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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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@Inkarnate Several RPs. Including project Genesis
Hmm. I may actually join this. I actually like the idea of a card game RP (since I played Shadowverse), but most tends to be too restrictive on cards and too complicated rules. This may be just the thing.

Currently, I am considering whether to play dragon theme or heaven theme. Though both has a common playstyle of controlling against early attacks and finish off with high powered evolved cards
Alexander Garladi

All living beings, from their first dawn in their new world to the very end of their breathes, walk on a life path. And as the mortals begin their journey on these paths, there is always a desire or anticipation of the roads ahead of them. The degree of desires can vary. The reality-experienced will see those path less rosy-colored than the ignorance. The ambitious will visualize a certain destination, while those who does not think much of their future will not. But what all beings cannot see or anticipate is the unexpected turning of one’s life path.

A turn in life path can depend on several factors. Sometimes the turns are of one’s own volition, as one’s thoughts and wishes change overtime. But more often, the change are mandated by outside forces, and are not foreseeable.

It was so with me. The memory was vivid:

Link start…

Two words, and a few clicks of buttons. On the surface that I especially designed for myself, and the others.

That was all it took to bend my path away from its original destination. Where it will lead I cannot say…

The day was like any other, glimmered with sunlight and happiness, bearing the expectation of a new and exciting adventure. And to Alexander, it was exactly that day for him. Today, the long-awaited revolutionary virtual reality game Sword Art Online has finally come online after many days of waiting. And yet only ten thousands among millions who were lucky enough to get a copy of the game. Alexander was even luckier, being prized with a brand new copy of NerveGear and the game by a developer of the game’s mechanic engineer. And today, he would set aside all schedules of his life, all of his code lines, his colons, semi colons, his zeroes and ones for the purpose of testing this game, the popular game that he proudly had the chance to take part in its development.

As soon as he woke up, had breakfast and cleaned his room, he immediately took out the NerveGear, along with the game’s disk, set it up next to his bed before lying comfortably onto it, placed the helmet on his head, covering his hair and face. After a double check on the equipment, he was finally ready: to dive into the world that he had sometimes imagined when he was a child. A world as a result of human’s imagination, desires and ambitions. And to see it for himself, within the eye of a mortal like him, was a great honor for someone who had taken his part in making it a reality.

Finally, when everything was set, he uttered the protocols to start the dive technology. It turned out to be the words that turned everything, his life path, his world upside-down.

The entry was painless, the process was smooth, the connection was ok. Everything was perfect.

And came the designs of the characters, the hair, the costume, the starting weapon. The people around him knew exactly what to do.

After a while trying to cook up a character, he decided to go with standard dark armor, shoulder-lengthed silver hair, with standard sword and shield, with a certain set of skills. The name for him was simply ‘Alexander’, as he wasn’t much of a gamer himself to set a good in-game name. And then he was thrown straight into the world that the world had been longing to see.

Before his eyes, feasted a magnificent scenic. A scene only thought to exist in our imagination, yet appeared in front of his very eyes. The floating islands, the abnormal looking monsters. Beautiful…especially when how the players around him interact with the entire game through his personally designed interface. The buttons, the functions and designs, they were working exactly as he expected…or so…

It was his product, so Alexander could easily figure out what was missing: The log out button. It was supposed to be at the very end of the setting button. But it wasn’t there. Alexander definitely knew that before the game’s final release, it was not modified or altered without his consent. He was also there when the game was sealed for release as well. But for the moment, it was probably a bug, and he was sure that after a while, either the players would complain, and the GM would thaw them out, or the problem would resolve itself, as usual. Alexander hoped it was the latter, or else it would not be a nice experience.

He still had a lot of times, so he spent the entirety of it to get used to the game’s mechanic, the sword and shield skills, how to activate it, the motion input of the skills he had. It was not difficult to get around, since it was just like real life, only with slight differences. And the most important thing, it was actually fun. Really really fun. The experience quickly dissolved the stress and pain he got from the working world around him, to the point that he would consider having a session of SAO into his tightly planned schedule for stress relief. It may actually be a good thing, who knows.

Alexander spent the whole day there, and the amazing thing was that the game’s sceneries change accordingly to the time in reality. Honestly, after logging out of the game that night, he would give the development team a genuine praise. They really deserved it. In fact, he was getting tired, so he would probably do it right away…or not. The log out button was still missing…

”Come on…”

He closed and reopened the main menu screen again and again, and yet it was still missing. This might be a serious bug. If the players were unable to get out of the game…

Just as the thought ran through his mind, Alexander was suddenly teleported back to the Town of Beginning, for no particular reasons. And apparently, he wasn’t the only one. The remaining ten thousand players were also there. And then there was the hooded figure, soaring in height, its face unknown to Alexander or the players.

His speech sent the English noble in complete shock…

’How is this even possible?’

There was no way to get out…

But to beat the game.

And if he dies…

The only way to beat the game was to climb to the highest level of the game, which was level 100. But to reach that level, it would take months, years, or even decades to finish it. Not to mention he could die at any possible moments. A slip of a foot and he would get mauled down by monsters, and die.

Would he even make it?

The Englishman chuckled, beset by the ironies of his unexpected turning of fate.

