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7 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Interacting with: @Jade Blades

“Those two are just being dicks honestly. Their vampire lost a wager with them or something so they picked out the most garish outfit they could and now he has to wear it. I dunno, I don't question it. I don't really like that whole relationship but…” Ryan shrugged. “Not really my place to bitch about it. If it makes 'em happy, more power to 'em I guess.” Ryan cast a critical eye over Joryldin, obviously weighing his own response.

“Well, guess we can wipe your memory if the President says so why not. We call ourselves the Champions of the Small, or the Champs for short. We kick back at vampires and mages who like to beat on those who can't or won't stand up for themselves.” Ryan explained. A bit of Ryan's shadow bolted out the door and over to the TAs who looked up questioningly. “The Princess’s whole “don’t interfere unless someone is going to die” policy leaves a lot of room for abuse. Leaves a whole lotta room for us to fight back though too.” People shifted out of the TAs line of sight to Joryldin, who watched the pair with interest. “Don’t worry about them. Just gotta make sure you don't do anything too drastic. Secrets and stuff to protect.” Ryan shrugged.


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

Willow nearly tripped in surprise as she stumbled back from Pepper’s fully grown form. But a series of notifications quickly brought her back from the stunning sight to the battle. Again healing spell after healing spell went out, both to her party members and a few others in dire need. She popped her intimidation periodically, keeping her intelligence boosted, until Willow noticed her battery make a mad dash into enemy lines. Willow let loose a string of expletives, preparing to snatch the idiotic trainer back but a goblin headed for her again and she was forced to nether push it into crossfire instead. By the time she looked up, River was gone. She kept an eye on his heath bar from the menu but had to continue healing or lose someone else.

Willow’s head snapped up at River’s shout, barely audible over the roar around her. She disrupted an arrow headed for Kira before turning her telekinetic move on River. With that, she almost turned away but a sudden ping on the status page brought her attention back. Immobilized. Who had the audacity…

A sneaky little goblin managed to snag her friend in the middle of her spell. What a damn waste of MP. She stomped closer to the frontline of the fight, pushing Tower off to the side, and pointed at the little fiend.

“Neither pull.” She snapped. The goblin and its hostage jerked towards her, howling all the way. As it flew, she triggered clear mind and shot her intelligence over 100. “Don’t interrupt my spell again, you little shit stain. Intimidate.” She growled at the creature once its forehead tapped against her wand. “Shadow raze.” And she watched shadow energy shred the goblin to ribbons. She snatched the trainer by the ear and ducked behind the tanks again, marching back towards the mages, healing along the way.

“Absolutely unacceptable, Charles.” She yelled over the din. “You do not move from my side, do you understand?”


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3550/3550(+450)

As the party rejoined the main force, Willow focused on getting Health and Mana back to full for the party. Since she generated a net gain of MP on heals, she cast Healing Beam and Chakra Magic as quickly as they came off cooldown. Willow fretted over Tower’s lack of shield. Karuu kept a backup set of chainmail but Tower lost his access to his shield skill and more than once it had kept him standing in that last skirmish. She would just have to keep an eye on the tank and prioritize his healing. Maybe. Hopefully, everyone else faired better than her poor paladin.

Moments of internal crisis liked to sneak up on the girl unexpectedly and as she looked over the field of players amassed at the gate, one hit her like a truck. How many of these people, trapped like rats, would die today? On a virtual battlefield buried deep within the internet. No family other than what they made, their friends struggling alongside them. How many of them would watch those they cared reduced to shimmering pixels, tear fresh on their faces? How many of them could recover from it? She had flashbacks to the people taking their lives at the beginning of the game. How many would crack under the pressure this time?

Willow felt her chest tighten and her breathing quicken, tears prickling at the corner of her eyes. She took a few moments away from the group to just breath, in through her nose and out through her mouth. She had to focus on the things should could help; her immediate party demanded her attention and that's where she would focus. Otherwise, the work ahead threatened to overwhelm her.

