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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The two jedi's lightsabers spun around in a majestic dance, cutting through the last of the defending droids, sending them crashing down into the robotic graveyard that used to be this base's defenses. Mere battledroids and super battledroids were no match for a top ranking member of the jedi council and her prized padawan learner, especially not without any backup from outside. Once the secret hideout of the Separatist leader was discovered it was all over for them. Due to being caught off guard the closest army would take hours to arrive, and they were now only half a minute from the thrown room with nothing left to stop them.

The Twi'lek padawan let a dry smile cross her blue lips, nudging a droid's head out of the way with her foot. At last this long, drawn out war could come to an end and the jedi can command the galaxy into a new era of peace. All of the hard work leading up to this moment was finally within grasp. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine being chosen by a council member to be her padawan and then take part in such an important mission. It was the highest honor she could have hoped for. She could hardly contain her emotions as she twirled her two blue lightsabers around in a brief embellishment at the end of the battle.

"Calm your mind, young Nima. We must remain focused on our mission at all times," her master, a Zabrak, lectured to her in a gentle tone. She strolled just ahead of her, yellow lightsaber humming at her side.

"Yes ma'am," she replied with a bow, regaining a straight face. Her master was right. Loose focus and even a lone battledroid can take out the most seasoned of jedi. She relied too much on her master in the past to point out when an attack was going to happen, so she opened up her mind to make sure that she was on the lookout too. She wasn't the best at it, but it would suffice.

"Ah, Master Oabre, looks like our companion has taken out the rest of the defenses and should be here shortly," she informed her master, although she was probably well aware of his approach far sooner then she was.

"Indeed. I must admit that this battle has gone well. We will have plenty of room to celebrate once we arrive back on Coruscant," Oabre Marvanaa said, allowing a brief smile onto her lips as well as she glanced behind her at her padawan who was now falling into step.

The two reached the thrown room where the Separatist leader was cowering alone in his chair, the last of his security team having rushed out to face the jedi in a desperate attempt to drive them away. It was clear that he had no more droids or else they would be here. The look on his face was priceless.

"You're under arrest," Oabre called out as she walked into the room. Just as Nima was about to follow there was a sudden electronic whizzing sound and a flash of blue light as a shield came between them, completely blocking off the opening. Nima jerked back in surprise before trying to slash through it with her right saber, but to no avail. She was more surprised by the fact that it only came up to block her and not both of them. Not only did the separatist look just as surprised as she did, but if he had been responsible he would have already had this barrier up to not allow either of them in, or trapped them both so that reinforcements could arrive in time to rescue him and capture the two jedi. No...this was activated to split up master and padawan. Someone not of the separatists, but still more then likely no friend of the jedi.

"I'm going to the generator room to turn off the security," Nima said, turning around.

"Be careful, young one. Whoever did this is likely here to kill the both of us while we are separated," Oabre explained.

"I'll be fine," she replied. "You've trained me well."

Oabre remained looking out the barrier, not even bother giving any attention to the separatist right now. At least that's what it looked like, but she still clearly had tabs on his position with the force and would be ready if he tried any funny business at any time. The cowering man clearly knew this and made no move off of his chair, glued to his seat in fright. What could be this newcomer into his secret hideout? Was it friend of foe to him? Could they possibly hope to defeat one of the most powerful jedi and rescue him from her?


The hutt let out a laugh from inside the hologram device that the two bounty hunters had.

"I see that the plan has worked over the hacked in security feed. Now all that's left is to bring me the heads of Jedi Master Oabre Marvanaa and Padawan Nima Seturri! We shall make an example of what will happen to the high and mighty jedi. There's another jedi knight within the base...do what you want with him, but the bounty is for the other two, of whom I have a personal grudge with. Don't worry about the safety of the separatist. The jedi are unlikely to kill him. Just try not to kill him yourself unless it's inevitable."

His image flicked out, but he was surely still watching back on his side of the feed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A third jedi? Could be trouble. Especially if his companion wasn't up for taking on the apprentice alone. A glance at the much larger man left doubts. All that bulk would slow him down, and the armor wouldn't last against a lightsaber, if the sabers even struck the armor at all instead of just going for the gaps. Bloodshot nodded to the Hutt to indicate his understanding just before the image flickered out, then slid the projector back into a pouch at the back of his belt.

