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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LunarStandard
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LunarStandard The Highest Standard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nathaniel's eyes widened at the announcement of Tag Duels, partly from excitement, but also from surprise. He will admit that he has actually never seen a Tag Duel before. He has seen Battle Royales, but no Tag Duels. From how Transformer described it, it seemed to be a pretty messy process. Then again, so were Battle Royales.

As the teams were announced, Nathaniel heard his name right off the bat. Seems like he was partnered with Haas, and right on cue, he saw Haas dashing up the stairs to greet him. Nathaniel greeted his friend with a smile and a wave. If he remembered correctly, Haas used Wind-Ups, which was a deck based around Xyz Summoning. His deck probably had quite a bit of firepower behind his Xyz Monsters, firepower that Nathaniel was sorely lacking. Maybe they can synergize off each other. It also helps that Wind-Ups are super cute.

"Hey Haas." Nathaniel greeted in return. He then motioned to his red-haired friend, "This is Megan..." and then to his dark-haired one. "...And this is Camryn. Everyone, this is Haas."

He then turned toward Megan and Camryn. "You know, since you guys are a team as well, why don't we Duel? I do feel kind of bad for kind of blowing Camryn off the other day."

It was then that the white-haired fellow decided to step up to the front of the classroom and make some sort of big spectacle. Seeing this, Nathaniel had to actively press his hand to his mouth in order to stifle back his laughter. Man, that guy takes himself way too seriously. Out of the corner of his eye, he then saw Brad walk right up to the guy with rage burning in his eyes. Nathaniel noted that the guy was definitely taller than average, but he looked like a dwarf next to Brad's monstrous frame. Nathaniel could tell that this was going to be a duel of ideologies, and while he wished he could watch and support his friend, he had his own duel to worry about.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago

Angelo sighed loudly as he heard the mammoth in human clothing scream out what they were doing today which is apparently tag team duels. Angelo had heard about tag team duels but he hasn't really seen it done in person at least not well. Angelo wanted to tell the professor to use his inside voice but decided against it after all he had to focus on working out a strategy with his partner. Angelo looked through the list and found his partners name and he couldn't help but smile. @vancexentan Angelo saw that he was working with ben Angelo remembered that from their entrance duel that Ben was able to really be an entertainer both of them were on equal terms in terms of skill but the big difference was that Ben had an XYZ monster in his desk which meant that he had more strength. Angelo looked around and found Ben so he went over to him Hey Ben good to be working with you again. So any changes you made to your deck since the last time we dueled? Angelo asked thinking that if they were going to be dueling on the same team then they needed to work out a plan or at least understand the changes the other had made and unfortunately Angelo has been able to make any...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh hello Angelo what's up dude? Guess we're going to start teaming up right? I got some experience with it though I think my deck isn't made for tag's." Ben said with a smile as he got up from his seat and patted Angelo on the shoulder. The dude was alright....though he wasn't too sure how Noble Dragunity would work out. Ben needed a solid backrow and his deck relied on it's spells. It would make it extremely hard for Angelo to place traps or spells without gimping Ben. On the flip side Ben couldn't pull off synchro combos like Angelo probably could. "I'm afraid not. No one's challenged me to a duel I've been on my own with my Team Awesome since last week. Haven't got much practice in. So I'm still rocking the same deck. Though I did happen to pull a Noble Arms of Destiny in my opening pack so I have three of those in my deck now. I'm counting on you big guy. A team is only as good as the pieces that make it up. I have faith in us and our ability to meld together as a team. Though...I won't lie I was hoping to be with Andre. Andre and I have tagged up before in the past so we know how to meld with each other's skills. Whatever don't cry over spilled milk right?" Ben said as he prepared his noble knights of destiny for combat. He could only hope that he could pull his own weight in this situation.


Andre got up and moved over to where his tag partner was located at. Andre stared at the young woman with his usual cold dead stare and groaned. "I can tell we have no synergy as it is. You look like you're the sort of person who would avoid me on contact and now you're my partner? Whatever, let's just hope our opponents are even more worthless. Don't expect anything fancy from me. I'm a straight up old fashioned duelist. I normal summon and I beat people down with big sticks. I got a few plays up my sleeve with my archfiends that some people won't expect. But nothing that would be considered amazing. What do you play? I won't lie my own style of play revolves around my field spells. My backrow isn't something spectacular but I have a few nasty continuous traps at my disposal. Let's just hope it's enough." Andre said not feeling all to thrilled to be paired with anyone. He was a solo duelist first and foremost. His brothers had played in triple threat tags with him before but nothing more than that. He never intended to be a tag duelist. The Light Dorm's local reject could only speculate on how well his chances of coming out of this were. He wasn't intending to pick up a friend along the way. He knew better than to expect people to stick around the sullen duelist with a bad attitude. If anything this would either prove how much he preferred singles or give him more ideas on how he could play his own cards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Megan gave a small grin of pleasure at the announcement that they were going to tag-duel, that sounded way more fun than just standard dueling. Though her enjoyment somewhat withered under the fierce stare of Transformer, despite the fact that his eyes were hidden by his sunglasses and Megan had no way to tell if he was actually looking at her. To her surprise, and somewhat delight, she found herself teamed up with Camyrn "Boo ya." She said excitedly and did a little fist pump.

