Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Heya! Just wanted to express my interest in joining your rp. Tell me if there's something I need to edit though I intend to add more to his backstory depending on how the rp story goes, if that's okay. C:

Irah replied back to her newfound peers, shaking each other's hand, giving back polite laughter when she needs to, all the usual stuff. She did notice some of the group who chose not to join in the conversations some of them were having and just looked on the window to see the ever-changing landscape as the carriage made its way to the academy. She decided to let them have their peace for the moment. After all, there will be plenty of time for chit-chatting later, perhaps over a good cup of tea. Irah will try to sneak that into her schedule for today.

A couple of moments later, the carriage did indeed came to a halt. The driver of the carriage opened the doors and ushered the children outside, ordering them to leave their luggage inside the ride.

Irah marveled at the scenery around her. "Hmmmm. Not bad, I must say. Still, Wonderland is better", she told herself before wandering off from the group. Well, some of them already went on on their own so she just shrugged and did the same. Irah didn't see them earlier but fairies were sitting on the flowers and singing some songs in their language. Then Irah heard a beautiful male voice singing and woodland creatures came surging out from the forests coincidentally towards the same guy whose face she poked earlier.

Irah smirked and giggled mischievously. "Interesting", she quietly said to herself. "Very interesting".
@Mokley Not the griffin, Mokley. NOT. THE. GRIFFIN.
Very interested! ^u^
waaaat where we riding in a carriage? oops

i'll re-edit it tom xD
Irah twirled her top hat using her hand as she waited for the carriage to arrive. She decided to just wait at the entrance of Wonderland itself. Not that she looked down on the driver, but Wonderland is a very confusing place to those who are unfamiliar with its geography. She didn't want to hold anyone back and make them lost on their way to her house. Like what she does even when she was a child, she whispered to herself in poem:

"Poor little hatchlings have abandoned their nests,
Left their home to fulfill their life's quests.
Shall they prove better than the ones before them,
Or shall they fall to madness from my playful mayhem?"

She grinned mischievously. Looks like she was going to have some fun, after all.

A few minutes after, the carriage arrived. Irah let the driver put her luggage in the carriage before entering.

Irah sat and cheerfully talked the group. "Greetings, my fellow youngsters!", Irah cheerfully exclaimed. "Ooooh this is going to be exciting! I very much wonder what will we encounter in the school year together? How about you, what do you think?", Irah said as she playfully leaned her elbow on the shoulder of a fair-skinned boy with a white cap while poking his cheeks. "Oops, I almost forgot!", she said before quickly sitting straight and dusted her clothes.

"Hello everyone. My name is Irah Hightop, child of the Mad Hatter", she said with a curtsy.

"One thing you must know about me, aside being from Wonderland and having an obsession for tea, is that I am genderfluid. While I am biologically a male, I do not restrict myself from such a construct imposed upon by the narrow-mindedness of our society mostly ruled by men whose minds are run by what's between their legs. Except for you guys, you seem like a well-mannered bunch", she said before looking at the boys in the group and winking at them. "So if you be so kind to use the appropriate pronouns whenever speaking to or about me, I would very much appreciate that. By the way, right now I'm female so the right pronouns are 'she' and 'her'. Also I ramble a lot", she said with a smile.
Guess we're waiting for @baraquiel's character to climb on board? We could still continue chatting in the meantime :) @Crimson Flame

Y’all can go to school without me! Sorry for the inconvenience :3 Let’s just say the citizens of Wonderland have a different concept of time ;) I’ll catch up tom!
Hey y'all.

I want to ask permission to change my main character from Sakura to Aquagirl because I dunno what to do with Sakura anymore. I can't think of anything solid with her because I myself don't know what I want her to become in the future. Again, I appreciate any feedback you have.

are you still accepting?
@Virgil do what you want boo
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