Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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She blinked, looking down at Matt who was now on the floor, her expression mostly blank. "That's... not quite the reaction I was expecting..." She chuckled, watching as the other boy picked him up. She would have done so herself, it seems he got there first.. She looked at the boy that he'd been with. A half deer and half boy? She raised a brow. It shouldn't really surprise her anymore. She smiled at the boy. "Hello there. As you probably can guess, I'm Lily. Here, come on. We'll take him to the Nurse's office. Seems like seeing my face was a bit of shock." She explained, ending with a bit of an awkward laugh. She turned and began walking towards the Nurse's office.

Now, that was one place she remembered well. She looked over at Matt as they walked. Well, it must have been a shock for him. Lily certainly didn't expect to ever see him again. A small smile grew on her lips as she looked down at him. It was nice to see old friends again, at the very least. She looked over her shoulder at the deer boy. She chuckled again as he asked if it was normal. "Well... Yes, actually." She told him, a bright smile on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Patches
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Patches The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For someone who looked so skinny, Farrow was surprisingly strong, able to lift Matt up and manage to carry him. The young centaur stared at Lily, dazed and confused, "H-hello. He said your name right before he fainted."

"W-weird...But, he should be okay, once we get to the Nurse's Office, right? Is there any reason why he fainted upon seeing you; old friends maybe?" He followed Lily, staying close behind. For someone whose friend had just went into shock, the girl was taking this almost too well, "You want to carry him, miss? He is your friend after all. Plus... He's a bit heavy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


She blinked at the question. "Well, yes. We're old friends. As for why he would faint... I don't see why it would affect him, but to some I should be dead. Let's just say, I haven't seen him in a very long time." She explained, looking towards the Nurse's Office. It wouldn't be too much farther. She let out another small chuckle when he asked if she wanted to carry him. "Sure." She replied, taking her old friend from the young deer boy's hands. "Well, you know I'm Lily. But, who are you? And what are you? You don't have to tell me if it's a touching subject, but I'm just curious." She asked and then looked down at Matt.

She smiled. And old friend indeed. Suddenly, her heart started to skip a beat. What if it wasn't just the shock from seeing her? What if something was seriously wrong? She looked down at him again, her brows lifted and her eyes filled with worry. "Come on. We need to hurry. I'm starting to get worried. It might not be as simple as I'd once thought and I... I don't want to chance it." She told the other boy and started to walk a bit faster, turning corners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Patches
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Patches The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Dead? Did she come back from the dead? Don't tell me that she's a zombie or a ghost... Either way, it wasn't any of Farrow's business if she was undead or not. "Alright, must been quite a shock for him then~" Handing the boy over, Farrow went on to answer Lily's question. "My name is Farrow... I don't have much to say about myself, I'm just your average mage with some skills in archery and potioncraft, nothing special." He shrugged, at least he was humble. "And... I don't really know about what I am... A centaur? I never knew my parents so I can't really say anything about my species, I was raised by a human. Personally, exactly what I am isn't too important to me, as long as I'm well off and healthy, I don't really care."

He trotted off upon being told to hurry up, staying right next to her, "I'd offer to let you ride on my back, but I can only carry a maximum of 1 person at a time." He wasn't one of those giant horse centaurs after all. Please me alright Matt...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Farrow, an interesting name. Curtly, she nodded her head, still rushing off in the direction of the nurse's office. After a few moment, they were finally there. Lily looked over at the new nurse and motioned for her to come. She placed Matt on the bed and watched as the Nurse walked over and checked him out. Lily walked over to a nearby chair and sat down to wait. She looked over at Farrow and then back to Matt.

"I just hope it's nothing more than shock." She said, merely a mumble. She looked up at Farrow. I'm surprised you didn't ask how I came back from being dead." She said chuckling. Personally, she wouldn't have believed it. People don't just come back from the dead... Then again, maybe he just didn't care. She let out a small puff of air from her nose. She needed to stop being so full of herself. Not everyone cared about her story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Patches
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Patches The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Farrow liked his name, it was unique after all. He remained standing as the Nurse went to check on Matt's condition. He should be alright.. It's nothing more than a bit of shock. He'll be alright once he wakes up in a minute or two Farrow told him, giving himself a bit of reassurance. He really wondered why he was so worried over a person he barely knew.

