Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current Alternatively, you can shout "Can't wait for G.I. Jane 2!"
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

Our posting rate isn't what it use to be, but holy shit folks, despite IRL shenanigans, fleeing players, and the forum genuinely being it's fickle self, Danganronpa: Tower of carnage is still kickin' despite it's attempts to off itself. We're still here 2 years and 600 posts later.

Thanks for hanging in there, responding quickly to my Pms, and just all around being great players and fun people to hang around with. Now that collage is wrapping up for most of you, let's see if we can knock out the RP before July! I think we can do it. If not, we can celebrate the third year of Tower of Carnage together. I look forward to ending you and your friends as we clear the final chapters of the killing game(s)!

Something I've found with a lot of my older characters is they have a LOT of powers. But when I look at them now, I realize that there's some overlap. I have power X and Y, so power Z isn't really necessary. An example of this is that I had an all elemental character who could use fire, water, air, etc at will. But when I looked really closely at what they were doing, there were ways to work around a lot of the elements by restricting them to fire, and they would still be able to do a lot of the stuff they always could. Instead of skating across a puddle of ice that was always under their feet, they encased their feet in stone and slid across pools of lava. The restriction in powers made her much more interesting thematically.

If that's not possible, just write down their powers in a vauge sense, being sure to write in their limitations. Instead of mentioning the 10-15 different fire spells they can cast by name, simply say they can manipulate fire and to the extent. For my character, I noticed they only really needed to melt things that were relatively close to them, and most of their other effects were explosions. So they are able to heat up and cool things near their body, and they can enchant items and throw them to get those distant explosions. I gave them a coin pouch to accomplish this. The coins have a hole in them, and some are kept on a string. So it's possible to do the kunai knife thing, only with exploding coins.

And some powers simply aren't necessary. I once gave a character a pendant that made him appear more attractive, but nobody really knew how to RP with it. Said character was plenty charismatic without the pendant, so it didn't really serve a function. I ended up removing it from his sheet in the reboot.

As far as weapons go, people realistically carry two, maybe three weapons on their person. A primary weapon (bow, assault rifle, spear) secondary (pistol, sword, club) and usually a back up knife for really close encounters, and possibly some utility items like grenades, scrolls, or an anti-tank launcher. If your character is carting around more than one primary or secondary weapon, you might want to lighten their load.

There is no easy way to simplify a character, especially if they have 2346257457 auxiliary powers. But through careful observation of powers, you can parse things quite a bit by getting rid of stuff you don't really need.

Center road, The Golden Quarter, Priestella

The group eventually decided that Aerith, Hiro, Yuuki, and and Ashton would be going with Aer, while Alistair, Chieko, and Flame would chill with Donovan.

”Wha?! Nobody wants to help me!?” Fritzi puffed up her cheeks and sunk into the counter. This made it really easy to see her tail. It was bent over like a wilted flower, But as this RP is entirely filled with THOTS, they were probably looking at her cleavage, as it was squished between her chest and the countertop. ”Well, have fun with them Donovan! And don't forget your stuff guys!” Before long, they were off.

Clinic, The Golden Quarter, Priestella

Donovan's clinic wasn't much different from the last time Alistair and Flame saw it. Only there were people in here now, and no one was choking on whatever the hell was killing them last time. ”Am quite glad you all decided to help the less fortunate. Hard to find the virtuous type in this day and age.” He extended an arm to a woman standing at the far end of the room. The glare she was giving the foreigners was not a happy one. ”Her name's Quill. She's a little shy around humans, but she'll warm up to ya in no time.” Alistair couldn't be 100% certain, but he was pretty sure she looked like the person who attacked them. It was hard, because she wasn't wearing a cloak. But her face and white hair were very familiar. He hadn't seen many people with white hair. ”We're gonna find out what type of magic you have. It would be beneficial if you could use that to heal people, but we ain't always got the luxory.” The process was slightly different than with Fritzi. Donovan took Alistair's arm in both his hands, and flashed Alistair a smile. ”Just a little twist will let me know what ya got.” After gently rotating Alistair's arm behins his back, Donovan's brow raised. ”Darkness and water. darkness has it's uses, but you can use water magic to heal a lot of aliments.” He went down the line, confirming that Chiyo and Flame both had an affinity with fire. ”Gotta be careful with fire. It can cauterize wounds and sterilize equipment, but too much can cause more harm than good.” After that, Donovan gave Chieko and Flame a run down on how to use magic. About picturing an object filling up and saying “Goa” to cast fire spells. ”I'm gonna have you practice on these candles. Try not to use too much mana.” He handed the two of them one candle each. ”Might want to stand back, wouldn't want your first patients to be yourselves.” he winked. ”Quill, mind getting Alistair squared away?”

