Avatar of Balthazar007


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This is my second profile on here, and I have been Play-By-Post RPing for about nine years now. I do my best to see every RP to the end or at least let my character come to his/her own dramatic conclusion when I feel like signing off. Just like novel writing in real life, I tend to find myself on long hiatuses. Since writing is a great way to work out your brain, I try stay engaged as much as possible.

My favorite genres include futuristic worlds, mysteries, and super powers. Any mixture of these three elements will peek my interest.

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What fallout said about making them inverse of buffs is basically what I was going to do. Think of it like this...

A buff of 2.5 is actually 1 + 1.5x
So a debuff should also be 1 + 1.5x , but in a different way

But the problem here lies in, "how does something this powerful effect the user? How do they pay for using it? Does it come out of one of their stats? Or..."

I think the best way for this is to introduce the concept of paying for an attack straight out of your ki. So if you have a power level of 100. And use 50 for this debuff attack, you would be debuffing your opponent by 125. And you're not going to be able to put that 50 points toward your other three stats. So in other words, your debuff is based of how much power you put toward your move, not your opponent's base stat that is being effected.

This in mind, I would like to change something regarding exhaustion calculation. From now on, secret techniques cost double what you pay to use them. So when you're using a secret technique against someone who hasn't seen it, you'll be getting a great deal on exhaustion cost. (Example: 50x2.5=125, but it will only cost 10 to exhaustion) You'll be getting a fair deal on a times 2 boost (example: 50x2=100, and the cost will be 10) But you will be running inefficiently if you use the 1.5 bonus (example: 50x1.5=75, but again, you will be paying 10 to use it.) Why then, would you ever need to use a 1.5 boost if it's inefficient? Well, as inefficient as it may be, it could still provide just enough boost or debuff to win you the match.

I know that sounds like a lot, but does that make sense. I hope I didn't overcomplicate my explanation.

The power difference is really not that big. And the series has shown quite a few times that tactics can beat out raw power. Also helps that my Secret Technique is one that was used frequently in the series for tactical purposes, although I'm still not saying what it is per your request that we keep our techniques to ourselves until they are unveiled.

Also, his intentions are clear but that doesn't mean the challenge will happen right away. Especially not if something else happens and things get interrupted.

Also, it sounds like you're referencing the Solar Flare. I'm not sure that works here yet. It doesn't raise any of your stats like our other secret techniques. BUT since our RP is evolving, it could be time to introduce secret techniques that effect the opponent's base stats instead of yours.

So if I'm correct in assuming that your secret technique is the Solar Flare, I think the fairest way to implement it would be if it cuts the opponent's SPEED, instead of increasing your own.

I know Wan (the character) doesn't know. That was a question for @Double the writer. You two can absolutely have the battle. I was making sure everyone knows what their getting into.
Phew, and Han officially makes his Universe Zero debut! It felt like quite a wait at times, but now that I can post in the IC it was totally worth it.

Your post is great. Btw, Niko is at level 121 now. You sure you want to challenge him to a battle? Lol
If this threat is what I think it is, I highly doubt there won't be any casualties...

I can't say if what we're thinking is the same if you don't tell me what your thinking. You might not be far off though. Idk.

Am I to assume that I have control over whatever representative was sent to meet with Han? Or would someone like to provide a guideline for what that person would be like?

You can control how that guy is. He's not going to be a super important character. Just don't give anything away about the MMC.
<Snipped quote by Balthazar007>

I don't mind playing catch up. I was kind of expecting it, anyway. Plus it's only 10 points, which isn't that much in the grand scheme of things anyway.

On the MMC Contract, that could possibly work, provided Han is given false information about Niko (a fabricated criminal record or ties to some kind of criminal organization) that while untrue is enough to get Han to agree to the job. After all, Han's main thing is only going after people who actually deserve it, so once it becomes clear he has lied to, he'll immediately back out of the job as suggested.

That works for me, and by the sounds of things. It sounds like your up next.
@Balthazar007 Nothing immediately in mind, as I was making a Doom reference. If you want me to give it more thought, I'm sure I can think of something, though.

So to be honest, I never played the games or watched the movie, but I just did some research on the Doom franchise. I see what you're talking about. I think there are two different directions I would like to take this RP in, a couple of side quests if you will.

First, staying with Niko and Han, I think their fates are intertwined. How about this? The man who hires Han at the World Martial Arts tournament works for the MMC. Of course, this information would be hidden. One of the targets in his contract is Niko himself. The man suggests starting with Niko since he is already here. Of course, by the time Han has seen all of Niko's fights, he no longer wishes to kill Niko, because of something he sees in him. He still confronts Niko however, perhaps in a half-hearten attempt to kill him or just to talk about why this person would be putting a price tag on his head. (whatever you feel is more natural to Han's character). This is when Niko could explain his position and even turn around and hire Han with some of his prize money, matching what the business man offered. Together, the two could solve the mystery of what happened to Niko's parents. This would lead to the revelations that Han's organization was the one hired and that his own father carried out the contract. This adventure starts here at the martial arts tournament and winds up on Mars.

Second, and more in line with classic Dragon Ball story lines, a man will approach Angela and Bakuto. He will inform them of a threat coming to earth. And considering how well they did in the tournament, he would like them to train with him and his hand picked team of warriors to protect the planet. This path will shine light on exactly where (or more accurately 'when') our story is taking place in the Dragon Ball Universe. This story line would start the day AFTER the tournament, just when Bakuto and Angela are starting to wonder what they are going to do next...

Also, our semifinalists, Bakuto, Angela, Niko, and even Lee, need to bump their Power levels up to 121.

Sorry @Double, but late arrival means Wan is going to have to remain at a Power Level of 100 for now. It's not a big deal though, he'll have plenty of time to catch up.

Tell me more about these monsters on Mars. Humanoids? Intelligent? Or more Animal-like? Brutes?

Alright, you two. Before we continue to the next chapter, can we discuss exactly how your characters might relate to each other? Did Wu-han's organization actually kill Niko's parents, and more importantly, would Han know if anything about it anyways, since he's the same age as Niko?
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