Avatar of Crimson Paladin


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If you want to play both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I'd recommend trying out A Tale of Two Wastelands.
3 yrs ago
You're a rock star
3 yrs ago
Unless the problem is in the air.
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3 yrs ago
If they at least have the decency to say that they're leaving instead of simply ghosting the RP, that's good enough to me.


I originally got into forum roleplaying on the official Bethesda Game Studios Forums in 2007 or 2008. When the forums were replaced with Bethesda.net, I was one of several close-knit Fallout RPers who came here.

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Akando seemed receptive to the prospect of having armor fashioned for Novak, and offered to lead him to where the beast was being processed. Novak obliged, following the hunter through the town to where the hunters were hard at work pulling the carcass apart. He watched them carve its flesh, careful as to not activate his power, but still mentally taking note of what he saw. As far as he believed, even the most minor observations could be useful. It was a bit of a gruesome sight, but Novak knew it was something he'd need to quickly get used to.

Akando spoke up, asking the butcher in charge to produce armor from the beast's hide, a request that the second man obliged, the only caveat being it'd take a while. It certainly wouldn't be ready by tomorrow, when the group would presumably begin their quest to investigate the ongoing trouble with the Kyrinth. Nevertheless, it was good to hear that the locals were willing to accommodate his request despite his relatively minor role in actually stopping the animal.

Just then, Novak heard someone else speak up, requesting armor. He turned to witness a newcomer. Whoever this fellow was, he clearly was not a local. His demands suggested some familiarity with the locals, because Novak didn't think that a stranger would just walk into town and start demanding things from the locals. Perhaps it was the opposite, and this new arrival was simply some wealthy, over-entitled foreigner.

When the strange man greeted Novak, these speculations vanished as it quickly became very clear what was actually going on. This was yet another of the goddess' summoned heroes. The way he talked, the mantle of heroism may have already gone to his head. Novak cringed a little at the man's open declaration of being from another world. It was something not to be admitted to lightly, especially in the presence of the world's natives whom they still knew fairly little about.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the world," Novak replied, not wanting to reveal too much, but also not wanting to trip himself up by trying to lie. Novak had little penchant for lying, but his ignorance of the world he originated from, and his lack of ties to it, was very real. He was a man of this world now, for as long as this goddess-given life would last, and his answer was truthful.

@Cu Chulainn@Rune_Alchemist
Fleuri Jodeau

It is quite an interesting assortment of scoundrels that these conspirators have assembled. That big guy looks like a northerner, Fleuri noted as he made his way past the fallen mercenaries that his fellow knights had no doubt slain. It was to his relief that none of the knights were among the fallen. As unlikely as that would be, it was always something he worried about, especially after what happened in the fight against Jeremiah.

It was no surprise to Fleuri that there were human bones lying around, some of which appeared recently broken. If they had a vampire in their ranks, if they blackmailed a Nem to commit regicide, they certainly wouldn't be above desecrating the dead to do their dirty work. He did not see any corpse with the trappings he'd expect for a necromancer, so whoever committed this abhorrent act was probably further down. It was unclear if the other Iron Roses had killed him already, but the thundering sounds coming from further down made it clear that the fight was still going on.

It sounds like they're fighting a mage, the knight thought to himself. The prospect of fighting a mage or witch caused Fleuri to take a moment to fiddle with the crossbow, ensuring the string was drawn back. He knew the basics of operating a crossbow, but he wasn't much of a marksman, and even in the close quarters of the mausoleum interior, he'd have difficulty hitting someone with the weapons.

Due to the time he took to ensure the crossbow was in working order, Fleuri arrived at the scene of the battle after Tyaethe and Jarde. There appeared to be three foes; a white-haired woman (possibly a witch), a masked, cloaked figure whom Fleuri presumed was a necromancer, and...Fleuri wasn't sure what the last thing was. It appeared to be some sort of opaque slime creature, with metal and bones sticking out of it. Of the other knights, Gerard and Maritza were engaging the white-haired woman, Tyaethe was going after the masked foe, and Fanilly and Jarde were dealing with the slime creature. Not far from the knight-captain was the knights' Nem ally.

The Reonite knight rushed to where Tili was, wary of the slime-like being that was currently attacking the knight-captain. "I've got something for you, Tili, courtesy of the recently re-departed Damon Cal," he proclaimed, handing over the crossbow and quarrels. "Think of it as repayment for him and his friends getting your old crossbow destroyed." With his hands now freed, he closed his visor and drew his sword, ready to commit to the fight.

