length. He looks the young man over to make sure there is no sign of blood or other telling stains and with a smile and nod he murmurs, “Clean as a schoolboy on inspection day. Very good.”

Reaching up he brushes his fingers through James's hair. “The reason I followed your hunting tonight is because we are drawn to what reminds us of home.” Gesturing to the girl behind him, then off towards the town beyond he continues. “Those two either smelled like people you once knew, or are from the same part of the world you are. They may even have arrived on the same ship as you.” Dorian nods with a final pat to the boy's head before stepping towards the open door. “In short, it was my way of getting my first real clue after the bonding. I now have a point to start asking questions. There are still plenty of people in the bars and the like, trying to drink away their fear of the monster hunting them like animals.” Looking over his shoulder he gives James a wink.

Turning his eyes back to the night beyond the wooden doors he goes on. “I will begin my inquiries in those places tonight. A drunk man is easy to get information from, and he is much less likely to remember being asked the questions. There is only one issue at the moment though.” Turning on his heel he looks to the newborn. The light from the lanterns casts flickering light across his pale face as he surveys James with a look of concentration. “What to do with you. Should I take you with, someone may recognize you, which could be good or bad depending on what questions they ask of you. However, should I leave you in the hotel and go alone, I am not yet sure I can trust that your instincts will not lead you out alone into the night. This too risks someone recognizing you, but without me around to act as a buffer. . .” He hums lightly, weighing his options carefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James approaches Dorian and lets the man fix him and his clothes, brushing off the straw. A cheeky grin comes across his face. "Never went to school so I wouldn't know." He steps closer to Dorian as the elder runs his fingers through his hair. His blue eyes glanced at the young woman trying to think if she represented something in his past, unable to think of anything he turns towards Dorian once again. He followed the older vampire towards the door. "Ah, and why are we asking questions? Don't we want people not to know me... I don't really want attention..." he was certain that no one apart from his dead victims had seen his face.

Dorian expressed the same concerns as they left the barn. Janes bit his lip with blunt teeth and pressed himself against Dorian's side. "I want to stay with you," he said softly. He did not like the idea of Dorian straying too far from him. He entwined his fingers with Dorian's. "And I know the town a little, I would help you." Pressed against Dorian he walked out onto the quiet streets. "I promise I am full and won't feed off of anyone." He really did not want to be sent away. Laughter could be heard from a nearby tavern and three men left it stumbling together as they headed home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian listens quietly, letting the young man lead them out of the barn. He smiles at the clingyness but lets you young man have his way for now as far as directionality goes. 'He is right, there is a chance that the attention may be a bad thing, but for now it is all we have. Besides, we have one of my best horses and as long as we do not go too far from the barn, we can escape here without much fuss' He hums lightly, watching a small group of humans stumble out of a bar and go about their drunken way. He taps gently on the back of James's hand with his finger tips as he tries to find a good place to start.

“You may stay with me then, however I do not want to wandering too far should something catch your interest. Although, let me know when this happens for it may be a clue I wish to examine.” With that he gives the young man's hand a squeeze and walks towards one of the more rowdy sounding taverns down at the end of the street. The sounds of the night fade away into the noisy banter of the bar patrons as they draw close and with a final glance at James he heads through the door carefully. Inside the smell of booze and bodies makes Dorian cringe inwardly.

However he keeps his displeasure to himself and looks about the place with a practiced look of disinterest. 'As long as you look like you are looking for nothing, you are more likely to find something of interest' A sudden shout from the far wall makes Dorian's head snap around.

“Squire! Good to see you again!” The elder vampire puts a smile on when he spots a couple of the men from the woods drinking at a table along the wall.

'The young man who took my horse, and the one with the gun if I recall' Raising a hand in greeting he moves through the crowd towards them. He is careful to hold James tight and move through gaps in the bodies that are big enough for the both of them to fit through. As the come up to the table a server finds them and Dorian orders a red wine before drawing up to the table proper. There are no chairs at this table, the patrons meant to stand at the elbow high platform protruding from the wall.