She managed to get a grip on herself for strategy talks, advocating strongly for the party sticking with the main force. Maybe, she would never admit it, she pushed too hard to stay with the main force but Cecilia breaking party only made Willow voice her opinion louder. Staying with the main force would ensure Willow could hide her friends inside the bulk of the army until they recovered. Relief washed over her when they agreed, somewhat easing the knot in her chest that had been forming since the dungeon started.

This is it, we've talked about our strategy. In the case the win-condition of this dungeon is not the death of the "Goblin Warchief" or the Kill Team fails, we'll regroup at this spawn spot to retreat together.
Good luck all.


As soon as the message went out, time seemed to fast forward all at once. The drums were quickly drowned out by the Vanguard's battle cry as they charged and Willow readied her wand. She watched them crash against the goblins, breaking their ranks, and then the main host was off. Fire, Lightning, and Ice filled the sky, roaring from the thousands of wands and staffs before the main host crashed into the swarming horde. The goblins buckle momentarily, long enough for the vanguard to start falling back, before its shamans and brutes surged forward with a beastial vengance. She focused on healing, topping up anyone in range, and moving enemies around to keep them off balance. Shadows obscured their vision, enemies suddenly flew backwards form the fray to bowl over their allies, and light flashed from her as she watched health bars and mana from the party screen.

And as screaming and yelling filled her ears, with arrows and magic thrashing through the air around her, Willow sent a prayer to anyone listening for Cecelia to come back safe.
James Kingston

Location: The Sewer
Skills: N/A

James shrugged at Sunshine’s response. She seemed experienced in all this so following her was probably the safest bet. When she pointed out the sewer grate, James let Max head down first. A stray bullet would do a wicked number on the others but James wasn’t nearly as concerned. Probably hurt more than he was interested in but he’d live. Made a great meat shield really.

“Nice moves!” James cheered on Max’s fancy descent and made his way down the ladder a bit slower. He grunted as he dragged the cover back on and stepped down from the ladder, looking around. “Gotta say, didn’t really expect this when I woke up this morning. At least I’m getting my workout.” James joked. He wrinkled his nose at the smell but shrugged it off. “How long have you been doing this anyways, Sunshine?”


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3325/3550(+450)

“Just use this right before we go in. I’ll give you the bonus right before the pull or it’ll wear off.” Willow pulled out her Ancient Mage’s Talisman and tossed it at the mana hungry trainer. “I expect that back and for you to invest in one yourself after all this.”

Willow cast a critical look over the party status window she pulled up. Tower definitely needed some attention in his health and mana. She swapped out her staff for her wand again.

“Healing Beam. Chakra Magic.” She said with a few flicks of her wrist. It would be long going but she’d spend the rest of the walk bolstering the tank’s mana since she let it fall so low in favor of pushing out more damage from River. “Yeah, that was a nasty effect those goblins had. I think Karuu has some back up armor if I remember correctly. We definitely need to do something about a shield though.” Such a brutal fight and no experience or Renn. Willow sighed at the thought but shook her head. No time to lose focus over small things like that. They had a boss fight coming up and she needed to stay focused.

@ReusableSword absolutely! Check out the OoC and then send me a PM so we can talk about it!

The Red Hand

“Save your fire for the Sinnenodel snake, Countess. Your baseless accusation doesn't bother me. If you take issue with how the guard has handled something, you may file your complaint through the standard channels. My sister is even on campus to more easily attend your whims.” She waved off the guards behind her, who made their way back over to the scene behind her to assist. Lucan quickly gave them orders and they circled the perimeter. “If you have questions about my duties, you may ask them to Lord Salazar himself. Since your family has taken over the Eve’s intelligence network, he has an active hand in these deliberations. I have neither interest nor authorization to explain this to you.” Nox ignored Cassandra and nodded at Mariette when she approached.

“Council business.” Nox stated impassively to Mariette's question. “Return to your lodgings now, all of you, before I treat you like misbehaving children and carry you there myself.”
Let the Dance Begin.

