Avatar of AngelBites15


Recent Statuses

28 days ago
Update : 26 YEARS OLD! 💜
6 mos ago
Merry Christmas, Guild! 🎄
6 mos ago
Character-Creation, Giving Me Pain…
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9 mos ago
Finalizing Characters (& Ensuring Lore-Sense) For Alternate Events :P
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11 mos ago
‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ Rating: 8.5-9/10


Geek | Gamer | ISFP-INFP-ISTP | Music-Lover | Daydreamer | Writer
Taurus | 26 | Female | Bisexual | EST

Name: Bre.
Aliases: Angel, Panda, Kinoko, Princess, or Rae.
Birthday: May 15.
Ethnicity: Caucasian/African-American.
Ancestry: English, Irish, Polish, German, and South-West African.

Sources of Writing: Apple Laptop, Windows 11 Personal Desktop, and iPhone.
Years of Experience: 11
RP Level: All. It varies on health/mental state, knowledge, and time.
Commitment/Dedication Level: Very High.

Personality: Ambiverted, Caring/Compassionate, Understanding, Friendly, Honest, Imaginative, Artistic, Funny (in my own way, apparently), Confident, Strong-willed, Feisty, Sisterly, Organized, Protective, Loyal, Stubborn, Tomboyish, Determined, Opportunistic, Sarcastic, Obsessive (somewhat), and Easily Distracted.
Habits, Tics, and Quirks: Using Accents (Australian, Russian, British, German, and Kiwi), ADHD, ’Experience-Taking’, Asperger's Syndrome (don’t worry, I’m highly functional).
I must warn you that, when it comes to the works, I tend to be a little preoccupied, or hyper-fixated, with the ones I'm already into. If I lose interest in a story within play, it may either be a short-term writer's block, or if it's time for me to recommend something else. Bear with me, if I ever reject an unfamiliar idea, or suddenly suggest a new one.
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Whereabouts and Ghosting.
Please be present and keep me updated from time to time. I'll do the same.
It's annoying when people become invisible, miraculously appear out of nowhere, and complain, once they find a story cancelled.

Close Peeps: @Jazz @DestinyStar @Tajjus @MegaraFoxfire @SporkoBug @MegaMatt ZX

Basic Comforts:
~ Primarily 1x1, since 'time' and 'waiting' are not really me.
~ Mainly female OCs, though on rare occasions, I'll take on male and non-binary roles.
~ OCxOC, CanonxOC & (rarely) CanonxCanon. I can play various canons for both of the two.
~ FxF, MxF & (rarely) MxM. I mostly lean into the dominant-role, depending on character and plot.
~ Both thread & PM, but stories with strong adult content belong in the PM. No exceptions!
~ Face-claims are preferable for live-action OCs.
~ Open to dark themes (drugs, abuse, etc.), but NO pedophilia or bestiality (except for anthros).
~ Smut-only, slice-of-life, and rushed story-lines are (also) a big NO!

Genres - Action, Adventure, Anime/Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Thriller & Western
Themes - Coming of Age, Cult Classic, Epic, Girl Power, High School, Martial Arts, Medieval, Post-Apocalypse, Supernatural & Familial Bonding

Find my ideas HERE! (Currently CLOSED atm)

Music: '80s-'00s Heavy Metal/Rock, House/Electronic-Dance, Pop, R&B, Latina, '90s-'00s Hip-Hop/Rap & Trap. I'm also a sucker for Nightcore!

AC/DC, Halestorm, Queen, Manowar, Little V Mills, Avril Lavigne, Megan Thee Stallion, K/DA, Mick Gordon, Friedrich Habetler, Jonathan Young, Kim Petras, Falconshield, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ava Max, Kesha, Dua Lipa, Little Mix, Rustage, Daddyphatsnaps, Demi Lovato, Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, FabvL, JT Music, and more!

Most Recent Posts

"Speedwagon told me a lot about these creatures. In fact, I wanted to study them. But, of course, he refused; not wanting me to get...too tied up into his burdens".