The witch seems to have her hands full with Gerard and Martiza. Jarde and the captain are handling the slime. That leaves the necromancer, Fleuri decided, now noticing that Tyaethe was withdrawing from him. This perplexing action on the Immortal Paladin's part made more sense when Fleuri got a better look and realized that Tyaethe had a Nem girl with her.

With the hostage freed, there's no worry about holding back, Fleuri concluded as he weaved around the reach of the slime creature and charged directly towards the masked figure, sword raised. He wasn't going to give this malefactor any chance to retaliate upon Tyaethe or the hostage. There was no war cry or taunt, just a wordless intent to kill.

By Ron, this foul necromancer will not live to defile another corpse!

Head Scribe Wainwright, Vault 0

A pre-war IFV bearing the Brotherhood of Steel insignia approached the heavily guarded entrance to Vault 0. After passing through the security checkpoints, it rolled to a stop at the vault's massive doors.

"We've arrived at our destination, sir," the driver spoke to his passengers, consisting of Head Scribe Wainwright, a power armored paladin, and two knights. While you're meeting with the High Elder, we'll be refilling our coolant tank for the return trip."

The ghoulified Head Scribe was grateful to be out of that cramped, uncomfortable vehicle. The trip had taken several hours, and Wainwright was a bit miffed at having been abruptly pulled from his duties at Buena Vista to come here in person.

Wainwright made his way into the vault, and was guided by a Paladin to the war room. Normally the High Elder would've just communicated with him over the radio, so whatever Renald wanted to talk about must be pretty important if he insisted on doing it face-to-face. Or in Wainwright's case, face-to-faceplate. Given the timing, the most likely subject of the meeting would be the alliance with Caesar's Legion, and it'd probably cover subject matter that Renald didn't want Legion spies to overhear.

"Good to see you made it without trouble, Head Scribe," Renald greeted the ghoul as he walked through the doorway. "Have a seat, there is much I wish to discuss with you."

Wainwright sat down at the table. He couldn't help but notice a large pile of papers and photographs lying in front of the High Elder.

"Might I ask what all this paperwork is about, High Elder?" he asked, curious.

"Inquisition reports about an ongoing inter-tribe conflict," Renald answered with a sigh. "Some of these Colorado tribes have feuds going back decades from before they became Brotherhood vassals, and this bad blood sometimes erupts to the surface. Two particular tribes have been going at it pretty badly, with tensions boiling over recently. Several injuries, a few deaths, and destruction of Brotherhood property. It's gotten so bad that I've decided to post an Inquisition squad in each tribe's land. If it doesn't deter them, we'll at least have someone on hand to root out the guilty parties in this mess."

"And once you identify the people responsible, what then?"

"It depends," the High Elder answered, picking up a black-and-white photograph. "If it's merely a few select troublemakers inciting this, we'll have them arrested and tried. The guilty are punished and the rest of them will be reminded that they follow the same laws as everyone else. If this is a more deeply rooted problem, if a significant proportion of the tribes are involved in this, I'll have no choice but to increase the conscription tithe on the offending tribe for the foreseeable future. There'll be fewer able-bodied men and women to cause trouble, and it'll send a message that conflict among Brotherhood subjects will not be tolerated."

"You could simply cut off their access to Brotherhood technology," Wainwright suggested. "As primitive as they are, their quality of life would drop without access to mundane technological amenities like tractors and antibiotics."

"I do not think that would be a good idea, Head Scribe," Renald rebuked his subordinate. "Tribals are proud, resilient people; if we cut them off, they will adapt to the lack of technology, shaking their dependence on us and giving them an incentive to break off their vassalage. The last thing we want is a tribe going independent or defecting to the Legion. But I didn't summon you here to discuss such minor matters of governance. What I actually want to discuss with you is the Legion, and the deal we have struck with them."

"Very well, High Elder," Wainwright spoke, leaning forward in his chair. "If I may ask, sir, how do you feel about this alliance that we've made with the Legion?"

The High Elder sat in silent contemplation for half a minute before giving his answer.

"I'm cautiously optimistic about it. They played up the threat of the NCR to us, but they're not lying that California is a force to be reckoned with. Compared to the Legion, the NCR is more populated, more technologically advanced, and has more infrastructure. Their military has extensive combat experience against both high-tech and low-tech foes, and I've heard rumors that they have access to captured Enclave aircraft. On the other hand, for all their vast resources and military experience, they've got one major limitation: the power of their subjects. They can only commit their forces in military campaigns so long as the citizenry enables it. I'm hoping that our Mojave expedition will be able to shed some light on the NCR's failed Mojave campaign, as well as the similarly ill-fated efforts of the Legion to annex that region."