"Well... I thought about asking you about it, but..." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, "I thought it was a personal matter that didn't concern me. It's none of my business if you're a zombie, lich, or undead; even though it sounds like a interesting tale, with the dead coming back to life and all. I've seen a few zombie movies and they're all very scary, but you seem alright." There he went, running his mouth off with no filter. "But.. Um.. If you really want, Lily, you can tell me about it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


She smiled slightly, looking down at the floor. Undead... At least then she wouldn't feel so useless. She took in a deep breath and then straightened up. "It's a rather long story. I was... once an Angel. And in order to kill another rogue angel, I had to forfeit my Grace and here I am. Human, and rather useless. If I were an Angel, I could help Matt. But as I am..." She explained, looking down at her hands, fumbling with them. "That's why I'm here. To get my Grace back so I can go back to being an Angel." She continued, looking up at Farrow. "I miss my wings." She told him, a sad smile on her face. She'd have to tell this to Matt too, wouldn't she?

She sighed and looked up at Matt, laying on the table. The nurse had left to go back to her desk, not really telling either Lily nor Farrow anything. Useless... She closed her eyes. When she graduated, she'd immediately apply for a job as the School nurse. She could do a better job than this woman anyway. Well, if she got her Grace back. Which... She had no idea how to even start. The old man said it was found within herself, she just had to dig. Well, dig where? She was already frustrated and she hadn't really even started yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Leo groaned, and Calista frowned. He was hungry, and there was no way he would be strong enough to fly off the school and hunt on his own. She stood up and pet his large nose while his eyes followed her expression. She took a deep breath, where was she going to find the right amount of food for him to be gain some more energy. She might have to conduct a recipe for him. She grew determined as she walked towards the school, he groaned at her and she threw a glare back at him, silencing him. "Whining isn't going to get you anywhere." She shot towards him, he turned his head away. She slumped feeling bad for her snap, but she was just as worried as he was.

She walked back in to the school, and made her way in to the kitchen. It looked like a foreign land when she realized she had no idea what she was looking at and what to make him. She was thinking something that could be in a huge pot. She put her hands on her hips and leaned against the counter, with a huff she pushed herself off and began to pull everything out from the cabinets, freezer and fridge. She then opened where the pots and pans were and pulled out the largest pot she could find that was meant for a stew. She added water, and waited for it to boil and then began to throw random items in to the pot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


He was putting his tray away when he saw the girl rush by, headed for the kitchen. What? He tilted his head, curious. Students were allowed back there? His curiosity getting the better of him, he followed behind her. She was pulling things out of cabinets, looking around. A large pot? He leaned against the wall, watching her, one brow raised. "Excuse me. Need some help?" He said, wanting to make his presence known. He didn't like feeling like a stalker. She looked like she was trying to make something but why did she need a big pot? Was she making food for a group of people? He smirked. Maybe he should get in on that.

"Plus, if you're making food, I'm always ready to help taste test." He told her, winking. He chuckled and walked over a bit closer, picking up the pot to inspect it. "What are you going to make anyway?" He asked, looking over at her, the pot still in his hands. He still felt a bit like he was intruding but what was different from this than what he'd been doing so far? You had to push yourself on people to make any friends. Maybe she'd hate him, maybe she wouldn't. It all depended on her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 days ago


"No!" shouted Matt as his eyes shot open. It took him a second to realize that he was at the nurses office, but when did he get here? Last time he remembered... He didn't know that last he remembered. He bumped into a deer boy named Farrow, he got Farrow a map of the school, he took Farrow to the cafeteria. No, wait, they never got there. So, Matt figured, he had lost consciousness in one of the halls to the cafeteria. As Matt went through all this in his brain, he was breathing heavily, as if he had been running a marathon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Patches
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Patches The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"I see..." Such a sad story... Farrow didn't know the right way to respond. It was like if he lost his deer half and was forced to walk on two legs, losing a part of you that means so much to you. "Well.. Isn't there a way you can get your wings back without having to get your grace? Can't you just die again and become a angel that way?" He shook his head, "Sorry, I'm being stupid, shouldn't of said that. But if there is any way that I can somehow help, just ask me. I'm more than willing to help out someone in need, even if I just met you." At least he's being optimistic.

Maybe Farrow himself could assist the school nurse somehow.. He has knowledge of making medicines and other natural remedies; he even knows a few minor healing spells. He'd do it out of the goodness of his heart, not to make money; material possessions meant very little to him. "How do you get your grace back in the first place? By being a good person, doing angelic things?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She continued to throw random meats and vegetables, some premade soups that were in a can. It didn't smell all too bad, but she had no idea if it tasted good at all. She jumped slightly and turned around to the the boy leaning against the wall. Her mind went blank when she saw the color of his eyes, she stood there stunned as he seemed to act nonchalant. She had to shake herself back to life, and realized he was looking inside of the pot. She blushed when he asked her what she was making, she had no clue. She walked over to him and looked in the large pot as well. "I don't really know what I am making, I just need something to help Leo gain more energy." She said with an aggravated tone as she hope this would fill him.