Girl power all the way! In another moment Nate's partner met up with him and they were all introduced. Before Megan could propose her idea Nate beat her to the punch and suggested that the four of them duel. "I was totally about to say that! Sounds like fun."Of course it wouldn't be the same thing as taking down Nate in a 1v1 duel but that could wait.

Megan felt like she wasn't quite ready for that yet, but this could be good practice for it. Luckily after she'd lost she'd read up on his performapals and felt a lot more prepared for what they could do. She couldn't remember what Haas used but it shouldn't be too tricky to figure out. Like most everybody else she noted the conflict the silver-haired light dorm member instigated and Brad's quick response to it. Megan personally didn't care about his jabs, they felt a like recycled villain lines from a kid's TV show, though she still hoped Brad and his partner won, it'd be satisfying to see the confident smirk wiped off his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

Leander Xenovia


"Sure!" Leander said in response to Amelia's question, and the two went off in search of seats. There were some convenient seats nearby, a couple of which Leander and Amelia took. Leander turned to look at Transformer for a moment before Amelia asked about Leander's condition. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine! Fit as a fiddle!" Leander said cheerfully, even getting up to do a twirl and a pose to demonstrate his full recovery before promptly sitting back down.
Leander was about to make some more idle small talk with Amelia, but then Tranformer began to announce some important news. Leander perked up when he heard that they were going to be performing Tag Duels. Leander also heard his name, and that he was being paired up with Amelia. Leander thought that was quite convenient, considering that they were already together. "That's perfect!" Leander said happily, jumping up from his seat. "Come on, Amelia, let's go find our opponents!" With that, Leander shot off, though he was careful to make sure that Amelia didn't get left behind.
With hardly much time passing since the announcement, Leander scanned the groups of students for potential fun Duels. His gaze soon landed on a new guy that had appeared late. Going over to Shiyu, Leander said to him cheerfully, "Hey there! You look like a fun guy, wanna Duel?"

Michelle Kine

@Joshua Tamashii

Ethel... Michelle thought as she looked at her. The name sounded a bit familiar, though she could not exactly remember how. Before she could place it, however, Tranformer began his announcement with the Tag Duels, breaking Michelle's concentration. The rules of the Tag Duel were simple enough, really. Michelle was also surprised to hear that she was getting paired up with Joshua. Thinking back on those Duels last week, Michelle looked at her Duel Disk, wondering about her deck.
There was only one way to find out, though. Michelle walked around for a short while in an attempt to find Joshua. She soon managed to spot him with another guy and walked over to him. "Hey, Joshua," Michelle greeted him when she arrived. "I guess you're my Tag Duel partner."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tsukiko let out a very deep sigh directed at her brother when she overheard his grandstanding. She got up from her seat after Brad handed her his number which she would record later, as for Vincent's confirmaton number she didn't really care at the moment since her brother was trying to get all the attention directed at him. She had no reason to get either, because she had lost all interest in him completely. "Shinrei, I really wish you wouldn't go thinking so highly of yourself. I know that your past proceeds you, but you need to be considerate toward the atmosphere around you." She then walked directly over toward his ear and was about to whisper into his hear since she didn't want anyone else to hear was she was about to say to him. She saw Brad confronted him and that he was going to be dueling Brad and Vincent, but she also was concerned that he might decide to unleash the beast inside of him. She whispered softly into his ear hoping he was paying her mind. "Shinrei, I ask that you don't use the full extent of your abilities. I'm really scared when it comes to you, because you can endure a lot and when it comes to returning the favor you do it tenfold. There is no reason for you to get so serious that someone winds up in the hospital or you wrecking the room. Try to keep in mind there are other people than yourself whose safety are at risk. I don't want you getting yourself into any trouble. Not asking you to hold back, just saying don't unleash the beast like you do in the tournament."