"I wouldn't underestimate the ability of a republic to spur its citizens to support prolonged military operations," Wainwright advised. "The old United States was able to continue fighting wars on multiple fronts over a decade, and the NCR has shown its resolve in its war against the western Brotherhood. I must admit I'm a bit curious as to what motivates their citizens to push a war for so long."

"That is another question that I hope that the Mojave expedition will be able to produce a suitable answer to," Renald admitted. "If I had to wager a guess, however, I'd say spoils. If the Legion is telling the truth, the NCR has been winning its war with the western Brotherhood of Steel, which means that the conflict will have been yielding a steady influx of the technology that the western elders spent two centuries collecting and hoarding in their bunkers. As long as the war brings such spoils, the citizenry will continue to support it until the well dries up, so to speak."

"I have to ask, High Elder, do you trust the Legion?" the scribe asked. "They don't exactly have a sterling reputation for upholding their word."

The Elder paused for a few moments before answering. Wainwright wasn't sure if Renald was contemplating an answer or scrutinizing him for asking such a blunt question. After what seemed an eternity, Renald gave his reply.

"No. I do not trust them. At least not completely." he answered. "Our nations share many similarities- we both have a strong warrior spirit, we both conscript tribals to fill our ranks, we both utilize crucifixion to punish criminals and warn their fellows, but if they have any honor, it is nothing like the concept that the Brotherhood of Steel upholds. The Legion only honors its word so as long as there is to be more to gained by keeping it than by breaking it, and will commit any atrocity if it furthers their goals, including the destruction of the very tribes that they subjugate."

"From what I've heard over the years, the NCR isn't any different in that regard," replied the scribe. "If you have something they want, they take it by force, any previous promises be damned. Even if you can find an honest politician among them and secure a promise worth anything, their fellows will overrule it, and their successor will not be bound by it."

"That's true, Head Scribe. The NCR isn't known to keep its word, but their penchant for conscious treachery pales compared to what the Legion is capable of," spoke Renald. "In a way, it's like that flag of theirs: befriending one head won't stop the other head from devouring you, and both heads will be nourished by the meal. With the Legion, however, the same man who gives you his word will be drawing up possible plans to break it even as he shakes your hand."

Still," he continued, "The Legion isn't needlessly treacherous, and Caesar is no fool. As long as the NCR possesses the strength to stand against them, the Legion won't risk a two-front war. Our goal is the preservation of our brothers and sisters in the west, not fighting the Legion's war of conquest. As long as we stay true to that goal, we'll be able to stay true to the Brotherhood of Steel's mission. Speaking of which, I have an important assignment for you. We're concerned about the haywire pre-war facility that the Legion has uncovered in Denver, and I want the Brotherhood's best, most physically resilient scribe heading the efforts to ensure this threat is dealt with."

"I wouldn't be so bold as to say I was the most resilient," the scribe humbly spoke. "That honor most likely belongs to Scribe Percy."

"I suppose that argument could be advanced, but he's currently lending his expertise to the Commonwealth Expedition, and he has much less of a scribe's background than you do, so this honor will be yours," Renald stated.

"I am...honored," Wainwright spoke, apprehensive about this mission but unable to admit it. He was thankful that his facial expressions could not be seen behind his suit's faceplate.

"Excellent," the elder commended him. "Speak to the Paladin-Commander outside for your briefing. Dismissed. Oh, and scribe? I must admit I envy you, being able to take part in a conflict against a malfunctioning pre-war intelligence just as the Warrior and Barnaky once did."

Wainwright couldn't deny it was an honor by Brotherhood standards, but following in Barnaky's footsteps was not something he had any desire to do. As much trouble as his ghoulified, radiation-steeped body could be, he would very much prefer to keep his brain inside of it.

Novak pondered the situation. They mentioned they had made a deal with the Kyrnith, but had offered no details about it. The likely explanation is that the agreement had been broken in some way, and the Kyrnith wasn't happy about it, but how was the deal broken?

Nobunaga had offered to negotiate with the beast. Novak couldn't vouch for her negotiation abilities, but she certainly didn't seem like the type that'd make a claim without having the skills to back it up. Either way, her reasoning was sound- if the town made a deal with the Kyrnith before, another deal could potentially be made it.

