Avatar of Ammokkx


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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

And time flowed once again.

Kyogi's head was throbbing, a piercing pain stabbing through it from one end to the other. The mental flashback wasn't a joke; it felt like all the pain that had come to his body had been bottling up in one tiny part of the brain, which then exploded into a gory mess as soon as Kyogi regained his true form again. He took a few sharp breaths, trying to get his bearings back on the situation. His actual pose didn't change however, as he still stood as calm and composed as before. He couldn't let Kuro see what the effects of that battle had done to him, although it seemed like the other man had it worse. He had stumbled back, a mix of shock and awe evident on their face... as well as fear. Useful fear, but Kyogi had best not push his luck.

"You're... you're not normal, boy..."

The man had begun a monologue and Kyogi listened only half-heartedly. He continued to stare the man down, making sure to have an imposing figure that this infiltrator wouldn't dare think to lash out against again. From the snippets Kyogi cared to remember, this man said something about his classmates, how these battles would change Kyogi and that he should watch out for the 'clumsy' one. Before the boy had any time to ask what this all meant the man had already dashed off, tossing a card on Kyogi's desk in what he assumed to be a diversion. The boy didn't have any intention of chasing after the figure as his fatigue was still settling in. He picked up the card from the desk and inspected it, finding it to be the Glacier Shield that gave him quite a bit of trouble in that fight. How ironic that his Mars deck would now have a card weak to that element...

Kyogi pocketed the card and began to think about what the man meant, standing there with his index finger covering his lips. He knew that his classmates had rings like his, he had seen them on Uematsu, Zeger and even Fujita, even though the latter kept trying to hide the object. Not that Kyogi blamed the poor soul, but he found that having it on had its own little perks. The tingle in his finger would alarm him to another ring-bearer's presence, which had clued him in to Fujita's ring to begin with. Speaking of the buzzing, he still felt it, indicating that someone was still nearby. He had a feeling who it was too and looked towards the entryway as another figure stepped forward. Kyogi made sure to smile as the person walked in, trying to make them feel comfortable.

"You did well," Yamada congratulated Kyogi as she entered the room.
"Ah, Yamada-san! So you came to help after all... thank you, I feel much safer knowing that you were looking out for me."

It wasn't a total lie, Kyogi thought. He did feel safer in knowing he had a backup lying in wait, but he wouldn't really care if it had been anyone other than Yamada. The 4th year's class rep just seemed like the safest option at the time he approached her and that hunch turned out to be correct. Kyogi needed to be careful with his words, however... Yamada was one contact he did not want to upset. She was going to be a very useful ally, as she just proved.

"Do you know why he came after you?" Yamada asked Kyogi and he shook his head in response.
"No, unfortunately... although I may have a hunch that it's because of our little trinkets,"

Kyogi lifted up his right hand, showing the ring to Yamada. Then, he continued.

"However, that man- ah, his name was Kuro-san before I forget- did give me one warning. He said our classmates would be coming for us. There was something about a clumsy one, too... was he perhaps talking about one of your classmates, Yamada-san?" Kyogi asked inquisitively, looking the younger student in the eyes as he did.

"Ah, I'm sorry. It is rude of me to suspect your classmates. I just hope we can continue to keep each other safe, now that we know about these battles..."

Kyogi gave a short bow and a polite smile to Yamada as he apologized, hoping to lure her into a sense of comfort.
@Satoshi Kyou is a fukkin' liar
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

Wait when did they fight?

like right now. The battle happened in a separate thread. Link's in the challenging post.
@Dynamo Frokane Could you put a x1 above Glacier Guard? Just so there's no confusion of the number.
@HumanMusic can I please request you don't put Zeger near Kyogi? The classroom should've been empty and I already had something planned with someone else.

Kyogi cried out in pain when the war-axe hit Leroux, gritting his spectral teeth to bite back the sensation. This match had been fun, but the pain was one thing he could have done without. Still, it was pretty much over. Not only did the opponent not summon any more creatures, he hurled that weapon at Jaques in what looked like a last-ditch effort. This showed the boy that Kuro was out of options, the very thought giving him a wicked smile that reflected on the gambler's features. The battle-mage calmly stepped forward towards the opponent, giving his support creatures a signal to stop them from attacking.

