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“Well I didn’t tell you not too.” She grinned with a laugh. “I haven’t given you the dagger yet. Hand me everything and I’ll set it to the side.” Elissa held out her hands to take his coat and pistol. “And what was distracting you, Captain?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. She sat his belongings on a bench and took his hand again. “Now are you ready or are you distracted again?” She was teasing him.

Elissa thought she was making it obvious that she was interested in him. Honestly she’d only asked him to dance so she could spend time with him and to show Rhea that he paid more attention to Elissa than to her. The woman seemed jealous even though Joseph had said she wasn’t his lady. She’d happily claim Joseph as hers. “So do you really not know how to dance at all?” She found it a little hard to believe that he couldn’t dance at all. Of course as kids they’d never danced. They’d fought, wrestled, raced, and made childhood memories.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Although things were a little hazier, as Joseph much preferred his world to be, he remained mindful of Elissa’s responses which so far, he deemed to be positive. It really was an awful lot of fun for him, and women’s company he greatly enjoyed, “by your boldness, of course” he replied, “you’re a handful, and enough to distract any man” he made reference to the incident earlier that day.

Of course he knew how to dance, who didn’t? but Elissa seemed keen to teach him, “maybe you need to show me how” he grinned, “my hands aren’t too dirty for you now, are they?” he laughed.

Rhea had returned to the table but Joseph and Elissa were dancing, she was a little concerned for him, this girl seemed to know something about him, and she wasn’t entirely sure what Elissa’s motives were towards him. She sipped the scotch, they’ll return soon, Joseph would need to top up on drink.
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“You’re pretty distracting yourself,” she grinned, “especially when you smile.” Elissa took his hands. “A little dirt never hurt anyone. Most men don’t find me distracting. I don’t particularly act like a lady and they find that revolting. I don’t really care, I never wanted to be with any of them anyways.” She shrugged her shoulder. She honestly didn’t care, she’d been waiting for Joseph all her life. She looked up at him smiling, her eyes sparkling, and a few stray curls framing her face. She wished the song was slower, a faster song meant a reel and couples were hardly ever close. “A reel is a good dance for this song. It’s lively and quick, of course, as I said before, it’s more fun to let the music lead you. But you are supposed to lead, you’re the guy.”

Adam looked up from his drink when Rhea returned. “Enjoy mingling?” He asked conversationally. Unlike Rhea he doubted the two would return. He figured the dance would lead them away from the crowded room.
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Joseph gave a smirk and his eyes were warm as he peered down his nose at Elissa when she bestowed him with the compliment. Yeah, he knew that, it usually was his cheeky grin and deep-set dimples that did the trick, well, didn’t work on Rhea, though, she knew better.

Amongst pirates, women like men, had to be tough - these men that seemed to find her revolting clearly were of a particular class amongst whom, Elissa did not belong, “I don’t think you belong with them” he expressed honestly, “alright, you show me” he gestured.

“I want this ship in tight shape for tomorrow” Rhea grinned indicating she’d made a few rounds to the most senior crew, “I think it will be a struggle with this calibre of drink, though” she waved the tankard to illustrate before topping it up, “what do you think of her Adam?” Rhea inquired regarding Elissa as she took a drink, the surgeon often had a good sense for people.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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I belong with you. She thought, wondering if he felt the same. Did he think she belonged with him? Maybe she’d had a little too much to drink, perhaps that’s why she felt the way she did about him or perhaps she really did still care about him all these years. Her mind started to wonder but was brought back when he spoke again. “Alright.” She let go of one of his hands and stepped away. She began giving instructions for how to dance a reel, while showing him what to do. The music soon took over and she began throwing in her own dancing.