When she finished she walked away from him and left him to his duel with Brad and Vincent. Even though she was worried that he might not hold back and actually use the cards to hurt his opponents with. She just hoped somewhere in his heart there was a light that at least showed some dignity, because when it came to being merciless she knew her brother wasn't one who really showed mercy to those who provoked him. Tsukiko then walked over toward the list to see who she was partnered with. When she saw the name Shiyu her heart almost sank. It was that white haired boy with the eyepatch that made her skin crawl even though she tried to keep it all inside her. "Why him?" She complained silently toward herself frowning at the list. She didn't understand why she had to be paired with this person who made her feel so uneasy and uncomfortable. She turned her eyes over toward Transformer with a vengeful look in her eyes yelling under her breath. "Damn you, Transformer! You intentionally arranged me to be with him. I don't understand why though? Curses..." She screamed rather silently so no one else could hear her as a frown continued to cover her face though her veil prevented people from seeing her lips. Tsukiko was very displeased with who they partnered her with where her darker ego laughed like a hyena telling her it must be fate which almost made her want to punch a wall.

Staring at Transformer with the look of fire in her eyes wasn't going to do her any good. She would just have to accept the turn of events and the unfortunate circumstance of being paired with the person who bothered her a lot. She didn't quite know why he bothered her so much, but she swore she had seen him before. She just couldn't recall where she saw him.

"I'm partnered up with uh... A 'Tsukiko' girl. Who here uhm, is Tsukiko?" Shiyu asked in the most polite way possible, though also having a bit of an awkward posture. Tsukiko knew there was no doubt about it. She had indeed been shafted once again being partnered with Shiyu. There was no use fretting over so she just walked over toward him and erased the angry expression she had on her face earlier though there was a fire inside her soul that still burned with animosity though she suppressed it so the aura of its influence wouldn't fill the entire room with the wrong vibes. "I'm Tsukiko. You must be, Shiyu." Tsukiko stated in a rather cold, but formal and somewhat polite manner. Another sigh came out when she saw they were confronted by the person who her brother hated the most which was Leander. Despite the fact Leander's do-gooder attitude got on her nerves and drove her up the wall she would have to cast that aside and try to be polite. There was no need to cause any ruckus inside the classroom.

Tsukiko wasn't wearing her uniform again and was wearing a black cape that extended down to her skirt which had long slits on two sides that looked like sleeves where you could see her shiny black leather gloves covering her hands with a metallic guard on the outside of them where extending to her elbow. The cape also contained six yellow spots on it that looked like buttons. The cape had red zig-zag like lines that extended throughout the borders of it. She wore a red and black striped bowtie which was near her neck. She also wore a red and dark red plaited skirt which extended down toward her thigh region which had black bordering on it. Lastly a pair of frilly black thigh highs along with long black boots. Lastly a hood which covered almost her entire face and a veil like muffler which made her eyes only visible.

Going over to Shiyu, Leander said to him cheerfully, "Hey there! You look like a fun guy, wanna Duel?" Her worst nightmare came to reality when he challenged Shiyu to a duel. She didn't know if she should allow this duel, because something about Shiyu just bothered her. Worst enough, she was his partner and would try to keep her focus and not allow herself to be distracted. "I guess we're dueling Leander and Amelia..." Tsukiko said with a deep sigh of disappointment. "Yeah, hi Leander. Whatever, I can't turn down a challenge." Tsukiko added with the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. She was not very high in spirits and was actually feeling a bit under the weather still. You could certainly see the look on her face lacked happiness as she continued to wear the cast iron angry cold frown on her face that looked like she was pissed off at the entire world. She also looked like something was bothering her by the way she was acting though she tried to veil most of that uneasiness. Well, this just sucks. How can my day get any worse? I'm feel like crap. I have had a hard time sleeping and I feel this urge inside of me that almost wants to explode. On top of that, I'm paired with this mysterious guy who makes me suspicious. Not to mention, we've been challenged by the doofus Leander. I swear his optimistic insight just makes me want to scream sometimes. How can people be so naive? Ah forget it... I'll just accept the reality of the matter. Even if I complained, it wouldn't do me any good. Tsukiko thought to herself as she tried to prevent herself from going insane. Even after a week, nothing was looking bright for her and the light of day inside her heart became dimmer by the moment. Made her wonder why she even bothered? Seemed pretty worthless to try to rely on people you don't even know. The part that bothered her the most is that they could talk behind your back badly about you and you wouldn't even know it unless a gossiper devoured it for their usual spreading rumors. Why was life so cruel in the first place? Made her think twice about whether it was really worth living or not. What so great about suffering anyway? Time doesn't heal and the devil is always poking you in the ass with the pitchfork anyway so why even bother to continue? She thought that in her mind as she waited to see what was going to happen after Leander confronted Shiyu.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Camryn huffed in amusement. "Standard dueling or gym class, got it." She sat in her seat and caught her breath for a bit while Transformer explained/screamed what they were doing in that class. "Ooh, tag dueling! That'll be neat! Hopefully my partner is at least sorta competent." Fortunately, she didn't have to worry about her partner's competency, because she ended up being partnered with Megan. "Aww yeah! Time to go kick some serious ass!" Just as she said that, a guy who looked like he was in Earth dorm ran up and introduced himself as Haas, Nathaniel's partner. Nathaniel introduced her and Megan, and before she could get a word in edgewise, Nathaniel suggested that the four of them duel each other. "Sounds good to me, too! Where should we have our duel?"

