Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro - Drury Lanes' Arcade

He had to act quickly, whatever activated for him surely wouldn't last long. He could only assume that his character moved faster and hit harder for a brief period in time, maybe setting up for her Super or Ultimate. Seeing Robert have his character back into a corner and put up his shield in a feeble attempt to turtle it out, caused Shiro to scoff and smirk. "Heh." Normally, some Supers in fighting games could easily be blocked or dodged. But, Shiro knew how to handle those kinds of players. For those who attempted to evade, delaying a few seconds and good timing usually nailed them. For those who blocked it was even easier as most throws in fighters broke guards. Having his lady dash right up to the swordsman, he had her grab at the turtling scrublord and toss him behind her. Looking down at the console of the arcade machine, he found what he needed to activate her Super as Robert's character was still mid-air from being thrown and expertly tapped it in. Cocking her arm back she blasted forward for a match ending flaming right hook.

As the screen flashed to display and declare Shiro's victory, the faunus boy threw up his arms and cried out loudly, "WHOO!" tossing some of his tokens up into the air in a cascade of glittering victory. Jabbing at Robert's ribcage with his fingers, he rubbed it in some more. "In your FACE!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - The Arcade

Robert looked down at the ground in shame before responding to Shiro's boasting with a shrug. "Ah well, you won fair and square," he said as he stuck his hand forward for a handshake. "Good game, Shiro. Maybe I should get some more practice so that next time I might be less of a noob?" The red-haired teen looked down at his scroll to see the time before looking back up to Shiro. "Well, I should probably head back to the dorms. Have never been much of a good sleeper and we got combat class in the morning. Hopefully I'll be able to put up more of a fight in real combat. You coming with or will I see you again tomorrow in class?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro - Drury Lanes' Arcade

Looking at the 'Continue' screen, Shiro shrugged and decided to leave his campaign run unfinished for now. He had his fun. As he began to pick up the tokens he foolishly tossed up into the air, Shiro looked over at Robert's presented hand and grinned. Pocketing the tokens he recovered, he firmly took Robert's hand and shook it once. "Yeah, good game. You and I should hang out more. Maybe after classes we can come here and play some more? You'll only get better with more experience, y'know." Letting go of his hand, Shiro squatted down to pick up the remaining straggler tokens on the ground. Looking up at Robert as he checked the time on his Scroll, his pointed ears drooped a little. He wasn't expecting for Robert to leave so soon, but he guessed it was getting pretty late. "Nah, I'll hang around here a little bit more and maybe try my hand at bowling. I'll see you tomorrow during classes. Have a good night, boss." Resuming his token recovery, Scoot decided at that moment to come up and see what all the ruckus was about. Sniffing at a token as Shiro was lifting it off of the ground, Shiro smiled at his companion and petted the top of his head. "Aww, you missed it buddy. I totally just whomped Robert's butt in a game. What were you up to anyways?" Scoot tilted his head and exclaimed, "Food!"

Chuckling, Shiro leaned in closer and squinted to see little food particles around Scoot's muzzle. Shaking his head and clicking his tongue, he wagged a finger at his friend. Clearly, the rodent had been scrounging around for scraps that were dropped onto the floor. "Come on, Scoot. You shouldn't eat food you find off the floor like that. You could get sick." The rodent tilted his head in the opposite direction, confused as to why he shouldn't stuff his face with every bit of chow he found. Patting Scoot on the head, Shiro stood and pocketing the final few tokens he had thrown everywhere. Looking up around him, his eyes fell on two girls that were playing one of the cover shooter games. Well, to be frank, only one of them was really playing. The other was just watching with a sour disinterested look to her eye, sipping on some drink with a funky looking straw. He recognized them as two of the new transfer students from a few days back. The very same ones whose lunch he 'dropped in' on.

Frowning, he stuffed his hands in his pockets as he quietly contemplated going up to them and apologize for his prior rude luncheon interruption. To make amends and maybe attempt to repair his terrible first impression. Part of him screamed at him not to, because there was something about the girl with the jacket and headphones that reminded him far too much of his team leader. That resemblance made him terribly uncomfortable, but a louder part of his inner voice told him to have some confidence and buck up. Maybe she was nothing like Sapphire, and actually a kind and nice gal. "That's wrong of me, I shouldn't think of her like that." Shiro thought. Turning back around to face Robert, he slipped his hand out to wave a goodbye. "See you 'round, Robbie." not even thinking about the nickname he just gave him. Whatever, it was probably a common one his teammates even used.