Charlotte said, as a matter of fact, as she carefully navigated through the messy restaurant. Thankfully, there were no dead bodies on the ground, meaning that Sir Joestar was very, very, very lucky to not leave any casualties. The last thing they needed, was to get arrested, and have their vengeful journey delayed, while Straizo runs free. Therefore, they had to check if some harm was actually inflicted upon the vampire. At first, she wasn't aware of a figure, rising up in the dark. But then, it was the sound of multiple clattering that made her stiffen, and carefully turning around. "Herr (Sir) Joestar", she said in a hushed voice, while tapping his muscular forearm to get his attention.

The bullets were falling to the door, rolling to their feet.
Charlotte watched them for a moment, before looking back up at Straizo, who was slowly regenerating from the shots that were given to him.
"Don't you think we should...?"

Lochila Laufeysdottir

The rest of the day went by, swimmingly, and Lochila used everything in her power to ensure it stayed that way. If Thor was right...if the gates of Asgard was indeed waning, then the dark-haired woman stayed by Torunn's side, as much as possible. However, if she were truly vigilant, she wouldn't have missed the constant appearances of a tall, pale man with raven hair, who appeared before the blonde haired girl, whenever Lochila's back was turned. Even when she showed Torunn the library, his very silhouette lurked - following; watching. Since magic was a very common thing, Lochila could feel it, everywhere. She just didn't know who was wielding it. In this case, the wielder seemed to only appear before Torunn. All day, the goddess showed her - no, not daughter - her niece, around the palace, including the catacombs, the vault, and the medical bay. By all accounts, Lochila avoided the dungeons. Perhaps another day, she would show her the outskirts of the kingdom.

However, little did Lochila know that the silhouette of her brother was already acting on enticing the blonde to give into her curiosity. When the evening came, that same male figure appeared before Torunn, once more.
Knight in shining armor haha
I just woke up, and just recieved one :)
This is so sweet! I thank the sender, and I wish them a great holiday!
Daphne hugged Fae tightly, having to be relieved herself that she was safe. Looking back up at the drone, she took a moment to realize that maybe she was wrong; that the red-head shouldn't have put Fae's interests second. Judging by her cries, Daphne owed her an apology. "It's okay", she managed to say, after a moment of thought. "I'm okay", she added, shortly before she caught something in her line of sight behind her cousin. It seemed to be a stand, with a small pyramid, sitting on the top. "Hey", she said softly to the girl, tapping her back. Once she retracted, she wiped the tears off of her cousin's face, before cautiously approaching the strange object.

By the time she got in front of it, the red head carefully placed her hand on the sides, and lifted it from the stand. "What is it?", Daphne questioned, shortly before a loud alarm went off. "Let's go!", she didn't bother to figure out where it was coming from, since she immediately took Fae's hand, with the small pyramid in her other hand.

"Daph's with her", Maggie said, having to place her hands on the other woman's forearms, in order to reassure her best friend. "She should be okay. At least I hope", Fae had to be safe in her cousin's presence, right? Judging by how they were standing, they were pretty close together, although it was Shaggy's voice that cut into the tension.

"Hey", he said to everyone in the room; his head sticking into another part of the room. Maggie broke eye contact with Dianna, and looked over to see her brother and Scooby already on their feet. Taking the other woman's hand, the female Rogers wasn't too far behind her brother, having to see a kitchen-modeled set, in the next room, behind a curtain. Why would something like this be right next to a ride? In the same building? "Now, this is weird", she commented, as she stepped further in, and looked around.

Running her hand on the kitchen-cabinet's surface, so many questions went through her mind. However, before she could say anything, a loud alarm surrounded them. Only one thought came to mind. “Skedaddle!”, Shaggy declared, not hesitating to run out, with Scooby having to willingly follow suit. Were they caught? Maggie didn't want to wait around to find out.