He'd been hired for this job under the premise that he and one other hunter would be targeting only two jedi, and his plan had been formed to maximize the odds of victory with that in mind. Now there were three. He would be having words with this hutt when the mission was over, and acceptable compensation would be obtained, whether by force or diplomacy. He did not like being blindsided. That said, he also enjoyed a good challenge. Maybe this wasn't a total clusterf*** after all.

"Think you can handle the girl?"

His question was directed at his companion, and emanated from his mask with the distinct tone of something mechanized, thanks to the speech and environment filters that were in place. The same filters that kept his partner's obnoxious scent from reaching his nostrils. He smiled slightly at the thought. The padawan might have some trouble with that one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thirty-six droids, he counted. Thirty-six metal carapaces strewn across the plated floor around him, limbs and weapons scattered all over the place. This group of battle droids had been activated as two Jedi had pushed through the defenses on the opposite side of the building. In short, this was backup that never came. Jaskan Voth had seen to that. While his companions had made a loud entry at the front, he had snuck around back and waited for a moment to strike. Droids weren't exactly perceptive, and even Jaskan was able to sneak past and eliminate the two simple minded sentries with the clever use of a handful of rocks. A classic, but effective move. From there, the rest was a easy as pie.

They already knew that the separatists kept a small droid force in reserve just in case, and so all he had to do, was to find a nice secluded little spot somewhere near the most direct route to the main office, where the separatist leader would soon call upon them. So it was that the reserve battle droid force came clunking down the hallway, all grouped together in a nice square formation. All Jaskan had to do was to place himself right in the middle of them all with a well-aimed jump, assisted by the force, before spinning twice on the heel, slashing through steel and wires before the droids could even register that they were under attack. They all fell in one swoop, but he had swung once more to make sure. The clattering of their collapsed bodies echoed down the hall.

Now it was time to join up with master Oabre and her Padawan, Nima. He had been assigned to serve under Oabre during this mission after his own master had perished in an ambush at Corruscant. He mourned the loss deeply, but had burried his sorrow within and filled his mind with focus on the mission instead. That he had been assigned to assist a master and her padawan, and given much freedom as to how he would go about it, instead of being assigned directly under a new master, could only mean one thing. The council was testing him. To see if he was ready to become a Jedi knight. He didn't know if he was ready, but he would do as he was told. If they thought it was time, then who was he to say otherwise?

He slowly made his way towards the main office, but something didn't seem right. It was quiet, too quiet. He could sense that something was wrong. But what? "I have a bad feeling about this.." He muttered to himself. He started walking slowly, with soft and decisive steps. His dual-bladed light-saber resting at his hip. His white padawan robes and overweight body wasn't exactly hard to spot as he came down the middle of the hallway, but he was hoping he would run into his companions first, and not whatever was causing the disturbance in his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Handle the girl? Bah, I can handle both the girl and the other Jedi if he pokes his head in." There was a kind of lag in his voice, the kind you hear when every word is punctuated with a heavy intake of air. It was also noteworthy that he spoke without moving his lips much, exposing his brown and black teeth to the air. "I'd me more worried about the master, he's a real big shot. The kind who other jedi look up to, the big man in charge y'know? How're you gonna deal with that kind of power?"

As he spoke he was busy fiddling with the belt on his chest, loading it into Comb. She was being a bit stubborn today, not letting him fit the belt in as easily as it should be. Brush knew what to do about a stubborn gun. With a grotesque grunt he spit into his hand, rubbing it into the hole in the side. Lubing it up for the belt. "I'm gonna unload this first belt, but I'm not sure how I'll be able to reload. Jedis are smart and all that. I'll have to use the stun stick on 'em to hold em back."

There was a slight pause as he hoisted Comb to his waist, pulling the belt taught around his chest. Letting the belt hold part of the weight was a practice uncommon among most soldiers, it often caused damage to the internal mechanisms. Brush didn't really care, he had a guy he could go to and get Comb fixed up. "We'll have to come up with something on the fly, won't we Bloodshot?" His fat hand patted the armored man on the back, Brush was laughing a deep and phlegmy cough of a laugh. This was just another weekday for him, killing jedi was just a perk of the job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nima kept her lightsaber activated as she headed down the blank, sterile looking hallways of the base. Only a camera every 5 meters or so on the ceiling, all of which focusing on her every move, and other light fixtures broke the monotony. That and a pile of defeated droids every once in a while, along with burn marks on the walls where their futile bullets had been fired into, having missed their target entirely or by deflection. She felt like someone was watching her, and not just the obvious on the cameras. No...it was through the force. Someone was close by. Her skills at this wasn't perfect, but she could be sure of at least this much. Her master would have already found the person in question for sure, but all she could do was lift both lightsabers into a defensive position in front of her body and swivel her head around in search of some visual contact to confirm her suspicion.