“You’ll be lucky to have one man able to stand on his own, much less the whole crew. They need to celebrate and have fun now and then.” Adam said taking a drink. “I think she means no harm to anyone. She seems lost at times like she doesn’t know where she belongs in life.” He said watching Elissa dance with Joseph. “Contrary to what you probably believe I don’t think she is trying to manipulate him. I think she’s falling for him like many young ladies her age do. Let him have his fun. He will probably get rid of her after he has his ship back. She won’t be here long so she isn’t a threat to you.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Elissa was especially good at dancing, and Joseph enjoyed being shown what to do, he took care not to swing her around too boisterously as they practiced the reel together, “how about we forget the music?” he laughed, scooping her up from her feet from around her back and behind her knees he twirled around a few rotations holding her firmly, he staggered only a little from the dizziness as he came to a stop to set her down.

Rhea smirked, “aye” she agreed, it was good for the crew to let off steam, they had a reasonable voyage yet to make to France. Rhea raised her eyebrows for a moment then pulled a thoughtful expression, looking down at her tankard on which she tapped her short fingernails, Adam was always particularly astute, and she sensed that he’d identified her concern for Joseph well, she supposed it was obvious, Adam had been with them a while and knew how she’d try to guard Joseph from his own behaviour at times. She needed him to be rid of her as soon as they reached France, perhaps she was a little jealous, yes, she always was, but she feared far worse that Elissa knew something about Joseph that she didn’t.. Joseph had always been broken in a way, in his own way, in a way she couldn’t help him, although she desperately wanted to.

Maybe Elissa knew him in a way that made him the complete person he needed to be, deep down.

Would she lose him if that was the case?

Rhea merely nodded in agreement at Adam’s predictions.

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Elissa laughed joyfully when he picked her up and spun her. “That was fun.” She said stumbling slightly from dizziness. “I forgot it was alright to have this much fun. Social parties are so boring compared to this. There are no rules or expectations to follow here.” Her face was slightly flushed. Elissa didn’t want the fun to end. She felt free there on the ship, no rules to follow, she could do as she pleased without having to please anyone.

Adam watched the two dance. When Joseph picked her up her frowned. “Don’t tear my stitches!” He yelled at the captain, though he doubted he was heard over the noise of the crew. He turned back to Rhea. “If he tears those stitches he’s going to need some of his own. They weren’t the easiest to sew with all the scars that girl has on her back.” He shook his head and took a long drink. “Too bad she doesn’t drink this stuff, maybe then we could get some more stories from her. I’m curious to know how a fourteen year old survived bedlam. Hardly anyone survives that place and leaves as sane as she is.”
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Joseph looked over to the surgeon as he warned him to be careful, he raised his hands as though to acknowledge this and apologise, though not without a smirk. “Let’s drink a little more, then perhaps we can dance a little more…later” Joseph smiled to Elissa, escorting her back to the table with a hand on the small of her back.

Rhea looked up from her tankard at Adam, she could appreciate how he sympathised with the girl, after all, he had first-hand experience of the place himself. Many of them on the ship had experienced their fair share of hard times however, herself included - what made this girl special? “I’m sure it’s quite the story” Rhea replied blandly, she observed as Joseph and Elissa returned to the table. Joseph looked delighted well, of course he would, this was him in his element… he drank some more scotch from the bottle.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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“You drink more, I think I’ve already had enough.” Elissa said, sitting back down beside him. Her head was still spinning and she wasn’t sure if it was from the drink, the dancing, or just being with Joseph. “You still have to show me how you dance. I held up my end of the deal and taught you how I dance.” She smiled over at him. Elissa had a feeling she knew how he danced. She looked to Adam and smiled. “He didn’t tear the stitches.”

“Good.” Adam said before taking a drink. He looked to Joseph. “If you had you’d be needing stitches of your own. Speaking of stitches, Rat refused any treatment. He said since I helped the girl I was a traitor and he wouldn’t let me tend to him. I don’t think his injuries are serious. His nose looked broken but honestly I think that is an improvement.” He chuckled taking another drink. “We have weaker drink available if you’d prefer it, Ms. Bishop.” He offered to Elissa.

“If it’s what Joseph brought me earlier I don’t want it. Thank you.” She said trying to sound polite.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Joseph required little, if no encouragement from Elissa to drink more; once he started, the night was sure to go only one way - with a serious headache tomorrow, it was nice to have permission of sorts though.

