Avatar of CollectorOfMyst


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Well, guess I'm back here again. It's been a while.
7 yrs ago
The things I do for spam topics... neon pink avatar coming up...
1 like
7 yrs ago
The pain of constantly refreshing an active page with a lot of people on it in case someone posts...
7 yrs ago
Just stayed up the whole night doing RP stuff... now to see if it was worth it...
7 yrs ago
Gonna be out for the day, people, so I won't really be RPing much.


Hey, there. Myst here, as you've probably guessed. Can't exactly write in other people's bios, can you? But, you're probably reading this for a reason, so I'll get to it.

I prefer high-Casual and Advanced games, in a medieval, fantasy or sci-fi setting, because that's the sort of nerd I am.

I'm a thinker - I've thought a lot on certain things, and am firm in my beliefs. So you could ask me what I thought about a good few things and I could give a well-reasoned answer. Or a less reasoned answer based on my morals.

TheCharactersOfMyst - This is my storage for past and present characters, and where I might occasionally go for nostalgia and/or recycling a character I've used before.

Most Recent Posts

Guess I’m pulling out an old favourite of mine... he won’t appear in the campaign, unless you really want him too, though. All my friends love him and you will too
@Tangletail Whatever the Guild uses? That’s BB code, right? My memory of it is a bit rusty, I’ve only needed to use bold and italics for months now
So, do you guys want an example character sheet or no? It’ll more or less give you an idea of what I’m expecting, though it might be a little on the high end of things. I’m almost finished with the application sheet, just figuring out the code for a few more things that I might give up on, but I can have them both done in about twelve hours, accounting for my college hours.
I've almost finished constructed the character sheet, so soon.

Yes, I'll be wanting some added backstory for the characters. You'll see exactly what I want when I post it.
@DTHar Yes, you do. All characters start at first level, using 27-point Point Buy, and must take the standard gear for their class and background.
@Asura Agreed, it's terrible. I'll look into some alternatives, we'll have it figured out by 3rd level if you're one of the players. If we don't, I might have to ask you to consider a different subclass ^^;
@Vertigo Yes, you can PM me. You don't need permission! I have been thinking of ways we can do things, though.

@Tangletail Oh, no, I wasn't saying that kenku are violent! I was saying that Vertigo might have [i]difficulty[i] roleplaying. It'd take a lot of creativity to say things through either piecemeal sentences, or using sounds/images. Especially since Kenku literally, have no creativity.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity I allow slight refluffing, yes. There are some things that I might change, remove, or add if it pleases my players. While I am not above refurbishing a race, it must stay true to the great majority of its ideas - for example, I imagine aasimars to look more human, but featuring traits that make them look more... unusual. This can include very pale or very dark skin that does not tan/lose tan, an unusual marking somewhere on the body or in multiple places, jewel-toned eye and/or hair colours - not always uniformly (see Yasha from Critical Role), and so on. This makes them less distinguishable, but much more interesting, in my book.

TL;DR - Yes, PM me.
@Vertigo Hmm... I forgot about Kenku. I might have to say no to that; I intend for this to be high/medium roleplay. Not every conversation needs to end in a quest - and not every battle will end by killing or subduing all of the enemies. Their lack of voice might make this difficult for you. I want to stay true to the lore, but if you are dead set on the Kenku, then we can discuss it, or come up with an alternative (such as a raven-themed aarakocra with some kenku traits).

@The Harbinger of Ferocity I understand your concern about letting the others play; however, I would still like you to make a formal application if you're agreeable. You were, after all, the fourth person to express interest. Honestly, I didn't expect that much interest; the fact that eleven of you decided that my unoriginal story, from a poorly-experienced DM, was worth applying to, has made me really happy. So... thanks, all.
@Tangletail Well, you've got me excited now... so even if it's not your first character, I expect it to be your second after the first has their untimely demise, of course
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