Avatar of Alfhedil


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6 yrs ago
Current This is why you shouldn't use an actual toaster to host a website.
6 yrs ago
[@Dnafein] Because people are salty about didney and have forgotten about the prequels.
6 yrs ago
*angry moth sounds*
6 yrs ago
Joke's on you Dagoth-Ur, I brought eighty bottles of sujamma.
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6 yrs ago


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OOC thread is up, and accepting applications to the crew as of now.
Crew of the Noreaster

Solace & Sena - The Captain // The smol
Sable - B-22's bunkmate
Airus vel Aath - Nerd
Vasani'Brinme Skirata - "Captain, you can't hire someone just because they got the tiddy." "Fucking watch me."
CC-3011 "Sharp" - "Are you sure this is our clone? They all have the same face."
Skylar Fosslan - #FakeNews
Lucien Phoenix - "Wait, is this our clone?"
Natasha Dubrovnik - Zeltron. Nothing else really needs to be said.
Kadroo Long-Lake - Bearnabus Buttons
Kattha - "If you expect me to repeat your full name, you really don't know me that well."
Alyra Vosrin - The only blue person here not a chiss.

Inactive Crew

Arx Sakal - Dedicated drinker
Durn Hammer - Pointy-head hammer guy
Vifii & Loril Kaalun - Not Piff // Tall mean lady
Kabal - Grenade gremlin
Clu Zanith - *Laughs in money*
Dakry Coltjer - A boy and his dog
Buurenaar D'ordinii - Angry Fish
Sai’rys Vytar - Blue Man Group going solo

It is an era of strife and tyranny within the galaxy. For sixteen years a new order has slowly been imposing itself over the crumbling remains of democracy. The Empire as it is called, headed by the former Supreme Chancellor employs an iron fist and ruthless propaganda in order to keep control over an increasingly dissatisfied populace. While mere ripples for now, as fewer and fewer senators remain in opposition the shadows stir with rumors of credible dissent. Nowhere is this more prevalent than the Outer Rim. For millennia the region had operated as barely an extension of the Old Republic, belonging to it in name only for many sectors and others less so. Here among the darkened star lanes, at the very edges of the galaxy has many a rebellion been born, and it is here where empires have died.

Within the shadows of Imperial rule people gather to whisper of such things. Some are the expected, troublemakers even under the Republic's more lax view of order in the Outer Rim. Bounty hunters, assassins, smugglers and more besides. They have had the run of the edges of the galaxy for millenia, and while credits still grease the palms of officials everywhere, it is harder to do business when the Empire feels it necessary to exert their will through fleets of starships on patrol. Common scum, criminals and various gangs see this as not just breaking with the tradition of looking the other way, but a threat to their existence. It is not just the scum and villainy though, as citizens of all professions and station feel the boot of the Empire against the backs of their necks. In the dark spaces where once only the more criminal element gathered, now dissent festers and grows.

It is in one of those dark spaces in particular where a gathering of all kinds has come together. For on a planet broken away from its stellar moorings, a great festival is being held. Killers of both the legal and otherwise come to share their stories of the last year, shoulder to shoulder with spice-dealers and smugglers. Traders of every ware chart the dangerous and shifting hyperlanes to the Dark Harbor to buy and sell at Anchorage. A thousand starships from the smallest snub-fighters to relics of bygone eras at high-anchor disgorge their crews to the myriad cantinas to celebrate and prepare for the great game. For it is here that they will find glory, credits and for some a way to escape their troubles, so long as they pay...

The Harbor's Due

Welcome to Star Wars: The Harbor's Due, a roleplay set somewhere beyond the relative comfort and safety that most RPs in the setting enjoy. Your character is not a mighty Jedi Knight combating the evils of the galaxy, or some dashing pilot in the glorious service of the Republic. They may have once been, perhaps even still think they are, but the truth is far simpler. When Obi-Wan warns Luke of Mos Eisley and the people therein, he speaks of us. No matter what they were before, now each and every one of us are the scum and villainy of the galaxy. From bounties to smuggling, kidnapping and even a spot of piracy when the pickings are good, no character among this crew can truly claim to be "good". Some will protest, claiming to be part of The Gray Mariners since they have rules unlike a good many other mercenary groups. Some think this life is only temporary, that when they've made enough credits they can go back to what they were. Others are simply here because to be elsewhere is one step closer to the Empire and either in a cell or dead. No matter the particulars, the party is composed of those on the bad side of the Empire, of one gang or another or simply the law in general.

