Avatar of Aeolian


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2 mos ago
Current If you're ever disappointed, it's okay. All will be well. :) Let that bittersweet sting motivate you to create something wonderful.
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1 yr ago
Maybe I can make time for 1 RP. Right?
2 yrs ago
Going on an indefinite hiatus from this site due to burnout, mental fatigue, and long working hours. Thanks everyone for the amazing RPs I've been in over these many months!
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3 yrs ago
I hope everyone has been safe and well here. <3
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4 yrs ago
Taking a break to focus on school and work :) See you guys in a few months!


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Okay. Gonna work on my next post. May have it out tonight or tomorrow.
Checking in. :)

I dropped a pregnancy bomb for added drama. <3

I loved that!

Was not expecting it at all, but it felt very realistic!

You need to make sure Felix goes to get a paternity test! XD!

Still here! I don't think I've ever been more excited for a Roleplay so you won't see me ghostin' :)

Me too! There is so much potential for this story.

I'm thrilled to see where it will go!

I'm still here of course.

Just waiting for everyone to post.

Seems we've got some stragglers! :P

Cheers! :)

'G I V I N G H O P E' P R I V A T E P R A C T I C E:

A convenient 15-minutes away from Mather Memorial High School was the 'Giving Hope' Private Practice, a small practice specializing in psychotherapy and Hyperhuman therapeutic affairs.

The gentle mist licked the air as the morning sunlight gleamed through the windows of the office. It was still fairly early in the morning, about another hour or so before the practice opened and her first scheduled appointment would commence for the day. Many of her clientele were hyperhumans of course, some of which were students from Mather High, too afraid to reveal their true nature to their friends or family. Doctor-patient confidentiality kept firmly intact of course.

Standing in the doorway of her office was Benjamin, his satchel strapped across his thin frame and a book held firmly against his chest. He was staring. No no...more like glaring, his gaze clearly perturbed by something his mother had said to him moments before. Georgette seemed unconcerned though, her focus on her work as she shuffled through patient documents. "Sweetie, don't scowl. You'll end up wif those horrible facial lines" she remarked, applying hand gestures around her face for greater affect.

His eyes rolled, unamused by her quip, "Can ya be any more dramatic mum?". Georgette looked up for a moment and smirked, "I can if ya want me ter be me dear."

Ben smacked his lips after a heavy sigh, "Mhmm...", his eyelids closing as though he wanted to suddenly dissipate into thin air, "Mkay, well, I need ter go. Soooo...see ya la'ta then? I'll probably head ter the library once school is over.", he said to her, his head tilting as he made his way out the door.


He could practically see his own brain, "Yes?" he groaned, turning back around. "Yer gonna be fine okay?", she tried to reassure him. But based on her dipping countenance, she was clearly concerned. So much so, that she stood from her desk and walked over to him, rubbing his ear affectionately like she always had when he was younger.

"Sure..." he feigned quietly, looking down to the floor.

There was a moment of hesitation, but a mother usually has her keen intuition when it comes to her children. "Look..." Georgette began, releasing her hand from around his ear, "I know this be a big change for you and yer brothers but, believe me when I say, its fer the best." Ben cocked his head to the side, taken aback, "Fer who exactly?" he asked sharply.

Georgette reeled her face back, eyebrows furrowing in tandem, "Don't get smart!" she snapped, her head wagging. "This is what's best fer ya. Fer all of ya", she said, returning back to her desk and the paperwork that cluttered it. "You'll see."

Ben shook his head as he looked at her, the frustration following him like a shadow, "I'm sure it is..."

M A T H E R M E M O R I A L H I G H S C H O O L:

He was the new kid, though this was not a title he had wished to claim. It made him feel more like an outsider than he already was. And as he walked up to his new school, that reality of it all sunk in like a bag of bricks. Even still, he took a deep breath and remained calm as he took his first steps in. His younger brother Malachi had arrived before him. Ben certainly fumbled a bit of course, unaware of where to go initially. He was so out of touch with his new environment, that he hadn't even noticed the announcement about the missing girl. As he finally made his way to the auditorium, he'd suddenly perceive one advantage to all of this. These people didn't know him. They didn't know who he was, or rather, what he was. And he hoped to keep it that way indefinitely.

As he took his seat next to no one in particular, he'd chock his participation in the 'special program' to a heightened desire to better understand the hyperhumans, while hopefully not revealing himself to be one in the process.

Quite frankly, he didn't too much care for his powers, despite their practical applications. It wasn't worth all the baggage. In any case, the assembly was meh. It was what an assembly usually is. However, once Dr. Lehrer come forth, his attention peaked. This was the man who'd be teaching the new program. Not quite what he had expected, but the man seemed presentable enough. Though, there was something oddly mysterious about the man, a feeling that was hard for Ben to pinpoint, even to himself. After the assembly, he relinquished those thoughts to the ether and continued on to his classes for the day.