After hearing Shinrei's bragging, Camryn huffed. "What an ass. Hopefully that big rugby player-looking guy will deflate that ego of his."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii


Joshua was about to reply to Haas' statements again before the Transformer began shouting again. After that whole ordeal was over with, he looked up as Haas got up.
"Take care. Don't hit your head on anything again." He said, the last part being a joke. Haas wasn't gone for long before Shinrei opened his mouth and pretty much told everyone to come at him because he would win anyway. Joshua scoffed and waved a dismissive hand in the boys direction. It would be a waste of time anyway. People like that made it hard to focus on your own duel, and you could only learn if you were focusing on yourself and your opponent in equal measure. Looking up when he heard a voice, he saw Michelle and smiled. "Howdy there Michelle. Nice to see ya again. Tell me, how are ya doing?"

"That's good to hear. But you shouldn't push yourself. If you do, you might get hurt again." She said, her tone a bit concerned. She didn't get to continue the conversation as the Transformer began bellowing at them. The sheer volume of the man forced her to cover her ears just so she could make out what he said. She had to wonder if this was what growing up in a quiet environment got her. When their teacher announced that they would be doing Tag Duels and her partner would be... Leander. A small smile crept onto her face at the thought of dueling with someone she was familiar with.

When Leander got up and began looking for an opponent, Amelia followed, taking her time and working around her fellow students, giving a quick apology whenever she bumped into someone. Upon seeing their opponents, she gave them a shy smile and raised her hand in greeting.
"H-hello." She said, her tone as nervous, if not more so, then when she had met Leander.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus

So Vincent had been pretty much Ignoring Tsukiko again. Why? Not because he was a cruel human being but because Transformer had spoken up about teams, Vincent listened to whom he was partnered with, it was a stranger named Brad. It might be fun to team up with someone, the guy might be the best light dorm student ever. They could go on a killing spree.

Of course in reality when Brad came over Vincent was a bit disappointed. Earth dorm, seemed like mainly a normal Duellist though he could be a sleeper Duellist whom was more over powered then the package showed. Vincent only managed to get a slight greetings out in response before some uptight dumb-ass decided to try and slander everyone in the room like they were some kind of professional. It seemed obvious that Vincent partner was riled up. by the guys performance. Shinrei was it? Shinrei's performance. Of course Brad responded with how much he despised the disrespect of his friends by Shinrei.

After Brad had finished Vincent got out of his seat. Descending down the steps like some sort of dread. One could tell by his body language he was looking forward to what happened next. Stopping in front of Shinrei, Vincent looked up at the idiot with the white hair. "So considering that you think your so strong, and the fact you pissed off my team-mate. How about you duel me and him, I mean I am just a lowly wind dorm and hes an earth, we probably can't touch you, if your as good as you say you are." Vincent said with a smirk. Letting the challenge sink in. His hunger for battle was rising.

somebody needed to be the prey to satisfy that hunger.

Ignia Nosfera

Ignia had been listening to Transformers declaration of the Duel they would be doing today. Listing off the pairings Ignia was completely stoic until her name was reached. Thats when it was obvious that she kinda burst out in a wide grin of happiness. It was her best (and only) friend whom she was paired with. Luck really was on her side. 9/10, Ethel was a person whom pretty much destroyed her in a duel and Ignia could provide some support but she knew deep down the main attacker in this tag teaming would most probably be Ethel. Ignia would just throw out the support and hopefully not screw up.