Begrudgingly, Quill approached Alistair. It was fortunate that looks couldn't kill, because Alistair would have been done for. ”It's not that much different with water magic.” Quill drew a long, slender needle out of her hair and stabbed herself in the arm with it. The hole wasn't any bigger than a needle, but it went all the way through her arm, and she didn't even flinch. ”The trick with healing magic is just to use mana very slowly. At least at your level.” She pushed the needle back into her hair, not bothering to wipe it clean. ”focus on the deepest part of the wound and work your way out.”
Starting Location, Hero's district, Priestella

For some, this would be the fourth time taking this route. The fourth time Aer asked the exact same questions, and the fourth time Ashton answered them. It was really a wonder the players didn't all get bored and leave at this point. Hell, Hiro's poster isn't posting out of spite. I don't quite believe that because they didn't post very much when they were happy with me either. But you know what? Maybe I deserve it. Maybe this is all on me.

But something was different this time.

Aerith and Hiro stopped in their tracks, spotting a tiny cloaked woman. Aer did not pay the woman much mind. Of course, Aer was quite short herself, and hadn't been murdered by a killer loli and her taller counterpart three times already. There was no reason to pay such a character much mind.

Hiro leaned over towards Aerith. "I think that's her!" His voice was shaking.

Golden Quarter, Priestella

And so, Yuuki and Chieko aproched the Aerith /Alistair/Hiro group. They both voiced their ideas for what they should do, Chieko doing so a bit more forcefully than Yuuki. Ashton also arived, attempting to assert himself and lead the discussion, but this just seemed to infuriate Chieko further. And what she said, further infuriated Aerith.

Hiro groaned. "getting passports isn't going to stop who's coming after us. They are clearly not on the side of the law. If we want answers, we're going to need to confront them."

Alistair was not as quick to “defend” his past choices. He listened to what everyone said before saying his own bit. "Listen well, all of you. I, Alistair Archibald, am usually a benevolent and tolerant man, but there are three things I simply cannot stand: People who order me around, people who insult me, and... repeating my mistakes." He folded his arms. "I do not think we were wrong to try gaining the upper hand on our attackers. It's taught us a great deal about how they operate, and how we operate." Alistair pulled out his hand and opened it up. A gentle geyser flowed out of his palm and ran over the edges of his hand. "But there is little else to learn or gain from a forth encounter. And I also believe that someone who is capable of thought should see Donovan. To ensure such criteria is met, I will go with Donovan this time." Alistair made no attempt to look at Chieko or the others, nor would he respond to them. He did not want to be ordered around, but he did not want to be burdened with the rest of them as they made their choice.

"Alright!" Hiro walked up to Yuuki. "We'll try going with Aer, but if things don't work out, I think you should consider helping us defeat the assassins. You'll get a free magic lesson out of the deal too."

”Are you done gossiping?” Aer and Wisp were making their move. ”I'm glad some of you had a change of heart, but I really must be going.”

surrounded by emos

Hero's district, Priestella

Not hing too different happened this time. Yuuki did manage to get a time frame for when THE EVENT took place, but he didn't really do anything different.

Flame for some reason asked Wisp if he could detect magic in people. To which he responded he couldn't. Flame was a little disappointed, as he kind of wanted to have forehead sex with him, like Hiro and Fritzi were able to enjoy.

Chieko was robbed of a chance to do anything because she was doting over Aki. Being a gigantic siscon is hard work, and some times you miss chances to do interesting things, But you get to “do” other things. Know what I'm saying? I know you're smiling, you get it.

But none of that intelligence gathering/waifu pampering changed the course of things to come. Mono would apprehend Wisp, Ashton would convince him not to imprison him right away, and they would all be interrogated, but Wisp and Yuuki would be forced to stay. History repeats itself.

Pepin's house, Priestella

You know what? I have no idea why I hold up the RP for you dorks. I can roleplay your characters just as well as you guys can. So who's laughing now, jackwaggons?

"Alright." Aerith said, "So basically, we need a plan! I think we should plan stuff!" She pounded one fist into the other. She then had a long inner monologue that almost everyone in the RP skipped over.

Heugh. Alistair made the most haughty, angst-filled anime grunt he could before stroking his chin. Last time I, the great Alistair, was not present where this scuffle took place. I shall remain by the door so that I can assist you when the knife loli comes to stab you. I just need to put my royal cape aside so that I don't get blood on it.

"You don't have a cape!"

Heugh. Alistair groaned again.

"Well, I was very happy with my fight, except for the part where I got cooked like a ten piece Kentucky fried chicken meal." Hiro's eyes scanned the room. "I think all I need to survive this encounter is a leather apron. If I wear that under my clothes, then it should stop the flames from melting through my chest." Hiro nodded. "I would also fair better if you gave me a kiss, as a harem can pull a LN protag through any situation."

