Avatar of blindwoofer


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current @Obscene Symphony media.tenor.com/6FGBG86QfAQ…
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1 yr ago
Wild rose bushes suck. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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1 yr ago
I just found out I passed my boards certification to become an COTA! I am so happy I can't even express it
1 yr ago
My mom is going in to have a rod put in her leg today. The doctor says it'll be fine but she has bone cancer so any good thoughts would be appreciated
1 yr ago
My fiancé rolled over and elbowed me in the forehead once while he was asleep so... I'll take the mumbling. Especially over his snoring. :p



So, I'm Blindwoofer and here for some roleplays.

Writer info:
Name: Sarah
Age: 28
Time zone: Eastern
- I have 7 cats.
- Engaged
- Work a full time job.

I want to point out now that I am dyslexic so sometimes my spelling and grammar aren't the best. I do sometimes put in wrong words as well because my brain and fingers can't keep up with each other apparently. If you are ever confused by something I post please feel free to ask. I try to be detailed and proof read my posts but sometimes shit happens. I will not be upset if you question something because if I'm ever unsure I will do the same. Thanks for understanding. ^-^

RP info:

- Casual to low advanced writer. I usually write about two paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less. All depends on what the RP calls for at the time.

- I only do 1x1 PM RP. I'm not against a group rp so if you want to invite me into one I will check it out to see if I want to join it. I tend to stay away from them because of bad experiences in the past but I am willing to give it a shot.

- I will RP on Discord so feel free to ask for my username.

- I use character sheets and will likely ask for one. I'm forgetful AF and I like having the sheet to remind me of little details with YC or MC's.

- 18+ only. I'm 28 and ask that my partners at least be over 18, 21+ preferred. I like mature themes in my RP.

- Third person only. I don't like to mix. No offence to anyone that does that.

- No fade to black. I like to write smut and I feel like it can add to the character building and development between the characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With that said I will fade to black if we want to move on with the RP and the smut scene isn't going to add anything. While random smut can be fun I love story and do want to keep the story going because all smut all the time can truly get dull.

-OOC chatting is great. Brain storming and planning out scene ideas is loved. It's fun to come up with different ideas and throw them around.

- I reserve the right to say no to any RP or to end a RP at any time for any reason, and do not have to give a reason. You also have that right. I do ask you tell me if it isn't your thing or you're not interested anymore as I'll try and to the same.

- I am on daily. I may not post daily as I work full time now, so sometimes my brain is fried. I will almost always answer OOC messages though even if I'm not up for posting for the day. I also understand if you can't post daily or every other day. I love several replies a day but I can't always do that myself I get it if you can't either. Real life sometimes sucks, I get it. Don't worry about it. A little heads up if you can't post for a few days is appreciated.

Things I enjoy in RP:
1. Romance: This is a big one and I am always looking for a good romance. Slow burns are the best as I'm not big on the whole love at first sight thing. I like it worked up to. -Attraction at first sight is totally cool though.-
2. Drama: Jealousy, someone trying to kill our characters, daddy issues. I love it all. IC drama is amazing and fun. OOC drama is not.
3. Action/adventure: Love me some fighting and near death scenes. I have a habit of putting my character into danger because I enjoy writing it out.
4. Slice of life: While I love a fast pace RP I also enjoy slower moments too. A simple walk with characters talking and enjoying themselves is fun to.
5. Smut: I truly enjoy writing out smut but it will rarely be the main focus on the RP. Limits can be asked in PM.

Settings I enjoy:

I am not limited to them but those are ones I have done and enjoyed.

Movies/Shows/Books I enjoy and would involve in a RP:
Most anything Disney -To big a list to make-
The Princes Bride
X-Men/Marvel Universe
DC -Not as big into this one but still like it.-
The Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare
The Warriors series by Erin Hunter

I will not RP as canon characters unless they have an original twist. That's just me personally. I have nothing against them and if you want to use a canon character that's fine by me and I welcome it. I'm not comfortable doing it myself.

I have several characters that I have made for other RPs in the past that I adore and will usually tweak to fit in any RP I'm looking for or interested in. I will also make new characters happily to work in a RP. If you are interested in RPing with me please feel free to ask about my characters. I have Character sheets for all I think at this point, or can make some up. ^-^

Most Recent Posts

@Still Lake Shoot me a PM and we can discuss! ^-^
Looking for someone to play a nobleman who is also a werewolf unknown to anyone else in his household or land. I'd like him to be older. Early 30s to 40s with possible adult children and is a widower or never married but I think being a widower could lead to some more drama and angst.

