Avatar of AwesomeZero5


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24 hrs ago
Current Coming back from night shifts! And running on some bad sleep. Hope all is well with everyone.
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9 days ago
Bread Boy poetry
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9 days ago
sure you did. "bread"


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Ronan took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. That line had been fairly familiar as well. Many with bounties or trouble about them had claimed such a line, making the work a bit more irritating from time to time. Ronan was briefly intrigued by the thug whom had chosen a more, interesting an indirect first attack. If he had not forced himself to draw focus to the current battlefield he may have grown worried for the cleric but this specific moment there was no time to be sloppy.

As the thug thew the torch Ronan immediately and easily stepped diagonally back and to his left as to possibly grow closer to the portal exit. While in a defensive movement he would slash down his rapier from the left hand side down to the right to guide a blow away from himself and perhaps land one on the enemy if they were close which was doubtful. The rapier would aim to cut from the shoulder down to the opposing side of the waistline. Like the torch, the dagger would simply fly by and past Ronan although he was shaken up.
Going to give it until, roughly Friday or Saturday and then I guess I'll be calling time of death.
Ronan did indeed appear and did his best to assess the ambush that had occurred. His rapier would long be ready to strike before wandering through the portal. It seemed three opponents, awaited the three of them. He doubted they were waiting for the now subdued crew below, so there must have been another crew or crew member further in he guessed. No point in staying in a place that was bound to sink them. He stood ready by the portal, disappointed that his stealth had done little to gain advantage.

The orc-ish looking thug had brought back a sense of familiarity, even a sense of ritualism of encounters. The orc had a dagger, which meant they were aiming to fight at a closer range to stab into someone. It seemed Ronan himself was pondering deeply, and simply took a defensive stance the rapier moving upward to his eyes. Preparing to move out of the way at a moment's notice. "Seems I will be your opponent. Perhaps even your conversatyr if you are lucky and willing enough. May I ask your name?" Ronan stated aiming to keep things oddly cool and sadly a terrible joke had slipped in from his older days with various other, members. Hopefully it won't end the same.
Okay, guess I'm going to wait a bit more to see if anyone else wants to hop in when it comes to walking into the place, and what position they would want to be in.
Should I wait?
Stealthily moving forward I guess, I will..try to be first this time.
At this point, I probably won't mind.
Ronan raised a bit of a brow at the mentioning of spilling the blood of a living creature in order to open the portal or whatever it was to proceed further. It seemed that one of those challengers from earlier would need to be use as a sacrifice for the better. It didn’t come into his mind to use one of his companions or his own blood for the task. When Charlie offered for all of them to pull blood together Ronan’s worry and irritancy flared up once more. He’d try and lightly slap the back of the monk’s head.
“Of course we’re not going to spill our own. The drunkards probably won’t feel much of it anyways…” Ronan added. Not seeming as hesitant with such at the moment. He didn’t plan to kill the drunkards and didn’t suspect for that to happen, especially if a cleric would heal the drunkard if the damage got too serious. “When we get it open, I prefer we take a more cautious approach. Not picking up random cursed items if something else can be used, and not plummeting downward to our deaths.” Ronan emphasized those two points. “being careful, and quick to subdue them..or perhaps capture them even if there are enemy more people to encounter and being on the lookout for any other dangers which likely are ahead.”
I'm hoping someone else will go ahead and post before me. if no one does by Sunday, tag me so I can go ahead and get one up.
@King Tai@Stekkmen
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