It is all in search of one singular goal however, that of making credits and occasionally thumbing their nose at those in power. Regardless of when your character has joined the crew, whether part of the original band or fresh meat from Anchorage, they were given a question by the captain. The Mariner herself has asked…

"Who are you?"


With the introductions out of the way, I would like to take a moment to talk about something I feel everyone taking part of the RP should understand. I've been in the game for a while now, a few too many years to count for the sake of my own vanity, but I feel I've a decent enough grasp on what matters. Though looking like a list of rules here below, I want to stress that I consider these more as guidelines and merely what I would prefer people to abide by. I consider myself a fair GM, one that doesn't see themself as "the law" or "god" of the RP, but a fellow player looking to enjoy myself in this shared story as much as the players who have chosen me as GM.

- Firstly and most importantly, I want to address the status of the RP as 18+. This is not an indicator that there will be plentiful explicit scenes, or be used as an excuse for such. I have chosen to list this RP in this way due to where our characters will largely be operating, and the type of characters that will be shown. The Outer Rim is largely a lawless expanse of space, where the Empire has little say despite their best efforts, and this means that as a guarantee the subject matter of the RP will be of a more mature manner. There will be violence, death, drug-use and sensual tones at many points throughout the RP, but I also have an expectation with that in mind. I expect everyone in this RP to be mature enough not only to handle such things, but to go about them with proper restraint.

- Respect and communication. While I personally don't mind a little bit shown my way as the GM, I moreso ask this for your fellow players. We are all building a shared story with our characters, who I hope will be interacting with each other plentifully. To that end, keep your fellow players in mind when posting and planning posts or arcs. Communicate with them if ever there is the possibility of their character being affected by something you have planned.

- Post Requirements. I hate them. No really, I dislike the idea of saying that someone has to post x number of times in a certain period or they're out, and especially despise having to stick to that myself. In my experience, nothing drains the creativity more assuredly than deadlines. As such there isn't one for submitting a character to the RP, and I won't demand of anyone that they keep to a posting schedule. All I ask is that when interacting with other characters, that you not only be respectful as asked above, but also be mindful of your own times of posting.

- Don't be a dick. Really, don't do it. If you do it, I'll have to do it, and I promise you I can be an even bigger one. I prefer to be nice and have a good time, but if you decide not to be nice and to keep other people from having a good time, then I will ruin your time in this RP. jk, I'll just ban you from the thread and have your character trip out an airlock.

Character Creation

No sliders, but there are plenty of options. Seriously, I don't quite like the idea of restricting people to this or that, saying that one thing is completely not allowed under any circumstance or whatever justification other GMs like to use. I've found that on occasion people can surprise me with a character that at first glance should have never been approved, but after a bit of one on one, can be a strong presence in the RP. With a setting as diverse as SW Legends, there are so many possibilities to build off of, so many backgrounds for characters and ways to make something truly unique. To that end, before we get to the character sheet proper and I let you all go to await what wondrous possibilities you provide me with, I do have a few things I would like to comment on regarding characters.

- On the subject of force-sensitives, force-users and former Jedi. They exist in the setting and in this RP. Our captain, my character, is one and I can't really give a hard no to such characters on that principle as well as what was said above. Primarily, that would make me a rather shit GM, and be incredibly unfair. I would only ask that when making a character keep in mind the theme of the RP. Our characters should be drawn from the common criminals, thugs, bounty hunters, smugglers and general scum of the galaxy. This is not an RP following the fall of the Jedi Order, of the plight of the remaining Jedi or the hunt for force-sensitives. At the very least that is how this RP is starting and how I would like to see it go for a good time afterward. This doesn't preclude people from playing former Jedi or force-users in general, but it does mean that when making one to keep in mind the environment they are in. A good portion of the average character our group will be interacting with would eagerly turn such a person in for a reward from the Empire. A force-user as part of this crew would need to have at the very least a way of disguising their abilities and need to be able to rely on other skills.