“We are pleased to hear it. With how soft he is on his household, we were worried he would slip into easier habits.” The mage caressed his cheek caringly. “Stop pouting, it’s unseemly. Ryner provided you with an excellent opportunity to mold the minds of the next generation. You should feel honored.” The mage hummed as Varis murmured his understanding, his eyes lightning a bit. “Perhaps we will attend one of your lectures. We haven’t the opportunity to see you in such a manner yet. With the Princess’s permission of course.” Ryner and the mage locked gazes. “We wouldn’t want to overstep our bounds, now would we?”

“Academy policy requires any guests intending to visit a student give two weeks written notice normally and must be off Academy grounds by six thirty.” Ryner replied without hesitation, sipping at her wine while maintaining eye contact. “As long as your Excellency complies, I see no reason why your visit to my Academy should be denied.” As the pair spoke, the servant’s door cracked open and another servant whispered in Isadora’s ear, who nodded and curtsied next to the Queen. After holding it for a few moments, the Queen acknowledged the mage’s presence and leaned in as the woman whispered into her ear.

“Dinner is over.” The Queen ordered. “Sybil and I. Have business. To attend to. Ryner, we will. Discuss the Spellman. Problem in.The morning.” With little warning, she stood and swept away in one fluid movement with a grace and speed that defied her earlier motions. Her footsteps barely a whisper, she was out of the room with the blink of an eye. The mage huffed under her breath and stood from her chair, directing her sightless gaze at Aaron. Ryner sighed and looked sympathetically at Salem. Under the table, she patted his knee comfortingly as he watched the rest of the group silently.

“We were glad for a meeting, Mr. Starag. We believe we see some potential in you. We merely need to cut out the Noila influence. Right Varis?” She asked as a servant cleared her spot and moved her chair.

“Indeed. Whether he sinks or swims, I will ensure he is an asset to our House.” Varis concurred. “However, my bets are on sinking right now.”

“Varis darling. Play nice with the boy sometimes.” She chuckled. [“We do hope you don’t disappoint us, Mr. Starag. Take care. Varis dear, approach us so we may discuss some business. We have a delightful surprise we know you’ll have fun with.”

Aaron stood as Varis did, paying attention to the two as they spoke and bowing deeply to the mage woman when she finished. Beneath the surface, uncertainty gripped him again; Lady Sinnenodel seemed like she wanted to speak to the Count privately, but Aaron had not forgotten Varis’ warning about staying close. He wasn't sure what to do, but this time, he didn't dare guess.

“Please pardon the interruption, Master,” he said to Varis, bowing his head, “Will you have further need of me, or would you prefer I leave you and Her Excellency to your business?”

“You will attend me.” Varis spoke, not sparing the light mage a glance. He held out his arm for her to take, leading them over to Lady Sinnenodel herself. The vampire watched the door the Queen escaped through but her position shifted at some point from reclining to sitting upright, arm stretched out to her side. The mage girl settled in the next to her and snuggled close to the vampire, letting the vampire’s arm settle around her as she laid her head on Lady Sinnenodel’s shoulder. Varis knelt in front of them, his eyes fixed firmly on the floor in front of them.

“After your little incident with our favorite House,” The mage spoke coldy even as the smile stayed, “We thought it prudent to look into the matter ourselves.” She reached back onto the couch and frowned, looking back at her seat. A white envelope lay across the chair, far too neat to have been accidently dropped. “Goodness. Varis, be a dear and fetch that for me. It's your chance to earn back my trust.” Varis’s jaw clenched. Her attempts to separate them were irritatingly obvious and he wasn't about to let her have her way. His eyes darted to the side, looking for anyone he could send other than the boy, and his spied Isadora helping clear away the dishes.

“Mage,” He said loudly, snapping at her. A few servants looked his way but he focused on Isadora, who looked a little disconcerted to be at the center of the Sinnenodels’ attention. “Fetch.” He pointed where the envelope lay. She put on her court smile and curtsied before hurrying to complete the task. She handed it over to the Count and hurried back to her duties.

“Excellent. Open it quickly. We’re sure you’ll love it.” The mage gushed, clapping her hands. Varis carefully opened the envelope, wary of her last lesson. He could still feel the bite of obsidian from that one. Thankfully, it seemed this was just a plain envelope and he pulled out a few of the papers inside. It was a list of transactions made by Count Illios, the vampire who snatched his business deal out from under his nose. Apparently, the Count indulged in serious underground gambling far too frequently for the Council to willingly overlook.