As Shiro slid his bandaged hand back into his jean pockets, Scoot spiraled up his leg to climb up his back ending on his shoulders again. Striding over to the two Haven transfer students, Shiro stopped a distance away as he quickly worked up the courage to speak to the girls. Clearing his throat, he put one of his usual bright smiles as he waved at them. "Ah, excuse me ladies." In hindsight, a terrible way to start off a conversation. Who starts a chat by excusing themselves? At the very least, no one could say Shiro didn't try to be respectful and polite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gren Orchid & Clair Carnelian

"Ah. The garden's weren't too far Sorry about that. My team found me and dragged me to the air docks. I told them I'll hang back and wait for you though. Want me to come find you?" The garden's weren't too far away. He could liekly make it with a explosion assisted rocket jump.

Well, she thought. If I tell him I'll meet up with him, I might as well just go off on my own. But...

She looked off at the school's central spire, which loomed over the gardens. He does have my phone number, so it's not like he couldn't contact me. She sighed. Looks like I dug myself a little too deep with this one.

"Hello?" Gren asked. "Is anyone there?"

"Ah, yeah, sorry," she stumbled. "I'll just wait here for you. I still don't know my way around this place yet."

"Alright, shouldn't take me more then a minute. See you soon, and watch your head."

Gren hung up his Scroll and pointed his body in the direction of the gardens. Mentally, he calculated what would be the best means of propulsion: A rocket jump or a bullet jetpack? On one hand the rocket jump as actually more controlable for him, but that was only good for fairly short distances, about 30 meters at most. But with a bullet jetpack he could launch himself into the air, cut off the bullets, and land in the gardens with easy. Assuming that he could control his flight and doesn't end up blasting anyone unfortunate enough to be underneath him.

"Decisions decisions..."

About two minutes later Gren landed in the gardens with a thump. Fortunately he landed in a big pile of dirt well away from anyone else, minimizing the damage of his impact. Walking out and shaking the dirt off of him he called out. "Clair? Clair are you around here?"

"I'm over here, asshole," Clair said between bouts of coughing. She brushed clumps of dirt off of her skirt as the cloud of debris dispersed. "Did you really just launch yourself here from the air docks? Are you really that desperate?"

She shot him the dirtiest look that she could muster. This is way too much for one morning. And I just showered, too.

Gren shortly debated to himself what to say. On one hand, he was sorry for getting her dirty. On the other hand, he did say for her to watch her head. What was she doing next to a pile of dirt anyways? "Sorry about that. I thought I'd meet you at the air docks like I said, didn't think you'd come back here instead." Admitidly Gren was starting to put his his defenses now. As much as he thinks Clair is pretty, he's not about to let her looks overcome his pride.

"Also I don't know about you, but it's actually sometime in the afternoon. Hence why I asked if you had breakfast yet; seemed like you forgot a few things."

"Wha - no way, but it's... wait, what?" Clair looked at the time on her Scroll.

It was 3:00 PM, not 7:00 AM as she had been led to believe.

Why? The clock on her bedside table -

"Oh, dammit.

She had put new batteries in it before she left for Beacon, but she had forgotten to reset the time after the old batteries had died. That would explain why Sarina was already gone before she had left. It was Sunday afternoon.

She buried her face in her hands. "Oh my god... how did this happen? How could I have let this happen? No, no, no..." she grumbled. She turned to Gren. "You. You're telling me that I slept until three in the afternoon?"

Gren smirked, but quickly wiped the smile from his face. He could tease Clair about this more if he could lead her on. "Yes. Me. Gren. I can't say I know what you've been doing up until I met you, but if you just woke up then yeah. You slept right past breakfast and lunch." Still Gren could help but to let out a stifled laugh.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that. Today's Sunday, and there isn't much going on unless you had plans. Which by the way I should remind you, my friends just left about five minutes ago. We'll need to take the next airship if we want to catch up to them. So unless you have something planned for this afternoon, still want to tag along?"

"My life is a mess..." she mumbled. "Yeah, yeah. Fine. I'll come along. It's not like I know anyone here anyways."