Are they being evasive about it or do they not know? No, if they were lying to us, they wouldn't have told us about the deal at all, they'd have painted Kyrnith as an aggressor without presenting the possibility that it might have been wronged, he reasoned. Perhaps Misaki found something useful in those scrolls, and if not, they can always ask about it tomorrow. For now, Novak decided to focus on their offer of giving the trio a place to stay for the night. Between the cold weather and the angry fauna being spurred on by an elder beast, it was an offer they wouldn't want to refuse.

"That would be appreciated, yes," Novak replied. "We currently don't have anywhere to stay, so we'd be very grateful for accommodations."

Just then Novak remembered something, softly touching his still slightly pained chest. "Oh, and one more thing. That creature we fought, it's metallic hide looked quite protective. Could your town's craftsmen can make something useful out of it?"

It might have been a bit of a stretch, but if they were going to have to do any more fighting, it might be useful to look into obtaining some protective attire.


Enli noticed Misaki's interest in the scrolls and offered to let her look through them. Novak was a bit curious about them himself, but could he even read the script they were written in? The people of this new world seemed to speak his language- or was it he who gained the knowledge speak their language? Was his knowledge of the language of his previous, forgotten life lost and replaced with this world's language? If so, did it extend to comprehension of written text as well? He supposed that the only to know for sure would be to try and read some of the texts. He could do that later, however, because for now the more pressing issue was to respond to the man's offer to let them stay in the village.

"Thank you sir, we are grateful for your hospitality," Novak responded. "Like my companion said, we were very fortunate to have been brought here."

Akando suggested that they could help with the town's problems that both he and Enli had previously alluded to. The chief, however, shot the idea down, not wanting to involve the trio. Novak wasn't entirely sure it was out of distrust of outsiders or the notion that asking guests to risk their lives on the host town's behalf would constitute very poor hospitality. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

They mentioned the Kyrinth again. Was that thing we killed not the actual Kyrinth?

"If I may, sirs," Novak spoke up, "If that monster is any indication of the problems you're facing, then as long as we're here it's our problem too. The threat to your town is a threat to your guests, as well as anyone else in the region who might have the misfortune to catch this Kyrinth's attention."

Novak's motivation to help was indeed partially out of self-interest due to the fact that they would be affected by the local problems as long as they stayed here, but he also wanted to help these people. He wasn't sure how he could help, but perhaps he could learn how, and anything was better than cowering in a hut every time another monster came to terrorize the town.


Novak followed alongside his two companions, contemplating their current situation. Despite the peril they had faced so far, things seemed to be going pretty well. They had escaped that guardian, managed to find civilization before they could freeze to death, and had won some favor with the town by vanquishing a threat (admittedly, it was almost entirely Nobunaga's doing). According to Akando, however, things had been going poorly for the town, which no doubt meant that the local problems, whatever they were, were far from over.

Akando led them to the largest building, a longhouse of some sorts. The interior was pleasantly warm, heated by a fire pit in the center. Judging by the tables and chairs surrounding the fire pit, it was probably a place for dining or feasting. The back of the room, on the other hand, seemed to have a very different purpose. It was lined with bookshelves, and was probably either a valuable repository of knowledge or a boring archive of town records.

A robed man, probably Enli, was going through the records. The first thing Novak noticed about the man was the symbol on his robe, the same symbol as the one on Lazhira’s hand. Clearly, there must be some sort of connection.

Akando introduced the group to Enli, and mentioned how they had slain a monster attacking the village. Nobunaga was the first to reply, voicing her relief at having found civilization. Novak said nothing, considering Nobunaga's reply to be sufficient for the time being. He had many questions, but they could wait until after Nobunaga had broken the ice.

Sorry to hear it. Take care of yourself, I hope you'll be ok.

That could have gone better.

Novak's attack struck true, his sword stabbing into the creature's neck. It didn't slow the Kyrinth down, but it definitely drew its attention, and Novak found himself on the receiving end of a powerful headbutt which knocked him to the ground. Panic set in as he strained to breathe and simultaneously tried to pull himself to his feet through the considerable pain. Being unable to draw breath was harrowing enough, but his proximity to an enraged, man-eating beast was a much more pressing matter.

Fortunately, the Kyrinth never got a chance to follow up on its attack. Nobunaga struck a disemboweling blow on the creature's vulnerable underside while it was distracted, finally putting it down. The fight was over, and the beast was finally dead. From the look of it, they had gotten off pretty lightly. Novak's injuries didn't seem too serious, and Nobunaga didn't seemed to be slowed down by the blow she had suffered. The lead hunter approached to commend them on the feat, and gave out orders to the villagers. Novak, still winded from the Kyrinth's attack, wasn't exactly in a position to come up with or give a reply.