Kneeling next to Varis with eyes trained pointedly on the floor, Aaron was more than happy to go entirely ignored by the Lady and her mages as they had their rather one-sided exchange. The way the mage woman behaved with her Lady unsettled him, though considering that the images of the girl’s back and eyes would probably find their way into his nightmares later, Aaron wasn’t particularly surprised to find yet more oddities surrounding her. He did, however, bristle at Varis’ tone with his aunt, his brashness toward her incensing Aaron more than anything the vampire had done to him so far. He’d had this problem in the past, getting angry when his mother or aunts were treated poorly; he knew it was irrational, but he could never seem to shake it.

While Varis read, Aaron was thinking. Lady Sinnenodel seemed to be trying to separate him from the Count, and Varis seemed keen on preventing it. Aaron was starting to wonder if Varis’ earlier warning had been for both their benefit; it had seemed strange for Varis to warn him for his own sake when the vampire seemed otherwise content to let him suffer whatever consequences came his way. But why would Varis care if his mind was read? If anything, it would just give him more information on his new mage, would it not? Aaron examined the floor as he searched for an answer, but he kept coming up with none.

“I appreciate the opportunity, my Lady.” Varis smirked. Illios's holdings would be his if it was the last damn thing he did. The mage reached up and wiped gently at Lady Sinnenodel 's brow with a red handkerchief and nodded. “I expect so. You won't get a second chance.”

Glass shattered at the table behind Varis and Aaron. Isadora stood with a platter at her feet and the remains of wine glasses scattered at her feet. Her eyes were wide open and tears ran freely down her face as she watched the Sinnenodels. She clutched at her head and sank to her knees, mouth open as she gasped before a heart wrenching wail escaped. Ryner jumped to her feet and was at the woman's side in a heartbeat, searching for something causing Isadora such agony.

Aaron’s head snapped up and around at the sound of glass breaking, and he was met with the sight of his aunt in apparent agony, in tears and crying out. His heart jumped into his throat and he didn’t even think before he was on his feet, rushing over and nearly sliding as he fell to his knees next to the woman, searching for some cause of her pain.

“Aunt Dora, what’s--” he was cut off when he felt something take hold of him from behind: a hand, hard and smooth as marble, clamped over his mouth. By reflex, he tried to pull away, tried to reach for his sword, but he couldn’t move, and his sword wasn’t there anyway. Princess Ryner was right there, and there were others who could see him, but no one seemed to notice what was happening. Why couldn’t anyone see? Why wouldn’t anyone do something?!

As he tried and failed to struggle he started to panic, but no sooner did he feel it than the hand yanked him back; he felt the horrible jolt of falling backward, but he was powerless to stop it. Then everything went dark.

Salem watched closely as he saw how Aaron and the others behaved around the council members. How could Aaron stand to watch his family treated so poorly? So, low. It wasn’t right. The thought was soon cut off as Isodora seemed to all but collapse on the floor. Salem quickly rushed to her side as soon as he was able to, kicking away any glass before he knelt to meet her gaze. "Aaron make a light! Aaron!” Useless Salem pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight, checking Isadoras pupils, pulse, anything that could give him a sign as to where her pain was arriving from. Her pulse was fast and anguished, pupils dilated seeming to show her great deal of pain, yet try as he could, Salem couldn't find a cause.

'Someone silence that woman's caterwauling.’ Varis thought irritably as he continued to peruse the papers. The Count's mage won him plenty of money and a nice deed recently it seemed. As the noise continued, Varis finally looked up just as Aaron reached his Aunt. He narrowed his eyes and glanced back at Lady Sinnenodel as a piece of red fabric slipped back behind her. Perfect. Varis waited long enough he knew she would have him before bolting towards Aaron then snatching him up by his neck and tossing him on the table, visibly trembling with rage.

“Shut her up.” Varis hissed at Ryner as he kept his hand around Aaron's throat, waiting for him to wake up from his Lady's grasp. Ryner glared at the Count and rose fully. Her eyes were cold as she stared down the mage who only smiled sweetly at the Princess.

