Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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A JL themed rp?! Why didn't I see this before? Are you guys still accepting? :D
What. The. Flock.

How did my very normal life turn into a disaster of epic proportions? I was just curious on what's going to happen if I stayed within the game after the shutdown, but I am in no way prepared on what's going to happen next. I feel like I'm one of the players who really jumped out of their seat when the whole "game-turned-reality" happened.

I look around me with eyes full of fear and surprise, players who vary in shape, skin, sizes, and species. There's a woman in a slutty dress, a giant freaking Gundam, and a red-eyed tentacle beast. At first I was thinking about whatever these people are thinking about when they were making their characters but meh, who am I to judge when I look like Big Bird's Asian daughter. Then suddenly there is a fight going on and the whole place becomes chaotic. There's just so much stuff going on that it's really hard to swallow all at once so I did the only reasonable thing one can do in the given situation: fly away.

I crash through the nearby window ignoring what the others will think of me, spread my wings and with my eyes closed I soar higher and higher and higher. When I opened my eyes, I saw the moon in all its mystical beauty, a sea of puffy, white clouds beneath me, and a sea of bright stars above me. I was awestruck by the view that I realized it was at this moment that I can proudly tell to myself that I am truly alive! I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life!

I also began to feel certain differences on me like the feathers growing on my body, the satisfying emotion that I get with every flap of my wings, the feeling of the winds embracing me, and the sudden urge to pee. I fly in place and look back on the direction where I came from but everywhere I turn my eyes on are clouds, clouds, and more clouds. I am beginning to think if I should fly back to the guild and I start to feel guilty about leaving the other players there but my body reminds me I'm about to burst any minute now. I fly downwards and a dense forest came into my view. I fly straight at the nearest tree, careful of my speed so I won't awaken whatever monstrous nastiness is sleeping in the area, and did my business.

After I did the thing, I hear a rustle of leaves to my left. It's late at night and the only source of light is the moon and the stars, but thanks to my passive, Eagle Eyes, I am still able to see my surroundings better. My mind automatically goes into panic mode. If this is a big, ol' hairy monster, I swear to the gods above I will wreck this place up. Because I'm such a smart lady-bird instead of flying away I decided to stay in my place, my senses on full alert and fully determined to defend myself. There's a rustle again and this time the monster came directly into view. All my fears melted away as I saw a harmless doe, probably curious and wondering what the heck I am and what the heck I'm doing here. But unlike the doe in the normal world, this one has freaking silver-colored fur. Again, this place never ceases to amaze and surprise me.

I begin to relax and look in the doe's eyes to try to convince it that I mean no harm. After a few moments, it slowly approaches me and I began to stretch out my hand to pet it until I realized that I no longer have any hands. Still, it didn't stop me from petting the doe with my wings. Besides, it seems to me that it likes being pet with wings very much.

After the petting session, it folds one of its forelegs and dips its head towards the ground. What the heck, is this doe bowing? Without knowing what else to do, I curtsy in return because I'm a well-mannered young lady and also to express my thanks in letting me make my very first friend in this world. The doe turns away and runs, probably going back to its home. I took this as a cue to leave the forest and fly back to the guild. I just hope I'm not too late.
Aphemia snapped back into reality. She is always like this: whenever she least expects it, it's like her body is turned into automatic and her state of mind is reduced to limbo. She is so embarrassed about her condition that she didn't even put it in the medical records by fearing on what her peers would think of her. Her parents were ignoring her seemingly-non-harmless condition back then until this one time she's one step away on walking off a cliff during a family trip. The family doctors were unable to find a cure for her "sickness" but the Mad Hatter gave their family a lifetime supply of Mindelirium, a kind of tea native to the people of Wonderland and is used to provide treatment for those with a loose screw. "If she drinks this tea after every two smiles of the sun up until her day of adulthood, she will be permanently freed from her own mind's prison", the Hatter said. Her "zoning out" seemed to happen less frequently than before as long as she keeps up with her drinking schedule. Only now did she remember that she must drink the tea before going to school only for her to forget it due to excitement.

"Oh dear, I forgot to drink my tea!", Aphemia said to herself. "I must drink as soon as I can but...", she looked around the beautiful campus and her other peers mingling about, "where am I again?".
1. "It also seems like the RP has frozen a little, so keep that in mind. Hopefully it thaws out soon" I see what you did there
2. If the van is very valuable to you, then your friend who owns the apartment will never forget to lock the door (though of course it depends if said friend left the door unlocked then that's greatly appreciated). In the meantime is it okay to make a cs, post it here, and wait for the approval? I'll do it as soon as I can and edit it afterwards after said friend who owns the apartment makes a decision. ^u^
@Polaris North@Secrethood@Animera

Aphemia curstied in return, oblivious to the boy's mocking intention. "Good day to you as well. I am Aphemia Liddel, daughter of Alice Liddel of 'Alice in Wonderland'," she gestured to Flynn who managed to convey an "everything's-alright" expression despite her shadow problem before continuing "and my friend's name is Flynn, daughter of Peter Pan. It is always lovely to meet new people, especially the son of Beauty and The Beast themselves. I find their story to be a prime example that love can overcome any trials in life, don't you agree?". She has always been curious about what it's like for other children of fairy tales to grow up in different, non-normal, and sometimes magical families. She is sure to learn some very interesting and valuable insights about their childhood that will certainly satisfy her curiousity.

Aphemia also noticed something odd about the boy. If there's something you can learn while in Wonderland is to know how to read people so it can give you clues on how to talk to them without agitating them, ESPECIALLY the March Hare. He seems to be friendly, quite energetic in fact, but she just couldn't deny the feeling that there's something about him that's bothering her.

She then realized that she had the same feeling when she first met the Mad Hatter. Although he is both her godfather and best friend, the Queen of Hearts can't even hold a candle to Hatter when it comes to being really mad. The thought of Johnson being similar to Hatter has made Aphemia more interested in getting to know the boy more.
Thanks! Since all of you are staying in an apartment, I think my character can be someone who ran away from home because s/he doesn't feel love anymore (or something like that). While walking s/he saw the van, noticed that you forgot to lock it, and decided to sleep in the van for the time being. You can see him/her the following day when you guys decided to go somewhere else. That's IF you forgot to lock the van.

Otherwise I'll think of something else. ^u^
Hi guys! Are you still accepting?
I want to join too! ^u^

Peter Pan. That's why the shadow-escaping trait of Flynn was familiar to Aphemia. Her mother used to tell her stories about the history of the fairy tale families. Among these stories, Peter Pan caught Aphemia's attention. A land full of magic is never that different from Wonderland as well. As a child, she secretly wished she can visit Neverland and make friends with its inhabitants but she has made many wonderful friends in Wonderland that she will cherish in her heart forever (except for the Queen of Hearts: that woman was nastier than the March Hare without his tea).

She was still reminiscing about Wonderland that it made her forget about Flynn's shadow problem. "Don't worry dear Flynn", she said. "I'm sure we can think of some solution for your predicament. In the meantime, do you think we should socialize with some of our peers? They're all quite interesting indeed. Besides, I'm sure your shadow is not much of a troublemaker, yes?"
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