She continued to add things to the pot, until it seemed like a large quantity. She let it cook for a while, trying to keep her eyes to herself as she worked. "I don't know if you'd really want to taste it." She mocked at herself as she looked at the messy soup inside the pot and soon it hit her. She slapped herself in the forehead and slumped against the counter again. How in the world was she going to get this to him? She huffed, and then looked up to the boy. "Do you have any idea how I could possibly get this pot outside?" She asked with a desperate look on her face. She was so flustered over getting Leo better that she had forgotten to introduce herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


He erupted into loud laughter. She was certainly cute. "Sorry, you're just so... cute" He explained through the laughter. He shot her a bright smile. Who was Leo, anyway? Who needed this much food? He walked over to the other side of her, grabbing a spoon. "I'm a tough guy, I can take whatever this tastes like. Plus, I don't think soup is that hard to make. Though, I would recommend actually adding a bit more broth and some spices." He told her, laughing once again. He turned to look in the cupboards. There were very few spices, but the ones he was looking for were actually there. He wasn't a master chef but he knew how to make a mean soup. It was the easiest thing to make. He grabbed the Parsley flakes, dried onions, garlic salt, and pepper. "He's not allergic to any of this is he?" He asked. He'd either add or put them back if she said he was allergic to anything.

She asked him how they were going to get the pot to her friend. Ethan blinked, unsure himself. "Uhm, well, we could tag team it? I'll carry it, but I'd need your help. You know, opening doors and stuff." He told her, hoping he was strong enough to carry it all. He laughed. Maybe he'd just black out and it'd already be carried over there. No... he didn't want to scare her. He smiled and looked over at her. He was just a bit taller than her. Now that he really had a chance to look at her, she was very pretty. White hair that fell down to her waist. He was beginning to get jealous of this Leo...

She smiled as he asked if she could just die again. "I don't think it's that simple." She said, wishing it were. No, she didn't know what lied for her after death. Would she just cease to exist? Would she become and Angel again? She didn't know. She was just going off of what the old man had said. When he apologized and offered his help, she smiled again. "Thank you, Farrow." She told him, her eyes soft. The people she knew were all so kind and helpful .Much different from down there. She much preferred it this way. "I don't know how to get it back really. I didn't think I could until someone told me. And now, whether they were telling the truth or not, I'm here to find out." She explained, looking up at Matt.

She jumped when he suddenly screamed, "No!" She jumped up and walked over to him. He was breathing heavily and looked confused. She looked down, leaning over him. "Hey there. Making a habit of passing out?" She said, a smirk on her face. Deep down, she was realized he was okay. She wanted to cry but... she just couldn't. She'd lost the ability to cry long ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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She blushed at his laughter and his words of her being cute. She had watched people be called that and wondered what it would feel like, she bickered at herself to stay focused and hid behind the vegetables in her hand, she paused and looked up to him before placing more carrots in to the pot. Spices? Broth? She set down the vegetables and leaned over to watch him add green flakes and other things that had peculiar smells, and then some sort of liquid. Her eyes were wide and she was anxious, she loved learning new things. She tilted her head, allergies? Oh when people do that one movement, and people return with 'excuse me' or receive a 'bless you'. Why couldn't she remember small details like this from her human life? It was all one big mess in her head anyways.

Her eyes widened as he agreed to carry the pot. She hopped on her toes a few times with a wide smile on her face. "Don't worry, I'll guide you and hold all the doors open!" She let herself fall back on to the floor, and walked towards the door opening it wide open for him to walk past. She was happy, because maybe Leo would stop being such a grump and she'd be able to introduce him to people finally. She looked at the boy once more and studied his features a bit more. But her courage failed her and she looked away, trying to understand why she felt this.. emotion? Is it an emotion? Oh well, she had no time to think. Leo needed food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Patches
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Patches The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Very well then..." At least the poor boy tried. Maybe there are books in the library that will help her out, Farrow could search through those.. He wanted to help more than anything; just like he did back home. "I'm just here to make friends, nothing big.. But I guess while I'm here, I can seek to help as many people as I can."

Once Lily screamed, Farrow jumped in surprise, "L-lilly? Are you okay? He'll be alright, I'm sure of it." It's not like he's dead over something as simple as her returning, she said it was normal for him to faint. "Come on, we should let him rest, he'll be fine once we come back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


He chuckled, watching her. It was like watching a small child get excited over the smallest things. It seemed like she didn't know much about much of anything. She didn't even know what an allergy was. He had to wonder her past. But, he didn't really like his own so he wasn't going to force her to tell him hers. He smiled and picked up the pot best he could. It wasn't particularly heavy, but it was heavy enough to slow him down considerably.

