Avatar of Akayaofthemoon


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Midnight said there is really no order. I just like to have everyone have a start up post so I can see all the options, plus I am in Kat's garden soooo need Midnight before I can post again lol

Personally, I have this thing where I like to have two other posts up before I post again. *shrugs* I'm weird like that. Of course I will always post sooner if someone is waiting on me.
@Lady Selune

I thought was Hawlin? With Hare and Moxie since they are in the same area?
Well I'm sick today so I will try to be on when I can.

The sign of a true gentleman XD
Chess is too adorable....

Cuddles and pets will be tempting.

I'm looking forward to the novel then ^_^
@Midnight Howl

I try to usually rein it back.....trinkets caught up with me....
I just posted a book....crap.....


Trinkets are for Wonderlanders.

And no order, just post when you like.

All that could be heard from the cracked bedroom door was the shuffling of cardboard before the distinct sound of packing tape dispensing as a new box was created. A silence fell in the room once more as the wavy haired blonde inside sat unmoving in the middle of the glossy cherry wood floor with personal objects of her grandmother scattered around her in a circle. She didn't know how long she had sat in her knelt position but if the twinge of pain in her knees or the muscles in her legs that seemed to be begging for a position change was anything to go by then she probably didn't want to know. Alison was finally down to the last box and somehow she couldn't quite bring herself to pack it up. Every time she managed to pick up an object to start was the moment her hands began to shake and tears would build in those chocolate brown eyes. It was like she was losing her grandmother all over again and that Alison herself was the one throwing her grandmother's memory under the rug. Of course, that notion was ridiculous but she could not help but feel that way just a tiny bit.

She shook her head lightly, tossing the thoughts from her mind and brushing her hand under her eyes to rid herself of any stray tears. Grandmother Alice would want her to stay strong and happy, not to drown in grief so that is exactly what she would do. Alison steeled her resolve and actually looked at what she had left pack. Most of it was clothes but she still had a range of photos,nicknacks, and the small amount of jewelry that her grandma had treasured above others around her as well.

Alison went to pick up one of Alice's rings, wanting to have a look at some of the ones she had never seen before,only to clumsily have it spill from her finger tips and clink on to the floor. She groaned in frustration as she watched it happily sail under the bed which regrettably caused her have to slowly move from her seated position. Stretching out, she quickly bit back a wince as her legs complained loudly now about the previous torture. She carefully pushed herself up, waiting a few second to regain her footing and curling the toes on her bare feet to work the blood flow back in before maneuvering around everything. Once she made it to the side of the bed, she slid to the wooden floor and glanced around until she spotted the small item she was seeking. Alison slithered her way under the bed as much as she could and reached her arm out to brush and pat around in the area of the ring until suddenly a floor board gave way under one of her firmer pats.

Alison tilted her head,noticing the popped up board in confusion. She pulled her arm back, quickly shimming out from under the bed frame and snapping up right. She crawled over the bed to the other side before leaned down to grab the bed frame and giving it a firm yank. It was a slow process by herself, especially with the calls from downstairs about the noise but after reassuring her family that it was nothing to worry about she set to work eagerly. Once the bed was cleared of the area, she curiously moved to the lose board and gently pried it open to find many hidden objects. "Curiouser and curiouser, why did you go through such trouble to hide these?"

She pulled out some notebooks, one even having a dried flower as a book mark but it looked nothing Alison had ever seen before. There was a something wrapped up in a unnaturally glittery fabric that had bells attached the edges as well as other unlikely objects inside. Alison carefully started to pull out the items one by one so she could examen them closely as she did, treating each piece as if it were glass that would break at any moment.

The first item she took out was a key attached to a simple chain but the key itself was decorated with a fully bloomed white rose. At seeing how danity the first item was, she leaned over the hole in the floor to look for some of the smaller items so they weren't missed. The first tiny item that came to her attention were these two small hat pins but the pins tops were cute mint teapots with leaved flowers decorating the sides of each pot and the next item had almost been missed altogether since it was such a deep swirling purple in color that was blending in with the glittery fabric below. Upon first glance it almost looked like a guitar pick but that idea was instantly thrown out the second she touched it. It was almost a shell like quality to it and had a metal shaped spade dangling in front of it. Alison shifted the fabric softly, looking for more small items hidden in the folds and came cross a gold ring. In the center was a large red gemstone in a heart shape with two bands of white diamonds curved around the main focal point. She didn't even want to know what the individual had paid to give this ring as it was not something her grandma would have picked but maybe she was wrong.