Just as both groups managed to get back into the hallway, they found Fred and Velma attempting to leave, as well. “Hey! We found a very interesting clue”, Daphne told them, just as she and Fae appeared, and held the mysterious object carefully in her hands. “Us too. We believe that this is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult”, Velma shared with a smile. “And maybe this is the artifact-thingy that they worship”, it was great to see the gang seemingly cooperate with each other. It was as if the old days never left, and that the shifting had never existed. “Let’s get out of here”, Maggie said to all of them, having to get out of the building through the closest exit.
Maggie had mixed feelings of confusion, fear, and disappointment, especially when chaos ensued. She looked down at Dianna, clinging onto her for dear life. Rogers caught a glimpse of what was below them...a room of pure darkness. There was no way she was going to leave the young woman to that, so with the amount of strength that she had, Maggie began to pull her up, the best she could. Eventually, with their combined strength, they've managed to reach the top...making Maggie crouch down, and continue to pull her up, until she came next to her. At her question, the female Rogers looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds, before hearing the screams of Shaggy and Scooby, who appeared to be stuck on a wall, trapped and surrounded by a bunch of different kinds of meat.

Quickly, Maggie raced to them, trying to find a way to release them. Scooby was too much in a panic, while Shaggy tried to stay brave, but not for very long...as he screamed in terror when an animatronic creature came out of the wall, hissing. What were they going to do? They couldn’t pull them out, since the fake food on the wall, seemed to be sticking them there. "Come on, Dianna, help me!", Maggie said, trying to keep herself, as she attempted to free the boys.

Somewhere, Fred, Daphne, and Velma weren’t having any better luck. The red-head was still being dragged by the automobile, clinging onto it for dear life, mumbling to herself. "I'm not helpless; I'm not helpless", she said to herself, unaware of her cousin's drone hovering above her. She was far too focused on what was in front of her and, if it can't get any worse, there was a wall, up ahead, with blades protruding from it. "I am helpless; I'm gonna die!", she realized with a frightened yell, dread falling down on her. Fred and Velma were trying to outrun a few obstacles, but eventually, in what seemed like forever, (although it was accidental) the leader managed to find the switch that seemed to have powered everything.

The moment he flipped it, everything stopped; the animatronics going back to their original spots, as if they haven’t moved at all, and the automobile that Daphne was stuck on, immediately halted...a few inches away from the wall, that could have sealed her fate. Hearing the buzzing, she looked up to see her cousin's drone, and stared at it, before detaching herself from the car. Tilting her head, she shakily smiled at it. It wouldn't have been a bad idea, after all.

By the time everything stopped, Shaggy was in pure happiness. "We made it. We're alive!", he was clearly thrilled, along with Maggie, who laughed with him, until the wall her brother was stuck on, tilted backwards, back to its original position. With a yelp, it dragged the young women, along with it, causing them to fall, next to the owner and his dog. "Whew!", Maggie sighed, just as the wind was knocked out of her, shortly after landing on the ground. "That was weird", the male Rogers commented from next to her, looking at the ceiling.
Snickering at the other girl's comment, Maggie walked to a section of the room to look around, having to let go of her hand, in order to get a closer look at the wall. Shaggy and Scooby immediately looked at the spread on the table, covered with food, clearly mesmerized by the sight. She knew it wasn’t real but, the real question is, do they know it is fake?

Left alone at the entrance of the haunted house, along with her cousin, there was a clear, awkward tension between them. Daphne had been trying to open a door back in the front room, but it wouldn’t budge. She really didn't know what to say, in the moment, other than to try and voice out her realization of how much pain she was giving the brunette. Especially, right now. "Come on, Fae. There's plenty of light", she argued, as if she was answering her cousin's thoughts.