"I know you're here. Come out with your hands up," she commanded loud enough for him or her to hear from where ever they might be hiding within the general proximity. "As a jedi I have the authority to place you under arrest should you not-"

And then it hit her. A horrible stench that almost made her throw up in her mouth mid sentence. What the heck was that?! A biological weapon? Her force senses didn't warn her of any attack of the sort, not even now that she was experiencing it first hand. She somehow managed to avoid regurgitating her latest meal, although her nose was scrunched up to the extreme. The "poison gas" didn't appear to be fatal because she was experiencing no symptoms other then the most obnoxiously bad smell that she had ever had the displeasure of experiencing. Had she been strictly someone who relied on the force it would have surely lowered her ability to concentrate, so luckily she relied mostly on her lightsaber combat and could hopefully put aside this distraction why she fought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well... That's disappointing. They said it was a knight." The voice came from further down the hall, about twenty meters distant, as an armored form stepped out of an adjoining hallway. "Except you're wearing the robes of a padawan. And a fat one at that. I guess I'll just have to make do." He stopped, keeping his stance even with his feet shoulder width apart and his arms hanging loosely at his sides. Or appearing to at least. It would be hard to discern through his armor, especially with the air of relaxed indifference he was carefully inserting into each of his movements, but every muscle in his body was tense, waiting for the moment to strike. If there was one thing he'd learned from all the lives stuffed into his head, it was that any jedi, no matter their skill, was a dangerous jedi. The padawan didn't need to know that he knew that though, so he put on the show, played the overconfident bounty hunter. Maybe it would have some small effect on the tactics of this obese opponent that stood before him.

His head angled slightly to the left as he studied his opponent, a holographic overlay popping up on his HUD to display the locations of vital organs and biological weak points. He shut it off with a whispered command, then made his move. His left arm swung forward in a motion he'd practiced a thousand times, smoothly closing around the grip of his pistol as the grav-plate disengaged, then swinging up with an almost effortless grace to center his sights on the jedi's chest. The entire motion took less time than it takes a man to blink, so fluid and precise were his reflexes.

At this point, most people would squeeze the trigger and hope for the best, but unfortunately for the jedi, Bloodshot was not most people. True, he had the element of surprise and no one could outrun a slug, not even a jedi, but he'd fought enough jedi to know that they didn't always perceive the world in the same way most do. He'd heard it described like that feeling you get on the back of your neck when something bad is about to happen and all the hairs stand up, except much stronger, and it happens every damn time you pull a gun on them. So he waited. Let the surprise sink in. Watched until the man started to react, started to move to avoid the slug his senses no doubt told him was coming.

Then he corrected his aim to account for the motion and squeezed the trigger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was not his two companions who found him first, but a bounty hunter. A gun-for-hire. A man without honor.

As Jaskan came to a halt at the sight of the man appearing in the doorway, the armored scoundrel spoke. He spoke of disappointment, that he had expected a knight. It was true that he was but a padawan in title, but if the bounty hunter thought this was going to be an easy kill for that reason, he was sadly mistaken. His arrival here was not a coincidence, the bounty hunter was informed. Jaskan had been expected. Someone wanted him dead. But who? Who would have access to that information? Was it the same people who had paid the price on his master's head? Who had planned the ambush? Was the bounty hunter who stood before him now been a part of the assassination? He wanted answers, and he was going to find them.

His eyes narrowed. "You are going to give me the name of your employer." - he said, and eyed Bloodshot's slugthrower. His lightsaber would be of no use here, not until he got closer. Not unless he wanted glowing hot melted metal sprayed into his face.

Bloodshot drew his slugthrower, but Jaskan Voth remained still. The bounty hunter wasn't going to fire. Not yet, anyway. With the force on his side, Jaskan would make sure to use the gap in time after the first shot to close the distance. If the man who was after his head thought his movements was going to predictable, he was about to be blown away. Jaskan closed his eyes.