M/C would be a former noble who was forced onto the streets after her father was killed in a fire. That fire also left her blinded with only the clothes on her back and her fathers violin to call her own. She travels around as a songstress and musician barely making it by. Being a young blind woman traveling alone she doesn't have it easy. At some point she is turned into a werewolf herself but things get better for her there... Till some villagers find her. Wolves had been pledging the area when M/C comes through. She hunts some game for herself when a farmer sees her and she runs. The farmers follow the wolf only to find a young woman dressing herself and they call her a wolf and blame her for the deaths of their animals though no one had seen her change back. They take her before their lord -YC- and he chooses what to do with her.

This would be for a Medieval setting. I would love to have the werewolf noble help M/C learn her wolf better and them fall for each other in the process. I'd kind of like for the man to be very private and mysterious with 'spells' that make him stay locked up for days with no one allowed to see him. -when the full moon hits or he changes- Yet despite that be a very generous kind man to his people and well liked and respected by them. It would be cool for M/C to be able to bring him out of his shell more to become warmer and act happier.

Since there's so many different werewolves I'll make it clear what sort I tend to play. I'm not a fan of the 'wolf-man' type werewolves. I like them to have a human and feral -an actual wolf though usually bigger then a real life wolf-. I am also okay with them having three forms with human, 'wolf-man' and the feral.

This is open for some discussion and changes. I did a RP like this once before a few years ago but sadly due to real life the other writer had to leave and I haven't seen them since. Romance, slice of life drama and character development are what I'm really looking for in this. Smut is totally possible but only if it makes sense with the story. If interested send me a PM and we can discuss more. ^-^
So, like the title says I'd love to do something like the Disney movie Treasure Planet. If you know what Treasure Island is it's basically that but in space. This has been one I've wanted to do a long time so I hope someone else finds this interesting as well. It doesn't have to be just like the movie, I'm open to suggestions but the main theme and setting I'd like to keep.

I'm looking for someone who could play a Jim Hawkins like character. They don't have to actually be Jim Hawkins but just someone kind of like that would be nice. Sort of bad boy type? In the Disney movie Jim's about 12-15 or so but I want the characters to be older in this RP. I won't do younger then 16 but 18 - 20 is preferred.. anything higher is totally possible just needs to be discussed. (My character will default as 18 but can go a little older or younger.)

The idea I had was M/C has some healing abilities and is a good medic/cook so the pirates kidnap her since her abilities are to valuable to lose. I was thinking that she could be half or a quarter alien and that's how she gets her abilities. Anyway I was thinking that this could start out like in the movie. Y/C finds a map and maybe a guardian or rich family friend or even Y/C, depending on how old they are and everything, get a crew together. This would be when our characters meet and it can go from there.

I'd love some romance as well as the adventure in this. After they get the treasure I was thinking the story could carry on. Though to where all depends on what we plan out. I would like to do this in PMs here or on Discord. I'm very new to the site so please forgive me if the formatting is off. Either way can't wait to hear from you! ^-^

So, I'm very new to this site but not new to Rping. I've been roleplaying steadily for the last ten years or so. The site that I've been using has mostly turned into a smut haven so I can't find any good story there anymore. Not that I'm against smut but I like some story to go along with it. I love character building.

I enjoy all sorts of different genres and settings. My go to's are modern fantasy and medieval fantasy but I also enjoy steampunk and cyberpunk/sci-fi. I'm open to other ideas as well. I tend to stay away from group RP because in the past drama has always happened. I figure I'm an adult and not in high school anymore and I can't deal with petty drama's like that. So 1v1 is more my speed. I'm not against joining a small group if I like the idea enough but I'll make no promises if I will or not.

This is also my first time using a forum site. I'll be honest it's kind of confusing to me but if the effort to find good RP I'm branching out. I'm used to a live chat type RP where the responses are more immediate. I also use Discord a lot to RP. I'm not totally sure how it works here yet but I'm hoping to find some new RP partners to get some good story going with!

Thanks for reading!
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