“I’ll show you how I dance” Joseph affirmed with a broad grin, fixing his eyes on Elissa before he leaned in closer to her but only to better hear what the surgeon had to say, “ffs…I think his pride was hurt more than anything else” the Captain gave a deep laugh along side Adam, he sat back to his previous position. Rhea could see Joseph observing Elissa with an intense gaze whilst she spoke with the surgeon, she knew this look well, it was the look he used to give her.

She’d have to do something..

Rhea arose from her seat and made her way to the other side of the table, she stood behind Joseph and slipped her hands over his shoulders and down his chest so that her elbows rested on his shoulders, she spoke quietly in his ear farthest from Elissa and he turned his head to listen; Rhea’s curls brushed his face. Even in his drunken state, his heart seemed to drop down to his stomach and into his throat simultaneously, and it felt like it beat even harder to have her so close, to have her voice in his ear. She pulled back and gently pinched the back of his neck as she turned to leave, Joseph almost clambered over himself twisting as he bolted from the chair, “Rhea!” he swiped to grab some part of her but she was out of reach, he gave Elissa a glance before he followed after her, she led him above deck.

Rhea wasn’t entirely sure what she was going to do from here, she’d tried to warn him earlier, which didn’t seem to be quite as effective as she’d hoped, and she wasn’t quite prepared to be with Joseph, either. She should have predicted dangling Elissa whilst he drank was a bad idea, she didn’t bet on him giving her that look though, and damn the girl was too good at being cute and stoking his ego.. if she’d been contained in her room cold and alone however, that would give him ever the more reason to ‘rescue’ her.

The sun was setting which cast an evening half-light about the ship.

Joseph caught up to Rhea, and they backed into the shade of the overhang above the doors to the Captain’s quarters - it was not a conversation they wanted to have in the view of any crew that may have been lingering above deck. “What was that?” he questioned, he sort of grinned and frowned, he’d really had a lot to drink and was finding her signals a little confusing.. he was going to try, he moved in to kiss her but she pushed him back with her palms, “you’re really drunk Joseph” Rhea began, “I think you should go sleep it off” she said gently.

Rhea was usually right, Joseph considered, at least he was used to embarrassing himself with her..

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Elissa watched Rhea speak softly to Joseph and as he hurried after the woman Elissa’s heart sank. He lied to me She thought bitterly as she picked up the bottle that the captain had abandoned. She took a long drink, emptying it. Of course he would have lied to me about Rhea being his lady, he wanted to trick me into trusting him, so I’d help him get his ship back. She stood on wobbly legs. Boy, that drink is strong. Elissa didn’t know where she was going to go but she knew it wasn’t back to his cabin. She was his prisoner and that was it. He didn’t remember her and now she wished she didn’t remember him. Elissa started to wander off but Adam grabbed her arm.

“Where are you going?” He asked. He’d watched the interaction between Rhea and Joseph and he saw Elissa’s reaction to it. The last thing the girl needed was to be alone. He knew the look of heartbreak when he saw it. She didn’t seem to realize that Joseph was a pirate, his heart was loyal to no one.

“I’m going to bed.” She muttered, pulling her arm away from him. She tottered out of the room and up the stairs. Somehow, she couldn’t remember how, she ended up back at her old room. She stumbled in and fell onto the bed, passing out before the fear set in.

Adam watched her go with a frown. He stood and looked around the room for Pete. Upon finding him he hurried over to him. “Pete, I’ve got a favor to ask of you.” He said. “The Bishop girl stumbled off somewhere. Can you find her and keep an eye on her? She’s had too much to drink and Rhea upset her, I think. If she’s asleep let her sleep but get her out of wherever she is if she wakes and begins to panic.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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The Captain and the sailing-master stood with silence between them for a few moments, Joseph let out a deep sigh through his nose, he had his hands on his hips, Rhea leaned against the wood her arms now folded across her chest, “I don’t think you pulled me away because I’m drunk” he finally stated, his heart was still beating fast, he found he wanted to look away away and did so, he brushed a hand through his hair, he’d been having a great time earlier, too.