The two men greet him with smiles and curious looks at James. Dorian however knows how to keep them from asking too many questions. “Good to see you again. That walk was just what I needed, and the weather could not have been more accommodating.” The men bust out laughing and he affords them an amused smile. Turning to the younger of the two he gives a little bow of the head. “And I must thank you again for taking care of my horse. He is settling comfortably now.” The young man nods and takes a drink from his mug. 'Ignoring the person on your arm is a great way to get others to ignore them. It works every time'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James, content after being fed walked alongside Dorian his eyes flicking around and inspecting his surroundings and the few towns folk that were about. They approached the tavern together and as the door opened the musky hot air from the tavern wafted out invading his nostrils and causing him to scrunch his nose in disgust. He pressed his side against Dorian as they walked through the tavern towards the men who were calling to the older vampire. The young blonde kept close to Dorian as he spoke to the men, they paid him no mind.

One of the men turned towards the bar. "John! Get our friend an ale!" He turned back towards Dorian. "So any luck tracking down our monster?" He inquired. "This town is getting quieter by the day, some people are moving on to other places. We have lost close to twenty people in a matter of weeks.”

James shifted uncertainly beside Dorian, these men had been hunting him and Dorian was so casual with them.It put the young man on edge. Especially when they began to inqure about "the monster". The blonde turned towards Dorian trying to catch his eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Holding the fidgeting boy a little closer Dorian chuckles lightly. “No word on the monster, however I did get to see the entertaining sight of my companion here soaked and a bit filthy.” His eyes remain on the humans as he speaks however his finger tightens comfortingly in the newborn's grasp. The intoxicated men glance at James but their attention immediately turns back to Dorian as he continues. “He insisted on dismounting before reaching town. He wanted to walk alone a bit, and after a particularly amusing tumble or two we met up again not too long after you left me. The time on the road was long and I do not blame him for wanting to walk a bit. A saddle is not made for long time comfort.” The men chuckle and nod.

Their spirits seem high despite the recent events, however Dorian is positive that the six empty mugs on the table have more to do with their joviality than any actual good humor. 'I would not be surprised if most of the pubs in town are as crowded as this. In dark times men have always sought to flee the realities about them through such detrimental means' His eyes travel around the room, picking out various people whom he may have an interest in speaking to at a later date before returning his attention to the men before him. The younger one finishes telling some joke or another, Dorian's focus having been elsewhere so he'd missed the joke entirely the vampire feigns amusement with a smile and nods at the youth.

Turning his attention to the gun toting elder he smiles as he catches the younger male blushing out of the corner of his eye. “So, what is it like living so close to the ocean? I have traveled the sea once in my lifetime and did not particularly find the aesthetically pleasing. Though I suppose living so close to it provides great trade opportunities.” Tilting his head to the side he adds, “And the chance to meet many interesting people. I do not suppose there are places made for such visitors from over seas. I know many come to this land to seek their fortune, though they come with naught but the clothes on their backs.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James presses himself closer to Dorian as the elder vampire regales the men with the tale of how James had been travelling with him all along and had come upon a slight misfortune when he decided to go his own way. The young blonde lowers his eyes when the men look over to him and they are quick to brush it off as a look of embarrassment while truly James is fearing recognition, he is certain that no one had witnessed him on the hunt but he cannot be too careful. With the attention of the men turned away from him once again lets his eyes wonder around the crowded room. In his mortal life he had never realised just how much people stank, their bodies jammed together in rooms so musky and warm that James was sure it should be hard to breath, although since he no longer has use for air he is not burdened by this.

The older man smiles at Dorian. "Been here for almost ten years Squire, this lil' town is part of the life blood helpin' provide for everyone. We may not be as big as New York or Boston but we do our fair share of the work." He begins to pack his pipe with tobacco. "All the farmers come with their trading goods and we send it back to England and in return we get tea and other good ol' home comforts." He lit up the pipe and took a deep draw. "What bought you over 'ere?"