"Well, I'll help you fix that soon, won't I?" Gren smirked.

"If you say so."

Given his height, it was hard for Clair to keep up with Gren, but the two of them managed to make it to the next shuttle, albeit a little winded.

"I'm part of Team Swansong by the way. Led by Sapphire Rode. I don't think I heard what Team you're from," he said.

Clair thought for a moment. "Well, if you could call the Princess and me a team, I guess I am on one. It doesn't have a name." She paused. "Ah, sorry. That's Sarina. It's just what I call her."

"Princess Sarina? Tell me about her." Gren had a feeling that this Sarina might sound a bit like his Sapphire, if Princess is any indication. He was still working out his feelings about his team leader; on one hand he's trying to respect her authority. On the other hand, he frankly just doesn't like her. Leadership is all she has on him. There's no camaraderie, no compassion for her. If she dies, Gren's only lament would be that they need a new leader. He knows more about her father then he knows about Sapphire, which was really the only thing about her that mattered at this point. He should fix that, truly. Do something to get this team together before it falls apart.

"Can't tell you much. I just met her yesterday. All I can say is that she's definitely not my type, but it looks like I'm stuck with her. She definitely seems like the kind of person who likes to keep to herself, and I can't say that I think that there's anything wrong with that." She crossed her arms. "But that's not exactly good roommate material, you know."

Not like I'm much better, she thought. But at least I can pretend to be sociable.

"Sounds rough." Though he didn't know much about Clair, she seemed the type to run on her own too. It must be awkward for her to be tagging along with Gren. And he thought he was the dorky one. "What's your definition of roommate material? Sounds like you're not exactly the sociable type either."

She raised her eyebrows and sighed. "Well, you're not wrong. My ideal roommate would be... well, ideally I wouldn't have one, but if I have to then it wouldn't kill for them to act like they know what socializing is. Just because I'm not good at it doesn't mean I don't know how to."

Gren let out a soft chuckle. "What is socializing?" The golden question. "I take it that Sarina isn't much of a talker? Or does she talk too much for your liking?" Getting to know these aloof types weren't easy. Sometimes though, you just need to give them the chance to say their peice. Surely Clair had something to say, just never the opprotunity to say something.

"I don't mind that she doesn't talk much. It's not like I have a lot to say to her, anyways. It's mostly just her attitude that bothers me. It's like she doesn't get how to act in social situations or something. It's one thing to be cold and distant, but you can't just... ugh. Sorry. I'm probably not making a lot of sense." She took a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is that she has this 'ice queen' persona but she uses it at all the wrong times. Where she should try force herself to be a little sociable she comes across as callous, and in the times you least expect it she forces friendliness on you. If that makes any sense."

Gren nodded his head intently. He understood the jist of it... But he also had a feeling he wasn't getting the whole story. Like there were things that neither he nor Clair knew about Sarina. This was when Gren felt like he was at an impass. Shoule he ask her more about Sarina, or should Gren ask more about Clair? It certainly seemed like Clair had something to say about her partner. But then again, what if Clair wasn't the type for gossip? That would look awkward on Gren's part. He could inquire more about Clair instead, since he did want to get to know her. But she also made it fairly clear that she doesn't like to talk about herself much. A few moments of quiet contemplation and Gren spoke.

"I get ya. It makes her seem... Fake, I guess. Hard to tell what her problem is. Hard to try to get to know your teammates when they won't be honest with you. What about you? You do seem the distant type, but hopefully you're true to yourself too, right? You're not just tagging along out of pity, are you?" Gren chuckled to his last question. He knew, or at least had a strong feeling, of what the awnser was.

She smirked. "No, I'll take anything over spending Sunday afternoon with the Princess. And I wanted to see if you'd prove me wrong."

Gren looked at Clair. Prove her wrong? "Then I'll make sure to do this right." Gren had no idea what Clair meant, though if he had to guess she thought less of him. Oh well. He could at least give himself a fighting chance to impress her, considering all he did to make a dork out of himself.

She gave him a quiet chuckle. Yeah, he definitely proved me wrong. He's more than a meathead, that's for sure. Still desperate, though. Oh well. At least he means well. Could be worse.

"Maybe you are clueless after all," she said. She gave him a tiny smile. "It's the thought that counts, right?"

A voice came over the shuttle intercom. "Now arriving at: Vale. Please watch your step as you depart the shuttle, and have a nice day."