Elissa.. his hazy mind did not quite fully consider she’d be particularly upset, but he did want to return to her.

Rhea maintained her silence and typical poker face. Joseph raised his eyebrows and shook his head, he made a move to leave, stumbling back a couple of paces to make some distance he lost his balance only a little, Rhea could tell he was going to return below deck, “she goes when we get to France” she instructed coldly, Joseph looked at her and nodded thoughtfully before walking away.

“What ‘er?” Peter looked confounded at Adam’s request, he was no babysitter, well, lady-sitter, whatever, and as much as he respected the surgeon, he weren’t the Captain. It was a request right enough, but he was having far too much fun drinking and carrying-on to be sitting all night with the drunken lass. He was about to suggest perhaps the surgeon takes the duty upon himself when Joseph appeared, placing a hand on the surgeon’s shoulder, “Adam my friend, where is Elissa?” he questioned, Adam helpfully explained the situation.

Joseph collected his pistol and coat and with a final swig of the scotch made his way through the ship to Elissa’s cabin. Hell he’d forgotten how cold these parts of the ship could get, especially after a few drinks when the initial surge of warmth had worn off and your blood felt chilled, the crew’s quarters were kept marginally warmer by sheer numbers of bodies, and generally keeping off the floor when you slept if you could. Elissa’s cabin was lit only by one carefully suspended lantern, which cast a dim flickering light which allowed for plenty of dark spots and shadows.

The door had been left ajar, Joseph cleared his throat and knocked gently, “uhh …Elissa?” he called quietly to no response, the lapping of the sea and creaking of the ship was all he could hear, he peered around the door and let himself in. He could see her laying on the bed, seemingly very fast asleep, the low light seemed to bounce off of the bright pigments of Elissa’s hair.

That scotch really was too strong for her.. “Elissa” he seemed to hiss in a whisper, but he gathered it would not be sufficient to rouse her. Perhaps it was better not to wake her? Joseph pulled a face which expressed his predicament, this was way too much thinking .. it was cold in here. He couldn’t carry her back to his quarters, not a chance, he could barely carry himself here. He placed his pistol on a table and made his way over to the other side of the bed, he looked her over for a moment before joining her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he brought himself close, he drew his heavy coat over the both of them. The ring and chain around his neck slipped into view from within his shirt.

The room spun as Joseph lay down, spinning and spinning - he tried not to think about it, he took in the smell of Elissa’s perfume which distracted him, he shortly after succumbed to sleep.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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Adam shook his head as Joseph went off to find Elissa. He doubted that Elissa would be happy to see the man, she’d seemed pretty hurt. Had to be to finish off the one bottle of scotch. “The sooner he is rid of her the better, I think.” He said to no one in particular before going back to his seat. He picked up his glass and continued drinking N.

Elissa moved closer to Joseph when he’d put his arm around her waist, though she still remained asleep.

Several hours after Joseph had found her, Elissa began to stir. She had an awful headache and felt like she was going to throw up. The room was dark, but it wasn’t as cold as she’d remembered. It took her a moment to realize that someone else was there in bed with her. “Joseph?” She muttered, her eyes finally focusing. She frowned as she saw the ring on the chain. Slowly she reached for it. It was her ring. He’d lied about not having it. Elissa questioned what was truth and what was a lie with him. Why was he even there? She couldn’t remember him arriving at her room. Last she could remember he’d left with Rhea.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Joseph didn’t stir as Elissa uttered his name, he seemed deeply asleep - his arms were limp and heavy and his breaths deep and slow. There was the odd flicker of movement across his face, perhaps he was dreaming? Perhaps not.

The movement of the ship seemed a little rockier now, although not turbulent. The sun would be rising once again, soon.

There seemed to be not much noise from within the ship, perhaps the revelry had ended?
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When Joseph didn’t stir Elissa snuggled closer to him and fell back asleep. Her hand was still holding onto the ring. Sleeping was best for her, if she tried to stay awake she knew that she would throw up. The morning was going to be rough, the last time she’d drank that much was after she’d gotten her ship. Her and her new crew had celebrated. She’d been sick most of the next day.