“While I appreciate your presence at my Manor, I believe it is past time you attended your other businesses Lady Sinnenodel. Do have a pleasant morning.” Ryner dismissed the woman, who only laughed. The other mages muttered under their breath and the recliner hovered a few feet off the ground between them, following them as they left the room. Isadora's screaming faded into gasping as the vampire's presence vanished.

The whole scene was only before Aaron for a moment before it faded away, and a new panic gripped him. He felt the hand around his throat before he saw its owner, and by reflex he grasped the arm it was attached to, struggling against its grip. But it wasn't moving, and when Aaron finally saw who was responsible, his hands flew down to his sides, colliding rather painfully with the edge of the table he found himself pinned to and gripping it tightly. His pulse quickened under Varis’ trembling hand, as did his breathing, when he understood what was going on and what had just happened to him. The back of his head throbbed, his knees stung, and the rage clear on Varis’ face was enough to keep Aaron speechless, jaw working wordlessly as his eyes flickered around, searching on instinct for some escape.

“Welcome back, boy.” Varis spat. Seeing the boy terrified was quite amusing but he had a role to play right now. Varis made a mental note to explore this piece of fun more later. “What was my one instruction tonight? Was I not clear enough for you?”

Aaron opened his mouth a few times before any actual sound came out, the hand around his throat distressing him more than it should have given that he wasn’t actually being strangled. “I-I’m sorry Cou--Master!” he managed to stammer out, nervously fidgeting; his positioning was awkward at best, his spine was grating against the edge of the table and Varis offered no room to move. “She-- I--”

“Did I ask for apologies or did I ask for an explanation? Your whimpering and whining sickens me. If you hadn't failed me again, you wouldn't need an apology.” Varis cut him off, pulling the boy to his feet by his neck. “Can't even bother to remember three damn feet? Three feet! Pathetic. No wonder your House threw you away. Maybe I should do the same.” He snarled and let the boy drop from his grip, not caring he was dropping him on broken glass. “And I thought your performance this far was a fluke, nothing more than nerves. It's clear now you are utterly incompetent.” Varis wondered if maybe he was over doing it but… it was fun and the boy was an excellent stress reliever after dealing with the damn Devil herself.

Aaron fell to his knees when the Count dropped him, hands flying up to his throat as he gulped for air he hadn’t even been lacking in the first place. He winced when his knees hit the floor, new shards of glass biting into them alongside the old ones, but it was the sting of Varis’ words that occupied his mind, flooding the mage with horror and shame as all of his fears were openly vocalized.

“That is quite enough.” Ryner demanded and the room went still with her words. It was as if a leash wrapped around every neck in the room, vampire and mage alike, and forced them into compliance. Isadora's whimpers faded away and Varis went stock still, unable to do anything but watch the Princess. “Your behavior is unacceptable, Count Sinnenodel. Retire to my study so we may discuss your actions when I've made sure Isadora is well. You are dismissed.” Varis glared at her and stormed from the room, slamming the door loudly behind him and cracking the door frame. Ryner sighed and the intense aura vanished as she scooped Isadora up and put her in Varis’s empty chair. She did the same with Aaron and Salem, depositing them gently back into their seats.

“I do apologize about this disaster of a night.” Ryner apologized, curtsying to the group. “I will have the main course and desert sent in so take a moment to collect yourselves. I will have a life mage in to take stock of your injuries. Please, stay as long as you'd like but speak to a guard when you two are ready to leave.” She gave them both a look. “Together.” With that, she took her leave.

Aaron visibly flinched at the Princess’ command, breath catching in his throat. He could do little but follow when she moved him to a chair, and simply nodded at her words, waiting until she was gone to drop his face into his hands.

Salem stood from his chair and moved over to Aaron. "Cast me a light will you? I swear...I can't make heads or tails of you Mr. Starag.” Salem’s voice was low, almost as if speaking to himself as he knelt by Aaron and began to pick the glass from his wounds. "This'll hurt a bit, but luckily I come prepared for such events, not much but...well you can all afford life mages so it’ll do.”

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