With a sudden quick motion, his left foot shot out to the side, and his body quickly followed. Bloodshot followed him with his gun, and pulled the trigger, but Jaskan was ready for it. He slid four meters forward, to the right, literally force pushing himself out of the way as the slugthrower went off. The slug crashing down the hallway. His feet lightly tapped the floor, barely making a sound at all, as if he was a graceful ballerina. He kept moving towards the bounty hunter, riling back and forth, up and down, at impossible angles, always changing momentum, spinning wildly. Every time Bloodshot would attempt to fire at him, his momentum would shift entirely, even if his entire weight distribution was put into the original movement. He would, at all times, be wherever the slug was not. He had since the moment he stepped into the Jedi academy, sought for a way to remove his own weakness. His slow movement, and impractical weight. And he had discovered it, the Ataru form. Using the force to enhance movement. The latter, he had taken a few steps further. His every movement was now fueled by the force, literally throwing his own body around with his mind. Every single moment had been spent to hone that skill.

Five meter away from the bounty hunter, his double-sided lightsaber found it's way into his hand, and two green lights lit up the room, reflecting off the walls and floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"...there!" Nima thought to herself as the obese, grotesque, bounty hunter sprung into view out of the hallway to her left, unloading multiple quick rounds of plasma her way. With her augmented physical abilities she was able to quickly dart away from the attack just as it exploded into the wall behind her, leaving a smoking trail in it's wake as he swung the gun her way to follow her retreat, plasma steadily streaming out all the while. She couldn't block the stream of rapid plasma shots for very long with her lightsabers without having it become too much to handle, so for now the best thing she could do was dodge. Dodge and take the fight to him, that is. She wasn't one to just be content to just running around providing her enemies with a shooting gallery for very long.

She adjusted her course to change her retreat into an advance, ducking underneath the bullets to come out quickly on the other side. This took him off guard and he tried to swivel his gun back the other direction, but with her high speed it was too late. She swung her left lightsaber at him and he had no choice but to use his weapon to block it as he stumbled backwards. Her weapon cut it clean in two, but not before her foe was able to get out of range and yank out an staff that arced with electricity. The two exchanged a flurry of fast blows, sending sparks showering the battlefield. Luckily the environment was made out of metal so wouldn't catch fire as they went about their battle. He was good, she had to give him that, but she was a jedi. She let out a smile as she was able to combat him on even terms, but using only her left lightsaber.

However, she remembered that her master was waiting on her and would certainly not approve of toying with her opponents. Her smile faded as she decided to go all out, her right lightsaber flaring to life to add to the intensity of her attack. He lasted no more then ten seconds before his staff was sent flying out of his hands, clattering to the ground well out of his reach. A few more swift strikes across his body and all of his weapons were cleaved apart, but he himself was left untouched.

"Brave of you to go up against a jedi training under a master on the council," she taunted, pointing her lightsaber at his throat. "Tell me everything. Who's with you on this assignment. Who hired you. All that jazz. I must warn you that I don't have the same patience as my master for this kinds of things, so I suggest you spill your guts quickly or else I'll do it for you."

In all honesty part of this was just a bluff. She wasn't one to murder an unarmed person, even if he was a bounty hunter who just made an attempt on her life. However, she was well known for taking more extreme action then most jedi to achieve the goals in an "ends justify the means" sort of way. As such, not many people were overly willing to test out how far they could press their luck when dealing with her. If he knew what was good for him he would do as she asks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The jedi was very fast. Especially for such a large man. He hadn't believed the intel at first, with the descriptors he'd been given seeming so contrary to one another, but now the evidence of their truth stood right in front of him. Well... bounced around right in front of him. The methods he'd been given to identify the man had seemed convoluted and unnecessary at the time, but now that he actually stood in front of him he realized that there was no other man in the galaxy they could describe.


As soon as he uttered the code, the jedi before him slowed, then came to a stop. He was still tense and seemed on the verge of imminent movement, but he was holding back. For now. Apparently the intel had been right about that too. Bloodshot casually returned the pistol to its holster, then glanced off slightly to his own right, as if hearing something that was inaudible to his newfound jedi companion. "We've got work to do. Follow me."

The gunshot echoed deafeningly through the large hallway in the moments after the jedi padawan finished her speech, and the red-hot slug streaked over the padawan's head before burning a hole right between the obese bounty hunter's eyes. Bloodshot waited for the padawan to spin his way and regain at least some of her hearing before he spoke, gun still raised, though shifted slightly to aim at her head rather than past it. "Sorry dearie. No answers for you." He paused and regarded her for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to pull the trigger, then rolled his shoulders in a shrug and holstered the pistol.