"I want the lust authority, so I might be able to manage that. But I'm unsure if I want to be gay or bisexual." She scratched her chin. "Tell you what, how about I kiss you only if this all works?"

"LN's do tend to roll that way."

"Cool beans." Aerith reached behind herself. "Seems the former person who lived here was a blacksmith, since there's a leather apron here." She held up a bread board up to her stomach. "A bread board can stop a bread knife, so I'll just hold this up in front of where I got stabbed. That should be enough to survive!"

Heugh. Alistair pointed at the door Let's kick some ass!


Restart : 3

…Wow, okay, so, minor blunder. Turns out the knife loli is some sort of martial arts prodigy who has near perfect aim with her knife. She simply stabbed around the breadboard, and had more than enough time to dispatch Alistair. His ability to use magic was fairly weak, and didn't really offer much utility in a fast scuffle like this. Hiro didn't fair too much better. While he was able to mostly recreate the battle from last time, her flames were hot enough to melt the leather apron. It was just one more thing to fuse to his skin before succumbing to an oni headbutt. The outcome was close to last time, only this time Alistair was not available to help Fritzi carry off the wounded. He was among them instead.

When Ashton and Flame returned to see how things had changed, They saw Fritzi carry the wounded into the clinic. Ashton tried to warn Fritzi, and ended up walking into the Clinic after her. Flame almost didn't follow, because he's kind of an ass hole most of the time. But his one defining character trait is being a flaming homosexual, so naturally he had to follow after his boy toy. And so, here they are.

"Okay." Aerith took a deep breath. "Let's try this again. This time, as soon as the fight starts, Hiro will come help us beat up the little girl. There's no way she can take all of us on. Once she's been defeated, we can take on fire bitch. How does that sound?"

"And we'll get Fritzi to stay downstairs this time!"

Aerith's companions all nodded in unison. Things were going to work this time.


Restart : 4

Or not. Turns out it's nearly impossible to prevent Fritzi from going upstairs, and the only thing more dangerous than the loli is the loli and oni working together. Their attacks are so finely layered it's like they are one horrible four armed, four legged martial artist. Like fighting a spider that can spew flames, command the shape of it's weapon, and gut people before they have a chance to react.

One thing was clear from this last reset. Nothing was going to change if they kept trying to do the same thing. Even if they managed to defeat their assassins, it didn't mean people were going to stop coming after them. The foreigners were going to have to get creative if they wanted to get to the bottom of this. They knew nothing about the person or people who wanted them dead, only that they knew Hiro's name. Possibly everyone's. The fortunate thing was that there weren't a lot of people who heard their names, and all of them were in the golden quarter.

Was it Irene and her incompetent knight friend?

Was it Fritzi the fox girl?

Was it trustworthy doctor Donnovan?

Was it Aer the mysterious adventurer?

Aki was not above suspicion either.

And that was just people they had met. There could be someone else hiding among the merchants present. But they would not be discovered in this infinite loop of small changes. The foreigners were going to need to make big moves if they wanted to uncover anything about their assassins. Otherwise...

Hiro would never get that dream harem.

Chieko would never be able to adventure of live out her siscon fantasies.

Alistair would constantly be reminded of how powerless and weak he was.

Yuuki would keep being Yuuki.

Ashton would keep looking foolish.

Flame would keep being sexually frustrated.

Father Whiskey would continue to never post.

And Aerith would fall on some horrible fate that's a mixture of all the above.

And this speaks nothing of the odd limbo the natives were thrust into. In a bizarre sort of hell where their memories are erased, and the events are forced to play out again and again. Do something, foreigners.

Save us.

Being transported back to Penrose did little to improve Sammy's mood. She folded her arms and waited for Alicia to get done talking to the witches and her companions, before finally getting to Sammy. “What a world we live in, where Beacon girls will pardon monsters but interfere with a police investigation.” Sammy shook her head. She didn't give Alicia a chance to respond before telling her story. “That woman set up a lab to work on magical girls. She's kidnapping random magical girls and performing experiments on them.”

”I-it's not kidnapping if you agree to go through with it! You all wanted it anyway, a chance to be stronger, to deal yourselves a new hand...” Binky was in too much pain to reliably go anywhere. She laid on her back as the cats surrounded her.

“Make no mistake about it. While we were given a choice, very little information was given to us. We were kept in holding cells and treated more like prisoners or livestock. We had no idea when we would be released. It was only suppose to last a week or two, but they kept finding 'new information' that required us to remain in 'containment' longer.”

Binky's voice was cracking. ”The magic is extremely experimental! We need to watch over you to make sure there are no adverse side effects! If something happens, wouldn't you like us to be there to help you?”