They were your standard classes. Nothing particularly challenging, at least not for him. He hated having to stand up in the front of his classes, His teachers introducing him as the new student from England. A rather annoying formality, yet perceived as necessary by his instructors.

He walked his younger brother, Malachi, to his next class, though apparently Mal was getting on much better than himself. Making new friends and talking with a group of boys as though they'd been friends for ages. Although, Ben couldn't help but notice a peculiar figure. Another student. Probably within his grade, though his frame was notably taller and more muscular than his own. It was but a passing glance in the hallway, but Ben had sworn he had seen this guy before. Maybe someone from his neighborhood? He wasn't sure quite honestly, but the guy's mug continued to linger in his thoughts throughout the rest of the school day. That was until more pressing matters came to the forefront and removed the familiar boy from his consciousness.

It was time. Time for THAT class. The one he was dreading the most. Math was easy. Science was easy. Geography was cake. But this. No way. He was not keen on participating, though considering what his mother is capable of, he'd muster up the remainder of his energy and head in. It was definitely different from the other classes, much more casual. And with couches. He was one of the first to arrive it seemed, giving him a chance to really take a closer look at this Dr that he had previously seen at the assembly. He gave the man nothing but a passive glance as he took his seat in the left corner of the U-shaped couches and remained silent as other unfamiliar faces started to file in. For some dumb reason, he had hoped to see that familiar-faced boy again, but that didn't seem to be the case. Not yet anyways.

He placed the passcard in his pocket and the syllabus in his satchel as the instructor began to speak. Not all the seats had been filled yet. Stragglers perhaps? In any case, he continued to listen quietly as Mr. Lehrer spoke. Ben generally wasn't one to interject. Especially not with what this professor was asking. What ability would you want? Ben couldn't help but glare at the man for asking such an impertinent question. Hyperhumans are being treated like second-class citizens and this professor was making some kind of fantasy out it. None. I don't want any abilities, Ben wanted to say aloud. But he remained silent as other students responded to the question.

At this point, Ben had already clocked out; a book for self-empowerment firmly gripped within his hands. His gentle brown eyes were unwavering from the text that filled the pages.
That intro post was so lovely! Very engaging to read.

Working on my intro post now. :)
@Aeolian, alright here's what I cam up with for your review:

Firstly, let me start with your great attitude in the iCheck and subsequently, the OOC made it really easy to consider you for acceptance so even when Roman and I asked for some edits to be made, you remained positive and didn't make a fuss about it. I can not stress how much more enjoyable that makes GMing, so for that, I want to thank you.

Moving on, Benjamin's abilities caught our eye and while it might not be as detailed as some of the other sheets it was also an ability that stood out. Whether as Astral Projection or the revised Intangibility, Benjamin's skills bring a nice niché to the RP that isn't displayed in the other characters. As I said, the ability section isn't the longest but that's okay because it doesn't need to be, the powers are straightforward and easy to understand and you have beefed it up with some 'science talk' of your own. The limitations and weaknesses check the power and keep it balanced plus much like his abilities, you gave him a neat little niché skill that could be a topic of conversation later one.

Benjamin's appearance section rounds out his physical details and begins giving an insight to the sheet's personality section. His backstory captures him even further and you can start to really see how the character is going to take shape in the IC. Taking influence from his parents perhaps, Benjamin comes across to me as having the most potential to be the cast's 'only sane man.' He's disciplined and responsible, level-headed and caring. Which brings us to the portion of the sheet that stuck out to Roman and I the most, the personality section.

The personality section is what made Roman and I want to ensure you had a chance to rectify and clarify your ability section. The writing and insight shown in the personality section made us feel like Benjamin was the first fully formed character in the RP. He personality comes across as very alive, it's three dimensional and could just as easily be your next door neighbour as it could be a fictional character.

The Miscellaneous section is used well without adding too many details, giving us just a bit more insight into Benjamin and his family.

Overall, it's a very solid sheet and I am looking forward to seeing him in the IC.

You have no idea how much I love this! Thank you very much! :)

It makes me want to be a better writer.

I'm definitely lacking, but I'm glad I did good on some parts, and now I know what I didn't do so good on. :P

I can't wait to see where this story goes!

ALSO, I will respond to the second weekly discussion later.

@Lord Wraith

Well if u can. No worries if you can't get around to it.

I keep having to remind myself that Ben is new to the school and wouldn't really know anyone. Which contradicts the bio I created for him, which already has him somewhat established. I'll just say that he had to take some summer classes to catch up since classes don't always transfer when u move to another country. That could explain while he is relatively familiar with the place, but still doesn't know anyone really since most kids aren't in school during the summer.

@Lord Wraith I love your analysis of Jiao. Me next. Me next! :P

I'm not nearly as experienced here as the other writers, but I'd like feedback as well. Especially considering my initial power had complications during the review process.

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