Avatar of Artemis Arts


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26 days ago
Current Oh hey, I'm back :) Larp was fun!
1 mo ago
I will be unavalible all weekend as I will be at a larp. I
2 mos ago
Check out my RP offers list on the 1x1 channel 😊 I have some new ideas in there that I’ve been sitting on for two years lol
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2 mos ago
I have been gone for two years.... Ooops. Um, hi I'm back!!!!!!!
2 yrs ago
I apologize to every RP I have left behind these past two weeks- I was finishing up school and graduated. I'm so sorry!!
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Let's get down to business (to defeat the Huns…).

I have been active since 2010 on one main site with one or two on the side. Since that site has fizzled out, I am looking for a new place to be creative.

I am currently 29, full time teacher

Weekends tend to be when I can respond for longer branches of time but I will try to check every day to every other day. (Summer is approaching which means more time!)

I am a native English speaker and try to at least write 1 paragraph if I’m in a serious rush, but I aim for 2-4. I also write from the female perspective. But hey, I’m a girl that likes detail! My main topics are as listed below:

-Romance (Love me some romance!)
-Fandoms (Supernatural, GoT, HotD, OUAT, MCU, Harry Potter {I’m a Hufflepuff!}, Outlander, ACOTAR, Maximum Ride… I’ll think of some more!)
-Small Groups
-Time Travel
-School (College/Uni themes)
-Mature themes (We can hash out details in our DM’s. I have hard lines I do NOT cross.)
-Historical (Preferably mid 19th century- mid/late 20th century)
-Medieval Era
-Casual OR Advanced (Please note that I am a teacher, so my schedule sometimes varies if I have extra work to do.)
-Always 21+ for character ages and for the author themselves

I always strive to be creative but accurate, and I love to plan out details behind the scenes to then be brought to light in the thread.
DM me and let's set up something fun!

Artemis Arts

Most Recent Posts

Don't stress, I moved apartments this week so I'm on and off throughout the day when I need a break lol. Take your time!
@Lord Wraith and @evierose can I send y'all DM's? I wanted to ask some questions to build some backstory between your OC's and Sam :)
SSA Sam Stannis

Criminal Profiler

Sam was fully prepared to made a toying retort back when the doors opened to reveal the final straggler of the team- Joseph. His face told her everything she needed to know about how to address him tonight- he must've had a very long day. And not a fun one at that... There was an air of calm to his features, but something under the skin wasn't quite there and she decided to drop it since it was going to be a tough case as it anyway.

Listening to Chris speak as he walked in caught her attention and she was a bit surprised to hear the bitterness in her tone- that wasn't typically there. Then again, she wasn't typically one to come into work after a few beers either. "I understand..." She simply replied with a nod and looked at her, keeping her eyes gentle to convey her message fully. "If you need to rant, you can have my ear on the flight. Ben and the kids are asleep by now. so you'll have my undivided attention. And I promise not to profile you- this time." She half smiled, taking a sip as she redirected her eyes to her final colleague and gave a nod in greeting.

"Oh yes!" She replied happily, always glad to talk about her children to the team. They were all incredibly aware of how much she talked about them, and she had to admit it might've gotten a little annoying at this point. "Jenny is almost one, you're correct. Her teeth are coming in alarmingly fast and her latest obsession is everything but sweet potatoes, vegetable are going to be tough with her." She lightly laughed and took a sip before continuing on. "Also, Nathaniel is more than excited for school. His best friend will be in his class so that eases my worries." She explained and gave her body a stretch before crossing her legs again, once more listening to Joseph speak, this time getting straight to the point about the case. And they called Sam the workaholic!

But at this point, she simply stood up and made he way over to get another mug of coffee, adding her cream and sugar once more before slowly walking back to her desk and taking another glance at the photographs on the file- her mind finally making the switch from home to work as she began to brainstorm again.

His work wasn't exactly clean- but it certainly wasn't sloppy. Then again these were just photos... If they properly maintained the crime scene then they would all be able to gather far better information. She wanted to take a look at the bodies, talk to the families or at the very least sit in on the interviews depending on who Lucian wanted to take lead. Looking at the type of victim he was targeting, there might be children involved which meant she'd most likely sit in on those interviews if he wanted to speak with them just to ease their tensions. That was one part of the job she always took home with her; interviewing children was more draining than directly dealing with an unsub.

She found herself chewing her lip, deep in thought as she spaced out in the direction of the folder, her mind switching theories every few breaths- settling on her original theory. He was finding his signature, and this was what he- or she- settled on. There could be more victims that the unsub targeted and the police were just too slow to figure that out.

Interactions: @OddApproved@evierose@Lord Wraith
SSA Sam Stannis

Criminal Profiler

"Hey Chris." Sam greeted, holding her mug up with a nod and a small smile. She enjoyed working with the young doctor. She always had interesting takes on their cases and reminded her of life before kids. But nothing could stop the laughter that came out of Samantha's mouth when she just blurted out- and in front of their boss no less- that she had consumed some beers earlier. Well of course it was a national holiday! Sam had a few herself throughout the day but she certainly wasn't blurting it out to the team currently present.