Speaking of the blue haired devil, Ethel had come over and with the same blunt tone in her Voice that Ignia had actually grown to like she said hi. Of course Ignia responded with a small hi in passing as Ethel continued stating the obvious but Ignia didn't mind. Though yes Ignia agreed they needed to find an opponent. Standing up Ignia decided to contribute to the conversation. "We are team though we need to make strategies." Ignia said the intellectual tone back in her voice as she pretended to push up a pair of invisible glasses. "So do you have any Idea who to fight?" Ignia asked with some excitement definitely present in her voice as she looked at Ethel with anticipation. Ready to follow Ethels every lead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shinrei didn't seem to have to wait long before his taunts were answered, a confident smirk forming on their face. Brad was going off on how the silver haired boy's attitude wasn't spectacular either, something Shinrei didn't seem to care much about. They were also going on about a team player respecting his friends and allies, something that would've made the guy laugh if they knew how to do that. "I said I was alone, didn't I? That doesn't quite qualify as being a team player in my book." he retorted, brushing off Brad's patronizing like it was nothing. Though he may have gone too far, as even his sister berated him for that little move. Shinrei's face tensed up a little, but he didn't get much of a chance to reply before they leaned in to tell him something. "...*sigh*, Yeah, I know. You don't have to tell me twice..." he muttered, knowing what she was hinting to. Honestly, he couldn't care less about holding back against weaklings like these. That didn't change the fact his little sister was here, though, and that's just about the only thing Shinrei did care about right now.

Vincent soon joined Brad, and Shinrei honestly had to do a double-take when he saw the duo. He'd completely forgotten what dorm Vincent was in, but it seemed to have been Wind considering the boy himself indirectly stated so. "Well, I accept. I guess when you combine an Earth and a Wind you would be scraping the bottom of the barrel for the Light dorm." Shinrei hurled at the duo, then turned away from them, to the first arena. It seemed the first match went to him, just as he wanted. "Just follow me, then." he goaded them before walking off. His attitude was completely disrespectful to the two as he hardly bothered to look at them, and the rude undertones in Shinrei's voice didn't help the matter. It didn't take long for the guy to take his position on one end of an arena either, with crossed arms as he waited for his two opponents to arrive.
Ethel was glad Ignia took some sort of initiative herself. This way, the girl wouldn't have to lead the conversation, which as one might guess wasn't her forte. Ignia brought up the good point of having to device some form of strategy. The girl with blue hair started thinking. Ignia, from what she'd seen anyway, had a good amount of Level 4's... And Ethel's Extra deck contained at least two Rank 4's. But that alone wouldn't be enough. And her deck was self-sustaining enough as it is. "...You take the offensive." Ethel suggested. It might sound stupid, but she was pretty sure this was a good option. "My deck works best when monsters are already on the field." she explained the plan, before looking around the room. Ignia didn't seem like she was going to take the initiative on finding opponents.

Soon enough, the girl's eyes landed on a particular Light dorm student, chatting it up with a girl from Wind. "How about them?" she asked Ignia, whilst pointing in the general direction of Andre and Maisy. They had the same combination in terms of dorms, so there wouldn't be much of an unfair matchup. "I'll go first." Ethel declared, turning her back to Ignia and walking off before she even had a chance to throw in a vote of 'Yay' or 'Nay'. Considering the size of the room it didn't take more than a minute of walking for Ethel to stand in front of the other pair. "Hello." she greeted neutrally, with a hint of boredom. "Do you wish to be our partners for dueling?" was Ethel's question to those two, getting to the point instantly. They assumed Ignia had tailed, like she usually does, so it wouldn't look awkward if the girl said 'They' when only one person stood there.
Haas listened attentively to Nathan introducing both the girls, and almost snickered at some of the stupid thoughts that came to mind. The both of them seemed like they'd be fun opponents, with how full of energy they both were. Speaking of opponents, as if on cue, Nathan had picked up on two parties already being here and suggested a duel among them. "...Okay, yeah, I'm totally down for that!" Haas replied when the two girls had also voted in favor of the idea. But he could've sworn one of those two had asked about where to duel... "Aren't we on an Arena floor? We could just take one of the arenas." Haas chimed in. Every arena floor has 4, after all, and the only reason only two were available on the first day was because of easier management. Either way, it was up to the others to decide in the end.

