Avatar of Balthazar007


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2 yrs ago
Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
5 yrs ago
Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
5 yrs ago


This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

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Gah!!!!!! I am not listening lalalalalalalalalalalalala

The only thing I said was that people die....... in a Deadpool movie... LOL
"Reply All" Post

...“Mud Bomb,” Dana said. Her Marshtomp’s imminent evolution was apparent in its newfound bulk, and Dana was looking forward to getting her Swampert back.

(Evolved Combusken > Blaziken)
(Marshtomp — Mud Bomb > Alolan Marowak, level 36, male)
(If Dana wins, she’ll throw a Pokeball)

The Alolan Marowak hit the wall, but remained stoic. His eyes were closed, as if pondering something very important. He opened his eyes just before Marshtomp's follow up move could make contact. He crossed his arms in front of himself to absorb the blow as best he could. Still, he remained calm and contemplative. Then with blinding speed, he charged forward. Marshtomp attacked multiple times as he approached, but he managed to dodge all of these blows. Once in range, he reared back and launched an attack of his own, Shadow Bone! It was not Marshtomp's turn to go rolling backward in pain... The rest of the battle was a back and forth extravaganza where both sides would dodge and weave and occasionally land very solid blows. It was clear. In terms of raw power, these two were nearly on par (with Marowak having the edge). But considering Marshtomp's type advantage...

Battle Result: Marshtomp Wins... Narrowly
(Marshtomp is now able to evolve.)

Pokeball Result: Dana Caught an Alolan Marowak!
(The ball only shakes twice. Congratulations!)

...“Tackle ‘em down!” Camden said, Ruby running out in front of him.

(Cherubi — Morning Sun > Eevee, male, lvl 12)

It wasn't until halfway through the battle that Camden realized, "This is not another Eevee! This is the exact same one as yesterday!" Not only that, but the flow of the battle was going nearly identical to the day before. At this rate, Eevee would win again... But then, SMACK, Cherubi and Eevee collided head on, and both of them fell to the ground. Extremely tired, both of them layed there for a minute looking at the other. But it would be Cherubi to be the one to right himself first...

Battle Result: VERY Close battle, but Cherubi WINS!

Pokeball Result: [urlhttps://www.roleplayerguild.com/ro…
(1st Pokeball attempt fails after three shakes)

Pokeball Result #2: Camden caught an Eevee!
(2nd Pokeball shakes only once before success!)

..."Alright bone daddy, show me a strong Bone Club!!"The little Cubone charged in swinging its bone.

(Level 10 male will catch if can)

Torchic jumped up in surprise and simultaneously dodged Cubone's attack. On his way back down, he closed his eyes and released the biggest Ember his little body could manage. Unfortunately, his attack wasn't aimed correctly at all, due to his closed eyes. BUT this actually worked for the little fellow, because when Cubone's instincts told him to dodge, he ended up jumping directly into the line of attack. And that's exactly how this battle played out... a clumsy but lucky Torchic vs. an impressive but unlucky Cubone...

Battle Result: Bad luck, Torchic wins and gets away.

..."Why is this planet so obsessed with you?? Oh well let's go Hades use Astonish!!" The little ghost pokemon came out, readying it's move.

(Level 20 male will catch if can)

Astonish hit and ALMOST made the Pikachu flinch, but he was stronger willed than that. He was a fighter. Sensing the difference in their brute force, he had to approach the battle from of different angle. So, he was off to the races! He sprinted around the battle grounds, making himself a hard to hit target, and when the moment was right, he struck with a powerful Electro Ball! That's how the rest of this battle went... Raw Speed vs. Tact and Power....

Battle Result: Duskull Wins!

Pokeball Result: Liz caught a Pikachu!
(The ball only shakes once.)

(Quick Note: Japan is the last stop on the tour. So by skipping to here, Liz can't go back to get Pokemon from the other HQs until our bootcamp phase ends.)

..."Alright, Qui-Gon, we're gonna lead with Rollout and then hit it with a Thunder Shock." Nodding, the Steel and Electric type Pokemon wasted no time launching the attack as ordered by his trainer.

(Torchic, Female, Level 13, attempting to capture)

A battle between two tiny Pokemon had never been so epic. Where Togedemaru found weakness in Torchic, Torchic returned everything in double. The battle was back and forth, and it lasted for a total of seven minutes, which a long time for a Pokemon battle... But in the end, one Pokemon had just a little more gas in the tank than the other....

Battle Result: Togedemaru Wins!

Pokeball Result: Forest caught a Torchic!
(The ball only shook once.)

...He paced anxiously. "This world isn't ready for the things they can do to it and we know it. I'm done here, if it's all the same to you. We can't let those powerful Pokemon run rampant here like they did back home."

"Your done here"??? repeated Professor Birch, as if he could hardly believe his ears. "Are you saying that you have no interest in completing the bootcamp, in helping these new trainers get their wings? Are you saying that you would rather go into the field now, alone?"

While the professor did find this idea slightly disturbing, he wouldn't stand in Jason's way if that's what he truly wanted to do. This was all voluntary after all... Also, unbeknownst to the trainers, there was a contingency plan in place, should some from the Pokemon world feel this way...

@Balthazar007 So, how do we get Alolan forms of Marowak, Raichu and Exeggutor? Is there a way for Cubone, Pikachu and Exeggcute to evolve into those forms, or do the evos have to be caught in the wild? For example, in some fan games you can evolve Cubone into Alolan Marowak, but it has to be at night.