"Oh did you now?" she laughed, shaking her head as she looked down at the cup cradled in her hands. When she heard Lucian's response, her eyes traveled up to glance at him, a small smile on her lips hearing him carry on with a lighter tone. She didn't hear that from him enough, and it made her happy. "And you came to work- kudos to you and your ability to still function. But we need your brain on this one. So sober up kiddo." She motioned to her mug of freshly brewed tea, bringing her own to her lips and taking a nice sip of her still hot coffee to wake up again.

Sam never minded taking on a maternal role on some of the members, then again some were around her sisters' age and it just came to her without hesitation. Ben claimed that it happened when Delilah was in college and her father passed suddenly, leaving her to take care of her grieving mother and the family. He also suspected that was why she was so good with the kids- it came naturally to her. She thought she was an alright mother, fearing that she spent too much time at work and not enough time with her little ones but someone had to do her job, and if it wasn't her then who else? She enjoyed what she did, despite how draining it happened to be... But seeing her kids whenever she managed to get home for a night or two after a case? Nothing beat that feeling in her mind. She knew Lucian understood that feeling- having so much love for a child that you thought you might explode. Sometimes she felt that for her team, viewing them as family instead of colleagues. They had a special place in her heart.

"So," she began, drawing out the word a little after their unit chief inquired about her holiday. "Do anything actually fun Chris? A cookout, a parade? If you tell me that you read books all day I'm going to cry." She gently teased, leaning back in her seat and crossing her legs, giving off a tired, but comfortable air around her.

Interactions: @OddApproved @evierose
SSA Sam Stannis

Sam broke out into a decent smile hearing Lucian speak about his family. She was aware of his situation, she had the unfortunate knowledge about pieces of his career before he became the unit chief- and couldn't do anything but respect his personal decision to speak about his family in the present tense. She wished she could have met them, they sounded like wonderful people and like her kids would look up to his.

"Toilet magic?" She chuckled, finally making strides to her desk and moving her go bag to the floor and gently placing the cup on her desk with a clink, her eyes drifting to the family picture that they had taken a few month ago. A smile formed on her lips, listening to him finish his thoughts and she gave a small audible sigh, but one of content, nothing negative. "To be honest I voted locking him in the bathroom but Ben reminded me that the method was frowned upon." She chuckled again, fixing her blue eyes on her superior as he moved around, seeing his mind begin to work away at possible motives, possible signatures.

She personally enjoyed being able to flip between talking about their children, and talking about the case at hand. It gave nice little pockets of respite to all of the gore and negativity that they were buried in day after day. "Um, going back to the case sir. I'm just brainstorming here until everyone else gets in- but it sounds like this unsub is new to this, you know? Like he's just figuring out his signature..."

Interactions: @OddApproved
SSA Sam Stannis

Pausing her actions, she listened to him explain what he had gathered from the case already. She glanced down at her cup, nodding to herself as he recounted details, thoughts, and it let her mind begin to form ideas on the case. Blue eyes, blonde, petite. He had an obvious type... Memorial Day, military widows, obvious torture- sadistic nature, but nothing too outstanding. Nothing new. But at the exact same time- nothing was coming to mind that screamed copy-cat either. He was finding his signature and settled on a few key points.

"Lucian," she raised her eyes to meet his, her calm blue against his tired brown and the corner of her lips raised in a slight hint of a smile. "Ben has it covered, and it won't be a serious issue until they're older and understand the job more anyway." She loosely explained, even though she knew that he ws already aware. When he averted his eyes and continued to speak, she closed the gap between them, reading his body language. His tone was literally saying one thing while his body was trying to be far from her, physical avoidance about having to call them in. It was part of the job, no one should be upset about it. They knew what they were signing up for- and if they didn't then they figured it out after the first trip.

"You made the call. You knew it had to be done, please don't beat yourself up over us losing a little sleep. That's what caffeine is for." Sam teased gently, trying to ease his troubles. "He knows what I do is important, that it keeps him, Jenny and Ben safe. For now that's all he needs to remember. I rather focus on making sure that he can use a toilet by the fall for preschool." She laughed out loud, hoping to break the tension in his mind as he looked down at the file once more. This one might be a tough one for him personally, and she hated seeing him in those tough situations. She may not know every detail about him, but she cared nonetheless.

Interactions: @OddApproved
SSA Sam Stannis

Sam nodded at his coffee comment, glancing over to the food area of the office before looking over at him again and giving a small audile sigh. He had always been a tough one to crack, and everyone knew he was going to remain that way forever... "Alright, I'm getting myself a cup. You can ponder over my question sir." She arched a brow at him while taking a few steps back towards the coffee pot. It was late, and honestly, she wasn't sure how much he actually wanted to talk right now about whatever was written on his face when she entered the room.