The dark didn’t seem so frightening with Joseph there. It didn’t seem as lonely or oppressive. She felt safe there with him, safe wrapped in his arms. For the time she forgot about the heartache that he had caused her earlier and that there was the chance that he’d hurt her again. Why couldn’t he just remember her? It make everything easier.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Urghhhhhh.. the spinning had stopped, but the overwhelming thirst and hunger was unpleasant, although he wasn’t sure he could eat. He was fairly immune to a good drink, but the dehydration had caught up with him. Joseph groaned to express his discomfort, he tried to moisten his mouth and swallowed hard, he hadn’t yet opened his eyes - he figured he was in his room, but yet that didn’t quite make sense, he could feel a warmth emanating from beside him, Rhea? No it couldn’t be Rhea. Where was he? His mind scrambled to make sense of his situation and he opened an eye and then the other to bring the figure beside him into focus.


He examined Elissa’s face for a few moments, he let out a deep sigh - he didn’t quite want to move. No he’d better move, what if she woke up and was upset he’d joined her? Well, he’d helped her survive the night in any case, and it had been a fairly pleasant sleep for him - he always slept better being with someone, though he didn’t tell Rhea that lest he damage his reputation. He became aware of Elissa gripping the ring, his heart skipped - had she seen it or was it just some kind of reflex? He moved his arms slowly as not to disturb her, and began gently trying to prise the item from her grasp.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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Elissa woke when Joseph began to move. “Is it morning?” She muttered softly. Elissa slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at him. She didn’t seem mad that he was there, in fact she was grateful he had been there. Elissa was about to say more when the nausea hit her. She rolled over to the side of the bed and threw up. “I told you that stuff was too strong.” She muttered. Slowly she sat up holding her head. “You lied to me about the ring. Why?” Elissa wanted to confront him about it before he found an excuse to leave before she could mention it. She had questions to ask him, but the ring seemed the most important at the time. “Why did you lie? What good did it do you?”

She still felt like she could throw up again and her head was throbbing. She needed fresh air and something to drink, not alcohol. Food sounded horrible.

Elissa moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She had to remind herself that Joseph was there. The dark was starting to close in on her, the lantern had burned out sometime in the night. “When did you come here last night?” She wondered what had made him come and find her. Part of her was glad he was there but part of her felt that it was going to cause more problems with Rhea. “Rhea won’t like you here.” She felt she was staring the obvious. She stood, wobbled slightly, and sat back down. Slowly she turned to face him, wondering what excuses and what lies he would give her now. All the trust she had in him was slowly breaking. He wasn’t the same as who she had grown up with, he was different now, he was a pirate. She began to doubt that he’d every remember her. “Tell me what is going to happen to me.” It was a demand and yet her voice was not demanding. It was the voice of someone who was tired of trying, tired of fighting. It was the voice of someone who realized they’d lost everything.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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Joseph drew his hands away as Elissa stirred and began to awaken, she smiled at him but seemed to be in no better condition than himself. She released her grip from the ring as she rolled over to vomit - Joseph winced, the scotch certainly did make her ill.. he’d send one of the cabin boys to clean up later. Despite her poorly condition, Elissa began to interrogate him about the ring, well, there was no denying it now..

“Alright, I have it” Joseph groaned, he lay on his back and brought his hands up to rub his face with some defeat, he sighed and placed his hands on his belly, he glanced at Elissa, “I… wasn’t ready for you to know about it” he admitted.

Joseph cleared his throat and looked away, “not long after you got here, I think” he replied as Elissa questioned him, the Captain gave a short sarcastic chuckle like a hard outward breath, “don’t worry about Rhea” he said calmly, he hadn’t yet glanced at Elissa again, but observed her as she tried to rise from the bed and fall back down weakly. She turned to him and he met her gaze, he was quiet for a moment as he studied her weary expression, “we’re going to.. set you down in France” he replied diplomatically, but there was a shred of guilt in his voice.

