Avatar of Alivefalling


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5 yrs ago
Current "To fear death is to fear the beginning of a new book in a series of many." a qoute from myself


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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

This is very good very interesting.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Accepted post in characters.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: night
Location: River Port
Interactions: @Helo@Tae@Potter

“You as well Cade.” She replied. Ezeri looked toward the battlefield one last time and found Anzu dead lying on the ground, his body blackened from the flames. He must have been killed in the smoke while she couldn’t hear or give orders. Her heart stopped a moment and she moved to his side. Kneeling down beside her fallen friend, she quickly took off the remaining cloth of her cape and wrapped him inside.

‘ You have fought well little guy, I will avenge you Anzu.’She thought to herself.

Ezeri was quiet on the way into River Port eventually finding the healing center. Once they had been admitted. She wanted to take him home and was distraught in her situation being stuck here. She quietly told the others that she’d catch up with them and urged them to go on to the healing center.

She left to bury him in a hand dug grave on the edge of town, sending him off with some final words.

Twenty minutes later, she arrived at the healing center and decided to wait outside until they were healed and safe. They were presumably inside since the unicorn was outside of the healing center all alone. Mel had been on Ezeri’s shoulder the whole time and had not said a word; his silence was louder than anything she had ever heard. The two had lost a dear friend and ally. She walked over to the unicorn releasing the bond that tied the two together. “Thank you, for everything.” she said before the unicorn walked off calmly back to the forest from which it had come from.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: night
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Sakura @baraquiel, Risa @princess,
Valaeon @FunnyGuy, Valamiir @Alivefalling, Leon @Helo, Lucia @Potter and Myra @13org

Vaeril stood under the night sky at the beach on the waters edge staring into the water with a spell cast to show memories on the surface of the water. He could hear the giggles of his son as his wife spun around with him in the water, the sun glistening in the waves. Even though it was hundreds of years ago, it felt like he was back in that moment when they first brought Elyian to the beach.

Alaia’s smile had been so beautiful to behold and she had smiled a lot that day they had taken their son to the beach. The smell of salt was in the air and the warmth of the sun bathed their skin. She turned to glance over at him from his spot by the ocean’s edge and gave him that beautiful smile, Elyian in her arms. The young boy was giggling and so excited to be in the ocean for the first time. He splashed his hands in the water with joy as Alaia beckoned him to join them.

Aklenroth ran towards them and sat in the water beside his son, mimicking him by splashing the water as well and making funny faces and just enjoying the day. He was so happy to be with his family on his few days off. He tried so hard to be the best he could for his family. He took his Elyian in his arms and held him up in the air as he laughed. “Elyian! I didn’t know you could fly!” He waved him around a little like a bird.

“Papa let me down! I’m scared!”

Aklenroth pulled his little boy back in his arms and gave him a firm hug, “Don’t worry. Papa’s got you. You never have to be scared, Elyian. I’m always here to protect you.”

He looked back to Alaia,“I am so glad to have you and our son. You mean the world to me. I only want to help make Avalia a safe place for not only us but for everyone.” He stared into her icey blue eyes the same ones that sucked him in years ago he could be in that ocean forever he never wanted to leave. ”The sun will be setting soon I think we should head in and maybe I could treat you to two dinner a fancy one!”

Elyian’s eyes lit up at the mention of eating out. “I want lucky dips! I want lucky dips! I want lucky dips!” He cheered excitedly.

“Well honey I guess we know where we are headed.” Alaia told Aklenroth laughing and showing off her beautiful smile walking up to him to give him a kiss on the lips. “Eww! Mom!” He protested the kiss and giggled.

Together, they had walked away from that beach, his arm around his wife and son.

How he wished he could go back in time just to stay with them a little longer. Vaeril’s eyes brimmed with tears in that moment but as he heard the incoming footsteps of others joining the beach, he quickly wiped his eyes and stopped the spell. He glanced over at the voices to see Leon, Lucia, and many others joining. To his surprise, Sakura and Myra also ended up joining them. He had a lot of thoughts about this situation and decided to keep them to himself and observe.
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