"Will this be a tough one?" She made idle conversation, finding her usual mug by the front of the overhead cabinet and pouring a decent amount, adding the sugar and cream just as she liked. She remained over in that section of the room for a few minutes. If he called the team in at this hour then it had to be a tough case, he didn't want to wait until morning. But where was everyone's sense of urgency if it was so bad then? Sure, she only lived 15 minutes away but even then sometimes she was late.

"Oh, and before it gets too dark when we begin the debrief, Nathaniel wanted me to personally thank you on his behalf for and I quote- "letting mommy spend the day with us outside swimming"." She smiled a little as the brought the mug to her lips. Her son was only three, and he knew that she had an important job and that her boss kept her from home a lot. He made sure to extend a thank you for not calling them in during the day, but she knew he'd be a bit sad because she would have left whilst he was sleeping.

Interactions: @OddApproved
SSA Sam Stannis

"I'm surprised that this is even happening right now Samantha...." Her mother softly chastised as Sam reread the text from her superior on her phone, glancing at the clock and then at her husband who was walking in from down the hall. He was just checking in on their two young children, looking just as tired as she must have felt after hosting both sides of the family and friends for the annual cookout. To be honest, this year Sam was just glad to be there, and no be on a job this time. She had missed her family terribly and needed this day to recharge and be with her little ones. Nate was so happy to have 'Mommy here all day long' and Jenny was practically attached at her hip, wailing tremendously whenever her mother took her into her arms, or if her siblings managed to steal her away. Typically Jenny loved being with Grandma, Uncle Dom or with her aunties but she must have known that this was a rare occasion to have Mommy home and just wanted to be with her. Sam couldn't wait to at leas tell her teammates about the trials of attempting to eat a meal with a one year old pulling on her shirt of hair. Her lips formed a small smile thinking about it as she half heartedly listened to her mother continue her quiet rant.

"Mom, don't start... Please. Ben understands what's going on, and he rarely protests when I get phone calls at four in the morning. I just make him send pictures of the kids to hold me over until I am back here- back home. I get that you have never understood why I left the firm but that was over a decade ago. Let it go." She sounded tired attempting to explain this once more to her irritated mother. "I'll be in touch okay? Just make sure Genevieve eats her veggies, she's against sweet potatoes right now." Her smile was now a bit sad as she laced her low heeled boots and stood up from the bar stool in her kitchen.

"Be safe, I love you. The kids love you." Ben reassured her, holding her face gently in his hands as he kissed her tenderly, making her smile a bit more- this time in a happier manor.

"I love you too. I'll call when I can." Sam nodded and touched her forehead to his for a few moments before stepping back out of his grasp. Reaching behind her, she grabbed her jacket and at home go bag, giving her family a wave as she left and made her way back to what everyone joked was her second home. Little did they realize just how right they were....


After going through security, Sam made her way up to the team floor and walked in, seeing that Lucian was the only one here- not that it ws surprising or anything. If people thought that she lived there, then he was a permanent resident.

"Happy Memorial Day sir," Sam greeted, taking a good look at his serious and solemn expression as he leaned against her desk, looking at the papers in his hand. "Is there fresh coffee? I have a feeling everyone if going to want some for this one if you sent a late night text like that." She brushed a few stray hairs from her eyes as she walked towards him and placed her go bag on her chair and her keys on the desk. Her eyes darted from his face, to the photographs that she could now see and wow- they were something else. The details displayed on the bodies was shocking, and how they were positioned was going to lead to their signature.

"Lucian... What is it?" She softly asked, bringing her eyes back to look at him before glancing at the door. She ws the first one in, if he had something to say he should say it now before the rest of the team filed in.

Interactions: @OddApproved
Puts mine to shame omg
Maggie Winchester

"I am all for a road trip and you know it." She half smiled, taking another big sip from her mug, holding it to her chest as she began to think. Why take the fun out of the job by flying, that was so expensive and they would never be able to harbor the weapons they'd need on a plane! The car would do just fine....

"We can't take what we need on a flight. Yes, it would cut down on time but let's be realistic here. No one can bring anything to protect themselves through TSA. What if something happens in the cabin? We are left to dealing with hand to teeth combat." She sighed, finally bringing the mug down onto the table. "We're driving. We'll round up who we can, but I think we are overdue for a trip to the Pacific Northwest. I can call up the East Coast sector and see if they can start to handle it while we figure out the West." She explained, her mind beginning to organize itself into what needed to be done through their sister sector, and what they could do themselves.

Creating one large, intertwined community across the country was something that she was actively working on- trying to continue what Sam and Dean had started decades ago. It fell apart after Sam dropped off a little, and even more so when he was focusing on Dean and his other children. Maggie decided to pick up the mantle and attempt at the connection one more time- finding it fruitful and beneficial in terms of keeping up to date on numbers, clusters, covens and packs around the country.

Even though DJ did research, he mostly just heard whispers from other groups of hunters in the web, or emails sent through to them. It was always gong to be a behind the scenes work in progress in tandem with what they were coordinating at their own central location.
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