Avatar of Ammokkx


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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

'kay, so I already brought up the following with Ariamis, but:

I'm going to take a step back from this RP. Now, I'm not saying I'm leaving, but I will say I'm going to take a backseat to actively posting. My drive for this is at an all-time low, but I do like this RP a lot still. While I wait for my creative juices to recharge, I'll take a break from proactively searching out interaction. Devors and Serah are always open to be bothered, however. If someone wants an interaction with them (for whatever reason) I'll happily write for either, but I'm not going to seek out them interacting with others.

TLDR; @ me if you need me, I'm lurking for a while.
edit: failed attempt to misdirect away from the drama, feel free to ignore
@Fury Panda Aight, so uh.

I'm out. Or at least, I intend to be out.

's not a threat or anything, as a pre-emptive note. I just don't agree with the vision the GM sees for this RP and expected a lot of things to be different going in. I've been playing Persona 5 and talking about other Persona games with someone and I'm not really getting a Persona vibe from this. Entering the Dream Hour as the first official in-RP activity feels wonderfully forced and doesn't quite sit well with me, as from what I gather, Persona games tend to open on a bit of breather. Get you used to the world, then throw you into the shit.

DS was like that, too, and I'm aware I keep bringing it up. It had a few events with Yuzu and Atsuro before letting you meet Naoya and then introducing the Comp summons, after which the game really starts.

I just don't want Lock to awaken his Persona so soon and with such little control over the situation because he has had no development and no good reason to unlock his Persona yet. Without an arc, he's honestly a character that could and should die in this situation. His will to survive isn't big enough to trigger an awakening, he doesn't care to save any of the people there and he has nobody to protect.

Despite all that, I hope all goes well. I don't like seeing RPs fail, so don't let me leaving discourage you from keeping on going. Good luck with this!
@Raddum I read the bitch thread every new post, you really think I didn't know you were talking about me?
You know what else I feel like? I feel like it is about time for a hand to hand combat mission, without our werks. I feel like that might be a thing soon.


What's the point in making trained pilots fight on foot, exactly?
same as Raddum, Lock wants to kick open the window but Eden awakening will probably make him lose his balance and fall (again).

And yes, he's seriously considering jumping ship if things don't work out. His odds of survival would still be poor, but at least better than dying for sure to a giant spider.
Lock stayed near his original location, his intention being to scope out everyone else before making any decisions. One girl took him up on his idea and laid out some knives for everyone to use while another had gotten herself hurt, though still managed to suggest grabbing a scrap piece from one of the seats to force open the door with. Another boy then impatiently rushed for it, yanking it out and hastily propping it up near the door. One man's effort was not enough, however, as the other glasses-wearing fellow decided to help out and heave-ho.

So far, everything was going relatively well. As well as you could expect from a psychedelic drug trip come to life, anyway. The homeless-looking one of the bunch decided to toughen up for a moment and stumble over back to his original seat, once again running the risk of the claw bursting through and making them one more person shy. Not that the boy minded; this one's rash actions bordered on uselessness. Someone like him might turn out to be more liable than useful.

"Now, let's investigate a little..." Lock mumbled to himself, turning his back to the rest of the party. Everyone else was too busy sticking around where the claw had burst through the window that Lock figured it would be poignant to check if nothing came from behind them. The boy walked over to the other end of the car, checking out every window he came across. Unfortunately, each one he looked through offered the same sight: Red air with a nasty drop to the bottom. Despite his suggestion, Lock wasn't all that scared of getting near the windows. Whatever that thing was, it was on the other side. Even if there were more like it, him scouting out like this would at least clue the others in to that.

Lock clicked his tongue a few times as he couldn't figure out anything new, unaware of the other boy passing him by to go and grab some medication. If Lock was going to find out anything useful, he was going to need to get out of this car. To do that, he'd either need to rejoin the group in their efforts to force open the door or look for some alternative route. Leaning out of the emergency exit for a better view might have been an option, but that was near the middle. Lock didn't have any intention of rejoining the group just yet. It was then that he spied the emergency exit sticker on one of the windows near the connection door to the next car.


Lock paced over to the window, tapping it while scanning the surroundings. There didn't look to be anything to break it with nearby, so he was on his own for this one. Checking to make sure the others were not looking, Lock took a step back and prepared to kick the thing open. He braced himself, but just as he was about to kick a voice rang out across the train.

“Don’t run. She will find you. Don’t fight. Or I will kill you.”

"Wh- whoa!?"

The voice caught Lock off-guard, and the sudden rumbling from the roof getting torn open caused him to lose his balance and stumble onto his butt. The boy shook his head to regain his composure and looked up at the new 'exit' created for the party, just in time to see a giant spider-like creature stab into another student and lift them up like a piece of junk on the side of the road. Lock was much too far away to stop the thing and even if he did rush over, it being on the roof made attacking the thing less than ideal. The boy glanced back to the window he was about to kick open. Well, if he knew what was out there anyway...

Lock picked himself up and ignored the rest as they scrambled towards the girl, figuring she was a lost cause at this point. He prepared to kick open the window once again. This time he wanted to create some kind of platform and exit for him to be able to climb on to the roof, with the intent of being able to fight the thing on somewhat equal ground. If it was all hopeless he could still jump off and hope to survive the fall, anyway.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

I get what you're saying, based on the idea that the BBS works in a similar fashion to an airplane. There have indeed been records of people surviving falls from aircraft at much higher altitudes than 400 feet, so the BBS sporting stuff like emergency exits and those inflatable slides aren't out of the question at all...

However, I think that placing hammers next to the emergency exits so that survivors can break through the windows is a bit of a stretch, from a structural point of view at the very least, considering that most subways use multiple layers of glass on the cars' windows to prevent the outside elements (cold, heat, etc.) from leaking inside. No doubt the spider thing could bust through these windows, but I think that even Lock would have a hard time busting one. (Just my opinion, though. I could be very wrong.)

Aight, first off, I'm asking the GM, Gummy. Second, even if he can't shatter the window, there should be some form of emergency exit he could force open given that not installing something like that would probably violate all kinds of safety rules.

The hammer question was a bit of a dumb idea, but it's based on how public transport in my are has hammers with a special tip that can shatter the windows with some mild force put behind it, including some of the older trains. Granted, those windows were also made to break if specifically hit with those hammers because of the way the glass is made.

Should at least be a hatch or something that connects to the outside, if nothing else.
@Fury Panda Would the windows have hammers near them to break them open in case of an emergency exit being needed? Even if the thing is 400ft in the air, if it fell and there were survivors there would need to be some way for those survivors to evacuate. I'm asking because I intend to have Lock purposefully smash one of them, if possible.
<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Whoa, whoa, whoa. If the only thing stopping us--as a collective--from altering the world post is the fact that I just posted, you should go ahead and edit said world post. I'm not just channeling Jeff, either. I can always happily write up another post (assuming I'm still first in line, of course.)

What's the point of editing something if we know where it's going to lead, though? Best thing we could do is get our pieces in now and have the thing react to it in the next post. Besides, I'm already content with the resolution; I wasn't looking to make Panda bend to my will, just give him a suggestion on how to (probably) better handle his stuff. Gming ain't easy, and he's been doing a pretty good job aside from the one misstep just now.
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