"I was told to give you the option of surrender, so if you hand over your weapons now and turn yourself over, I'll be forced to accept and bring you in alive." Though he was fairly certain that surrender just meant a long slow death later on. Hutts were nasty like that. "Otherwise, your corpse is worth just as much. You've got ten seconds to decide before my friend here gets to work."

As he spoke, he gestured to the side hallway from which he had appeared and the portly jedi dressed in padawan's robes would presumably step out into view, lending weight to the bounty hunter's ultimatum. If he could control one jedi like that, how many more had fallen under the influence of his employer? "Knowing what you know now, we can't have you running back to the temple, now can we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That was a mistake. He might have taken her off guard with the first shot, but now that she knew he was there she could much better at predicting and dodging his attacks. He'd lost his chance of winning this battle quickly, if at all. She brushed off his demands to surrender. Why would he expect the padawan of a jedi master on the council to give in so easily to the demands of some random bounty hunter? He sure had some nerve. A lot of bounty hunters showed the same overconfidence. Perhaps it came with the line of work where any hesitation or meekness would quickly lead to their downfall or getting strong-armed by others out of their optimum pay.

"If you run away then I won't pursue you. That's my offer," she replied. "Unless of course you do something to annoy me before then."

She eyed the traitorous Jaskan for a brief moment but kept the bounty hunter in view as well. Her master warned her that there was something a little off about him but they couldn't exactly be sure as to what, or had any proof in the matter. It would appear like their suspicions were correct after all. And here he could have grown in power among the jedi ranks. Such a shame...for him. Even she could defeat him, so against her master he didn't have a prayer of winning, if that's what he was hopping for. Then there was this bounty hunter, but he didn't seem too out of the ordinary. All in all she could more then likely deal with this situation herself and then free her master soon after.

She waited only a brief moment and would then attack unless they took the unlikely action of running away as suggested. She raised both her lightsabers in front of her torso and then charged forward to strike at the bounty hunter with a horizontal swing from her right saber while keeping her left up to deflect any attacks that came her way. If he began shooting at her before she got close enough then she might have to reevaluate her situation and do some swift dodging while she tried to get closer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


It was like someone took an ice pick, and plunged it into his brain. He gasped loudly, as if he had been asleep his whole life, and only now awoken. Jaskan's feet betrayed him, and he fell to his knees. He gripped his head in agony, a multitude of events unfolded themselves in his mind. A thousand moments unveiled in the blink of an eye.
Jaskan Voth was one of many sleeper agents that had been inserted into the jedi order by the Hutt. Extensive shock therapy, mind games and hypnosis had been inflicted upon them as children to hide their true purpose beneath layers upon layers of subconciousness. The force was thus unable to detect their nefarious allegiance, simply on merit of themselves being completely unaware of it. A group of highly trained jedi were unknowingly an enemy of their brothers and sisters, and they would never find out until a moment in time when the Hutt decided to make use of his assets. This was such a moment. Master Oabre had been digging too close to the truth about one of the Hutt's operations. Whether she was looking for it, or even understood it's implications, was of no importance. She, and everyone she was affiliated with had to be eliminated.

Master Harken, Jaskan's master, was assassinated for this purpose. It was through his death, that Jaskan Voth, the Hutt's sleeper agent, joined master Oabre and her padawan. Sending the bounty hunters onto their location, was the last stage of the plan. They were there to activate the sleeper agent, and if capable; eliminate the padawan. The Hutt did not take chances. He knew that the best weapon against a jedi, was a jedi. One of the mercenaries, Bloodshot, had been informed that Jaskan Voth was on a payroll, that he had been bought. Once acquired, he was to eliminate his fellow hunter, and together with the traitor jedi, take out master Oabre and whoever she was there with. The padawan should, if possible, be captured, to find out just how close master Oabre came to finding out about the Hutt's scheme.
Jaskan took a single step, and appeared in the doorway.

"Hello, Nima." He said. She had joined the order five years after him, and he regarded her as little threat to him. They both practiced the Ataru form, but he was far superior at it.

