Avatar of Apollosarcher


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12 mos ago
Current I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
5 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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5 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
5 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.
5 yrs ago
Drank a lot last night currently recuperating with large bottle of water and black eyed peas to eat. Happy New Year guild.


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"Stand by for Titanfall! God I love saying that."

The IMC has struck back, across the sector the Remnant fleet has begun to assault Militia held worlds forcing a sudden withdraws meanwhile the Ares division and Vinson Dynamics have suddenly struck at key targets across space. The sudden attacks have forced many pilots and militia companies to dig as fleet redeploy to aid other colonies or retrieve far out teams of pilots. In response to this, the SRS commander Sarah Briggs has gathered the pilots nearest to Angel City. Her SRS are almost all on assignment and with support from a small fleet and rifle companies these handful of ragtag pilots have been asked and paid to perform an assault to rescue Barker and free Angel city from IMC control.

For accepting the risks and knowing no reinforcements are coming to all pilots have been given the honor of being made members officially of the SRS and given access to the advanced equipment that comes with that title. While they are still members of their own mercenary groups these misfits and survivors are getting access for free to tech they would usually have to steal, beg, or buy through SRS.

So as it reads above this RP is based in the Titanfall universe with the Remnant fleet under Spyglass having completed his master plan. With the Militia, however, has become a real fighting force they are able to hold ground even as they war across dozens of plants. With the IMC forces trying desperately to wage an all-out assault the Militia believes that this is it's best chance to hit the now lightly defended key IMC controlled planets.

The first mission will be the rescue of Barker from IMC capture where they plan to put him to death in a public execution and the liberation of Angel City. After that additional missions will come in based on choices made and votes taken by the group in the game. You are mercenaries after all you can decline suicide runs if they don't seem rewarding enough.

Bran sighed as he carefully withdrew his clothing taking a moment to press each and then hang it up in the closet. Upon arriving he'd started to unpack and try to make the place feel like home, even finding a desk in the living room to drop off his sewing supplies. "No Jasper we are not going to spend the day acting like we're on vacation. We're here to work." Bran spoke pushing back his hair as he fixed it looking over at her.

"We should try to gather information on the gang and scout around, then we can set guard shifts. After that, we can work on finding out what this gang is up to and keep the people here safe." Bran sighed as he found a hole in his cloak, deciding to patch it later he began to fiddle with Needle, checking the scope.

Bran was normally not so assertive with the team preferring democracy to orders outside of combat, however with was the first real mission they had been given. He wanted all of them to excel and prove how great a team they were. "However after all that's set up Jasper, we can start to rotate free time... Which means you can start drinking if you must." Bran rolled his eyes as he tugged on his gloves slightly starting to disassemble the rifle on the floor as he sat down on the floor as he worked. The redhead was usually a little more businesslike and official when he wanted to impress people. "Before we see too anything else, are you guys hungry at all? It was a long trip and a hot meal would be pretty good.
@Kitty Quick question on this do we have preset partners or can we work that out still?
@Default @Starlance @kingkonrad @Thecrash20

I wanted to ask if you guys want the Vanguard/Monarch added to this or should we leave that off for now?
We have Kriegers, pretty sure they high some high explosive artillery shells or melta guns we could cannibalize to make a bomb.

Failing that, lots of Krak grenades. Then send our fists to break the wall.

Then profit as we break the siege.
@PrinceAlexus That is the plan, however, we need to clear enough heretics to get a bomb or enough explosives for do the job from the Kriegers.
@kingkonrad @Default @Starlance

Updated the interest check with the first six Titan's and upgrades I've come up with for them. If you have your own ideas for the Titan you're interested in let me know!
Excited to get this started.

The IMC has struck back, across the sector the Remnant fleet has begun to assault Militia held worlds forcing a sudden withdraws meanwhile the Ares division and Vinson Dynamics have suddenly struck at key targets across space. The sudden attacks have forced many pilots and militia companies to dig as fleet redeploy to aid other colonies or retrieve far out teams of pilots. In response to this, the SRS commander Sarah Briggs has gathered the pilots nearest to Angel City. Her SRS are almost all on assignment and with support from a small fleet and rifle companies these handful of ragtag pilots have been asked and paid to perform an assault to rescue Barker and free Angel city from IMC control.

For accepting the risks and knowing no reinforcements are coming to all pilots have been given the honor of being made members officially of the SRS and given access to the advanced equipment that comes with that title.

So as it reads above this RP is based in the Titanfall universe with the Remnant fleet under Spyglass having completed his master plan. With the Militia, however, has become a real fighting force they are able to hold ground even as they war across dozens of plants. With the IMC forces trying desperately to wage an all-out assault the Militia believes that this is it's best chance to hit the now lightly defended key IMC controlled planets.

The first mission will be the rescue of Barker from IMC capture where they plan to put him to death in a public execution and the liberation of Angel City. After that additional missions will come in based on choices made and votes taken by the group in the game. You are mercenaries after all you can decline suicide runs if they don't seem rewarding enough.

While I'm not done with it I'm planning a system where you'll be able to use a base class of mech but add a little more customization too it than in the games. I'd also prefer to avoid doubles of the same Titan save for Monarch and Vanguard Titan's which I plan to give more extensive kit too with the restriction that they lose out on more exotic weapons.

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