He walked over to the other side of the room, the doors already opened for him. His smile was gone as he focused intently on the pot and it's contents. It was really hot too, but for some reason it didn't bother him. He looked over at her as he walked out of the cafeteria. "Where to?" He asked, not really knowing where to go. He was oblivious to her blushing cheeks. He just thought she might be a bit shy, which was cute as well. She was actually really... adorable. More adorable than of the girls he'd ever met. They were all fake and superfluous. Maybe... she was real? Or else she was pretending and this was all an act to get on his good side. He let out a small sigh. No, even if she was, he wasn't one to doubt people like that. He didn't want to hurt her feelings and he didn't want to think of her like that. He just wanted to believe that it was real and that she really was this cute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She waited for him to clear the door way and then walked behind him forgetting she was the one who was leading the way. Once he turned around and asked 'where to' she paused for a second. "Oh! Right!" She giggled at herself and walked in front of him leading the way. "He isn't that far." She walked towards the lobby and waited for him. Once he got to her she opened the door to the outside. She still hadn't remembered that people weren't used to meeting Leo, but she didn't give it a second thought as they made their way outside. Once he was outside she walked next to him towards the big figure hidden by only a few trees.

"He's right over here." She said in a somewhat whisper as they appeared in front of the miserable dragon. His eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy, he had fallen asleep while she disappeared. She put her fingers to her lips towards the boy and snuck over to the nose of the large dragon. Rubbing it gently. "Hey, sleepy head. I brought you something to eat." The dragon sighed deeply, blowing her hair around her as his eyes slowly opened towards her. His head then pulled from her grasp and looked over to the pot in the boy's hands. "Just set it there." She said quickly knowing that Leo would be eager and he was. Once the pot was on the ground he slurped as much as he could. Calista walked back over to the boy and smiled at him. "Thank you so much." Her head tilted, full of glee. "Oh! This is Leo."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 days ago


"Hey there. Making a habit of passing out?" asked a female voice belonging to an old friend, one who had helped Matt learn how to use his powers. Lily.
"I guess you could say that." replied Matt, slightly embarrassed. "It happened more than once since Kamasyia shut down. Speaking of that, where have you been since then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago


She chuckled at his response. "It's a long story. Let's just say, things have changed since you last saw me. I'm... I'm not an Angel anymore." She told him, a sad smile on her face. She turned to look at Farrow, who seemed worried that they should leave and let Matt get rest. Maybe... he was right. "Maybe we should go and let you rest. You don't seem well." She said told him, looking around the room for the nurse. She was still sitting at her desk. How had she not heard Matt's outburst?

She rolled her eyes and then looked over at Matt. "Maybe Farrow and I could get you something from the cafeteria? I'm sure we could find some soup or something." She asked, wanting to at least do something for him. He'd changed a lot too it seemed, his appearance had anyway. It was a wonder she'd even recognized him. Though, she'd never forget a friend.


He followed her slowly as they headed outside. Why was her friend outside? He followed her as they walked up to the forest. His eyes grew wide as he saw the white mound in above the treetops. What the hell is that[b]? As they got closer, the girl walked away, heading closer towards the white mass. Suddenly, she turned and told him to be quiet and she walked up to it. A... dragon? It was a white mound... with a face and.... teeth. He approached with caution, feeling his legs starting to shake. What was this school? Dragons? They aren't even real! He placed the pot down where she said and backed off quickly as the beast went to eat. She turned to face Ethan with a smile, [b]"Oh!This is Leo!"

He blinked, nearly close to pissing his pants. "That... That can't be real." He stuttered, feeling as though he was in a video game. Suddenly, he felt it coming. NO. NOT NOW. He closed his eyes, willing the emotion to pass. He didn't want to scare her. He didn't want to scare himself. It's just a dragon. If... if anything happens... She wouldn't let that happen, would she? He sighed and gathered his courage and stood up straight. He looked over at the girl, avoiding eye contact with the beast. "H-Hi, Leo..." He said, his voice small and almost inaudible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 days ago


"Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait... You are not and angel? How does that work?" Matt asked, completely confused. One can't exactly change their species, can they? As far as Matt knew, he was the Phoenix, and he would always be the Phoenix. Nothing would change that. Could angels change themselves, or was it something deeper than that? Than he gasped when he realized.
"You didn't... didn't..." he stuttered.
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