- Faces/Appearances. As you will note when looking over the CS, there is both a place for a picture and one for a detailed appearance. I would like both done, and encourage everyone to take that as an opportunity to go into greater detail about their characters. More important here, is the subject of pictures used in general. I've become rather partial to face-claims, and especially the use of gifs and such to show how my characters express themselves a little more… Viscerally. This is by no means a requirement for anyone, and I won't refuse a character on the basis of their CS using a particular art style. Just… Keep it presentable. You know what I mean.

- Characters in general. All that said, I would like to say that a well-structured and detailed sheet will always go over better than one that is essentially a somewhat expanded concept. The character sheet below is one adapted from another RP that I happened to like because not only is it innately structured better than something I could do on my own, but provides many places of opportunity for the player to add detail to their character. Just don't get too involved in creating a character that you may not be as enthused to play as the character once it's done. As someone who has done that before, I would hate to see someone put a lot of effort into a well-written character only to dislike it and not want to RP as it.

Finally, the character sheet. You are free to post WiPs in the OOC, and I even encourage it so that we can all work together on things and help to ensure everyone gets as close to the type of character they want to play as possible. Just please do not post your character in the characters tab until approved.

I've basically got the OOC done and ready to post, as I've decided to roll with a more concise intro than what I typically try to do, something closer to the opening crawl in the movies. My own CS is done for once, and fielding a couple other finished CS' from others. Only real delay right now is a thought to pace things a little between interest check and thread, as well as a few final details. Mainly typing up a bit on their ship The Noreaster and a rival mercenary company to make things interesting here and there.
Smugglers are neat, as are non force-users in general. Not that I'll be disallowing former Jedi and the like, but the focus will definitely be away from the Force for the RP.
How many twi'leks will there be

Character-wise? Don't recall anyone else making one, might have been one person I talked to about it. In the RP in general though? Many.
As I'm looking towards the final stages of finishing up an OOC for a Star Wars RP I've been looking to run for some time now, I've felt it a good time to toss up an interest check for anyone looking for something focused more on the scum and villainy of the setting. Though force-users will show up here and there, and I've got a few already interested in playing as them, this RP I've got in mind will be following a captain of a mercenary group out looking to make a name for themselves in an ever changing galaxy. It's been sixteen years since the close of the Clone Wars, or three years before the battle of Yavin, and the Empire is in full swing so that means there will be quite a bit of action out there for any enterprising individuals. Feel free to ask whatever questions may come to mind for those who stop by with that bit of curiousity, though should mention that this RP will be following Legends and not the new canon.
@Denied Yesterday was a bit busier than intended, but I did see your message on the Discord. If you do find the time to give this a go, do let me know and we can have that talk about your character.
Khaliya, The Swordwind

December 3rd, 2286
The Bunker

The war table lay before her, holographic buildings raised from the screen in a simulacra of the city beyond. Numerous angry lights blinked across between, above and inside in some places. Two years of survival was right there mapped out before her. It was more than that to her though, and to the people she had brought with her into this hellscape. Information. The one thing that decided the fate of expeditions like this, and what she had right there in her hands now. Armann had provided her with plenty as they agreed. Soviets holding not just the block the Consulate sat upon, but several other key strategic points between there and a listing destroyer at the waterfront. Attrition had worn them from what he posited was a couple thousand before the war to perhaps a couple hundred, but it was still far more than his meager squad could handle on their own, and more than her own group could handle.

Another serious threat presented itself to them in the form of what he had referred to as "Gargoyles". First she had thought it to simply be a winged deathclaw, but it seemed to be so much more than that. The creature appeared to be native to the Necropolis, and specifically the southern regions as Armann and his squad observed during patrols. Rarely did they approach the wall or range this far north at all, but a few roaming packs of feral ghouls had wandered this way and with the sounds of combat they were drawn to fresher prey. Taking shelter inside the bunker would keep them out of their claws for a while, but it was clear they would be a persistent threat.

Farther south and nestled against The Mangle was the more expected of the city. Supermutants, and in their hundreds. Their first few patrols that close to the former high-rise districts had been cautious and wide-ranging as the colonies of the supermutants seemed to spread all around the western flanks of the city. Of course, it was assumed they hunted beyond that region, and Armann had put down a few markers close to the waterfront where it was thought they encountered resistance.