"Guess it's our stop," she said, straightening out her skirt. "Better late than never.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 23 min ago

Abel Fulgurate

The remainder of the evening was spent in a general atmosphere of fun and relaxation. After nearly bungling an attempt at an impressive kick-strike, somewhat along the lines of what Skyra attempted, Abel toned it down a notch. Though by no means a chatty person, he managed to hold several conversations with Krysanthe, with or without other participants. He also attempted the arcade's fighting games, doing decently well with a rapier-wielding girl in white before a more seasoned player beat him thoroughly enough to rob him of any motivation to keep playing. Not feeling particularly hungry for fast food, Abel got a hotdog and water at Gr8 Eats but little else. When the bowling game, and a salty runback, were completed by the whole group, they found the sun to be skimming the horizon and promptly high-tailed it back to Beacon. The other intriguing teens present remained behind, concerned with...other business.


Bzt. Bzt. Bzt. WAKE UP!.

Abel groaned, stirring himself to wakefulness. He must have been off his rocker at the time to make his alarm his own voice shouting 'wake up.' Fumbling for the clock, he shut it off and rose, dazedly, to his feet. Leaving his usual blue jacket behind, he headed into the bathroom to swap out his shorts for pants and brush his teeth. Still blurry-eyed, he shambled to the dorm center and downed a mug of coffee. It was time, he thought as he stared at some coffee grains in the cup's bottom, to begin the second week of Beacon life. He marveled that it had only been one week; it felt like he'd been here for...months, maybe.

Ignoring those around him except to make sure he didn't bump into anyone, he made himself oatmeal and ate in silence. Last night's sleep had been interrupted at an early hour by the team ferret, demanding to be let out to relieve himself, in rudimentary terms of course. No excuse would do, however, when another Combat Class loomed. Mondays were sparring days, and Abel hoped that this time, he'd be able to pull off a win.


By now a little more knowledgeable about their timetables, the students had arrived at a time to Ms. Goodwitch's liking. Having run the kids through their paces for a week, Goodwitch expected to be impressed, and she said as much to the group as a whole. In particular, she demanded self-control. There would be no explosive tantrums, she said in a cold voice, no debilitating injuries, and no indignant outbursts. “As with every competition, in here there must be a winner and a loser. Don't let any foolish notions of pride or superiority goad you into making the wrong decisions. If all it took to win was getting back up and trying again after taking a fall, we'd all be winners, wouldn't we? Know your limits, and just as importantly, know your aura. By now I shouldn't have to remind you, but I'll be ending the match when aura drops into the red zone. These should be good, clean fights. Listen up: here are the matchups.” She sent out a group text to all scrolls.

Emerald Felicia v Daniel Day Dalton
Benjamin Lloyd v Lorena Negasi
Oswald Connoly v Jack Orpheus
Amaranth Desire v Diamond Frost
Ebon Umbranox v Vega Venetia
Lucas Schwarze v Kuhaku Shiro
Bianca Nuit v Sepia Russet
Mokuren Sabella v Skyra Dawn
Robert Fallson v Krysanthe
Gratia Mindaro v Cian Kuze
Cobalt Chideta v Gren Orchid
Abel Fulgurate v Sangue Naga
Napoli Fiordilatte v Sapphire Rode

“Find your partner, have a quick word if you must, and prepare for battle.”


A voice came through the loudspeakers into the warehouse. The building itself was drab, but full of possibility. There were crates, various equipments, a few loading vehicles, and vertical supports, all just lying in wait to make a fight interesting. For Amber, Violet, and Akashi knew that they'd be fighting. They didn't even really need the voice over the speakers, the familiar tone without a known face to assign it to, to tell them. This morning's exercise would be to hone their skill in a three-way spar. “Try not to hurt one another too badly,” the voice droned after it had finished telling them exactly what they'd expected to hear. “We can't use you if you're in a hospital bed. If one of you breaks another's aura, withdraw speedily. This is a test of your ability to fight multiple opponents. Begin when ready...I'll be watching.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gren Orchid

Gren sat at his computer in sleep mode, as he's wont to do. After some remodeling with the team, he traded out his bed to get his big ol computer terminal into the dorm. Despite looking like something straight from a old sci-fi movie, his computer benefited from it's big rig by having some insane processing speed, it's abilities only hampered by relying on Beacon's network. Though for the most part Gren uses it for school work, occasionally making 3d models of his weapons and schematics, and playing video games. Mostly video games.

