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Hello! :)

I'm Aleksandra, and I'm a third-year university student. I've been roleplaying on and off for the past six years. I enjoy anything fantasy, mystery and slice-of-life. I tend to stick to group roleplays unless I know a person well (some bad experiences soured 1x1 for me). Happy to do romance, so long as the other user is 18+. As for gore, I'm fine with it.

I might be busy due to writing and programming my dissertation project, but I will try to be active in the evenings and weekends. I'm trying to get back into roleplaying after a three-year absence, and as such, I'm trying to stick to one or two RPs at a time so as to not overwhelm myself again.

English is not my first language, but I have lived in England for eleven years and seem to get by fine, so take that as you will

My character sheets, roleplay plots and unfinished ideas: Warning, most of this is admittedly cringe. Working on fixing that

Current RPs:
-> None at the moment

Current Interest Checks:
-> Pirates of Lreya

Most Recent Posts

Week 1: Tuesday Class Summary



Anya rolled her eyes as Blake left the room. The meeting wasn't over yet and instead of staying to support the captain he left. Feeling like it would be beneficial to stay and find out what was going to happen next, she patiently stood in place with an occasional glance at the objects. The queen's words were quite generous and honestly, Anya felt like this all was too good to be true. On the other hand, the queen seemed too serious for this to be a joke or a weird ploy to execute them.

Once the pixies appeared, Anya silently shuffled backwards while observing them. Despite feeling like the queen wouldn't hurt them for now, it was better to be safe than sorry. She noted they were cute... in their own way and although she wanted to find out more about them, she would prefer to stay away from anything that was hot until she recharged more of her energy.



Nodding at the queen's words, Marcus tried to ignore the pixies' presence. He thought they were slightly creepy but he wasn't going to admit it, especially in front of Tol. So what if they might be capable of causing a fire? The kingdom was near the ocean and it could be put out- but it would be hard to get to the docks from the castle. Hiding the anxiety that began to build, Marcus responded stiffly: ''You are exceptionally generous your highness. Thank you for everything- we are grateful''.

Taking a second to calm his nerves, he bowed and turned to the crew. Finding that Blake had left already, he tiredly continued: '' We should get some rest. I doubt any of us got any sleep and I'm not in the mood to look for a certain someone.''


The time spent at the library was enjoyable, although Quinn didn't do much work apart from drafting the English assignment and finishing the drama homework ( which was quite easy due to the fact she had to memorise all of the terms when she began acting). After that, she lost all her drive to study and instead she walked off to survey the books the school had to offer. There seemed to be a large range of book genres and topics, including a decent amount of books surrounding the arts. While looking around, she found a rather thin book about Bram Stoker which she borrowed for reference. In the end, she didn't work as hard as others but had fun talking to her new study group and exploring the library.

Once she returned to the dorm, she rewrote the English assignment until she felt like it would give her a passing grade. During her research, she found musicals based on Stoker's works and decided to listen to the soundtrack later. It could make the topic more interesting if she could listen to the topic in a song form. Learning by reading was never her thing and while she sometimes read books for pleasure, she was never able to memorise much. By the time she finished, it was close to midnight but she didn't feel too tired. Since it was too late to wander around the campus, Quinn took out a small box containing what looked to be yarn and knitting needles. Her parents didn't let bring more things to craft with, so she settled on the yarn. Sitting on her bed, she began to knit at a moderate pace, eventually falling asleep.
Updated the map and added some information about the visited locations ( Char tab- 0th post)

Not having a route to follow was bad, but having uncooperative crew members were even worse. It made Anya happy to see Marcus trying to get rid of the prince. Was it wrong of her to judge him so harshly after one bad encounter? Of course, she wouldn't deny that but based on what she saw so far, the nymph had come to the conclusion that there was no way that he had any redeeming qualities. Afterall she was sure there were other ways of being transported to the castle other than the cage. All of this confusion, just to investigate some weird place from which the objects came from. Unable to figure out anything remarkable about them, she dragged her gaze back to the Queen. Unlike her son, she clearly had some sense. Five days should be enough to draw out a route and to see if any stops were necessary - besides being so close to royalty would give her a chance to see some higher class clothing.



