Avatar of Balthazar007


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Current New beginnings mean an end to old starts, and that is never a bad thing.
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Finger Nails or Toe Nails???
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This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

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Sorry Balthy. I was working on the post but my phone seems to have erased it -.-

No worries. Take your time. :)
@prettydrops I knew! I just thought it'd make more sense for Dan to ask rather than him know for no reason.

I guess I haven't mentioned, your Pokedexes hold all that information that prettydrops was talking about. I think that's what Prettydrops correctly assumed.

But Nobu obviously didn't mind answering the question, so no harm. Plus, you wouldn't have known the best way to get a Pansage down from the trees without asking (Though, "offer them food", isn't a stretch of the imagination. Lol)
"Also, mister Nobu. "Do you know what type of Pokémon are around? I'm always looking to make new friends after all, and I bet that temple has some cool Pokémon." Dan said looking for any that might be nearby the Hut.

Nobu was scooping out bowls of stew for everyone when Dan asked him about Pokemon in the area. Without turning his attention away from his task, he answered, "Well, during the day, you can find plenty of Spearow. And after dark the Noctowls take their place. Then of course there are the Pokemon you're probably used to seeing in every forest."

The old man ladled out the last bowl (his own), then led everyone to a small table, barely big enough to sit all four of his guests and himself. "But I suppose you mean specific to this neck of the woods. In that case, there are two families of Pokemon. Drampa live deep in the woods, but they spend a lot of time sleeping and hide well for their size."

Nobu took a sip of his stew before continuing. "And you can find Pansage up in the trees. They won't come down unless you temp them with food."

Actually, for fun, I suggest you use those coordinates in google maps and then use street view to see what the area looks like. It's a pretty cool spot actually!
<Snipped quote by Balthazar007>
That works even better for his plot. I'm thinking that Winter was relatively knowledgeable about Mega Evolution in the Pokémon world, but knows virtually nothing about how it works on Earth. This could also explain why he can only Mega Evolve his Absol. As it were, I'm thinking that Gallade, while having the stone, doesn't meet the requirements to Mega Evolve (ex: lacks a strong bond with its trainer, Earth somehow affects this, etc). I can also remove the Galladite all together (since they're rare), I just thought that it made a bit sense for someone researching the topic to have more than one Mega Stone. I'll be sure to mention that he's only had the Key Stone for about six months in his biography though.

You may keep your Abosol and Galladite, but I need to be more clear on something. You can't transfer any items from the Pokemon world, even stones. If it helps to picture, when your character was sent over, all man-made items were rendered useless because they don't work with the physics on this world. As for natural objects like stones, berries, and more, those all turned to dust.

I'll allow you to have found either one type-based Z-Crystal or one Mega Stone while your character has been here on Earth. So your character can have a Mega Stone for Abosol, but it's not the same one they had in the Pokemon World. They had to have found it here on Earth. In fact...

Enter these coordinates into either the game map or Google maps: (34.9543315, 113.5073696). That is where your character could have found it. You can make any reason for why you were there. You can include that in your bio, or just keep that in your mind in case someone asks.

(But FYI: That was the only Abosol Stone there. You can't go back there to find more.)
<Snipped quote by Balthazar007>
I can remove it if you'd like? I just wanted to clarify that Winter already has and can use Mega Evolution from the start. It plays a significant role in his biography that I'll draft over the next day or so.

I see what you mean, but let me clear something up there. It wasn't mentioned anywhere directly, but items from the Pokemon World don't work when you first arrive in Earth.

Sycamore arrived a year ago, in this RP (when the Gen 6 Pokemon were introduced). That can also be when your character was brought over. From there they had to reverse engineer items from the Pokemon world so they would be compatible on Earth. In this case, let's say it took six months to get Key Stones working.

Therefore your character could have gotten a Key Stone about six months ago.

Also, Z-Crystals and Mega Stones are very rare, with regular type-based Z-Crystals being the most common (but still rare). That in mind, I'll also let you start off with one type-based Z-Crystal (if you want). Just let me know which one.

Same thing goes for everyone else who's character has been on Earth for the last six months of 2035. Let me know which type-based Z-Crystal you'd like (if you want to start with one).
Sorry for falling silent for a few days! I am still very interested in this Roleplay and am working on a character sheet at the moment. It's been a bit of a slow process for me, but I should have him finished in a day or two. I'm very much looking forward to this Roleplay.

I've looked at what you have so far, and it looks good so far. Adding the Key Stone to your inventory was a nice touch.

But for anyone else seeing this, you don't have to list the Key Stone in your inventory, it is an implied item that anyone can get by visiting Professor Sycamore.

I believe we can let one of you two go next. Whoever is ready, no biggie.
Nobu was quiet for a moment, sensing Indigo's distress. "Well now, I bet your pokemon are tired. Say, why don't you all have your pokemon rest before you explore the temple grounds?"

There were a few looks of consideration between the three teenagers. Did they really need a rest? Sure, Indigo just battled, but the other two hadn't. They had just got off a cushy ride in the sky.

Before they could discuss anything, Zvi answered for them, "Of course!" He then turned to the rest of the group. "Old man Nobu doesn't invite people over to his place often. You guys are lucky!"

"Stop it Zvi. It's not big deal. Plus it's on the way to the temple."

"Yeah, for now." Zvi muttered.

Nobu ignored Zvi's side comment, or maybe he couldn't hear it due to old age. "I have a pot of stew brewing. No Pokemon harmed in the making, I assure you." The old man's smile could still almost be called a frown, but the sincerity of his words shined through.

After little discussion, everyone agreed. It wouldn't hurt to have something to eat. And so, they began their walk through the forest, Zvi's Drampa electing to stay behind for a nap. They would walk less than fifteen minutes before they came upon the stone hut. A delicious smell came from its chimney...

sorry, too busy to post a whole 4 v 4 battle. I can definitely edit it if need be, later! I remember that Nobu was supposed to show them his house? so i segued into that. hope that's alright!

No worries, that was a good post. I'll reply tonight, here in an hour or two.
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