As Abel's alarm buzzed to life Gren opened his eyes. It was early morning, and once again the first order of business would be to freshen up and get something to eat. At this point Gren has learned to simply cook on request: it saves him and his team the hassle of organizing breakfast if they simply ask him to do it instead of assuming that they'd eat everything he cook. Gren looked around for his clothing and armor, noting that despite his own penchant for things like cooking and taking care of others, it was a mess around his computer. His clothing laid in random piles around his overflowing laundry basket, parts to The God Eater were scattered on a workbench, and even his armor wasn't properly hung on his armor rack, but sort of haphazardly hanging onto it. He had no time to clean it up right now, but he made it a mental note that maybe he should organize his things when class was over.

Gren left to the bathroom for the usual morning ritual of cleansing his body of impurities and filth before returning to the dorm to gear up. Despite having a proper school uniform, Gren elected to continue to wear his armor despite it. At most he wears the uniform underneath, but given that his armor was full body, this was redundant. The last thing he did before leaving his dorm was checking on his cybernetic hands. He hasn't really told his team about his condition, and goes to certain lengths to keep it that way. Even while he was checking out his hand, all he really did was pug an electrical cord into his forearm. He was getting a read on his arms and making sure they were up to snuff; he chose to use a more dexterous model instead of his usual crushing hands. These hands were good for dealing with small devices, which were instrumental when he was working on The God Eater. he shortly debated with himself if he wanted to switch out hands however. Either return to the crushing grip or maybe the striking fists. He was going to go fight today. However he chose not to. For one, the process of replacing hands was obvious and somewhat loud. It might wake up Shiro and Sapphire, and then they'll start asking questions, and then things would just get awkward. That and he wanted to see how he could use "dexterity" in combat.

Once he was properly geared up and ready Gren went to go find Miss Goodwitch. Abel wasn't here so Gren was certain the guardian had went off ahead of them. It was a fairly short trip to the arena even without his semblance, and there were still people coming into the halls. Gylda had already made her announcements and the combat pairings were up for everyone to see. "Cobalt Chideta." Gren has heard of him. He doesn't know him beyond his name, but the reason Gren knew him was because of his weapon.

Like Gren, Cobalt also used a gatling blade, known as the The 27 Smasher. As far as Gren knew The God Eater had a few more fucntions, but regardless their weapons were like twins. A smile grew on the orc's face. "What a day... What a lovely day!" Gren left the room for a moment. He needed to go find some cowslip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cobalt rubbed his eyes in an attempt to prevent himself from crying. "Sorry. I'm fine." He looked at everyone and their reactions to him. They all seemed relatively forgiving. "It's fine, no cookies are needed." Cobalt took off his weapon and laid it near his bed. "Sorry again." He was calming down somewhat and he decided to introduce himself. "I'm Cobalt. It's nice to meet you all. Sorry I interrupted your sleep." He then had a sudden realization. "Wait why is she drunk? We're underage." He asked before shaking his head. "Nevermind actually, I'm just going to go to bed. Once more, sorry for the scare and we'll talk about this in the morning I guess." Cobalt shrugged and got in his bed with a surprising grace for a man his size. He laid awake and stared at the ceiling for a while before just getting out a book and reading.

The next morning he showed up at class and looked at his scroll. He saw he was paired up against a dude named Gren. He subconsciously touched the 27 Smasher and frowned. He had heard that Gren had a weapon just like his. But better. He crossed his arms and began thinking. Maybe Gren would be a pushover. 'Yeah right. He's a student of Beacon.' He chuckled and looked at the ceiling. "Now what?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Luke Schwarz -- Pre-fight Prep

Kuhaku Shiro, huh?

Haven't met him yet. Looks like a Tiger Faunus or something, so he ought to stick out...

There was a decent chance he could say the same about Luke as well, given that he himself had a fairly distinct appearance. Speaking of which, he needed to do something real quick if they were about to spar.

The hoodie went up, his arms and head came in, and he yanked it off of his body unceremoniously, holding it in his hand until he found both partner and arena, at which point he'd toss it to the side. This was combat, and with his heavily fistic and movement-oriented style, he didn't need to overheat or dehydrate himself under unnecessary insulation.