"I will leave you with this man." He took a deep breath. "I am going to kill your master." - And with that, he turned and walked out. There was a purpose behind his words, it wasn't just banter. A jedi relied heavily on the force to guide them, but it required focus. Serenity. The words he had spoken was an attack in itself, designed to disrupt Nima's focus. The longer his absence, the bigger the concern for her master's safety. He was equal to a jedi knight, for all intents and purposes, after all. Master Oabre would find no easy opponent in him.
Once again he came walking down the hallway. This time with a clear purpose, a driving force. Every step brought him closer to it. Closer, and closer, until he was standing in front of the barrier, face to face with master Oabre, a smug smile on his face. He didn't say a word, drawing his lightsaber and turning it on spoke for itself. A moment later, the barrier faded. The Hutt's plans had come to fruition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

She moved quickly, though not as quickly as the sleeper jedi had in their brief scuffle, and there was more than enough warning from the shifting of her stance and the expression on her face. She may have been trained in combat, and even become highly proficient at it, but it was clear that subtlety was never a part of that training. For an Umbaran, subtlety and manipulation came as easily as breathing, as did the ability to detect and read intentions, and not just in the mind alone. On a world of telepaths, all of whom guarded their minds jealously, it was necessary to cultivate more conventional means of reading the intentions of the beings around you. Even without any remembrance of his previous life, Bloodshot was still an Umbaran to the core and something ingrained that deep did not simply go away because a few memories were lost. Her movements were as clear to him as the pages of an open book as she charged forward. The foot she lead with, the positioning of her sabers, the locations her eyes darted to in the moments before her attack.

It was like watching a holofilm three seconds ahead of everyone else, so when her saber streaked in from his right, his right foot drew back slightly to brace his body and his gauntlet blade shrieked forth from its housing and was there to meet her blade, trapping her left-hand saber on the far side of her body as he prevented her strike from passing clear of him. His left foot came clear of the floor and drove forward, aiming to smash into her ribcage just below her right breast and throw her backwards and off-balance. The positioning of her right arm, crossing her body to engage the blade attached to his right gauntlet, would mean that a successful defense from her left hand saber would require the severing of her own arm, which left evasion as her only reliable means of defense. That or the force, but he had a suspicion this one's talents were more focused on the aspects of the physical, rather than displays of raw power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Heh. So he was planning on killing her master after all. How silly of him. She wasn't concerned about this statement so it didn't effect her out of worry more so then it momentarily drew her attention away from the bounty hunter. However, she managed to shift her gaze back to him before resuming her assault. She got close enough to swing and swung she did, only to find herself locked against his gauntlet rather then cutting cleanly all the way through him as expected. Tsk. Why'd she let herself get distracted and miss the obvious like that? Her master would never have made such a mistake. She'd have no choice but to pull back and try to clear her mind if she was to have any better luck with her next attack. His foot came in, but with her force augmented speed she was already disengaged with him and sprung backwards. Despite her young age leading to inexperience, nothing bad could be said about her high level of physical ability to help rectify any mistakes that she makes. Even Master Oabre had to admit how Nima was always bursting with energy and wearing her out. If she couldn't take him out with one blow then she'd just have to keep at him until he couldn't withstand her pressure any more.

Her left saber lowered underneath where her right had been to make a jab and dissuade him from coming any closer while she momentarily regrouped. Her right saber, meanwhile, pulled back from it's attack to go into a more defensive position in front of her chest just in case a long range attack quickly came in. As far as she could tell she had all of her bases covered, at least for now.


Master Oabre's expression remained calm as the traitor waltzed in and deactivated the barrier. Unexpected, but nothing to get worked up over. Ones mind must always be at ease, especially for her fighting style that relied so heavily on this aspect. As such she remained as still and serene as ever, reaching out with the force that flowed like a deep, endless river inside of her; a force which was sent crashing towards the man with enough power to send a wampa flying unconscious into the back wall. She didn't want to kill him but wanted to take him out of the fight as quickly as possible to give aid to her padawan, therefore sending out sufficient force for what she considered would get the job done. She had a bad feeling about what might happen to her padawan but couldn't quite be sure of their exact outcome at the moment. Whoever that bounty hunter was, to combat her padawan well enough to make the outcome unclear was an incredible feat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Her arm pushed out against him, and with it, a confession of fear. Admittance of her reliance on force powers, of her inferior lightsaber skills compared to his. Before he was awoken, he had been told of her prowess with the force, a specialty. Every specialist was good at one thing at the cost of something else. Her opening hand confirmed her weakness.