Yet the one singular presence in the city which had seemed to surprise him most of all was the scattering noted by simple black E's across the entire city. Enclave. Not even Maxson was as foolish as to believe the Enclave had truly been defeated, understanding that the remnants after Adam's Air Force Base had likely scattered and regrouped at other bases. Though Armann pointed out what looked to be dozens of patrols at key points, there were few points of confirmed conflict.

"We have somewhat of an understanding." He explained, looking entirely unsatisfied with the mere utterance of the phrase. As he told it, they first encountered the Enclave in the city mere weeks into their mission, and as expected shot first. The very brief contact left those in black down a man, and his squad on the run as reinforcements began to route on them. A few days later they had run into another patrol, and though the air was tense, the commander gave them a clear signal.

"Do not interfere, and we will not fire. We will not pursue."

Since then the squad had given them a wide berth, avoiding where they saw the patrols and marking fortified areas. A warehouse here, former checkpoint there, and it was clear that the Enclave was not only active in the city but engaged in a losing battle to contain and remove threats. Neither of them could really agree on how to look at that, Armann seeing it as a sort of fitting end to their organization that they be stuck in the ruins of this city in a never-ending war. She had disagreed with him, but didn't press the matter. If he couldn't see that the best ally they may have in this hellscape was a former enemy, then she would have to work to convince him at a time when she didn't need his cooperation as well.

"Well, let's see what you have on these people."

At his request she brought up the first of the files. Two names came up on the table as the cityscape disappeared and were replaced with what looked to be long-distance recon photos.

"Monika Weiss and Bailey De Lara, both from the Commonwealth and affiliated with a group known as the Gunners." A lie, and a bold one at that. Jeremiah had enough wits about him to get the hint that there was more to Bailey than she let on, but if Armann knew, then it would merely embolden the men into an action that would remove important skills and firepower from their group. "From what my source was able to gather, the former has been a native of the former Boston area for some years, after fleeing from the West."

"NCR that bad out there?" Armann scoffed, unaware of some of the more recent trends in the region.

"Caesar's Legion, actually. Recent intel from out west has made us aware of a significant raider group that has rallied together under the banner of the bull and scorched hundreds of miles. This Monika managed to escape slavery at their hands and once here on the East coast made a new life for herself. She's noted as being a skilled combatant in mid to close quarters, and a decent enough shot at that."

"Anyone can read off assessments, and merc groups like these 'Gunners' are notorious for puffing out their chests and boasting."

Khaliya shrugged, indifferent to his dismissal as she knew that he cared about as much for the varied mercenaries of the wasteland as he did for her. Which was at last assessment, very little. What he had concerned himself to though, was the character of the individual, so she switched track and shifted to the next page of her files on both women.

"Well, unlike the former Talon Company, this group isn't quite as malicious and has on several occasions actually defended settlements from raiders. They've got their bad seeds for sure, but these two from what information I can gather, are not among them. Neither is particularly trusting, but they've got solid morals and can be relied upon."

At this he nodded, seeming content enough with the first of their group. A few more names, more slides of page after page of tediously crafted information to present as ideal a case as possible to what she knew would be a hard sell. Three of their number who had been raiders before now presented as outcasts from an outfit down to the south. Doctor with severe addictions to med-x and psycho? She told the tale of a man tortured in The Pitt and forced to sew up his tormentors. Each one she wove a sweet lie that had just enough truth to it that just that one glancing look was enough to confirm what she told.

"John Delaware." She presented this member of their group on his own, reams of data pooling around the image at the center. Years of information meticulously gathered and put together to present the profile of a detective seemingly hand-picked for the job. "Also from the Commonwealth like De Lara and Weiss, though he's a little more low-profile. His name isn't quite as out there as Valentine, but not for lack of skill or experience."

Armann stared at the profile before him, hands pressed against the edge of the table as his grey eyes narrowed. There was a lot there, detailed reports of investigations closed, encounters in various settlements, first-hand descriptions and more. In fact, there was an almost absurd amount of detail presented, and as he looked it over Khaliya could see already that he had taken in enough to have an idea of the man. "And your opinion on him? Seems as if you two have worked together before."

