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8 mos ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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10 mos ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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In scene: Masaru Chinen & Hyousuke Murakana


If Masaru had to sum this entire charade put forth by the school up in a single word, it was that one. He's known nothing but the pair-up system since coming to the academy, having spent his last two years getting familiar with its intricacies as he dueled like the faceless mook he was. Those memories are awful; being stuck at the bottom, wanting desperately to improve and yet never reaching the heights you struggled to reach. Now that he was at the top, standing as the sole ruler of the mountain, it felt hollow and empty, having to rely on some other faction to even have a sliver of a chance of getting anywhere...

It's almost as if his dorm wasn't considered good enough. He hated that thought.

"Hey, you think we should go get Keitaro?"

The boy perked up at the question posed by one of his dorm-mates, namely by Hyousuke. After the announcement was over, he seemed to have nonchalantly kicked himself away from the comfortable spot against the founding principal's statue so he could stroll on over. Masaru had wrung away from his fellow top Synchro students as to avoid them, watching from a remote spot in the courtyard, so Hyou's sudden appearance was met with a scowl.

"And why do you suddenly care?" Masaru asked warily.

"Well, 'cause you look like you want to be anywhere 'cept here!" Hyou answered with a laugh, taking a step forward and throwing his arm around Masaru. The latter was too stunned to push him away in the moment.

"C'mon man, you need to loosen up. Besides, if we don't find him, who knows what trouble he's kicking up?"

"Fine, I get it! Just... get your hands off me."

Masaru pushed Hyou away and started to pace off, with the other boy trailing after with calm steps. Knowing Kei, they both had a pretty good feeling he was stirring up stuff in the Ruins like he usually did. Unless someone happened to look in the direction of the not-so-dynamic duo, they could slip away relatively easily from the crowd.
Deluge seems to have vanished despite my attempts to contact him both on-site and in private, so I'll be taking over the Fire dorm students. I'll get something up for them at a later point; for now I'm writing something for my synchro dorm.
Bumping this again to mention that, despite being pretty old already, the RP hasn't progressed all that far yet and we could still use a player for the Earth dorm!
@King CosmosIt doesnt actually matter it can be either, ofcourse i love IC challenges and the option for the characters to actually respond
Satoshi Kyou

To translate: We don't really care whether you ask players in advance or just post a challenge IC out of the blue. I doubt anyone else is going to care either, considering this particular YGO RP is all about character interaction over the actual game.
@Eklispe Sorry for the holdup, some communication hiccups between me and Sat made me unwilling to answer any sooner.

So to your first question, the characters themselves decide who teams up with who. If your cast gets along well with my cast, for example, there's a real chance they'd decide to team up. The same applies to anyone looking to ally with Satoshi's crew. Conversely, I doubt the Synchro or Water dorm would team up, considering they showed hostility to each other so far.

To answer the second, I don't recommend trying it. You can be a sneaky snitch and do it anyway, but if either dorm found out you're attempting to double-time them, I doubt they'd want to be your ally for much longer.
Taka Tsuin

Taka was befuddled that Alice didn't bother giving a reply to him, in favor of staring at something behind the boy. He turned to look what it was.

"...What in the world are you lookin' at-?"

The cross-dresser cut himself off as a monitor lit up, or at least partially. There was some blurry silhouette making movements on it and instructing the entire student body on the camping grounds to make their way to the amphitheater... the place where this duo had just come from. Taka groaned and slapped his hand against his forehead.

(Why the hell is it calling us campers...? And what's with the bear puns?!)

Taka turned back around to face Alice, just as she locked her eyes with him again. Before the boy had any chance to speak, Alice had already taken initiative. She states her intent in the same dramatic flair as before, trying to sound knightly and pranced off ahead of him. The boy ran a hand through his hair and scratched his head a little, slowly pacing behind Alice.

"Great, now she's bossin' me around as well... can't get a break in here."

It didn't take long for the duo to reach the theater, as they had only gotten about halfway to the gate earlier. Just before they got there, however, Taka noticed a tuft of hair poking out from behind one of the trees. Said tuft of hair seemed to be very similar to a certain bossy lady he met earlier.

(The heck is she trying to do? ...Whatever, I'm not going to bother her.)

Whatever that girl's deal was, Taka was having none of it. He looked in another direction, spying another tree... with even more hair sticking out behind it. Granted, it was jet black this time. He rubbed his eyes in a double take, but the hair hadn't disappeared from sight.

(Why is everyone hiding behind trees all of a sudden?!)

After a brief moment of questioning his sanity the boy gave up trying to rationalize it. The more interesting thing was the fact a group of five people were walking down the road, at the front being a scruffy... man? He certainly didn't look like a high school student. Trailing just behind him was a smaller girl in comparison, stark white hair, looking up to the man like a lost child. Next up in the roster was a spiky haired boy, pretty well built, who looked rather cool and collected despite the whole situation. Rounding off the party was a short girl pressing her head against a slightly taller girl, who looked to be... Sayaka Maizono?!

That couldn't be right. Sayaka already graduated Hope's peak, didn't she? ...Damn it! Taka's memories seemed foggy in that aspect. Whoever the girl was, she couldn't be Sayaka. It wouldn't make much sense. Despite his confusion and general weird composition of the group, Taka turned to face Alice.

"Oi, there's people coming this way. Seems everyone got just as curious as us..."

Ayu Usui

Ayu didn't even register that someone had waved a hand in front of her eyes, or plucked a leaf out of her hair. The girl's eyes were unfocused and staring blankly past her vision. Her thoughts were raging too wildly, were much too chaotic and raw, to register any sense of smell, touch or sight. What did register in the girl's mind was a sudden but dull ringing noise, at least to her. It was enough to snap her out of her daze for a brief moment, scouting around by slowly turning her head and eyes. She noticed a monitor placed above her, and while Ayu didn't see what was being displayed on it, she did hear what it was saying. It asked to go to the theater, but by peering over the edge of her tree resting spot, she could still see it plain view.

"...Nah. Not moving."

The girl returned to her nesting place and was about to resuming staring off into space, but now a shadow was looming over her. After a short delay she looked off to the left, seeing a boy blocking out the sun and plucking a few leaves out of her hair. Ayu's eyes darted up, seeing the little snippets of nature falling around her.


Ayu didn't even bother looking at Hibiki as she said that, head lowering and looking off to the right. She saw a group of five walking down the nearby road, chatting with each other. They were probably curious about the theater.

"...Look, people. Are you with them? I hadn't noticed you..." the girl asked, tilting her head back to Hibiki.
sorry for the holdup peeps, we're havin' a bit of trouble getting this post organized on our end
@ThePlumbum Confirmed with Sat, but the gist of it is "Enough to send you flying, not enough to cause pain (unless you hurt yourself from being sent flying). So if a monster's attack feels like an actual slash across your chest, that'd be Leonard's power at work.
Actually, nevermind, backing out of this after all. I don't want to make a commitment to something without being sure that I'll have the time to work on it, especially not with how my break only lasts for another week and the final term's coming up for me.
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