"Well, this has been fun, Kuro-San. I've learned a lot about these rings thanks to you," Kyogi told his opponent as he had the gambler take a few calm steps forward, all while taking the last card he'd be playing out of his deck.

"But, you know, I honestly didn't want a fight. I figured you'd be willing to talk things out, but you initiated a duel all of a sudden... I didn't really have a choice, you know? I had to defend myself."

As Kyogi continued to speak, he crushed the card he was holding: the Dread King's Hammer. Jaques caught the heavy hammer as it dropped into his hands, standing over the knight with the sharp end pointing down. Jaques gave the knight a good kick to knock them on their back, then planted his foot on their chest to stop them from getting back up.

"Ah... but nevermind. You asked who I was, right?" Kyogi spoke in a friendly tone. The dreadful hammer's bladed end then got stabbed downwards, plunged into the gut of Kuro's battle-mage.

"I'm the victor of this match."
@Dynamo Frokane So, you say a person loses if their deck runs out of cards. However, the match is still going on even though Kuro ran out of cards. There isn't a single card of his in play. Does the match end then and there or can Kyogi still give the finishing blow? Also do I have permission to auto-hit with two kunais for the sake of a scene, considering Kuro can't run or defend himself anymore.
Kyogi clutched his side, feeling the sting of the rapier very vividly. If he felt all this pain, then his opponent must have had it much worse. That pleased him; it meant Kuro must have been panicking. For all the adult's talk of sending Kyogi into a coma it seeked ironic to see them lose their cool so easily, helped by getting beaten by someone who had never played before. The boy felt himself toppling over even though he wasn't standing, courtesy of the impact the Hell Dragoon made with the floor, shattering the oni on his field. It was annoying, but Ryuji had served its purpose. Now all Kyogi had to do was deal with the remaining pests, as it looked like this was Mr. Kuro's last stand...

"Ah, should I play something more familiar? In case, I'll summon my own Shadow Assassin."

Kyogi spoke calmly as he crushed the support card in his hand, another Shadow Assassin spawning on the field to fend off Kuro. At the same time, Kyogi observed the Siren on the other end of the battlefield. It looked like his Dragonette was getting distracted by her, but Kyogi needed the dragon-clothed warrior to hold off the Hell Dragoon. Jaques couldn't get any faster to the creature than his Dragonette, so Kyogi opted to play his Standard Crossbow card, firing off a bolt aimed squarely at the siren's head. With any luck it would kill the creature and free Dragonette from her spell.

Now Kyogi was in a pickle, however. He was out of support cards, so the creatures he had on the field were the best it was going to get. The two Shadow assassins were evenly matched, but if Kyogi's went down it would form a problem. So, he summoned another Fine Katana and had Jaques rush at the Shadow Assassin Kuro summoned. His Hellbat would keep the opponent distracted for long enough to give him this opening, and the Shadow Assassin would not likely survive a two-on-one attack.

"Are you having fun, Kuro-'Sensei'?" Kyogi echoed as he watched his plan put into motion.
Kyogi felt the cold wash over him as the frostbite from Glacier Guard took effect, but he didn't mind it. He had to think quick now; there wasn't any more time to think. The opponent was playing quickly, but Kyogi had been counting cards.

"Oh, is something wrong Kuro-Sensei? You're burning through an awful lot of cards..."

Jaques grinned as Kyogi taunted his opponent, his astral hand reaching out and grabbing another card. Kyogi was getting used to this fight, but it looked like his opponent wasn't much to begin with. The boy crushed his card and went on to grab a few more.


A female clad in some skimpy-looking dragon-scaled armor appeared behind Jaques, reeling as she did. Despite the cold the woman wasted no time in jumping into the air, getting ready to intercept the flying Dragoon while Kyogi prepare his next few moves.

"How about I stop holding back?"

Kyogi's disembodied voice was calm and collected as he played his next three cards. Two HellBats flew in from behind Jaques, but ignored the knight he was fighting. Instead, they circled around and made their way toward the Elite Marauder, intent on holding him off instead. Ryuji, meanwhile, was still fighting alongside the criminal as a new weapon card materialized in said criminal's hand: A Fine Katana. Jaques swung at his adversary, baiting out a blade lock with them.
@Ammokkx whoops have to make a small edit, you take minor damage from the glacier guard

Yeah I found that a little weird.
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