"We have, several times." She said without hesitation, hand moving across the screen to present a pair of heavily doctored picts showing herself and the investigator in the field. "As you may have heard, a group calling itself The Institute has long plagued the Commonwealth to the north, and Delaware has a bit of a specialty in dealing with cases involving them. As part of a nominal expedition to the Commonwealth in '83 I was tasked with getting a more… On the ground perspective of the region. My first step was looking into the local myths, major settlements and active factions if any. From my subtle questioning, I was led to John Delaware as an expert of sorts dealing with the mysteries of the Institute."

"He's got the skills to find people and things, no matter where they've gone, so it's no surprise that he was selected for this mission by the Pariah. Don't let the brooding fool you though, I can assure you that the man has morals. John is many things, but he's not a killer." She took a moment to skip through the last few of their group, passing over Prism as they both knew of her quite well, and some other rather familiar faces. At last there was merely the Legionnaire whose presence was undeniable and distinct. Here at least she was thankful that the distance between here and the Legion was great enough that Armann had to rely on what information she had.

"This one, he's from that Caesar's Legion? Why should we allow him to remain in the bunker and not order him to march into the rain without a suit?"

That was an excellent question, and had he not been selected as the others had been, then she would had agreed with him. Yet there was a purpose for him being among the group, just like there was for everyone else and she needed to come up with something and quick. "He was, in all fairness." Khaliya began, scrolling through the files and coming up with the most recent entry. "My informant does say that he's not quite like the others, however. While most of his group tend to be little more than better disciplined raiders, Servius appears to actually believe in the goal of the Legion."

"What? To burn the wasteland and establish a raider's paradise?"

"No, actually. The Legion is ruthless yes, and oftentimes burns entire settlements to the ground to make a point, as well as takes and trades in slaves, but there's a method to them. Life for their people can be argued to be better than that within the NCR or out in the wastes, and they are quite efficient at what they do. At the very least, they don't suffer from the same rampant corruption within the many attempts at revived democracy, and can actually maintain a state. For how long, that can't really be said as it is a cult of sorts centered around their leader, and tends to frown upon the active cultivation of knowledge and a reliance of technology."

"This Servius though, he's got a wit about him that marks him as unique among the group. My informant… She mentioned that she has seen in him a remarkable strength of character, an unwillingness to stoop to the same depravities as the rest of his kind, and a true desire to rise above. Such is why, when Caesar died and the Legion faltered, he went east at her insistence and was to make a better life for himself here on the East Coast."

Silence followed as she ended the display, withdrawing the cable connecting her to the table and letting the holoscape of the city crackle back into place. Icons rotated here and there, a green glow illuminating Armann's face as he thought on all that she had spoken of. At last it was time to end the briefing and a solemn nod communicated as much. Both walked quietly back towards the main room, where she could smell food cooking, a scent that seemed bereft of the innate radiation soaking the city beyond and perhaps even actually filling. Just within sight of the others though, near where Servius and Monika had been about to face off, he stopped.

"How is it that your informant was able to get this far east and convey that information to you, if that group is as much as you say?"

For a moment, Khaliya considered the group before her. While they had been briefing each other and getting up to speed, already they all seemed to be mingling and getting along for the most part. All except the obvious outliers, but even they seemed to be tolerating things at least. It was as she was hoping, a bit of shelter and hot food able to cool the tensions that were innate in a mixed group as theirs, and sure to flare before long. At least with this moment, they could soothe such things before they became an issue.

"He saved her from them, and in return she swore to save him."

Remaining quiet as a few others had done, one in particular took a keen interest in the more prominent members of the group. Her eyes settled first on the paladin lurking in the corner who looked as if ready to intervene in case of any altercation that may arise. It could easily be assumed that not only could the man do so easily, but it would not be hard to guess whose side he would be swinging for. As she undressed from the hazmat suit and the red talons across her black combat fatigues were brazenly displayed for all, she saw the tilt of his helm towards her and her singular compatriot left. Most certainly it would not be either of them, bad blood still lingered despite 2279 and their ultimatum. How it would have pleased her on any other day to stick one of her knives between the joints of his armor and watch as he bled to death inside, but there was a mission of critical importance.