Shiyu was awkwardly fidgeting on the spot for a little while, considering for the longest time nobody really responded. But then some veiled girl spoke up from his left side and the boy instinctively turned his head so their eyes met. Or... His one eye with one of hers, at least. She introduced herself as Tsukiko, much to Shiyu's visible relief. "Ah, so you're my partner? I'm glad, I was getting a litle worried there aha..." Shiyu commented, but then realized that may have come out wrong. "E-Err! Worried that I wasn't going to be able to find you, that is!" he quickly corrected himself, then bowed in apology. But that little charade didn't last too much longer past that point, with two new faces coming into the boy's field of view. An excitable little boy was the first of those figures, seemingly a Light dorm of all things, and was quick to challenge the pair to a duel. Not that Shiyu had much time to respond, with Tsukiko stepping up and accepting the challenge for him. "W-Wait, hold on a moment..." Shiyu attempted to plead, but that was cut short by Amelia entering.

The girl was obviously nervous and shy, as evidenced by the shaky voice and posture. Aw, c'mon, you can't deny a person like that to their face! That's not how a true gentlemen operates, anyway. "...Ah, alright! You two wanted to duel us, right? I don't think erm... Tsukiko has any problems with it, so then neither do I! We should probably claim an arena before the rest does, though..." Shiyu advised, looking over the shoulder. One of the arenas seemed to have been stolen by that silver-haired boy from earlier that was boasting... Sheesh, how scary! But there were still a few left. "Oh uh... I'm also, Shiyu, by the way. For those that didn't catch that." Shiyu commented, with the introduction being more offhand than not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago

don't worry about it buddy, since our decks are more or less the same as when we dueled last time im sure that I can use my dragunity monsters to help you get that xyz monster that beat me last time. My monsters are made for quick synchro's which I have none. Im sure we can find a way to make knights work with dragons Angelo said with a little laugh smiling. Angelo sat down and got ready to prepare his deck and start thinking of some plans to work on getting the upper hand on their opponent. Angelo has the ability to bring out the best of his guys onto the field but the issue was that he had monsters that go into the s/t zone but Ben's deck requires the use of spells you have any spells that would apply to my monsters? Angelo asked thinking it was a good plan that if he had the spells and Angelo had the quick monster summons then maybe they could use those in tandem...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. My legendary King Artorigus needs two of MY monsters to get out. Noble knights can only make the big king. I can get a smaller version of him but he lacks the punch of the bigger version of him that fought the traitor. However....I do have a synchro monster that needs a level one tuner...he's a card I don't like to use but it's possible we could make some synergy with him. My deck is only good if I can get out my equip spell cards that equip to warrior monsters. And if I remember correctly you don't have much in the way of those. So I'd have to say most of my equip spells won't be of any use to you in this duel for use on your monsters." commented Ben as he laid out his cards on the table in front of him showing off his deck in it's form. "What I DO have is bottomless trap hole, safe zone, and book of moon. Maybe those could be of some use during the duel." Ben stated showing off the aforementioned cards.


Andre turned around looking at the girl who had walked up to him and his partner. Andre looked at the girl and then looked back to his partner. "We still need to figure out a couple of things first. Like if we're even compatible as duelists. Give us a moment if you don't mind." Andre said with a cold flatness he wasn't interested in dueling as a tag partner to anyone as it was he didn't need to go in half cocked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hayato's time searching for duels had continued as days passed but alas all his duels that week turned out to be losses when to his surprise he did receive his bokken and his copy of DDM which he instantly set to where it would be located at home near the window and sighed as he for once was up late rather than soon and was starting to realize he is getting to late to class but before he wanted to run towards class
He kinda remembered something... Hayate told her mother that she could visit at any time Hayato quickly picked up his D-Ceiver and called Hayate to make sure its actually OK for family to visit... Hayato remembered that Hayate was always forgetting to do the most important things

Hayate was running out of her room on her way to class until she suddenly heard the sound of his D-Ceiver ringing Hayate picked up her D-ceiver and noticed it was Hayato who was calling her and picked up "Yes? What is it Hayato?" Hayate asked still running towards class with her footsteps being rather obvious to him "can you stop running for a moment... Hayate did you remember to go to the headmaster to ask if Mother could visit? I told you to ask the moment you got here" Hayato said as he was sitting in his room looking through his deck