The T-shirt would do just fine.

Raising and waving his arm, Luke made his position clear as he scanned the students for his partner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Combat Class

"Not good. Not good. Not good. Not... good. Krysanthe? Krysanthe?! Why'd it have to be Krysanthe? C-can I do it? Can I actually bring myself to do it? Can I bring myself to do the unthinkable? Can I... hit a girl?" Robert said as he stared in horror at his scroll. His elbows rested on his desk as hands clutched his hair. "Oh man, I'm going to have to if I want to win. Maybe... Maybe I should go talk to her? Maybe she's, like, really mean or something. Then maybe I won't feel so bad when I hit her," The red-haired teen said as he rose from his seat and made his way to Krysanthe.

"Hi there, it's me, Robert. We met at Drury Lanes but we didn't really talk. It looks like we'll be fighting each other today," he said with an outstretched hand toward the blond. His nervousness for the upcoming duel was completely hidden behind a polite smile as he waited to see the girl's reaction to his hand shake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro

Bzt. Bzt. BZT!

Gasping as he woke with a start, Shiro sat straight up as someone's alarm shook him out of the realm of Dreams and violently threw him back into the waking world. Silvery-white hair a disheveled mess, he slowly blinked as he yawned and stretched. Joints popping and cracking as he did so. Rubbing the 'sleepies' out of his eyes, Shiro sniffed as he rolled over the side of his bed. Spilling/falling off of the top bunk, he abruptly face-planted on the floor below. Laying there for a few silent moments, Shiro groaned pathetically. What a way to wake up. Scoot woke up from the sound of the crashing and slowly approached Shiro's still body. Tilting his head, the ferret sniffed at Shiro.

Scoot greeted his tiger friend. He was fast learning new words to use each day.
Shiro only groaned again in response. What a lovely way to start his morning.


After going through his morning routine and getting a big breakfast from Beacon's cafeteria, Shiro sat amongst the other students for Monday morning's combat class with Scoot sitting on his usual perch which happened to be Shiro's shoulders. As Ms. Goodwitch sent out a mass notification to all attending the class, Shiro only looked around with a distraught expression. He seriously needed to get a replacement for his Scroll, he just always forgot to remind Gren to get him one. Tapping on one of the shoulders of a student sitting next to him, he asked if he could possibly see who it was he was going up against. Thankfully, the student obliged and tilted the screen of their Scroll so that Shiro could see.

"Lucas Schwarze, huh?"
Tapping at his chin, he scoured his memory to see if he knew anyone by that name. Needless to say, nothing came to mind.
"Can't say I know him. Sigh. If I had my Scroll I may have at least someknowledge of who he is. Damn it, why'd I have to go and break my Scroll!?"
Shiro constantly beat himself up for having shattered the precious device during his first mission. Ah, well. Gold eyes scanning the crowd of Beacon Huntsman-to-be, he saw someone that matched the profile picture he saw on the adjacent student's Scroll standing and waving. Target sighted, the Tiger Faunus mentally steeled himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Krysthane: Combat Class

Krysthane nodded, "Yeah I remember seeing you there. Hope you didn't see my horrendous bowling." she said jokingly as she shook his hand. The red-head looked more like he was hoping for a friendly conversation then looking forward to the training session. "I guess you'll be my partner today, this is honestly my first combat class. So from what I've gathered we just beat each other up until our Aura is low and learn how to not suck right?" Krysthane inquired with a friendly smile and a slight head tilt as she awaited his response. So far he seemed nice so this shouldn't be too bad, with any luck they would both learn something from it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gratia Mindaro - Combat Class

Cian Kuze.

It was an unfamiliar name to Gratia. She knew nothing of this other student's capabilities, nor their appearance. It was her first combat class, and she had already been assigned to fight somebody who was, to her, a literal unknown. That was expected. No matter how the matchups had been decided, it had been statistically more likely for such to occur, for was only familiar with three of the twenty-five possible opponents she could have fought. Beacon and its students, after all, were completely new to her.

As such, she was fortunate to have received a network-affiliated Scroll from the headmaster upon arrival.