It was early morning but the sun had already risen some time ago, light peered through some small gaps between a few slightly warped planks of the ship’s body. The ship seemed lively in her movements, Joseph was sure she was moving.

The ship was moving?

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Truepirate
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“Why didn’t you want me to know about it? It wouldn’t have changed anything. I wouldn’t have tried taking it from you and it wouldn’t have caused me to ask more questions.” She said, as if defending herself. Elissa couldn’t hide the look of betrayal that came to her face when he said they were leaving her in France. “I thought I was going to help you get your ship back.” Her voice shook. She blinked back the tears that wanted to fall, crying would only make her headache worse. “I thought you needed me to get it back.” Why couldn’t they just take her home, back to her ship and crew if they didn’t want her anymore. “Father keeps all his ships docked in England when they are not in use and when he left I know it wasn’t the Gallant he took. I could’ve gotten it back for you with no problems. Why can’t I help anymore? Why did you change your mind?” Elissa had a feeling she knew why, or really who, changed his mind.

“I should worry about Rhea. How much longer will she tolerate you being around me before she decides to take matters into her own hands and does something to me like Rat did?” She fully believed that Rhea would harm her. The woman had made it clear she didn’t want Elissa near Joseph. He’d made it pretty clear too who he’d rather be with. Elissa laid back down in the bed, her back to Joseph. She curled up, feeling chilled now that he was no longer close beside her. She breathed deeply trying to ward off the nauseous feeling that still persisted. The darkness wasn’t helping the matter any. While she knew she was safe and not at Bedlam, her mind still began to bring back the nightmarish memories. Her heart was starting to race and it was a fight to keep her breathing steady. She was already starting to tremble slightly. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to picture herself someplace else, someplace that wasn’t dark. As usually the tactic didn’t work. The dark and the memories were too strong. Her deep breaths were becoming gasps that came quicker and quicker.

Adam stepped onto the deck, blinking in the morning sun. Unlike some of the crew he hasn’t had too much to drink and faired fairly well that morning. He’d noticed the ship moving as well and had come to see how much of the crew managed to be present to work. He saw Rhea and decided now was a good time to speak with her. He’d wanted to last night after she had lured Joseph away but had thought better of it. Now seemed like a better time, the captain was no where in sight. “So what happened to letting him have his fun with the girl?” He asked casually.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CassyK
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That morning as daybreak hit Rhea had been on the rampage, some of the crew were understandably reluctant to set set sail whilst many of them were still drunk if they weren’t hungover, others disliked the orders were not coming directly from the Captain, although they knew Joseph often handed control of the ship to Rhea. Despite her small stature the woman could be terrifying, and rumours persisted that she’d forced men overboard, or shot them, for grievous insubordination in the past, thus the Morgue was in motion.

“It changes everything” Joseph expressed, he wasn’t sure quite what to say when Elissa put forward her case regarding the initial plan they had set together, although he hadn’t formally agreed to the deal, “it’s just.. better if you don’t help” he sighed, “Rhea is mad with me, trust me on that”, he sighed and sat up as Elissa curled herself on the bed, she trembled and was puffing slightly which he assumed was due to the drink and the cold. He had to find out what the hell was going on with the ship.. Joseph stood up from the bed and pulled on the boots he’d kicked off last night, he buckled the pistol around his waist. He took another look at Elissa and pulled his coat over her, “I’ll come back with some water for you, alright?” he stated, he sort of huffed to himself before he made his exit from the room.

Rhea was at the ships wheel, she eyed the surgeon as he approached and shot him a look when he enquired about Elissa, “why do you make it your business, Adam?” she asked sharply.

The waters were rockier today than yesterday, it was bright but overcast and breezy, it was unclear if it was sea spray or drizzle that dampened their clothes, skin and the surfaces of the deck, in any case, it might have come as some cool relief to the inebriated crew. Rhea had pulled on a thick coat to cope with the cooler, wet weather.
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