Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
11 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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A torrent of force blasted from the summoning circle as soon as Vladimir finished his incantation, knocking everything in the general vicinity to disarray with pages flying and glasses shattering. Within the circle was a shining light as luminescent as the sun, taller than anything in the room. While it was too bright to see within the circle, all those in the room would feel as if they were standing within the shadow of a great mountain. Surely a presence this mighty meant that the Count has indeed summoned a great hero, but who could've known doing so would have brought such destruction to much of his workshop? Perhaps it was the particular summoning chant used? Maybe such a ritual would have been best performed outside?

"You should be mindful of overfilling your cup, Milord!" A mighty voice bellowed from within the light as the winds of power slowed their course "You don't want to make a mess over yourself!"

The light within the circle dimmed, though the mighty presence Vladimir felt did not once fade. If anything, the figure felt much greater the less its presence was obscured, a shadow casting itself over the magus. A statuesque man stood before the Count, standing proudly with his arms to his hips. Calling him tall was an understatement, as he stood a bit under 225cm tall, muscles bulging under his armor threatening to explode outward. The man's armor was rather simple, bearing the colors of Vladimir's homeland, and complete with a sky blue cape, flowing with the waning breeze brought forth by the ritual. He had a smile on his face, his pearly whites shining almost as brightly as those lights moments before. It was clear that Vladimir had successfully called the attention of a mighty hero from his homeland. A Heroic Spirit from the Throne of Heroes, brought forth as a Servant of the Holy Grail War.

"Sworn to protect the Motherland and its citizens, Rider Ilya Muromets answers your call!"

Knight of Possibility
Bunkyō Ward


Rider knelt down soon after introducing himself, bowing his head to Vladimir, of whom he assumed was his Master.

"You have made the right choice in summoning me, Milord. Whatever your wish may be, you have my limitless strength to attain it."

Rider then raised his head, looking back to Vladimir with another grin. It was then that he finally noticed the mess he had made... Needless to say, Rider's smile turned into an awkward one.

"Ah, Milord, it seems my entrance was too grand. Would you like me to clean this mess up?"
@Parallel Hearts @Reflection
The Slavs squat together
I'll just pair with whoever's left if anyone is interested.
Will get my character up in a bit. Mechanically, he's all done save for the item purchasing. Just been at a block with how I wanted to write him after my exams crushed my soul ;;
Staging Ground Ilya just makes his super strength even stronger. Also he gets a cool whistle. I don't think anyone wants to see Plus Ultra All-Might, though.
Ah, I'm gonna wait and see who else we have for now since there's a potential flag Daisuke's personality may trigger regarding Ilya's opinions on certain things~
<Snipped quote by heroic2019>

We all know what happened to poor Tokiomi and Kayneth for being too good mages for their own good.

their foundations werent good at dealing with spooky ghosts tho :(
If we're hurting for Masters and we lose some we initially had, I know a few people who may be interested~
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