Closing the message that the instructor had sent them, the Mistralese Huntress idly swiped her fingers across the screen of the device, flicking her way to the student profiles. It was ordered alphabetically by surname, it seemed. A pale finger moved the scroll bar down, allowing her to reach the section on "K". Cian Kuze; a mousy-looking girl with flowing locks of jet-black hair and the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. So this was her opponent then.

She tapped on the small portrait of her opponent for greater detail. It was not a particularly detailed profile, but it fulfilled Gratia's questions satisfactorily. A support-type then. Generalist too, if the highly-variable weapon meant anything. Ranged capabilities ... focus on aura was a powerful defensive shield ... she took note of those details. On a team with the Luke Schwarz boy she had met only yesterday as well ... interesting but utterly useless for her to know.

Now how would she deal with this girl?

Gratia closed the application, turning off the Scroll and dropping it into her bag. She allowed her eyes to scan the seats for her opponent ... there - a few rows down from her.

She rose to her feet, walking down the steps to where her opponent seemed to be sitting. From a closer perspective, it seemed that her original impressions of the other girl were relatively accurate. There was a brightness ... and an undercurrent of shyness? And the hair seemed to have been cut as well. The data had yet to be updated, it seemed.

Though the young Huntress didn't particularly care either way.

"Cian Kuze," she said, voice strong and toneless as she sat down next to her opponent. "I will be fighting you today."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Combat Class

Robert couldn't help but give a light chuckle at Krysanthe's question, before nodding to tell her how right she was. "Yeah, basically. I warn you though, last guy I fought was big ol' Abel over there. You can probably guess how that went down," he said while striking the most heroic pose he could think of. After standing there like a dork for a few seconds, he couldn't help but get the sudden feeling that his opponent might need some clarification. "It was me if you couldn't tell. Truth be told, I was surprised by the outcome as well, but I guess that means I'm a lot more powerful than I look. Especially to myself." Feeling like he had gathered what information he could without giving away too much about his own strengths and weaknesses, he turned to look back at his seat before looking back at Krysanthe. "Well, I think I'm going to return to my seat now. See you when the match starts."

The red-haired student slumped into his seat, hopelessness clearly plastered across his face. "Great, well she seemed nice. I don't think I can do it. I don't think I can hit her. My best chance at winning this is to probably just hope I can avoid getting knocked into the red," letting out a defeated sigh, Robert continued his pessimistic train of thought, "This is going to suck."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Sigh combat class Cian thought to herself as she waited for her opponent to arrive. It was better after all to allow them to find her rather than both to look for each other and get lost in the confusion. Still she supposed this was how it was going to be though she really despised combat classes as a range and support type fighter she was often at a disadvantage to those that fought close range. Seeing as how if they got close it was pretty much over unless she managed to get enough distance between them again. She did have the idea for modding her weapon to give her dual pistols to act as close range and armor piercing though that was a long ways off from happening. Hearing Gratia arrive she spoke up "So if you are to be my opponent than shall we dance?" She asked it was best to get started soon she supposed and get it out of the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gratia Mindaro - Combat Class

She would not have described a fight as a dance. It was not a particularly relevant comparison to her. Still, the Mistralese Huntress understood the intention and wishes conveyed. Get it done. Get it out of the way. Establish for herself a solid foundation for her reputation here at Beacon Academy. Her fists tightened within the pockets of her coat. She was ... ready for this. The undercurrent of excitement flowed through her veins, but she clamped down on it. Not now. Later. She would embrace it later.

"Very well," she replied, giving Cian a slight nod.

They would begin now.

Quietly, she relished in the opportunity.

It was ... cathartic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Dorm ==> Combat Class

Sapphire woke the next morning clear headed. She unlike the cat faunus had enough foresight to order something non alcoholic. She got up well before anyone else in the room wishing to shower and change in privacy. More than likely none of her teammates would notice, they tended to avoid her area of the room as much as they possibly could, Sapphire had threatened to drop Scoot into a well if he was ever found in her stuff not long after they'd returned from the Shelter mission. It appeared the threat had been well heeded for her things remained so far undisturbed.

The same could not be said for the rest of the room. Gren despite his need to look after absolutely every facade of his teammates lives kept his space in the room a complete mess. Shiro's things had never quite recovered from his hurricane blast through the room shortly before the mission and between Shiro and Gren Sapphire couldn't be sure if Abel had brought any luggage at all, not counting where it might be.

