Avatar of Angel Vicky


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Current Sorry all. Recovering from a shoulder injury so can't type very well ATM.
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1 yr ago
Power Rangers MXF 1x1 anyone?
1 yr ago
New Wow expansion is out, expect posting to be slower this week XD
1 yr ago
Jason David Frank, my first ever childhood crush. I will miss you. Such an inspiration to so many of us 90s kids. </3
2 yrs ago
You don't eat, Lord Wraith???


~Angel Vicky~

Been a member of the old Roleplayer Guild since 2012 - I tend to do more Advanced. My favourite lore is Angelic (you probably couldnt tell by my name!), medieval, Ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt and Norse mythology. My fave writing genre is sci-fi and fantasy but I like drama, comedy, suspense and angst with a bit of romance thrown in!

I tend to do only 1x1 rps nowadays as they are less chaotic with less people, as they say "too many cooks around the pot". Here is my current interest check.

My Hobbies include: roleplaying (obviously!), astronomy, writing poetry, dance electronica music and raving, pets, video gaming, cosplaying.

Most Recent Posts

@Life in Stasis

Really interesting idea!! And very, very unique.
Name: Victoria Crest
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Ethnicity: White Caucasian; Half British-Half French descent
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5’3”
Build: Slender frame, pear shaped female body with modest bosom and slightly wider hips, can’t lift more than 20kg.

Other Features:
Victoria mostly wears ranch clothing about the farmstead but wears a lot of formal dresses for visits into town on business with her Father.

Victoria Crest was born to a wealthy cattle rancher and British businessman Alexander Crest and French born Iris Moncourier-Crest. They moved to New Mexico in search of a new business venture from Britain a few years before she was born. Unfortunately, Iris died in childbirth leaving Alex to raise his daughter single handedly with a live-in au pair called Belle. She was a woman who prized herself in looks and passed this down to her charge. She always dressed Victoria in pretty dresses she handmade and perfected her hair in curls and bows. Her Father taught her how to horse ride but didn’t spend as much time with her as she would have liked. Belle brought her up with manners and respect for others to become a very well sought after bride by a wealthy man one day.

Victoria befriended the daughter of an African-American slave that worked on her Father’s cattle ranch. She was called Tia. Victoria always felt bad that Tia looked scruffy and wore torn clothes. So, one day she gave her one of her dresses to wear and combed her hair and put a bow in her hair. When Belle saw the little girl in Victoria's clothes and hair accessories she went ballistic at Tia and thought she had stolen them. She grabbed her, stripped her of the dress and threw her into the hole in the ground outside as punishment, leaving her only in her undergarments. Victoria was horrified, being only 8 at the time, she did not understand that other people of colour were deemed 'second class' citizens. She only saw Belle as a mean old lady and yelled at her, practically screaming the house down until she let Tia out. Her Father was told of this and when he tried to address Victoria about the status of Tia being unworthy of fine garments like her, she did not understand and threw a tantrum claiming that Tia should be able to look just as pretty as her. She also told her father that it was hard not having a mommy, being left alone a lot in the house and Tia was like a sister to play with. Alex relented and allowed her to have her way, from then on, any slaves who were punished, Victoria would either let them out with a key or scream at her Father until he let them out. She became very rebellious.

Victoria grew up not being able to tolerate how cruel white people were to slaves. Something did not feel right about it. Tia was her equal. She became so attached that she bonded more to Tia's father than her own. Tia's father was always around the farm. He taught her how to make a camp fire, how to hunt small rodents, however disgusting it was to see and how to forage for food off the land.

Her Father taught her all about the business and at the age of 10 joined him on the farm, milking cows, learning how to churn cheese and butter. How finances worked. At the age of 15 she did all his banking and finance going to and from the bank in town. By the age of 20 she had learned a great deal about cattle ranching and how to buy the best cows and bulls, how to herd them with a horse and provide for the farm. She only had to hone her managerial skills from being too soft on the workers and she would be ready to take over fully from Alex. Only, she didn't want to. It bored her to no end. She spent most of the time dreaming, horseback riding and hanging out with Tia, whenever she was free, which wasn't a lot anymore. Not like when they were kids, spending every day together. She feared they were growing apart.

She is now 22 and her Father keeps pestering her about potential suitors in the town. The young batchelors available didn't interest her much, they were either too privileged, snobby, cowardly, or didn't even know how to treat a Lady properly.

Extremely meticulous about how the farm is ran, much like her Father, she likes it all to run smoothly but treats all her workers with respect unlike her Father. She is loyal and respectful, polite and courteous but is a fiery spirited young woman who only dreams of adventure. Her father hates that she always appears to be in ‘dreamland’ sat on a hill wondering about faraway lands and a Prince Charming coming to steal her away from a simple and boring life.

Very rebellious against her Father but he dotes on her as his only child and only reminder left from his late wife. Works hard but also plays hard. Known for taking off into the sunset at a moment’s notice on her trusty steed. If she doesn’t get what she wants from her father, which is very little that she asks for compared to most daughters, she will throw a tantrum. She is somewhat spoiled but knows she has to work for most things. She does not want for anything – in fact she’d rather see her enslaved friend be given more and be treated right, and if she isn’t, Victoria then makes it happen anyway against her Father’s wishes.

Headstrong – she knows what she wants and is not afraid to say it.
Resilient – if a horse threw her off, she will dust herself off and gets right back on.
Compassion – she can’t help but feel care and empathy for those in need and she would take on the world for them if she had to.
Adaptable – the slaves on the ranch taught her a thing or two about survival skills.

Physically weak – can’t really handle herself that well in a fist fight etc.
Emotional – She is prone to depression, sadness, loneliness and quick to anger.
Stressed – her life constantly has her running around under pressure to meet demand of a busy cattle farm; she rarely has a chance to relax.

Horseback riding (and bare horseback).
Animals, including cattle.
Playing piano, listening to music and dancing.


Losing her only friend Tia.
Losing her only parent.

Other stuff:
Her steed is a white stallion named Phillipe whom she raised herself from a foal.
Her companion who travels with her everywhere is a red border collie (like Lassie) called Jasper.
*puts on a stetson and clicks spurs together* Sounds interestin' I reckon! Yehaw!


Hiya chick! Am up for something again with ya if you want to do anything ^_^
You ~ Sir ~ are a lovable rogue! XD
Fantasy: Temple priest/ess and an aged assassin of renown.

Sounds good to me if not taken.
And I like to put my characters through hell, so any sort of trauma and personal pain is cool. of course..they might try to kill the source but *shrugs*

That's my kinda RP partner! XD
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Guess who's back.

Tell a Friend.
Bumped. Still looking :)
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