She started to take out the larger items from the hidden cubby or at least they were larger than some of the others and ended up with a dagger in her hand. If she has thought the ring was out of place then this was out of this world. Why would her grandma need this? It was beautiful, gold with turquoise gems imbedded in certain places and worked in for the over all intricate design. The twists, turns, and colors made it almost seem festive instead of dangerous.
Alison set it aside with the other trinkets and gently pulled out the next trinket. It wasn't as extravagant as some of the others but the leather pouch was simplistically sweet with a pull string that had colorful beads at the ends. It wasn't empty from the weight she could feel resting on her palm and opened it for what was probably the first time in awhile. Inside the small pouch were a couple of coins, from who know where but she didn't touch them as it seemed like they were meant to be and with that she sealed it back up so it could be placed with the others.

She couldn't possibly see how anymore items could be inside but sure enough yet another item remained. It was near the bottom, a rose gold pocket watch. Alison clicked the button, letting the top layer spring open to reveal the inside which caused a sad frown to appear on her lips as the arms were moving in all kinds of directions and even the ticking noises seemed to be off. It was sad to see something so beautiful and precious broken with time, probably because it had been at the bottom or that was her assumption anyway. She closed the top gently, placing it with the rest.

Nothing else but the fabric seemed to be left so she carefully moved it out, trying her best not to snag anything. Only the tinkling of the bells around the edges could be heard, that is until something clanked out of the fabric. It hadn't been loud, it wasn't big but it still worried her and panic set in that something else might have broken. She placed the jingling material off to the side and gazed over the area to see what was out of place. There next to the hole was a lone collar with a silver bell. The collar itself was black with what she could only describe as an astronomer tracking view on the stars and night. She wondered if this use to be Dinah's when the cat had been a kitten. It was the only logical reason why it would be here and would keep the cat's memory alive.

"Wonder what these meant to you exactly...."Alison spoke softly, brushing her fingers over the hidden trinkets lovingly and feeling like she had learned a part of Alice's life that she had never shared. Alison couldn't even know if most of her guesses and thoughts had been close to correct. No, she couldn't pack these ones away. They were special.

Alison stood up, running over to the backpack she had left by her shoes and began to empty it out of all her papers and junk. She shoved the things she would need back in before moving back over to the hidden items. She took one of her grandmother's old pale blue dresses and wrapped the smaller items into it before setting it in the bag. She was gentle with all the books and larger trinkets, placing them in only after she placed whatever was wrapped in jingling fabric in. Once those were tucked away she looked to the other things she had yet to pack. Alison moved some of the jewelry into her bag more specifically a locket before zipping it up and setting aside.

She needed to get back to the task at hand after all. It killed her, a knife to the heart with each item she placed into that box but this has to be done and she would be strong.
The sound of the tape sliding over the last box was so final. It was hard to believe that she would never be in this house again after today. Alison slung the discarded bag carefully over her shoulder before picking up the box awkwardly as she tried to get a good grip on it. She should have known better than to try to carry two items at once since as she tried to adjust the box, the bag on her shoulder started to slip which she quickly grabbed which meant holding a heavy box with one hand. This caused the box to almost tumble which meant she tried to catch it and of course it lead to her clumsy self slipping.

Alison's eyes snapped shut, waiting for the sound of the crashing box, to feel the slam of her skull against the full length mirror leaning against the wall, and to smell the iron tang of her blood in the air once the glass fell around her but none of these things happened. She didn't hear a box crashing but instead heard the twittering of birds singing songs only they understood. She didn't feel the slam of her skull but instead almost a floating feeling before the a sensation of wet grass slowly seeping into her clothes. Alison surely didn't smell her own blood for it could not smell as wonderfully candied sweet as it did now.

Ali's eyes fluttered opened and she laid there for a moment, unmoving and slightly stunned as her toes and fingers curled into the grass below. She jolted up, glancing around with one though on her mind.
'Am I dreaming?Did I hit my head so hard that I passed out?'
She was no doubt confused but she was also in breathless awe at the garden around her. Everything so vibrantly beautiful and smelled like anything sweet you had ever craved or maybe never knew you had craved. If this was a dream, than it was one of the most amazing she had ever had.

She slowly pushed herself up to a standing position and turned in a circle, taking it all in until she noticed the bag next to her feet ad her ankle brushed against it.She picked it up, placing it over both her shoulders this time. Alison had planned to blindly pick a direction to go in when she spotted something familiar. She reached out her hand to touch one of the flowers since it look similar if not the exact to the dried one she has seen in the notebook when she was grabbed by a thorny vine.

She pulled her arm back as an instinctive reaction and gasped in pain. This garden suddenly didn't seem so peaceful and beautiful as even the flowers themselves look agitated and threatening.
"Let go of me!"Alison yelled bravely, wishing she had some shears right about now as she moved her free hand to try and pry the plant from her arm since the thorns were painfully digging at her skin, not even noticing anything else that could be a danger like say the other plants she wasn't focused on.
@Midnight Howl

You are going to make me type on my phone at work......
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