Sighing in mild disgust Sapphire dressed in her normal cloths. She was preparing for a fight today so instead of her usual white silk gloves to cover the scars on her hands she instead wore fingerless black skater gloves, they granted increased control and grip which was a benefit to her fighting style. Yesterday she'd had to take her white gloves off in order to play her fiddle but she'd put them back on immediately after. She didn't think anyone at the table had noticed the long white scars criss crossing over her palms, at least they hadn't said anything about it. It was possible they were too polite. At least Oswald and the cat girl were.

Fully dressed and ready for the day Sapphire armed herself, she was still using daggers from the Beacon armoury, it would be another day or two before the materials for her new nightmare blades where ready. The school ones where certainly the same length and design but they lacked any of the special features that her originals had encompassed. They didn't feel quite right in her hands but they would do for a simple sparring match.

With her weapons in hand Sapphire went for breakfast before arriving at the arena. Goodwitch sent out a text with the pairings for the day. Hers was apparently someone named Napoli Fiordilatte. The name made him sound very much like a high maintenance aristocrat but Sapphire intended to get a read on him before making any assumptions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Emmy groaned, her head was...well it wasn't as bad as the previous morning, she had to admit. However it still was causing her grief and she had a big day ahead of her. Despite her own body's protests she marched herself into the bathroom and freshened up. For her it was her first day, and it was important for her for the day to go perfectly, make those good first impressions with the teachers, all that jazz.

She got herself a bowl of cereal and some OJ, ate it up lightning fast, and then was off.


Ms. Goodwitch's class was buzzing with excitement and energy, and Emerald could practically feed on it. She was certainly more alert now and roaring to go. As their scrolls were updated with who would fight who Emmy looked at her own. She found who she was going to fight to be rather interesting, not that she had any clue who they were.

For now however she found herself drawn to watching the first couple matches. The first one she saw was Robert Fallson v Krysanthe, which she found particularly interesting since she and Krysanthe had a personal duel scheduled after classes that day. It certainly allowed her to see what sort of moves that Krysanthe might use when it came time for their duel. She was confused by Robert's behavior however, and found his apparent issue with fighting woman to be silly. Faunus boys certainly weren't taught not to fight women, the sex and gender of their enemies didn't matter, you fought them regardless, or you died. She didn't think Robert would last long as a huntsmen with that attitude, what would he do if he had to fight a bad guy that was a woman? Silly boy.

The next fight was Luke vs Shiro. Emmy of course had to root for Shiro, considering they'd already become friends. Luke looked like a pretty interesting guy as well, obviously they'd have to become friends as well, just not right now. The way Emmy described their fight was...intense. It got pretty serious for a while, almost frighteningly so. Emmy thought they'd both burn up in the explosion for a moment. In the end though Shiro came out on top, if only barely. He then surprisingly forfeited the match, despite having a clear victory. Emmy thought that said a lot about his character.


Violet looked at both her comrades in turn, as if sizing them up. The familiar voice that spoke to them was wise as always, if they truly were to work with each other, they needed to know each other's strengths and weaknesses. Therefore they needed to fight.

The warehouse they were in was large and full of obstacles, perfect for ambushing and sniping. As they were however, they were far too close to each other for a bow to be very effective. Violet silently pulled out her bow in front of her, before detaching the string and splinting it in two. She brandished the newly formed scimitars, one in each hand. "Prepare yourselves." She wouldn't speak again till their sparring was over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Combat Class

After struggling to get up from the slippery water that was now flowing off the stage, Robert was finally able to get off his back and onto his knees. "I... lost?" he asked rhetorically. He let out a disgruntled groan as he fell forward, now lying face-down in a pool of water. Robert tried to think how was it possible that his aura dropped into the red. "My aura was still in the yellow when she was about to do that aerial kick. Did slipping and falling on my butt really drop it to red?" Letting out a few more groans and moans, the red-haired teen finally pushed himself off the ground and stood up on his own two feet.

"Good fight, Krysthane," Robert said as he walked off the stage. Every step that he took, his soaked shoes made a squelch noise and left a small puddle behind. Drops of water would fall from the corners of his clothing. His, now drenched, red hair clung to his head. As he sat down, Robert hugged his legs towards his body in an attempt to conserve body heat from the chilling water that had soaked him to the bone. "I wish I had a towel," he complained to himself.
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