Seeing Tol shut up so quickly, filled Marcus with some glee. It seemed like there was someone who could control him- certainly something that was hard to achieve. If he didn't have any shred of respect for the Queen before, he did have some now. Dealing with the prince didn't look like it was enjoyable. Maybe he could get over his hate for the royalty as long as the other aristocrats weren't like Tol. Additionally getting to have some control over a ROYAL, would be somewhat hilarious- he nearly wanted to retract his previous statement and agree to take Tol on board. It would be a perfect come-back for the earlier treatment, but he didn't want to anger the Queen. Especially since she sounded agitated already:

'' Sounds perfectly reasonable Madam. Five days should be long enough to get ourselves and the ship ready. Thank you for obliging my request'' glancing back at the crew, Marcus continued '' We will make sure anyone you send with us makes it back alive''. Of course, that didn't mean they would be in one piece- but the royals didn't need to know that.


Once the princess had eaten and got dressed, Jane had a short period of time for herself before she had to escort the young royal to her tutors. Mindlessly she wandered the halls until she found herself in front of the door of the throne room. There was a suspicious lack of guards in the area and it's not like it was unusual for her to be in this area so she nonchalantly leaned towards the door in order to listen in to the meeting. Because it was closed, Jane found it hard to hear clearly, but she managed to make out some parts of the conversation. Someone from the castle was to travel with some crew and monitor their progress. Assuming that it was something about a political alliance, she backed away satisfied. It clearly was nothing to worry about- she was sure the queen would send out someone who could handle this. Although, it wouldn't hurt making sure the princess was on her best behaviour this week.
I'm sorry guys but I won't be able to post anything until Saturday.
Alright, we're moving on then. I won't be able to post until Saturday due to personal reasons so feel free to wrap up anything your characters are doing or just summarise their evening :)


That was the last thing that Marcus had expected to happen. What was the royal family thinking? Putting pirates and royals together never ended well and bloodshed was something that Marcus had hoped to avoid for a while. Still, they were in the royal's territory and they could be executed at any moment. There was no way he could deny their request, although he could try to negotiate the terms, make the journey easier for the crew. With the prince on board, Marcus would probably lose some control as there was no doubt that the royal would insist on doing things his way and would disobey any order given whenever possible

He quickly looked back to see if Hope was alright and noticing the way she flew, he signalled to her to lean against one of the walls implying that she should lean against it for support. Marcus faced the queen and king again: ''Your majesties, we would be glad to fulfil your request, but I'm afraid that if the prince joined us it could be detrimental to our progress. You see, we haven't started off on the right foot and we wouldn't want anyone to get hurt for no good reason. Is there anyone else who can accompany us?''



Nodding quickly back at Blake, Anya attempted to listen to the King. The request was shocking, of course, but she was more annoyed than surprised. All of their routes for the next few months would have to be discarded and replaced with new ones which would probably take a while to plan and she felt like the royal family didn't want to wait around. Glaring briefly at Marcus for not denying the request, she tried to hide the anger that began to grow within by looking at the objects laid out on the table. Some of them she had never seen before in her life and memorising how they looked like could be useful in the long run.

Is everyone fine with moving on?

While she originally planned to walk with the rest of the crew, Anya's prolonged separation from water began to affect her. Feeling weaker with each passing second, she eventually entered the cage with as much dignity as she could muster. It beat falling over in the street at least. Once they arrived in the waiting room, she headed straight to the drinks table to hydrate herself enough not to pass out.



Marcus looked around the room with piqued curiosity. He wondered if this was a weird ploy to gain their trust and then execute them. Although if they were to be killed, then they would've been dragged to the cellars already. The prince had a chance to do so multiple times that night and clearly he had a reason not to. Facing the crew to give out an instruction, he was interrupted by a servant who told them to enter. Tiredly he beckoned everyone else to follow.

Much to his dismay, Prince Tol was still present, but that didn't mean that he needed to show how he felt about it. Even if the prince's parents were as awful as him, that didn't mean that Marcus had to stoop down to their level. Giving a small bow, he surveyed the room and couldn't hide the surprise on his face. Some of the objects displayed had the colour scheme that their ship originally had long ago when most of the crew were children. That was before they even began terrorising the seas so he had no idea how anyone but the crew could've even known about them. Straightening up, he forced on a smile and addressed the King and Queen: '' Greetings your majesties. While I can't deny meeting you is a pleasure, I'm afraid I don't know the reason for your summons. It's been such a long night and I would like to get down to the bottom of this issue as soon as possible. ''
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