First chance I get I'm learning to dodge.

While everyone got to work, Lazhira dashed away, leaving the three of them to be addressed by the lead hunter. At this point, Novak was breathing semi-consistently again, and was once again able to think clearly. The hunter introduced himself as Akando, and invited the group to meet someone named Enli. Was that the chief that Lazhira had mentioned before running off? Either way, it didn't feel like they had much of a choice, since Lazhira and Akando were so far to be their only contacts in the town.

"Sure, we're not busy," Novak finally replied. "Who is Enli?"


Novak could feel his goddess-given ability working. His eyes caught every detail of Nobunaga's movement as she attacked the beast, and a feeling of comprehension and muscle memory from her movements began filling the vacated spaces of his mind. To have such understanding wash over him was a strange but enlightening sensation, and almost immediately Novak found himself almost unconsciously swinging his own sword in perfect imitation of Nobunaga's strike. His attention was so focused that he didn't hear anything that Lazhira was saying; hopefully it wasn't anything too important.

So this is how it feels. This is how it works. There was the small complication that Nobbu's strike had been done with a different type of sword. Fortunately his sword, with its straight, double-edged blade, seemed to be more suitable for the sort of thrusting attack that he had observed.

There was no time to revel in his first successful use of his power, however, because the Kyrnith was still rampaging. It had struck Nobunaga with one of its front legs, knocking her away and turning its ill intentions towards her. Without thinking, and most likely quite overconfident, Novak dashed past the hunters to his companion's side, standing just out of the path of its charge (he may not have seen it happen yet, but he knew that getting trampled would ruin his day very quickly). Replicating Nobunaga's strike, he thrust his arming sword at the charging beast's throat beneath its snout. An injury to its underside might not have stopped it, but perhaps a blow to its throat would change its mind.

Once his blow connected, Novak would need to withdraw out of range of the beast's front legs and jaws, lest he end up like Nobunaga, or worse, whatever poor soul that the Kyrnith had just finished devouring.

Fleuri Jodeau

Fleuri's attack struck true, cleaving the vampire's head from his shoulders. The body fell where it stood, while the head was picked up by Tyaethe. It seemed he wouldn't be able to regenerate this time- he was no longer able to control the blood in his body, and his head didn't have enough to reconnect at this distance. It made sense, he supposed, that Tyaethe would know exactly the limits of a vampire's ability to pull himself together.

"... I see, so I should have taken you all more seriously. My my, I guess all that taunting didn't pay off, did it? You handsome gentlemen sure now how to reject someone..."

It seemed even without a body, Damon was still capable of talking. It'd be an impossible feat for a normal human, but Damon ceased to be constrained by the limitations of mortals. No doubt he wanted to give some final words before the death he had long evaded finally caught up to him.

Damon continued his final ramblings, expressing his disappointment at not getting a shot at fighting the Iron Roses' vampire and his regret at joining the conspiracy that resulted in his demise. They were fairly understandable final words, all things considered. Before finally fading, however, he gave a cryptic warning.

"You should best prepare, for not everything that is gone is dead." With that, he went silent. Their opponent had been felled.

It's finally over. Your long-overdue death has finally come, Damon Cal. It's a shame you chose to inflict even more shame and disgrace upon the Cal family.

"If that's all, we'd best get down to support the captain with whomever else is down there," Fleuri said, walking over to Damon's body. "But first, I think this might come in handy," he said as he eyed Damon's crossbow. He carefully picked the up the weapon with one hand, and patted down Damon's body looking for more quarrels with the other hand.

"I'm not much of a shooter, but I wonder if that Nem girl...Tili, I think, could use this?" he asked the others. "The conspirators owe her a new crossbow anyway." Technically, it should probably be handed over to the Cal family, but it seemed unlikely that they'd push for ownership of the weapon of another black mark on their family. If Tili couldn't use it, they could always just toss it into Damon's empty coffin.

There was a lot of other stuff Fleuri wanted to talk about. He wanted to discuss the fight with Jarde and Nicomede, he wanted to ask Tyaethe if she knew who Damon was, he wanted to discuss Damon Cal's dying words, and he wanted to complain about the bloodstains that had gotten on the sleeves of his white tunic during the fight. Now was not the time, however. The other knights had probably run into the others that Damon had mentioned, and would need support.

Carrying the crossbow and a few quarrels taken from Damon, Fleuri headed down the stairs. The battle was not over yet, not until all of the conspirators were dead and Tili's sister was safe.

@PaulHaynek@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk
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