“See how she uses fear to control people? Clearly the mastermind!” Sammy adjusted her cap. “I don't need the lot of you to do anything. Just stay out of my way so that I can avenge everyone she's harmed.”

Wait, Alicia spared mosnters?

That was kind of unexpected. Yes, Alicia was willing to let Elroy leave that one time, but she had no idea she was the sort to forgive monsters who planned on eating humans. That couldn't have been something an experience Beacon girl was suppose to do. Their whole shtick was killing monsters, and even monster girls. What was going on here? Why was Alicia sparing monsters every opportunity she could?

And what was she going to do to Binky?

Mika had blacked out momentarily. She stood up and tried to recall what happened leading up to now. She remembered getting angry, turning into a spider, and attempting to chase down mommy spider. Mika had bitten her, but was kicked off. The pain in her ribs was proof enough she hadn't dreamed that up. Then things got a little hazy, because she remembered Lupa biting into the spider woman while she was about to use a powerful spell. But the spider woman was nowhere to be found, and Lupa was...

”Oh no!”

Knowing that Mika was in danger must have given Lupa the determination to break free of the web. Then when she attacked mommy spider, her spell was turned on Lupa instead. Mika had wanted to be a hero and take out the bad guy, but tenacity wasn't enough to win the battle. Mommy spider could have killed Mika then and there, but Lupa was there to swoop in and save her. Even though she was weak, Mika stumbled over to Lupa and hugged her torso. [”Lupa! Can you hear me? W-we're still a pack right?” It was almost impossible to believe that Lupa had succumb to such a spell. She thought that Lupa was invincible, certainly strong and experienced enough to outmaneuver mommy spider. And perhapse she would have, if Mika hadn't tried to take her down. This was a classic example of a hot blooded rookie getting their more experienced squad mate killed. It was all Mika's fault.

By this point, Su had made her way into the alleyway. She was blasting away skeletons with her wind magic. Su might not have known about their weakness, but her wind magic was slicing up their bones anyway, so it hardly mattered. ”Are you alright Mika?” Mika opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't form any words. The fact that she got Lupa killed was bad, but Su had told her not to go off fighting by herself. It wasn't something Mika had control over, but it was evident she was way out of her element with this. There were too many emotions welling up inside of Mika to respond. The need to apologize, the need to explain what happened, all the words were stuck in her throat and nothing could come out. The only thing she could do was cry, which just made her embarrassed on top of everything else. Su only pursed her lips, seeming to understand the situation. ”Just wait here, we're almost done with the skeletons.” Su stepped out of the alleyway and finished off the skeletons with Helga and Mayra. All Mika could do is sob into Lupa's shoulder.

If Elroy or Regina were still present at the scene, they were in hiding.

However, their underlings were still there. They had evacuated many civilians, and were quick to regroup with the Aurelio clones and Sally. They had the original in tow, and stepped in just as Sally was kissing brown on the cheek.

“Haha! Oh my!” Abigail turned to look at the real Aurelio. “Looks like Sally's into clones, or at least brown guys.”

Tonya and Shona briefly glanced at each other before looking back at Abigail. “I trust Divina is watching over lady Annabelle?” Shona placed a hand on her hip.

“Yea, she should be fine.” Abigail said with a dismissive wave without looking away from Aurelio. “We're going to go back to the overcity, since it'll be easier to make contact with Divina there.” She ran her gloved hand through her pony tail. “If you want to meet the Bates, you should come with us. I'm sure Regina would love to meet Sally and you.”
That makes sense. It's kind of a difficult subject to breach with the people who have them, because I'm often trying to sell them things. So it's important that the customers feel as welcome as possible. Having said that, we have a store cat and a bird. So such information should be useful in discerning a fake service dog from a genuine one.

Unrelated to the topic, but it looks like you're trying to put code in your signature. I think you're trying for something like this:

from now until the Darkness claims us

In which case you want to use the following code.

[center][sup][i]from now until the Darkness claims us[/i][/sup][/center]

This forum uses a custom BBC code, so some of the codes aren't what you'd expect.
To prevent the RP from becoming a 1x1 between Majora and myself, I'll hold off on posting for the entire month of December. I will post sooner if more people are able to respond, but at present, that does not seem to be the trend. Regardless, our newest member should be ready to start posting come January, so there's that to look forward to.
Yea, we actually have a little piece of paper up in our hardware store that explains that it's a 20,000 dollar fine for trying to pass of your regular dog as a service dog. Some people even try to pass off their therapy dog as a service dog, which doesn't really work.

As for my question, I have seen a number of people bring "service" dogs into the store. Some you can't pet, are very focused, etc. Pretty much what you'd expect a service dog to be. But then I've seen others that are running around sniffing anything, and the owners have no problem with you petting them. But they insist that they are service dogs. Are there really service dogs that are that unruly?
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