Avatar of amorphical


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17 hrs ago
Current Ghost protocol off, hope it helps people feel better about replies. ^^
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1 mo ago
In the mood for a non human fantasy setting.


I dont feel like posting this in 1x1 though it is a 1x1 concept. I crave a rp where MC is the sub to YC. I want it dark and mature themed. It can be any pairing though mxm and fxf are more desired.
A second idea is shy vulnerable MC is bullied YC in any setting or pairing. Maybe this could be a Stockholm situation, or taboo. I would prefer this to turn into a slow burn, love/hate relationship where YC like MC for some reason but due to social norms or maybe public opinion you cant out right admit to the attraction.

I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

Thanks for stopping by.

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This is really high speed! Not sure if i can keep up. Apologies.
@Raptra you ok?

Granted: you are nicer, but only when nobody is around to appreciate it.

Damn... good one.

Granted, as such you are tossed back in time where an old man next to the only boat in the world tells you he is only taking animals, not you.

I wish for more yandere type of partners that don't leave because the weather is nicer.
Banned for sandwich banning me.
Tonight i'm in Bangkok! In the morning Thailand, and the afternoon deep in Debuoti!
Granted. You a Neanderthal are now in the Smithsonian, after being thawed from a glacier and put on display in the a.c. of the museum.

I wish i was nicer.
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