Giving the door another push, the red-head grunted, but it still didn't budge. Huffing, she decided to put her newly-earned black belt to good use, and gave the door a mighty kick, which seemed to have worked. However, she was unaware of the power around them, mysteriously, turning itself on. All around them, animatronics started to move, creepy laughter and sounds reverberated, and strobe lights starting flashing. Caught off guard in surprise, Daphne was unaware of one of the ride’s automobiles, rolling on the tracks, in her direction. Before she knew it, she was picked up, and being dragged through the tunnels, yelling. "Fae!"

Meanwhile, just as laughter echoed throughout the castle, one of the floorboards underneath Dianna gave out, representing a trapdoor. Before she could fall all the way through, Maggie was quick to act, grabbing her hand, catching her. Shaggy and Scooby screamed, finding themselves on a wall by...sausage links? "What do we do?!", the talking dog yelled.
Maggie shrugged apologetically towards Fae, before her lips curled into an amused smile, when she noticed the other place her hand in her pocket to pull something far-too-familiar. She kept the thought to herself, knowing that it was Fae's clever nature to be sneaky with her gadgets. By the time she led the way through a hallway, Shaggy and Scooby cautiously yet sheepishly followed behind, having to already feel the nerves of being in such a dark and abandoned place.

Of course, like Fae, Dianna wouldn't hesitate on joining her, since the three women were very much inseparable. It wasn't anything new, to the rest of the gang, since Maggie was known for her tendency of playing 'leader' for the other two. In fact, one would think (if anyone knew) that this was probably one of the very things that made the female Rogers so enticing; why Dianna and Fae follow her lead, and why it seemed like they were enamored with her. Was it her courage? Her airheadedness? Her unpredictable nature? Her...beauty? So many theories.

She may have missed Dianna looking at her, by the time they turned a corner. Her question towards her older sibling and his dog made Maggie reach back to take his hand, and give it a gentle squeeze, hoping that the gesture alone would help him, after seeing him gulp. It seemed to, considering that she felt him relax. Upon reaching a door, she let go of him, by the time she approached it. Quietly, the female Rogers opened it, and poked her head through; Shaggy following her action, above her, with Scooby whimpering, below them. "It's okay, boy", she said softly, petting him, before taking hold of Dianna's hand, and pushed the structure more.

This revealing room seemed to be modeled into that of a dining room, or a kitchen.
This is going to be on hiatus for a while. I hope you don't mind.
Scooby closed his eyes, and relished in the affection of the young woman, nearly scratching himself with his back foot.

Daphne cleared her throat, when her cousin made that comment, before composing herself. "It's not that I don't want you to use your gadgets, Fae. It's just that there are times, where they don't need to be used", it was like the red-head was being careful in choosing her words - slowly, and out of reluctance; she didn't want to hurt her feelings, after speaking her opinion. But then, the very word "opinion" made Daphne realize that's what she has been doing to her cousin, for the past two years. It came to her, right then, and there; just by looking at the other girl: All those times of Fae, being quieter than normal, trying to convince her on rekindling with their old friends. It tugged her heart. Was she already hurting her feelings, and not being aware of it?

What snapped her out of her conscious, was the loud opening of another door, which caused Shaggy to jump into Scooby’s arms. Maggie flinched at the sound, but relaxed when she came to see that it was only Fred, making her brother casually descended from the talking dog’s grasp. Any more surprises, during this night? “Fred, I found this place first. I call dibs on its clues”, Daphne declared to him, remarkably going back to her much-more confident facade. “I’ve already found some clues”, he said. "What?", she, in return, questioned, feeling the approach of defeat. “I’ve also found a few things”, Velma's voice sounded, stepping out of a hallway. “This ride was closed, due to dangerous construction. It’s the perfect place for hatching up an insidious plan."

“Well, since we’re all together, let’s split up. Daphne and Fae, search this entrance; Velma and I will take the passage over there; Maggie and 'Anna...keep an eye on Shaggy and Scooby, after you go through that entrance”, he gestured to the door on the other side of the room. "Sounds good", Maggie responded, relieved that they were all working together for once. With that, they all split up to their respective positions.
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