Hayate instantly stopped when Hayato mentioned her mother "W-well... I kinda got excited about the fact i was at a duel academy so i um... forgot..." Hayate responded a little bit worried he'd get mad "Well if you forgot its fine I was going to ask myself... you wanna come with me?" Hayato asked as he got up from his bed to head towards the elevator after putting his bokken on his back "Well... okay but don't blame me if we get in trouble for being late for class..." Hayate answered adding a little concern to being late to class "Don't worry... we'll probably only lose a few grades... i am already in earth so what's worse that can happen you dropping down to my dorm or something?" Hayato bluntly joked quickly meeting up with Hayate in the elevator "Took you long enough little princess of the great white dragon" Hayato joked when Hayate entered the elevator "Shut up... So... where is the office located" Hayate asked not noticing Hayato pressing the button for the top floor "Top floor... we'll probably have to wait for a bit until we get his attention" Hayato answered scratching his head remembering something "reminds me... its getting close to the time Mother would visit us isn't it...? Don't you think its a bit absurd she only gets 2 days off a month...? Hayato asked Hayate and stacked a second question on top of it as Hayate spend more time with their mother than Hayato "I don't know maybe... but seeing her at least once or twice a month just makes me happy... at least she visits me while you don't" Hayate responded and adding a rather mean comment at the end "I can't help it... I have been busy traveling the world with father... Reminds me how have you be-" Hayato responds as the Elevator finally stopped at the top floor and interrupted him "Ah... were here... let's go talk to the man..." Hayate said as she walked out of the elevator politely sitting down somewhere after Hayato traded a few words about wanting to see the principle for a simple request "oh this... I was planning on going to the gym to swing this thing around... a good swordsman shouldn't forget about his practice Hayato responded when he was asked why he took his requested luxury item with him and sat down next to Hayate unsure how long he'd have to wait for the two of them getting called

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maisy broke into a slight cold sweat at Transformer's...very, very slightly MORE angry glare than normal. She was really sorry, and made a not to NEVER let that happen again. Listening attentively out of fear of getting her spine, arms, and legs broken in three different ways and shoved in three different directions, Maisy was really glad she attended the first class, like a normal student. Otherwise he might have just had her...she didn't know. Do like a million push-ups? She wouldn't doubt it...or draw cards in a dramatic way for like, an hour. Screw that noise, even Maisy wasn't patient enough for that. Or strong. Her upper arms were pretty much limp noodles when it came to doing stuff like that for more than she was ever used to.

Anyways, tag duels. Those were cool, and a ton of fun. Looking around for a moment before she was just about to get up, Maisy was surprised that her partner had found her quickly...aaaaaaaaand looked like he was dead on the inside. And explained about how he and her already had no synergy. Welp. This would be fun. Once he started asking about Maisy's deck, she pulled it from her disk and said: "I use Fabled Monsters and Synchros...so my stuff is all about discarding my hand to activate their effects. I probably won't take up too much field space, and I might even be able to help your monsters with my spells and traps." she said, actually sounding friendly, figuring that Mr. Sourpus meant business, but heck, she could still be friendly to him. Maybe he was just...uh...what was that thing they said in movies? "He just has a sensitive side"? Yeah, that was what Maisy was hoping for, though it probably wasn't likely.

And, their opponent soon came over. Fate seemed to be conspiring to have Maisy sit for as long as possible as she looked at the blue-haired girl, then at her friend. She had definitely seen the two around, though she was pretty sure she'd heard their names before...like...Eclair and Iguana. ...Who would name their kids that!? Paying slightly more attention to Andre, Maisy nods and says: "I can let you look through my deck if you want." to him, figuring that he might as well know what her deck had in it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Synchro monsters? Heh that may actually work out better than I expected but I'll leave you dueling skills to tell the tale of how well we can do things. But fables....those are interesting maybe just maybe I could get out...hehehehehe....I have good intentions. Really good intentions in this duel. Alright you two assuming my partner here is fine with dueling you than I'm all game. Also partner my name is Andre, Andre Carson. If we're teaming up we may as well know each other's names. I read the assignment so I can only assume you're Maisy. Don't worry I won't get in your way either." Andre said with a fiendish grin slowly edging along his face as he realized just how good of a partner he bagged. Even if she just filled up his graveyard if he got the right cards then these people were in for a butt load of hurt. With the addition of other tuners besides his Plague Spreader Zombie he could get out any of his synchros possibly. All was coming together much nicer than he expected. He knew he would be able to clutch a victory if he had too. ""Oh and don't worry I won't need to see your deck I trust you know how to handle it. I haven't seen fabled for awhile now so I'm interested in playing with them." Andre said aside from that as he clutched his own deck and looked through until he saw the cards he needed and then thought to himself, "Burn with savage fire my doll of darkness and lord of chaos." Andre said as he put his deck into his duel disk and prepared to get his rhythm started.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago


Angelo listened to him and Angelo got his cards in the table as well thinking it would be good to come up with a new strategy. my deck is more suited to dragons and winged beast type monsters. However I do have the spell united we stand. It's meant to give my monster an extra punch the more monsters their are on the field. So as long as I can keep a full front line I could use this on your other synchro monster. However this only works if I draw The card at the right time. I also have the spell that lets me get more cards from my hand. We need to try and find a few plans that can help us win with each other's cards despite how different they are Angelo said scratching his head trying to come up with another plan other then using united we stand
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Best case scenario is that it you can set it and I can use it in combination with my Noble Knight Brothers. If Sacred Knight is on the field there won't be much room for my monsters unless you can swarm the field quick and give him a big buff. Personally it should probably be used as a last resort or to push for game. Think of it this way: What good would a small boost from arms do if it's just the king on the field and he already has Noble Arms Gallatin on him. The most we need to be worried about is banishment that's a big no no." Ben returned as he sighed. "Look just focus on getting your dragunity on the field if you go second. If not and I go second then try and set up a field in defense of our field. We need to establish a field where it won't screw either of us over." Ben said he was starting to feel very ill now. He didn't think he was going to win and Ben loved to win. He always went in expecting the best but he didn't mind losing IF he knew the stake was fair. But it just didn't mess out at all for Ben. It was either boom or bust for this tag team it seemed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maisy had the sliiiiightest feeling that he didn't actually have good intentions. Just, that laugh was kinda...not-having-good-intentions-y. Just a little. But, she did nod her head at hearing her name, before saying: "I'm Maisy McKellen. Nice to be dueling with you Andre." with a slight smile on her face. At hearing that he didn't need to check her deck, Maisy nodded to Iguana and Eclair and gave a thumbs-up. "Then I guess we're ready to duel!" she said excitedly. This would either be really fun, or really, really fun. Tag duels were just made of fun. Sliding her deck back into her disk, Maisy stood up beside Andre.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EviiPaladin
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EviiPaladin Generating Dank Memes Since 1993

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Brad did a small double-take as Tsukiko began to whisper in Shinrei's ear. Since she said that she had no friends but her family... No wonder the poor girl was so messed. With family like that distasteful Light dormer, who needed enemies?

But relation to newfound friend or no, Brad would not let such a divisive person continue to spout such spiteful words. This guy had earned a ticket to Pissed-Off-Bradsville. Population: 1 Duel Style Ass Whoopin'.

Well, at least, that was the plan. Given his current record, it seemed more than a little possible that he might lose and this important lesson would backfire. Perhaps he should've stayed out of this whole ordeal.. But he remembered he wasn't alone in this endeavor.

As he followed Shinrei, ignoring his snide remarks, he turned to his partner. The Wind dorm student had a glint in his eye, a hunger that Brad had seen on the pitch with his teammates, moments away from sweet victory. Vincent wanted this win, as much if not more than Brad did.

"Let's show this guy what a team can do, y'know?" he said, with a determined shine in his own narrow dark brown eyes as they arrived at the arena. Taking up his position on the left of Vincent, he locked eyes with his opponent. Time ta nut up or shut up! as Coach always said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ignia Nosfera

Ignia had followed Ethel whom had taken the vanguard position of finding an opponent for them to tag team against. She was thinking about what Ethel had said about her being the offensive one of the pairing. What if her opponents kept shutting her down. She had edited her deck yesterday to include her new cards. Maybe her deck was a little more capable of beating her opponents. Maybe. Ignia looked kind of like a sheep the way she was following Ethel. Yet Ignia didn't honestly care about that. She was with her friend and fate had paired them together. Ignia reminded herself she must stay optimistic even if they did lose, it wouldn't be that bad right?

As Ethel suggested a pair of Duelists all Ignia could do was agree in a soft voice It was a Light dorm guy. Which was totally going to be fair right and another wind dorm student. Something about the Wind girl made Ignia uneasy. yet she couldn't put a figure on it besides the Hat. It seemed the guy wanted more time to work with his partner and Ignia could get that. But what Ignia couldn't get was the fact that the Lady had a Hat that she wanted and she was in half the mind to invade the ladys personal space and take it then run for the hills. Ignia shook her head at her slightly mental thought processing. "Er sure take as much time as you need" Ignia said in response to Andre whom returned to talking to his team-mate. Ignia felt kinda like the third wheel in all of this.

"I honestly don't know what we are getting into but... I think I might be the reason we lose if we do. so sorry in advance 9/10 Ethel my friend." Ignia said only audible enough for Ethel to get wind of. Still it seem like their opponents were ready. Ignia quite visibly put her deck into the duel disk with a slight hesitation. It disappeared though in a wave of confidence. She had to prove herself, she had to win, for Ethel and for herself she had to win this. Ignia stood ready as she looked over at Ethel as if to ask 'what now?'
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