That mission even now was in danger, not just by the threats beyond the walls of the bunker, but by the ones who had been called to participate. The demolitions expert, one of her own, very nearly got himself and the entire group killed before they even stepped foot on the streets of the city, and the paladin with them had a mission of his own to end a war that had been decided for almost a decade. Speaking of which, there was a woman nearby who caught her attention. Sitting apart from the rest, purposefully so even, was Bailey. "Shit." Her first thought as she caught the looks she was giving the rest of the group, especially the Brotherhood. One of them was giving a rather deadly stare in return, Jeremiah. He was going to be an issue before long, and she much preferred that it was dealt with as diplomatically as possible. That would be a discussion with their team-leaders, but for now she had to do what she swore not to before things got out of hand.

Prism steadily made her way over to where Bailey sat on the floor, dropping her hazmat suit to her side opposite the woman and kneeling down with her rucksack. While her hands moved as if to strip her pistol and clean, her eyes focused forward at the brick and her lips barely moved.

"Ares 4-1-H."

Before Bailey could react to her codename spoken aloud, even under her breath in a whisper, a hand slipped from the slide of the pistol before her in a clear sign not to. All around them the others seemed too engrossed in the smell and sound of cooking, perhaps the first hot meal in a long time for many, and from what she could see at least it seemed to be a damn fine one. There were those who were too good at what they did to risk it though, of particular the detective, the legionnaire and the paladins.

"P-6-T. A proper greeting can wait, you need to sheathe your talons. In five you will be requested to suit up and take watch above. Accept the request, I will brief you in thirty on the roof. Once we have the package, P-4-E will make contact and relay orders from Titan. Until then, we are under protocol Falling Leaves, so do play nice and stop thinking what I know you're thinking."

And without another word or even a glance at her, Prism stood and headed over to where Finn and the others had gathered, her bag still on the floor.

Downtown, Central City
February 14th, 22:40

He had a point on that front. With more and more powered people coming out over the last few years, a good number chose to monetize their gifts. Some more successful than others, like Arsenal himself and a couple others as opposed to the numerous failed attempts. At least most simply found the hero life too expensive. She still wondered why it was that Grim never led with that approach. Being a college student was hard enough, but trying to be a hero at the same time as balancing studies and a part-time job? Whew, if she didn't have super-speed she would have had to drop the hero gig a long time ago.

"Hey, at least you got some entertainment value. Pop a couple of arrows, some trickshots here and there, maybe even get into a good brawl~" At that she did a bit of a mock fighting stance, rocking down a little lower and bringing her fists up before laughing it off. "Me, just zoom in, cuffs on and job's done. That and with the whole super-speed thing, not only would runtime on videos be pretty short, but the angles would be awful."

And just as she was starting to ramble about filming techniques, he brought up another very valid point. It was rather late in the evening, closing in on eleven actually. A quick glance at the small watch in the cuff of her glove confirmed that as well as another rather awkward piece of information that she would just keep to herself for the time being. She had enough trouble with missing the start time of her own stream.

"Ah, it is pretty late. Though being fast helps a lot in getting home in time for a lot of things, unless of course you miss recording times for your vlog."

Verra was just about to take off, but the potential for a little bit of mischief never was something she liked to miss out on. That and along with striking her as cute in his own way, he had been nice enough to stay and chat for a bit and relieve some of her boredom. Well, she also didn't quite get the chance to meet up with the others all that often anymore, so there was that. In that brief moment he brought out his phone, starting to angle it for that perfect selfie angle with them both, she tapped into the speedforce. All the world slowed around her, electricity coursing through her veins and charging her with a rush of energy. A single second spanned to minutes, then slowed even more as she could hear the inevitable click and whirr of the camera mechanism.

She closed the distance as casually as if the world hadn't stopped around her, coming in close to press her face right next to his and give that trademark wink that graced the covers of so many front-page articles. A single click and then she was gone as if never there, only a rush of static surrounding where she had been and leaving only the faintest of afterimages that faded just as soon as he would look to his side. Off in the distance a trail of lightning showed where she was already speeding off to home, miles away and disappearing to sight. What he was left with was not just the selfie but a little more. Fluttering in the wind was an index card, the edges singed from friction burns and on one side was a note.

- Next time call first, we'll make a date of it~ V.
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