Jaskan force pushed himself backwards moments before the wave came upon him, matching it's velocity and reducing the blow from the 'impact' itself to nothing. He had plenty of space to work with, a notably long hallway to be exact. He slid backwards along the floor before applying some gradually increasing forward force of his own to slow down his movement. Making sure not to halt it entirely, to minimize his own efforts against the ongoing force wave. As it was, master Oabre would tire herself out long before he would if she continued applying such continual effort. He now stood 20m away from her, and continued to slowly slide further away until she stopped applying the force.

He laughed. "This isn't working out for you. Maybe you should try something else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

One second she was charging toward him to deliver her attack, and the next she was rushing backwards to avoid his counter. No gradual slowing down or shifting of momentum, just back and forth. Like a small pet getting jerked by its leash. Why was it that every single jedi in existence (or so it seemed) had the ability to completely ignore the effects of physics and momentum? THAT was a power he could find a use for.

His gauntlet blade hissed as it slid back into its casing, and his right hand dropped down to the pistol at his hip as he took one small step forward to re-center his stance. By the time she stopped moving backward, the weapon was raised and spitting a depleted baradium slug at the center of her chest, after which he would adjust his aim to compensate for any movement she made to avoid the first shot, then fire a second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
Avatar of ImportantNobody


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oabre eyed the cocky "little" man, calmly but sternly, in the face of his taunt. How could he hope to defeat a master such as herself with such a clouded mind? In all honesty he was doing a decent enough job negating her force push, but he'd have to do a lot better than that to overcome her. His actions certainly didn't warrant such a comment, at least in her mind, if it was ever warranted at all, especially because she wasn't yet fighting at full strength. Her feet slowly slid forward, one in front of the other, as she pushed him back to make it easier on herself to keep her attack flowing onto him as well as allowing her to exit the room so that the security doors could not lock her inside again should he change his mind about her release.

Once she was outside of the room and into the long hallway she tried a different technique. She gripped onto all of the damaged droid parts by way of the force, the graveyard of slain droids he was slowly being forced (pun intended) into the center of, and then in a blink of an eye sent them all speeding his way on all sides of him. The parts were not heavy enough to be fatal even if sent crashing into him at high speeds, but at the very least it would sting, should they hit him. At best she hoped it would distract him and knock him around a bit, throwing him off guard so that her force push could do it's job of sending him flying uncontrollably backwards to crash onto the ground behind him or perhaps all the way into the far wall if he somehow managed to keep his feet the entire rest of the distance that was. Either way he'd be in trouble at that point. There was a possibility that someone of his caliber might be able to stop the droid parts and her push at the same time, but it took a master such as herself to devote herself to putting this much power into both tasks. She didn't know how he'd be able to fair doing the same thing, but it was unlikely that he could keep up with it as well as she. At least in theory that should be the case.


As planned the force allowed Nima to stay one step ahead of his opponent, at least for now. She saw the gun he reached for, realizing that she'd have to start dodging the first chance that she got or else she'd be in for a world of hurt. Dodge once and then attack; that was her plan. She was still in pretty close proximity so she could get in a lightsaber swing pretty soon after the dodge, unless said dodge were to force her even further away from her target. She couldn't afford that, though. She had to keep the pressure on him as much as possible. She hated dancing around just to give someone else target practice on her.

As soon as her feet touched the ground she was already getting into her dodge maneuver, allowing her body to fall downward and to the right into a controlled roll. His first shot grazed her left arm as before she could get all the way out of harms way, causing her to let out a pained hiss from between her teeth and a slight spray of blood from the wound, but otherwise she was okay. She could handle much more than that! Bring it on! She didn't want to focus on the pain so rather psyched herself out to get revenge and take down this guy before he could score another hit.

As she rolled she kept her lightsaber pointed out in his direction, so from his perspective she would be like a cartwheel of colorful rotating blades. This wasn't an attack, exactly, just so that she wouldn't be cleaving up the floor if she held the blades in any other way.

She stopped her roll quickly as soon as her feet were beneath her in her roll, and just as quickly lunged back to the left enough to throw off his aim, which was following her where she would have been rolling to. The bullet clanged harmlessly off of the metal ground near her feet, releasing sparks. As her feet touched the ground from the brisk lunging maneuver she did one more lunge, this time straight at her him right saber jousting his way and left doing a small sweep, stretching forward to try and cleave his gun in two before he could get off another shot.
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