The young vampire has completely tuned out of the conversation, his mind and eyes wondering aimlessly around the room until a scent grabs him, with no warning he pulls his hand from Dorian's and begins to follow the scent with little regard for anything else. He pushes and squeezes between people following the strange but intoxicating odour, it's not food, it's something else… Stepping out of the pub he sees a man and woman turning down an alley and knows the scent is coming from them. Racing after them he turns the corner in time to see the woman feeding from the man. James stands at the opening to the alley staring, fixated by the site.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Dorian keeps a strait face, his faint smile becoming almost fixed as the man lights his pipe. The fouls smell of burning plant wafts his way and he is careful to keep breathing even though if he simply stopped the stink would be lessened. 'Of all the tings humans have come up with to destroy their bodies, this one is by far the worst. At least most others have little to no affect on those around them. If I could have my stomach turned by such thing, the smell would sicken me. As it is, it is at least simply unpleasant' His smile widens as the man asks him a question. “Just a little trip for my companion's sake. He has not seen the sea properly since his birth and he wished to view it once more.” The men laugh at the vaguely romantic idea and Dorian is ready to join in when suddely cool fingers slip from his grasp.

His head snaps around and his eyes lock immediately upon James as he weaves through the crowd towards the door. With a slight bow, his eyes still turned away he murmurs, “Forgive me, it seems my companion is in need of some fresh air. . . .” His tone is light, sounding only vaguely concerned. The men make some offhanded comments about youth but Dorian slides away before they can really register. 'The way he is moving, this must be important. He has been so cautious up to this point, now he moves with blatent disreguard for whom he runs into. He is not even hiding his face' A slow smile spreads across his lips as he catches up with the newborn right at the door. Rather than gabbing hold of him or speaking, he follows silently a few paces behind.

The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as the scent of a vampire filters through his nostrils and he feels his muscles tense. 'A newcomer. Someone has just come into town. I wonder who this could be. . . .' Ahead of him James is frozen on the spot, his eyes fixed. The smell of blood comes from somewhere nearby and Dorian steps up beside the youngster. An eyebrow raises as he watches the woman feed. 'Middle-aged woman, made by someone who enjoys that set. Young, but by her skills well practiced and trained' Taking in her scent more fully Dorian figures out what drew the newborn's attention. 'She is of the same ilk as he. Not a sire, but related none the less'

His arm snakes out and he takes hold of James's opposite shoulder gently, his arm settling across the younger male's back. The sound of feeding causes a tingle in his own innards, the more instinctual part of his being aroused by the sound. 'The little one may be feeling it too, however we can not have him just running in on instinct, now can we?' Leaning in close he whispers, “Well, seems you have lead us to a fine starting point. Very good. We will have to speak with her, no?” At the sound of his voice the woman stops feeding, the man falling limply to the ground in a heap. She reaches up, wiping her lips clean on a red cloth. Dorian trails his eyes up and down her body, taking in her finery, fresh and clean. 'Perhaps she lives on an estate near here? She needs to keep clean somehow, and she lives far enough away that I can not sense her. Or she could be a traveler, however I do not see much dust on her. . .'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Medilia
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James stares hypnotized by the feeding of the female vampire, but when Dorian touches him the young one is quick to press in to the older vampire recognising the safety of staying close to Dorian when a far stronger vampire was around. "She smells different from you," James says softly pressing the top of his head against the palm of Dorian's hand.

The vampiress threw straightens up licking her lips as she looks at the two other vampires. "So you two must be the ones causing such a stir in these parts. Massacring a town is not a good way to go unnoticed." Her dark eyes slowly trail Dorian up and down. "Anyway, aren't you a little old for such foolish games and gambles?" She walks towards them and in response to the perceived threat James begins to growl bearing his fangs like a threatened dog. The woman pauses. "Feral Childe you have there... doesn't smell like you."
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