Avatar of AntiRpRP


Recent Statuses

21 days ago
Getting someone new to RP with is like using a slot-machine ngl.
1 mo ago
It’s funny how this site tells you what people visit your profile. I see you.
2 mos ago
I wonder when I’ll lose my vision.
2 mos ago
Its fun to count how many bumps per post there are, it makes my inner critic shut up.
1 like
2 mos ago
I have fully embraced all corporate art style as the new normal.
1 like


mfw I put all I want to say in my Introduction.

Well thats all I wrote.

Most Recent Posts

On the topic of characters, does mine have to be magicy? Or am I allowed to be a magicless human. Like a tourist or something.
. . . I think now is a good time to mention I’ve never played mafia on a forum before.
@RickyG85Dang ur right, updated resume.
Pm me with ideas or if your interested.
I dislike roleplay purely because finding a good worthwhile plot takes way too long. Sure I could scrawl across the forums for eons looking for the rp that suits my incredibly niche interests (Political, sci-fi, fantasy) or fandoms (Night in the woods, Purrfect Apawcalypse, Undertale/Deltarune) or I could post what I can offer as a RP’r and let others slot me into their ideas.

What I can do:

Write one paragraph weekly or a varying amount(0-4) of sentences daily.

Create a character if a scaffold is provided.

What Rp’s i involve myself in:

Literally anything idgaf.

That’s all, sorry for the crappy formatting but im tired.
I would like to give a formal expression of interest.
Ban the user, compliment the user, where the heck is all the hate?

Rules to streamline the insulting process will be updated frequently, contact me if you have suggestions:

Person below must give a toe-curling, jaw dropping, heart-stopping, mind bending insult of the person directly above them.
Banned for being Online
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