As with New World, is it a case of it's possible as long as we make sure there's a justification?

Exactly, as long as there is justification, then you may choose. I would like if your justification went along with how they evolve in the games. (i.e. if you evolve a Cubone at night, it can turn into Alolan Cubone.)


Ruin fucking nothing about that movie!!

I'll give you this. People die. :O
Also, I'm going to delete my next IC post till tomorrow. I'm watching Deadpool 2 today and working after. Last minute thing, my apologies. :)
@Balthazar007 Oh and, although I already wrote it in, finding Alolan variants is fine, right?

Haha. Yes and no. In this case it was fine, as Alolan Marowak evolves from Cubone. But take Alolan Ninetales for example. It doesn't evolve from Vulpix. It only evolves from Alolan Vulpix. So back in Russia for example, I wouldn't have allowed someone to run into a regular Ninetales.

Hope that all makes sense. :)
In any case, I'm going to do IC replies tomorrow morning.
@Balthazar007 >_> wrote Camden's Cherubi using Tackle, but Morning Sun would be his trump card, hence my listing of it in the notes. Would that not work? Because the way I see it, Morning Sun is like a potion supply, and Camden's Cherubi isn't going down anytime soon with the move active.

Eh, so here's how I feel about this. I was fine not using your actual first move as your calculated move, so long as the move you wanted to be calculated was in your opening combo.

If you want Morning Sun to be your calculated move, it's going to have to be somewhere in your opening combo. This means that the battle wouldn't have been going on very long at all before you used it. Which means you've used a healing move before you've taken much damage.

I do appreciate the thought you've put into all this however. And for that, I'm willing to compromise and only put a 25% damper on your move, thus making it have a multiplying effect of .675 (which will be more than the Eevee's Tackle).
@Balthazar007 Oh awkward, pretty sure I'm the worst offender there with the times. I just assumed that finding one Pokemon per "time of day" would work, ie one during noon, one in the afternoon, and one at night. One Pokemon works fine for nighttime excursions, but if Dana finds one around noon/the afternoon and then just calls it a day, I feel like it's kinda awkward, especially if it's one of the common pokes.

Basically, one Pokemon per day works, but time-wise that sounds like the trainers are getting nothing done. Unless all Pokemon are super rare, which doesn't seem likely since they're pretty much all top-of-the-food-chain terrors to the local people and animals.

// edit: but will abide by the rule for sake of the RP

I honestly don't mind if you run into multiple 'commons' per day sometimes, just not every single day. A common Pokemon isn't as normal as a pigeon or squirrel or other common city animal. Yes, they have a better chance of survival than their Earthling counterparts, but they don't breed super quickly. Unlike less developed Earth creatures, they aren't just out to eat and reproduce. They have human level intelligence, which means they are more likely to pursue other interests and be more picky when selecting a mate. All that being said, if persistent trainers can find 2 'common' Pokemon per day, those same trainers will only be able to find 2 'rare' Pokemon per week.

In conclusion, I'm not setting any hard restrictions. I'm just asking that everyone be a little conservative.

@Balthazar007 Double post due to another question: so, if you look at PP, how would Morning Sun (PP 5) compare against Tackle (PP 35) calculation-wise? Does Morning Sun do better (despite it being a healing move first and foremost)??

I'm afraid there isn't an easy answer to that question (based off your choice example of Morning Sun). But I will try...

First off, it's important to note that if I see an advantage or disadvantage, I will either increase or decrease a move's effectiveness in multiples of 25% depending on the circumstance.

Tackle (by itself) results in a .35 multiplier against the user's level. But since it's a damaging move, if the user is a Normal-type, the user may also get a STAB boost. This STAB boost will bring it up to a .525 multiplier (a 50% advantage).

Morning Sun (by itself) results in a .9 multiplier. But since it's not a damaging move, it's never going to get a STAB boost. And since it's not a move that targets the opponent, it's also never going to have a type advantage. Furthermore, if you were to send out an undamaged Pokemon and start with a healing move, I would find that pretty silly and would dock you 50% for nonsense. This would bring the move down to a .45 multiplier... And now, we find a case where Tackle is actually a stronger move than Morning Sun.

To make a long story short, just use moves that make the most sense given the situation. I notice these things, and they effect the dice roll.

EDIT: Also, I see why you asked both of these questions. You opened with Morning Sun in your most recent post. Given the information above, I'm sure you don't want me to dock you 50% for using a move designed to heal when your Cherubi had all night at the HQ to get healed. If I were you, I would change the date of your post to be the same day as your last post (perhaps just later in the day after tireless frustrated searching, just don't do this all the time); that way your Morning Sun would serve its purpose of healing your Cherubi. Or you could choose a different move entirely... I'll wait for your reply to this post before I reply to your IC post.
Quick Announcement: I've decided that you are able to encounter a 'rare' Pokemon after encountering at least two common Pokemon first (instead of 3). For example Circe can now enounter a rare...

...but please move on to a new day. I find it slightly weird that people are running into 2 Pokemon per day, even if they are 'common' Pokemon. If you were to ALSO run across a 'rare' in the same day, I would have to call, "Malarkey!" Lol.
@Balthazar007 How do you factor in accuracy for dice rolls?

I don't go that far. I only factor in PP (with lower PP being better) and move damage. And in the case of status moves, I only look at PP... In a round about way, this does address accuracy, as strong moves with lower accuracy tend to have a higher PP (usually).
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