As the hooded figure spoke, thousands of players around him started wailing, broken by the terrible sudden twist of destiny. As the sudden shock passed by, Alexander gathered himself, and looked around. To witness that he was still in better shape than most people here. For everyone, it was definitely a twist nobody was hoping for, but how would crying or breaking down help. The game was already set. And there was only one path to freedom. The reality was as clear as days. And this would be a goal he would have to succeed, or die trying.

As the game master disappeared, Alexander didn’t haste out of the city like most people does. His attention was instead focused on a certain man. He wasn’t equipped with any weapons or so, only with gloves and cloths armor. And he was inviting everyone to duel him, to enhance everybody’s fighting skills. It was a good thing actually. While quests and leveling up should be a priority over simply dueling, there were one thing that Alexander consider extremely valuable when faced with a difficult situation like this: Alliance.

Alliance were built on mutual gain, on a goal that everyone could benefit from. And the goal here was to beat the game. And as long as the ally kept their heads clear of the goal ahead of them, and that Alexander could keep other medium needs in check, the alliance would remain fairly strong, and he would gain a good deal of strength to beat the game, or to even protect himself from bad players. And that value for him was totally better than a level up, a new blazing blade or an expensive armor.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single steps. And from here, Alexander would search for valuable allies alike.

”Greetings, I figure that I would gain great benefits from this experience. I will take you on for a match.” He approached the man, politely, but with a confident countenance.
Garuda and Kyvir are going to get along very, very well.

Since the majority of their interactions are going to be dialogue, would you mind doing a collab post? I'd rather not bog up the RP with post after post of limited content.

Yeah sure. I would be willing to. Though would you prefer to collab through Google Docs, or via PM. For me, my personal preferences would be Docs, since it's more convenient, and faster.

Also, I'll be around tomorrow night, so we can do it together
Well, my guy is English, so being a little bit tall isn't that all bad.

That been said, I haven't added his height yet.
Garuda Pacifier

He was quite early for class, but was not early enough on campus so that he could head out and have a training session at the dueling arena. As the dual factors uncomfortably occurred simultaneously, an inevitable result came to bear: boredom.

Garuda could not afford to fall asleep, but there weren't many who were willing to strike a conversation with the techno-mage, so it was a literal nothing to do, just squandering and killing his time on things that he shouldn't be doing for his path to becoming a warrior. It was simply a waste of time. There was a Dark-Elf who then walked into the room, but apparently, he also wasn't the type to maintain a long conversation, even if Garuda actively sought for it.

Then, after like a medium-eternity, another being walked into the classroom. This time a person with red skins. It didn't appear to be dyed, but rather the natural skin of his species. If his memories did not play a prank on him, the species that this man was originated from...was Tiefling.


He had heard stories about Tieflings. About their destructive magical capability. Some of them were true. Some were altered by dimensions, space and time. But two things were certain for the techno-mage, was that Tieflings should be approached with respect, and that this man in front of him glimmered as no less than a worthy opponent. He might be the nearest to becoming the one like Alister, one who could satisfy his thirst for battle and glory of victory. It had been too long, too too long, ever since Garuda had had any worthy adversary. His desires and wishes for it had bottled up considerably. And hopefully, this Tiefling would be able to slake it. Or, at the least, gave him an interesting conversation until class time.

"Greetings." Garuda gestured his greetings, as a sign to invite him into a conversation, and hopefully will fledge into a rivalry.

Give me a seat. This is cool. I am thinking of a more tactical villain, basically using political, economical or emotional maneuvers to get people to achieve his plans

"You have my gratitude."

Acion replied, as Hitomi then joined the dining table. The winged boy was about to head out when Michiko called for him, and everybody else, to take the dinner to the tables. Well, there was no reason not to help. He took two of the dishes, one of which was the pickles he had, by some miracles, 'manufactured'. Looking at his creations again, he couldn't help but cringe a little. If this went on beyond his school years, he would have a few choices, and not a single one of them was easy. He could spend his entire life eating at restaurants, but he would need a hefty amount of money for that. Or he could get someone to cook for him. But who? His big sis? She's even worse. Legends told by his mother about her cooking had some exaggeration, but even legends had some truth to it.

Acion shook his head, trying to shake off the worries off his mind as he arrived at the dining room. It was glamorous and extravagant but Acion wasn't very surprised, after all the infrastructures, facilities and stuff that he had seen and used. Inside the dining room were some familiar faces, and a few not so familiar, but were all Hero students. Noting his current status right now, he didn't really think about it until now. He was actually living among hero trainees, and many future heroes. It slightly put a frown on his lips. It wasn't that he was concerned about his capability. He was more than confident enough to say that he could pass this course without exerting too much of his limits, and that he could potentially go solo against multiple students at once. He was frowning because of future achievement, worried and concerned.

Yes, that incident earlier.

A part of his wings still stench of the boy's own blood. A small part.

It was a terrible start of his own Hero journey. He wondered if it would continue that way onward, or would it get a lot better? Either way, he couldn't help but put on his 'not usually seen' aura of anxiety, and slight sadness. On until he sat on a free seat nearby.

@Silver Carrot
@Zelosse Ok sure. He wouldn't dare XD. Moved to the character tab. But now I have a question. So Kirito or any of the original cast won't make an appearance. So for the record, we are not gonna head for the boss clear of floor 1 (or floor 75, if the RP survives long enough)? Since I can probably say that not only my character, but some others would be willing to take part in that.

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